Tuesday, March 21, 2017

*From The Pages Of "Women And Revolution"-"The Roots Of Bolshevism: The Russian Revolutionary Tradition"-A Guest Commentary

Click on the title to link to a "Wikipedia" entry for the heroic 19th century early Russian revolutionary, Vera Figner, mentioned in the article below.

Markin comment:

The following is an article from the Summer/Autumn 1992 issue of "Women and Revolution" that has some historical interest for all those who wish to learn about our militant forbears. I will be posting more such articles from the back issues of "Women and Revolution" during this Women's History Month.

The Roots Of Bolshevism:The Russian Revolutionary Tradition

W&R is pleased to present the edited transcript of a talk given by a member of our editorial board, Joseph Seymour, at an educational conference of the Spartacist League/US, held in the Bay Area on 2 May 1992.

The origins of this talk go back a few years to conversations I had with two comrades who were most directly and actively involved in seeking to build a section of the International Communist League in the Soviet Union. We talked about how wretched the present-day Russian intelligentsia was, both the pro-Wall Street self-styled "democrats" and the Stalinist self-described "patriots." Particularly disturbing was the depth of women's oppression and the pervasive¬ness of male chauvinism, not only in Soviet societyat large but even amongpeople who considered themselves communists, Leninists, would-be Trotskyists.

As we were talking, it occurred to me that the present-day Russian intelligentsia is not only profoundly alienated from Bolshevism, but from the many generations of Russian revolutionaries who preceded and culminated in Bolshevism. If the ghost of Nikolai Chernyshevsky, who was the greatest Russian socialist of the pre-Marxist era—a man who had a profound influence on Lenin—could return to his old intellectual haunts in the universities and editorial offices of Russia today, he would not be able to understand how anyone who called himself a democrat could want to transform Russia along the lines of Western capitalism. For him, to be a democrat meant to be for social equality. It meant to be for the rule of the lower classes in society. The Russian revolutionaries despised the bourgeoisie, both the Russian version and the Western version.

Chernyshevsky would be even more uncomprehending about how anyone could call himself a communist and yet be a Russian nationalist, a male chauvinist and an anti-Semite. Because to be a communist meant by definition that you were an internationalist, you were an extreme partisan of women's equality and liberation, and you welcomed Jews as equals and as comrades. From the 1870s onward, Jews played a prominent role in all of the Russian radical movements, all of the wings of populism and later all wings of Marxism.

And women played a far more prominent role in the Russian revolutionary movement than they did in any other country in the world. Women like Vera Zasulich and Sofia Bardina of Land and Liberty, which was the principal populist organization, were hard, tough, dedicated revolutionaries. From the shooting of the police commandant Trepov in 1878 to the assassination of the tsarist general Luzhenovsky by Maria Spiridonova in 1906, Russian women carried out some of the most spectacular acts of terrorism. After the
Revolution of 1905 a tsarist prison official in his own way recognized the equality of women: "Experience shows that women, in terms of criminality, ability, and possession of the urge to escape, are hardly distinguishable from men."

If we could get into a time machine and go back to the world of Chernyshevsky and Land and Liberty, we would have big fights about peasant socialism and the efficacy of terrorism. But at a deeper level we would feel ourselves among comrades. So what we are trying to do is to reinstill in Russia today its own great revolutionary tradition, a tradition which has been perverted and degraded or simply forgotten after decades of Stalinist rule and the pressure of Western imperialism on the Soviet bureaucratically degenerated workers state.

French Jacobins and Russian Decembrists

That tradition begins with the Decembrists, a group of revolutionary democratic military officers who sought to overthrow the tsarist autocracy in December 1825. But the Decembrists themselves begin with the French Revolution, which is the fountainhead of radicalism in the modern world. It is one of the ironies of history that the Russian army which the tsar sent into West Europe to crush the French Revolution in its Napoleonic phase became a transmission belt back into Russia for the ideals of that revolution. One of the Decembrists later wrote:

"During the campaigns through Germany and France our young men became acquainted with European civilization, which produced upon them the strongest impression. They were able to compare all that they had seen abroad with what confronted them at every step at home: slavery of the majority of Russians, cruel treatment of subordinates by superiors, all sorts of government abuses, and general tyranny."

So the Decembrists were a belated attempt to extend the French Revolution into Russia. One of their principal leaders had been the son of the Russian ambassador to Napoleonic France; he grew up in a milieu shot through with former Jacobin revolutionaries, among them Napo¬leon himself. Another prominent Decembrist, when he was stationed in Paris in 1815, went around to the leading intellectuals, among them Henri Saint-Simon, a pioneer
theorist of socialism. Saint-Simon attempted to convince this young Russian nobleman to introduce socialism into his homeland.

The most radical of the Decembrists, Pavel Pestel, had not personally been to France although he identified himself wholeheartedly with the French revolutionaries. But he went beyond Jacobinism. By the 1820s the ideas of socialism were beginning to gain currency among the European intelligentsia. Pestel attempted to combine a radical bourgeois-democratic revolution with elements of socialism. He proposed that the land be taken from the nobility and given to the peasants—half given to the peasants to farm privately, the other half to farm collectively so that no peasant family would go hungry. And Pestel called this the Russian Law. After the insurrection was suppressed, the tsarist authorities discovered the Russian Law among Pestel's private papers. Instead of publicizing it at his trial, they thought it was so inflammatory and attractive that they buried it in a secret archive. It did not see the light of day for almost 100 years.

An old reactionary general was on his deathbed when he heard of the Decembrist uprising, and it perplexed him. He said: before we have had uprisings of peasants who want to become noblemen; now we have an uprising of noblemen who want to become shoemakers. The Decembrists did not want to become shoemakers; they were not concerned with their future personal status. But this old reactionary understood something: that this was a movement of an elite, isolated from the peasant masses in whose interests they spoke and attempted to act. And this would be true of the Russian revolutionary intelligentsia throughout the 19th century. Initially this milieu consisted mainly of the sons of noblemen, later on the sons and daughters of what was called the "middle class," the children of tsarist bureaucrats or like Chernyshevsky, of Russian Orthodox priests. It was only at the end of the century, in the mid-1890s, that the Marxist wing of the intelligentsia acquired a mass base among the rapidly growing industrial proletariat.

The Decembrists were the first revolutionary bourgeois-democratic movement in Russia. They were also the last such movement. That is, they were the last movement that attempted to overthrow the tsar in order to remodel Russian society along the lines of contemporary West Europe or North America. After that, those people who wanted to transform Russia along the lines of Western capitalism did not call themselves democrats because they were not democrats; they called themselves liberals. They did not want to overthrow the tsarist autocracy. Rather they wanted to pressure the tsarist autocracy to modernize Russia from above. Their goal was a constitutional mon¬archy in which the monarch remained strong and the constitution guaranteed the rule of the propertied classes. As Chernyshevsky put it: "The liberals absolutely refuse to allow the lower strata any preponderance in society."

The First Russian Socialist Movement

Following the suppression of the Decembrists it took another generation for a new revolutionary movement to emerge. This was the so-called Petrashevsky Circle, a group of a couple of hundred radicals around Mikhail Petrashevsky. At that time the Russian Orthodox Church was sexually segregated, and in order to show his support for the equality of women and his defiance of the state church, Petrashevsky donned women's clothing and he attended a ceremony of the church exclusive to women. However he had forgotten to shave off his beard! He was approached by a policeman who said, "Madam, I think you are a man." Petrashevsky replied, "Sir, I think you are an old woman." The policeman was so flustered, Petrashevsky made his getaway.

Whereas the Decembrists had viewed West Europe in the afterglow of the French Revolution, a generation later Petrashevsky and his comrades only saw in West Europe an arena of the horrible exploitation of the lower classes by the propertied classes. They identified with the socialist opposition to Western bourgeois society and defined their goal as the application of Western socialism to Russia. In light of everything that's happening in Russia today, it's important to emphasize that this very first Russian socialist movement was implacably opposed to Russian nationalism in all its manifestations. They of course opposed the Slavophiles, who idealized Russia before Peter the Great and counterposed the spirituality of the Russian people to the crass materialism of the bourgeois West. But Petrashevsky and his comrades also opposed radical democrats like Belinsky who argued that the progress of humanity goes through nations, not by transcending nations. Against this view they argued, "Socialism is a cosmopolitan doctrine, which stands higher than nationalities...for socialists differing nations do not exist, there are only people."

