Friday, September 01, 2017

On The 80th Anniversary- The Lessons of Barcelona 1937 May Days:How The Popular Front Strangled The Spanish Revolution (Young Spartacus -May 1977)

On The 75th Anniversary- The Lessons of Barcelona 1937 May Days:How The Popular Front Strangled The Spanish Revolution-(Young Spartacus -May 1977)

liance with the Spanish "democratic" bourgeoisie.
Revolution is the crucible in which political programs and the parties of the working class face their acid test. Forty years ago, at the height of the Spanish Civil War, the politics of class collaboration took their toll— 'with vengeance. Under the blows of the Popular Front and its Stalinist henchmen the flower of the Spanish working class—the Catalan proletar­iat—was trampled. As the Spanish workers head for parliamentary elec­tions the bitter lessons of Barcelona must be brought to the fore for the new generation of proletarian militants-popular fronts mean workers blood'.

Struggle Against Francoism

The July 1936 military coup under the leadership of Francisco Franco came at the height of the largest strike wave in Spanish history. After the huge working-class vote in Feb­ruary 1936 for the popular-front coalition headed by the leader of the Republican Left, Manuel Azana, the government's arrest of strike leaders and the censorship of the working-class press discredited Azana in the eyes of the Spanish workers. Despite the participation of the Socialist and Communist parties (as well as the social-democratic UGT trade-union federation), the workers refused to entrust the government with the strug­gle against Franco and the fascists.

Franco's military revolt in Morocco triggered the massive mo­bilization of the Spanish proletariat. The bourgeois popular-front govern­ment, fearing the workers' response, first suppressed the news of the up­rising a full day and then urged that everyone be "calm." But the memories of the bloody suppression of the 1934 Asturian miners' insur­rection (which left 5,000 dead) at the hands of the "loyal Republican" army proved too vivid, and across Spain workers poured into the streets to demand arms for the fight against Franco—which Azana refused.

As garrison after garrison of the "democratic" army declared its loy­alty to the Rebel forces of Franco, local workers committees took the initiative. Beginning on July 19, mil­itant workers, often armed with no more than a few sticks of dynamite or a few aging handguns, stormed armories and barracks of the Re­public's army. Those garrisons loyal to Franco (the vast majority) were disbanded and their arms used to equip the rapidly organized workers militias,.

By the afternoon of July 20 Bar­celona, the Spanish citadel of revo­lution, was in the hands of the workers—unified under the Central Committee of the Anti-Fascist Mi­litias. Within days the military revolt had been smashed in two-thirds of Spain by the armed working class. As tens of thousands of initial vol­unteers were hastily dispatched to the front to stem the advance of the Francoist troops, the organized work­ers militias settled into control of the streets.

Dual Power in Republican Spain

Following the July workers' up­rising, Republican Spain entered into a revolutionary situation with two an­tagonistic poles of power: the bour­geois government and the armed workers militias. The working class patrolled the streets, organized the war effort and undertook the dis­arming of the army and the police— the latter were individually "volun­teered" for service at the front. Workers collectives managed the factories and agricultural production was taken over by the farm collectives (who significantly raised output).

Nonetheless, even though the un­stable Azana coalition lacked a sig­nificant social base—both Spanish capitalists and large landowners had for the most part deserted the! Republic in favor of Franco—the popular-front government remained the sole repository of bourgeois class rule in Republican Spain. Without even a significant armed force at its disposal, the few petty-lawyers of the Second Republic were indeed the "shadow of the bourgeoisie" (Trotsky). Their stay in power de­pended solely upon the determination of the bourgeois workers parties to uphold capitalist property relations. But the distrust and hatred of Pres­ident Azana was of such magnitude that the Stalinists and social-democrats were forced to withdraw from the government under working-class pressure.

As with Russia between February and October 1917 and Germany in '1918-1919, so in Spain the independent organs of the working class were in a position to challenge the bourgeois state for state power. In all three cases the tottering bourgeois state was propped up only by the par­ticipation of reformist workers parties—all of whose bases of support existed elsewhere: in Russia the Soviets, in Germany the workers' and soldiers' councils and in Spain the trade union federations.

Unlike Russia, however, dual pow­er in Spain existed only at the local or regional level. While workers mili­tias controlled the streets, the unified national organs of proletarian power, the Soviets or juntas, never crystal­lized. Lacking the intervention of a revolutionary party struggling to unite the working class Tor the seizure of state power—and ‘necessarily reject­ing any political collaboration with the bourgeoisie—the government of the "shadow bourgeoisie" remained the only national expression of the anti-Francoist forces. More than any other factor, this paved the way for Franco's march to power.

Revolutionary Catalonia

The locus of dual power par excellance was Catalonia—the center of 70 percent of pre-Civil War Spanish industry. The Catalan proletariat had long been the most militant in Spain, and land seizures and workers control of industry had begun long before Franco's uprising. Under wartime conditions, separated from the Basque metalwork’s industry, Catalonia was converted into the powerhouse of the Republic. The valiant workers col­lectives expanded the Catalan re­fineries, increased industrial pro­duction and built up a munitions industry and chemical works from scratch.

The workers militias also found their highest expression in Catalonia where they were centralized under the Central Committee of the Anti-Fascist Militias. The planned army takeover of Barcelona was decisively smashed and after July 20 the Catalan government was dependent upon the bureaucratic CNT (mass anarchist trade-union federation) leadership of the Central Committee for its con­tinued existence. Fully the equal of the PCE and the Socialists in terms of class collaboration the Anarchists of the CNT readily acceded, going so. far as to incorporate bourgeois forces^ in the leadership of the Anti-Fascist Militias.

