Tuesday, June 04, 2013

As early as Wednesday the Senate plans to vote in support of Israeli strikes on Iran. Please tell Senators Warren and Cowan to reconsider and oppose S Res 65 before it's too late.

Bibi BombThe U. S. Senate is expected to pass S.Res.65, which urges that if Netanyahu decides to bomb Iran, the U.S. should provide full support. Unfortunately Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Mo Cowan have both joined 89 other senators as co-sponsors of this ill-conceived resolution. It is being falsely touted as a litmus test of support for Israel.

This is a nonbinding resolution, meaning it will not become law. But the pro-war hawks are setting the stage for such action and this could be one of the final steps. If war does start it will be disasterous for Israel, Iran and the U.S.

Senators Warren and Cowan must hear from you that you oppose the gradual push to war and that they should reconsider their position and oppose S. Res. 65 when it is voted on tomorrow. If they only hear from the vocal minority who want war, instead of the overwhelming number of Americans who oppose war with Iran, they will continue to push forward until it’s too late.

Please tell Senators Warren and Cowan to reconsider and oppose this dangerous measures before it's too late.


For Peace and Diplomacy,

Shelagh Foreman

Shelagh ForemanShelagh Foreman
Program Director
Massachusetts Peace Action

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