Sunday, May 21, 2017

VFP eNews: Memorial Day, Swords to Plowshares Belltower, Help Needed!

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National Mobilization of Veterans Memorial Day Weekend

Stop Endless War • Build for Peace!
May 29 and 30, 2017  Washington DC

In response to President Trump’s outrageous budget proposal, including a $54 billion increase for the Pentagon, VFP and other veterans groups will not be silent. Planning for this was started in response to VFP’s galvanizing statement about Trump’s Military Budget and our desire and responsibility as veterans, citizens and human beings to express our strong resistance to his policies and our commitment to find a better way to peace.
RSVP Now for the event!

For more information contact Tarak Kauff, VFP National Board Member,, 845 679-6189 or 845 706-0187

For more information on the Letters to the Wall project contact Doug Rawlings,, 207 500-0193

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Veterans For Peace 2017 Resolutions

Every summer members of VFP are given the opportunity to shape organization policy by submitting resolutions that are reviewed and voted on by the membership. Resolutions approved in previous years can be viewed at our Master Index.

For the yearly resolution process, this starts approximately 90 days before the start of the annual VFP Convention when resolutions start to be accepted and close 30 days prior to the start of the pre-Convention Board of Directors meeting. For 2017 the first day resolutions could be submitted was May 1st and the deadline for submission is July 9th.

Check out this helpful note of tips from Bob Krzewinski – VFP Resolutions Committee Chair

Can You Help Get the Word Out?

Can you help us get the word out?  We have a TV advertisement, which we will run in the Washington, DC area on MSNBC.   Can you help us let as many people know as possible that veterans are gathering against war, against militarism and against the system that is destroying our society, our future and our planet?
"If you can give $5, $20 or more we can let millions of people know we will be there, in DC, the heart of the Empire, so they can join us and so they, thousands of them, may join us outside the Lincoln Memorial, march to the White House and fight for Peace and against war; for Life and against death; for Love and against hate; for those things we need and we cherish in our society; and against the greed and the destruction that we have too much already in our society." -Matt Hoh, Veteran, Member of Veterans For Peace.

Swords to Plowshares Belltower in DC May 25-31

Another great reason to come to the Lincoln Memorial in DC the last week of May (besides the big rally at Lincoln and 'Veterans on the March' to White House on May 30, and delivery of  'Letters to Wall' to Vietnam Memorial and reading of 'Beyond Vietnam' speech at MLK Memorial on Memorial Day) is to experience volunteering at the Swords to Plowshares Belltower! Belltower Volunteer Info and Sign-Up. 

Veterans For Peace will once again fill a void in the National Memorial space by offering thousand of people an opportunity to bear witness on this touring memorial to ALL the costs of war on ALL sides.  Not only do we lack a memorial to all the American combat dead in Iraq and Afghanistan and other post Vietnam wars, but we lack a monument to the many suicide deaths, and families torn by the many traumas of exposure to war. Most grievously, most monuments fail to acknowledge the death and suffering of civilians and combatants on the 'other side' of American wars.

Anyone who visits the Belltower is invited to add an inscription to one of the wind-blown aluminum-can plaques, share their story, and ring the bell.  Thousands of people from around the country and the world appreciate the more redemptive and inclusive opportunity for mourning that the Belltower presents.  We have interested many people in Veterans For Peace's efforts to heal and prevent future trauma who probably would not react as positively if they were not invited to bear witness to their own losses and grief.

WE NEED YOU! The location and interaction is marvelous.  Keeping night vigil in our large tent saves a night's hotel expense.  Set-up and take-down is fun physical work. Daytime shifts are guaranteed to involve deeply meaningful interactions. Contact Roger Ehrlich if you might be available and/or have questions. (, (919) 696-5995)

Chelsea Manning Will Be Free

Chelsea Manning will be released from prison this coming Wednesday, May 17.  Veterans For Peace is celebrating her freedom.  We are so grateful to Chelsea for her courage in releasing U.S. Army documents that allowed the public to know the truth about the U.S. wars and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.  She did not deserve the torture, solitary confinement, abuse and imprisonment these last 7 years, which was a longer sentence than any U.S. whistleblower has had to endure.  The 35-year prison sentence given to Chelsea by a politically motivated Army court martial was an obscenity.  Fortunately, a broad-based support movement of peace, civil liberties and LGBT rights groups was able to convince President Obama to commute her sentence.

