Thursday, July 09, 2015

A Voice From The Left-The Latest From The Steve Lendman Blog

A Voice From The Left-The Latest From The Steve Lendman Blog


 A link below to link to the Steve Lendman Blog


Sam Lowell was feeling his years these days, not so much the physical aches and pains that seem to reside for months when in the days of his youth, the days when he would cavort around the country doing his best Jack Kerouac on the road imitation and later after Jake Jacobs was killed in some Vietnam outpost in the Central Highlands his best high hat radical fight against the American monster role, and think nothing of it but politically weary.  As he told his old time friend and comrade Ralph Morris over the cellphone one night when he was feeling down after a day of trying to get his Congressman, Danny Shea, to listen to him and the others in his delegation to vote against the war appropriations for the Middle East nightmare and for the umpteenth time was told that by Shea that he had to support  the supply of American “boots on the ground” no matter what,  he was weary unto death of such thankless delegations, small anti-war rallies where passers-by show utter indifference and of people refusing to talk any serious politics except the fruitless “horse race” stuff for President and the like. (That comrade expression by the way not signifying some allegiance to Moscow or Peking [sic] like it very well might have done in the old days but in the old fashion 19th century way to connote a politically solid friendship for which either party would scale the barricades for, and gladly.

Of course Ralph felt a little badly for Sam (although he knew better than to mention the fact to Sam for Sam was not the kind of guy who took feeling badly for, especially in politics, with good grace) since he had been instrumental in getting Sam back into the left-wing liberal political battles back in 2002 in the lead-up to the Bush junior Iraq War after years of badgering him about his withdrawal from active progressive politics when the great wave of the 1960s ebbed and it looked like an Ice Age had set in for the kind of world that they both were seeking in their callow youths. Ralph had stayed far more active in progressive circles over the years but even he had to admit that he had drifted far from the in-your-face street confrontations like the one down in Washington in 1971 where he and Sam had met in RFK Stadium after they had been arrested and placed there after an indiscriminate police round-up of anybody who even looked young and was not wearing a three-piece suit that day. He had spent his off-hours when not running his father’s electrical shop doing the exact same things that Sam had bitched to him about over the phone. With the advent of the Internet and the rise of social networking he had originally thought that the old idea of a world “tribal youth nation” had traction again. He had even gone full force when the rising star of Barack Obama seemed like it would push the rock up the hill. And although that particular star had turned into a cipher he was still fighting the good fight trying to make this foolish messy democratic system work since those old street confrontation days didn’t produce anything but forty plus years of cold cultural civils wars, and they were not on the winning side.

Ralph thought he would try to buck Sam up after that last call by referring him to some blogs that he “followed” (followed here meaning merely clinking onto the blogger’s homepage and nothing more sinister like some cultish madness that he had nearly got caught up in after the ‘60s wave turned tepid and he was looking for some “new age” personal solutions) to show he had kindred out there in the progressive political universe. Sam did pay attention to a couple, one in particular the Steve Lendman blog which gave good analyses but after a while he had this abiding feeling that he was again spinning his wheels in this progressive mish-mash. He decided to write something about his dilemma although he is not a writer but rather had just recently retired from the printing business which was taken over by his son. Here is what he had to say, and here is where the problem lies:    

Over the last couple of years that I have been presenting political material in this space I have had occasion to re-post items from some sites which I find interesting, interesting for a host of political reasons, although I am not necessarily in agreement with what has been published. Two such sites have stood out, The Rag Blog, which I like to re-post items from because it has articles by many of my fellow Generation of ’68 residual radicals and ex-radicals who still care to put pen to paper and the blog cited here, the Steve Lendman Blog.  The reason for re-postings from this latter site is slightly different since the site represents a modern day left- liberal political slant. That is the element, the pool if you will, that we radicals have to draw from, have to move left, if we are to grow. So it is important to have the pulse of what issues motivate that milieu and I believe that this blog is a lightning rod for those political tendencies. 

I would also add that the blog is a fountain of rational, reasonable and unrepentant anti-Zionism which became apparent once again in the summer of 2014 when defense of the Palestinian people in Gaza was the pressing political issue and we were being stonewalled and lied to by the bourgeois media in service of American and Israeli interests. This blog was like a breath of fresh air.

I place some material in this space which I believe may be of interest to the radical public that I do not necessarily agree with or support. One of the worst aspects of the old New Left back in the 1970s as many turned to Marxism after about fifty other theories did not work out (mainly centered on some student-based movements that were somehow to bring down the beast without a struggle for state power) was replicating the worst of the old Old Left and freezing out political debate with other opponents on the Left to try to clarify the pressing issues of the day. That freezing out , more times than I care to mention including my own behavior a few times, included physical exclusion and intimidation. I have since come to believe that the fight around programs and politics is what makes us different, and more interesting. The mix of ideas, personalities and programs, will sort themselves out in the furnace of the revolution as they have done in the past. 

Off-hand, as I have mentioned before, I think it would be easier, infinitely easier, to fight for the socialist revolution straight up than some of the “remedies” provided by the commentators in these various blogs and other networking media. But part of that struggle for the socialist revolution is to sort out the “real” stuff from the fluff as we struggle for that more just world that animates our efforts. So read on. 

The left-liberal/radical arena in American politics has been on a steep decline since I was a whole-hearted denizen of that milieu in my youth somewhere slightly to the left of Robert Kennedy back in 1968 say but still immersed in trying put band-aids on the capitalist system. That is the place where Steve Lendman with his helpful well informed blog finds himself. As do my old anti-war comrade Ralph Morris and myself as well. It is not an enviable place to be for anyone to have a solid critique of bourgeois politics, hard American imperial politics in the 21st century and have no ready source in that milieu to take on the issues and make a difference (and as an important adjunct to that American critique a solid critique of the American government acting as front-man for every nefarious move the Israeli government makes toward increasing the oppression of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank). 

Of course I had the luxury, if one could call it that, which a look at Mr. Lendman's bio information indicates that he did not have, was the pivotal experience in the late 1960s of being inducted, kicking and screaming but inducted, into the American army in its losing fight against the heroic Vietnamese resistance. That signal event disabused me, although it took a while to get "religion," on the question of the idea of depending on bourgeois society to reform itself. On specific issues like the fight against the death penalty, the fight for the $15 minimum wage, immigration reform and the like I have worked with that left-liberal/ radical milieu, and gladly, but as for continuing to believe against all evidence that the damn thing can be reformed that is where we part company. Still Brother Lendman keep up the good work and I hope you find a political home worthy of your important work. Hell, I hope I can find such a home too because this endless beseeching of bourgeois politicians to do the right thing is getting threadbare and getting me    old time street action crazy.                 

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

From The Marxist Archives -Taking Down The Confederate Flag Of Slavery In South Carolina Is Only The “Pale” Beginning

