Saturday, September 15, 2018

A View From The Left -Socialist Analysis - the working class can take down Trump - 9/12/2018

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Can the Working Class Change Society? Socialists Say Yes

There is an ongoing debate on the left, as in the ‘60s, about the role of the working class in changing society. The key question is whether the working class can or will move from being an objective reality, a “class in itself” to being a force that sees its interests as counterposed to those of the capitalists and organizes to challenge their power. Since the Grea Recession, working people in the U.S. have become keenly aware that the top 1% and even the top .01% have gained disproportionately while the bottom 99% and especially the bottom 50% are sliding backwards.
Please check regularly for the socialist analysis, strategy, and tactics needed to build movements to defeat the billionaire class.
Our pages build on the proven strategies that won two historic victories for Kshama Sawant in Seattle. Our editorial team brings the experience of leading the fight for $15 to its first major victory in the nation in Seattle in 2014 and then in Minneapolis last year. Subscribe today to receive our print or electronic newspaper.

Mayor 1% Bows out of Chicago 2019 Race, Leaving Historic Opening for Independent, Left Challenge

After a close-chested deliberation, Rahm Emanuel shocked Chicago by deciding against running for a third term as mayor in February 2019. Time for the left to seize the initiative and launch an independent mayoral campaign, based on building a mass working class movement, against the billionaire class.

The Mueller Investigation: Will it Take Down Trump? Why Socialist Strategy is Needed

With Manafort convicted and Cohen pleading guilty, the Mueller investigation continues to tighten around Trump. Impeachment could help put an end to some of Trump’s most vicious anti-worker and anti-minority policies, yet Pelosi says that impeachment is still “not a priority” for Democrats. The movement cannot afford to sit back and let the Mueller investigation run its course and hope the Democrats will act. The potential exists for Bernie and others to turn their current popularity into the ongoing movement or organization we so desperately need to fight against the right-wing agenda.

Missing the Point of Corbyn’s Rise

As the Socialist Party (CWI England and Wales) has consistently argued, for Corbyn to transform the Labour Party into one that can represent working-class and young people he must take on with the capitalist class representatives in the Labour Party.
2018 Socialist Alternative
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10/23 LA PLANTA INSOLENTE film from VENEZUELA (part of the Boston Iberio American Film Festival)


(part of the Boston Iberio American Film Festival)

The film reproduces the historical moment when Cipriano Castro, then
president of Venezuela, proclaimed: "The insolent plant of the foreigner
has desecrated the sacred soil of the fatherland!" While the coasts were
invaded by imperial forces in 1902.

At Wentworth Institute of Technology

Luther H. Blount Auditorium
550 Parker Street, Boston MA 02120
All films in Spanish with English subtitles

Full Festival runs from Oct. 15 to the 29th

The Ibero-American Film Festival is one of the most exciting cinema
events from the Spanish and Portuguese speaking cultures.
Entering our 23rd year, the Festival has screened more than 180 films
from 12 countries, reaching a diverse audience of over 8,000 people.
This year’s festival features a selection of international award winners
that entertain, educate and empower diverse audiences.


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My new movie (last chance!) Michael Moore

Michael Moore<>
Hi Alfred—I wanted to give you one last chance to see the Los Angeles premiere of my new movie this month! Details are below:

