Saturday, April 19, 2014

From The Marxist Archives -The Revolutionary History Journal-Julián Gorkin-The Last Years of Victor Serge, 1941–1947



Book Review 

Present At The Creation 

I have read several books on subjects related to the Russian Revolution by Victor Serge and find that he is a well-informed insider on this subject although the novel rather than history writing is his stronger form of expressing his views. See his The Case of Comrade Tulayev. This book can be profitably read in conjunction with other better written left-wing interpretations of this period. Sukhanov's Notes on the Russian Revolution (for the February period), Leon Trotsky's History of the Russian Revolution and John Reed's Ten Days that Shook the World come to mind.

The task Serge sets himself here is to look at the dramatic and eventually fateful events of first year of the Russian Revolution. Those included the Bolshevik seizure of power, the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly and the struggle by the Bolsheviks against other left-wing tendencies in defining Soviet state policy, the fight to end Russian participation in World War I culminating in the humiliating Brest-Litovsk treaty with Germany and, most importantly, the beginnings of Civil War against the Whites. In short, he investigates all the issues that will ultimately undermine and cause the degeneration of what was the first successful socialist seizure of state power in history.

Serge's history is partisan history in the best sense of the word. It is rather silly at this late date to argue that historians must be detached from the subject of their investigations. All one asks is that a historian gets the facts for his or her analysis straight. And then stay out of the way. Serge passes this test. Serge worked under the assumption that the strategic theory of the Bolshevik leaders Lenin and Trotsky was valid. That premise stated that Russia as the weakest link in the international capitalist system could act as the catalyst for revolution in the West and therefore shorten its own road to socialism. The failure of that Western revolution, the subsequent hostile encirclement by the Western powers and the inevitable degeneration implicit in a revolution in an economically undeveloped country left to its own resources underlies the structure of his argument.

The Russian revolution of October 1917 was the defining event for the international labor movement during most of the 20th century. Serious militants and left -wing organizations took their stand based on their position on the so-called Russian Question. At that time the level of political class-consciousness in the international labor movement was quite high. Such consciousness does not exist today where the socialist program is seen as, at best, utopian. However, notwithstanding the demise of the Soviet state in 1991-92 and the essential elimination of the Russian Question as a factor in world politics on a day to day basis anyone who wants learn some lessons from the heroic period of the Russian Revolution will find this book an informative place to start.

Click below to link to the Revolutionary History Journal index.

Peter Paul Markin comment on this series:

This is an excellent documentary source for today’s leftist militants to “discover” the work of our forebears, particularly the bewildering myriad of tendencies which have historically flown under the flag of the great Russian revolutionary, Leon Trotsky and his Fourth International, whether one agrees with their programs or not. But also other laborite, semi-anarchist, ant-Stalinist and just plain garden-variety old school social democrat groupings and individual pro-socialist proponents.

Some, maybe most of the material presented here, cast as weak-kneed programs for struggle in many cases tend to be anti-Leninist as screened through the Stalinist monstrosities and/or support groups and individuals who have no intention of making a revolution. Or in the case of examining past revolutionary efforts either declare that no revolutionary possibilities existed (most notably Germany in 1923) or alibi, there is no other word for it, those who failed to make a revolution when it was possible.

The Spanish Civil War can serve as something of litmus test for this latter proposition, most infamously around attitudes toward the Party Of Marxist Unification's (POUM) role in not keeping step with revolutionary developments there, especially the Barcelona days in 1937 and by acting as political lawyers for every non-revolutionary impulse of those forebears. While we all honor the memory of the POUM militants, according to even Trotsky the most honest band of militants in Spain then, and decry the murder of their leader, Andreas Nin, by the bloody Stalinists they were rudderless in the storm of revolution. But those present political disagreements do not negate the value of researching the POUM’s (and others) work, work moreover done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.

Finally, I place some material in this space which may be of interest to the radical public that I do not necessarily agree with or support. Off hand, as I have mentioned before, I think it would be easier, infinitely easier, to fight for the socialist revolution straight up than some of the “remedies” provided by the commentators in these entries from the Revolutionary History journal in which they have post hoc attempted to rehabilitate some pretty hoary politics and politicians, most notably August Thalheimer and Paul Levy of the early post Liebknecht-Luxemburg German Communist Party. But part of that struggle for the socialist revolution is to sort out the “real” stuff from the fluff as we struggle for that more just world that animates our efforts. So read, learn, and try to figure out the
wheat from the chaff. 


Julián Gorkin-The Last Years of Victor Serge, 1941–1947

The narrative portion of Serge’s Memoirs of a Revolutionary comes to an end in 1941, and is followed by a chapter surveying the future. It therefore entirely omits an account of the last years of Serge’s activity in Mexico. So when the second French edition was published in 1957, the editors asked his companion in exile Julián Gorkin to tell the story up to his death. None of the published English versions includes this material at all. Julián Gómez García Gorkin (1902–1987) became a Communist in 1921, and was a member of the Spanish section of the Left Opposition and an organiser of the Bloque Obrera y Campesino (Workers and Peasants Bloc) in Valencia, before becoming a leader of the Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (Workers Party of Marxist Unification). He went into exile upon Franco’s victory in the Spanish Civil War, and helped Sanchez Salazar and Valentín González (El Campesino) to write their memoirs about the assassination of Trotsky and the Spanish Civil War, in addition to writing numerous pieces of his own.
It is clear from the conclusion of this article that Gorkin, who by the late 1950s had evolved in an anti-Communist direction, considered that Serge was moving in that direction, and that his death prevented him from becoming a Cold War Socialist. Whilst there was a possibility of Serge’s moving in that direction had he lived longer, with his latterday writings containing many ambiguities, his evolution into anti-Communism was by no means certain.
We are greatly indebted for this translation to Richard Parry, who will be well known to our readers as the author of The Bonnot Gang (Rebel Press, 1987), an account of the famous Parisian Anarchist hold-ups of 1911 with which Serge was associated. Richard was also active on the short-lived Victor Serge Centenary Committee in London, and holds libertarian convictions.