While the Madrid government was rearranged—with PSOE leader Largo Caballero as prime minister and the PCE in the cabinet—the government of Catalan Left leader Luis Companys temporized and granted "official recognition" to workers' activities over which it did not even have the ves­tige of control. Unable to dispute the military prowess of the workers militias, Companys invited the CNT-FAI (the Anarchist trade union and party) and the POUM (the centrist Catalan-centered Workers Party of Marxist Unification, formed in 193E by the fusion of former Trotskyism leaders with the Workers and Peas­ants Bloc led by Joaquin Maurin) to enter the Generalitat—the Catalan government. Caballero alone could not shore up Companys; in Catalonia the CNT was the hegemonic force on the left.

Only the entry of the CNT into the Generalitat on 26 September 1936 could have sufficiently strengthened Companys for a counterrevolutionary mobilization. Behind the rejection of the crucial importance of state power—i.e., either bourgeois or pro­letarian—which had been the hallmark of the vulgar anarchist "theoreti­cians" for decades lay the oppor­tunism of the leaders. The abstract rejection of the state, the glorification of the producers' cooperatives emerging from the revolution as the culmination of the anarchist millennia, all gave way in September 1936 with the offer of ministerial portfolios. With the CNT and the POUM in the government Companys began to reinforce the repressive apparatus of the bourgeois state. In October, only a month after the new coalition was formed, he disbanded the Central Committee of the Anti-Fascist Mil­itias and ordered the armed workers into the bourgeois "Popular Army." Later, in December the POUM's ser­vices were no longer required; and it found itself booted out of the coalition. In the meantime, the gov­ernment was amassing a force of 20,000 well-armed men in the previ­ously insignificant Carabineros—the customs police. Not only were these to be the shock troops of the Generalitat, but they laid the basis for the first direct challenge to the CNT (which had controlled the customs houses since July).

May Days in Barcelona

The strength of the Barcelona proletariat was exemplified by the red and black flags flying atop the Tele­phone Exchange. The Telef6nica, the most prominent building in central Barcelona, symbolized the seizure of industry and public services by the workers committees. Possession of the former AT&T building permitted the predominantly CNT workers oc­cupying the premises to monitor the .activities of the Generalitat—a small though real lever of control on the activities of the Companys camarilla. The confrontation that was to cen­ter on the Telefonica had been brewing for several weeks. The Carabineros had repeatedly tried to seize the customs houses .from the CNT. To­gether with the Assault Guards, the Carabineros had attacked workers patrols in Barcelona. And for the first time since the fall of the Primo de Rivera dictatorship, the government banned all demonstrations on May Day. Even more ominous was the murder of a dissident UGT leader (a member of the Catalan Communist Party, the PSUC, that controlled sections of the UGT in Catalonia) which the Stalinists used to marshal the forces of counterrev­olution. The PSUC turned the funeral for a slain workers’ leader into a three-and-a-half hour mobilization of police and government soldiers in the heart of the workers' districts,

The stage was set when on May 3 the Stalinist Commissar of Public Order, Rodriguez Salas, arrived at the Telefoinica with three truckloads of Assault Guards (riot police). Salas demanded that the workers permit the "normalization" of the situation—i.e., that they hand over the premises to the cops. After forcibly entering the building, Salas and the cops (including a CNT police functionary) were forced to take shelter on the ground floor by CNT machine gun fire from the floor above.

Word of the attack spread like wildfire. Within hours the city was engulfed in street barricades. Des­pite the buildup of the Generalitat forces, they were no match for the armed workers' patrols. By the end of the first day, the entire city save parts of the center was indisputably in the hands of the workers. By nightfall, street fighting had begun.

The barricades posed the fun­damental class question for every tendency on the left; particularly for those which had participated in the Popular Front. The Popular Front confronted the armed working mas­ses across the Barcelona barricades. At each barricade, with each shot fired, the class line was drawn with brutal clarity.

PCE: Spearhead of Counterrevolution

Without doubt the most despicable role during the May Days was played by the PCE. At the time of its entry into the Popular Front the PCE did not possess a solid base in the work­ing class—before fusing with the PSOE youth its membership was about 10,000. But Soviet military aid pro-vided the PCE an important lever to gain posts within-and to dictate terms to—the Republican forces However, the .real strength' of the -PCE. was its unswerving loyalty to bourgeois class rule. Throughout the popular-front period Stalinists the world over were beside themselves in demonstrating to the capitalist class their indispensability in sup­pressing the class struggle.

The PCE was the only working-class tendency willing to enter the Azana government in July of 1936 (during the Third Period the PCE had termed Azana a "fascist ")-but had been prevented from doing so by Caballero's adamant refusal to rejoin the coalition at that time. The PCE had resolutely opposed all nationali­zations, land seizures, factory occu
pations—in short, any incursions upon capitalist property relations. At a plenary session of the PCE Central Committee on 5 March 1937 Spanish Stalinist chief Jose' Diaz laid down the line bluntly:

"If in the beginning the various pre­mature attempts at 'socialization' and 'collectivization,' which were the re­sult of an unclear understanding of the character of the present struggle, might have been justified by the fact that the big landlords and manufac­turers had deserted their estates and factories and that it was necessary at all costs to continue production, now on the contrary they cannot be justified at all. At the present time, when there is a government of the Popular Front, in which all the forces engaged in the fight against fascism are represented, such things are not only not desirable, but absolutely im­permissible." [our emphasis] —Communist International, May 1937

But in tirading against the seething struggles of the Spanish toilers Diaz and the other PCE leaders were only parroting the anti-revolutionary line of the Kremlin bureaucracy. A few months earlier, in December 1936, Stalin dispatched a personal letter to Prime Minister Largo Caballero ad­vising him to conciliate "the middle and lower bourgeoisie... [by] pro­tecting them against confiscations" (reprinted in New York Times, 4 June 1939).

