Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Poor People’s Moral Action Congress Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis 3/21/2019 6:00 PM

In the lead up to the 2016 presidential election, there were 25 debates and not a single question was asked about poverty or systemic racism.
There was no discussion on restoring the Voting Rights Act. Issues like ecological devastation and the war economy were never fully discussed from the position of those hit first and the worst: the 140 million people who are poor and low-income in this country. And the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism was left unchallenged.
This is why we are convening our own Poor People’s Moral Action Congress this June: to make sure the issues facing the 140 million poor and low-income people in this country are part of the national conversation in 2020.
We are bringing together hundreds of Poor People’s Campaign members and supporters from more than 40 states across the country. We are coming back to our nation's capital to return our national conversation to the moral center of who we are as a nation and democracy.  
Here’s what we’ll do at our Congress to make sure the issues we are facing and the Poor People’s Campaign Moral Agenda and Demands receive the attention they deserve:
  1. Launch the Poor People’s Campaign Moral and Constitutional Budget, which will assign hard numbers to the economic and social benefits of implementing our Campaign’s demands
  2. Challenge the 2020 candidates to take up our demands and hear directly from the impacted people leading this Campaign in the states
  3. Convene our first National Freedom School to train Campaign members and supporters in fusion politics and moral movement building so they can make an even bigger impact in their states
  4. Hold congressional hearings with testimonies delivered by impacted Campaign members and leaders
Registration fees will cover the costs of the Congress, meals and local transportation for the program. There will be special discounted rates for the poor, students and striking workers as well as discounts for groups.
This can’t just be an afterthought—the systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism and the distorted moral narrative hurting our people all need to be front and center on every televised debate, every town hall and every legislative agenda.
We need you in D.C. to make this happen.
With a huge turnout, we can bring our demands straight to the policymakers who have allowed more than five years to go by since the Voting Rights Act was gutted, 37 million people to live without healthcare, 14 million families to not afford water and more than 60 million people to get paid less than $15 an hour.
Join us in shaping our national conversation ahead of 2020. Click here to sign up for details and learn more about the Poor People’s Moral Action Congress.
Fight poverty, not the poor!
Reverend Dr. William J. Barber II and Reverend Dr. Liz Theoharis
President of Repairers of the Breach & Director of the Kairos Center
Co-Chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
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Fukushima at Eight: Ongoing Cover-Up of the Nuclear Hazards in Japan and Abroad

Amy Hendrickson<>
Via  mapa-nuclear-disarmament <>

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Fukushima at Eight: Ongoing Cover-Up of the Nuclear Hazards in Japan and Abroad

Arnie was recently interviewed on the Global Research News Hour podcast, hosted by Michael Welch. The topic of the podcast was Fukushima at 8 years and Arnie shares his understanding of the spread of nuclear contamination at Fukushima, the Japanese government’s bid to distract the public with heavy investment in and promotion of the 2020 Olympics, and the general tendency of governments and regulators to put the health of the industry above the safety of the public. Arnie also discusses the meltdown at Three Mile Island that took place 40-years ago near Harrisburg Pennsylvania on March 28th. 
To listen to the interview click Here

Don’t Miss the Nationwide Premiere of Power Struggle

Filmed over five years, this feature-length documentary chronicles the heated political battle to close the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant, located on the banks of the Connecticut River in southern Vermont. Power Struggle follows the unfolding drama as citizen activists and elected officials – alarmed at increasing safety violations – take on the federal government and one of the biggest nuclear power companies in America to call for closure of the reactor when its original 40-year license expires.
The film captures perspectives on all sides of the controversy, including from local residents both for and against nuclear power, elected officials (including Sen. Bernie Sanders and Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin), nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen, a Vermont Yankee spokesperson, and federal nuclear regulators.
Tune in to Free Speech TV on Thursday, March 28 at 8 pm ET for the national broadcast premiere of Power Struggle. 
To read more about the film follow the link Here 
Power Struggle 

