Showing posts with label socialism in one island. Show all posts
Showing posts with label socialism in one island. Show all posts

Sunday, September 12, 2010

From The Blogosphere- Fidel Castro On The State Of Communism In Cuba

Click on the headline to link to Guardian entry for Fidel Castro holding forth on his view on the situation in Cuba.

Markin comment:

Apparently Comrade Castro will remain a hardened Stalinist to the end believing that socialism, much less communism, at least the Marxist conception of those systems, could have been (or can) be achieved on one island, one small tropical island to boot. But get this, whatever political disagreements I have with the Castro brothers I believe that we share the same perspective on the key question-defense of gains of the Cuban revolution against insidious Yankee imperialism and internal counter-revolution. That fact of life has been true for over fifty years now. Forward to a socialist federation of the Caribbean and Latin America! That's the beginning of wisdom to break Cuba out of its isolation.