Thursday, December 07, 2017

An Encore- Coming Of Age, Political Age, In The 1960s Night- A Baptism Of Fire-Making War On The War-Makers

An Encore- Coming Of Age, Political Age, In The 1960s Night- A Baptism Of Fire-Making War On The War-Makers


From The Pen Of Frank Jackman

He was scared. All of fourteen year old Peter Paul Markin’s body was scared. Of course he knew, knew just as well as anybody else, if anybody thought to ask, that he was really afraid not scared, but Peter Paul was scared anyway. No, not scared (or afraid for the literary correct types), not Frannie De Angelo demon neighborhood tough boy, schoolboy nemesis scared, scared that he would be kicked in the groin, bent over to the ground in pain for no reason, no reason except Frannie deep psycho hard boy reasons known only to himself. Markin was used to that kind of scared, not liking it, not liking getting used to it but he was not tough, not even close although he was wiry, but not Franny heavyweight tough, but used to it. And this certainly was not his usual girl scared-ness on the off chance that one, one girl that is, might say something to him and he would have no “cool” rejoinder. (Yes, girls scared him, not Franny scared but no social graces scared, except in the comfortable confines of a classroom where he could show off with his knowledge of two thousand arcane facts that he thought would impress them but no avail then, later he would be swarmed, well, maybe not swarmed but he didn’t have to spend many lonely weekend nights studying to get to three thousand arcane facts) This was different. This, and his handkerchief-dabbed wet palms and forehead did not lie, was an unknown scared.

See, Peter Paul had taken a bet, a “put your money where your mouth is" bet, from best freshman high school friend Frankie, Francis Xavier Riley, if you want to know the full name. Now these guys had previously bet on everything under the sun since middle school, practically, from sports game spreads, you know Ohio State by ten over Michigan stuff like that, to how high the master pizza man and owner at Salducci’s Pizza Parlor, Tonio, would throw his pizza dough one strange night when Frankie needed dough (money dough that is) for his hot date with girlfriend Joanne. So no bet was too strange for this pair, although this proposition was probably way too solemn to be bet on.


What got it started, the need for a bet started, this time, really had to do with school, or maybe better, the world situation in 1960. Peter Paul, a bundle of two thousand facts that he guarded like a king’s ransom, went off the deep end in 9th grade Civics class when he, during a current events discussion, exploded upon his fellow classmates with the observation that there were too many missiles, too many nuclear bomb-loaded guided missiles, in the world and that both sides in the Cold War (The United States and the Soviet Union and their respective hangers-on) should “ban the bomb.” But you have not heard the most provocative part yet, Peter Paul then argued that, as a good-will gesture and having more of them, the United States should destroy a few of its own. Unilaterally.


Pandemonium ensued as smarts guys and gals, simps and stups also, even those who never uttered a word in class, took aim at Peter Paul’s head. The least of it was that he was called a “commie” and a "dupe" and the discussion degenerated from there. Mr. Merck was barely able to contain the class, and nobody usually stepped out line in his class, or else. Somehow order was restored by the end of class and within a few days the class was back to normal, smart guys and girls chirping away with all kinds of flutter answers and the simps and stups, well the simp and stups did their simp and stup thing, as always.


Frankie always maintained that that particular day was one of the few that he wasn’t, and he really wasn’t, glad that Peter Paul was his friend. And during that class discussion he made a point, a big point, of not entering the fray in defense of his misbegotten friend. He thought Peter Paul was off the wall, way off the wall, on this one and let him know it after class. Of course, Peter Paul could not leave well enough alone and started badgering friend Frankie about it some more. But this was stone wall time because Frankie, irreverent, most of the time irreligious, and usually just happy to be girl-smitten in the world, and doing stuff about that, and not worried about its larger problems really believed, like the hard Roman Catholic-bred boy that he was underneath, that the evil Soviet Union should be nuclear fizzled-that very day.