But most of all, the Stalinists pro­vided the rallying force for the at­tack on the Spanish labor movement. On 17 December 1936 Pravda laid out Stalinist policy with undisguised counterrevolutionary zeal:

"So far as Catalonia is concerned the cleaning up of the Trotskyist and Anarcho-Syndicalist elements has already begun, and it will be carried out with the same energy as in the U.S.S.R."

—quoted in Gerald Brenan, The Spanish Labyrinth

Pravda's words rang all too true. PSUC commissar Salas directed the attack on the Telefonica and coordin­ated the attacks upon the workers militias. For the PSUC the barri­cades posed no problem whatsoever: their members were the only working-class tendency on the side of the Companys government. There could be no excesses in the rooting out of "Trotskyist" and "Anarcho-syndicalist" "Francoist agents"; and the hidden dungeons and torture cham­bers in the basements of PSUC-controlled police prefectures attest to this.

The Downfall of Spanish Anarchism

The May Days proved the undoing of the oldest current in the Spanish labor movement: Anarchism. The entry into the Catalan and Madrid governments had exposed the funda¬mental opportunism and class collaborationism of the CNT-FAI leader­ship. The May Days forced them to choose between their working-class base and the bourgeoisie; in the final analysis they chose the latter.

The CNT newspaper, Solidaridad Obrera, attempted to bury the news of the attack on the Telefonica; mean-while, the CNT-FAI leaders ma­neuvered to "negotiate" its surrender to the Generalitat. As the CNT ranks swelled the barricades and took con­trol of the city, the CNT-FAI issued a leaflet exhorting the workers to: "Put down your arms; embrace like brothers!

Victory will be ours if we unite; we shall be defeated if we fight among ourselves." —quoted in Grandizo Muniz, Jalones
de derrota; promesa de victoria. But the "we" included the first 1,500 Assault Guards sent by the central government (which had moved to Val­encia) to drown the workers in blood. The CNT-FAI sent its top leaders to Barcelona—to counsel "serenity" and abandoning the barricades. CNT National Secretary Marciano Vasquez, the Anarchist Minister of Justice Gar­cia Oliver ' and Federica Montseny (the "Pasionaria" of the CNT) has¬tened to Barcelona from Valencia-each one with the same message: surrender. As the cops streamed into the city Oliver, the most brazen among them, urged the workers, "Hold your , fire; embrace the Assault Guards!" (quoted in Muniz, op, cit.).

The Anarchist leaders faced no easy task. Clearly in command mili­tarily, the workers were ill disposed to surrender to the hated police and Stalinists. But without organized leadership and following the demoral­izing treachery of their leaders the workers drifted from the barricades. By May 6 the Generalitat controlled the city and reprisals were launched. Even the official CNT-FAI apologist was forced to admit:

"the overwhelming majority of the population were with the C.N.T. ... It would have been easy to attack the center of the city, had the re­sponsible committee so decided.... But the Regional Committee of the C.N.T. was opposed to it." —Augustin Souchy, The Tragic Week
in May

The barricades were finally aban­doned in exchange for the "promise" to "negotiate." 'With the barricades down, the police seized the Telefonica and rampaged through the working-class neighborhoods. However, the treachery of the CNT-FAI did not stop here. Again Souchy admits:
"Bad the workers in the outlying districts been informed immediately of this development, they would surely have insisted upon taking further measures and returned the attack."

Once again, Solidaridad Obrera sup­pressed the news.

The open capitulation of the An­archists fueled the courage of bour­geois reaction on the Republican side. Before the May conflagration Companys haughtily dismissed the largest workers party, predicting that its leadership "would capitulate as they always had before." After the May Days Jaime Miraltlles, a Catalan Left minister in the Generalitat, railed "in fact the Anarchists had committed suicide. By this uprising they had shown themselves incom­petent" (quoted in Robert Payne, The Civil War in Spain).
The actions of the CNT-FAI dur­ing the May Days, their refusal to take power and the desertion of their followers, was the logical outcome of their entry into the government. Writ­ing in December 1937, Trotsky sum­med up their role:

"In opposing the goal, the conquest of power, the Anarchists could not in the end fail to oppose the means, the revolution. The leaders of the CNT and FAI not only helped the bourgeoisie hold on to the shadow of power in July 1936; they also helped it to reestablish bit by bit what it had lost at one stroke. In May 1937, they sabotaged the up­rising of the workers and thereby saved the dictatorship of the bour­geoisie. Thus anarchism, which wished merely to be antipolitical, proved in reality to be antirevolutionary, and in the more critical moments—counterrevolutionary." —The Lessons of Spain: The Last Warning

POUM vs. Trotskyism

The most tragic capitulation was that of the POUM. Up until mid-September 1936, the POUM stood op­posed to the Popular Front, at least in words. As the CNT entered into negotiations with the Generalitat, the POUM began to waver and on 18 September declared itself "willing to leave the question open." Eight 'days later POUM leader Andres Nin became Minister of Justice in a bourgeois government.