IT was a miracle that Victor Serge was able to leave the Soviet Union in 1936: he was only spared from being condemned by the GPU to the common grave of the opposition by a matter of months. From that time forward his life and mine have been closely interlinked.
When he arrived in Brussels, the Spanish Civil War had already broken out, and I left Barcelona to go and welcome him. A man of some perception, he immediately told me to be on my guard against the dangers which lay in wait for our independent anti-Stalinist party: ‘If Stalin has decided to intervene in Spain at the same time as he is liquidating the opposition in Russia, he will not tolerate an opposition like yours abroad.’
I listened to him sceptically, as I had faith in the independent spirit of the Spanish people.
On his initiative we did the rounds of the leaders of the Second International. They told us straight that in their eyes, our struggle was a factional dispute, and they would prefer not to get involved.
‘The spirit of the Popular Front and Non-Intervention is blinding them.’ Such was Victor Serge’s assessment after this interview. Shaking his head sadly, he added: ‘You’ll have to fight on two fronts – against the Fascists and against the Stalinists. The latter will be the most dangerous. You will be alone, or almost alone.’
I asked him to accept the post of advisor on the daily paper that I edited in Barcelona. That is how some texts on world Communism and Soviet intervention in Spain that I published during a congress were drafted by him. [1] (I mention this here for the first time.)
A few weeks later, Andrés Nin and I learned that the Stalinists were preparing to destroy us. When we were arrested by the GPU (our trial was to be the first ‘Show Trial’ abroad), Serge showed himself to be our fiercest and most conscientious defender. He contributed greatly to saving me and my companions, except for Nin, who was tortured and murdered in Madrid. In return, I was one of those who helped Serge to survive. It could be said that we each devoted ourselves to the life of the other. Moreover, we were united by the strongest of bonds – solidarity.
For Serge and I and for some 20,000 Europeans (mainly Spanish Republicans) Mexico was the land of exile par excellence. Here Victor Serge began to feel really free; in my company he even became jolly and laughed. But it seldom lasted, and it did not take long for his expression to become sombre once again. For hours he would say little, and the few words that he spoke were tinged with a certain bitterness and sadness.
He was accustomed to think a great deal about others and little about himself, so the drama of others tortured him. He carried within him the self-devouring tragedy of the Russian Revolution and the faces of all the great revolutionaries who had disappeared or been exterminated, the invasion of the Soviet Union by Hitler, the tragedy of the conquered and betrayed people of Spain, for whom over a million dead clamoured for justice, and the misery of a France and a Belgium occupied by the Nazis …
The peoples of Russia, Spain, Belgium and France were dear to his heart – he had struggled and suffered with them. Like all thinkers and those who have lived with intensity, he liked retreat and solitude. However, I felt that it was not good for him to be left alone. During the first two years of our stay in Mexico, we shared the same flat. We each occupied one bedroom whilst sharing the dining room. Our adversaries claimed that we were in the pay of each of the capitalist powers in turn. Isolated, uncompromising, at the mercy of various currents, we had to struggle without respite to survive.
General Lázaro Cardeñas [2], President of Mexico, had generously offered us refuge, but had also offered it to our enemies. We, the independent revolutionaries, amounted to only a handful of people deprived of means and influence. Our enemies, on the other hand, were numerous, rich and powerful. Communist agents of all nationalities swarmed like flies in Mexico, but it was difficult to distinguish between the ordinary political militant and the GPU agent.
The Mexican Communist Party controlled by these agents could count on few adherents – scarcely 2,000. Nevertheless, it dominated the Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM), one of the pillars of the regime, thanks to Lombardo Toledano [3], a union leader in the country and continent. He also dominated the Workers’ University, which was funded by the state. Lastly, the Mexican Communist Party had reliable agents at their disposal in almost all government departments and nearly all the daily papers.
The Communist agents knew perfectly well that Serge would not remain silent and inactive in Mexico. Two letters of introduction had preceded his arrival. A year before, at the time of Trotsky’s assassination, I had published his Portrait of Stalin through a small publishing house that had been set up with much goodwill, but little money. The business failed, but the book remained.
Half a dozen members of the rich French expatriate community offered me several thousand pesos to set up a new publishing house. Serge had just arrived from Santo Domingo when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. I telegrammed him: ‘Prepare us an article immediately.’ Within a month he had written a powerful book, Hitler versus Stalin. He foresaw all sorts of disasters for the Soviet Union. He announced that masses of peasants would receive the Germans with open arms, but that Hitler would eventually collapse. The book was criticised as being very mistaken, despite the fact that after the war it was shown that he had, for the most part, been correct. This work precipitated the ruin of the new publishing house.
We understood the psychology of our adversaries quite well. If we were afraid, or if we stayed on the defensive, we would be lost. We had, on the contrary, to conceal our weakness and lack of resources behind a bold façade.
We organised a lecture by Serge in the huge Palace of Fine Art, a pompous marble edifice dating from the time of Porfirio Díaz. [4] The Mexican writer who should have chaired the meeting did not turn up. So Serge and I found ourselves alone on the platform as the Communists stormed in. Fortunately, the audience reacted and threw them out. The Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalists and left Socialists who had experienced the Communists during the Civil War sided with us. A large part of the Jewish community – above all the Socialists of Russian and Polish origin – did so too, as did almost all the independent Socialists from Western Europe, of whom a large number had distanced themselves from the Communists after the German-Soviet pact.
However, we had no Mexican support. This magnificent, complex and picturesque country, where death is the object of a cult as nowhere else, lived out its own post-revolutionary problems under the banner of nationalism which did not really glorify nationalism, but was touchy about it. This tradition expected expatriate communities of foreigners to get on with exploiting the local riches, and not to get mixed up in politics. What did all these Stalinists, Trotskyists, Anarchists, Bundists [5] and Socialists of left and right want? Why had they come to rekindle their quarrels on Mexican soil? So Mexican public opinion did not understand us – for them we were, at most, just a curious spectacle.
Between 1942 and 1944 our lives were threatened a good few times. On several occasions, for weeks and sometimes months, we had to go into hiding. Our assassination was being openly prepared. Mine was even announced in the columns of a local paper which supported Lombardo Toledano. We sent an open letter to the President of the Republic, who also received two other messages, one from the USA signed by more than 200 intellectuals, politicians and trade unionists, some of them very well known, and the other signed by a dozen British MPs and journalists. These insisted that he took measures to protect our threatened lives.