But Peter Paul kept egging the situation on. And here is the problem with a purist, a fourteen year old purist, a wet behind the ears fourteen year old purist when you think about it. Peter Paul was as Roman Catholic-bred underneath as Frankie but with this not so slight difference. Peter Paul’s grandmother, Anna, was, and everybody who came in contact with her agreed, a saint. A saint in the true-believer catholic social gospel sense and who was a fervent admirer of Dorothy Day’s Catholic Worker for social justice movement started in the 1930s. So frequently The Catholic Worker, the movement newspaper, would be lying around her house. And just as frequently Peter Paul, taking grandmother refuge from the hell-bend storms at his own house, would read the articles. And in almost every issue there would be an article bemoaning the incredible increase in nuclear weapons by both sides, the cold war freeze-out that escalated that spiral and the hard fact that the tipping point beyond no return was right around the corner. And something had to be done about it, and fast, by rational people who did not want the world blown up by someone’s ill-tempered whim. Yah, heady stuff, no question, but just the kind of thing that a certain fourteen year old boy could add to his collection of now two thousand plus facts.

Heady stuff, yah, but also stuff that carried some contradictions. Not in grandmother Anna, not in Dorothy Day so much as in Peter Paul and through him Frankie. See, the Catholic Worker movement had no truck, not known truck, anyway with “commies" and "dupes”, although that movement too, more than once, and by fellow Catholics too, was tarred with that brush. They were as fervent in their denunciation of the atheistic Soviet Union as any 1950s red-baiter. But they also saw that that stance alone was not going to make the world safer for believers, or anybody else. And that tension between the two strands is where Frankie and Peter Paul kind of got mixed up in the world’s affairs. Especially when Peter Paul said that the Catholic Worker had an announcement in their last issue that in October (1960) they were going to help sponsor an anti-nuclear proliferation rally on the Boston Common as part of a group called SANE two weeks before the presidential elections.

Frankie took that information as manna from heaven. See, Frankie was just as interested in knowing two thousand facts in this world as Peter Paul. Except Frankie didn’t guard them like a king’s ransom but rather used them, and then discarded them like a tissue. And old Frankie, even then, even in 1960 starting to spread his wings as the corner boy king of the North Adamsville high school class of 1964, knew how to use his stockpile of facts better than Peter Paul ever could. So one night, one fiercely debated night, when Frankie could take no more, he said “bet.” And he bet that Peter Paul would not have the courage to travel from North Adamsville to Park Street Station in Boston to attend that SANE rally by himself (who else would go from old working- class, patriotic, red-scare scared, North Adamsville anyway). And as is the nature of fourteen year old boy relationships, or was, failure to take the bet, whatever bet was social suicide. “Bet,” said Peter Paul quickly before too much thinking time would elapse and destroy the fact of the bet marred by the hint of hesitation.

But nothing is ever just one thing in this wicked old world. Peter Paul believed, believed fervently, in the social message of the Catholic Worker movement especially on this nuclear war issue. But this was also 1960 and Irish Jack Kennedy was running, and running hard, to be President of the United States against bad man Richard Milhous Nixon and Peter Paul was crazy for Jack (really for younger brother, Bobby, the ruthless organizer behind the throne which is the way he saw his own future as a political operative). And, of course, October in election year presidential politics is crunch time, a time to be out hustling votes, out on Saturday hustling votes, especially every Irish vote, every Catholic vote, hell, every youth vote for your man.


On top of that Jack, old Irish Jack Kennedy, war hero, good-looking guy with a good-looking wife (not Irish though not as far as anyone could tell), rich as hell, was trying to out-Cold War Nixon, a Cold War warrior of the first degree. And the way he was trying to outgun Nixon was by haranguing everyone who would listen that there was a “missile gap,” and the United was falling behind. And when one talked about a missile gap in 1960 that only meant one thing, only brooked only one solution- order up more, many more, nuclear-bomb loaded guided missiles. So there it was, one of the little quirks of life, of political life. So, Peter Paul, all fourteen year old scared Peter Paul has to make good on his bet with Frankie but in the process put a crimp into his hoped-for political career. And just for that one moment, although with some hesitation, he decided to be on the side of the “angels” and to go.