In This Issue:

VFP Annual Convention in Chicago!

The VFP Annual Convention is titled "Education Not Militarization" and will be held in Chicago, Aug 9-13 at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago.
Tabling/ Registration begin on Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Workshops will be held on Thu/Fri (Aug 10-11th)
Friday: VFP Concert at VIC Theatre
Saturday: Business meeting/banquet
Sunday: Jackson Browne concert
New information about reserving your room, tabling, submitting a resolution and purchasing an ad!
National office contact is Shelly Rockett

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The Golden Rule Newsletter is Out!

We're excited about the upcoming voyage and hope to see you soon! 
You can download the newsletter, including the current sailing schedule, and/or view it below!
Please forward widely, thank you!

Our first event of the season is in Fort Bragg at Silver's on the Wharf, Tuesday June 13 at 6 pm.  More details here

Also, Dont Forget to apply if you are interested in sailing with us! Fill out the form as soon as possible - we set sail from Humboldt Bay in northern California June 10 and arrive in San Diego August 22.  While in San Diego all winter, we could use crew, too!

Newsletter Request!  Your Story Wanted!

We are putting together a special feature for our upcoming VFP Summer 2017 newsletter (scheduled to be out by late June), and we want you to be part of it!
Here's what you have to do: write a short (no more than 100 words) bio sketch of "who you were" before joining VFP. This might include what co-editor Becky Luening refers to as an "aha moment." That's the hard part. Here's the easy part -- include a photograph of yourself from that time period.
We will run a two page spread in the newsletter, a kind of rogues' gallery, as a reminder that VFP members aren't exactly rookies in this long struggle for peace.
Here's Doug Rawling's contribution an example!
After getting out of the army in 1970, I wandered up to Boston and eventually joined the Socialist Workers Party. I then went out to Seattle to study English literature, and back to Boston to get my masters in teaching. I eventually ended up in Maine. In the mid 1980's, I attended a presentation given by Judy and Jerry Genesio about their work in Nicaragua with the Witnesses for Peace program. At the end of the talk, Jerry asked if there were any veterans in the audience who would like to form a peace group. Aha! The genesis of VFP begins.

VFP Chapter 177 Hosts Memorial Day Service

Memorial Day Eve Service of Remembrance, Lamentation and Hope
5:30 p.m. EST   Sunday, May 28, 2017
Join in Person of via Face Book Live Stream 
A Memorial Day Eve Service of Remembrance, Lamentation and Hope will take place on Sunday May 28th, beginning at 5:30 p.m.  This 4th annual community healing ceremony, which welcomes civilians, vets and active military personnel alike.
James Yee, former U.S Army Chaplain at Guantanamo Bay, a Muslim, and author of the book. For God and County: Faith and Patriotism Under Fire, will speak.  The service will include storytelling, music and rituals of remembrance and healing.
Veterans leading the service include Rev. Dr. Chris Antal, (Unitarian Universalist, Afghanistan); Everett Cox, (Vietnam); Chaplain (COL) Ken Sampson, U.S. Army retired, (Reformed Church, Iraq, Afghanistan); and Lawrence Winters, (Vietnam).

UNAC Conference 2017

Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad
Building a Movement Against War, Injustice & Repression!

June 16-18, 2017
Greater Richmond Convention Center
403 North 3rd Street, Richmond, VA 23219
Join activists from the many domestic and international struggles as we build unity against the Trump Regime and the underlying system responsible for imperialist wars, poverty, racism, sexism, the oppression of LGBTQ people, attacks on Muslims and undocumented immigrants, environmental destruction and all forms of injustice.

Save the Dates: Upcoming Events

May 25-31 - Swords to Plowshares Belltower in D.C. 