We made these and other documents public in a pamphlet entitled The GPU Prepares a New Crime and signed by Victor Serge, Marceau Pivert [6], Gustav Regler [7] and myself. (Marceau Pivert, an honest and dynamic Socialist condemned by Vichy, lived by giving French lessons before he founded the French Latin American Institute with Paul Rivet [8]; Gustav Regler, a writer from the Saarland and a Communist commissar in the International Brigades, had just broken with the Communists.)
Victor Serge drafted a Joint Declaration, which was the introduction to the pamphlet. Among other things he wrote:
The order of the all-powerful General Secretary [Stalin] is this: to profit from the rightful popularity that the Red Army’s heroism has won the Soviet Union and the wartime alliance with the democracies in order to discredit us, stifle our voice and do away with us.
He also said:
We do not agree, and never will agree, that enslaved peoples should be confused with their tyrants. We are, and we remain, shoulder to shoulder with the German people, the Italian people, the Spanish people, the French people and the Russian people, against the totalitarian regimes and in the service of all oppressed peoples. Such has always been the rule of our life.
And again further on:
We base our confidence in the future on the destruction and collapse of the totalitarian states and on the birth of a new Europe out of the present struggles, where at last the word ‘democracy’ will take on its real meaning for all the peoples who have been sacrificed, for all minorities and for all men. We want to participate in the construction of a Socialism restored to its dignity and real aims, which can only be through an organisation of free men. We want honest and clear ideas within a healthy workers’ movement invigorated by fraternal competition and free debate. From the heart of threatened democracy, of Socialism and the workers’ movement, above all we defend freedom of opinion and the human dignity of the militant, the rights of minorities and a critical spirit. We fight relentlessly, and we will not cease to fight, against controlled thought, the cult of the leader, passive obedience and the despicable ploys of parties subject to blind discipline, as well as the systematic use of lies, slander and assassinations. In this fight through which we have gone (something which we will never forget), we remember the countless individuals shot in the back in Russia, the Spanish fighters stabbed in the back, the beheaded revolutionaries of Germany, and the prisoners in the concentration camps of Dachau and the Solovietski Islands.
This declaration, which deserves to be quoted in full, is dated April 1942.
But Moscow had given the order to shut us up, and the campaign against us did not let up. When, in April 1943, we learned that Stalin had shot Alter and Erlich [9] – the two leaders of Jewish-Polish Socialism who had fled Hitlerism and taken refuge in the Soviet Union – we organised a protest meeting at the Iberian-Mexican Cultural Centre. (This centre had been set up by a number of Spanish refugees, and I had been appointed Chairman of its Cultural Commission.)
Before I had even opened the meeting, 200 armed Communists arrived in lorries and attacked the premises. I made sure that Victor Serge was got to safety, and then we defended ourselves. Our adversaries suffered a dozen slightly injured, whilst two of us, my friend Enrique Gironella [10] and myself, were seriously hurt.
Not only did we have to struggle against the campaign of lies and the danger of ‘physical termination’, but also against an almost complete absence of money. At the time of the struggle against the Opposition, Stalin had given the savage order: ‘Attack through the stomach.’ His Mexican agents strove hard to apply this to us. Though Mexico was indisputably a free country, our enemies possessed very powerful means of pressure and corruption.
As its ambassador to Mexico, the Kremlin had sent a man who was intelligent, dynamic, elegant, talented, still young and with a certain charm – Konstantin Umansky. [11] (He was to die in a mysterious aviation accident in Mexico in 1943.) Before this he had run the Press Agency, TASS, and he enjoyed the confidence of Beria, Manuilsky and Vyshinsky. [12] He belonged to the most orthodox of the Stalinist schools. Numerous experienced staff surrounded him. While Umansky hosted costly receptions, moved in high society, and won the favour of the public, his collaborators, mainly GPU agents, worked their men into the government and the press. For us, on the other hand, one platform after another was closed to us.
At this point, I think it is worthwhile to recount a personal experience. I ran the international political section of a weekly magazine that was indisputably independent, and Victor Serge wrote important articles for it. The editor was a good friend of ours. One day he was summoned by the Interior Minister, Miguel Alemán, a future President of the Republic [13], who told him:
The ambassadors of the Soviet Union and Great Britain are pressing for our government to withdraw all platforms for Serge and Gorkin. They are said to be enemies of the Allied cause, and they are accused of being agents of Hitler. We know that this is not true, but how can we resist such pressure? It appears that Moscow has lodged a complaint with London and Washington to this end, but that Washington has refused to intervene. We are an independent government, but we do not want to make trouble for ourselves.
Victor Serge was dedicated to his work, and he wrote without rest or respite. He hardly ever left his apartment, and when he did he took many precautions. He received few guests, and whenever the bell rang he looked at the visitor through the spyhole before he opened the door. He typed out his articles in closely packed lines on cheap copy paper, and with hardly any errors. He was sure of himself, his ideas and his conclusions, his memories and his style. In his Memoirs he recalled how he had decided to become a writer in 1928 after leaving prison after a serious illness: ‘I felt quite sure of myself in the business of writing.’ In Mexico he was more confident of himself than ever. Solitude and momentary misunderstandings had little effect on him.
I believe that the most mature and dense part of his work was written in Mexico. All the same, in his Carnets [14], he uttered this complaint:
It is terribly difficult to create in a void without the slightest support, without the least ambience … at the age of 50 writing just for the desk drawer, facing an unknown future which does not exclude the possibility that the dictatorships will last longer than the rest of my life …
His drawers were stuffed with manuscripts, but, for the moment, the publishing world was closed to him.
Serge began to ask himself whether his name might be an obstacle to the publication of his books. Might it not be better to hide behind a pseudonym? Of course, the obstacle was not just his name, but the content of his writings and his eyewitness accounts, which were disturbing in the circumstances because, from the other side of the world, he revealed a clear vision of the future. Only one of his books found a publisher – in Canada. Les Derniers Temps [15] was a novel inspired by the defeat of France and the start of the resistance. In my opinion, it is an excellent book, and the first of its kind. It went unnoticed, and very few people in France have ever read it. Next he composed his Memoirs. I read the manuscript line by line and told him with the brotherly sincerity of an old friend:
This is a magnificent document, one of the documents of this half century. But it is very dense and excessively laconic through the adoption of this telegraphic style. Such rich and varied material demands and merits development into a series.
He smiled, sceptical and bitter: ‘To what end? Who would publish me? And anyway I’m busy. Other books are waiting.’ He was busy … did he not realise that his end was near?