The Petrashevsky Circle was the exact contemporary of the German League of the Just, out of which came the Communist League for which Marx wrote the Com¬munist Manifesto. Like Marx, Petrashevsky and his com¬rades believed that the spectre of communism was haunt¬ing Europe. And Russia was part of Europe. They looked forward, in the near future, to a pan-European socialist revolution, predominantly proletarian in the West, predominantly peasant-based in the East. They believed that the outbreak of the revolutions of 1848 in West Europe was the beginning of that development, and they immediately wanted to get in on the act. They started discussing how they were actually going to overthrow the tsar. But before they got very far, the tsarist authorities simply crushed them. Nicholas I was panicked in his own way by the spectre of communism and moved to destroy its meager reflection among a small section of the Russian intelligentsia.

The Origins of Populism

The revolutions of 1848 and the ensuing counterrevolutions by the combined forces of bourgeois and monarchical reaction are the great historic watershed of 19th century Europe. Among other things they gave rise to Russian populism as a distinct current of European socialism. Petrashevsky and his comrades had believed that socialism would come to Russia as part of a general European revolution. That vision was defeated on the barricades in Paris, Vienna, Rome and elsewhere.

A witness to that defeat was Alexander Herzen, the founder of Russian populism. Herzen had been a radical democrat who emigrated to West Europe, and he experienced the revolutions of 1848 in France and Italy. But Herzen remained optimistic about the prospects of revolution in Russia. If Russia was going to have a revolution in advance and independently of West Europe, however, it would have to be a predominantly peasant revolution because the industrial proletariat was minute. A German conservative, Baron Haxthausen, who had visited Russia in the 1840s, wrote a book saying that Russia didn't need a socialist revolution, it already had socialism in the form of the traditional peasant commune. After 1848 Herzen accepted this premise and argued that what would require a proletarian revolution in the West could be achieved on the basis of Russian rural institutions if the society were sufficiently democratized.

It is important to emphasize that while the Russian populists saw a different path to socialism in Russia, they had the same goal as Western revolutionaries. Thus Marx was always held in extremely high regard in the Russian populist movement. One of the early under¬ground populist groups wrote to Marx in London and proposed that he represent Russia as well as Germany in the leading council of the First International. The first language into which Capital was translated was Russian. It got through the tsarist censors, who figured that a book so dry and abstract as Capital could not inspire anyone to revolutionary passion, and it became an instant best seller. At the end of his life, Herzen stated that he had always been faithful to the ideas of Saint-Simon, who had an extremely technologically advanced conception of socialism.

Herein lay the fundamental contradiction of Russian populism. The populists projected onto the peasant commune not only economic egalitarianism, but social equality at all levels—the equality of women, a libertarian conception of sexual relations, a belief in materialism and the progress of science. They believed that the tsar-worshipping, priest-ridden, wife-beating Russian peasant could be won to the outlook of a Saint-Simon or a Marx. Such an illusion could survive only as long as the populist movement was exclusively a movement of the intelligentsia. And in fact the "To the People" movement marked the beginning of the end of Russian populism.

Revolutionary populism went through four distinct phases. The first phase was ushered in by the Crimean War of 1853-55 in which Russia was defeated by England and France. This defeat sent shock waves through the Russian upper classes. Tsar Nicholas I died in 1855 (some say he committed suicide out of a sense of shame). His successor, Alexander II, appeared to be a liberal, and in the late 1850s Russia experienced the tsarist version of glasnost and perestroika. Censorship was relaxed very considerably, and the tsarist government began talking about fundamental reforms of the system of serfdom.

Initially populist intellectuals like Herzen and Chernyshevsky demanded that the tsar expropriate the landed nobility and give the land to the peasantry. Some believed that the tsarist autocracy would achieve from above what the French Revolution had achieved from below. However, it soon became clear that the legal emancipation of the serfs was going to be done in a way which perpetuated the exploitation of the peasants at the hands of the landlords and the absolutist state. In the first years after the abolition of serfdom, the economic conditions of the peasantry were actually worse than they had been. When the Emancipation Edict of 1861 was read, it provoked scattered peasant uprisings; the peasants thought it was a counterfeit document by the local bureaucrats and the landlords. The so:called Emancipation Edict marked the beginning of revolutionary populism. The intelligentsia became convinced that in order to establish peasant-based socialism they would have to overthrow the tsarist autocracy and create a democratic republic.

The "Common Cause":
Women in the Revolutionary Movement

In the 1860s the first underground revolutionary organizations came into existence. These were easily crushed. Chernyshevsky himself was imprisoned and then exiled. Yet the tsarist repression in no way suppressed the revolutionary populist movement. Over the course of the next decade, a group of perhaps two or three hundred intellectuals became a mass movement of the intelligentsia numbering thousands of activists and perhaps ten times as many sympathizers.

A three-sided political struggle developed during this period within the Russian intelligentsia who opposed the existing social and political order to some degree: the Slavophiles, the liberals, and the revolutionary populists. In this struggle the populists won hands down, and by the early 1870s Russian universities were a bastion of revolutionary populism.

Perhaps the decisive reason for the victory of populism is that they were able to mobilize the vast reserves of the women of the educated classes. This movement literally liberated thousands of women from the shackles of the patriarchal family. A woman was not legally allowed to live on her own without the permission of her parents, or her husband if she was married. To circumvent this, the fictitious marriage became a sort of standard activity within the radical movement. Some young male student would be told by a friend that he knew of a woman of advanced views who wanted to go abroad to study medicine (a woman couldn't study medicine in Russia). And they would meet for the first time in front of a church; they would go in, get married; they would come out, and he would hand her her passport, of which he had control, and say, "Now you are free to go and study medicine and do what you like."

During the 1860s the Russian revolutionary movement acquired the participation of women to a far greater degree than their counterparts in Western Europe. These women at the same time consciously rejected Western-style feminism, that is, the idea of building a separate movement predominantly of women in order to pressure the existing government to pass laws in favor of women's equality. They saw women's equality coming about through what was called the "common cause," a total social revolution in which they would participate on an equal footing with male revolutionaries. Vera Figner, who became the principal leader of the terrorist People's Will in its final phase, recounts how she and her fellow Russian radical students at the University of Zurich viewed this question:

"Generally speaking, as a group the female students abroad were not advocates of the woman question and smiled at any mention of it. We came without thought of pioneering or trying to solve the woman question. We didn't think it needed solution. It was a thing of the past; the principle of equality between men and women had been achieved in the sixties."

Now of course what Figner meant was that it had been achieved within the revolutionary movement, not in Russian society at large. The Russian populists, called "Narodniks" in their own language, were acutely aware of the terrible oppression of women. At a mass trial of populists in 1877, the tsarist prosecutors denounced them for undermining the family. Sofia Bardina replied to this:

"As far as the family is concerned...isn't it being destroyed by a social system which forces an impoverished woman to abandon herself to prostitution, and which even sanctifies this prostitution as a legal and necessary element of every civilized state? Or is it we who are destroying the family? we who are trying to root out this poverty—the major cause of all society's ill, including the erosion of the family?"

"To the People"

In the mid-1870s the populist intelligentsia who were organized in Land and Liberty, which was an all-Russian, fairly highly centralized organization of the Narodnik vanguard, made a heroic 'attempt to overthrow what Bardina called the "social system." This was the "To the People" movement. Thousands of revolutionary intellec¬tuals flocked to rural villages trying to incite the peasants to rise up in a radical democratic and social revolution. The response was not favorable. One of the leading veterans of this movement reported:

"I noticed that any sharp sallies against the Tsar or against religion made an extremely disagreeable impression on the peasants; they were just as deeply perplexed by energetic appeals for a rebellion or uprising."

When the Narodnik intellectuals said that the peasants should have the landlords' land, they got a favorable hearing. But the peasants were unwilling to defy the state to achieve this end.

While the main body of Narodnik intellectuals went to the rural villages, some remained in the cities and sought to agitate and organize among factory workers. Here they were distinctly more successful. They were able to win over some advanced workers, such as Stepan Khalturin, who joined the leadership of Land and Liberty and set up small but significant allied organizations of workers.