Workers Vanguard No. 1067
1 May 2015
Walter Scott Gunned Down in Charleston
Racist Cop Terror: Time for Labor to Take a Stand
The widely viewed video images from North Charleston, South Carolina, are yet another grim reminder of the racist police terror that is a daily and deadly fact of life for the mass of the black population in capitalist America. A white cop pulled over 50-year-old Walter Scott on April 4, supposedly for driving with a faulty taillight. When Scott makes a break for it, Officer Michael Slager squeezes off eight shots in rapid succession. Hit five times from behind, Scott crumples to the ground, where he is handcuffed and left to die. Slager then plants his taser next to the body. A black cop, Clarence Habersham, arrives moments later and does nothing to save Scott’s life.
Walter Scott’s brother Rodney, a member of International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) Local 1422, referred to Slager “using my brother for target practice.” This coldblooded execution, evocative of an overseer gunning down a runaway slave, is just one of many in the past year to have touched a raw nerve with black people across the country. Another is the gruesome killing of Freddie Gray, whose voice box was crushed and spinal cord almost completely severed by Baltimore police. As enforcers of a system rooted in ruthless exploitation and racial oppression, cops harass, brutalize and kill black and Latino people without stop and attack striking workers when they set up effective picket lines.
Hundreds of mourners attended Walter Scott’s funeral on April 11, and the NAACP and Black Lives Matter among others have held a series of rallies, vigils and meetings. In addition to Rodney, other relatives of Walter Scott are also members of ILA Local 1422, as are relatives of Denzel Curnell and Asberry Wylder, previous victims of trigger-happy Charleston-area cops. Local 1422 (whose membership is made up of black workers) has made its union hall available as an organizing center for protest, but to date has given no indication that it will call out its members.
In response to the killings of Scott and Gray, and the long roster of others whose lives have been snuffed out by the police, a clarion call for massive labor-centered protest should ring out. What is necessary is for the social power of the working class to be mobilized independently of the capitalist class enemy and its political representatives in the Democratic and Republican parties. If, say, Local 1422 were to place itself at the front of protest against police terror, it would draw in other unions and demonstrate the kind of muscle that could put the cops on notice. And in mobilizing under their own banners, workers could get a sense of their social power and gain confidence for the battles to come. Such an action would also drive home to workers everywhere that they have a vital interest in the fight against black oppression.
Longshoremen are in a position to show the way. The ILA in the “right to work” South is a bulwark of labor/black power, with an ability to cut off the flow of goods (and therefore profits) and a real authority in the broader black community. Today, any ILA action would resonate far beyond the waterfront. In a state where unionization is at rock bottom and poverty is rife, Local 1422 has admirably taken up important causes over the years. It has supplied its hall as a base, and its members as volunteers, for numerous union organizing efforts, including sanitation workers and port truckers, and other crucial struggles such as for immigrant rights.
But at the same time, the Local 1422 leadership has shied away from militant mobilizations of the union in its own name, not wanting to alienate false “friend of labor” Democrats, who no less than the Republicans build up the police and their repressive powers. In this vein, Local 1422 president Kenneth Riley pledged in an April 9 statement on the killing of Walter Scott that the union “will continue to work with community leaders and lawmakers throughout the State of South Carolina to prevent these types of tragedies from ever happening again.”
In response to an appeal from Local 1422 for solidarity from its allies in the workers movement, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10 in the Bay Area has announced it will stop work at the Port of Oakland on May Day to protest against the killer cops and will march to City Hall. This planned shutdown points to the kind of working-class action that is needed. But an independent demonstration of union power would have to be counterposed to support for Democrats and liberal police reform schemes. However, that is not the policy of the ILWU officialdom.
A similar Local 10 work stoppage was held in October 2010 to demand “justice for Oscar Grant,” who was shot dead by a BART transit cop on New Year’s Day 2009 in Oakland. At the rally associated with the port shutdown, left-talking union bureaucrats channeled anger over Grant’s killing into appeals for the capitalist state to “jail the killer cops.” Such demands lull the working class and black people into believing the illusion that the courts of the class enemy will punish its armed thugs.
Truth is, under capitalism, the role of the courts and prosecutors is to lock up the many victims of the marauding cops, not the other way around. According to an analysis by the Washington Post (April 11), among the thousands of fatal shootings at the hands of police since 2005, only 54 officers were ever charged, with most of those later cleared or acquitted. No South Carolina cop has been convicted in the last five years. On the rare occasion an officer is found guilty, he almost always gets just a slap on the wrist, like Oscar Grant’s killer.
The reason is that the cops are the guard dogs of capitalist rule. As Bolshevik leader V.I. Lenin put it: “Forming a professional caste of men trained in the practice of violence upon the poor, men who receive somewhat higher pay and the privileges that go with authority (to say nothing of ‘gratuities’), the police everywhere, in every republic, however democratic, where the bourgeoisie is in power, always remains the unfailing weapon, the chief support and protection of the bourgeoisie.”
At first, city and state officials all rushed to defend the North Charleston killer cop, who had shared a laugh over his “pumping” adrenaline with a senior officer as Scott bled out. But the video, recorded and given to the Scott family by witness Feidin Santana, caught out the cops in their lies, showing the taser being planted (and CPR not being administered). If this thug in blue had simply blown away his victim, he undoubtedly would still be in uniform, video or no. In response to the ensuing uproar, bourgeois politicians, Republican and Democrat alike, scrambled to shore up public trust in the forces of “law and order” by issuing empty condemnations of Slager. The filing of murder charges against Slager was intended to put matters to rest so the police could better go about their business.
As usual when the image of the police is in need of some repair, black preachers and Democratic Party hucksters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (who delivered a speech to a sizable crowd at the Local 1422 hall) showed up to push the lie that the racist killers can be transformed into something more benign. Things would be different, it is claimed, if there were more black cops in North Charleston, or if the Feds came in to clean up the racist police. More body cameras and national legislation on policing standards, we are told, would improve accountability. This is a lie: the cops will never be “accountable to the community.”
These so-called reforms would change nothing fundamental. Black cops (like Habersham) do the same job as their white counterparts. The federal government isn’t going to help—it oversees the whole plantation of racist American capitalism. Needless to say, cop abuse of the black masses remains pervasive where the Justice Department has intervened into municipal police departments, such as in Los Angeles and Cleveland. And the Obama administration gave a free pass to the killers of both Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. As for video, its proliferation in recent years has not slowed cop marauding in the slightest. Racist police brutality will not end short of the overthrow of the very capitalist system that cops “serve and protect.”
Labor Rights and Black Rights Go Hand in Hand
The cops run roughshod over the vast numbers of black people condemned to poverty and misery by a system that has no jobs to provide them. Many are swept up in the racist “war on drugs,” and more and more have fallen prey to the revived practice of imprisoning debtors, including Walter Scott who was ensnared in a cycle of unpaid child support, stints in jail and lost jobs. But the fundamental purpose of the machinery of state repression—the cops, the courts, the prisons—is to suppress the one force in this society that does have the social power, based on its role in production, to prevail against racist American capitalism: the multiracial working class.
ILA Local 1422 itself is no stranger to organized state violence. When picketing in January 2000 to stop a non-union operator from working a ship, unionists were met by an army of 600 municipal, county and state police clad in riot gear and backed with armored vehicles and helicopters. Firing tear gas, shock grenades and pellet bags, the cops waded into the union picket swinging long wooden clubs. The furious assault came only days after a Local 1422 contingent had participated in a 50,000-strong protest against the Confederate flag being flown atop the state capitol in Columbia.
Local 1422 backed down the union-busters, who returned the jobs to the ILA. The defiant stand of ILA members, a taste of the hard-fought class struggle by which the labor movement has won its major gains, inspired broad layers of the working class in South Carolina and beyond. The Charleston Five, arrested for defending their union that day, were saved from years in prison through a campaign of international labor solidarity.
There is an inseparable connection between the fight for the rights of labor and of black people. Today, the need for the revitalization of the labor movement is sharply posed. A key task is organizing the “open shop” bastion that is the South, where much of the country’s industry has shifted. This task is impossible without taking head-on the race-color caste oppression of black people that is a bedrock of the capitalist order in this country. Racism has proved invaluable to the capitalist rulers in dividing workers and weakening their struggles against the bosses.
ILA Local 1422 and South Carolina AFL-CIO officials are assisting the campaign by the IAM machinists union to organize the Boeing manufacturing facility in North Charleston. To date, the IAM bureaucrats have pursued an entirely legalistic, and losing, strategy. In the face of a vicious anti-union campaign by the company and bourgeois politicians (chief among them the union-hating Republican governor Nikki Haley), the IAM recently postponed its representation vote. A show of labor power in defense of the black population against unbridled police violence would breathe new life into the stalled organizing drive. If the union movement signaled in action that it would wage a fight in the interests of workers and the oppressed, it would inspire black and white workers alike to support the union organizing drive.
Mass pickets, occupations and solidarity strikes were the tools of the workers who built the CIO industrial unions in the 1930s, not just in the North. In fact, one of the most effective sit-down strikes of the period took place in Birmingham, Alabama. On Christmas Eve in 1936, black steel workers, led by two members of the Communist Party, struck the American Casting Company. The victory was a springboard to the CIO-affiliated Steel Workers Organizing Committee obtaining exclusive bargaining rights in the city’s steel industry five years later, even as the Birmingham police chief vowed to quash all strikes. The broader fight to organize the South was shipwrecked by the trade-union bureaucracy’s alliance with the Democrats, which in the South meant the racist Dixiecrats.
What the labor movement needs is a new, class-struggle leadership. Those sitting atop today’s unions are prostrate before the capitalist rulers. Their treachery to the working class is perhaps nowhere more evident than when they embrace cops, prison guards and other armed security forces as “union brothers.” These enemies of workers and black people are professional strikebreakers and the whip hand of the bosses. They have no place in the workers movement. Tellingly, the Fraternal Order of Police in the Charleston area vituperated against “professional race agitators” after the shooting of Walter Scott, and its Baltimore branch, fully backing the killers of Freddie Gray, denounced protesters as “a lynch mob.”
A genuine fight against police terror can only proceed from a standpoint of implacable opposition to the capitalists, their state and political parties. It must also entail an unwavering commitment to the fight against all aspects of black oppression, attacks on immigrants and every other manifestation of the tyranny and barbarity of this capitalist profit system. To lead this struggle requires the forging of a multiracial revolutionary workers party. Such a party would mobilize labor/black power in the workplace and on the streets not just against the latest outrage of capitalism but with the aim of putting an end to the reign of the capitalist exploiters. Socialist revolution will sweep aside the machinery of capitalist state terror and install in its place a workers government where those who labor rule, opening the road to freedom for all.