The entry of the POUM was a decisive confirmation of Trotsky's determined struggle against its for­mation. The fusion of Nin's followers, the majority of the Spanish Left Op­position, with Maurin came at the expense of programmatic capitulations on the questions of the popular front and Catalan nationalism. From its inception, the POUM gravitated into the left-wing orbit of the CNT and never presented itself as a de­termined competitor for leadership of the class. Thus, when the CNT opted for ministerial portfolios, the POUM meekly followed suit.

During the initial phase of the May Days the POUM played a de­cisive military role. As the largest organized force on the workers' bar­ricades, the POUM militias num­bered over 10,000, the POUM was in a unique position to channel the militant disillusionment with the treachery of the CNT tops into a con­certed struggle for the seizure of power. Instead the POUM carried its politics of centrist capitulation to its highest expression: it ordered its fol­lowers off the barricades. As the prol­etariat faced the onslaught of the police, the May 6 issue of La Batalla (the POUM newspaper) advised the workers to "leave the streets" and "return to work."
The Spanish Trotskyists along with a small left-wing anarchist group, the Friends of Durruti, were the only organizations to have called for the defense of the barricades and raise a program for the seizure of power. Despite their size, the Bolshevik-Leninist section of Spain (for the Fourth International) widely dis­tributed on the barricades the fol­lowing leaflet dated May 4:


No compromise. Disarmament of the National Republican Guard and the reactionary Assault Guards. This is the decisive moment. Next time it will be too late. General strike in all the industries excepting those con­nected with the prosecution of the war, until the resignation of the reac­tionary government. Only proletarian power can assure military victory.

Complete arming of the working class. Long live unity of action of CNT-FAI-POUM.

Long live the revolutionary front of the proletariat.

Committees of revolutionary defense in the shops, factories, districts." —quoted in Felix Morrow, Revolution and Counterrevolution in Spain

Aftermath of the May Days

The May Days broke the back of the struggle against Franco. The Valencia government sent 6,000 As­sault Guards (equipped with Soviet arms and described by George Or­well as by far the best troops he'd seen in Spain) to smother the last embers of workers insurrection. When the fighting was over more than 500 had been killed, thousands wounded and the militias decisively defeated. Andres Nin and Left anar­chist leader Camillo Berneri—along with numerous other proletarian mili­tants—were murdered by the Stalinists. The POUM was outlawed and La Batalla banned; Solidaridad Obrera was censored; and Caballero •and the Anarchists were driven from the government. On 26 January 1939 Franco's troops marched into Barcel­ona; the resistance had long before been crushed.

An embittered George Orwell aptly summed up the nature of the "anti­fascist bourgeoisie's" war against Franco:

"A government which sends boys of fifteen to the front with rifles 40 years old and keeps its biggest men and newest weapons in the rear, is manifestly more afraid of the revolu­tion than of the fascists." —Homage to Catalonia

Barcelona was the purest expres­sion of the bourgeois character of the popular front. As the battle lines of the class struggle were drawn in blood, only the Trotskyist program offered the revolutionary proletariat the path leading to the seizure of power. The actions of the ostensible revolutionaries, from the POUM on the left to the Stalinists on the right, confirmed Trotsky's classic formulation:

"In reality, the People's Front is the main question of proletarian class strategy for this epoch. It also offers the best criterion for the difference between Bolshevism and Menshevism.... All the People's Fronts in Europe are only a pale copy and often a caricature of the Russian
People's Front of 1917 "
— Writings, 1935-36

Popular fronts are bourgeois poli­tical formations fundamentally counterposed to proletarian class inter­ests. The working class must give no support to popular fronts, not even voting for the workers parties within them. This is the lesson of the Pop­ular Front; two generations of the Spanish working class have borne the oppressive burden of Francoism as a result. But this lesson must be em­bodied in what Trotsky termed the three conditions for victory in Spain: the party, the party and once again the party. Forward to the building of a Trotskyist party in Spain, section of a reforged Fourth International.'

Thursday, August 31, 2017

In The Matter Of The Centennial Of The Birth Of Film Actor, Noir Film Actor, Robert Mitchum (2017)

In The Matter Of The Centennial Of The Birth Of Film Actor, Noir Film Actor, Robert Mitchum (2017)

By Associate Film Critic Alden Riley

[Due to the “controversy” between current film critic Sandy Salmon and his old-time friend and film critic emeritus I have been designated to write up this article based on notes that Sandy gave me and a perusal of Sam’s film review of Robert Mitchum and Jane Greer’s Out of the Past, the film that sparked the controversySite moderator Pete Markin agreed with that decision if for no other reason than to put an end to the bickering, his term. Here it is-Alden Riley]    

Film Editor Emeritus Sam Lowell is like something out of a film noir which he has always been fascinated by ever since he was a kid down in cranberry bog Carver south of Boston and would catch the Saturday matinee double-headers at the Bijou Theater (now long gone and replaced by a cinematic mega-plex out on Route 28 in one of the long line of strip malls which dot that road now). That fascination had a name, The Maltese Falcon, starring rugged chain-smoking tough guy Humphrey Bogart as a no nonsense, well almost no nonsense, private detective, who almost got skirt-crazy, almost got catch off guard by some vagrant jasmine scent from a femme over the matter of an extremely valuable bejeweled bird which the theater owner, Sean Riley, would occasionally play in a retrospective series that he ran to keep expenses down some weeks rather than take in the latest films from the studios.     