As for The Case of Comrade Tulayev [16], it is for me the best novel that has been written on the purges and the Stalinist show trials, as well as being Serge’s masterpiece. Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon is perhaps more descriptive in the technical material sense such as psychology, and is easier to read. But Serge’s novel has a power that is more real or, if you like, more realist. Koestler imagines his own agony, as well as that of his characters. Serge lived the former, and was like the latter. He produced characters of flesh and blood like those in his other novel, Midnight in the Century, the terrible realism of which we were unable to comprehend when it appeared.
His last novel, Les Années sans Pardon [17], is still unpublished. The work is made up of four parts that seem to have no link to one another. The first part unfolds in Paris before the war, and it looks towards the future, the second involves helping in the defence of Leningrad when besieged by the Nazis, the third retraces the collapse of Nazism seen from the viewpoint of a small provincial town, and the fourth is set in Mexico and tells of the death of an individual pursued by the NKVD. In Les Derniers Temps, another victim of the Soviet secret services suffers death, this time aboard ship. Are not these tragic characters a little like Victor himself sensing approaching death, and haunted by his fate? No doubt. Locked away at home or walking in the street, awake or asleep, he had a foreboding of a violent end, which haunted him without respite throughout his last years.
Victor Serge worked without rest because ‘he was busy’. Certainly he was worried about leaving his work unfinished, but also because, temporarily, work helped him to chase away from his soul the idea of death. In our conversations I avoided touching upon this subject, and tried instead to communicate my optimism, and to make him laugh. In his Carnets, which were not meant for publication, but which deserved to be and were published by René Juillard, could be found reflections of his preoccupations and innermost anxieties. ‘The most tragic thing about death’, he confided, ‘the thing most unacceptable to the mind, is the complete disappearance of a greatness of spirit, fashioned by experience, intellectual processes, knowledge and comprehension that is to a large extent incommunicable.’
Serge did not limit his activity to writing. He read – in half a dozen languages – anything of interest that fell into his hands, books, magazines, reports, newspapers … He followed both the daily turn of events and the currents of living thought. He was well informed about everything. At the same time, he kept up an abundant correspondence. He never wrote a pointless or merely polite letter, but each one of his missives had some real content, and bore the stamp of his innermost thoughts. He had nothing but contempt for standard expressions, commonplaces and ‘fossilised dogmas’.
We had a premonition that the end of the war – above all in Europe – was at hand. We had founded the International Socialist Commission and the monthly magazine Mundo under the banner of Socialism and freedom. We organised frequent meetings and debates. The driving force behind this magazine was my friend Gironella. I took on the job of Secretary of the International Commission, but the living thought, the creative urge, came principally from Serge. For him the terms ‘right’ and ‘left’ had lost all real significance. In the future there would no longer be any room for little groups and cliques, but only for large democratic formations capable of understanding and acting in the face of new needs and new problems. To the fossilised dogmatists who believed that a European revolution was inevitable at the end of the war, he replied:
A dark age is opening up before Europe and the world. The best revolutionaries have been destroyed by past defeats and the war. Time will have to elapse before new cadres are formed. The old Socialist programmes and routines have been superseded, and must be renewed. Stalinism, victorious thanks to the unconditional support and concessions made by the Allies, will be more dangerous than ever. If we want to save Europe we have to start by bringing together all free democratic forces in order simply to practice the art of not dying away.
This realistic language got little response.
In October 1944 he was already talking of ‘Permanent War’. He foresaw a long period of uninterrupted warfare of apparent local conflicts but with global significance: ‘Deep down, it will be a complex global civil war.’ He noted in his Carnets:
The end of the war against Nazism is approaching, but one can clearly see the conflict emerging between the Soviet economy and the other systems. No solution is visible for the question of Asia. To believe in total victories would be puerile.
He saw postwar Europe in a confused situation:
I am inclined to think that the fate of Europe will only be able to be decided when Stalinist totalitarianism has been restricted or destroyed by new conflicts that will necessarily arise. The victorious imposition of Stalinist hegemony over the greater part of Europe and Asia heralds a Third World War.
Serge passed away just when we needed him most.
The year of 1947 was devoted almost entirely to preparing for our return to France. Mine was to precede his by a few months. We had great projects relating to the problems of European unification, to the defence of human freedom and culture, and to the need to modernise Socialism:
Its only hope of life and victory is in its intransigence vis-à-vis Stalinist totalitarianism by upholding a belief in democracy and humanism (excluding controlled thought), and in relation to capitalist conservatism, to fight for the re-establishment of traditional democratic freedoms made revolutionary once again.
However, I saw him growing old and tired. He was not yet 56 years old. His doctor, a friend to whom he was deeply attached, told me bluntly one day, ‘he’s doomed’, and, reading astonishment in my eyes, he explained, ‘his heart.’
About 10 o’clock in the evening on 17 November 1947, I left Victor Serge in a street in the town centre. He gave me a warm handshake. He was going to see his son Vlady. All of a sudden, he had an uncomfortable feeling and felt faint. He hailed a taxi and sat in the back of the car. He never had time to give the address – he just died. The driver took the corpse of the unknown man to a police station. We found him there shortly after midnight. In a bare shabby room with grey walls, he was laid out on an old operating table, wearing a threadbare suit and a worker’s shirt, with holes in his shoes. A cloth bandage covered the mouth that all the tyrannies of the century had not been able to shut. One might have thought that he was a vagabond who had been taken in out of charity. In fact, had he not been an eternal vagabond of life in search of the ideal? His face still bore the stamp of bitter irony, an expression of protest – the last protest of Victor Serge who had, all his life, stood up against injustice.
His body was taken to the main parlour of the undertakers. We chose a fine coffin for him, and surrounded him with flowers. Victor Serge certainly deserved that. But even when we had clubbed together, we still did not have enough to pay for his burial.
I was given the responsibility of filling in the form before the burial. When it came to the heading ‘Nationality’, I wrote ‘Stateless’. Which he was. The undertaker got annoyed – he would not allow him to be buried if he did not have a nationality. How could you bury a man without a country? I called Vlady over: ‘If your father had to choose a nationality, which one would he have taken?’ ‘Spanish nationality’, he replied without hesitating.
So the Russian-Belgian writer Victor Serge was laid to rest in the French cemetery in Mexico City as a Spanish subject.
March 1957