From The Marxist Archives -Taking Down The Confederate Flag Of Slavery In South Carolina Is Only The Pale Beginning

Workers Vanguard No. 908
15 February 2008
Black Liberation Through Socialist Revolution!
For a Workers America!
For Revolutionary Integration!
We print below a presentation, edited for publication, given by Spartacist League Central Committee member Don Alexander at a recent gathering of the SL/U.S. Central Committee.
I want to put this discussion in the context of the racist bourgeois rulers’ all-out campaign to kill Mumia Abu-Jamal, a victim of a deliberate racist and political frame-up. A ruling from the Third Circuit Court of Appeals on his case is imminent. We have insisted upon united-front, labor-centered protest internationally to free this courageous fighter for black freedom and the oppressed, and we need to view the fight for his freedom within the broader context of our overall revolutionary program for black liberation. The FBI, as we know, had Mumia in their cross hairs since he was a 15-year-old member of the Black Panther Party. Against black militants in the 1960-70s, the Feds issued a directive telling their agents: “The purpose…is to disrupt…it is immaterial whether facts exist to substantiate the charge” (Brian Glick, War at Home [1989]). In 1968, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover vowed, “The Negro youth and moderate[s] must be made to understand that if they succumb to revolutionary teachings, they will be dead revolutionaries.”
The former slave and revolutionary abolitionist Frederick Douglass once said: “Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the Old World, travel through South America, search out every abuse and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation, and you will say with me that for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival” (Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass [1950]). This is from his speech, “The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro,” at Rochester, New York, delivered on 5 July 1852. It would take a Civil War to smash black chattel slavery.
As revolutionary Marxists, we also want to pay special tribute to Richard Fraser, who died 20 years ago this year. The best way to honor his contributions is to fight for the program of revolutionary integrationism, which is a class-struggle program that must be viewed in internationalist terms—in terms of understanding the implications of the struggle for black liberation not only for shattering bourgeois rule here, but for electrifying the entire international proletariat. As part of our struggle to build a revolutionary workers party, we are fighting to instill in the most conscious workers, youth and the oppressed the necessity to eradicate the material basis of black oppression by taking power out of the hands of the capitalists. This requires a struggle to seize the means of production through a socialist revolution that eliminates the system of capitalist private property.
This program of revolutionary integrationism is a fight to assimilate black people into an egalitarian socialist order, which is the only way to achieve real equality. While we fight against all aspects of racial oppression, we point out that there is no solution to that oppression short of a social revolution. This program is in sharp counterposition to the program of liberal integrationism—what American Trotskyist leader James P. Cannon once derided and denounced as “inch-at-a-time” gradualism—which is based upon the deception that black freedom can be achieved within the confines of the racist capitalist system. It is also in sharp contradiction to the petty-bourgeois utopian program of black nationalism and separatism, which rejects and despairs of united multiracial class struggle to abolish this racist capitalist system. Instead, black nationalism seeks to make a virtue of the racial segregation and ghettoization of black people that is seen as unchangeable.
I want to pick on one of our fake-left opponents, the so-called Revolutionary Communist Party, which recently issued a statement headlined “Attention White People! What Is Your Problem?!?” and concluded, “Wake the F--- Up!” (Revolution, 9 December 2007). This is the kind of unadulterated liberalism pushed by this group, whose aim right now is to get a Democrat in the White House and to impeach Bush. Against this liberal muck, we point out that it is precisely the class foundations of black oppression that were illuminated so well in Fraser’s historical research on the black question and that we have to assimilate. Fraser emphasized the importance of studying black writers who write extensively on the question of race, understanding both their confusions and their contributions. He noted in “Revolutionary Integration: The Dialectics of Black Liberation” (Revolutionary Age, 1968) the following: “The Negro Question is a unique racial (not national) question, with a movement marked by Integration (not Self-Determination) as its logical and historical motive force and goal, thereby producing a struggle that is necessarily transitional to socialism and a revolutionary vanguard for the entire working class.”
Today the struggle for integration, though still critical, has been derailed by the liberals and the reformists, who seek to pressure the racist federal government and especially the capitalist Democratic Party to serve the interests of the oppressed and the exploited. A key turning point in the derailing of that struggle was the smashing of the busing program for school integration in Boston in 1974-75. Uniquely, we fought for labor/black defense and called to mobilize the independent power of the working class to fight to extend busing to the suburbs.
Back in 1939, cadre from the then-revolutionary Socialist Workers Party (SWP) had discussions with Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky, who projected the potential vanguard role of the black working class in the struggle for socialist revolution in the U.S. He acknowledged that he lacked sufficient knowledge of the question of black oppression. But he was quite concerned that the party should have a correct orientation toward the most dynamic and militant section of the proletariat, and not to accommodate to the backward elements of the class. Trotsky said, “We must say to the conscious elements of the Negroes that they are convoked by the historical development to become a vanguard of the working class” (Leon Trotsky on Black Nationalism and Self-Determination).
Our forebears, the Revolutionary Tendency, the left oppositional tendency in the SWP, waged, in collaboration with Fraser, the fight for the program of revolutionary integrationism at the SWP convention in 1963, when that party was already in rapid rightward motion away from Trotskyism. We fought against the SWP’s abstention from the civil rights movement and its tailing of both black nationalist forces, like the Nation of Islam, and liberal pacifists, like Martin Luther King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
The Fight for Black Liberation in the Post-Soviet World
We’ve had many discussions about the retrogression of consciousness in the post-Soviet world. Our small revolutionary Marxist group is under multiple pressures from various fronts. We fight against the backward flow, the lowering of the ideological level by constant bourgeois-liberal pressures that preach the lie that we live in a “colorblind” society, a democracy where freedom reigns and where equality has basically been achieved. Or, as the black Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama said, “90 percent of the way.” Yeah, whose 90 percent?
In light of the counterrevolutionary destruction of the Soviet Union in 1991-92, the bourgeoisie proclaims the lie of the “death of communism.” This has its reflection in the myth of the “end of racism” and the burial of the struggle for racial integration as a failed experiment. As on all the fundamental questions—the Russian question, the immigrant question, the prospects for class struggle against the capitalist exploiters—so, too, on the black question the political pressure is to tone down and curtail our powerful Marxist program in order to not alienate the bourgeois liberals and in particular the other party of war and racism and terror, the Democrats.
We have to face reality squarely. There isn’t much multiracial class struggle against the capitalist rulers today. But there will be. The contradictions of capitalism necessarily generate class struggle, and the fight for black liberation in the U.S. can be a powerful motor force for sparking class struggle against the capitalist rulers. Some of us here remember that the mass-based civil rights movement, though misled and derailed by liberal reformism, played a powerful role in shattering the anti-Communist consensus of the McCarthyite witchhunt of the 1950s.
Our strategic perspective is to forge black Trotskyist cadre, leaders of a Leninist-Trotskyist vanguard party rooted in the entire working class and waging a fight on behalf of all of the oppressed to win conscious workers to the fight for abortion rights for women, democratic rights for gays (including the right to marriage), and full citizenship rights for all immigrants, which is an integral part of the fight for socialist revolution. There’s been a ratcheting up of the anti-sex witchhunt against “crimes without victims,” against prostitution, pornography. The racist “war on drugs” heavily impacts upon black women, who are having their kids snatched away from them and are a rapidly growing proportion of those behind bars.
Our struggle for black freedom is not confined to the national terrain. The link between the U.S. imperialist wars abroad in Iraq and Afghanistan and the rising racist reaction at home should be quite clear. We have pointed out in our press that Charles Graner, one of the guards involved in torture at Abu Ghraib, was also a guard at the prison where Mumia is housed, accused, among other things, of slipping a razor blade into an inmate’s food. We have something special to say to the majority of the oppressed black masses, who in larger numbers historically oppose U.S. imperialist adventures against dark-skinned peoples: the violent and bloody and corrupt and hypocritical ruling class that slaughters Iraqis and Afghanis is the same ruling class whose cops gun down black youth and Latinos on a daily basis. This occurs in a country in which there’s a proliferation of nooses as a means of inciting racist terror, including even in workplaces and working-class areas.
Our literature must address the anti-China imperialist “human rights” campaign in relationship to Darfur, Sudan, especially now with the upcoming Olympics in Beijing. A lot of black liberals have joined with Zionists and other reactionaries in pushing for “humanitarian” imperialist intervention into Darfur under the umbrella of the United Nations and other imperialist forces. They’re appealing for humanitarianism from the same U.S. imperialist ruling class that during the apartheid era had a policy of “constructive engagement” with the apartheid butchers in South Africa.
Meanwhile, by their own numbers the bourgeois press, which likes to laud U.S. imperialism today about its “aid to Africa” on the question of AIDS, can’t hide the truth about how the AIDS epidemic here in the U.S. is taking a heavy, disproportionate toll upon black people. There was a recent report that in the U.S. in 2005 alone some 17,000 people died from AIDS. There’s no decent health care in this country for millions, and the capitalist exploiters put nothing before their profits. They never have and they never will. The struggle for black liberation is explosive not simply because of the weight that black workers still have as a highly unionized layer of the working class, but because it threatens to destabilize imperialist rule at home and has internationalist implications.
The “End of Racism” Myth
