Friday, November 02, 2012

From The International Communist League Press

Le Bolchévik nº 201
Septembre 2012

Débat à la fête de LO

Guerre d’Algérie : Voix ouvrière et la lutte pour l’indépendance

Lutte ouvrière (LO) avait décidé cette année, à l’occasion du 50e anniversaire de l’indépendance de l’Algérie, de mettre l’accent lors de sa fête sur cet anniversaire. Elle avait invité plusieurs auteurs de livres et elle a organisé la projection de films importants sur la guerre d’Algérie, y compris le précieux film de Jacques Panijel sur le massacre des Algériens à Paris le 17 octobre 1961. De plus, LO a publié une nouvelle brochure spéciale de plus de 100 pages, un recueil de textes qu’elle avait publiés à l’époque.

L’un des principaux meetings de la fête, avec quelques centaines de personnes, était également consacré à la guerre d’Algérie. L’une des porte-parole de LO, Farida Megdoud, a introduit le débat en présentant longuement la position de l’Internationale communiste (IC), du temps de Lénine et de Trotsky, sur la question coloniale. Elle a particulièrement insisté sur le devoir pour le prolétariat des pays colonisateurs de soutenir inconditionnellement, un mot qu’elle a abondamment souligné avec une certaine solennité, la lutte des peuples coloniaux pour leur émancipation contre le joug colonial. Elle a bien sûr aussi mentionné, à juste titre également, la nécessité pour les communistes de préserver leur indépendance politique par rapport à la bourgeoisie ou à la petite bourgeoisie des pays coloniaux. Elle est revenue sur la lutte de l’Internationale communiste de Lénine et Trotsky pour forger la jeune section française de l’Internationale communiste (« la SFIC, pas le “PCF” », a-t-elle précisé) contre le chauvinisme colonial de la vieille SFIO, la social-démocratie de Jean Jaurès.

Megdoud a parlé de la lutte contre la guerre du Rif au Maroc au milieu des années 1920 et elle a mis en relief le soutien apporté par le PCF/SFIC à Abd el-Krim, le dirigeant de la lutte anticoloniale. Elle a dressé le contraste frappant entre cette politique et celle du PCF pendant la guerre d’Algérie : alors que certains de ses militants s’étaient mobilisés en soutien à la lutte pour l’indépendance, le PCF a trahi cette lutte, votant y compris les pouvoirs spéciaux pour la répression coloniale sous l’égide du gouvernement SFIO.

Megdoud tenait là des propos remarquables et dans l’ensemble très justes – mais qui n’ont rien à voir avec les positions réelles de Voix ouvrière (predécesseur de LO) à l’époque ni de Lutte ouvrière aujourd’hui. Il suffit de relever l’absence complète de LO l’année dernière de toute les manifestations parisiennes contre l’agression coloniale de l’impérialisme français pour déposer le président ivoirien Laurent Gbagbo et le remplacer par un laquais plus docile. LO craignait de se retrouver côte à côte dans la rue avec des militants nationalistes bourgeois pro-Gbagbo, ce qui montre que son « soutien inconditionnel » à la lutte des peuples coloniaux n’est qu’un sermon pour le dimanche de Pentecôte, pendant que le reste de l’année LO fait exactement le contraire.

A peine quelques minutes avant le discours de Farida Megdoud s’était en fait tenu un meeting de Lutte ouvrière sur les interventions françaises en Côte d’Ivoire, en Libye et en Afghanistan. Nous étions intervenus pour expliquer la position marxiste notamment en Libye : nous avions dans un premier temps dénoncé tant le gouvernement capitaliste sanglant de Kadhafi que les rebelles pro-impérialistes et tout aussi réactionnaires du « Conseil national de transition » (CNT), alors que ces derniers étaient promus par le NPA de Besancenot et ses multiples factions « oppositionnelles » ainsi que par Bernard-Henri Lévy, le « philosophe » impérialiste ami de Sarkozy. Mais lorsque la France et l’OTAN avaient commencé à bombarder la Libye, nous avions évidemment pris la défense de la Libye néocoloniale contre l’agression impérialiste, sans donner le moindre soutien politique à Kadhafi.

LO a eu une position inverse : d’abord la sympathie pour les rebelles islamistes contre le méchant dictateur Kadhafi, puis une neutralité à peine déguisée par des discours platoniques contre les bombardements impérialistes : LO a refusé de soutenir la Libye, « inconditionnellement » ou pas, contre les bombardements de Sarkozy. Roland Szpirko, l’un des principaux cadres de LO, a rappelé cette position de LO en réponse à notre intervention dans ce meeting. Szpirko faisait ainsi fi du rectificatif adopté subrepticement par LO lors de son congrès de décembre 2011 : LO, sans doute embarrassée d’avoir été prise la main dans le sac à exhiber de la sympathie pour le CNT, ce ramassis de réactionnaires islamistes anti-femmes, de racistes anti-Noirs, de monarchistes et d’agents impérialistes, avait adopté une résolution soulignant que « les aspects tribaux » dominaient dès le début les affrontements en Libye (Lutte de classe n° 140).

Pour en revenir au meeting sur la guerre d’Algérie, un camarade de la Ligue trotskyste est intervenu en ouvrant le débat :