1. Gorkin was editor of La Batalla, the paper of the POUM. It is uncertain to which conference he is referring.
2. General Lázaro Cardeñas (1895–1970), President of Mexico from 1934 to 1940, gave asylum to Trotsky, as well as to many who fled Spain after the end of the Spanish Civil War.
3. Vicente Lombardo Toledano (1893–1968), leader of the Mexican Confederation of Workers, played a major part in the slander campaign against Trotsky and other anti-Stalinist exiles in Mexico.
4. Porfirio Díaz (1830–1915), President of Mexico from 1877 to 1911, provided a period of stability to the country at the cost of dictatorship.
5. The General Union of Jewish Workers in Russia, Lithuania and Poland, usually known as the Bund, was founded in Vilna in 1897. Cf. Clive Gilbert, A Revolution in Jewish Life: The History of the Jewish Workers Bund, Jewish Socialist Group, London 1987.
6. Marceau Pivert (1895–1958) was the leader of the left wing of the French Socialist party, the SFIO, and left it to set up his own Parti socialiste ouvrier et paysan (PSOP) in 1937. He fled to Mexico during the Second World War.
7. Gustav Regler (1898– ) was a German novelist and former political commissar attached to the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War, who broke with Stalinism in 1939.
8. Paul Rivet (1876–1958) was Director of the Musée de l’Homme and founder of the Comité de Vigilance des Intellectuals AntiFascistes.
9. Victor Alter (1890–1942) and Henryk Erlich (1882–1942) were leaders of the Bund murdered by the Soviet NKVD in December 1942. Cf. Revolutionary History, Volume 1, no. 4, Winter 1988–89, pp. 41–2.
10. Enrigue Adrober Pascual, known as Gironella (1908–1968), a leader of the POUM, was Commissar for Transport in the Council of the Anti-Fascist Militias of Catalonia in 1936.
11. Konstantin Alexandrovich Umansky (1902–1945) was Soviet Ambassador to Mexico, and then to the USA.
12. Lavrenti Beria (1899–1953), the head of the NKVD, Dmitri Z. Manuilsky (1883–1952), the former Secretary of the Communist International, and Andrei Vyshinsky (1883–1954), an ex-Menshevik who was the state prosecutor during the Moscow Trials, were all notorious Stalinists. It has recently been revealed that Vyshinsky processed the order for the arrest of Lenin on the instructions of the Provisional Government in 1917.
13. Miguel Alemán (1902–1983) successfully managed the presidential campaign of Manila Avila Camacho in 1940, and was rewarded with the powerful position of Minister of the Interior. His own rule as President later on (1946–1952) was noted for its corruption.
14. First French publication by Juillard in 1951, and republished in 1985. An English translation does exist, but it has not yet found a publisher.
15. Translated as The Long Dusk, New Dial Press, New York 1946.
16. First published in English in 1962, and republished by Pluto Press and Bookmarks in 1992.
17. Published by Maspéro, Paris, 1971. No English translation has yet appeared.


