Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Yesterday Bradley Manning was convicted in a military "show trial" of espionage and theft charges for making available to the public classified documents evidencing US war crimes and bullying of other countries. He could be sentenced to 136 years in prison. The government’s prosecution aimed to make an example of Manning, imprisoning him under harsh conditions, and charging him with “aiding the enemy,” a capital offense, to intimidate others from standing up and speaking out against U.S. war crimes.

We are outraged that Manning was found guilty for reporting widespread, horrific crimes. His action was honorable and correct, as opposed to the action of the U.S. government in committing, justifying and covering up crimes against a whole people...
The only suitable response from people who care about humanity to the unjust conviction of Bradley Manning is to demand that Bradley Manning be released immediately for his time served, 3+ years, including 10 months in solitary confinement.
He was right to blow the whistle on war crimes. We should follow his lead. During the time his sentence is being considered, we must make a concerted effort to make sure that that hundreds of thousands see Collateral Murder, U.S. military footage of an Apache helicopter attack in Baghdad in 2007 which killed 12 Iraqi civilians. Government prosecutors claim this is “propaganda;” Bradley thinks it must be used to show the truth.
Distribute this video widely. Write Bradley Manning to let him know of your experiences taking this to out widely to people. Show the world that people living in this country are blowing the whistle on war crimes and that We Are All Bradley Manning!
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Request a Copy of Collateral Murder on DVD
Collateral Murder
The war crimes that Bradley was convicted of exposing.

Let us know you would like a copy of the
Collateral Murder video on DVD (click here to see how to show the DVD out on the street). The disc also includes the Iraq War Logs and the Afghan War Diary documents released by Wikileaks

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