Saturday, November 03, 2018

VFPeNews: No Troops to the Border!

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Veterans For Peace: No Troops to the Border!

Veterans For Peace strongly condemns the recent announcement that up to 15,000 active duty military personnel may be sent to the U.S. southern border. These troops will join the additional National Guard units that were sent last year, increasing the militarization of our borders at an alarming rate. Our immigration laws and enforcement tactics have long been at a crisis point and we are now witnessing an even more draconian surge in the use of force to prop up failed policies.
Veterans For Peace calls on all our members and all veterans who see the inhumanity and injustice of the current policies to call their Congressional Representative and Senators to demand the military be pulled back from the border and that the members of the approaching caravan be treated with dignity and processed according to international humanitarian standards as refugees. We call on all service members participating in the border deployment to follow the long American tradition of listening to their conscience and remember that they have no obligation to follow illegal orders. (For questions on military rights, contact the GI Rights Hotline or Courage to Resist)
The U.S. government, instead of welcoming the approaching refugees, the majority of whom will seek asylum under completely legal processes, is treating individuals and families fleeing to the U.S. as if they are "terrorists" (even when "counterterrorism" officials within the administration are stating that no such people exist within the caravan). The majority of these refugees are fleeing from violence in Honduras and a political situation United States' actions have made worse.
It is more important than ever that veterans stand up, speak out and organize to disrupt the dangerous escalation of racist and unjust policies, both at home and abroad. We, as veterans, know that peace is possible, but only if resources are directed towards caring for one another, not perpetuating militarization across the globe.

Help Send Deported Vets to SOAW

SOA, Encuentro 2018, gives Veterans For Peace deported veteran members the opportunity to unite with those feeling the injustices, of being considered as less than human beings, but also the opportunity to share ideas and strategies with those brothers and sisters that support and fight for the rights of those not able to fight for themselves, like those vulnerable to the hate and racism that is threatening the peace of our nations. We will uncover the connections between these struggles and the plight of deported U.S. veterans to countries around the world and the unfair punishment and political detention of immigrants who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
We plan to send 15 veterans to stand in solidarity with SOA and other members of Veterans For Peace. VFP members will march through Nogales, AZ and meet us on the Mexican side of the border. We will participate in workshops and planning to end the U.S. oppressive and militarized foreign policy in Latin America and act in solidarity with organizations and movements working for justice and peace throughout the Americas.
How can you help? We have a goal of raising $3,000 to cover the cost of our delegation.  Could you help by contributing $25, $50 or $100 towards that goal?  A donation of $200 will cover the travel and lodging of one veteran. We are so grateful for any amount of support you can offer.  We know that we would be unable to do so much without supporters like you!

The Boys Who Said No Film Premiere

Nov 18, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Tabard Inn, 1739 N St NW, Washington, DC 20036,
THE BOYS WHO SAID NO! will be the first film to profile one of the most successful youth-led resistance movements in American history -- the hundreds of thousands of young men who refused to be drafted to fight in Vietnam and helped end the War and the military draft.
Join them for this special gathering at the Tabard Inn for a sneak preview of the film's 30 minute opening segment, followed by spirited discussion, special guests, fine food and beverages. (One of the special guests is VFP member Matt Hoh!)
Attendance will help provide the funds to finish the film this year and widely distribute it to inspire activists today.

VFP Nashville Radio Hour: Oak Ridge 

Harvey and Jim of Veterans For Peace Nashville talk to Ralph Hutchinson of the Oak Ridge Environmental and Peace Alliance about Trumps threatened withdrawal from the INF and their continued efforts to slow down or stop the dangerous and expensive new construction at the Oak Ridge Nuclear facility.

Observations from Russia

VFP Member Bruce Gagnon recently returned from a trip to Russia where he went to Moscow and Crimea.  He wrote a blog about his recent trip that includes a list of observations ranging from the political to the mundane of daily life.  It's a must read and full of interesting observations!

