Saturday, March 30, 2019

Dangerous Developments in Modern Weaponry: a forum on the military pursuit of global hegemony April 16, 2019, 7:00 MIT, Bldg 56, room 114,

Dangerous Developments in Modern Weaponry: a forum on the military pursuit of global hegemony

April 16, 2019, 7:00

MIT, Bldg 56, room 114, Enter thru Bldg 66 at 25 Ames St.(Kendall Square T stop)


Subrata Ghoshroy, Research Affiliate at MIT

Nick Mottern,

Elaine ScarryHarvard professor and author of Thermonuclear Monarchy

Bruce Gagnon, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space

Topics will include:
* Continued expansion of the hugely profitable military budget 
* Cutting-edge Pentagon weapons technology, drones, AI/robotics
* The trillion-dollar nuclear weapons modernization program
* The US drive to dominate space
* Resistance of tech workers to war research

This forum is sponsored by Eastern Massachusetts Anti-Drones Network (a task force of United for Justice with Peace); MIT Students Against WarMass Peace Action; Coalition to Stop the Genocide in Yemen; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Boston branch; Greater Boston Chapter of Green-Rainbow Party; Boston Democratic Socialists of America; Smedley D. Butler Brigade, Veterans for Peace, Boston and Science for the People - Boston.        

For questions or comments, contact or 617-776-6524.

Susan McLucas
617-776-6524, cell: 617-501-9125,
14 William St, Somerville, MA 02144

And we’re off Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Over the past several months, we’ve been canvassing, delivering our demands and holding hearings across the country to organize this Campaign among impacted communities in the states.
Now, dozens of states are organizing bus tours to hear the stories of the 140 million poor and low-income people who are too often ignored and bring attention to impacted communities.RSVP

These tours are about breaking the isolation of impacted communities and bringing us together to fight for our demands.
Fight poverty, not the poor!
Reverend Dr. William J. Barber II and Reverend Dr. Liz Theoharis
President of Repairers of the Breach & Director of the Kairos Center
Co-Chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
Sent via To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, please click here.

Farmworker Awareness Week highlights Fair Food Program at Compass Group locations across the nation!

Coalition of Immokalee Workers<>
Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Connect with us

Weapons forum at MIT April 16

Susan McLucas<>
*Dangerous Developments in Modern Weaponry: **a forum on the military
pursuit of global hegemony*

*April 16, 2019, 7:00*

*MIT, Bldg 56, room 114,* *Enter thru Bldg 66 at **25 Ames* *St.* *(Kendall
Square T stop)*


*Subrata Ghoshroy, **Research Affiliate at MIT*

*Nick Mottern, ***

*Elaine Scarry**, **Harvard professor and author of Thermonuclear Monarchy*

*Bruce Gagnon**, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space*

Topics will include:

* Continued expansion of the hugely profitable military budget

* Cutting-edge Pentagon weapons technology, drones, AI/robotics

* The trillion-dollar nuclear weapons modernization program

* The US drive to dominate space

* Resistance of tech workers to war research

This forum is sponsored by Eastern Massachusetts Anti-Drones Network (a
task force of United for Justice with Peace); MIT Students Against War; Mass
Peace Action; Coalition to Stop the Genocide in Yemen; Women’s
International League for Peace and Freedom, Boston branch; Greater Boston
Chapter of Green-Rainbow Party; Boston Democratic Socialists of America;
Smedley D. Butler Brigade, Veterans for Peace, Boston and Science for the
People - Boston.

For questions or comments, contact or 617-776-6524.

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Send a message now to your representative in Congress telling them to add their name to Rep. Cicilline’s legislation prohibiting the President from sending U.S. troops to Venezuela.

*   *   *   *
NEW WARS / OLD WARS – What Could Possibly Go Wrong

Wars are risky, destructive, unpredictable endeavors, so it would hardly be surprising if America’s military and civilian leaders failed occasionally in their endless martial endeavors, despite the overwhelming superiority in firepower of “the world’s greatestmilitary.” Here’s the question, though: Why have all the American wars of this century gone down in flames and what in the world have those leaders learned from such repetitive failures? The evidence before our eyes suggests that, when it comes to our senior military leaders at least, the answer would be: nothing at all.   More

H.R.1004 – “To prohibit the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities with respect to Venezuela, and for other purposes.” – has 33 cosponsors (all but one Democrats) and includes McGovern, Pressley, Keating and Moulton from Massachusetts.

Who’s to Blame for Venezuela’s Blackouts? Don’t Forget the U.S.
For starters, one of the reasons some of the thermal power plants were down was the lack of fuel necessary to run them. Many of these plants run on diesel, which Venezuela was importing from the United States before the Trump administration banned its trade in January. It is not surprising that many diesel-fueled thermal plants were inactive one month later. Furthermore, Venezuela’s large electricity sector depends heavily on parts and services supplied by foreign companies. General Electric and Siemensprovide most of the power generators used by Venezuela’s oil industry as well as much of the major equipment used in its hydroelectric plants. United States financial sanctions adopted in August 2017 left Venezuela unable to pay its foreign suppliers.  As a result, Venezuela was unable to maintain or replace its power generators, and began relying more on hydroelectricity, contributing to the risks of overloading the system.   More

Join the protest Sat. March 30 at 1pm /The Great March of Return in Gaza: One Year On

Duncan McFarland<>
To  act-ma  
The Great March of Return in Gaza: One Year On

*When:* Saturday, March 30, 2019, 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
*Where: *Boston Common • Park Street T-station • Boston

*Tear Down the Walls! Join the Protest and Standout! Organized by the
Boston Palestinian Solidarity Network.*

On March 30, 2019, Palestinians and their allies in Boston and across the
world will gather to commemorate the first anniversary of the Great March
of Return, which began in the Gaza Strip last year.

On Land Day 2018, 30,000 Palestinians marched in an attempt to return home
to the villages they were forced to flee 70 years ago, many of which lay
just across the fences that surround Gaza. The protests were planned to
last six weeks, from Land Day on March 30 to Nakba Day on May 15. During
that time, the Israeli military killed over 100 protestors and injured
thousands more, most of whom were civilians, including medics, journalists,
and many children. Protests continued after May 15 as a result and many
more Palestinians have been killed and injured since.

Land is vitally important. It literally and figuratively feeds the people
that live upon it. The settler-colonial practices of stealing, controlling,
and abusing land has occurred all over the world, from the Americas to
Africa to Palestine, and has been used to limit the ability of people to
survive at the expense of others.

The purpose of Land Day is to center Palestinians’ right to be on their
land. Therefore, as we commemorate the bold and brave actions of
Palestinians in Gaza, we also recognize many other peoples around the world
who have been impoverished, oppressed, and killed for generations as a
result of settler-colonial projects, including the indigenous peoples of
the Americas.

As we support the UN report identifying Israeli war crimes during the Great
March of Return, we also demand an examination of the crimes being
committed by ICE. As we stand in support of Rep. Ilhan Omar and others that
have bravely fought for the rights of the oppressed, we call on other
leaders to do the same. As we stand for one oppressed people, we stand for
all oppressed peoples.
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