Thursday, May 10, 2018

One Week Until Our Next Big Action: The Poor People's Campaign!

Hello again DS Family,

Just thought I'd forward the message below again with the gentle reminder that our next big action, The Poor People's Campaign, kick's off next Monday in 40 states across the nation and the District of Columbia!
Be sure to catch our daily countdown on TwitterInstagram, and/or Facebook for interesting facts about why we're doing this campaign. Many thanks to the scores of you who have already signed up using this unique Democracy Spring/Poor People's Campaign link. For those who haven't, please be sure to do so today so you don't miss the information specific to your location for the mandatory non-violent direct action training ahead of Monday's action in your state or DC (either Sunday evening or Monday morning).

In solidarity,
Renaldo and the entire DS team
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Renaldo, Democracy Spring <>
Date: Wed, May 2, 2018 at 7:17 PM
Subject: Our Next Big Action: The Poor People's Campaign!
Fellow Patriots,
By now you've probably seen Kai's "Big Announcement" last week on passing the torch to Tania, Shani, and me. If not, here's a link to that announcement on our website.
We've been working around the clock to advance the work and mission of Democracy Spring and I'm proud to announce our next big action: "The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival."
A mass nonviolent direct action campaign, Democracy Spring has partnered with Repairers of the Breach; the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice; the Popular Education Project; and over 100 local and national partners to push the sleeping giant of poverty in America -- where 1 in 2 Americans are poor or low-income (according to the Supplemental Poverty Measure) -- to the top of the national agenda.
From our perspective, this campaign (the resurrection of a dream that was killed shortly after its revolutionary dreamer, Dr. King, 50 years ago) is not just promising because of its sustained, escalating nonviolent direct action over 40 days in over 40 states across the country, but also because of its laser focus on the link between political and socio-economic (dare I add environmental) disenfranchisement!
Indeed, the campaign has already commissioned a report and map showing the states with some of the worst voter suppression laws are the same states with the worst poverty and healthcare rates (i.e. the lowest or no minimum wage, and denied Medicaid expansion).
Furthermore, while the official poverty rate is about the same today as it was when Dr. King decried it 50 years ago, the share of national income going towards the top 1% of earners has nearly doubled (the 400 wealthiest Americans now own more wealth than the bottom 64% of the U.S. population, or 204 million people) -- even while healthcare (the leading cause of bankruptcy) and education costs continue to soar, the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour can't afford anyone a two-bedroom apartment at market rent in any state or county in the nation, and congress and the White House hand the rich yet another tax cut on the backs of the poor.
This political and economic inequality erodes our democracy in direct (voter suppression at a time when we have internationally low voter turnout compared to other democracies) and indirect (campaign finance laws that leave our policymakers beholden to the wealthy few at the expense of the many) ways and we must face these threats by building on the wisdom of our forbears who taught us -- from the founding revolution to abolition, women’s suffrage to the labor, farm workers, and civil rights movements  -- that no major democratic struggle in American history has been won without the weapon that Dr. King called "the sword that heals," nonviolent direct action.
So, will you join us? Will you help us break the righteous record we set in April 2016 for the largest act of American civil disobedience this century? Will you step up locally to help your state advance the new pro-democracy wave to counter what I call "The 7 Deadly Sins of American Democracy"? Will you follow the lead of grassroots patriots like those in Florida who are advancing Felon Re-enfranchisement? Will you follow the lead of grassroots patriots in Oregon in 2016 (which had the largest voter turnout increase of any state during the last presidential election) or, most recently, those in New Jersey who organized to make their state the 12th since 2016 to enact Automatic Voter Registration?
If so, sign-up at this unique Democracy Spring/Poor People's Campaign link so that we can ensure that you get all the information you need (based on your location) ahead of our launch in just under 2 weeks!
The 40 days of action will commence on Monday, May 14th (the day after Mother's Day) in 40 states (at/around the state capitols) and the District of Columbia with a form of civil disobedience on each Monday over those 6 weeks. However, you MUST attend a training ahead of each action (usually on the Sunday before or at 11am on Monday) to participate. For more information, sign-up at the link above and see the Action Map here (which includes the contact info for your local coordinators).
The themes for each week are as follows:
  • Week One (May 13-19) - Somebody's Hurting Our People: Child poverty, Women, LGBTQIA community, and People with Disabilities
  • Week Two (May 20-26) - Linking Systemic Racism and Poverty: Voting Rights, Ending Mass Incarceration, treatment of indigenous people and Justice for Immigrants
  • Week Three (May 27-June 2) - The War Economy: Militarism, Veterans and the Proliferation of Gun Violence
  • Week Four (June 3-9) - Ecological Devastation and Health - Clean Air, Clean Water, and Healthcare for All
  • Week Five (June 10-16) - Everybody’s Got a Right to Live: Jobs, Income, the Right to Organize, Education and Housing
  • Week Six (June 17-22) - A New and Unsettling Force - A Fusion Movement Rising Up
That said, I'll leave you with these words from Rabbi Maimonides: "The world is equally balanced between good and evil. Your next act will tip the scales."