Dear MoveOn member, 
Donald J. Trump did not just fall from the sky. His rise to the presidency was not an aberration and should not have come as a shock. It was the logical end result of a long, downward spiral in America that culminated in one of our most loathsome citizens conquering our most powerful political office. One of our most deceptive minds commanding the bully pulpit. One of our most fraudulent hucksters armed with the powers of the presidency to protect him.
How did this happen?! What did we do to deserve this?!
Well, where shall I begin ...
For the past several months, I've been working on my next film, "Fahrenheit 11/9," and I'm finally ready to share it with the world.
It is already being talked about as one of the most anticipated films of the fall.
With the film, I set out to answer the two questions that have been haunting most Americans since that fateful morning on 11/9/2016, when, at 2:29 a.m., the Associated Press officially called the election for Donald J. Trump: How the f**ck did we get here and, most importantly, how the f**ck do we get out of it?
This is not a film telling you what a jerk Trump is, or what an buffoon Trump is, or what a liar Trump is. You already know that. Everybody already knows that, except for your conservative brother-in-law, whose mind you'll never be able to change. I wouldn't waste your time or my time making the kind of film that would convince him. And with all due respect to your conservative brother-in-law, we don't need him. We're the majority in this country, he's the minority; he knows it, and that's why he's so mad!
Instead, my team and I were on a mission to tell a much more important story. It's a story about hope ... and what comes after it. It's a story about deception and betrayal. It's a story about what happens to people when they've hit rock bottom. It's a story about who we are as a people and what it means to be an American in the era of Trump. Ultimately, it's a story about where we might be heading as a society.
My team and I have moved heaven and earth to make sure we delivered this film to you in time to have an impact in this year’s midterm elections. I'm excited to announce to you that "Fahrenheit 11/9" will open in more movie theaters than any of my previous films; it will be in over 1,500 theaters across America! And I know that MoveOn members like you are moving heaven and earth to win this election. That's why, as a special gift for MoveOn members, I'm inviting you to enter to win a trip to the premiere of my new movie "Fahrenheit 11/9!"
When you chip in to MoveOn's critical work to end Republican control of Congress this fall, you'll be entered to win a trip to the premiere of my new film in Los Angeles. Just click below:
We open nationwide on September 21, 45 days before the most important election in American history (and with voter registration still open nationwide!).
I've made a film that was meant to be seen on a big screen, in a dark theater, filled with a hundred strangers. My hope is that you will experience the magic of cinema the way that it was meant to be experienced and that you will be moved and entertained by it. But that you also will be inspired to act.
I'm writing you today because I need your help. Over the next few weeks, I'll be sharing updates and rallying folks to join MoveOn’s efforts to get MILLIONS of Americans to the polls this November.
Every bit of anger, despair, or frustration that you've felt over the past few years must be channeled into action this fall! And I'm excited to be partnering with my friends at MoveOn to help make sure that happens. MoveOn is working around the clock to help organize and turn out volunteers to get the vote out in November.
So let's all work together to win this fall! (As a special gift for MoveOn members, when you chip in below, you'll be entered to win a trip to the Los Angeles premiere of my new movie, "Fahrenheit 11/9!")
We're the majority. But we need to rise up. That's the only way out of this.
This is it. It's up to us. Let's rise up.
Thanks for all you do.
–Michael Moore
Want to support MoveOn's work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it MoveOn needs your support, now more than ever. Will you stand with MoveOn?
No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter to win. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. on September 13, 2018. You may enter by making a donation here. Alternatively, you can enter without making a donation. One winner will receive the following prize package: two round-trip airline tickets to Los Angeles, at a total value, including taxes, of no more than $1,500; two nights in a Los Angeles hotel, at a total value, including taxes, of no more than $500; two tickets to the premier; in-town transportation costs up to $200, to be reimbursed by MoveOn, provided receipts are submitted to by October 15, 2018. Total prize value not to exceed $2200.00. Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received. Promotion open to all U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of the 50 United States and District of Columbia and 18 or older (or of majority under applicable law). Promotion subject to Official Rules and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Political Action, 1442 Walnut Street #358, Berkeley, CA 94709.

Contributions to Political Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Alfred Johnson on September 13th, 2018. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

The Wicker Man (1973) | Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Via  bmdc-request <>
Directed by Robin Hardy (UK, 1973, 100 min.). Digital. English with open captions. Forty-five years after its release, this chilling and beautiful horror classic remains one of the best-loved films in its genre. It follows a straight-laced British police chief named Sergeant Howie as he investigates ...