One of the leading populist intellectuals involved in organizing the workers was Georgi Plekhanov. Initially Plekhanov accepted what could be called the conventional populist line: factory workers are simply peasants doing seasonal vyork in the factories, which had no effect on their sympathies and ties to the rural villages. But Plekhanov's own experience caused him to question this. In 1879 he wrote:

"The question of the city worker is one of those that it may be said will be moved forward automatically by life itself, to an appropriate place, in spite of the a priori theoretical decisions of the revolutionary leaders."

The "To the People" movement, which necessarily operated quite openly, exposed the Narodniks to massive state repression. This repression, combined with the frus¬tration that the movement had not achieved its basic aim, paved the way for the last phase of revolutionary populism: the turn toward terrorism.

In 1878 Vera Zasulich heard that one of her comrades had been almost beaten to death in prison. She put on her best clothes, walked to the prison, requested that she present a petition to the head of the prison, and when she went into his office she pulled out a gun and shot him pointblank. She did not however kill him. The tsarist authorities thought this was such an open-and-shut case that instead of trying her for a political crime before a special tribunal, they tried her on an ordinary criminal charge before a jury drawn from the St. Petersburg upper classes. And she was acquitted, because the jury found this a justifiable act of moral outrage!

The acquittal had a far more shocking impact than the shooting. Count Leo Tolstoy, the author of War and Peace, expressed the views of the educated elite when he called Zasulich's acquittal "a harbinger of revolution." The populist leaders drew the same conclusion: that if even an upper-class jury will acquit an overt terrorist, then a cam¬paign of terrorism would have enormous popular support. Marx and Engels in London similarly concluded that in the particular conditions of Russia a campaign of terrorism could incite a popular revolution.

The one populist intellectual who dissented was Plekhanov, who warned that the only effect of shooting Alexander II would be to replace him with another Alexander with another digit after his name. He wanted to continue to propagandize and agitate among the rural had been in prison and then in exile for almost 20 years. The tsarist regime had sufficient respect for the effectiveness of People's Will that they did in fact free the old man of Russian socialism. But in the following years Russian populism was basically broken, not so much by the tsarist repression as by demoralization. Neither mass agitation nor terrorism had seriously affected the tsarist autocracy, which emerged if anything even more reactionary than ever.

From Populism to Marxism

The 1880s were the low point of the Russian revolutionary movement. In 1889 a student in St. Petersburg, just ten years earlier a hotbed of revolutionary activism, reported: "There were few self-sacrificing participants who completely consecrated themselves to the cause.... All wanted to finish the course as soon as possible and then to live entirely within the law." Yet just a few years later, a new generation of Russian revolutionaries would enter the scene and finish off the tsarist autocracy
once and for all.

Most accounts of the transition from populism to Marxism within the Russian intelligentsia focus exclusively on Plekhanov and his comrades. It's important, however, to place this transition in its international context. During the 1870s Russia appeared to be the one country on the verge of a radical upheaval. The bomb-throwing Russian Narodnik seemed the model of the European revolutionary. When Zasulich fled to West Europe after being acquitted for shooting Trepov, she was greeted as a heroine not only by socialists, but even by many Western liberals who hated the tsarist autocracy. Yet a decade later the Russian populist movement had almost evaporated. In 1878, the same year that People's Will was formed, the Bismarck regime in Germany passed the so-called Anti-Socialist Laws aimed at breaking the power of the German Marxist movement. The leaders, Bebel and Kautsky, were driven into exile and many activists were imprisoned. Yet unlike the Russian populists, the Marxists became the mass party of the German proletariat despite the repression. So Plekhanov's influence among a new generation of Russian revolutionaries-was not merely because of the intrinsic brilliance of his polemics against populism, but also because he was a cothinker of the strongest, most effective socialist movement in Europe.

After the split in Land and Liberty, Plekhanov attempted to establish a small propaganda group called "Total Redistribution," but the tsarist persecution was so intense that he and his comrades were forced into exile. This compelled them to rethink their basic theoretical premises and strategic perspectives, and in the early 1880s Ple¬khanov made the transition from populism to Marxism. That transition contained two basic elements, one negative, the other positive. Instead of just idealizing it, Plekhanov looked at what was happening to the peasant commune, and he saw that since the emancipation of the serfs, the collective elements of the Russian peasantry were rapidly being undermined. A new layer of rich peas¬ants, known by the insulting term kulaks, or "fists," was increasingly dominating the life of the village because they had the money. That was the negative element. The positive element is that Plekhanov generalized from his own experiences in the 1870s that there was a fundamental difference between workers and peasants, that they were not just part of the narod, the "people," and that only the workers in their mass were receptive to the socialist program. He concluded that a socialist party in Russia must be based centrally on the slowly but steadily growing proletariat.

In rejecting the conception of peasant-based socialism, Plekhanov concluded that Russia at that point in its economic development could not have a socialist transformation of any kind. He conceived a theory of what later came to be called the "two-stage revolution." In the first stage the working class, guided by the socialist intelligentsia, would lead the overthrow of the tsarist autocracy. The liberal bourgeoisie, such as ruled in the West, would then come to power. In turn the workers would gain the political freedom to build a mass proletarian party and allied trade-union movement. Plekhanov also believed that a radical democratic revolution in Russia would enormously accelerate capitalist development, thus increasing the numerical weight of the industrial proletariat and creating the objective economic conditions for a socialist revolution in the future. Thus the program of the Eman¬cipation of Labor group, formed in 1883, stated:

"Present-day Russia is suffering—as Marx once said of the West European continent—not only from the development of capitalist production, but also from insufficiency of that development.

"One of the most harmful consequences of this backward state of production was and still is the underdevelopment of the middle class, which, in our country, is incapable of taking the initiative in the struggle against absolutism. "That is why the socialist intelligentsia has been obliged to head the present-day emancipation movement, whose immediate task must be to set up free political institutions in our country...."

Plekhanov's two-stage revolutionary schema was accepted within the Marxist movement until the beginnings of the Revolution of 1905, when it was confronted, as Plekhanov would have said, "by life itself." It was then challenged in different ways by Lenin's conception of the revolutionary democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry and Trotsky's conception of permanent revolution.

"From a Spark a Flame Shall Be Kindled"

In the first decade of its existence, the Emancipation of Labor group was a mere handful of exiles. This reflected both the apolitical mood of the Russian intelligentsia and the continuing dominance of the populists over the diminished radical movement. Slowly Plekhanov began to influence a new younger generation of Russian intellectuals, personified by Vladimir llyich Ulyanov. According to his own account, the future Lenin was an apolitical youth until 1887, when his older brother was executed for participating in one of the last populist attempts to take the tsar's life. Alexander Ulyanov's execution radicalized his younger brother, who, however, did not follow the same path in a programmatic and strategic sense. In the early 1890s the young future Lenin consciously rejected populism in all its contemporary manifestations, and consid¬ered himself a Marxist.

By the mid-1890s, revolutionary populism was a thing of the past and what passed for populism had merged with liberalism. In the 1890s the only people who were calling for a democratic republic were the Marxists, called the Social Democrats. Thus Lenin could write at this time: "All true and consistent democrats in Russia must become Social Democrats." The Russian Marxists had achieved a position in some ways comparable to the revolutionary populists of a generation earlier. They had become the dominant current among that section of the Russian intelligentsia which was fundamentally hostile to the existing social and political order. They had also acquired a small layer of advanced workers. But they had to break outside the narrow circle. This was called the transition from propaganda to agitation. Plekhanov defined propaganda as the explanation of many complex ideas to the few, and agitation as the explanation of a few basic ideas to the many.

The attempt of the Marxist propaganda circle to involve itself in agitation among the workers happened to coincide with a major strike wave. As a result they got a far more favorable hearing and greater influence among the workers than they had initially expected. Lenin, Martov and the other leaders of the movement sought to direct the workers' economic resistance to the employer toward the ultimate goal of a radical democratic revolution against the tsarist autocracy. In a popular pamphlet on factory fines written in 1895, for example, Lenin wrote:

"[The workers] will understand that the government and its officials are on the side of the factory owners, and that the laws are drawn up in such a way as to make it easier for the employer to oppress the worker."

The turn toward agitation incurred increased tsarist repression. Lenin, Martov and the other leaders of what were called the first generation of Russian Marxist "practicals"—that is, the Russian Marxists who actually organized the workers, as opposed to the older veterans like Plekhanov and Axelrod who provided the theoretical direction from exile—were arrested. The movement passed into the hands of younger people whose formative experience was their involvement in the mass strikes. They became so enthralled with increasing their influence among the workers that they decided to drop the demand for a democratic republic, which they argued was remote from the immediate concerns of the workers and was unpopular among the more backward sections who still had illusions in the tsar's benevolence.

