Thursday, September 22, 2016

Veterans For Peace Action Alert


Can you take action for PEACE today?

The General Assembly of the United Nations declared the 21st of September as an International Day of Peace in 1981. This day is devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. The theme of this year’s commemoration is “The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace”.

As veterans we see the connection between the endless wars abroad, our bloated military industrial complex, and the inequities it brings to the poor and marginalized all over the world.  It is not enough that we veterans see and understand the interconnectedness.  If we want to abolish war we must help our fellow citizens here at home see the same connection.  We need to understand that dropping more bombs, killing innocent civilians in Muslim countries and the resort to military solutions is robbing the world’s children of health care, education and meaningful jobs to build a safer and more secure future. We believe that as people see and understand this connection, they will stand up with us against war.  We can then work together to put in place the building blocks necessary to build a sustainable and peaceful future.  (To see Veterans For Peace’s Full Statement)

The events of the last week continue to highlight the urgency of working for justice towards achieving peace.  We, at Veterans For Peace, know that because of the dedicated efforts of our members to achieve concrete changes, justice and peace is possible.

[Click image for video]

Take Action Today!

  1. Share our video!
  2. Check out our sample tweets and Facebook posts to promote peace on your social media!
  3. Do something for peace in your community and share it with us!

Veterans For Peace appreciates your generous donations.

We also encourage you to join our ranks.



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