« Le prolétariat a toutes raisons de saluer la défaite qu’a subie l’impérialisme français en Algérie il y a 50 ans. Il fallait soutenir la lutte pour l’indépendance sans donner le moindre soutien politique au FLN petit-bourgeois.
« La théorie de la révolution permanente, c’est la perspective d’une révolution ouvrière : seul un gouvernement ouvrier et paysan en Algérie peut véritablement lutter pour éradiquer l’oppression coloniale du pays et lutter pour l’extension de la révolution socialiste à la métropole impérialiste.
« Lutte ouvrière distribue donc une nouvelle brochure avec des dizaines de textes sur la guerre d’Algérie et les positions qu’avait Voix ouvrière. Je conseille vivement à tout le monde de la lire, car cela donne un tableau très révélateur de la politique de LO, à l’époque et aujourd’hui, à la fois pour ce qu’il y a dans la brochure et pour ce qui n’y figure pas.
« VO se contentait de revendiquer la fin de la guerre en disant qu’elle coûtait cher aux ouvriers français ; ils parlaient du rationnement de l’essence pour les ouvriers français, etc. VO n’a commencé à revendiquer explicitement l’indépendance qu’en septembre 1958, le mois où de Gaulle s’était prononcé pour l’autodétermination ! La première fois que VO mentionnait la torture c’était en mai 1959, plus de quatre ans après le début de la guerre.
« C’est toute la méthodologie économiste de LO qui s’exprimait pendant la guerre. VO refusait de soutenir activement la grève de huit jours des travailleurs algériens en 1957 pour l’indépendance (c’est là-dessus que commence la brochure), mais par contre elle pensait que la lutte économique des travailleurs contre le coût de la guerre allait transformer par elle-même la conscience des ouvriers. Il n’était donc nul besoin d’avancer un programme trotskyste révolutionnaire. Tout au plus VO pouvait-elle ainsi jeter les travailleurs dans les bras du défaitisme bourgeois représenté en fin de compte par de Gaulle qui a été finalement obligé d’organiser le retrait français d’Algérie.
« Lénine expliquait déjà en 1902 dans Que faire ? que l’économisme, c’est la politique bourgeoise de la classe ouvrière, c’était un pendant russe du réformisme graduel de Bernstein en Allemagne. Nous nous plaçons au contraire dans la tradition de Lénine et cherchons à construire un parti révolutionnaire d’avant-garde, un parti léniniste. Dès ses origines VO était au contraire sur une voie de garage opposée à la lutte pour la Quatrième Internationale. Celle-ci sera reforgée contre le réformisme syndical et municipaliste à la LO. C’est la perspective de la Ligue communiste internationale, qui en France publie le Bolchévik. »

La réponse de Megdoud à cette intervention, évitant soigneusement de répondre à nos critiques sur l’appel à l’indépendance et sur la question de la torture, n’a fait que confirmer la justesse de nos critiques. Elle a d’abord expliqué que leur brochure était un recueil de positions prises à chaud sur le vif en cherchant à s’adresser aux travailleurs alors que VO était encore une petite organisation avec moins de 30 camarades – comme si la faible taille de l’organisation avait été une excuse pour le fait que Voix ouvrière avait refusé de se prononcer pour l’indépendance. Ensuite elle a dit que dès 1945 VO se prononçait contre la répression (il faut remarquer à ce sujet que le groupe de Barta qui existait à l’époque, antécédent de Lutte ouvrière et autodissous en 1947, s’était prononcé pour l’indépendance de l’Algérie, une position que précisément n’avait pas reprise le groupe VO refondé par Robert Barcia au milieu des années 1950).

Farida Megdoud a aussi insisté qu’à l’époque il n’était pas si évident d’être pour l’indépendance dans la mesure où la cause algérienne était loin d’être populaire dans la classe ouvrière – encore une excuse pour la capitulation de LO face au chauvinisme présent parmi de nombreux travailleurs. Elle a insisté également sur l’atmosphère répressive de l’époque, l’hostilité du PCF – comme si cela justifiait de ne pas s’être opposé frontalement au sabotage par le PCF de la lutte pour l’indépendance. Elle est revenue une nouvelle fois sur l’insistance de l’IC à défendre le droit des peuples à disposer d’eux-mêmes.

La réponse de Megdoud était en train de se transformer involontairement en véritable réquisitoire contre les positions de VO pendant la guerre d’Algérie. Elle a essayé de se reprendre avec sa dernière planche de salut : l’ouvriérisme. Elle a déclaré que leurs positions étaient précieuses car ils étaient les seuls à s’adresser à la classe ouvrière. Quelle pirouette ridicule ! Toutes les organisations de la classe ouvrière se sont adressées sous de multiples aspects à la classe ouvrière à propos de la guerre d’Algérie à cette époque : la SFIO pour justifier la répression coloniale, le PCF pour excuser son propre rôle traître dans cette trahison (y compris le cassage des grèves contre la guerre en 1956 – voir notre article paru dans le Bolchévik n° 152, printemps 2000), les ancêtres du NPA de Besancenot pour soutenir politiquement les nationalistes petits-bourgeois du FLN, et ceux du POI de Gérard Schivardi et Daniel Gluckstein pour soutenir politiquement les nationalistes petits-bourgeois du MNA, rival du FLN.

La question n’est donc pas de se tourner vers la classe ouvrière, mais de le faire avec quel programme ? La conception qu’avait Lénine du parti révolutionnaire, et grâce à laquelle le parti bolchévique a pu mener les ouvriers russes à la victoire en Octobre 1917, c’est un parti ouvrier d’avant-garde présentant à la classe ouvrière un programme pour la mobiliser vers la lutte pour le pouvoir, et, s’adressant au-delà de la classe ouvrière aussi, présentant un programme pour l’émancipation de tous les opprimés sous le capitalisme. LO prétend au contraire qu’ils étaient trop petits à l’époque pour pouvoir dire la vérité aux travailleurs (et ils reprennent encore cet argument aujourd’hui à l’occasion quand ils disent que de toutes façons leur influence est marginale dans la classe ouvrière, comme si du coup ce qu’ils y font n’avait pas d’importance). En l’occurrence, il fallait mobiliser la classe ouvrière pour soutenir activement la lutte pour l’indépendance de l’Algérie, dans le cadre d’un programme pour la révolution socialiste des deux côtés de la Méditerranée. C’est un tel parti que nous cherchons à construire.