During the period of the bipartisan anti-Soviet war drive, we used to run articles such as “Blacks Don’t Cry for Solidarność” (WV No. 297, 22 January 1982), in reference to the CIA- and Vatican-backed clerical-nationalist “union” that spearheaded capitalist counterrevolution in the Polish deformed workers state. You had black press running headlines like, “Democracy in Poland—by Reagan?” We ran headlines like “The KKK Doesn’t Ride in Moscow” (WV No. 389, 18 October 1985) as part of our fight to win American workers to the defense of the Soviet degenerated workers state.
In the U.S., our labor/black mobilizations that have swept the Klan and Nazi fascists off the streets over the past decades were built in political confrontation with the black Democrats and their reformist tails. Our press must educate our youth and our working-class readership about our history on these questions, about what strategy and program is necessary to smash the roots of black oppression, which lie and are lodged in the very structure of racist American capitalism.
As I said earlier, the flipside of the bourgeoisie’s “death of communism” triumphalism is the myth of the “end of racism.” This is particularly embodied in the Obama campaign. But as you go to any big city, you will see the shuttered factories, the huge population of the hungry and the homeless and the nearly 50 million people in this country without health care. In Detroit, unemployment stands at 70 percent among black youth, forcing many to survive on the streets by any means necessary. When a comrade and I made a trip to Detroit a couple years ago, there was an article in the local press about a funeral home that had closed on the very economically devastated west side of Detroit. For some reason the cops opened up this funeral home, and coffins were still in there with two black males. To the racist capitalist rulers, black life is increasingly expendable. And not only black life—just look at the war being waged against the Latino and immigrant populations. It’s an all-sided class war against the oppressed. The crumbling anarchic capitalist economy also deeply impacts the white working class and the middle class. People are victimized by parasitic capitalists. You can see it with the home foreclosures.
The upcoming presidential election is significant in the sense that for the first time ever, the Democratic nomination will likely either go to a woman, Hillary Clinton, or a black man, Barack Obama. Obama says this is a post-racial America. He can say that, but a lot of his black supporters are rightfully worried about some racist nut taking him out. Sections of the ruling class, whose interests and “democratic” image have been damaged by the last eight years of the Bush regime, now seek to put into office the historically preferred instrument for carrying out future imperialist wars, the “friends of labor” Democratic Party.
You might wonder why a black bourgeois politician such as Obama can deny the deep-seated racism at the heart of U.S. capitalism. Well, he’s one of those middle-class beneficiaries of the civil rights movement; he’s a reflection of the utter bankruptcy of the so-called black leadership, many of whom were mayors in the ’80s and administered capitalist austerity programs and racist cutbacks. Many of these black capitalist politicians—Coleman Young in Detroit and Tom Bradley in L.A. come to mind—were supported by the fake left. The Republicans are pretty up-front about their program. They want to do away with unions, black rights, immigrant rights, women’s rights. But while the Democrats smile in your face, they keep their dagger hidden. Obama denies that the Jena Six case had anything to do with race. This is not just a program of colorblindness. It’s in fact a program for subordinating the interests of the working masses to the capitalist rulers in the name of “national unity” patriotism.
Every day in this sick, barbaric, capitalist society, black people are confronted with the legacy of slavery and the enduring reality of the color line, which obscures the fundamental division of society into antagonistic social classes with irreconcilably opposed class interests. While Obama was celebrating his victory in South Carolina, Confederate flags—the flag of slavery—were flying around him. This, 143 years after the defeat of the slavocracy in the Civil War! That’s why we have a lot of unfinished business.
Today the racism is increasingly blatant. The liberal New York Times now romanticizes the days when white performers performed in blackface, the minstrel shows. They had an article a few months ago about Al Jolson and what a wonderful guy he was. Black women are called “nappy-headed hos,” while that racist, sexist pig Don Imus predictably gets a mere slap on the wrist, and is now back on the air. There are increased racist provocations and attacks, which the multiracial labor movement must fight tooth and nail. All this must be part of the fight to build a class-struggle workers party that will fight for a workers government.
For the Unity and Integrity of the Working Class!
Increasingly today, petty-bourgeois black “leaders” are playing the anti-immigrant card, and they’re getting slicker about it, trying to maintain their slice of the dwindling pie. One of those who was once a friend of Dick Fraser’s, and used to be my friend too when he was some kind of radical, is Earl Ofari Hutchinson. He is especially important in L.A. He has written extensively on blacks and the left. In his better days he wrote a manuscript called “Blacks and the Early American Left: A Study in History Reconstructed,” which is a very useful analysis about the role of the Communist Party in winning over a layer of blacks in its early decades. But today, he’s a straight-out bourgeois liberal. He recently wrote a book called The Latino Challenge to Black America (2007) where he argued that there’s a layer of Latino capitalist politicians who recognize the numerical superiority of Latinos today and the black politicians have to work with them, because these black politicians can’t have as many posts and positions as before. Ofari argued in this book that black people shouldn’t just rely on the Democrats but should look to other bourgeois politicians as well.
The reason why I mention Ofari is not because he represents any kind of organization, although there are people who listen to him and read his columns in black newspapers, but to point to the different manifestations of bourgeois-liberal ideology out there. Ofari cites black Democratic mayor Ron Dellums in Oakland. He says black leaders need to learn from Dellums, figure out a way to work with Latino politicians, like Dellums does, and build a multiethnic coalition. It all amounts to different ways of slicing up an ever-shrinking piece of the capitalist pie. We vigorously fight against anti-immigrant and anti-Latino chauvinism while challenging the deeply entrenched anti-black racism that forms the cornerstone of U.S. capitalism. We just published our new Black History and the Class Struggle pamphlet, which has a number of important articles on this question.
I want to refer to a piece by Richard Fraser called “On the Negro Question,” an SWP internal document dated 7 June 1952. In his opening paragraph, Fraser states: “The existence of discrimination against and segregation of Negroes in the U.S. is an historically unique form of oppression and exploitation in that it is a special form which can be identified neither with class nor national oppression. The problem of its elimination from American life is a great challenge to American Marxism. I would hazard that of all the theoretical problems of American Marxism the Negro question is the only one which is especially unique, truly American.”
Now, in this fine document Fraser also stated that the SWP had pronounced theoretical weaknesses on the black question, but that “Our party does have an enviable record in practical struggle. We have never neglected an opportunity to enter into a struggle against Jim Crow and its various manifestations when it was physically possible for us to do so. When it was impossible for us to engage organizationally in a struggle, our press was tireless in its defense of the Negro struggle and exposed every faker who sought to subordinate it to other considerations.” Now, he wrote this during the period of the McCarthyite witchhunt; today we face the political pressures of the post-Soviet world. But we, too, have an enviable record.
The Material Roots of Black Oppression
As an oppressed race-color caste, black people are integrated into the capitalist economy but forcibly segregated at the bottom of society. The recent Supreme Court decision scrapping school integration plans in a couple of cities was a declaration of intent of segregation forever. This goes along with the more outspoken pseudo-scientific racism that’s beginning to deepen, even in the mouths of scientists like James Watson—who, by the way, gave little to no credit to Rosalind Franklin, disparaging her critical role in the discovery of DNA.
A former member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), H. Rap Brown [Jamil Al-Amin], put it very well:
“Color is the first thing Black people in america become aware of. You are born into a world that has given color meaning and color becomes the single most determining factor of your existence. Color determines where you live, how you live and, under certain circumstances, if you will live. Color determines your friends, your education, your mother’s and father’s jobs, where you play, what you play and, more importantly, what you think of yourself.
“In and of itself, color has no meaning. But the white world has given it meaning—political, social, economic, historical, physiological and philosophical. Once color has been given meaning, an order is thereby established” (Die N----r Die!, 1969).
In the same book, he also stated, “Being Black in this country is like somebody asking you to play white Russian roulette and giving you a gun with bullets in all the chambers. Anyway you go, jim, that’s your ass.”
Along with others—many with his courage—H. Rap Brown was a nationalist. He had a classless view of society, a view that led many black radicals of the era of the civil rights movement, like the Panthers, to reject the only road to black liberation—i.e., the program of revolutionary integrationism, the mobilization of the multiracial labor movement in the struggle for black freedom.
I mentioned the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision against school integration because it strikes deep; it strikes home. It potentially jeopardizes almost a thousand other such desegregation plans. We know that for many years the attacks on integration have been full steam ahead. But this takes us back to 1896, in which the “separate but equal” doctrine was codified in the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision. Homer Plessy, a man of mixed-race ancestry, sued in Louisiana when he was refused seating in the so-called “white section” of a train. The court decision said that if black people regard this as racial discrimination, it’s because they choose to put such an interpretation on it.
The era after Reconstruction, the most radical period in American history, was contradictory. It was punctuated, as we know, with the revolt of the white farmers in the 1880s alongside black farmers and the rise of the Populist Party led by Tom Watson, who eventually became a virulent white supremacist. By the end of the 19th century, white supremacy prevailed South and North, backed up by the state and federal governments.
The period at the end of the 19th century, which culminated with the formal disenfranchisement and entrenchment of legal segregation of black people as an oppressed race-color caste, also saw the entry of U.S. imperialism on the world scene. This was manifested in the imperialist subjugation of dark-skinned peoples in Cuba, the Philippines and Hawaii, and carried out under the racist watchword of the “white man’s burden.” This is the context in which conservative black leader Booker T. Washington arose. He was a product of the defeat of Reconstruction. The U.S. capitalist rulers were driving to keep black people in their “place” in order to divide the working class and also to keep white workers down.