That Saturday, that October Saturday, was a brisk, clear autumn day and so Peter Paul decided to walk the few miles from his house in North Adamsville over the Neponset Bridge to the first MTA subway station at Fields Corner rather than take the forever Eastern Mass. bus that came by his street erratically. After crossing the bridge he passed through one of the many sections of Boston that could pass for the streets of Dublin. Except on those streets he saw many young Peter Pauls holding signs at street corners for Jack Kennedy, other passing out literature, and others talking up Jack’s name. Even as he approached the subway station he saw signs everywhere proclaiming Jack’s virtues. Hell, the nearby political hang-out Eire Pub looked like a campaign headquarters. What this whole scene did not look like to Peter Paul was a stronghold place to talk to people about an anti-nuclear weapons rally. Peter Paul got even more scared as he thought about the reception likely at the Boston Commons. He pushed on, not without a certain tentative regret, but he pushed on through the turnstile, waited for the on-coming subway to stop, got on, and had an uneventful ride to the Park Street Station, the nearest stop to the Common.

Now Park Street on any given Saturday, especially in October after the college student hordes have descended on Boston, is a madhouse of activity. College student strolling around downtown looking for goods at the shops, other are just rubber-necking, other are sunning themselves on the grass or park benches in the last late sun days before winter arrives with a fury. Beyond the mainly civilized college students (civilized on the streets in the daytime anyway) there are the perennial street people who populate any big city and who when not looking for handouts, a stray cigarette, or a stray drink are talking a mile a minute among themselves about some supposed injustice that has marred their lives and caused their unhappy decline. Lastly, and old town Boston, historic old town Boston, scene of many political battles for every cause from temperance to liberty, is defined by this, there are a motley crew of speakers, soap-box speakers whether on a real soap-box or not, who are holding forth on many subjects, although none that drew Peter Paul’s attention this day. After running that gauntlet, as he heads for the Francis Parkman Bandstand where the SANE rally was to take place he was amused by all that surrounds him putting him in a better mood, although still apprehensive of what the day will bring forth.

Arriving at the bandstand he saw about twenty people milling around with signs, hand-made signs that showed some spunk, the most prominent being a large poster-painted sign that stated boldly, “Ban The Bomb.” He is in the right place, no question. Although he is surprised that there are not more people present he is happy, secretly happy, that those twenty are there, because, frankly, he thought there might be just about two. And among that crowd he spotted a clot of people who were wearing Catholic Worker buttons so he is now more fully at ease, and was starting to be glad that he came here on this day. He went over to the clot and introduced himself and tells them how he came to be there. He also noted that one CWer wore the collar of a priest; a surprise because at Sacred Heart, his parish church, it was nothing but “fire and brimstone” from the pulpit against the heathen communist menace.

Get this-he also met a little old lady in tennis sneakers. For real. Now Frankie, devil’s advocate Frankie, baited Peter Paul in their arguments about nuclear disarmament by stating that the “peaceniks” were mainly little old ladies in tennis shoes-meaning, of course, batty and of no account, no main chance political account, no manly Jack Kennedy stand up to the Russians account. Peter Paul thought to himself wait until I see Frankie and tell him that this little old lady knew more about politics, and history, than even his two thousand facts. And was funny too boot. Moreover, and this was something that he had privately noticed, as the youngest person by far at the rally she, and later others, would make a fuss over him for that very reason talking about young bravery and courage and stuff like that.