May 28 -
 VFP Chapter 177 Hosts Memorial Day Service in New Windsor, New York (and via Livestream)

May 29 -
 Memorial Day Peace Rally-Madison, WI
June 13 - Paths to Building Peace with N. Korea in Washington D.C.
Aug 9-13 - VFP Annual Convention-"Education Not Militarization", Chicago, IL.  There will be a concert the evening of the 13th, so plan to stay the evening of the 13th!  More details to follow soon!
Veterans For Peace, 1404 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102

Veterans For Peace appreciates your tax-exempt donations.
We also encourage you to join our ranks.

In Boston-] 5/24: NAFTA renegotiation and migration: Boston Voices for Trade Justice

What's at the root of today's political and economic migration? How will a new NAFTA affect our communities? Come hear "Boston Voices for Trade Justice." This forum takes place on Wednesday, May 24 from 7 to 9 pm. at St. Mary's Episcopal Church, 14 Cushing Ave. Dorchester.

Gabriel Camacho, Immigration Program Coordinator, AFSC, on MA Legislative and Community Response
Mario Paredes, Centro Presente, on the impact of Trade Deals on Central America
Pablo Ruiz, Director, Community Acton, SEIU/Raise Up MA on income inequality in Massachusetts
Larry Stoodt, Greater Boston Trade Justice, on the NAFTA connection

Free--all welcome--Spanish translation provided. Free parking at Belden Sq. municipal lot. T bus lines 41, 15, 16

Contact: Liz King, 617-787-0165,

Hosted by Greater Boston Trade Justice and endorsed by Centro Presente, Neighbor to Neighbor MA, SEIU MA, Public Citizen, Boston CISPES, American Friends Service Committee, United for Peace and Justice, Mass Peace Action, Alliance for Democracy, Democratic Socialists of America, Mass Jobs with Justice

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In Boston- 5/28 Defend eco-activist Honduran mayor Omar Suazo arrested after surviving an assassination attempt, 5/14/2017

Eco-activist Honduran mayor Omar Suazo arrested after surviving an
assassination attempt, 5/14/2017

Information about a Boston area fundraiser is at the bottom. This
information about Omar comes from the following website which includes
pictures and a number of additional links. See

Omar lived for many years in the Boston area and has extensive
connections here. TecsChange has been working with him for at least 15
years to provide technical resources for his community.

An eco-activist and singer in the Garifuna tradition, Omar "Babakle"
Suazo is president of the Patronato or governing body of Sambo Creek, a
largely Garifuna town in Honduras. In the early hours of Monday May 8th,
he was assaulted by a group of special agents and thrown to the ground
face down while one stabbed him four times in the back. The attackers
were shouting genocidal slogans, "Death to the Garifuna." An onlooker
opened fire, killing the man stabbing Suazo and wounding at least one
other. Regular police then arrived and arrested Omar Suazo for murder.
He has been in jail ever since, in a private cell which may not shield
him from additional attempts on his life. He was subject to an
evidentiary hearing on May 12th in la Ceiba, the provincial capital.

As a mayor who was elected four times, Suazo restored order to a town
that had fallen in the hands of delinquents, built a town hall, and
created a space for a police station. He obtained donations for a health
center, a school system and a college and promoted sports and cultural
activities. Today, Sambo Creek is visited by many people as it has a
reputation for being a safe place.

Omar at hearing Throughout Sambo Creek and neighboring communities, it
is widely believed this assault happened because Omar Suazo and his team
were very effective at preventing dams from being built in the Sambo
Creek area. As a result citizens from Sambo and the surrounding towns
came to his defense at the evidentiary hearing. His most recent victory
a week before the assault meant the end of the latest attempt by the
government of Honduras and JICA, the Japan International Cooperation
Agency, to build a dam that would have had a devastating impact on the
local environment. The Japanese Agency was ready to put up 27 million
dollars to build this dam.