Plekhanov denounced this tendency as "economism," which a colleague of Lenin, Potresov, defined as the Utopian notion of building an effective trade-union move¬ment under tsarist absolutism. Nonetheless in the late 1890s economism became the dominant current within Russian Social Democracy, both the underground circles in Russia and the exile organizations in West Europe.

In 1900 Lenin, Martov and Potresov were released from Siberia, where they had been sent into exile. They joined Plekhanov and his comrades in West Europe to form what was called the Iskra group. "Iskra," meaning "spark," was taken for their journal; it derived from a letter that was written 75 years earlier by the imprisoned and condemned Decembrists to their friend, the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. In justifying their actions, the Decembrists said: "From a spark a flame shall be kindled." In choosing this name the Iskra group was stating that the proletariat was and must be the heir to the tradition of revolutionary democratic struggle against the tsarist autocracy. The very name was an attack on economism.

Although Plekhanov was one of the towering figures of European socialism, it was Lenin who was the real driving force and principal organizer of the Iskra group. Its immediate goal was to wrest control of the movement from the still dominant economists. The Iskra group won rather rapidly, in part because Russian society was beginning to experience revolutionary ferment at all levels. Factory workers in large numbers spontaneously joined student strikes and protests, thereby giving the lie to the economist notion that workers would take to the streets only when their own personal livelihood was involved—a very narrow and degrading conception. The narrowness of the economist perspective was discredited even among the economists themselves.

For Lenin, the leadership of the movement was only the first step. The second and decisive step was to cohere the localized propaganda circles into a centralized party with a clearly defined program, strategic perspective and leadership. Describing the need for a such a party in his principal work of the Iskra period, What Is To Be Done?, Lenin used a metaphor from construction:

"Pray tell me, when a bricklayer lays bricks in various parts of an enormous structure, the like of which he has never seen, is it not a 'paper line' that he uses to find the correct place to lay each brick and to indicate the ultimate goal of his work as a whole.... And aren't we passing now through a period in our party life, in which we have bricks and bricklayers, but lack a guiding line visible to all?"

To establish such a guiding line and a centralized party, the Iskra group called a congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party in mid-1903. As is well known, this congress ended in a deep split between the Bolsheviks (the majority, or "hards"), led by Lenin, and the Mensheviks (the minority, called at the time the "softs"), whose principal leader was Martov. At first it appeared that the split was over narrowly organizational grounds: whether to have a highly centralized party consisting of people who are committed revolutionaries, or, as the Mensheviks wanted, a looser party open to all workers and intellectuals who actively supported the movement in some degree. However, as Russia moved toward a revolutionary crisis it became increasingly clear that the difference over the internal nature of the party was linked to differences over the course of the role it would play in the revolution, in fact differences over the revolution itself.

The Permanent Revolution

In 1904 Russia engaged in a war with Japan over which country would control the Far East. The tsarist autocracy had expected that a wave of popular patriotic solidarity would dampen the growing social discontent. Instead the defeats of the Russian army at the hands of the Japanese further undermined the tsarist autocracy. "Bloody Sunday," the January 1905 massacre of peaceful workers who were petitioning the tsar, ignited a wave of mass workers strikes, peasant uprisings and military mutinies throughout the year. The Romanov throne tottered wildly, although in the end it did not fall. However, in the early months of 1905 the demise of the autocracy seemed imminent, and therefore the various factions and tendencies of Rus¬sian Social Democracy were forced to spell out much more concretely their conceptions of the course of the revolution and its aftermath.

The Mensheviks translated Plekhanov's initially rather abstract conception of a two-stage revolution into support for the liberal wing of the Russian bourgeoisie, organized in the Constitutional Democratic party or Cadets. The last thing that the Cadets wanted was a popular insurrection to overthrow the tsar. What they aimed at was to use the turmoil from below to pressure the tsarist autocracy to create quasi-parliamentary bodies in which the propertied classes would have the dominant place. In practice the Mensheviks' adherence to a two-stage revolution, in which the first stage meant the workers were supposed to march arm in arm with the democratic bourgeoisie against tsarist reaction, turned out to be a no-stage revolution because there was no democratic bourgeoisie with which to march.

Lenin recognized that all wings of the Russian bourgeoisie were anti-democratic and anti-revolutionary, that a radical bourgeois-democratic revolution therefore would have to occur against and not in alliance with the Russian bourgeoisie. This was the core of his conception of the revolutionary democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and the peasantry. He projected that a workers party, supported by the mass of the peasants, would be able to purge Russia of all the feudal-derived backwardness, the tsarist autocracy, bureaucracy and the state church. It would eliminate the oppression of nationalities as well as of the Jews and end the exploitation of the peasants by the landed nobility.

This conception was clearly influenced by the Jacobin dictatorship in the Great French Revolution. Yet the ques¬tion remained: could the proletariat replay the Jacobin dictatorship in the Russia of 1905; was it possible to take economic actions which would harm the interests of large sections of the propertied class and at the same time not economically expropriate the bourgeoisie? Lenin insisted that this was not a stable form of government, but rather "only a transient, temporary socialist aim." He argued a' the time (although he later changed his view) that in thi absence of proletarian revolutions in West Europe, a rev¬olution in Russia, no matter how radical, could not go beyond the framework of capitalist economic relations.

The person who uniquely argued arthe time that th Russian Revolution could and had to go beyond bourgeois economic relations was Leon Trotsky. Trotsky had bef one of the younger leaders of the Iskra group; in the split he initially sided with the Mensheviks. He played prominent role in the Revolution of 1905, and in the course of that revolution developed what he called the doctrine of permanent revolution, in part based on Marx's writings in the immediate aftermath of the revolutions of 1848. In a preface which he wrote in 1921 to his writings on the Revolution of 1905, Trotsky summarized the doctrine of permanent revolution:

"This rather high-flown expression defines the thought that the Russian revolution, although directly concerned with bourgeois aims, could not stop short at those aims; the revolution could not solve its immediate, bourgeois tasks except by putting the proletariat into power. And the proletariat, once having power in its hands, would not be able to remain confined within the bourgeois framework of the revolution. On the contrary, precisely in order to guarantee its victory, the proletarian vanguard in the very earliest stages of its rule would have to make extremely deep inroads not only into feudal but also into bourgeois property relations....

"The contradictions between a workers' government and an overwhelming majority of peasants in a backward country could be resolved only on an international scale, in the arena of a world proletarian revolution. Having, by virtue of historical necessity, burst the narrow bourgeois-democratic confines of the Russian revolution, the victorious proletariat would be compelled also to burst its national and state confines, that is to say, it would have to strive consciously for the Russian revolution to become the pro¬logue to a world revolution."

In 1905 the permanent revolution did not go further than the beginnings of dual power between the proletariat and the tsarist autocracy. However, Russia's defeats in the first imperialist world war broke the back of the tsarist autocracy and paved the way for the Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917, the greatest victory of the world pro¬letariat in history. Today that victory is being desperately threatened by the ascendancy of capitalist counterrevo¬lutionary forces.

But I would like to end this talk rather with a story. After the assassination of Alexander II the leadership of People's Will came into the hands of Vera Figner. It was she who negotiated with the tsarist regime for the release of Chernyshevsky, and she managed to hold together an underground group in Russia for the next two years. The police official who finally tracked her down had gained so much respect for her that he requested to kiss her hand before sending her to prison. But sent to prison she was, where she stayed for the next 22 years. She was only released in the amnesty of 1905. When she came out of prison she was a kind of Narodnik Rip Van Winkle; she could not understand or orient to the radically changed political and social conditions.

Nevertheless, she remained active within the left, where she was universally respected.
In 1917 many prominent old populists joined the counterrevolutionary camp and went into exile. Figner, the old Narodnik terrorist, faced with a fundamental choice of political loyalties, chose to stay in Soviet Russia. In the 1920s she devoted herself to writing her memoirs and to an organization called the Society of Former Political Prisoners, who were old populists who considered themselves loyal citizens of the Soviet Union. In that capacity she sought to induce populists who had emigrated to return to Soviet Russia and to serve the interests of the workers state. This eminently worthy organization was disbanded by Stalin in the early '30s.