VO, au contraire, s’adaptait à la conscience du moment des travailleurs, alors influencés par le stalinisme. Au lieu de chercher à mobiliser politiquement les travailleurs en solidarité avec le peuple algérien en lutte pour son indépendance, elle cherchait à ramener les travailleurs vers la lutte économique. Elle disait par exemple dans un éditorial du 24 avril 1957, typique de ses écrits d’alors : « Nous pouvons nous battre pour défendre notre niveau de vie. C’est seulement si nous nous laissons appauvrir que Mollet [le chef du gouvernement, SFIO] pourra continuer la guerre. C’est notre seul moyen de pression, mais c’est aussi le plus efficace : refuser de faire les frais de la guerre, refuser de payer. »

VO faisait croire que la lutte économique contre le coût de la guerre, contre son impact sur le panier de la ménagère, etc., ferait par elle-même progresser la compréhension politique des travailleurs. En escamotant la lutte dans la classe ouvrière française pour l’indépendance de l’Algérie, elle s’est retrouvée à la remorque du PCF à un moment où celui-ci trahissait cette lutte. LO est bien plus à droite aujourd’hui qu’à l’époque, elle participe même à des coalitions avec la bourgeoisie et le PCF pour gérer des municipalités capitalistes, mais elle n’a pas changé fondamentalement de méthode. Comme nous le disions dans le dernier numéro du Bolchévik, leur conception, c’est celle d’un parti anti-léniniste d’arrière-garde. C’est en détruisant l’influence politique de ces économistes, comme l’avait fait Lénine au début des années 1900, que l’on construira le parti ouvrier révolutionnaire dont ont besoin les travailleurs pour en finir une bonne fois pour toutes avec ce système capitaliste d’exploitation et d’oppression.

On Howard Zinn

For Immediate Release
Jim Plank

“To hear him speak was like listening to music that you loved: lyrical, uplifting, honest.” --Michael Moore

"Wise, humorous, serious, without one moment of hesitation in tackling who we are as a people, a country, and a world." --Alice Walker


Collected Speeches 1963-2009 | From the Author of A People's History of the United States | Available for the first time

Edited by Anthony Arnove |
Pub date: Nov. 19 | Haymarket Books, Simultaneous release in
Trade Cloth, $26.95, 320 pp, ISBN 978-1-60846-223-0 | Trade Paper, $18.95, 320 pp, ISBN 978-1-60846-259-9
Enhanced E-book, $12.99, 320 pp, ISBN 978-1-60846-260-5 | E-book, $9.99, 320 pp, ISBN 978-1-60846-228-5

HOWARD ZINN (1922-2010) illuminated our history like no other with his classic, A People's History of the United States. A lifelong activist, WWII veteran, and professor, he was also one of the great orators of the twentieth century.
Howard Zinn Speaks: Collected Speeches 1963-2009 spans five decades of Zinn's thought, covering topics on
war, racism, social movements and more. Praise:

"I hesitate to comment on Howard Zinn Speaks because of my unshakable and overt bias for anything Zinn. But then again having a Zinn bias just means you favor truth and justice over lies and oppression." --Lupe Fiasco

“Always enlightening, often stirring, an amalgam of insight, critical history, and wit, blended with charm and appeal.” --Noam Chomsky

“Howard Zinn’s speeches, beautifully gathered together here by Anthony Arnove, are a joy and an inspiration.” --Marisa Tomei

“These speeches are righteous songs filled with the boldness, vision, humor, depth and urgings of his profoundly human voice.” --Eve Ensler

“Howard Zinn was one of us, the best part of us. Enjoy these speeches. Hear his voice. Then hear your own, closely.” --Josh Brolin

"Great reading for students and teachers—especially when read aloud." --Rethinking Schools

HOWARD ZINN (1922–2010) was a historian, playwright, and activist. He wrote the classic A People's History of the United States, “a brilliant and moving history of the American people from the point of view of those whose plight has been largely omitted from most histories.”
The book, which has sold more than two million copies, has been featured on The Sopranos and Simpsons, and in the film Good Will Hunting. In 2009, HISTORY aired The People Speak, an acclaimed documentary co-directed by Zinn, based on A People's History and a companion volume, Voices of a People's History of the United States.
Zinn grew up in Brooklyn in a working-class, immigrant household. At 18 he became a shipyard worker and then flew bomber missions during World War II. These experiences helped shape his opposition to war and passion for history. After attending college under the GI Bill and earning a Ph.D. in history from Columbia, he taught at Spelman, where he became active in the civil rights movement. After being fired by Spelman for his support for student protesters, Zinn became a professor of Political Science at Boston University, were he taught until his retirement in 1988. Zinn was the author of many books, including an autobiography, You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train, the play Marx in Soho, and Passionate Declarations. He received the Lannan Foundation Literary Award for Nonfiction and the Eugene V. Debs award for his writing and political activism.

ANTHONY ARNOVE wrote, directed, and produced The People Speak with Howard Zinn, Chris Moore, Josh Brolin, and Matt Damon; and co-edited with Howard Zinn, Voices of a People’s History. Arnove’s writing has appeared in The Financial Times, The Nation, Mother Jones, and more. He has appeared on BBC, Democracy Now!, Sky News, and public radio programs across the country.

Please contact Jim Plank, Publicity, Haymarket Books, at or 773-583-7884 for review copy and interview requests. Anthony Arnove is available for select interviews to discuss Howard Zinn Speaks.


Collected Speeches, 1963-2009
Edited by Anthony Arnove
Published by Haymarket Books
Pub date: Oct. 26 | Haymarket Books, Simultaneous release in
Trade Cloth, $26.95, 320 pp, ISBN 978-1-60846-223-0 | Trade Paper, $18.95, 320 pp, ISBN 978-1-60846-259-9
Enhanced E-book, $12.99, 320 pp, ISBN 978-1-60846-260-5 | E-book, $9.99, 320 pp, ISBN 978-1-60846-228-5

Workers Struggles

Immigrant Workers Continue Their Fight for Justice

The workers have brought their demand for payment of $183,500 in non-payment of wages and overtime to U.S. District Court in Massachusetts!
What: With the legal support of Greater Boston Legal Services a group of Latino immigrant workers and members of Centro Presente have brought their demand for payment of $183,500 in non-payment of wages and overtime to U.S. District Court in Massachusetts. "We have been fighting this case for nearly a year and now finally we've had enough and we're going to court to get what we earned," stated Marcos Che Cucul one of the affected workers.

The workers were employed by Mumbai Chopstix located on Newbury Street in Boston, Bukhara in Jamaica Plain, Diva Indian Bistro in Somerville's Davis Square and Cafe of India in Cambridge. These restaurants are part of Amrik S. Pabla's One World Cuisine restaurant group. The workers first came to Centro Presente almost a year ago with their case and have since been managing their public campaign to get their rightfully earned wages through negotiating with the owners. In the process they learned about their labor rights and educated the general public about immigrant labor exploitation.
Where: Diva Indian Bistro, 246 Elm Street, Somerville, MA.
When: Tomorrow, Friday, November 2nd at 6:00 p.m.