According to our information, elements within the Honduran government
decided to eliminate Omar Suazo. After trying to kill him, they arrested
him for murder. The prosecutor and judge for his hearing were changed at
the last minute, the new judge is Marta Trochez. The "white" prosecutor
called him a nigger in the May 12th hearing and spent over an hour and a
half grilling one of the witnesses favorable to Suazo while he admitted
the testimony of two persons with known criminal antecedents, one of his
assailants and a member of a small local gang run by a former mayor with
narco ties. This same gang was responsible for shooting Suazo's
bodyguard in the back several years ago. In Honduras, we find that
narcotics traffickers and parts of the government sometimes work closely

The assailant who was killed while stabbing Omar Suazo is Jose Leonardo
Villafranca Mejia. Witnesses report that his body was later seen being
paraded around Sambo Creek in a car with ranchera music blasting. This
is a known gang ritual reserved for important members: their body is
taken around to their favorite haunts. The local press never reported
any of this.

Suazo's eco-activism exposes him to the same risks as internationally
known eco-activist Berta Cáceres, who he worked with and who was
murdered by Honduran government agents, including members of the
military, for her role in preventing another dam from being built.
According to Global Witness, more than 120 people have been killed since
2010 for their efforts to protect the environment. In the months prior
to the assault other members of the Sambo Ceek Patronato as well as Omar
received death threats, part of the campaign to destroy the Garifuna
leadership so the elites can take their lands.

The best hope for saving Suazo's life lies in an international media
campaign, just like what followed Berta Cáceres' murder, only before he
is killed. At some point there will be a realization within that part of
the government which is bent on killing him that the costs could be far
higher than they expected, if by that point Omar Suazo is still alive.
-- Mike Perez

See JICA for more on the Japan International Cooperation Agency

La Ceiba pierde donación de represa que iba a ser construido por Japón
3/4/2017 La Prensa, Honduras: "Nos oponemos porque ese proyecto nos va a
afectar el medio ambiente y una pequeña represa que tiene la comunidad
en el río, de lo cual nos abastecemos de agua potable. No nos dejará
nada solo daños", manifestó Omar Suazo, presidente del patronato de la
comunidad garífuna de Sambo."

Honduras: the deadliest country in the world for environmental activism
1/31/2017 Global Witness: "More than 120 people have died since 2010,
according to Global Witness research. The victims were ordinary people
who took a stand against dams, mines, logging or agriculture on their
land –murdered by state forces, security guards or hired assassins.
Countless others have been threatened, attacked or imprisoned."

Drugs, Dams, and Power: The Murder of Honduran Activist Berta Cáceres
3/11/2016 The Intercept: “Whereas powerful landowners, businesses, and
politicians have resorted to violence against activists in the past, now
these actors have more illicit enterprises and transactions to hide,
coupled with unrestrained capital and a reserve army of hit men,”
Wrathall said. “So it’s anti-environmentalism (literally) on drugs.”

*Omar Suazo we are with you. Great concert in fraternal and humanitarian

Sunday may 28 at the Aspire Club 358 Washington St Dorchester Ma

7 PM-1 am **
The best of the best pichi castle - garifuna bodoma onassiz - vocalist
Guiriga Impact - Jorge Arce and tico sources drums of Puerto Rico -
Antonio Norales and his group snail dj Sergio Mejia dj chendo bernárdez
djmr b DJ boy belly and black pop. Come all to be part of this event to
benefit Omar Suazo this great man who always fought for his people need
in these moments more than ever of his own people. Blessings to all one
love. The Black Pop. Info 617 256 5018-781 964 0652 general admission $
15 dollars. There will be food of the best dishes Latinos Caribbean! OS
and Americans.

Facebook event link (Note date has been moved from Friday to Sunday 28th.

Omar's facebook site

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From Veterans For Peace- Stop Endless War! Build For Peace!

Click On Image To See Video
Click On Image to See Video
May 29 and 30, 2017, Washington DC
Veterans voices are needed today more than ever to demand a foreign policy oriented towards peace instead of endless war and to remind people of the full and true cost of war.

Help Veterans travel to the nation's capitol to remember all who have died in war and to demand an end to endless war.
Monday Memorial Day May 29th: Vietnam Memorial Wall

Veterans For Peace we will gather it's members and supporters from across the nation for a solemn and respectful occasion to deliver letters at the Vietnam Memorial Wall and to remember all combatants and civilians who died in Vietnam and all wars. We will mourn the tragic and preventable loss of life and the need to abolish war in the name of those who have died and for the sake of all those who live today.