For Real Democracy,
Renaldo and the entire DS Team

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Senators Have a New Plan to Expand Indefinite Detention and Endless Global War

Senators Have a New Plan to Expand Indefinite Detention and Endless Global War
By Christopher Anders, Deputy Director, ACLU Washington Legislative Office
MAY 3, 2018 | 4:00 PM

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse with this Congress, a bipartisan pair of senators have teamed up to write the single most dangerous piece of unconstitutional legislation of this Congress. 

Last week, Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and Tim Kaine (D-Va.) introduced S. Res. 59, which is a new Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF). An AUMF is roughly the modern equivalent of a declaration of war, and the Corker-Kaine AUMF gives President Trump and lots of future presidents the authority to take the country to war against an endless list of groups and individuals in an endless list of countries. 
The result will be true global war without end.
The two senators wanted to get a quick vote in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week and have the bill rocket through the Senate and House and onto the president’s desk. Fortunately for all of us, senators from both parties, from Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) to Sen. Jeff Merkely (D-Ore.), forced a slowdown. But Corker and Kaine are working overtime to try to jam through their AUMF, which is a dumpster fire of bad ideas.
Here are just some of the harms packed into their proposed AUMF:
It immediately authorizes war against eight groups. With literally no strategic or operational restrictions, the Corker-Kaine AUMF authorizes immediate war against eight groups in six countries. The American military could be sent into battle in countries such as Libya, Somalia, or Yemen to fight groups that most Americans have never even heard of. This could lead to the immediate deployment of tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of American military service members to fight if Congress passes and Trump signs this AUMF.
The U.S. could declare war on a person. The president — not just President Trump, but likely every president for the next generation or longer — will be able to add new groups or new countries to the AUMF by simply sending a one-paragraph note to Congress. Absurdly, the Corker-Kaine AUMF even gives the commander-in-chief the option of going to war against a “person.” The president would not even have to explain why the new group or person is an enemy or what kind of danger awaits from military action in a newly added country.

Congress abdicates its war-making powers. In a stunningly unconstitutional move, the Corker-Kaine AUMF takes the most important power that the Constitution gives to Congress alone — the power to declare war — and turns it almost entirely over to this president and every future president. The only way that Congress would be able to stop a determined president from going to war everywhere and against anyone the commander-in-chief chooses would be to get a two-thirds majority of both houses of Congress to override the president's veto.
This flips the constitutional order on its head since the Constitution says a majority of both houses must agree to go to war before military action is taken. By contrast, the Corker-Kaine AUMF requires two-thirds of both houses to try to stop a president from using the war power that the AUMF would give the president.  This provision to swap the Constitution’s requirement of a majority in both houses to declare war for a two-thirds majority of both houses to stop war breaches checks and balances and the separation of powers. It can’t possibly be constitutional.
So, what more could be added to a piece of legislation that unconstitutionally sets us up for war everywhere and forever? 
How about amping up the authority for any president to use the military to lock people up with no charge or trial? And expanding this authority with no boundaries — and with no statutory prohibition in the AUMF against locking up American citizens or anyone picked up even in the United States itself?  We believe it would still be unlawful for a president to try it (again), but why risk it?
Congress went down this same road in 2011, with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and hundreds of thousands of activists from the ACLU and our allies called and emailed their members of Congress urging its defeat. It narrowly passed, and President Obama signed it — with a promise not to use it against American citizens, but without denying that a president could have the power to order military detention.
The Intercept has an explanation of how this new detention provision could work. It is truly hard to believe that anyone in Congress would believe that it is a good idea for the legislature to head down this road again. Please sign our petition urging your senators to do everything they can do to make sure the Corker-Kaine AUMF never becomes law.  
The Corker-Kaine AUMF is beyond dangerous.  It is unconstitutional. And it is set up to never end. The Senate has a duty to kill this legislation immediately and show all members of Congress and the executive that abdicating Congress’s duty to declare war stays with the people’s representatives and no one else.

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2018 summer protest season kicks off with action of 70+ farmworkers, allies in Sarasota!