For more info please contact: Patricia Montes at 617.959.3108
# # #
Centro Presente is a state-wide, membership-based Latino immigrant organization that advocates for immigrant rights and for economic and social justice through the integration of community organizing, leadership development and basic services.
Join Our Mailing List!
Centro Presente
17 Inner Belt Road
Somerville, Massachusetts 02143




SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1:30-3:30 PM




There is a long history of the police and FBI targeting peace and social justice groups, unions, and minority communities for surveillance, disruption and even worse. These assaults on our civil rights and liberties have intensified since 9/11 and the unleashing of the so-called ‘War on Terror’.

in spite of their attempts to cover up their unlawful actions, thanks to the National Lawyers Guild and the ACLU of Massachusetts, they got caught:

From ACLU/NLG press release: Boston Police officers make video recordings of peaceful demonstrations and track activists as well as the internal workings of political groups--even when there is no indication of criminal activity or a threat to public safety. The documents reveal that officers assigned to the BPD's regional domestic spying center, the Boston Regional Intelligence Center (BRIC), file so-called "intelligence reports" mischaracterizing peaceful groups such as Veterans for Peace, United for Justice with Peace and CodePink as "extremists," and peaceful protests as domestic "homeland security" threats and civil disturbances. These searchable records are retained for years, in violation of federal regulations, and were turned over to the ACLU and NLG only after they sued for access on behalf of local peace groups and activists.

The activist community is justifiably outraged and many wish to take more action. We know that the files that were released are just the tip of the iceberg and involve many more organizations and constituencies than involved in the recent lawsuit.

This is not a public meeting for wide publicity – it is an organizational meeting to discuss our options and to plan additional action.

Lawyers and representatives of the NLG and the ACLU will be there to put the current findings in context and discuss what further legal actions, if any, can be taken. Other suggestions that have been made for actions include: legislative action, petition campaign, demonstrations, letter writing, educational forums. We can decide to do any or all of these and set the goals for what we want to achieve.

For more information and to watch a video:

In the meantime, you are encouraged to send letters to the news media and to Mayor Menino and Police Commissioner Ed Davis.

Mayor Menino

One City Hall Square, Suite 500

Boston, MA 02201-2013

Commissioner Ed Davis

One Schroeder Plaza

Boston, MA 02120
The World Can't Wait
Stop the Crimes of Your Government
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Discussion Tonight

In the aftermath of the storm, and going into stormy times, what is our responsibility in stopping the crimes of our government?

We will be checking in with people affected by Hurricane Sandy, and talking about Tuesday's election.

On the phone TONIGHT
November 1
10pm Eastern / 7pm Pacific

Register for the conference call.

Dear All

Thanks to all who have messaged those of us in the northeast to check how we're doing. We know many of you have been affected, and are not even able to read this, or follow the news. The scale of the disaster in the US is unprecedented, and still remains to be grasped, as tens of millions are affected. A reminder, given how seriously people in NYC/NJ are affected... proportionately, the poor countries who got the storms brunt first, especially Haiti, suffered more loss. People in Haiti's slums who have nothing — a situation fostered by centuries of U.S. actions — were washed away, and survivors face cholera. This is an international problem, and we can't get all "Ah-MUR-i-can" as the politicians do.

Some of our activists have been affected by the storm surge directly cutting off power and access to where they live. Everyone is affected by the shut off of transport. Yesterday we learned how widespread the loss of power is, affecting most of the people in public housing (but Wall Street got opened!). Today, we are seeing horrific reports of Katrina-like conditions in Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Queens, with bodies being found today as houses are searched. Beyond the politicians and press conferences on CNN, see these 2 reports from on the ground: Reports from those affected by Hurricane Sandy Residents of New York Face a Huge Range of Crises

We'll be talking with people who went through the storm, and are involved in helping and researching conditions, tonight on our regular conference call. Please
join in.

Two words as we go forward: "climate change." Do you think either candidate will mention climate change? Even if they do, they offer no solutions.

The debate on whether one should vote for Obama scheduled for Monday between Daniel Ellsberg and David Swanson on KPFK should be worth listening to. David wrote a remarkable account of a visit this week to Obama headquarters in Charlottesville, where he asked former UN ambassador Madeleine Albright whether she "still believed that killing a half a million young Iraqi children was 'worth it.'" He described a scene where Obama supporters jumped on him:

Not a single person present expressed the slightest concern over Albright's having taken part in the murder of so many young lives and many more older ones. Not a single person expressed an interest in learning about a history they were perhaps ignorant of. Not a single person offered an argument for what the positive "it" was that could have made such slaughter "worth it." Not a single person offered a claim that George Bush Sr. or Bob Dole would have killed even more children.

I don't mean to give the impression that Albright's audience was comatose. On the contrary, numerous individuals began grabbing me, shouting at me, pushing me, grabbing my camera, twisting my arm, and spitting out the most vicious hatred. In theory they would all, no doubt, agree that in a system of self-governance people should be able to question their elected officials, former elected officials, and at-large mass-murdering former elected officials. But in this case, this official was playing for the Good Team. The proper role, they believed, therefore, was that of cheerleaders, the highest value deferential respect.

Do they believe the wholesale slaughter of human beings, whether by sanctions or bombs, is sometimes justified by some mysterious "national interest"? Do they believe I was a raving lunatic and that Albright would never have hurt a fly? Do they just believe it's most appropriate not to ask, because that would involve disrespect toward someone on the Good Team? No matter which way you slice it, you come back to a room full of well-dressed polite supporters of mass-murder.
I'm glad to have gotten reports of ongoing protest at Hancock AFB in New York, and Beale AFB in California, both drone bases:
9 Arrested for Blocking Gate of Beale AFB to Protest Drone Strikes
Nine military veterans and peace activists from throughout California were arrested around at the main gate to Beale AFB (North Beale Road), protesting the inhumane and cruel U.S. Drone Program, now killing thousands of innocent men, women and children around the world.