Booker T. Washington assured the white racist rulers: “The wisest among my race understand that the agitation of questions of social equality is the extremist folly.” He advocated an alliance with the white capitalists and said that these are the greatest friends of black people, regarding white workers as lower-class trash. There’s a revival of Booker T. Washingtonism, if you will, in this post-Soviet period. Ex-radical black writers—many of whom were years ago calling him what he was, an Uncle Tom accommodationist to racist segregation—are now claiming that he was about uplift, about giving black people some skills, self-esteem, self-respect. There’s a book called Crisis of the Black Intellectual by a Southern Connecticut State University professor, W.D. Wright. In the book, Wright has some criticisms of Cornel West and of the feminists and of black “leaders” like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. But then he points to Booker T. Washington and says that this is what we need today. We need someone like that, Wright says, because the fight for racial integration is old hat.
During our subscription drive last year, we ran into several black students who thought that the Civil War was unimportant because it didn’t end racism, while dismissing organizations like the Panthers that fought for armed self-defense against racist terror as a thing of the past. Where does such an outlook come from? It comes from defeats, from despair of the possibility of mobilizing the multiracial working class to fight against black oppression and on behalf of the poor and exploited. We oppose those who say that separate can be equal, that there’s a separate road for black liberation independent of the rest of American society. Our revolutionary program underlines that the fight for black liberation cannot be achieved through liberal integrationism or petty-bourgeois black nationalism and separatism, but rather through the struggle for revolutionary integrationism, the struggle for black liberation through socialist revolution.
Incarceration, Unemployment and Black Oppression
We cannot deny the minimal gains won through massive social struggle during the civil rights movement, gains that have increased the growth of a black middle class up until today, with more black elected officials in government and more corporate officials, as well as more black judges and cops, enforcers for the racist capitalist state. The black middle-class elements are growing and there are sharper class divisions within the black population. But the American bourgeoisie remains overwhelmingly white. At the same time, the ruling class has a new layer of younger, black capitalist politicians like Cory Booker in Newark, New Jersey, and Obama, who are being pushed forward to repackage the “end of racism” lies.
While the bourgeois black politicians regard themselves as the “natural leaders of the black masses,” black workers are still a strategic component of the proletariat, forming an organic link to the downtrodden ghetto masses. The black proletariat has borne the brunt of racist cutbacks and layoffs. But one can also see the potential for integrated class struggle, like during the 2005 New York transit strike and the 2007 Pascagoula, Mississippi, shipyard strike of white and black workers against the largest naval shipbuilder in the world. At the same time, in relationship to the Latino proletariat, the weight of the black proletariat has shrunk, and I think that the statistics are indicative.
From 1983 to 2002, there were 2.3 million more craft and skilled manufacturing jobs, with the percentage of blacks increasing from 6.8 percent to 7.4 percent. However, Latinos increased from 8.5 percent of craft jobs to 17.1 percent, a huge increase. The number of unskilled manufacturing jobs in that period decreased by 1.3 million, with blacks remaining steady at 14 to 15 percent, while the percentage of Latinos increased from 9.4 percent to 20.9 percent. This represents a significant decline in the number of black manufacturing workers. There’s been an increase of Latino workers in non-farm laboring jobs—helpers, handlers, textile, etc. It’s important to look at the numbers.
Also you have to look at the question since the 1960s. In a book called For Jobs and Freedom: Race and Labor in America Since 1865, Robert H. Zieger noted that the greatest relative gains in earnings for black Americans occurred in the South in the 1960s. By the late ’70s, the economists and statisticians had concluded that the rise of black employment in Southern industry accounted for the bulk of the recent income gains. Clearly that was affected very greatly over the following decade with deindustrialization and the shift toward high-tech and service sector jobs. And black workers took a very big hit. The deindustrialization of the American heartland hit young black men with particular force. I earlier mentioned the unemployment rate of young blacks in Detroit as an example—the average in most cities is around 50 percent. It understates the number of people unemployed who don’t even bother to look for work because there aren’t any jobs.
And then there’s the question of incarceration. In that regard, the statistics and figures—when you think about the incarceration of blacks in this country—are quite staggering. This is not Jim Crow; but it’s certainly an intensification of the caste oppression of black people.
Nationally, 2 percent of the population cannot vote as a result of felony convictions. Some 13 percent of black males are disenfranchised, with one in four permanently barred from voting in seven states. In Florida, nearly one-third of all black men are permanently disenfranchised. With only 12 percent of the U.S. population, blacks comprise over 40 percent of prison inmates, six times the rate of imprisonment for whites. The soaring rate of black imprisonment has been a subject of public discussion and political debate for two decades, with the rise of “three strikes” laws, the intensification of the “war on drugs” and the introduction of mandatory sentencing imposing harsher terms for those found in possession of crack cocaine. And we know the role of black Democrats like Jackson and Sharpton in supporting and pursuing the racist “war on drugs,” a key linchpin of increasing incarceration.
In the Transitional Program (1938), Trotsky noted that under decaying capitalism, unemployment was taking on not only a conjunctural but structural character. He wrote:
“Under the menace of its own disintegration, the proletariat cannot permit the transformation of an increasing section of the workers into chronically unemployed paupers, living off the slops of a crumbling society. The right to employment is the only serious right left to the worker in a society based upon exploitation. This right today is being shorn from him at every step. Against unemployment, ‘structural’ as well as ‘conjunctural,’ the time is right to advance, along with slogans of public works, the slogans of a sliding scale of working hours. Trade unions and other organizations should bind the workers and the unemployed together in solidarity of mutual responsibility.”
It is precisely this point that was underscored by the horrific racist atrocity seen in the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina, along with the rapidly crumbling infrastructure that highlights the urgency of binding together unionized workers and the unemployed and unorganized. We have to raise key transitional demands, such as those outlined by Trotsky in the Transitional Program, in the party press to forge this link. Our call for the decriminalization of drugs and our opposition to “crimes without victims”—such as prostitution and pornography—are key, as these “crimes” impact greatly upon women, especially black women. Many families are now being completely destroyed. Our call to decriminalize drugs can effectively counter the calls being made by black and white liberals for more cops in the ghettos.
We must raise the call to restore full citizenship rights to all felons. We categorically oppose every instance of disenfranchisement, which disproportionately impacts blacks and other minorities. But we also have transitional demands that we must be raising, like: jobs for all, organize the unorganized, organize the South.
It is impossible to discuss the black question in the U.S. without simultaneously discussing the role of immigrant workers, who are today a key component of the proletariat. What about the 1994 California Proposition 187, which denied access to social services to undocumented immigrants and was passed with sizeable black support? We have the phenomenon of a few blacks joining the anti-immigrant Minutemen vigilante outfit. This is the kind of anti-immigrant garbage that we have to combat as part of our fight for full citizenship rights for all immigrants.
For a Multiracial, Revolutionary Workers Party!
Anti-black racism is truly horrifying. The statistics of black imprisonment are just the tip of the iceberg. In our 1966 document, “Black and Red” (reprinted in Marxist Bulletin No. 9), we posed the burning need for a fight for the retention of black workers as part of the proltariat, recognizing that lumpenization was increasing. It is in the objective interests of the multiracial working class to fight on behalf of black rights, on behalf of women’s liberation, on behalf of the struggles and interests of all of the oppressed.
Karl Marx said that it’s not in the first instance a question of how the proletariat views itself; it’s fundamentally a question of what its objective position is in capitalist society. The workers are propertyless wage slaves; they don’t have any stake in the existing capitalist order. This doesn’t mean that revolutionary communist consciousness is a spontaneous product of class struggle. But it means that we can facilitate the process by consciously standing in the tradition of the Bolshevik Revolution. Richard Fraser rooted himself in the Russian Revolution. The Bolsheviks dealt with special oppression, such as the national question, in the tsarist empire. It was the Bolsheviks who insisted that the American Communist movement address front and center the special oppression of black people and win them to the fight for socialist revolution.
In recent months, we have run into some black youth who doubted our characterization of the Democratic Party as the historic party of slavery in the U.S. Well, it is true. And, by the way, New York City was a hotbed of racist, pro-Democratic Party sentiment, especially during the Civil War. Before then, New York was one of the centers of the slave trade. About a year ago, there was an exhibit about this in New York City, and its subtitle was “Commerce and Conscience.”
What all this reveals is that youth today, including black youth, are not taught about this country’s history and do not understand the material roots of black oppression. It is the task of our party and press to motivate to a new generation why the black question is central to the fight for workers revolution, why it is rooted in the very history of racist American capitalism, and why only socialist revolution can achieve black liberation.
I’ll end with this: our program corresponds to the deeply felt interests and needs of working people in this period of decaying, crumbling capitalist rule. We are determined to make clear—not least because in America black oppression is the envelope for class exploitation—that it is in the interest of white, Latino and other workers to fight for black liberation. We saw it in 2007 in the South, when black and white workers joined together against the shipyard bosses in the Pascagoula strike. We see it in the struggle of black, Latino and white workers to organize at the Smithfield meatpacking plant in Tar Heel, North Carolina. In fact, Mexican workers last year joined in protest with black workers who were denied the Martin Luther King Day holiday. These are small examples, but they show the potential for united class struggle and for educating the most conscious elements of the working class in the understanding that there is no future for humanity unless we build a multiracial, revolutionary workers party as part of a reforged Trotskyist Fourth International that will fight for world socialist revolution.