The reason that I, Sandy Salmon, current film critic at the American Left History blog and also at the on-line American Film Gazette can call the old curmudgeon Sam Lowell “something out of a film noir” is because once he decided to retire from the day to day hassle of reviewing a wide range of current and past films he contrived to get me to take his place on the blog along with my other by-line. That based on our years together as rivals and friends at the Gazette.  He did this “putting himself out to pasture” as he called it to the blog’s moderator, Peter Paul Markin, when he mentioned the subject of retirement with the proviso that he could contribute occasional “think” pieces as films or other events came up and curdled his interest. I had no particular objection to that arrangement since it is fairly standard in the media industry and is an arrangement that I would likewise want to take up in my soon to come retirement from the day to day grind. (To that end I am grooming an associate film critic Alden Riley for that eventuality.)

This business with Sam and his guest commentaries all came tumbling down on my head recently after he had read somewhere, maybe the Boston Globe, yes, I think it was that newspaper  that the centennial of the birth great actor, great film noir actor,  Robert Mitchum, was at hand. Without giving me a heads up he, Sam, decided that he wanted to do a “think” piece on this key noir figure and someone whose performances in things like Out Of The Past, Cape Fear, and Night Of The Hunter were the stuff of cinematic legend. But you see I wanted, once I became aware of the centennial, to write something to honor Mitchum although I have the modesty not to call it a “think” piece. My idea, as was Sam’s in the end, had been to write about that incredible role Mitchum played as a low key private eye in Out Of The Past against the dangers of a gun-addled femme. We resolved the dispute if you want to call it resolved by having “dueling” appreciations of that classic film. Sam’s potluck article has already been published and now I get my say. Enough said.          
I will say one thing for Sam although I would have noted it myself in any case that both our headlines speaks of a film noir actor although Micthum did many more types of films from goof stuff like the Grass Is Greener where he played some kind of rich oil man adrift in England and infatuated by some nobleman’s wife and Heaven Help Mr. Allison where he got all flirty with a fellow marooned nun to truly scary can’t go to sleep at night without a revolver under the pillow stuff like Cape Fear to the world weary, world wary former standup guy  pasty/fall guy in the film adaptation of  George V. Higgin’s The Friends Of Eddie Coyle. (That film a true Boston Irish Mafia classic complete with men only barroom scenes and a view of dank City Hall Plaza was the best novel Higgins wrote, wrote with a passion that his later work fell a little short on.) That said to my mind, as to Sam’s as well, his classic statement of his acting persona came in the great performance he did in Out Of The Past where between being in the gun sights of an angry gangster played by Kirk Douglas and the gun sights of a gun crazy femme played by Jane Greer he had more than enough to handle.

Yeah, if you think about it, think about other later non-goof, do it for the don’t go back to the “from hunger” days paycheck vehicles Mitchum starred in (he did something like one hundred plus films in his time plus some television work) that film kind of said it all about a big brawny barrel-chested guy who had been around the block awhile, had smoked a few thousand cigarettes while trying to figure out all the angles and still in the end got waylaid right between the eyes by that damn femme. All she had to do was call his name and he wilted like some silly schoolboy. I like a guy who likes to play with fire, likes to live on the edge a little but our boy got caught up badly by whatever that scent, maybe jasmine, maybe spring lilac but poison that he could never get out of his nostrils once she went into over-drive.

Sam in his review went out of his way to make Mitchum’s character, Jeff, let’s just call him Jeff since for safety reasons he had other aliases seemed like, well, seem like the typical “from hunger” guy who got wrapped up in a blanket with a dizzy dame and that his whole freaking life led to that fatal shot from that fatal gun from that femme fatale. She had a name, Kathie, nice and fresh and wholesome name but nothing but fire and fiery although Sam insisted that it could have been any one of a thousand dames as long as she had long legs, ruby red lips and was willing to mess up the sheets a bit. Yeah, Jeff as just another from nowhere guy who got caught between a rock and a hard place.      

No, a thousand time no. Robert Mitchum, ah, Jeff in those scenes has those big eyes wide open from the minute he hit Mexico, no, the minute he got the particulars from Whit, from his new employer of the moment, he was no fall guy but a guy playing out his hand, maybe well, maybe badly but playing the thing out just as he always had done since he was a kid. (Sam, maybe reflecting his own “from hunger” up-bringing in working class cranberry bog Carver if you look at his reviews of those luscious black and white films from the 1940s and 1950s that he feasted on always overplayed that fateful “from hunger” aspect of a male character’s persona, a failing to see beyond his own youth in many cases being his fatal error here)

As Sam would say here is the play, the right way to see Mitchum’s cool as ice character. Whit, a shady businessman, hell, call him by his right name, a gangster, a hood, played by cleft-chinned Kirk Douglas, a young Kirk just as Mitchum was young then too although he always seemed older whatever the role, wanted to hire Jeff (and by indirection his partner Fisher who will undercut him reminding me of that friction between Sam Spade and Miles Archer although Sam wound up doing right by his old partner. Fisher just bought the farm trying to move in on Jeff’s business) to find his girlfriend who left him high and dry minus a cool forty thousand and plus a little bullet hole as a reminder that not all women are on the level. The minute Jeff heard the particulars he was in, not for the dough, although dough is a good reason to take on a job in any profession including his, private detection, but to see what kind of dish ran away from a good-looking, rich guy with plenty of sex appeal and a place to keep her stuck in the good life. Sam missed the whole idea that Jeff already had a head of steam for this elusive Kathie before he went out the door of Whit’s mansion (Kathie or whatever her name really was played by sultry sexy, long-legged, ruby red-lipped ready for a few satin sheet tumbles Jane Greer).   