Meanwhile, the U.S. detained a candidate for the presidency of Pakistan who opposes US drone bombings there, for questioning: US Detention of Imran Khan Part of Trend to Harass Anti-Drone Advocates.

Our friends Andy Worthington and Kevin Gosztola bring out the important of military trials going forward in Guantanamo now:
Who Are the 55 Cleared Guantánamo Prisoners on the List Released by the Obama Administration?
Guantanamo Military Commissions: ‘Piece of a Larger Disturbing Trend Toward Centralized Presidential Power’

For the Love of God, the Republican Party Hates Women... and Democrat Leaders Barely Show Outrage

by Samantha Goldman, World Can't Wait Steering Committee

We may have forgotten what a Dark Ages mentality looks like in office with George Bush’s departure, so Republican office holders are reminding us.

Now that both Democrats and Republicans are introducing state legislation restricting abortion rights, a key part of the GOP’s strategy is to compete based on who can be more anti-woman.

The theme, it seems, of this year's Republican campaign is Rape: You Asked and God Delivered. For them, giving birth in any circumstance isn’t redemptive enough for Eve’s sins. We have to get raped and say “thanks” to God.

All of this is part of an ideology where women exist subordinate to and in the service of men’s’ existence and will. Publicized apologies for outrageous statements are not policy changes. These statements are projections of the world that these powerful men would like to see.

Here is some of the rape-lovin’ rhetoric of the GOP:
(Continue reading...)
Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can't Wait
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World Can't Wait - - 866.973.4463 - 305 West Broadway #185, NY, NY 10013
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World Can't Wait
305 W. Broadway #185
New York, NY 10013

For sponsorship level donations, or if you wish to make stock donations please contact Samantha Goldman, 866-973-4463.

To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of WCW's educational activities, please make checks out to "World Can't Wait/Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization.
Call to action November 27th. Exclusive presentation by David Coombs December 3rd.
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Bradley Manning Support Network

Call to action November 27th! Dismiss all the charges based on Bradley's unlawful pretrial punishment!

Call to action! On November 27th the military court will address the unlawful abuse and torture PFC Bradley Manning endured, under the orders of a three star general.
On November 27 Bradley Manning's defense will once again face off with the military prosecution in Ft. Meade to argue that all charges be dismissed because of "unlawful pretrial punishment".
This is one of the defense's final chances to reduce possible sentencing, second in importance only to the court martial which begins next February 4th. It's a crucial chance for the public to show the military and the media that they still support Bradley, by coming out to Fort Meade on November 27 to protest injustice in the military court!
Please come rally with us outside the main gate of Fort Meade! Following the rally, the public can sit in on court proceedings, which are scheduled to run November 27 to December 2. Over the summer, Bradley's lawyer David Coombs stated that "At every court hearing, I am given the opportunity to witness this support first hand. The attendance by supporters during these hearings as been nothing short of inspiring. Although my client is not permitted to engage those in attendance, he aware of your presence and support."
At this extremely important hearing, Bradley's lawyer David Coombs will focus on the mistreatment Bradley endured in Quantico, VA. It is now well-known that Bradley was held for nine months in solitary confinement, in conditions that were declared by UN Chief Rapporteur on Torture Juan Mendez to be "cruel, inhuman and degrading." David Coombs will present evidence that brig psychiatrists opposed the decision to hold Bradley in solitary, and that brig commanders misled the public when they said that Bradley's treatment was for "Prevention of Injury".
This hearing will set a precedent for treatment of prisoners on U.S. soil, and for treatment of military whistle-blowers especially. Please join us for a rally and protest on November 27, featuring top spokespeople for the Bradley Manning Support Network. Following the protest, we ask you to stay for some or all of the hearing, to help boost Bradley's spirits with your presence in the courtroom. Get directions here.
For those unable to attend the events at Ft. Meade, solidarity actions are welcome. We encourage supporters to rally at your nearest military recruiting office, to take photos of your group holding "We are Bradley Manning" signs, or a similarly supportive message, and then mail that to the following officials:
Army Chief of Staff
General Raymond Odierno

Chief of Staff of the US Army
101 Army Pentagon, Rm. 3E672
Washington DC 20310-0200
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Please include a brief letter of explanation with your photo. For example,
"We gathered on November 27, 2012 in front of the recruiting center in (city, state) to protest the mistreatment of military whistle-blower PFC Bradley Manning. Whistle-blowers play an important role in a democracy, and by revealing evidence of unpunished war crimes, as well as secret corporate influence on U.S. foreign policy, Bradley Manning acted in the interest of American citizens. We are appalled by the nine months Bradley was forced to spend in solitary confinement at Quantico, VA in addition to the fact he will have spent over 900 days in prison before receiving a trial. Please free Bradley Manning."
Please also submit photos of your action to

For more information about the defense fund click here.

An exclusive presentation by Bradley Manning's lawyer, David Coombs

December 3rd, 2012. Washington, DC. Bradley's lawyer will give a presentation detailing the brutal abuse Bradley endured, as well as the lack of due process in the trial thus far.
December 3, 2012 at 7pm
Washington, DC
All Souls Church Unitarian
On December 3, 2012, Army PFC Bradley Manning’s civilian defense lawyer David Coombs will make his first ever public appearance to provide an overview of pending defense motions before the court and other facts regarding U.S. v. Manning. Mr. Coombs is expected to focus on the unlawful pretrial punishment that PFC Manning was subjected to for nine months while at the Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia – the subject of international outrage and a UN investigation. The government’s denial of Bradley Manning’s right to a speedy trial will also be before the military court. Accused military whistle-blower and Nobel Peace Prize nominee PFC Manning has been in prison for over 900 days. His court martial is currently scheduled to begin February 4, 2013.
Thanks to the release of the documents in question, American journalists and citizens have a far greater window into the reality of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay, and secret corporate influence on foreign policy. While no specific harm has resulted from the release of this information, Bradley Manning faces life in military prison if convicted.