Veterans Issue Open Letter to Active Duty US Soldiers

VFP Member Rory Fanning and Spenser Rapone recently wrote a letter calling on Active Duty U.S. Soldiers.
"Our Commander-in-chief is lying to you. You should refuse his orders to deploy to the southern U.S. border should you be called to do so. Despite what Trump and his administration are saying, the migrants moving North towards the U.S. are not a threat. These small numbers of people are escaping intense violence. In fact, much of the reason these men and women—with families just like yours and ours—are fleeing their homes is because of the US meddling in their country’s elections. Look no further than Honduras, where the Obama administration supported the overthrow of a democratically elected president who was then replaced by a repressive dictator.
These extremely poor and vulnerable people are desperate for peace.  Who among us would walk a thousand miles with only the clothes on our back without great cause? The odds are good that your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. lived similar experiences to these migrants. Your family members came to the U.S. to seek a better life—some fled violence. Consider this as you are asked to confront these unarmed men, women and children from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. To do so would be the ultimate hypocrisy."


VFP regrets sharing a creative piece in our October 5th electronic newsletter without permission. The mini photo-essay by Mike Hastie included details about war experiences of a couple Vietnam veteran friends of his, but the story he told about Jerry Gentry was erroneous and a breach of Jerry's privacy. VFP is sincerely sorry for publishing the piece without permission.

VFPStore: Last Chance! 2018 Convention T-Shirts!

Great souvenir or collector T-Shirt from our 2018 Convention held in St. Paul, Minnesota!! Get one while supplies last!! 
Front:  Reclaim Armistice Day 1918-2018, "End All Wars" Helmet Design, Veterans for Peace, 33rd Annual Convention (with date and location)
Front:  Reclaim Armistice Day 1918-2018, "End All Wars" Helmet Design, Veterans for Peace, 33rd Annual Convention (with date and location)
Back:  "If you want to thank me for my service, Work for Peace"  100th Anniversary w/VFP website
In This Issue:

Urgent Message From the President

Last week we saw a spate of high visibility hate crimes in the United States. Two African American elders shopping at a Kroger's store in Kentucky were randomly murdered by a middle-aged white man, who told an armed responder, "whites don't kill whites." Eleven Jewish worshipers were gunned down in a Pittsburg synagogue by a middle-aged white man shouting, "All Jews must die." A middle-aged man in Florida, a big fan of Donald Trump, was arrested after mailing bombs to some of Trump's favorite targets: leading Democrats and CNN.

Simultaneously, an older white supremacist, Donald Trump, ordered thousands of troops to the U.S. border with Mexico, while openly suggesting a violent response to the caravan of desperate Central American asylum seekers. Of course, it is no coincidence that Trump is attacking migrants right before the mid-term elections. He expects this will play well with his "base" and turn out the racist, anti-immigrant vote.

There can be little doubt that Trump's overt racism played into these other hate crimes. He has given permission to racists to come out of the closet and do their thing. He suggests that violence is a perfectly acceptable reaction, especially when directed against his enemies and scapegoats. He is preparing the ground for a fascist United States.

Stop Wars at Home and Abroad

Plans are being finalized for the upcoming Armistice Day weekend in Washington D.C.  There is a large coalition working on planning a weekend full of activities!
CELEBRATE: The Trump Military Parade has been CANCELLED!
DIVEST FROM WAR: Attend a “PEACE CONGRESS” with over 200 Peace Groups
INVEST IN PEACE: Reclaim ARMISTICE DAY on its 100th Anniversary

Veterans Occupy Washington: Vets will occupy McPherson Square throughout the weekend (15th Street & I Street, NW).

Peace with Iran Delegation, January 10-18

Thursday, January 10 - Friday, January 18, 2019
Concerned that the US administration is making a case for war with Iran, a coalition of peace groups, organized by, is putting together an historic Peace Delegation to Iran. We hope our delegation can have a significant impact in helping move our two nations from a place of hostility and military threats to a place of mutual respect and peace with one another.