Gabriel García Márquez, Conjurer of Literary Magic, Dies at 87


Although I have reviewed a number of novels, political or otherwise, in this space over the past several years the name of the Nobel Literature laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez has been mentioned here only in passing as one of the "talking heads" in documentary reviews about his long time friend, the Cuban Revolution's Fidel Castro. This recent biography of Marquez, which I have not read yet, according to the guest book review cited above delves into that relationship. In any case, for those with a bent toward his last works this review below will have to do for now. I will review the few Marquez's novels that I have read, including the magically realistic (whee!) One Hundred Years Of Solitude, at some later time. GGM-RIP-April 2014 

Clandestine in Chile: The Adventures of Miguel Littín


Clandestine in Chile cover
In 1973, the film director Miguel Littín fled Chile after a U.S.-supported military coup toppled the democratically elected socialist government of Salvador Allende. The new dictator, General Augusto Pinochet, instituted a reign of terror and turned Chile into a laboratory to test the poisonous prescriptions of the American economist Milton Friedman. In 1985, Littín returned to Chile disguised as a Uruguayan businessman. He was desperate to see the homeland he’d been exiled from for so many years; he also meant to pull off a very tricky stunt: with the help of three film crews from three different countries, each supposedly busy making a movie to promote tourism, he would secretly put together a film that would tell the truth about Pinochet’s benighted Chile—a film that would capture the world’s attention while landing the general and his secret police with a very visible black eye.

Afterwards, the great novelist Gabriel García Márquez sat down with Littín to hear the story of his escapade, with all its scary, comic, and not-a-little surreal ups and downs. Then, applying the same unequaled gifts that had already gained him a Nobel Prize, García Márquez wrote it down. Clandestine in Chile is a true-life adventure story and a classic of modern reportage.


Reissued nearly 25 years after its initial appearance, the book recounts a middle-aged caper, vainglorious yet genuinely gripping. Time has drained the adventure of its urgency, and our geographical and cultural distance blunts its force. Still, this remains a significant document. An invaluable preface by Francisco Goldman explains why.
The Boston Globe

The journalism which began Márquez’s Nobel Prize-winning career is employed here not only to tell Littín’s remarkable story, but offer a tragic summary of Chilean politics.
The Independent (London)

The story and perhaps the words are another’s but the élan is all Gabriel García Márquez’s. John Updike, The New Yorker
An extraordinary adventure which would make good comedy if it did not take place against the background of one of the most repressive regimes in modern times.
Courier Mail

Two foremost artists of Latin America meet in this breathtaking story…. The narrative progresses in a sober, almost matter-of-fact tone, allowing the reader to go along, to imagine, to breathe the atmosphere charged with impending dangers and to experience, as near as reading permits, the ugly dictatorship of General Pinochet, entrenched in Chile since 1973…. Clandestine is a fascinating literary journey… the book alone is celebration enough of human ingenuity and determination. I recommend it wholeheartedly.
—Marjorie Agosín, The Christian Science Monitor

Gabriel García Márquez, Conjurer of Literary Magic, Dies at 87

***Growing Up Absurd In The 1950s- In The Heat Of The Last Dance Night

Recently in a related sketch about growing up absurd in the 1950s I commented on my cluelessness about what to do, or not do, about girls which went like this:

“Nobody, nobody that I can recall, ever spoke about sex, ever informed us three boys, three Roman Catholic household boys, about what the heck to do with, ah, girls, or about them. And so we, I, learned the personal arts out on the streets just like about every kid did in our 1950s Irish and Italian-edged working-class neighborhood. Learned it mostly wrong, mostly hard-bitten and mostly hurt-filled before we, I, got it more or less right a couple of divorces, and a few sorrows later. The intertwined bodies’ part was the least of it, far more worrisome, far more challenging was that first last dance kiss, the one that sealed your fate for a while anyway. Some things once you start growing old you are mournful over but not that. Here’s somebody’s story that proves the point.”

And this one will put paid to that point as well.  