Respectable Murderers: An Open Letter to Dan Ellsberg

Dear Dan,
You and I are getting ready to tape a debate on the question of whether to vote for Obama (in "swing states"). It will air on Lila Garrett's "Connect the Dots" show on KPFK next Monday. I'm looking forward to it, if for no other reason, because I think our public discourse lacks much serious debate between people who respect each other's intentions. I have nothing but respect for you and believe you mean nothing but the best in advocating votes for Obama. You honestly believe I was catastrophically wrong to vote for Jill Stein in Virginia, as I've done, and I honestly believe you are horrendously misguided to be expending your valuable energy trying to get others to vote for Obama. And yet we'll be friends through this and regardless of whether one or both of us ever change our minds.
An hour debate will also be a refreshing change from the usual sound byte simplification of the media, and yet not necessarily sufficient. So, let me tell you a couple of stories.
I wandered over to the Obama campaign office here in Charlottesville, Va., on Wednesday when former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was scheduled to visit. She showed up, in fact, and told everyone how terrific Obama is.
I asked Albright whether she still believed that killing a half a million young Iraqi children was "worth it." She said that she very much regretted having made that remark. But did she regret having enacted the sanctions that killed those children? I asked if she opposed the current "crippling sanctions" on Iran, and she said that she did not.
Here's video:
I'm not so much troubled by Albright's sanctioning of mass murder, as by the agreement with her on the part of the many people gathered to applaud her comments. Not a single person present expressed the slightest concern over Albright's having taken part in the murder of so many young lives and many more older ones. Not a single person expressed an interest in learning about a history they were perhaps ignorant of. Not a single person offered an argument for what the positive "it" was that could have made such slaughter "worth it." Not a single person offered a claim that George Bush Sr. or Bob Dole would have killed even more children.
I don't mean to give the impression that Albright's audience was comatose. On the contrary, numerous individuals began grabbing me, shouting at me, pushing me, grabbing my camera, twisting my arm, and spitting out the most vicious hatred. In theory they would all, no doubt, agree that in a system of self-governance people should be able to question their elected officials, former elected officials, and at-large mass-murdering former elected officials. But in this case, this official was playing for the Good Team. The proper role, they believed, therefore, was that of cheerleaders, the highest value deferential respect.
Do they believe the wholesale slaughter of human beings, whether by sanctions or bombs, is sometimes justified by some mysterious "national interest"? Do they believe I was a raving lunatic and that Albright would never have hurt a fly? Do they just believe it's most appropriate not to ask, because that would involve disrespect toward someone on the Good Team? No matter which way you slice it, you come back to a room full of well-dressed polite supporters of mass-murder. That's far more worrying to me than the individual sociopath speaking to them.
Now, present in that room were TV cameras and newspaper reporters. The purpose of the event was to generate positive news about the reasons to vote for Obama and the stature of the people supporting Obama's reelection. Clearly, from that point of view, the staffers in the office did the absolute right thing in chasing me out of the building and making sure that not another inconvenient question was posed. As I'm sure you realize, voting for Obama in a swing state as a single secretive individual can hardly be called rational. A single vote makes no difference. To be the rational strategic voter you envision, each person must also strive to recruit others.
On the other hand, you say that you agree with me that independent policy-driven activism is more valuable than elections. You agree that we don't have legitimate elections offering a wide range of choices, that we need a movement to demand changes we cannot vote for, changes to strip out the money, open up the debates and the media, undo the gerrymandering, do away with the electoral college, provide automatic registration, and on and on and on. You probably agree that women did not vote themselves the right to vote, that the labor movement grew when it struggled and sacrificed by striking and has shrunk while funding the Democratic Party asking nothing in return, that major changes for peace and justice and civilization have been driven primarily by independent movements and often movements that have mobilized third and fourth party campaigns before winning over the Big Two. You may agree with Howard Zinn that it's not so much who's sitting in the White House as who's doing the sitting in. You might even agree with Emma Goldman that if elections alone changed anything, they'd be banned. In any event, during certain non-election years, I see you doing as much useful activism for this country and the world as anyone I know.
Presumably you place some value on spreading awareness of what sanctions did to Iraq. Presumably you see what value there could be in halting the sanctions on Iran. But what would you have done in that Obama campaign office in this swing state on Wednesday? You are a remarkable person, but still only one person. Would you have ruined the entire publicity stunt by pressing Albright further on her record of genocide? Or would you have thrown her a softball about what sort of evil lawyer Mitt Romney might be expected to nominate to the Supreme Court? Let's accept that both would have been good questions. But you could not have asked both. There was not time, and asking the first would have negated the purpose of the second -- not to mention getting you thrown out of the event.
Even you cannot follow your advice, and you are Daniel Ellsberg. Imagine how hard following your advice is for other people. Most people, to one degree or another, identify with candidates and parties. They talk about "us" winning when their candidate wins. To various degrees they avoid becoming aware of their team's flaws. To various degrees, they censor their opposition to their party or politician, before, during, and after elections. What is your time calculation? Do you prioritize campaigning for a month, six months, a year? How much time out of each four-year period do you sacrifice from independent activism of the sort that has always changed the world? And how much time out of every two-year term of those legislators who Constitutionally are supposed to be running the country?
I'm convinced that you personally do an excellent job of avoiding lesser-evil team cheerleading in between elections. But, most people do not. Our RootsAction petition on "strategic voting" got a response several times lower than any other action we've ever sent to our list. Some people do hold their noses and vote, but they have no idea how tightly they should be holding their noses, and they do not act appropriately post-election. All the activists running around knocking on doors and making phone calls for candidates will not do so for peace or justice in December. They'd look at you like you were crazy if you suggested it. Their work is done. Their energy is drained. Their role as spectators is established. And the promise is contained in any activism that they, or even you, muster: We will attempt to inconvenience you, but we will never ever vote against you.
In between elections, as we move from having voted for the less evil party toward the inevitable contest four years hence between two parties that are both more evil than the time before, our activism is neutered by a system of unions, PACs, and nonprofit clicktivist and media complexes that seek their funding, power, and sense of importance from one half of the government. It has become routine for grassroots or astroturf activist leaders to head into the veal pen and ask the elected officials of the Good Party or of the "Progressive" wing of the good party what they should ask their members to demand. This is an inversion of representative government. You'll recall groups that favored single-payer healthcare forbidding their members from mentioning it, asking instead for a "public option" because so-called public servants had instructed the public to ask for that. The point is not that legislators should never compromise, but that we should leave it to the legislators, because when we pre-compromise, we end up with even less in the end.