Reclaiming Armistice Day: Submit Your Event

Veterans For Peace has been celebrating Armistice Day almost since the organization's inception, with a few chapters doing yearly events.  However, in 2008 the effort became a national effort with the passage of an official Veterans For Peace resolution.  Since then, chapters across the country have been "Reclaiming Armistice Day" pushing the celebration of peace into the national conversation on Veterans Day.

One hundred years ago the world celebrated peace as a universal principle.  The first World War had just ended and nations mourning their dead collectively called for an end to all wars.  Armistice Day was born and was designated as “a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated."

U.S. Facilitates Saudi War Crimes in Yemen

VFP Advisory Member Marjorie Cohn writes on the ongoing crisis in Yemen.
"As recently as October 13, a Saudi-led airstrike killed at least 19 people and injured 30 when it hit a convoy of buses carrying civilians escaping an attack on Hodeidah. The coalition has mounted more than 50 airstrikes on civilian vehicles in 2018 alone.
Targeting civilians is a war crime under the Fourth Geneva Convention.
By furnishing a bomb with knowledge it would likely be used to commit a war crime, US leaders could be tried for aiding and abetting a war crime under customary international law. They supplied the bomb used in the August 2018 bus attack, knowing a similar one was used in the 2016 funeral bombing."

VFP Madison Radio Hour: Reclaim Armistice Day

Veterans For Peace Chapter 25 in Madison Wisconsin will be featured on 89.9 WORT-FM on Monday, Nov 5th at 7:00 p.m. (Central). Check out this great promo that the station will be playing at various times in the run up to the program!

Peace Report: Decolonialization

The Peace Report continues the conversation with Monisha Rios about colonialism and ways it shows up within the U.S. Peace Movement.

Nov 11 - Armistice Day
Dec 1 - Summit on Peace with Iran, Washington D.C.

Veterans For Peace, 1404 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102

Veterans For Peace appreciates your tax-exempt donations.
We also encourage you to join our ranks.


Veterans For Peace: No Troops to the Border!

Veterans For Peace: No Troops to the Border!

Veterans For Peace strongly condemns the recent announcement that up to 15,000 active duty military personnel may be sent to the U.S. southern border. These troops will join the additional National Guard units that were sent last year, increasing the militarization of our borders at an alarming rate. Our immigration laws and enforcement tactics have long been at a crisis point and we are now witnessing an even more draconian surge in the use of force to prop up failed policies.
Veterans For Peace calls on all our members and all veterans who see the inhumanity and injustice of the current policies to call their Congressional Representative and Senators to demand the military be pulled back from the border and that the members of the approaching caravan be treated with dignity and processed according to international humanitarian standards as refugees. We call on all service members participating in the border deployment to follow the long American tradition of listening to their conscience and remember that they have no obligation to follow illegal orders. (For questions on military rights, contact the GI Rights Hotline or Courage to Resist)
The U.S. government, instead of welcoming the approaching refugees, the majority of whom will seek asylum under completely legal processes, is treating individuals and families fleeing to the U.S. as if they are "terrorists" (even when "counterterrorism" officials within the administration are stating that no such people exist within the caravan). The majority of these refugees are fleeing from violence in Honduras and a political situation United States' actions have made worse.
The U.S. government's claim that active duty troops are providing only innocuous support services are misleading. This is the introduction of U.S. military force as a deterrent to those who are pursuing their rights as asylum seekers fleeing from extreme poverty and violence in their homelands, much of it due to U.S policies. The U.S. is required under international humanitarian standards to welcome those seeking refuge.
Veterans For Peace recognizes that these orders did not happen in a vacuum, but represent a long history over several administrations of racist and violent policies that has perpetuated U.S. wars across the world and horrific domestic policies that created ICE, massive immigration detention centers and a wall that already splits towns and separates friends and families. However, the Trump administration has escalated, at an alarming pace, the implementation of new dangerous measures. President Trump is moving to fulfill on the promises of his campaign that caused an upsurge of hateful sentiment in our nation and spurred a rise in fear and anger.
Additionally, Veterans For Peace is not only concerned about the safety of individuals and families fleeing violence and the increased militarization of the border but we are extremely concerned about the continued disregard of federal law. Federal law, namely the Posse Comitatus Act, prohibits the deployment of active duty troops on domestic soil and the U.S. Government continues to ignore laws in favor of increasing militarization of U.S. domestic policy.
As military veterans from WWII to the current era of conflicts, who have trained for, and in many cases, fought in U.S. wars, we know that current U.S. policies have not only failed to bring peace but are morally bankrupt and we do not believe that more military at the border is rooted in justice or compassion.
It is more important than ever that veterans stand up, speak out and organize to disrupt the dangerous escalation of racist and unjust policies, both at home and abroad. We, as veterans, know that peace is possible, but only if resources are directed towards caring for one another, not perpetuating militarization across the globe.