Elvis Presley - Good Rockin Tonight

When “The King” Became The King-Elvis- July 5, 1954

When “The King” Became The King-Elvis- July 5, 1954

Frank Jackman comment:

You never know what will turn up when you read the newspaper, for those who still do, or will pick up some nugget via the Internet. The other day, July 5th I happened to glance at the “This date in history” spot in the Boston Globe and noticed complete with be-bopping accompanying photograph from the session that on July 5, 1954 one Elvis Presley (maybe today we need to use the last name but in my generation all you needed to say was “Elvis” or “the king” and that was all everybody, every coming of age in the 1950s teenager and maybe a few stray outraged parents who saw the devil’s work in him needed to know to know exactly who you were talking about) recorded It’s All Right, Mama (and the nowhere Blue Moon of Kentucky on the B side of the 45 RPM record) in Sam Phillips’ Sun Records studio in Memphis and the rest was rock and roll history.

To be sure no question we are today on July 5, 2015 very far removed from the “from hunger” good old boy rockabilly side of the origins of rock and rock from the likes of Elvis, Carl Perkins, Warren Smith, Jerry Lee Lewis and Sonny Burgess, a time now called the classic age of rock to distinguish it from post-1964 rock and its progeny, and moreover rock as a genre has undergone many permutations and transformations on its way to a niche in history.

But for one moment, one brief moment in the long history of music as it turned out, we, those of us who came of age in the 1950s were proud to say that we had been present at the creation. Had been there at the sea-change.  Proud to say enough of that Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Patty Page, Andrews Sisters, McGuire Sisters, damn, enough of the musical sensibilities that got our parents through the dusty “from hunger” 1930s Great Depression and slogging through World War II that we were force fed on the family radio. Yes, enough of that as we heard something new, something with a be-bop, be my daddy, be-bop-a-lula, take me to the hop beat. And Elvis gave us a big chuck of that beat, made us pick up our feet, snap our fingers.            

Get this though, and this is the true value of that notice in the Globe, as I thought about my own introduction to Elvis. Maybe some of us if we were boys went into that new dispensation kicking and screaming, boys with two left feet. Worse, much worse, about how to the girls that were beginning to go from last year’s nuisances to, well, interesting, said we didn’t compare with dreamy Elvis no matter how much we slicked back our hair, moved our cranky non-swivel hips or tried to imitate that sullen sneer. That patented sneer the girls who were just kicking and screaming every time they saw those hips swivel said they wished, no, they would die for, so that they would be happy to take off his face. Yeah, no question, tongue-tied, two left feet, afraid, no, scared every time a school sock hop came along and you hoped to high heaven that you would not have to embarrass yourself by unchaining those cranky teenage hips of yours in front of some girl who had made your eyeballs sore looking at her all night those were troubled times. But from that moment on we said rock and roll would never die. And now through the good offices of YouTube it never will. So a retro-thanks to Elvis even if I still can’t move those hips of mine.        