Figner was still alive and kicking at the age of 89, living in Moscow, when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941. As the Wehrmacht approached Moscow, the Russian authorities turned to Figner and said, "We will move you to safety further east." She refused, saying, "I am very old. I will die soon anyway. Save your efforts for people who are living, who still have a life to give to the cause." So the last member of the famous Central Committee of the People's Will died the following year in Moscow, a heroic and self-sacrificing revolutionary right to the end, and in that sense an inspiration for us all.

Internet Love-The Trials And Tribulations Of A Romantic Fool

Internet Love-The Trials And Tribulations Of A Romantic Fool

By Bradley Fox

Judd Jasper had always been, and will always be by his own admission, a fool for love. Do things in the name of love, or better sex that he would not dream of doing in his otherwise rational mind and world. I should know since I have seen him in action since he was kid, since we first met in seventh grade at Riverdale Junior High (now called a middle school and has been for while so that you know that Judd and I are no spring chickens which may be part of Judd’s current malaise which we will get to in a moment). In the old days it was just a matter of saying or doing the wrong thing to the wrong girl face to face and getting the deep freeze and then moving on. In high school it was more about him being crazy over some girl and not consulting me about whether she was “spoken for” or not and getting egg in his face when he got the bad news. See I was the go-to guy for all that kind of grapevine information because from that seventh grade on both boys and girls would confide in me, trust me to let them know what was what.

Of course best friend Judd couldn’t be bothered taking his best friend’s consult the one time he was “hot” for this fox, and she was a fox, Diana Nelson, and decided one cold night around midnight to call her up for a date. And got slammed with the hard fact that she was going steady with a college guy, which is why in his feeble mind he thought she was “free” like a fox couldn’t get some attraction from college guys. Of course I too had a crush on her but got over it when she told me about the college Joe whom she had been going steady with for about a year when Judd made his big bad move. Of course later when he went off to college at State U and I went to work in my father’s insurance company he made every known mistake one can make in the love game but that is to be expected because but then the young women have had enough experience to keep any guy going crazy for any reason. So no apologies necessary there. What apologies do need to be forthcoming concern those two throw-away marriages to Lana and Melinda before he got smart and married Laura on the third go-round. I was there for all of that although I might as well have been an invisible man for all the good it did me to tell him anything.    

I should have known some was up, some woman problem when Judd called me one night and vaguely hinted that he was in some woman trouble, not with Laura, at least not yet but this weird situation where he was being outsmarted by some young woman he met on the Internet. Like I said Judd keeps his own consult except he comes running to me for salvation when some skirt is around, some scent of jasmine as we used to call it when we were in high school. This is the first time though as far as I know that love on the Internet entered the picture. He said he needed to talk to me face to face so we agreed to meet at Blinky’s, a bar we frequented more of late for lots of reasons which was across the street from his law office in downtown Lowell, Massachusetts the next day after he closed the office for the day about six in the evening. Here is the way he told me the story, told it after we had our obligatory couple of scotches to unwind. I let him tell it because I don’t think I could do justice and I will just throw in a smirky or sarcastic comment as we go along: 

“You know I have been kind of a sex maniac all my life, although nothing kinky or crazy and nothing that other guys are not into but I have always been just a little off if I don’t have some sex, or some prospect of sex. Remember we used ot talk about what the hell to do about our desires on weekend nights when we used to hang around Harry’s Variety dateless-girl-less and dough-less equals zero. What you probably don’t know, no, I know you don’t know is that over about the last five years, when I turned about fifty-five I think I have been periodically going on these Internet sex sites that advertise that you will get laid, get a date, get your clock cleaned or whatever come on they used to get you join up. The reason and this is why I know you don’t know this is that around that time and now too Laura has left me in the deep freeze, doesn’t want to “do the do” as we used to called it back at Harry’s after we heard the old bluesman Howlin’ Wolf on the radio singing about getting laid using that expression. So that was that. But as a result I found myself still feeling randy and since I didn’t want to,  don’t want to give up for lots of good reasons besides loving her I started checking out the Internet. Here’s the funny part you expect this all to be hush-hush on the down low but all you have do is Google the word “sex” to get more sex sites that you could shake a stick at. With more explicit sex as come-ons than you could shake a stick, although that part is not bad when you think about how we had to sneak Playboy and other girlie magazines we would purchase out of town and titter over them in the dark night of our roosm.

So I took the plunge that was how I met Sarah, a young very young although legal woman who had just graduated from high school and in order to fit in at Emerson, the big acting and performance school in Boston, was looking for a sugar daddy to replace he long gone real daddy who ran off with some mistress or something I don’t remember all the details and the first order of business was to pay for her to have some lip enhancement operation, you know cosmetic   surgery. In return she would give her “sweet daddy” anything he wanted (except anything too kinky, that part never got resolved since I wasn’t that much to doing B&D or S&M with her although she in theory was willing to try it out if I insisted). [Jesus Judd talk about “robbing the cradle” whatever happened to that thing you talked about one night about twenty-somethings being your meat of push came to shove.]     

Now this sex site thing despite that fling with Sarah, naturally that is all it could be, is a lot harder and frankly treacherous than you might expect. A lot of it has to do with come-on, false come on to get lonely guys like me, or the socially awkward, hell, guys wo have trouble even talking to women signing up on the dotted line complete with credit card in hand before you can even take step one. That is the reality despite all the bells and whistles but it took a while, and ditching a few useless sites to figure that out. A lot of the profiles are fake, house players if you were using a gambling metaphor, a lot are of women who submit their details from when they were twenty years younger and twenty pounds lighter. I’ll admit that I fudged on the age thing saying I was fifty when I was fifty-five so I don’t have much of a bitch about there and frankly so of these women are looking for some fourteen old up in there room masturbating over the latest heartthrob and won’t give you a tumble. So I had plenty of flame-outs before Sarah came on the scene out of the blue.             

In her profile Sarah made no bones about what she was looking for and made it clear as well as long as the guy was still breathing he and had the dough he would have a shot at her. Naturally the photograph of her probably taken on class day was of a dewy good-looking if not beautiful young woman. Moreover I sensed that she meant what she said about what she would offer up in exchange. So almost as a goof I contacted her, she responded, and then sent each other a blizzard of e-mails finally leading up to our arranging a meeting in a public place, a restaurant, my suggestion to show I was on the up and up. She showed up and of course she looked even younger than I suspected from her photograph. [You could have walked away Judd after all it was totally possible that she could have been your granddaughter if I am estimating that possibility right based on what you have told me.] You know me though as a professional yakking and listener I was able to cull some “common” interests that we shared (love of music, books, movies) into enough for us to consider a second date. I had qualms but I keep pushing because then I became a captive of the idea that I could get a second youth if we bounced around the bed a bit. In other words I was the classic “dirty old man” that every self-respecting mother warned their daughters against. But she was playing her come hither look once I told her that there would be no problem with getting her that lip operation although I told her several times her lips looked fine to me. That did it for her so when I suggested the next time we meet we go to a hotel she didn’t balk, only asked if she should wear sexy lingerie and should she bring the condoms or should I take care of that.      

That first night was great because she was so eager (eager not for me but those new lips I know in retrospect but that didn’t matter when my heat was up) to please and I was the one who was a little shy since I only had us do oral sex which we both liked although she said she liked to have a man inside her after that. Moreover she gave one of the best blow-jobs I have every received and that include was from my first wife Joyce who had made that an art form since she was not because of some off-handed medical problems into conventional sex. So Sarah and I had our few months of a couple of time a week going to a hotel mostly and getting it on. Got it on best when we got high on grass, or had a couple of glasses of wine. Eventually though after the lip operation I started, get this I started to have second thoughts about this especially as I was tired of lying to Laura about my whereabouts on those seemingly endless client meetings. So we parted, and maybe she was just as glad although I can still smell her jasmine and feel that tongue lashing she gave my cock every time she went down on me. [Stop, brother, stop I didn’t take my heart medication today.] 