Tuesday May 30th Rally at Lafayette Park

Veterans For Peace is calling all Veterans and Peace activists to join us for a Rally at Lafayette Park were we will boldly and loudly demand an end to war, an end to the assault on our planet, an end to abuse and oppression of all people and to stand for peace and justice at home and abroad.

We know that not everyone can travel to Washington DC but YOU CAN HELP other veterans attend!

We are attempting to raise $20,000 in order to make our expenses and to help subsidize the travel and lodging for a number of veterans who would otherwise not be able to afford to come and grieve or to raise their voices to War No More.
You contribution no matter how small or large will help us make a difference.
As veterans who took an oath to defend the Constitution “against all enemies foreign and domestic” We cannot stand by and let this happen.
More Information on VFP's Memorial Day Action "Stop Endless War! Build For Peace!"

Veterans For Peace is a 501c3 nonprofit veterans organization. Your donation well help us make this a significant stand for Peace. Please give what you can and share this with your family and friends.

Veterans For Peace appreciates your generous donations.
We also encourage you to join our ranks.

Out In The 1940s Crime Noir Night- Humphrey Bogart and Ida Lupino’s “High Sierra”- A Film Review

Out In The 1940s Crime Noir Night- Humphrey Bogart and Ida Lupino’s “High Sierra”- A Film Review

DVD Review

High Sierra, starring Humphrey Bogart, Ida Lupino, directed by Raoul Walsh, Warner Brothers, 1941

Okay, okay one more time- and this is for you, Roy “Mad Dog” Earle the “hero” of the film under review, High Sierra, crime does not pay. Some guys, some guys like brother Earle wind up learning that “hard knocks” lesson the hard way- lying face down at the bottom of some foreboding sierra canyon and no one , well, not no one, but hardly anyone to weep over their bones. And that, my friends, is the rough sketch lesson behind this classic Bogie gangster portrayal (and classic down-at-the heels dime-a-dance portrayal as faithful Marie, played by, well, an amazingly fetching Ida Lupino).

A little plot line is in order to show why, why, naw, skip that, we already have had our noses rubbed since childhood in the whys and why nots of crime doesn’t pay but why Brother Earle in the end took a bullet rather than be captured alive (even with his doll moll, Marie, ready to visit him every Sunday at some off the road prison locale).

See Earle is a three-time loser (or at least more than once) having been sprung from a full-book (okay, okay life) prison sentence (via an Indiana pardon) by an old-time gangster boss on his last legs. Apparently the talent pool of hard boys has dried up and an old pro that is not afraid to take heat and give some (without losing his head) is required for the caper the old don has in mind. A big jewelry heist in the Sierras (that’s in non-seaside California for the geography-challenged) at a watering hole for the well off. Easy stuff for Earle, as long as he keeps his head and the hired help don’t panic.

Now strictly as filler Roy, having had enough of the inside, and is planning to retire after he gets his cut from the heist. And for a while the film moves along with a little off-hand, oddball romance (no not Ida, not Ida yet). He befriends, on his road west, an old has-been farmer down on his uppers with a pretty crippled (oops, disabled) young granddaughter who he has ideas of marrying. Ya, I know, old Roy had been away for a while so maybe he is secretly skirt crazy, but this combination is strictly no go, no go on about seven counts, including that said granddaughter has enough sense to brush Roy the Boy off. Although not before Roy had sprung for a leg fixing operation. Roy, believe me, it never would have worked out. She would have run off with some Hollywood soda jerk or fast-talking garage mechanic and then where would you have been?

What works, and works like magic, is drop dead foxy, been around the block, been knocked around but is still taking the eight count, Marie. She had blew into town with a couple of what passed for hard boys in the hills of California night ( as boss man Big Mac said the talent ain’t like it used to be) and while they waste their time fighting over her favors she lights on our boy Roy. And after the granddaughter flame-out and some soft-soap sparring Marie wins the prize.

Naturally, yawn, the heist goes awry when some well-heeled dame screams and the bullets start to fly. And as the cops bear down through of series of narrower and narrower possibilities Roy is headed to that high sierra canyon, and death. No, Marie had it right. Like she had a lot of things right. He crashed out and was free, free as a three-time loser was ever going be.