A Real Independence Day Walk Through The Streets- A Tale Of Two Parades

A Real Independence Day Walk Through The Streets- A Tale Of Two Parades

From The Pen Of Sam Eaton

Yeah, the streets of the small towns and big cities of this nation were resplendent with red white and blue bunting, the kids filled to the brim with soda, candy and hot dogs and adults coyly sipping their store bought wines and beers in red plastic containers (or at least that seemed the color of choice from a brief but telling visual unscientific poll) as happens every hot summer July Independence Day, the Fourth to short-haul the name of the event I am talking about. As a nice summer holiday nobody, including me, has any quarrel, especially getting the school-stormed kids out of doors and reddened from their prison pallor earned the previous past nine months.

Well, maybe some out there in the hinterlands have a quarrel with celebrating the Fourth as a freedom day after my reading of an archival piece from a re-tweeted blog that my long-time friend and political activist comrade, Ralph Morris (more about him later), send along to me. He had received it via the Internet from our mutual friend living in New York City, Fritz Jasper, a guy who refused to serve in Vietnam after he had been inducted into the Army and his number was called to do 11 Bravo duty (infantryman, grunt, cannon fodder, take your pick) back in the day and did a serious year or more in an Army stockade for his troubles before some smart and savvy civilian lawyer who knew the military law inside out got him sprung on a habeas corpus petition in federal court or he might still be on in the wheat fields of Kansas at Fort Leavenworth along with the heroic Wiki-leaks whistleblower Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning.

The gist of the article and that is all I want to do is give the gist since this sketch is about other matters, although 4th of July connected, was penned by a NYU professor who Fritz knows and let’s write on his blog, American Politics Today. The good professor’s argument was that due to the way this country got its freedom from old Mother England as a result of a straight up military victory and the kind of society that was formed afterwards based on the enslavement of black people and later the extermination of Native peoples (although a lot was done well before that “later” to those “collateral damage” peoples) we should be more circumspect about celebrating the event. Unlike say the English, French or Russian revolutions which were hell-bound flat-out social revolutions whatever happened later to rein them in.

And the good professor from NYU, Jack Kirby I think his name was who has written several books and monograms along that same line, might have a very good point (and Fritz too who agreed with that part of Kirby’s analysis about being circumspect all things considered but disagreed with the “not celebrating” part since he sees it as a legitimate part of the struggle from human freedom even if today we would recoil from what that experience has produced. More on this in a minute when Ralph and I weight in). But what interests today me as an old anti-war campaigner (make that a full-time anti-war campaigner against the now endless wars of the American imperium and other misadventures as well) since the early 1970s after I got “religion” as I like to call it on the issues of war and peace is being able to use the day, and more importantly the thousands of locally organized parades or other commemorations, to get our anti-war message out.

The “got religion” part about war came after some soul-searching when I learned that my best friend, Jeff Mullins, from Carver High was blown away in the Central Highlands of Vietnam in 1969.  Jeff had sent me a bunch of letters telling me of the horrors of the situation, his desperation in trying to right it, and his total disgust with the ugly abuse that the American government was putting its soldiers, the people of Vietnam (and elsewhere in Southeast Asia as it turns out), and virtually everything it touched a few months before he was killed to tell one and all that the war was totally crazy, totally “off the wall” as he called it. (I was a little sheepish at first since through the vagaries of life I wound up with a military deferment due to being the sole support for my mother and four much younger sisters after my drunken sot of a father passed away suddenly from a massive heart attack in 1965. But I got over that when somebody said the message “from the grave” I had to bring to the table squared things.)

The hard fact is that in the year 2015 despite almost fourteen years of endless war from that first bombing raids on Kabul by Bush II in the aftermath of the horrendous unspeakable criminal actions in New York on 9/11 until the latest (Spring, 2015) announced Obama third wave, or is it fourth,  “creeping troop escalation” in Iraq the streets of America have been abandoned as a way to get our message out by those who previously knew (if only for a minute in the later part of  2002 and early 2003) that you need to get the anti-war message out via the streets, raise hell about the situation, since the media has blocked any coverage out otherwise as yesterday’s news.

So the 4th of July is an excellent place to bring the message home to a war-weary (and wary) people without an “in your face” confrontation. (How are you going to, on either side, get red-faced angry when soda-hot dog-candy filled kids and ordinary everyday citizens out to get some well-deserved time off and have a few red cup brews are looking your way with not unkindly feelings.)  Now, full disclosure, Ralph Morris as a Vietnam veteran like the fallen Jeff Mullins (and not Vietnam-era either since he served eighteen months “in-country” as he calls it) and I who have worked with him since we “met” at the RFK Stadium in Washington, D.C. on May Day 1971 are both members of an organization dedicated to the principle of peace, Veterans For Peace (VFP), and have been for a number of years (he as a full member and I as an associate since I am not a veteran, a least a war veteran although Ralph always says that I am a “veteran” in his book since being peace veterans is really what is important about what we have, or have not, done with our lives).

VFP likes to, maybe lives to, use any reasonable occasion to get the peace message out. So these days events like 4th of July parades, Memorial Day Peace remembrances, ditto Veterans Day/Armistice Day (the real and original reason for the holiday going back to end of World War I times), Saint Patrick’s Day in Boston, Gay Pride parades, you name it you are very likely to find the white flags with the black-outlined doves of peace embossed on them fluttering in the wind at some such occasion. And this Fourth of July was no exception. Ralph who lives in Troy, New York when we are not off somewhere spreading as best we can these days the good news of peace came to Boston and joined the local VFP chapter, the Smedley Butler Brigade (named in honor of the famous much decorated Marine Corps general who coined the phrase “war is a racket” in a speech you can read if you Google his name or go to Wikipedia). We marched on the evening of July 3rd in the annual parade in historic Gloucester (of the famed fishermen going down to the sea, those battling our home land the sea for its bounty) and in the adjacent town of Rockport the next evening.

Late on 4th of July evening after having walked our legs off the previous two early evenings we headed to Johnny’s Olde Wagon Wheel Diner over on Thornton Street (Rockport) for a meal (Johnny’s providing the best meatloaf dinner around and both Ralph and I in our hitchhiking days in the early 1970s either on our own or through the kindness of friendly truckers know many, many diners to compare the bills of fare on that subject and that accolade is thus deserved) and a few drinks of high-shelf whisky (although our favorite watering hole for that purpose when Ralph is in Boston is Jack’s Grille down by the Financial District in the downtown area but that place that day would be a zoo with the huge crowds that attend the well-known concert on the Esplanade and fireworks after) in order to “evaluate” what our takes on the two events were.

Now you have to know a little something about VFP’s past participation in these Fourth of July parades in Gloucester and Rockport. VFP started about twenty years to participate in the two parades via the efforts of VFP members in both towns to get us in (at the barbeque this year before the Rockport parade that fact was honored with a short speech and, well, a cake). The first few years in the second Clinton administration were rocky since a key component to any of this American spirit holidays are groups like the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and American Legion posts who put a lock on patriotism of a certain kind, mainly of the unthinking or wrong-thinking “my country, right or wrong” kind, and that is that. Moreover the other key organizers for such events are the town police and fire departments whose memberships overlap with the veterans’ groups many times. Those combinations are used to organizing such events and normally set the agenda. So the first few years were tough with the local organizers taking a stance out of the playbook of the Allied War Council (AWC) in Boston which for five years now has excluded VFP from its Saint Patrick’s Day parade held over in South Boston in March of each year under the rubric, as one AWC-er put it-“we don’t want the words “veterans” and “peace” put together in our (private) parade. Small towns and cities are however under pressure, or if not should be, to see that the whole community is represented and so VFP found a spot in each parade. Of course another hard pressed time was in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 when even Ralph and I were afraid to go on the streets with the peace message at a time when the average citizen who generally is indifferent to our presence had daggers in their eyes at the sight of peace signs or symbols (although we did, we did go out among the hostile populace, at least in Boston that year, but with the most trepidation that either of us had faced in our long anti-war careers) and then with the war drums beating in the lead-up to the so-called slam-dunk 2003 Iraq War.