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Chicago Bernie Sanders

Veterans For Peace Stands with Chelsea Manning

Veterans For Peace Stands with Chelsea Manning

Veterans For Peace stands strongly in solidarity with Chelsea Manning.  Chelsea has been a remarkable example of principled dissent.  She showed great courage in releasing documents and now again standing firm against the questionable practices of a grand jury.  Veterans For Peace calls on Chelsea to be released immediately.
Veterans For Peace and many VFP members were among the most committed supporters of Chelsea Manning when she was arrested in May, 2010 and eventually court-martialed for releasing the Collateral Murder video and other critical information about the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that the public had the right and need to know.
Veterans For Peace members were arrested outside the Marine Base at Quantico, Virginia, where Chelsea was being held in torturous solitary confinement. Members rallied outside her court martial at Fort Meade, Maryland, and sat in the courtroom every day. Veterans For Peace helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for Chelsea's defense, in conjunction with Courage To Resist and the Chelsea Manning Support Network.
As an organization, we were dejected when Chelsea was convicted and sentenced to 35 years in prison.  We were very grateful when President Obama commuted Chelsea's sentence. Our members have watched with admiration as Chelsea has evolved into an important activist for transparency (the public's right to know) and for transgender rights.
Once again, Chelsea Manning is demonstrating remarkable, principled courage. And once again, the powers-that-be are persecuting her. Chelsea has refused to participate in a grand jury fishing expedition against Julian Assange and Wikileaks. A grand jury is rumored to have already issued a secret indictment against Julian Assange.
Chelsea Manning has been arrested and jailed, and is facing a possible 18 months in prison.
As she was being taken back into custody on March 8, Chelsea declared,
"I will not participate in a secret process that I morally object to, particularly one that has been historically used to entrap and persecute activists for protected political speech."
Daniel Ellsberg, a member of VFP's Advisory Board, responded,
"Chelsea Manning is again acting heroically in the name of press freedom, and it's a travesty that she has been sent back to jail for refusing to testify to a grand jury. An investigation into WikiLeaks for publishing is a grave threat to all journalists' rights, and Chelsea is doing us all a service for fighting it. She has already been tortured, spent years in jail, and has suffered more than enough. She should be released immediately."
Veterans For Peace agrees with Daniel Ellsberg. We are proud to stand with Chelsea Manning once again. We will add our voice and our energies to supporting her in her courageous stance.
Useful information and resources are available from Courage To Resist.

VFP Members Visit Venezuela with U.S./Canada Peace Delegation by Gerry Condon

VFP Members Visit Venezuela with U.S./Canada Peace Delegation by Gerry Condon

Former VFP Board member Dan Shea and I had the honor of representing Veterans For Peace on a recent U.S./Canada peace delegation to Venezuela, organized by the U.S. Peace Council.  The purpose of the delegation was to express our solidarity with the Venezuelan people and their elected government, which is resisting a multi-pronged attack from right wing oligarchs supported by the U.S. government.
The Trump administration has openly trumpeted its intentions to overthrown the democratically elected socialist-leaning government of Venezuela and replace it with a right wing government that will collaborate with U.S. corporations to plunder the largest known oil reserves in the country, along with huge deposits of gold, diamonds and rare minerals (hence the interest of Canada and its huge mining companies).
The delegation’s arrival to Venezuela’s capital Caracas was hampered by another U.S. attack – this time on the nation’s electrical grid – which caused a nationwide blackout that went on for 6 days.  The Venezuelan government says it has evidence that this was a cyber attack initiated from Chicago and Houston. There were simultaneous electro-magnetic attacks and bombs at several key generating stations.  The U.S. denies any involvement Senator Marco Rubio and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were already gloating as the attack began.  It is certainly true that Venezuela’s electrical grid was already in precarious condition.  This is largely due to years of punishing U.S. sanctions which have crippled Venezuela’s ability to maintain its vital infrastructure.
Read More!

Veterans For Peace members were in Ireland working with VFP Ireland on their ongoing campaign to stop allowing the U.S. to fly weapons and soldiers through Shannon on their way to illegal wars in the Middle East.

VFP Members Arrested Protesting U.S. Wars

Veterans For Peace members were in Ireland working with VFP Ireland on their ongoing campaign to stop allowing the U.S. to fly weapons and soldiers through Shannon on their way to illegal wars in the Middle East.
On March 17th, Ken Mayers and Tarak Kauff, members of VFP entered the Shannon Airport on March 17th carrying a large banner that said:
U.S. Veterans say
Respect Irish Neutrality
U.S. War Machine out of Shannon Airport
Veterans For Peace
They were both arrested and are currently being denied bail in Ireland, with their next hearing scheduled for March 28th.

The Mueller Report<>
To  alfred johnson  

Alfred -
Today the Attorney General of the United States received Robert Mueller’s report into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Those findings should be released to the American people. And they should be released soon.
The president claims that’s what he wants. The American people deserve to know the extent of Russia’s attempts to undermine our American democracy andif our president colluded in that effort in any way.
So, while we wait for the Attorney General to make his decision on whether to release this report, we want to make sure he hears your calls for full transparency on this issue. That’s why we are asking:
As our friends on Fox News and in the right-wing media attack and attempt to discredit Robert Mueller today, let us not forget that he was appointed as FBI Director by George W. Bush, was reappointed by Barack Obama and is a man who has a lot of bipartisan support.
He was given the assignment to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to undermine American democracy — a question of enormous consequence.
The American people deserve to know the answer.
As Donald Trump said, “Let it come out, let the people see it." We call on the Trump administration to make Special Counsel Mueller's full report public as soon as possible. No one, including the president, is above the law.
So we’re asking:
Thank you for adding your name. We’ll be in touch with more.
All our best,
Team Bernie