Scene: Prompted by the cover photograph, the memory cover photograph, which graced each CD compilation in a Heart of Rock ‘n’ Roll series recently reviewed here. The photo on this CD, as might be expected, shows a he, Jimmy Callahan, and a she, Kathy Kelly, in formal attire dancing, dancing that last sweet teenage high school, maybe the senior prom, dance. Or it had better be else this scene will turn to ashes)

“I don’t understand why it took you so long to ask me out, Mr. James Callahan,” murmured Kathy Kelly as they clasped hands in anticipation of the last dance. Jimmy mumbled, or it seemed like mumbling to Kathy, that he was shy, that he was busy, that he wasn’t sure that she even noticed him, or if she did notice him, liked him. Kids’ stuff, typical guy kids’ stuff, thought Kathy. But just now, unbelievably, the last dance, the last sweet time high school dance before facing the Cold War world and whatever it held out in that 1957 night, was to begin. But that world stuff was for tomorrow tonight Kathy has finally, finally, snagged the boy she has been mooning over for, well, let’s leave it as a long time, long before rock ‘n’ roll made it easier for a guy like Jimmy Callahan to ask a girl like Kathy Kelly out on to the dance floor without having to get all balled up in following the leader close dancing, sweaty palms and all. Now though was the time for slow dancing, slow last dance dancing and two-left feet, two left-shoeless feet, heck, two left-snow-shoed shod feet or not, Jimmy, as Kathy beamed to herself, was snagged.

Kathy looking resplendent in her Filene’s finest formal dress, complete with lacy see-though shawl, and topped off with a Jimmy corsage, a corsage that spoke more powerfully to her victory than ten million dances, and that finally felt that it all worth it feeling another ten million. Worth the “every trick in the book” that she had to pull out of the hat in order that he would “ask” her to their senior prom, the last chance Kathy would get to claim her Jimmy before he left for State later in the summer. Just that hand-clasped moment she hoped, hoped to the stars above, that they played her “their” song, a song that she had been listening to with Jimmy last dance dancing in mind since, well, you already know, a long time.

That right choice might also be the last chance to put her mark on him, although earlier in the evening she sensed something, something unsaid, when they played 16 Candles by the Crests and Jimmy mumbled something about how he was sorry that he couldn’t make it to her 16th birthday party, although Kathy had gone through six levels of hell to try and get him there. Then he kind of backed off when they played Patsy Cline’s cover of Crazy and right after that he said he didn’t understand how someone could keep on “carrying the torch” when the love affair was over. And he was definitely moody when they played I’m Sorry by Brenda Lee, calling it drippy. He lightened up a little when they played in In The Still Of The Night by the Five Satins and said he loved doo wop, proving it by knowing all the words and doing some fine harmony in his deep bass voice.

Suddenly some awfully familiar music started up and the last dance began, the last dance ending with Only You by The Platters. And just as the Platters got into the heart of the song, the heart-felt “only you” part, Jimmy, red-faced, shy, two left-feet Jimmy, asked Miss Kathy Kelly if she would come up and visit him at State in the fall. Ah, very heaven.


***Growing Up Absurd In The 1950s- In The Heart Of The Last Dance Kiss Night

Click on the headline to link to a YouTube film clip of Elvis Presley performing his classic, Love Me.
Nobody, nobody that I can recall, ever spoke about sex, ever informed us three boys, three Roman Catholic household boys, about what the heck to do with, ah, girls, or about them. And so we, I, learned the personal arts out on the streets just like about every kid did in our 1950s Irish and Italian-edged working-class neighborhood. Learned it mostly wrong, mostly hard-bitten and mostly hurt-filled before we, I, got it more or less right a couple of divorces, and a few sorrows later. The intertwined bodies’ part was the least of it, far more worrisome, far more challenging was that first last dance kiss, the one that sealed your fate for a while anyway. Some things once you start growing old you are mournful over but not that. Here’s somebody’s story that proves the point.  




Scene: (Prompted by the cover photograph, the memory cover photograph, which graced each CD compilation in a Heart of Rock ‘n’ Roll series that I recently reviewed. The photo on this CD, as might be expected in the 1950s night, shows a he, Johnny Riley, and a she, Peggy McGuire, half-dancing, half-embracing, half-kissing (wait a minute that is too many halves, right?). Kissing that last dance kiss as if their lives depended on it, and maybe it does. Or it had better be so else this scene will turn to ashes)

Johnny Riley had been thinking, thinking hard about Peggy, Peggy McGuire, all day as he prepared himself in anticipation of his date with her for that night’s school dance over at the North Adamsville High gym. Although they had only gone out a few times, a few glorious down the day time beach, out to the movies, and after school bowling at Jake’s Bowling and pizza at Salducci’s times he was thinking hard about her just the same.

Yah, it was getting to be like that. More pressing though was, if she liked him too, and he thought she might, what it would be like on their first kiss. She looked like a good kisser but kissing, although he didn’t have all that much experience at it truth to tell, wasn’t something you could tell about by looking; only doing. With that “wisdom” in mind he planned, planned hard, almost as hard as he was thinking about Peggy on how he would “work” around to that first kiss tonight. Yah, tonight was the night he thought to himself later as he made his final preparations, teeth brushed, check, mouth washed, check, deodorant applied, check, hair tonic-ed splashed and hair combed, check. Ready.