2018 summer protest season kicks off with action of 70+ farmworkers, allies in Sarasota!
CIW’s Silvia Perez: “We have fought for decades to protect the dignity of the women and men who harvest our food — and we are winning, through the Fair Food Program. Wendy’s cannot erase the hard-earned progress we’ve made…”
Even as the tomato harvest ends in Immokalee and the academic semester draws to a close for student allies, the Fair Food Nation is anything but winding down. Far from it: farmworkers and allies have their eyes trained on victory in the Wendy’s Boycott, and have lined up a jam-packed schedule of big summer protests and national calls to action. With pressure continuing to mount following the spring’s Freedom Fast and Time’s Up Wendy’s March, Wendy’s will be hard-pressed to ignore the Fair Food Nation’s clarion call for real, worker-driven social responsibility.

Indeed, allies around the country are marshaling their networks to pen hundreds of letters to Wendy’s headquarters while also mobilizing to show up in-person to the annual shareholder meeting in Dublin, OH on June 5. If you’re ready to join in the actions planned for the shareholder meeting, make sure to check out our call to action! 

Today, we bring you a report from the very first hot and sunny summer protest of the season in Sarasota, Florida. Last Sunday, dozens of farmworker men, women, and children hopped into vans to journey to the beautiful gulf coast community two short hours north of Immokalee that has, for many years, been a veritable Fair Food stronghold.
Coalition of Immokalee Workers
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Now What?! Understanding Iran With Cambridge Photojournalist Randy Goodman Thursday, May 10 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm ~ First Church in Cambridge, 11 Garden St

Now What?! Understanding Iran

With Cambridge Photojournalist Randy Goodman

Thursday, May 10 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm ~ First Church in Cambridge, 11 Garden St

Join us for a slideshow and talk by Randy Goodman on her newest photo series as she discusses the changes in Iran from 1979 to today, including the effects of the Iran Nuclear Deal on the citizens of the country. 
Cambridge photojournalist Randy H. Goodman has an eye for people, politics and possibilities. She’s captured images from Iran’s Islamic revolution to recent times. During her 35-year career, she combined her formal training as a political sociologist with her passion for documentary photography.
Her first foreign assignment was Iran, three months after the November 4,1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy.   She photographed a visit by a grassroots delegation of Americans who traveled to Tehran to meet with the Iranian students holding the U.S. hostages.
In 1981, she, along with two colleagues, returned on an exclusive assignment for CBS-TV News.  At the time, they were the only American journalists credentialed to work in Iran. Her third Iran assignment was for Time magazine (1983), where she toured the Iran-Iraq war zone, covered breaking news events and photographed Ayatollah Khomeini from beneath her borrowed chador.
In 2009, she produced her first exhibit of her Iran work titled IRAN: Images From Beneath a Chador: The Hostage Crisis and the Iran-Iraq War 1980-1983. The traveling exhibit was widely shown in the US and Europe.
After a thirty-three year absence, Randy returned to Iran in 2015 to photograph the societal changes during another pivotal period in that country’s history – – the signing of the Iran nuclear agreement.
Randy’s photographs have been widely published in newspapers and magazines throughout the world including The New York TimesThe Boston GlobeThe Washington PostTIME and in Egypt, France, Hong Kong, Great Britain, Libya, Italy and Spain. She has also made numerous appearances on radio and television programs discussing her Iran work.

The slide show and discussion will be followed by a discussion on how to react to Trump’s cancelation of the Iran Nuclear Accord

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Palestine Solidarity Demonstration in Boston Remember and Resist: 70 Years Since Palestine's Nakba Saturday, May 12, 11:30 AM

Remember and Resist: 70 Years Since Palestine's Nakba

Saturday, May 12, 11:30 AM

Dear Paul,
We invite you to join us for a protest in solidarity with Palestine on Saturday, May 12 at 11:30 AM at Copley Square, Boston. The protest will include a moving museum, a solemn procession to the Boston Common, and a speakout.
70 years ago on May 15, 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinians were forced from their homes and villages as Israel was established. Today, Palestinians ​continue to build a movement against the US-backed occupation and for the right of return of refugees, through the Great Return March​.
Please join us for this event, hosted by the Palestinian community of Boston and sponsored by the Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine, Boston-wide SJP, Grassroots International, Jewish Voice for Peace-Boston, Massachusetts Peace Action, Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East, and United for Justice with Peace (partial list).
·       WHEN: Saturday, May 12 at 11:30 AM
·       WHERE: Copley Square, Boston
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