So I was okay for a while but then early this year I got the randy feeling again after a few years of Laura’s no-sex laws and so I started thinking about checking out the sex sites again this time not looking for a teeny-bopper but a twenty-something to I make me feel young which is the way I placed the idea on my profile page. I actually went back to the site where I “met” Sarah thinking that I might hit pay-dirt again. Silly me. Of course unlike Amazon or those kind of sites this sex site stuff moves all around cyberspace so I had to check out others and came up with a well-known one that had caused a stir because some jokers had hacked it or something. I went out as a “free” member of course, they all do that but that gets you exactly nowhere as I found out the last time. But unlike the last time seasoned veteran that I am I fooled around with the site to see if it was worth playing dough for. It was so-so, nothing really came up except the twelve million come-on messages by the house players or the rogues (people, women for me, who try to lure guys to their competing sex sites or for what amounts to on-line prostitution, which if you think about it is a half-good thing since those women are much safer than being on the streets or in some whorehouse), a couple of nibbles but nothing really decent.

One day though I saw a profile (no photo like a lot of them which I have learned to usually passed by as no-go stuff because the few times I did make contact thee was a serious reason why there who no photo) which intrigued me because it directed me to a person off-site g-mail address. I figured what the hell give a go, although usually this g-mail stuff turns out to be bogus. I sent an e-mail and got a reply along with a couple of photos of an extremely attractive young woman with long black hair, very pretty face, great red lips and a nice bosom who asked me what I was looking for and I told her that I was looking for a younger woman, blah, blah, bhah. She didn’t flinch and then told me that she was a cam-modeler working out of Nashua, New Hampshire and was looking for an older guy and so on. Not as a sugar daddy as she explained once when I mentioned that idea but to take care of her needs which strangely enough despite being a sex worker of sorts by profession had not been met over the past few years while she was doing this work. Naturally we got around to ages and those type facts. I will be honest because you know me I told her I was fifty-five not sixty just to make the age difference a little less since she was twenty-five. [Christ, Judd you are worse than some women, women of our generation with that dipping the age stuff what different would it make to her or any women if she was looking for somebody older worry about five.]

So we ran a blizzard of e-mails I told her I was a lawyer and all that and she seemed okay with moving along. To push my side I told her if she wanted I could get her modelling jobs for lingerie or gym wear, you know through Kenny who is always looking for a fresh look, or remember that client I had who did the soft- core porn that I got off that bum rap if she wanted to be a porn queen I could help maybe. She was kind of non-plussed by that. I was surprised until I asked what a cam-model did and she told me about playing with sex toys for the cameras (and guys out in cyberspace). I got my temperature up after that. No question.

Then things started getting a little off-kilter which is why I am talking to you right now. [Yeah, the king of keep his own counsel wags his tail at the women and gets it bitten off and then I have to come and figure out what the heck to do short of placing you in some rest home.] She mentioned that she was in some kind of contest among the women in cam-world to be the feature of the month or something and could I, pretty please, pretty, pretty please go to her private page on this other website and vote for her. No problem. [Smirk.]

What the long and short of it was which I should have known was that she had come from a competing site to lure guys away and go to that site. Like I say this stuff goes on all the time and I was no stranger to it but I was looking for something so I played along for a while. What was happening though was that a bogus scam operation, a crude one that wouldn’t have fooled any but the most gullible when they “requested” a credit card to get on their free site. The idea of the credit card was to check for sexual predators-Jesus think about that, trying to get guys on the site with that come-on. The kicker though was that the name of the site was written one way in the title and another in the body of the printing. Jesus, again. But she was adamant that I attempt to join until I told her straight out that she was being used for a scam (playing along with the idea that she didn’t know what was happening). That I thought was the end of the matter and I moved on.

A few days later though she sent an e-mail wondering what had happened to me, why I hadn’t sent her an e-mail. So we started again and besides being still interested in her I figured I would give her the benefit of the doubt on that scam thing. [Gives a look like Judd shouldn’t have given that benefit of the doubt without even knowing what was coming next.] It didn’t hurt that she sent a few revealing photos showing a very fit body with nice tits and ass. [Done, done for…] So we moved on over the next couple of days kind of making arrangement to meet in Nashua over that next weekend.

Then she started e-mailing about how her mother in the Philippines was in the hospital in critical condition and needed dough for drugs or an operation. It kind of changed a little with each e-mail. [Oh brother I can see what’s coming.] Only 500 bucks. Well I knew this was a semi-hustle when you think about it after that bogus sex site scam thing but I went along for a bit, a good bit pointing out in particular that we had never met, I didn’t know her as anything but an e-mail address and after all since I had no relationship with her why I was I going to put myself over this. We went back and forth. I smelled something funny but would go back and forth on whether to play, or stay. And then she did two things-sent some really revealing photos and told me she would suck my cock until it hurt, go deep throat if I wanted, over the next weekend at a hotel that we would go to when we made arrangements. [Bingo!] So naturally I sent the dough via Western Union to some guy, her cousin, in Manila, yeah, five hundred bucks which was going for the meds.

You know you would be surprised how easy it is to send money via Western Union. I don’t recall if I ever used that service for sending messages to anybody, seemed kind of old-fashioned like snail-mail or land-lines are now, but I know that I never sent or received money that way except maybe one time when Lana and I were done in Mexico and kind of broke she sent up to New York for dough from her parents and that might have been through Western Union. But in those days you had to go to some brick and mortar place to do your business. Now with credit card in hand and the Internet you can do it very quickly for a reasonable service charge-except apparently it is not so easy to send the dough to foreign countries the way the credit card security systems work, and usually rightfully so, for such transactions-at least for mine. Remember I was down in Washington doing this thing after a furious exchange of sexy e-mails highlighted by that deep throat vision early in the morning (me being an early morning person and she being a night owl we mixed around three or four in the morning) I went on-line to see where the nearest Western Union office would be in D.C. and like a lot of things that I don’t automatically think would be on-line still being half in the dark ages about modern communications technology like you very well know with that texting business I noticed that you could sent money via the Internet after filling out the inevitable on-lone security-password-secret question chicken gumbo e-page work. That nada-I tried using a couple of credit cards and a bank check and still nada. As it was explained to me a lot of this scam stuff works through foreign countries so they filter that kind of transaction more carefully. So next morning or really later that morning I trundled to a Western Union agency at a liquor store and did my business after filling out the snail version of the previous online paperwork. Done and I e-mailed her that information.

That issue settled I, we, started making plans for getting together that weekend once I got back from Washington. As it turned out they must work these girls something fierce, although I didn’t say anything at the time figuring I would get the dope on the business when we met (naturally it was turn-on even thinking about the idea that I would be asking a sex worker, because that is really what it is, about the conditions of work, and maybe some hot stories). Her day off was Sunday but she could arrange to meet starting Saturday afternoon and we would go to a hotel for the nighty. I made several suggestions but she said I should decide and I presented the idea of going to York and the beach, etc. like I have done with about twelve thousand women, although not all of them at York (all of them at the ocean though). So ready, set, go. No go. A few hours after sending the dough to Manila I get an e-mail from her that her mother had passed away. Done.  I figured that was the big-kiss-off the final hook to this scam and I should learn to keep my cock in my pocket with this stuff and not in some fantasy deep throat kid’s stuff. Chalk it up to live and learn. La, la, la smart guy had been taken. And when I didn’t hear from her for several hours when I made a bogus “sorry for your sorrows” message figuring I would get no answer I figured that was that. [You’re preaching to the choir, brother, your own choir, but you knew that, knew that.] 

But it turned out that that was not that because after that several hours she sent me an e-mail with a photograph on a plane heading for Manila saying she was going to be giving her mother a final sent-off and essentially act as the dutiful if errant and fallen daughter. (The dough which must have been a fair amount for a quick notice flight was lend, assume by her agency, meaning the greed-heads who were exploiting her labor probably expecting their own deep throat pay-offs too boot.) Moreover she sent me an e-mail once she arrived in Manila. So for the next day or so we did our sorrowful times black-bordered e-mail stuff until she started talking about how the hospital would not release the body of her mother, that they would keep it in the morgue pending payment of 800 dollars in medical bills. So naturally I am ready, more than ready to have the other shoe drop. You know where this is heading-a classic scam, like oh yeah just five hundred dollars to be paid back with the next paycheck (the original arrangement) to help me through this hard time, then the next step a little more, not much but a little, say 800 dollars, then what, well, if she didn’t have the dough for medical expenses then how was she to pay for the funeral and then probably something for her way home (although she told me that she had a round-trip ticket from the agency), figure 1200, 1500 hundred and then who knows what else. Maybe pay for getting her cellphone out of hock in Nashua since she said that she had done that to help pay some mother medical expense. (Who knew, not me, that Iphones/Smartphones had some black/grey market value these days a question that I asked her when she told me that she took that plane photograph with a camera phone that one of her co-workers lent her and which she told me she sold in Manila to pay for some overdue rent.) [Jesus, Judd when did you totally lose it in the old days you would have walked away even from some jasmine-scented dame her all you have is cyber-space vapor.]