But each year since as the endless wars have continued to meander their endless sun-less rivers the patriotic bounce has stopped driving sneers, ugly remarks, old-time out of touch anti-commie slurs and the like that every protestor from neophyte to veteran knows is at least hidden in some quarters when you work “street” politics. Both Ralph and I made that same observation this year (as well as our traditional one about how those old yellow ribbons festooned on the back bumpers of cars and trucks have faded to pale white). That absence of malice rather than the notable increased cheering as the VFP contingent of white flag dove of peace –embossed limply-walking older wars veterans, jauntily-walking younger Afghan and Iraq war veterans and assorted peace group supporters approached their vantage points is the most striking difference over the years. We both noted in Rockport there was plenty of genuine cheering to overthrow any uncivil remarks (although one guy, an old duffer who looked like he might have been a mess sergeant in 1958, told us to “go back to Moscow” and another in that same old duffer category to “just stay at home” apparently to not offend his starry eyes. Jesus, where have these guys been since about 1991.)

Here is our dilemma though, and not just Ralph, mine  or VFP’s but for any “peaceniks” working the streets these days. We could palpably see the war-weariness in the remarks headed our way, especially in Gloucester an old working-class town that has provided more than its share of soldiers and sailors as the city memorial to the fallen of that place readily testifies, those remarks made from many a flatbed working man’s truck that dotted the route of the parade. Trucks, more than either of us thought existed in a town that size (and missing for the most part from the more upscale Rockport parade with its average Audi or BMW) complete with whole families in the bed taking in the sights, having a little something to eat or drink, and probably trying to figure out how to calm down the sugar-laden kids before bedtime after such a hectic day of sights and sounds.

Here is where Ralph and I have racked our brains in sullen frustration-how do you turn that obvious war-weariness into some kind of protest movement beyond the kind words and rousing applause sent our way on parade days. We did not solve that dilemma that night maybe because we were tired, maybe we were too sated from Johnny’s meatloaf, maybe a few too many high-shelf whiskeys or maybe like the kids too many sights and sounds. All I know is that we will be back next year, hopefully with more people joining our efforts to spread the good words of peace around. You can bet on that.                                                             

[Oops, before I forget since whenever I mention how Ralph and I met down in D.C. on May Day 1971 people want to know how that happened in a professional football stadium in May when the football season is long past. Ralph wrote up his version in 2011 and I added a few pithy comments (his term) for that American Politics Today our friend Fritz runs for the fortieth anniversary of the event. I will give a short wrap-up here to show why we have been amigos since that strange day in May. You already know my reasons for turning anti-war but Ralph’s came like Jeff’s from actual hard rock service in that benighted country. In short as Ralph says when he is giving talks- “he grew disenchanted with what he had to do as a soldier (as an 11 Bravo cannon-fodder like Jeff), what his Army buddies getting blown away and mangled had to do, and what the damn American government was making of them-nothing but animals (always said with a sneer). So when he got out in late 1969, early 1970 he wound up working with a predecessor of VFP, Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW). By 1971 with no end of the war in sight a lot of us, radicals, frustrated liberals, ex-G.I.s upped the ante- decided to as the slogan went-“if the government would not shut down the war, we would shut down the government.”

As thousands descended on Washington including Ralph with New York VVAW and me then living in Cambridge with some radicals I knew we really thought we had enough to change history. For that illusion many of us, Ralph and me among them, wound upon the football field at RFK being used that May as a holding area for those arrested. He noticed I was wearing a VVAW supporter button in honor of Jeff and that started our friendship. If you need more info on that day just check Wikipedia because I have to move on.]

In Honor Of The 144th Anniversary Of The Paris Commune-All Honor To The Communards

In Honor Of The 144th Anniversary Of The Paris Commune-All Honor To The Communards


Some events can be honorably commemorated every five, ten, twenty-five years or so like the French Revolution. Other events, and here I include the uprising which went on to form the Paris Commune, established on March 18, 1871, the first time the working class as such took power if only for a short time and only in one city, need to be honorably commemorated yearly. We can, those of us in what now is a remnant who still believe in the old time verities and who still fight for such things as working-class led revolution, socialism and a fairer shake in the appropriation of the world’s good, still draw lessons from that experience. (Sadly the bulk of the world’s working classes have either dismissed socialist solutions out of hand these days when the situation in places like Greece, Spain and lots of East Europe countries cry out for such solutions or the links to such previous socialist ideas has become so attenuated that the ideas are not even in play.) Draw lessons that might help us in the one-sided fight against the human logjam that the international capitalist system, complete with its imperial coterie at the top, has bequeathed us almost a century and one half later and that is ripe, no overripe to be replaced by a more human scale way of producing the good of this wicked world. Hence the commemoration in this the 144th anniversary year.

Some “talking head” commentator in the lead-up to the celebration of the French Revolution on July 14th, brought in for the occasion I presume, I heard recently on a television talk show reflecting the same sentiment I have heard elsewhere from other academic and ideological sources, had declared the French Revolution dead. By that he meant that the lessons to be learned from that experience has been exhausted, that in the post-modern world that event over two hundred years ago had become passé, passé in the whirlwind of the American century now in full bloom (an American century that we thought had run its course in the wake of the Vietnam defeat but drew new life, if only by default, with the demise of the Soviet Union and its sphere of influence). While not arguing here with the validity of that statement on the French revolution, a classic bourgeois revolution when the bourgeoisie was a progressive movement in human history and actually drew some connections between the Enlightenment philosophies that gave it inspiration and the tasks of the risen people, there are still lessons to be drawn from the Commune. If for no other reason than we still await that international working class society that such luminaries as the communist Karl Marx expanded upon in the 19th century.          

Obviously like the subsequent Russian revolutions of 1905 and 1917, the Chinese revolutions of the 1920s and 1940s, the Vietnamese which took up a great deal of the middle third of the twentieth century, and others the Paris Commune was formed in the crucible of war, or threat of war. Karl Marx, among others, the great Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky for one, had noted that war is the mother of revolution and the defeat of the French armies and the virtual occupation by the victorious German armies around Paris certainly conformed to that idea that the then current government was in disarray and the social fabric after a near starvation situation required more. Classic pre-revolutionary phenomena. Moreover the Commune had been thrust upon the working masses of Paris by the usual treachery of the bourgeois government thrown up after Louis Bonaparte lost control. That had not been the most promising start to any new society. But you work with what you have to work with and defend as Marx, the First International, and precious few others did the best you can despite the odds, and the disarray. So no hard and fast blueprint on revolutionary upheavals could come ready-made from that experience.  

To my mind, and this is influenced by the subsequent Russian revolutions of 1905 and February and October 1917, no question the decisive problem of the Commune was what later became to be known as the crisis of revolutionary leadership. Of course they should have expropriated the banks and centered their efforts around strengthening the authority of the Central Committee of the National   Guard and not let lots of windbags and weirdos have their say based on barely deserved reputations but the result of those failures were that no serious party or parties were available to take charge and create a strong government to defend against the Thiers counter-attack from Versailles. (Also no appeals to other communes to come to the defense of Paris and no work among the Versailles soldiers.) It is problematic whether given the small weight of the industrial proletariat (masses factory workers like at Putilov in Petrograd rather than the small shop artisans and workman which dominated the Paris landscape), the lack of weaponry to fend off both the Germans and the Versailles armies, and food supply whether even if such a revolutionary leadership had existed that the Commune could have continued to exist in such isolated circumstances but the contours for the future of working class revolution would have been much different. The central and critical role of a revolutionary leadership which got fudged around in places like Germany where the working class party for all intents and purposes was barely a parliamentary party in the struggle against capitalism would have been clarified and at least a few revolutions, including those in Germany between 1918 and 1924. That is the bitter lesson we still before us today.