Friday, November 02, 2018

As The 100th Anniversary Of The Armistice Day 11/11/1918 at 11 AM Commences-Some Creative Artists Who Fought/Died/Lived Through The Nightmare That Destroyed The Flower Of European And American Youth –

As The 100th Anniversary Of The Armistice Day 11/11/1918 at 11 AM Commences-Some Creative Artists Who Fought/Died/Lived Through The Nightmare That Destroyed The Flower Of European And American Youth –

By Seth Garth

A few years ago, starting in August 2014 the 100th anniversary of what would become World War I, I started a series about the cultural effects, some of them anyway, of the slaughter which mowed down the flower of the European youth including an amazing number of artists, poets, writers and other cultural figures. Those culturati left behind, those who survived the shellings, the trenches, the diseases, and what was then called “shell shock,” now more commonly Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which is duly recognized, and compensated for at least in the United States by the Veterans Administration in proven cases reacted in many different ways. Mainly, the best of them, like the ordinary dog soldiers could not go back to the same old, same old, could not revive the certitudes of the pre-war Western world with it distorted sense of decorum and went to what even today seem quirky with moderns like Dada, Minimalism, the literary sparseness of Hemingway, and so on. I had my say there in a general sense but now as we are only a few months away from the 100th anniversary of, mercifully, the armistice which effectively ended that bloodbath I want to do a retrospective of creative artistic works by those who survived the war and how those war visions got translated into their works with some commentary if the spirit moves me but this is their show-no question they earned a retrospective.

Poets’ Corner-In The Aftermath Of World War I- Poets Take A Stab At Visually Understanding A Broken World After the Bloodbath    

By Lenny Lynch

I don’t know that much about the Dada movement that swept through Europe in the early part of the 20th century in response to the creation of modern industrial society that was going full steam and the modern industrial scale death and destruction such mass scale techniques brought upon this good green earth by World War I. (Foreshadowed it is agreed by the industrial carnage at places like Cold Harbor in the American Civil War, the butchery of the Franco-Prussian War and subsequent river of blood by its own rulers of the Paris Commune and the Boer War.) The war to end all wars which came up quite short of that goal but did decimate the flower of the European youth, including vast swaths of the working class. Such massive blood-lettings for a precious few inches of soil like at the Battle of the Somme took humankind back more than a few steps when the nightmare ended-for a while with the Armistice on November 11, 1918. An event which in observing its centennial every serious artist should consider putting to the paint. And every military veteran to take heart including the descendants of those artists who laid down their heads in those muddy wretched trenches. Should reclaim the idea behind Armistice Day from the militarists who could learn no lessons except up the kill and fields of fire ratios. 

