Thursday, March 21, 2019

“Madam Secretary:” Nuclear War and National TV Wednesday, April 10 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, Cambridge Main Public Library, 449 Broadway

“Madam Secretary:” Nuclear War and National TV

Wednesday, April 10 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, Cambridge Main Public Library, 449 Broadway

Scene from "Night Watch"

Can television help engage and educate the public and raise awareness of profound political and social issues?

Alex MaggioAlexander Maggio, writer/producer and political advisor for the CBS TV hit political drama series “Madam Secretary,” will show the episode “Night Watch,” a dramatization of a false alarm nuclear attack on the US, and will talk about the use of TV as a vehicle to raise awareness of political and social issues.
Elaine ScarryElaine Scarry, professor of English and American Literature and Language at Harvard University and author of Thermonuclear Monarchy: Choosing Between Democracy and Doom, and member of Massachusetts Peace Action’s Nuclear Disarmament Working Group, will speak on the real world politics behind the issues raised in “Night Watch”. 
“Night Watch” depicts a nuclear crisis which almost results in nuclear war, and subsequent US-Russian diplomacy resulting in an arms control treaty.   The danger of accidental nuclear war from the U.S. and Russia’s thousands of nuclear weapons, which are on hair trigger alert and can be launched by a single individual, the U.S. President, is real and has almost happened several times.
The event is free but pre-registration is recommended.   Doors open at 6:30; pre-registered guests will be admitted first.   Click here to pre-register.
The concluding episode of Madam Secretary’s Season 4, “Night Watch” aired on May 20, 2018.  View a sneak peek of “Night Watch” or, if you are a CBS subscriber, watch the full episode.
Sponsored by Massachusetts Peace Action and the Cambridge Public Library.   Alexander Maggio will also speak on “Night Watch” at Northern Essex Community College in Haverhill on April 10 at 11am, and at MIT’s Starr Forum on April 11 at 4:30 pm.

"Not one step back"

Cole Harrison
Executive Director
Massachusetts Peace Action - the Commonwealth's largest grassroots peace organization
11 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138
617-354-2169 w
617-466-9274 m
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Free Chelsea Manning AGAIN! Daniel Ellsberg for

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Chelsea Manning is back in jail, despite having been pardoned for the "crime" of informing the public about what the U.S. and other governments were up to.

Click here to sign a petition asking that Manning be freed, again!

This time, Manning is not accused of anything other than refusing to testify against the journalists to whom she blew the whistle.

Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg has this to say:

Chelsea Manning is again acting heroically in the name of press freedom, and it’s a travesty that she has been sent back to jail for refusing to testify to a grand jury.

An investigation into WikiLeaks for publishing is a grave threat to all journalists’ rights, and Chelsea is doing us all a service for fighting it.

She has already been tortured, spent years in jail, and has suffered more than enough. She should be released immediately.

—Daniel Ellsberg

Click here to support Manning's immediate release.

After signing the petition, please use the tools on the next webpage to share it with your friends.

This work is only possible with your financial support. Please chip in $3 now. 

-- The Team

P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.

>> Freedom of the Press Foundation: Daniel Ellsberg responds to the unjust jailing of whistleblower Chelsea Manning
>> NBC News: Chelsea Manning jailed for refusing to testify before grand jury in Virginia

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From Protest to Party: Celebrating victory at U of Michigan! Coalition of Immokalee Workers

Coalition of Immokalee Workers<>
[...] Later, at the victory celebration, the crowded hall at Episcopal Church of the Incarnation in Ann Arbor, heard not only from local allies with Washtenaw Solidarity with Farmworkers but also from Gerardo Reyes of the CIW, who delivered a moving talk about the difference between Wendy’s raw economic power, on the one hand, and the ultimately greater power of the human bonds formed in a partnership between determined workers and committed consumer allies like that at the heart of the Campaign for Fair Food:
"That is the most beautiful thing that can exist: Workers sharing their dream with consumers, and consumers supporting the idea that human beings should not be robbed of their dignity at their work place. Wendy’s doesn’t have a chance against us. The power that they have is cold, it’s structural, and it’s full of greed. And this power is a dead kind of power. We will all as workers continue with this struggle, until Wendy’s understands that the power we have built is rooted in love. This power and this love cannot be resisted by any force. As workers, we know that were going to win. We’ve already seen the changes in the fields: the elimination of sexual abuse, of modern day slavery. 

The moment will arrive that we will have not just Wendy’s, but Kroger, and other corporations, and show the world that you can do business without having to crucify the dignity of workers and exploit them in the process.

Thank you for all the work you’ve done to win this victory at the University of Michigan. Wendy’s doesn’t know it yet, but they already lost. They will eventually see the error of their ways, and become partners. That will be possible thanks to all of you..."
Coalition of Immokalee Workers
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Upcoming events at the Center for Marxist Education Center for Marxist Education

Center for Marxist Education<>

*Center for Marxist Education *
*550 Massachusettes Ave., 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA *

The March 2019 CME Events Schedule is now available at
<>. Some
additional events will be added soon. *We need your support to pay the
rent! *You can easily donate online
<> or mail your check
to: Center for Marxist Education, P.O. Box 390459, Cambridge, MA 02139.
Make checks payable to BookMarx. Thank you for your continual support! *Looking
for a meeting space?* The Center welcomes organizations and individuals
from a wide range of progressive viewpoints. Reserving the space is easy -
just submit a simple Reservation Request

*Saturday, March 16 | 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM*
*A report from Brazil under Bolsonaro*
Gary Dotterman
The world did not end when the right-wing populist Bolsonaro took office in
Brazil last December. In fact, his rise has prompted moves to greater unity
in the Left. Gary Dotterman reports on developments. Gary lives in Minas
Gerais, the most industrialized (and unionized) state in Brazil. He is the
former long-time director of the CME.

*Sunday, March 17 | 6:00 PMBloody Sunday*
Steve Revilak
Documentary-style drama showing the events that led up to the tragic
incident on January 30, 1972 in the Northern Ireland town of Derry when a
protest march led by civil rights activist Ivan Cooper was fired upon by
British troops, killing 13 protesters and wounding 14 more. On January 30,
1972, in the Northern Irish town of Derry, a peaceful protest march led by
civil rights activist Ivan Cooper (James Nesbitt) turned into a slaughter.
British soldiers suddenly opened fire on the defenseless crowd, killing 13
people and wounding 14 more. Shot as if a documentary, this film follows
Ivan throughout the day as it chronicles the events leading up to the
horrific incident and the bloodied, confused aftermath that followed. Watch
the trailer. <>

*Saturday, March 24 | 6:00 – 9:00 PM*
*Stop the War on Working Families*
Caleb Maupin, Internationally recognized journalist and political analyst
Join us for an event hosted by co-sponsored by the Center for Political
Innovation and the Students and Youth for a New America. A keynote
presentation will be given by internationally recognized journalist and
political analyst Caleb Maupin. Local activists will also present on the
need for a mass movement of patriotic young people dedicated to service,
study, and struggle.
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