For a professional detective like Jeff Kathie was not hard to find, maybe intentionally if she had Whit figured out which I think she did, and you could palpably feel the tension as Jeff waited to meet his quarry. If you followed the way he was thinking, if you in this case followed the scent then you would have known that Jeff was no more a victim of some bad childhood that I was. Everything follows from that first prescient presence in that run-down wreak of a cantina down in sunny desperate Mexico and those first drinks between them. The sheets followed as night follows day as did the plans they had to flee from whatever dastardly deeds Whit would do once he knew that a real man had taken his pet away from him-without flinching. The key was the dodge Jeff, remember it was Jeff who led the misdirection when Whit showed up in sunny Mexico wondering what the fuck was going on. Jeff had them in Frisco town before you say goodbye. Nice work.          

Hey Jeff knew, knew as any man knew who had been wide awake after the age of thirteen knew, that his grip on Kathie unlike the later tryst with good girl Anne once he had to go into exile when Kathie flipped her wig, would only last as long as he could keep her interested. I will grant Sam this that maybe Jeff should have been a little more leery of what crazy moves Kathie could make when she was cornered, maybe should have thought through a little better why she put a slug in Whit just for the hell of it. But in his defense Jeff was playing his hand out and it was just too much bad luck that his old partner Fisher got on his trail as Whit’s new hound dog. Got on his trail, and hers, which she stopped cold when she put the rooty-toot-toot to Fisher. Then blew town leaving Jeff to pick up her mess.

Did Jeff call copper, did he go crying on his knees to Whit. No he went into exile waiting for the next move, waiting to see what Kathie would come up with next. He may have built him a nice little gas station business in Podunk, have gotten a dewy fresh maiden in Anne but anybody could see once he was exposed by one of Whit’s operatives passing through that little town he played his hand out to the very end. Went to see what was what including learning of Kathie’s opportunistic return to Whit’s embrace. And subsequently her return to his embrace. Of course such a course was bound to not turn out very well for anybody. Whit wasted by Kathie for the hell of it and then Jeff wasted by her as well once he knew the game was up. Don’t make though too much of that play at the very end when Anne asks Jeff’s deaf gas station employee whether he was really ready to leave everything Jeff and she had together for Kathie and the kid said yes. Yes with the implication that Jeff did the whole play to spare Anne. No, that is too pat. Jeff wanted to go with Kathie, wanted to play with fire, knew that the game was up and just didn’t care any longer as long as he was with Kathie. Couldn’t Sam see in Jeff, in Robert Mitchum’s, eyes that he didn’t care what she did, or what she didn’t do, that was the way it was between them. No fall guy there.

I don’t know about Sam but I am ready to move on to speak out about other major Mitchum films. I agree with Sam those payday check films in a career where he played in over one hundred are not worth blowing any smoke about but there are still plenty worthy of attention. More later. 

Boston Preview of Ken Burns / Lynn Novick film series on Vietnam - Sept. 6

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On Sept. 17 WGBH will start to air the Burns/ Novick 10 part documentary on the Vietnam War.  Locally, however, WGBH has scheduled a  one-hour preview of the series on Sept. 6 here in Boston that features Burns and Novick in person for a Q&A following the preview.  It's the first of many upcoming opportunities to make sure we do our best to set the record straight on why we went to war there in the first place and what really happened.  The Sept. 6 preview is at John Hancock Hall, 180 Berkeley St, Boston. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.  The Q&A will be moderated by Jim Braude and Margery Eagan, hosts of  Boston Public Radio.  Admission is $15.00 and tickets can be purchased on line  We want to encourage all Smedleys who can to attend this preview.  We will be handing out copies of the Full Disclosure newspaper to attendees as they enter. We could use your help and would appreciate your letting us know if you're available to pitch in.  Please let us know by writing

 Veterans For Peace has developed a platform of resources that provide insights to the strengths and weaknesses of this documentary along with suggestions as to how we can get involved in various forums that will or should take place. Please see below, especially the Full Disclosure newspaper and the attached review by Thomas Bass - America's Amnesia.  These resources will sharpen and provoke memories of what we all experienced.     

The Vietnam War & Full Disclosure

In September 2017, PBS will air a documentary about the Vietnam War, directed by respected documentarians Ken Burns and Lynn Novick. The goal of this 10-episode, 18-hour project is, according to the directors, to “create a film everyone could embrace” and to provide the viewer with information and insights that are “new and revelatory.” Just as importantly, they intend the film to provide the impetus and parameters for a much needed national conversation about this controversial and divisive period in American history.
The film will be accompanied by an unprecedented outreach and public engagement program, providing opportunities for communities to participate in a national conversation about what happened during the Vietnam War, what went wrong and what lessons are to be learned. In addition, there will be a robust interactive website and an educational initiative designed to engage teachers and students in multiple platforms.
The release of this documentary is an opportunity to seize the moment about telling the full story of the U.S war on Viet Nam.

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As We Approach The 80th Anniversary Of Barcelona 1937-From The Archives Of The “Revolutionary History” Journal- The Spanish Left (1930s version)in its Own Words-The Programme of the POUM in 1936

Click on the headline to link to the Revolutionary History journal entry listed in the title.

