Saturday, November 04, 2017

From Veterans For Peace- Vietnam Full Disclosure Campaign

From Veterans For Peace- Vietnam Full Disclosure Campaign

Frank Jackman comment:

Whatever your opinion of the recent (2017) ten-part eighteeen hour Ken Burns-Lynn Novack Vietnam presentation on PBS you should be aware that Veterans for Peace has been hammering away at breaking down the myths of that war and of the Pentagon's attempts to control the story line. VFP had the advantage of  having guys (and it was mostly guys then in military service) who were on the lines such as they were in that assymetric war tell a very different story. A story that needs to be told so that the next "fog of war" action by some Amercian government does not get a free  pass.  


Vietnam Full Disclosure Campaign

Vietnam: Full Disclosure campaign organizers have established a google group to help build momentum within the nationwide movement of truth telling leading up to the 50th anniversary of the end of the American war in Vietnam.

This voluntary listserv allows individual group members to communicate directly with one other in order to share ideas, spark inspiration, and build momentum. People can directly share curricula, publications, articles, art, photos and other resources that support a full and truthful telling of the history of the war, as well as announcements about local commemorative events and activities, e.g., 2014 events marking the Gulf of Tonkin resolution and 2015 teach-in events commemorating the teach-ins of 1965.

All these things and more are already being listed and archived on the website, thanks to the efforts of Julie Dobson and Howard Machtinger. This google group tool is simply an add-on with the advantage of immediate accessibility to information via email.

To subscribe to the vnfd google group, go to [Note: You will be required to sign up for a free google account, or to sign into your account if you already have one.]

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