So we go round and round on that until one e-mail out of the blue she asks me, although I actually missed it the first time to “pretty-please help her out-again and then sent a quick second e-mail telling me to Western Union her in her name. [Is Western Union capable of being a verb?] So we went round and round so more and I told her I she should check with the charity hospital to see if she could get a waiver for being indigent, check with the American Embassy for help, and about seven other suggestions which she blew off. No, “her man,” her new sucker was the only way to go. I started to tell her about my own not so made up tale of woes about my current financial difficulties trying to get out from under this scam but still with half mind that she might be on the level, a little, because there were holes in her story which I tried to exploit but as usual with these things they have a come-back that is half plausible. So the long and short of it was that I sent her the 800 bucks using my personal account-you know the one I share with Laura. That was the last I heard from her. Figures right. My problem is what do I tell Laura about the double-hole of 500 and 800 unexplained dollars. Needless to say I won’t go into that deep throat stuff.

[Off-hand Judd I would say shoot yourself and put yourself out of your misery. A guy like you has had a long life and nothing will change that shirt-chasing except at seventy-five you will be passing yourself off as sixty-five and the girls will still be twenty-something and you can be a reverse Dorian Gray. Enough said.]         

*Detective Novelist Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe Meets Leon Trotsky- “On The Quest For The New Socialist Persona”-An Encore

Click on the headline to link to a Wikipedia entry for Raymond Chandler's The High Window.

Book Review

The High Window, Raymond Chandler, Random House, New York, 1992

The last time that I mentioned the work of ace detective writer Raymond Chandler was as a foil in what turned out to be a polemic over vices and virtues of Chandler’s main detective character, Phillip Marlowe. That concerned a response to a comment I had made in reviewing Chandler’s last Marlowe novel, Playback. Although I thought that Chandler (and Marlowe) had finally run out of steam in the long running series by the time of that book's publication I noted that overall there were some attributes that I found admirable in that hard-boiled detective. A reader, a self-described socialist-feminist admirer of Leon Trotsky, took exception to my characterizations. Since the story line as it unfolds in the book under review, 1942’s The High Window also highlight those attributes(except he does not take any knocks on the head for the good of the cause) I have decided to repost sections of that commentary. I have a link to a Wikipedia entry for The High Window above for those who want the story-line :

“In a recent posting I reviewed detective novelist supreme Raymond Chandler’s late work (1958), “Playback”, the last in his series of Philip Marlowe stories. (See archives, September 20, 2009.) In that review I mentioned (as I have in several previous reviews of other books in Chandler’s Marlowe series) a number of positive attributes about Marlowe that I found appealing. For starters: his sense of personal honor in a modern world (the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s) that laughed at such old-fashioned notions; his gritty intrepidness in search of ‘rough’ justice in a messy world; his amazing, almost superhuman, ability to take a punch or seven for the good of the cause; and, his at least minimally class conscious and sometimes barely hidden contempt for the traditional social hierarchy and its police authority. In response, I received an e-mail from a reader, an ardent socialist-feminist and fellow admirer of Leon Trotsky, who took me to task for my characterizations and argued that I had it all wrong both as to Marlowe’s virtues and to his so-called (her description) anti-authoritarian posture.

In passing, the reader deeply discounted those attributes where I put a plus, deplored even the idea of the possibility that a future socialist society would have room for such attributes as mentioned above and that Marlowe’s attitude toward women was ‘primitive’ (her description). While one would be hard pressed, very hard-pressed, to include Marlowe, with his very quaint but macho attitude toward women reflecting the mores of an earlier age, as a champion of women’s emancipation and he became over time a little shopworn in his sense of honor, common sense, ability to take a punch and lay off the booze the reader missed the point of my critique. Or rather she is much too dogmatic in her sense of “political correctness” as it applies to the literary front. Thus this little commentary is intended not so much to clear the air as to posit several ideas for future discussion.

I hate to invoke the name of Leon Trotsky, the intrepid Russian revolutionary, hard-working Soviet official, well-regarded political pamphleteer, and astute literary critic into this discussion but in that last role I think he had some useful things to say. Without a doubt Trotsky could have made his mark solely on the basis of his literary criticism, witness his Marxist masterpieces “Literature and Revolution” and “Literature and Art”. What makes Trotsky’s literary analysis so compelling is not whether he is right or wrong about the merits of any particular writer. In fact, many times, as in the case of the French writer Celine and some of the Russian poets, he was, I think, wrong. But rather, that he approached literary criticism from a materialist basis rooted in what history, and that essentially meant capitalist history, has given us when he analyzed characters, the plausibility of various plots and the lessons to be drawn about “human nature” put forth by any given writer.

This is no mere genuflection on my part to a revolutionary leader whose work I hold in high regard but a recognition that capitalism has given us some much distorted concepts of what human nature is, or can be, all about. That is the core of the genius of Trotsky’s sharp pen and wit. That is why he is still very readable, for the most part, today. Unless it is question of political import, like the struggle inside Russia in the early 1920’s over the preferential establishment of a school of “proletarian culture” supported by the Soviet state that was bandies about by likes of fellow Bolsheviks Bukarin and Zinoviev, Trotsky did not spend much time diagramming any but the most general outline of the contours of what the future socialist society, its habits, manners and morals would look like. He did, and this is central in this discussion, spend a great deal of time on what capitalism had and would bequeath a socialist state. Including both its vices and virtues.

Not to belabor a point this is the link between Leon Trotsky and one fictional Philip Marlowe. Trotsky accepted that personal honor had a place as a societal goal and as a matter of social hygiene. The parameters of that sense of honor naturally would be different under a social regime that was based on use value rather than the struggle for profit margins. Certainly Trotsky’s biography, particularly that last period in the 1930’s when he appeared to be "tilting at windmills", demonstrates that he had a high moral code that drove him. Certainly the word intrepid is not out of place here, as well. Other words that can describe his personality-hardworking, hard-driving, a little bit gruff, but in search of some kind of justice. Those, my friend are the links that are the basic premise of a socialist society as it evolves out of capitalist society. As well as individual initiative, a sense of fairness, and well-placed scorn for established authority and the time-worn clichés about the limits of human nature.

Do I draw the links here too closely? Perhaps. Although Marlowe has his own version of "tilling at windmills" in search of some kind of rough justice and vindication for all those knocks on the head one cannot deny that he does not challenge bourgeois society except in the most oblique way. He will not rail against General Sternwood’s oil derricks. He will not lead a crusade against the old order in his search for the elusive Velma. He is, if anything, very Victorian in his attitude toward women, good or bad. (Chandler’s Marlowe and Trotsky are both men of another era in their personal attitudes toward women, although Trotsky was light-years ahead on the political front). Nor is Marlowe the prototype for the “new socialist man”. But he remains a very appealing fictional character nevertheless. Who is your favorite fictional character, detective or otherwise? Let the discussion continue. ’’

From NPR-Chronicling Ernest Hemingway’s Relationship With The Soviets-And Then Some -Out Of The Swing And Sway 1920s Jazz Night- F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Basil And Josephine Stories”

From NPR-Chronicling Ernest Hemingway’s Relationship With The Soviets-And Then Some -

CIA archivist Nicholas Reynolds discusses his new book, Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy: Ernest Hemingway's Secret Adventures. It describes Hemingway's relationship with Soviet intelligence.

Click on link for a piece of Papa Hemingway’s link with the Soviets during World War II 


And then some:

Book Review

The Basil and Josephine Stories, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Scribner’s, New York, 1973

The name F. Scott Fitzgerald is no stranger to this space as the master writer of one of the great American novels of the 20th century, The Great Gatsby. And as one of the key players (many of them spending time in self-imposed European exile) in American literature in the so-called Jazz Age in the aftermath of World War I. For this writer he formed, along with Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos, and a little, Dorothy Parker and Gertrude Stein the foundation for modern American writing. But that recognition was a later development, far later, because I knew of Fitzgerald’s work long before I had read any of his (or the others, for that matter) better known works. I knew the Basil and Josephine stories well before that.