Markin comment:

This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discover” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.


Markin comment:

There is no question that in the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s the prime driving force was the working class of Catalonia, and within that province its capital, Barcelona, was the key hot-bed for revolutionary action. The role of Barcelona thus is somewhat analogous to that of Petrograd (later Leningrad) in the Russian revolution of 1917 and deserves special attention from those of us later revolutionaries trying to draw the lessons of the hard-bitten defeat of the Spanish revolution. All the parties of the left (Socialist Party, Communist Party, left bourgeois radicals, Catalan nationalists, Anarchists, various ostensible Trotskyists, the POUM, and non-party trade unionists) had militants there, and had myriad associated social and political organizations that drove the revolution forward in the early days before the working class surrendered its hard-fought gains to the bourgeoisie or in Russian revolutionary, Leon Trotsky’s memorable phrase, “the shadow of the bourgeoisie.”

That said, the May Days in Barcelona take added importance for those of us who believe that in the ebb and flow of revolution that the actions taken there by the various parties, or more pertinently, those actions not taken by some, particularly the POUM (and left-anarchists) sealed the fate of the revolution and the struggle against Franco. A description of the flow of the events, a fairly correct description of the events if not of the political conclusions to be drawn, in those days by a militant who was there, Hugo Oehler, is an important aid in understanding what went wrong.

Note: Hugo Oehler was noting but a pain in the butt for Jim Cannon and others in the United States who were trying to coalesce a Trotskyist party that might be able to affect events that were rapidly unrolling here in the heart of the Great Depression. Nevertheless Cannon praised Oehler as a very good and honest mass worker. That meant a lot coming from Cannon. One does not have to accept Oehler’s political conclusions to appreciate this document. Moreover, his point about trying to link up with the Friends of Durritti is an important point that every militant in Barcelona should have been pursuing to break the masses of anarchist workers from the CNT-FAI. Time ran out before these links could be made decisive. But that is a commentary for another day. Read this (and Orwell and Souchy as well) to get a flavor of what was missed in those May days.

additional Note On The POUM Program

The editorial comment above the programmatic points makes the correct criticisms of the "omissions" in the POUM program. I would add that another problem is the issues that are not raised, especially on the specific question of the right to national self-determination on the Spanish peninsula (and not just the question of a socialist federation of nations which is raised) and the very thorny and devastating one the colonial question, particularly on Spanish Morocco where Franco recruited heavily for his side.

Statement From Veterans For Peace-Afghanistan: More of the Same But Wrapped in Secrecy

Statement From Veterans For Peace-Afghanistan: More of the Same But Wrapped in Secrecy

Afghanistan: More of the Same But Wrapped in Secrecy

This past Monday, Trump addressed the nation about Afghanistan. The president’s speech at its core is more of the same disastrous policies that we have seen for sixteen years, except this administration wants to completely abandon pursuit of a political solution and shroud the war in a cloak of secrecy.  Veterans For Peace, once again, calls for a different direction other than war.  We call for U.S. troops to leave Afghanistan and a robust pursuit of a political solution to end the war.
It is not surprising that Trump began this speech by attempting to rectify his inability to speak out directly against White supremacy.  Instead of speaking unequivocally as president against ideologies of hate and White supremacy, he attempted to wrap himself in patriotism and the blood and sacrifice of fallen soldiers. In doing so, Trump attempted to sidestep his own culpability in the rise of hate and intolerance in the United States. In fact, we see that Trump only knows how to divide and fear-monger. His urging everyone in this country to come together against a common foe is no different than his campaign rhetoric using fear to call for unity against Muslims, immigrants and people of color.  Now he is using fear of people in another country to wage endless war.  We, at Veterans For Peace, have seen this tactic repeatedly.  There is nothing positive to gain by building unity through hatred and fear of another.  Displacing this nation’s collective anger at White supremacy in our midst towards people of other nations fuels dangerous nationalism that has enabled endless war. Further, we see by Trump’s speech the next day in Phoenix that his words of unity here at home are hollow.
Endless war is the plan that Trump laid out Monday.  In this regard, there are few differences in the approach of the prior two administrations. The policy differences that do exist will not change the reality of what is happening in Afghanistan and will continue to ensure more death for U.S. troops and the people of Afghanistan.
Veterans For Peace is alarmed by the policy changes outlined.  Trump indicated that a political settlement with the Taliban will not be sought and that the focus will be on military options.  He also blatantly stated that the U.S. public will not be given a basic outline of plans in Afghanistan.  Both policies are dangerous.  Cloaking the war in Afghanistan in more secrecy, in a time when increased privatization of our armed forces is being considered, diminishes accountability and gives the U.S. public no idea of what we are being asked to commit to war.  Moving away from a pursuit of a political solution and giving commanders on the ground more leeway to use force will more than likely lead to more civilian deaths with little chance of significantly increasing the possibility of the U.S. militarily defeating the Taliban. The two previous administrations put little real effort in a political solution, but complete abandonment can only mean prolonging war and more bloodshed.
Veterans For Peace also condemns the aggressive and needlessly antagonizing language towards Pakistan, especially given our long history of drone warfare in the country that has killed innocent civilians and violated their borders.  Previous administrations have sought a balanced approach to Pakistan and India, two nuclear powers with a fragile relationship. Trump’s highlighting of India’s benefit to the U.S. economically and invitation to be more involved in Afghanistan appears to be favoring India and to punish Pakistan. It is hard to see a positive outcome of framing the U.S. relationship with Pakistan or India in the context of moving closer to one and distancing the U.S. from the other.  
Trump’s speech admitted no culpability in the role of the U.S. in destabilizing the entire region, alternating between blaming Afghanistan and Pakistan. The U.S. military has destroyed countless villages and continues to create an atmosphere of fear and hatred with covert drone operations that kill thousands of innocent people.  It should be clear after sixteen years and the death of tens of thousands of people that no one is a winner in Afghanistan. There is no clear concept of what it means to win there. In fact, it is no longer clear why the U.S. continues to keep troops in Afghanistan after sixteen years of failure.
Veterans For Peace calls for a different direction than more war. We call on Congress to stop funding war and demand a plan for a peaceful solution. We call on the president to immediately begin withdrawal of U.S. troops and take a new direction towards diplomacy and peace. And we call on the people of the U.S. to resist war and demand policies that foster peace and prosperity at home and in Afghanistan.

