Thursday, July 26, 2018

From Veterans For Peace- #NoMuslimBanEver
Veterans For Peace and the Veterans Challenge Islamophobia campaign are appalled by the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Trump Administration’s bigoted and xenophobic #MuslimBan. As veterans, we fought to uphold the ideals in the Constitution - protecting the constitutional right to religious freedom means protecting ALL religions.

We believe in the tenets of religious tolerance and diversity and believe that the decision to allow this unjust and discriminatory Muslim Ban to remain will escalate an already disturbing precedent and open the door to even more blatant discrimination against people based on their race, religion, ethnicity or country of origin.  To understand more about the implications of the Muslim Ban, see this infographic from the Bridge Initiative

 After this decision it is crucial that we have a visible, strong presence across the country standing in support of all those who are impacted by the Trump administration’s xenophobic, Islamophobic, and white nationalist agenda. 


As veterans, we will continue to stand against hate and declare #NoMuslimBanEver
P.S.  Read Veterans For Peace previous statement on the Muslim Ban
Veterans Challenge Islamophobia welcomes your tax deductible donations.
Veterans Challenge Islamophobia is initiated and coordinated by Veterans For Peace (VFP).
All veterans who agree that bigotry and religious intolerance must be challenged are welcome. Veterans do not have to join VFP or agree with VFP on other issues to participate but we always welcome new members to
our ranks.

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