As a kid in the 1950s the library that I spent many an hour in was divided, as they are in most libraries even today, into children’s and adult’s sections. At that time there was something of a Chinese Wall between the two sections in the form of a stern old librarian who made sure that kids, sneaky kids like me didn’t go into that forbidden adult section until the proper time (after sixth grade as I recall). The Basil and Josephine stories were, fortunately, in the kid’s section (although I have seen them in adult sections of libraries as well). And while the literary merits of the stories are adult worthy of mention for the clarity of Fitzgerald’s language, the thoughtful plots (mainly, although a couple are kind of similar reflecting the mass magazine adult audience they were addressed to), and the evocative style (of that “age of innocence” just before World War I after which the world changed dramatically. No more innocent when you dream notions, not after the mustard gas and the trench warfare) for me on that long ago first reading what intrigued me was the idea of how the other half-the rich (well less than half, much less as it turns out) lived.

This was fascinating for a poor boy, a poor "projects" boy like me, who was clueless about half the stuff Basil got to do (riding trains, going to boarding school, checking out colleges, playing some football, and seriously, very seriously checking out the girls at exotic-sounding dances, definitely not our 1950s school sock hops). And I was clueless, almost totally clueless, about what haughty, serenely beautiful, guy-crazy Josephine was up to. So this little set of short stories was something like my introduction to class, the upper class, in literature.

Of course when I talk about the 1950s in the old projects, especially the later part when I used to hang around with one Billie, William James Bradley, self-proclaimed king of the be-bop night at our old elementary school (well, not exactly self-proclaimed, I helped the legend along a little) I have to give Billie's take on the matter. His first reaction was why I was reading this stuff, this stuff that was not required school reading stuff anyway. Then when I kept going on and on about the stories, and trying to get him to read them, he exploded one day and shouted out “how is reading those stories going to get you or me out of these damn projects?”

Good point now that I think about it but I would not let it go at that. I started in on a little tidbit about how one of the stories was rejected by the magazine publishers because they thought the subject of ten or eleven year olds being into “petting parties” was crazy. That got Billie attention as he wailed about how those guys obviously had never been to the projects where everyone learned (or half-learned) about sex sometimes even earlier than that, innocent as it might have been. He said he might actually read the stuff now that he saw that rich kids, anyway, were up against the same stuff we were. He never did. But the themes of teen alienation, teen angst, teen vanity, teen love are all there. And while the rich are different from you and I, and life, including young life, plays out differently for them those themes seem embedded in youth culture ever since teenage because a separate social category. Read on.

As The 14th Anniversary Of The (Second, The 2003 One) Iraq War Is Upon Us -No New War In Iraq! Down With The War-Monger Obama

As The 14th Anniversary Of The (Second, The 2003 One) Iraq War Is Upon Us -No New War In Iraq! Down With The War-Monger Trump  

From The Pen Of Frank Jackman

[No this writer is not lost in a time warp, nor  is he suffering from a senior moment in continuing to note the anniversary, the 14th anniversary, of the ill-fated, ill-advised, ill, well, let’s just keep it as the previous two ills, of what seemed last year to be the end of the seemingly completed fiasco in Iraq. However although American troops have mainly been withdrawn many thousand American bought and paid for “contract” soldiers are still operating in that theater. Moreover the wreckage from the huge American footprint (bootprint, really) is still wreaking havoc on that benighted land from lack of electrical power to unexploded bombs to speak nothing of the current constant political turmoil between the myriad factions struggling for power. Then there is the question of those tens of thousands of soldiers who had been switched over within a heartbeat from benighted Iraq to benighted Afghanistan. The call for immediate troop withdrawal from Afghanistan of that last ten thousand troops if not drawing much support in these back- burner concern days is still a necessary call. Finally, if there is a modern example  of the follies of war, of a needless imperial adventure, of flat-out American imperial hubris to do something explosive (in more ways than one) then the ill-famed Iraq invasion started on March 19, 2003 should be etched in every leftist militant, hell, every thoughtful citizen’s brain. Yet President Obama seeks on his hands and knees if you can believe this new authorization to send the Iraq War into overtime with this alleged existential threat by ISIS or whatever initials those insane butcher terrorists are running to these days. Make no mistake we have no truck ISIS and whatever alphabet soup organizations spring from, are associated with, or are successor organizations to that one but to go along with the bloodied-handed imperialists who brought forth these demons who want to get more deeply involved in a sectarian conflict with no “good” sides is rich, very rich, indeed. No way. ]        

Here is part three of a little cautionary tale to commemorate this sad occasion (see this blog dated March 19 for part one, March 20 for part two): 


Walking toward Union Square in his hometown of  New York City one brisk, blustery mid-March Saturday in 2006 Tim Reid was approached by an older man with a full grey-speckled beard and longish matching hair passing out leaflets for a  3rd anniversary of the Iraq war anti-war rally. As the older man tried to interest him in a leaflet Tim recognized him, Artie Feingold, as an old co-worker in the struggle against the first Iraq war under Bush’s father in an ad hoc anti-imperialist committee formed quickly to oppose that war. Tim sheepishly took the leaflet and as he did so out of some mist of time Artie also recognized him and started to engage in an effort to get Tim to stay for the rally.

The reason for Tim’s sheepishness and reluctance was that until very recently he had fully supported the Bush war policy. After a couple of years of being lied to from top to bottom by that administration, a couple of years of the whole damn U.S. military being unable to find any weapons of mass destructions that was the lynchpin to his support, the daily horrible carnage in the full-scale civil war going on in Iraq, and the increasing American casualty lists he had taken a few steps away from that support.   Tim was not sure that he wanted to engage Artie in his reasoning since he knew that Artie had moved from that ad hoc committee to one of the never-ending Marxoid groupings that canvassed the city and who reasons for separate existence (and in some cases existence at all) always evaded him. By the name of the organization on the leaflet he knew Artie was still a “believer” and that made him even more hesitant to enter a discussion. He at first moved away and then headed back to Artie not to argue so much since there now was less ground separating them but to explain his previous position a little.             

Artie, not having seen Tim in many years, was unaware that his politics had changed and so what Tim had to say startled him at first. Tim noted that his opposition to that first Iraq war, and if he recalled Artie’s too, had centered on opposition to a war fought for sheiks, one set of dictators , and oil against the acknowledged mad man Saddam Hussein. It was not our fight, not at all. Mercifully it was soon over and life continued on. This later war though Tim had thought had been fully justified in the new post 9/11world reality especially when the mad men were hitting New York City. Hitting, he admitted, the place where he and his kids were living, a fact that changed his view significantly since he felt he had to go to any lengths to protect his kids in a dangerous world. Besides he was sure that when, of all the Bush administration speakers, solid Colin Powell a man not easily to rattles and of sound judgment in military matters, had given the “green light” to those tales of weapons of mass destruction he was on board. After the initial “slam dunk” invasion Tim felt that the whole thing would be wrapped up and nation-building could go forward quickly. Then the whole thing turned to ashes, turned to ashes almost as quickly as the initial success. He felt sure though that that devious Hussein bastard’s hiding places would be found at some point.  Then nothing, nothing but casualty reports.    

Artie listened to Tim rather politely like in the intervening years he too had learned to be less hot-headed and argumentative and more thoughtful. He confessed that Tim’s story sounded very much like that of his parents who still lived over in Brooklyn and who had been early members of Students for Socialism in their youthful student days who went that extra mile with Bush on Iraq to save their beloved city. Then, naturally, Artie, good old Artie, tried to badger Tim a little into coming over to the rally for a little while anyway, maybe run into a few more old co-workers from the old days. Tim begged off, first using the excuse of having to deal with the kids and then, more truthfully, stated that he while he wasn’t on board the Bush bus any longer he was not sure that his opposition was deep enough to publicly express anti-wars sentiments. To Tim’s surprise Artie did not press the issue but left Tim with this-“Maybe next year for the fourth anniversary anti-war rally you will join us.” Tim did a double-take and then realized that what Artie had to say about another year of war might be very true. As he turned away toward home with the first chants of the day Immediate Unconditional Withdrawal Of U.S. Troops, Stop The War, and Bring The Troops Home burst into the old New York air some of the old juices began to flow in his veins…