When Obama was in Charlottesville, hundreds of people waited in line for hours for the chance to cheer anything he said. Some of us went to talk to the people waiting in line. We wanted to get a sense of how they felt about all the policies that had produced such outrage under Bush and been expanded under Obama. Under Obama, as you may know, wealth is concentrating faster, the environment is deteriorating faster, the military has spread further and cost more, the warrantless spying has spread and been firmly established as without criminal penalty, rendition and torture have become policy choices rather than crimes, imprisonment without charge or trial has been "legalized" (although Obama is still fighting for that power in court), an assassination program has been created and openly advertised, wars have been launched without the courtesy of lying to Congress, the CIA has been given major war powers, "special" forces are in 70 nations on any given day and raiding a dozen homes to kill on any given night, drones have raised to new heights the percentage of war victims who are civilians and the percentage of the people in certain nations who hate our government, secrecy has mushroomed, and retribution against whistleblowers has exploded. You are aware of all of this. We couldn't find a single person in that crowd who had ever heard of any of it. Major news stories that would have put people into the streets in outrage if the president were a Republican did not exist to this crowd.
Sure, you know the facts. But are you devoting every ounce of energy to spreading the word and building resistance? Of course not. You're investing your time in campaigning for Obama votes (in swing states). You may understand that there's been no step back from Bush's policies, that Obama has advanced them further. Yes, Romney could advance them even further even faster than Obama would in the next four years -- even in the face of the public opposition that would likely materialize for a President Romney. But we need a reversal of course, not a slightly slower death, not even a significantly slower death. The environment is collapsing. Weaponry and hostility are spreading. We're dealing with a need for survival, not a desire for utopia. What we need for survival is a credible independent movement.
When a labor union today says "Reform NAFTA and push for the Employee Free Choice Act, or else," the "or else" is empty and everyone knows it. When Bill McKibben says "The tar sands pipeline is your test," nobody believes that when Obama fails the test McKibben will oppose his reelection. Compare this battered-spouse relationship with that of Latinos who posed a credible threat to desert Obama and thereby won some modest immigration rights.
You know that we had a significant (pitiably weak but significant) peace movement in 2005 and 2006. Why? Because opponents of war and opponents of Republican presidents' wars were teamed up together. That fell apart as Democrats took power in Congress in 2007 and as 2008 turned out to be the year of one of those endlessly recurring "most important elections of our lifetime." The movement was temporarily shut down, never to be restored. We went from Mitch McConnell secretly warning Bush to get out of Iraq to Obama getting credit for withdrawing from Afghanistan even as the troops there were double the number deployed when Obama entered the White House.
How in the world can anyone have spent the last many years in the peace movement and not noticed this partisan-based electoral-based collapse? I'm sure you've seen and were likely surveyed during the study done by the University of Michigan's Michael Heaney and Indiana University's Fabio Rojas. They documented this collapse and its partisan basis.
Would I object to people voting for a less-evil but still evil candidate if they could continue organizing for justice? Of course not. I do not fail to understand the power of your argument. I'm sure you'll do me the courtesy of not simply repeating it. A more evil candidate is more evil than a less evil candidate. A greater warmonger and bigger destroyer of the environment is worse than a lesser warmonger and lesser destroyer of the environment. I think the case for Obama's superiority to Romney is vastly overblown. I think, in fact, that Obama has been able to get away with much that we would never have allowed McCain to achieve. We stood up against Bush's attack on Social Security. But China is to Nixon as humanitarian goods are to Obama. Let's grant, however, that Obama is better than Romney. Let's grant it because it is not the central argument and may very well be right. That is, if you compare their platforms as presented, guesstimate how much of each is outright lies, and factor in the likely public resistance to each, Obama may come out ahead. My argument is not that he doesn't. My argument is not that he doesn't do so meaningfully. My argument is not that this isn't a question of life and death. And my position involves complete awareness that I will not be the first to die, someone else will.
Here, in contrast, is my actual argument: It is vastly more important that we have an independent movement based on policy changes rather than personality changes. In theory we could have that with lesser-evil-swing-state voting. In reality, we cannot. We cannot build a national movement in the 38 states from which all candidates and journalists have fled, and on the condition that we avoid building it large enough to have any impact whatsoever (which would ruin the whole strategy by transforming a non-swing state into a swing state). We cannot keep a movement from shutting down for each election cycle as long as most people see their jobs as followers of politicians rather than as the true sovereigns of this land.
I don't care about my purity. If I wanted to be pure I would avoid thinking about these matters at all. I wouldn't subject myself to a room full of well-dressed polite backers of mass-murder at all if I wanted to be pure. And I would hold my nose and work with them shoulder-to-shoulder if I thought that would lead to the greater good. I would have voted for Captain Peace Prize if I believed it would save the most lives. I do not. I believe that building an activist movement that depends on rejecting support for a party of mass murderers will save the most lives, and will do so in the relative near term -- or we will all perish.
As you know, I've spent months trying to avoid this discussion because I believe that our so-called elections drain energy away from activism. They also serve to divide us. We all want peace and justice. But we drop everything to debate or, more often, quarrel with each other over electoral matters -- something the powers in Washington must have great laughs over. But the election is this week, and this debate must be had. I enter it with a great deal of respect for that small group of people on the other side of it who understand the need for a real mass movement and believe a mass movement is compatible with lesser-evilism. I'm simply not persuaded.
t is urgently important to prevent a Republican administration under Romney/Ryan from taking office in January 2013.
The election is now just weeks away, and I want to urge those whose values are generally in line with mine -- progressives, especially activists -- to make this goal one of your priorities during this period.
An activist colleague recently said to me: "I hear you're supporting Obama."
I was startled, and took offense. "Supporting Obama? Me?!"
"I lose no opportunity publicly," I told him angrily, to identify Obama as a tool of Wall Street, a man who's decriminalized torture and is still complicit in it, a drone assassin, someone who's launched an unconstitutional war, supports kidnapping and indefinite detention without trial, and has prosecuted more whistleblowers like myself than all previous presidents put together. "Would you call that support?"