On The 50th Anniversary Of The Summer Of Love, 1967-“The Monterey Pops Festival” (1968) –A Documentary

On The 50th Anniversary Of The Summer Of Love, 1967-“The Monterey Pops Festival” (1968) –A Documentary

DVD Review

By Associate Film Editor Alden Riley 

The Monterey Pops Festival-1967, starring Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, The Mamas and the Papas, Ravi Shankar, and the usual suspects from the 1960s acid rock circuit on the West Coast, produced by D.A. Pennebaker, 1968 

I don’t mean to grouse every time I get an assignment from my boss, from film editor Sandy Salmon, but I think I have grounds to do so here. I only mentioned in passing in reading a recent review Sandy did of a 2015 biopic of Janis Joplin, Janis Joplin: Little Girl Blue, one of the icons of the 1960s and of the Summer of Love, 1967 which he and his old-time film critic friend Sam Lowell have gone into overdrive over that I had never heard of her and was not familiar with her work. That faux pas on my part got me this netherworld assignment to watch and review the DVD under review, The Monterey Pops Festival of 1967, the very first one, the three day affair, which has also (back in mid-June) celebrated its 50th anniversary. Sandy’s idea was, I think, that once I heard and saw her and the other top West Coast groups from his generation that I would go out and buy a tie-dye shirt or look for the nearest commune or something.     

Sandy mentioned that the guy who put the documentary together about the two day concert was the very same guy who trailed after Bob Dylan in his classic Don’t Look Back (which I also haven’t seen but I will charge an unfair labor practice if he attempts to get me to watch and review that one since one thing I do know is that Bob Dylan couldn’t and can’t now sing whatever merits he has as a songwriter and part-time “voice” of his generation or whatever it was that Time magazine dubbed him back in the ancient folk times). Whatever merits the subject matter of this documentary has it certainly is not in the almost amateurish production values here especially in light of the huge technological advances that have been made which makes this documentary seen like one of those old silent movie flicks in comparison. Grainy, swirly footage, seemingly random and inchoate views (or non-views) of the acts on stage and some odd-ball sound effects (or non-sound effects) which I am sure Sandy and his crowd will glower over as efforts to “go back to nature” from a simpler time when everybody was looking intently at their electronic devises of choice.      

I will pass over the performances some of which were very good including Ms. Joplin’s break-out performance with her band Big Brother and the Holding Company on the old blues classic Piece Of My Heart. If she had that much energy consumption on one song I don’t know how she would have gotten through a full set never mind a whole concert but maybe the drugs really did help keep her going. Same goes for Jefferson Airplane with demonic Grace Slick and Marty Balin on High Flying Bird and the great harmonics of the Mamas and Papas (someone said they were “spot on” meaning very in tune) that came through even in this primitive production. But what was that all about with the Who leader smashing and Jimi Hendrix burning up perfectly good electric guitars on stage. I don’t get it and I don’t want to ask Sandy, and definitely not Sam Lowell who was actually out in San Francisco in 1967 although I am not sure he attended the festival, because I don’t want a two hour lecture about creative rock and roll and stage presence-thank you very much.

Here is the funny thing though since this was a billed as a Pops Festival the guy who stole the show (the shown part since I understand that several big-time performers wound up on the cutting room floor (which are shown in a separate disc in the three disc collection as “outtakes”-the other disc Jimi Hendrix and Otis Redding’s performances which I did not have time to view and in the case of Hendrix did want to after seeing that maniacal burning in the main frame) was Ravi Shankar who played the sitar hardly a new instrument and a did a rif that was probably about five hundred years old. The crowd loved it, hell, I loved it although it was perhaps a shade too long given the eighty minute length of the film. 

What really interested me and which Sandy will probably give me an earful about were the close-up shots of the attendees, of the audience, of the mostly young audience in their best “hippie” garb some of it which looked very cool even now. Porkpie hats, old-time Victorian dresses, World War II G.I. surplus stuff like that. Funny though and maybe Sandy will think the same thing when he watches the DVD or maybe re-watches most of the audience looked like they had done some serious weed or some drug before they got to the concert (or maybe at it although it didn’t seem like I saw a lot of smoke, weed smoke although a fair amount of cigarette smoke when that was cool. Some of the young women then, women who today would be my grandmother’s age certainly looked foxy. I wonder if anybody who watched the film today and who had been there then would be shocked by the footage of them in their “to be young was very heaven days”. I wonder if Sandy would think the same think thing or dismiss my observation and go back into his ecstatic dream world with Sam yakking about the days when men and women played rock and roll for keeps and everybody listened with baited breathe.