I don’t know much but this space over this centennial year of the last year of the bloody war, the armistice year 1918 which stopped the bloodletting will explore that interesting art movement which reflected the times, the bloody times. First up to step up George Groz, step up and show your stuff, show how you see the blood-lusted world after four years of burning up the fields of sweet earth Europe making acres of white-crossed places where the sullen, jaded, mocked, buried youth of Europe caught shells and breezes. Take one look Republican Automatons. Look at the urban environment, look at those tall buildings dwarfing mere mortal man and woman, taking the measure of all, making them think, the thinking ones about having to run, run hard away from what they had built, about fear fretting that to continue would bury men and women without names, without honor either.         

Look too at honor denied, look at the handless hand, the legless leg, the good German flag, the Kaiser’s bloody medal, hard against the urban sky. The shaky republic, the republic without honor, shades of the murders of the honest revolutionary Liebknecht walking across Potsdam Plaza to go say no, no to the war budget and grab a hallowed cell the only place for a man of the people in those hard times and gallant Luxemburg, the rose of the revolution, mixed in with thoughts of renegade burned out soldiers ready for anything. Weimar, weak-kneed and bleeding,  would shake and one George Groz would know that, would draw this picture that would tell the real story of why there was a Dada-da-da-da-da movement to chronicle the times if not to fight on the barricades against that beast from which we had to run.

On The 80th Anniversary Of The Founding Of The Fourth International-The100thAnniversaryYearOfTheBolshevik-LedOctoberRevolution-Lessons- *From The Pen Of Leon Trotsky- On The Anniversary Of His Death- The Defense of the Soviet Union and the Opposition (1929)

The Bolshevik-Led October Revolution-Lessons- From The Pen Of Leon Trotsky- On The  Anniversary Of His Death- The Defense of the Soviet Union and the Opposition (1929)

Click on the headline to link to the Leon Trotsky Internet Archives for an online copy of the article mentioned in the headline.

Frank Jackman comment:

The name Leon Trotsky hardly needs added comment from this writer. After Marx, Engels and Lenin, and in his case it is just slightly after, Trotsky is our heroic leader of the international communist movement. I would argue, and have in the past, that if one were looking for a model of what a human being would be like in our communist future Leon Trotsky, warts and all, is the closest approximation that the bourgeois age has produced. No bad, right?

Note: For this 70th anniversary memorial I have decided to post articles written by Trotsky in the 1930s, the period of great defeats for the international working class with the rise of fascism and the disorientations of Stalinism beating down on it. This was a time when political clarity, above all, was necessary. Trotsky, as a simple review of his biographical sketch will demonstrate, wore many hats in his forty years of conscious political life: political propagandist and theoretician; revolutionary working class parliamentary leader; razor-sharp journalist ( I, for one, would not have wanted to cross swords with him. I would still be bleeding.); organizer of the great October Bolshevik revolution of 1917; organizer of the heroic and victorious Red Army in the civil war against the Whites in the aftermath of that revolution; seemingly tireless Soviet official; literary and culture critic: leader of the Russian Left Opposition in the 1920s; and, hounded and exiled leader of the International Left Opposition in the 1930s.

I have decided to concentrate on some of his writings from the 1930s for another reason as well. Why, with such a resume to choose from? Because, when the deal went down Leon Trotsky’s work in the 1930s, when he could have taken a political dive and sought some safe literary niche, I believe was the most important of his long career. He, virtually alone of the original Bolshevik leadership (at least of that part that still wanted to fight for international revolution), had the capacity to think and lead. He harnessed himself to the hard, uphill work of that period (step back, step way back, if you think we are “tilting at windmills” now). In that sense the vile Stalinist assassination in 1940, when Trotsky could still project years of political work ahead, is not among the least of Stalin’s crimes against the international working class. Had Trotsky lived another ten years or so, while he could not have “sucked” revolutions out of the ground, he could have stabilized a disoriented post-World War communist movement and we would probably have a far greater living communist movement today. Thanks for what you did do though, Comrade Trotsky.