And out the door with the keys to father’s, clueless father’s, automobile on loan, on special Johnny loan for this evening because Johnny’s father “liked” Peggy. Johnny wondered, wondered for just a second, whether his father and mother kissed. Nah, no way. And as he drove to pick Peggy up Johnny went through his plan in his head one more time. At the dance he was going to dance all the slow dances real close and real physical to get her worked up a little. Then after the dance suggest that they go to Salducci’s for some pizza and then down the beach to “watch the submarine races.” Although he wouldn’t say that but more like it was nice night and let’s go down to the beach and watch the moon or something like that. The key though was to get her “in the mood” with that slow-dancing.

Well, Johnny picked Peggy up, they talked in the car on the way over, just chitchat stuff, Johnny parked the car, and they went into the dance. No problems so far, and things were going according to Johnny plan because no sooner had they got there than the DJ played Fever by Little Willie John and Johnny “worked” his closeness magic and a few songs later with Long Lonely Nights by Lee Andrews and The Hearts. After intermission the DJ played Ivory Joe Hunter’s Empty Arms, a song, no question, designed to bring lips together. And Johnny could sense that Peggy, every time he held her closer, didn’t try to back off but just followed his lead and stayed close. Yes, this was going to be the night. A couple of songs they sat out as both agreed they were drippy like old foggy Pat Boone’s April Love and Lloyd Price’s Just Because.

Then Elvis’ Love Me came on and they got up again to dance. About two seconds into the dance Peggy gave Johnny the biggest kiss he had ever received in his life, not a long kiss but big, big with meaning, kiss. Right on the dance floor. And then Peggy said she had enough of dancing and since it was such a nice night maybe they could go down to the beach to cool off and “watch the submarine races.” See, as hard as Johnny was thinking about Peggy that day, Peggy McGuire was thinking just a little harder about him, and about why he was taking so long to give her a first kiss like he didn’t want to. So a girl had to take things in hand sometimes. Of course old clueless Johnny only found this out, between kisses, as they were watching those “submarine races” on that nice night down at the beach. Thanks Elvis.

***Where The Dough Is-Redux- Pierce Brosnan’s The Thomas Crown Affair

DVD Review

From The Pen Of Frank Jackman

The Thomas Crown Affair, starring Pierce Brosnan, Rene Russo,  1999

Recently in reviewing the original 1968 Steve McQueen/Faye Dunaway version of the film under review, The Thomas Crown Affair, I made the following comment:  

“Everybody knows banks, whether in storefronts, in supermarket lobbies, or in marbled edifices, is where the money is. A lot of people also know of the old yegg, Willie Sutton and his famous, or infamous, remark when asked why he robbed banks and noted sardonically that was where the money was. The question posed by the film under review, The Thomas Crown Affair, is why was a guy who has plenty of money (some four million dollars, yes, pocket change today, hardly walking around money, but a substantial amount in 1968) winding up as the prime suspect in a major Boston bank robbery. Strangely enough Thomas Crown’s answer is very much like Brother Sutton’s-that is where the dough is.”

And notwithstanding the change from the bank world to the art museum world that same question can be posed again here-that is where the high-end paintings are. 

Here is the skinny this time. Super-wealthy New York socialite, Thomas Crown (played by the handsome Irish devil Pierce Brosnan) bored/intrigued/into risk-taking on a big scale who plans capers, you know, basically for the sake of doing them. The one that is central to this film is a 100 million dollar Monet theft down at the Met in New York City. On this caper he gets away with it for a while because he hires guys who don’t know each other or him on a contract basis and so he is somewhat immune to being ratted on by snitches and guys turning over on him when the heat is on. Finding out who and what this non-criminal criminal is doing drives the action in this film both for the public and private investigators.       

Naturally the New York cops are clueless about how to handle such a case where it appears that the job was done seamlessly, there was no word on the street about the guy behind the heist and they have to go outside the doughnut shop where they usually hang out to work this one out. Enter one drop-dead sexy sultry female private insurance investigator (played by Rene Russo) who has a serious reputation for  getting the hard cases solved for a serious cut of the recovery money. So Renee (like Faye Dunaway, who has a small role here, in the original)goes to work, gets very close, too close in the end, to this wizard socialite Crown who has a serious case of getting his kicks by high risk actions.

Oh yeah, but wait a minute we have Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo in this one, two beautiful people from the 1990s so you know that, well, sex has to show up or this might as well have been a film noir, or something. So sure they ruffle up some sheets, make that plenty of sheets, and Renee gets a little religion about Pierce. So things work out in the end with a little plot twist about where the stolen Monet is located and the happy couple head off into the sunset to share their legitimate dough and bed together.  

The original TCA has a slight edge here in this reviewer’s eyes because there was about eight million degrees more chemistry between those two-just ask Faye.

Friday, April 18, 2014








Thousands of innocent people have been killed by U.S. drones.  We will read the names of victims and speak out against the new forms of warfare and the surveillance state.  We are gathering at MIT, a major center of drone research.

Spread the word and


Take Action to Protest $3.1 Billion in Weapons for Israel

Recently, Secretary of State John Kerry expressed frustration at Israel for torpedoing negotiations by expanding settlements yet again. Despite this, the Obama administration earmarked another $3.1 billion for weapons to Israel in the FY2015 budget request it sent last month to Congress. On the left: DC bus ad campaign of member group American Muslims for Palestine. Sign this petition to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees urging them to hold Israel accountable for misusing U.S. weapons in violation of U.S. laws to commit human rights abuses against Palestinians..


The Class Struggle Continues...


The Class Struggle Continues...


The Class Struggle Continues...