My friend said, "But on Democracy Now you urged people in swing states to vote for him! How could you say that? I don't live in a swing state, but I will not and could not vote for Obama under any circumstances."
My answer was: a Romney/Ryan administration would be no better -- no different -- on any of the serious offenses I just mentioned or anything else, and it would be much worse, even catastrophically worse, on a number of other important issues: attacking Iran, Supreme Court appointments, the economy, women's reproductive rights, health coverage, safety net, climate change, green energy, the environment.
I told him: "I don't 'support Obama.' I oppose the current Republican Party. This is not a contest between Barack Obama and a progressive candidate. The voters in a handful or a dozen close-fought swing states are going to determine whether Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are going to wield great political power for four, maybe eight years, or not."
As Noam Chomsky said recently, "The Republican organization today is extremely dangerous, not just to this country, but to the world. It's worth expending some effort to prevent their rise to power, without sowing illusions about the Democratic alternatives."
Following that logic, he's said to an interviewer what my friend heard me say to Amy Goodman: "If I were a person in a swing state, I'd vote against Romney/Ryan, which means voting for Obama because there is no other choice."
The election is at this moment a toss-up. That means this is one of the uncommon occasions when we progressives -- a small minority of the electorate -- could actually have a significant influence on the outcome of a national election, swinging it one way or the other.
The only way for progressives and Democrats to block Romney from office, at this date, is to persuade enough people in swing states to vote for Obama: not stay home, or vote for someone else. And that has to include, in those states, progressives and disillusioned liberals who are at this moment inclined not to vote at all or to vote for a third-party candidate (because like me they've been not just disappointed but disgusted and enraged by much of what Obama has done in the last four years and will probably keep doing).
They have to be persuaded to vote, and to vote in a battleground state for Obama not anyone else, despite the terrible flaws of the less-bad candidate, the incumbent. That's not easy. As I see it, that's precisely the "effort" Noam is referring to as worth expending right now to prevent the Republicans' rise to power. And it will take progressives -- some of you reading this, I hope -- to make that effort of persuasion effectively.
It will take someone these disheartened progressives and liberals will listen to. Someone manifestly without illusions about the Democrats, someone who sees what they see when they look at the president these days: but who can also see through candidates Romney or Ryan on the split-screen, and keep their real, disastrous policies in focus.
It's true that the differences between the major parties are not nearly as large as they and their candidates claim, let alone what we would want. It's even fair to use Gore Vidal's metaphor that they form two wings ("two right wings," as some have put it) of a single party, the Property or Plutocracy Party, or as Justin Raimondo says, the War Party.
Still, the political reality is that there are two distinguishable wings, and one is reliably even worse than the other, currently much worse overall. To be in denial or to act in neglect of that reality serves only the possibly imminent, yet presently avoidable, victory of the worse.
The traditional third-party mantra, "There's no significant difference between the major parties" amounts to saying: "The Republicans are no worse, overall." And that's absurd. It constitutes shameless apologetics for the Republicans, however unintended. It's crazily divorced from present reality.
And it's not at all harmless to be propagating that absurd falsehood. It has the effect of encouraging progressives even in battleground states to refrain from voting or to vote in a close election for someone other than Obama, and more importantly, to influence others to act likewise. That's an effect that serves no one but the Republicans, and ultimately the 1 percent.
It's not merely understandable, it's entirely appropriate to be enraged at Barack Obama. As I am. He has often acted outrageously, not merely timidly or "disappointingly." If impeachment were politically imaginable on constitutional grounds, he's earned it (like George W. Bush, and many of his predecessors!) It is entirely human to want to punish him, not to "reward" him with another term or a vote that might be taken to express trust, hope or approval.
But rage is not generally conducive to clear thinking. And it often gets worked out against innocent victims, as would be the case here domestically, if refusals to vote for him resulted in Romney's taking key battleground states that decide the outcome of this election.
To punish Obama in this particular way, on Election Day -- by depriving him of votes in swing states and hence of office in favor of Romney and Ryan -- would punish most of all the poor and marginal in society, and workers and middle class as well: not only in the U.S. but worldwide in terms of the economy (I believe the Republicans could still convert this recession to a Great Depression), the environment and climate change. It could well lead to war with Iran (which Obama has been creditably resisting, against pressure from within his own party). And it would spell, via Supreme Court appointments, the end of Roe v. Wade and of the occasional five to four decisions in favor of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The reelection of Barack Obama, in itself, is not going to bring serious progressive change, end militarism and empire, or restore the Constitution and the rule of law. That's for us and the rest of the people to bring about after this election and in the rest of our lives -- through organizing, building movements and agitating.
In the eight to twelve close-fought states -- especially Florida, Ohio, and Virginia, but also Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin -- for any progressive to encourage fellow progressives and others in those states to vote for a third-party candidate is, I would say, to be complicit in facilitating the election of Romney and Ryan, with all its consequences.
To think of that as urging people in swing states to "vote their conscience" is, I believe, dangerously misleading advice. I would say to a progressive that if your conscience tells you on Election Day to vote for someone other than Obama in a battleground state, you need a second opinion. Your conscience is giving you bad counsel.
I often quote a line by Thoreau that had great impact for me: "Cast your whole vote: not a strip of paper merely, but your whole influence." He was referring, in that essay, to civil disobedience, or as he titled it himself, "Resistance to Civil Authority."
It still means that to me. But this is a year when for people who think like me -- and who, unlike me, live in battleground states -- casting a strip of paper is also important. Using your whole influence this month to get others to do that, to best effect, is even more important.
That means for progressives in the next couple of weeks -- in addition to the rallies, demonstrations, petitions, lobbying (largely against policies or prospective policies of President Obama, including austerity budgeting next month), movement-building and civil disobedience that are needed all year round and every year -- using one's voice and one's e-mails and op-eds and social media to encourage citizens in swing states to vote against a Romney victory by voting for the only real alternative, Barack Obama.
Daniel Ellsberg is a former State and Defense Department official who has been arrested for acts of non-violent civil disobedience over eighty times, initially for copying and releasing the top secret Pentagon Papers, for which he faced 115 years in prison. Living in a non-swing state, he does not intend to vote for President Obama.

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