Sunday, September 03, 2017

From Socialist Alternative- Drasft Bernie Sanders Conference


Join Cornel West, Kshama Sawant and others on September 8-10 in Washington D.C. for the Draft Bernie Town Hall and People’s Convergence Conference to discuss what it'll take to defeat Trump’s right wing agenda and to win the progressive policies that Bernie Sanders campaigned for in 2016.

“This event is the important next step in bringing together working people, youth, people of color, activists and progressive leaders to discuss the key questions facing our movement. How we can we continue the political revolution into the 2018 elections, as we go into battle against the right wing? How do we prepare the ground to launch a People’s Party, to represent the millions not the Billionaire Class?” said Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative Seattle City Councilmember.

Draft Bernie for a People’s Party will also use the event to deliver over 45,000 petition signatures to Sanders’ Senate office! The petition calls on Sen. Sanders to continue the political revolution he started during his 2016 presidential run by launching a major new party that can fight to win policies like Medicare for All, a federal $15 minimum wage, and free college education.

This three-day event will cost over $20,000 to organize.  Movement for the 99% and the other endorsing organizations do not have the deep pockets of the billionaires, but we have a more potent weapon: the collective power of supporters like you. 

Please contribute $25 today.

The conference will bring together a mix of voices from the worlds of activism, labor, academia, independent political parties and independent media.  Check out and register to attend today!

The event is being hosted by a group of grassroots organizations: Draft Bernie for a People’s Party, the Progressive Independent Party, Socialist Alternative, and Movement for the 99%.

Draft Bernie Town Hall 
& People’s Convergence Conference
September 8-10 in Washington D.C.

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