Over the course of the two hours or so of the rally the crowd may have swelled to about fifty, especially when a dynamic black speaker from the W.E.B. Dubois club at Harvard University linked up the struggle against nuclear weapons with the black struggle down South for voting rights that those in the North had been hearing more about lately. It was not until later, much later, that Peter Paul found out that this Dubois club business was really the name of the youth group of the American Communist Party (CP) at the time but by that time he was knowledgeable enough to say “so what.” And it was not until later that he found out that the little old lady with the tennis sneakers was a CPer, although she had said at the time he talked to her she was with some committee, some women’s peace committee, within the Democratic Party. Oh, well. But then he would also be able to say “so what” to that accusation in proper “family of the left” fashion.


But forget all that later stuff, and what he knew or did not know later. See, that day, that October 1960 autumn day, Peter Paul learned something about serious politics. If you are on the right side of the angels on an issue, a central issue of the day, you are kindred. And although there were more than a few catcalls from the passers-by about “commies”, “dupes”, and “go back to Russia” he was glad, glad as hell that he came over. Although nothing turned inside him, noticeably turned inside him that day, about his politics and his determination to see Jack Kennedy and the Democrats take the White House he thought about those brave people at the bandstand and what they were standing for a lot for a long time after the event faded from memory. Oh yah, it was good to be on the side of the angels. And it didn’t hurt that he won that Frankie bet, either.

Rally on Yemen and Korea: “Somehow this Madness must cease” (MLK)

To  markin  

Rally on Yemen and Korea: “Somehow this Madness must cease” (MLK)

When: Wednesday, December 6, 2017, 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Where: South Station • Red Line Stop • Boston
kids_hiding_from_bombingTime to show up for the kids of Yemen, as they cower in fear of American bombs, dropped by U.S. trained Saudi pilots flying U.S. made jet bombers fueled in mid-air by our military. We provide this criminal Saudi bombing campaign logistical support, intelligence sharing and targets to bomb. If we do not stop this destruction of Yemen’s infrastructure the cholera epidemic and the famine that aid officials warn is right around the corner will swallow up millions of Yeminis.
Time to show up to prevent a catastrophic war in Korea that can easily escalate to nuclear war. Sixteen years ago the Bush Administration aborted a nuclear deal that could have ended the North Korean nuclear program. Due to the madness of U.S. and North Korean policies since then, North Korea now has a nuclear weapons program. Neither a pre-emptive U.S. attack nor a nuclear armed North Korea (or U.S.) are good options. Only talks between the 2 sides without preconditions have a chance of resulting over time in a peaceful resolution.
Rally with us against the danger of nuclear holocaust and against the ongoing holocaust in Yemen. Sponsored by United for Justice With Peace, American Friends Service Committee and Mass. Peace Action.
Questions? call 617-354-2169 or 617-623-5288
Upcoming Events: 

Impeachment vote TOMORROW

It’s happening. Congressman Al Green will be forcing a vote on articles of impeachment against Donald Trump tomorrow. 

The Hill called it “the first referendum in Congress to impeach Trump.” This is a critical moment for our movement! 

We don’t know how many Members of Congress are prepared to vote with Congressman Green in favor of articles of impeachment. But we DO know that we need to show Congress that there’s a massive grassroots movement behind an impeachment investigation. 

So I’m asking you: Will you chip in to our Articles of Impeachment Vote Fundto help us show that the Impeach Trump Now movement will NOT back down?

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Impeachment Vote: TOMORROW
Goal: 250 supporters
Pitch in $5 >>

Over 1.3 million people signed their names in support of an impeachment investigation. Seven Members of Congress are on board. And now, we finally have the vote we’ve been waiting for. 

But this isn’t the end -- it’s the beginning. If Rep. Green’s vote doesn’t pass, we need to be ready to double down. We need to deluge Congress with a wave of grassroots activism and immediately start fighting for the next vote, and the next vote after that, until we get the impeachment investigation the American people deserve. 

Will you help us do it? Chip in $5 to our Articles of Impeachment Vote Fundbefore tomorrow’s vote. 

-- Free Speech For People
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12/07 Defend Net Neutrality: Boston Protest

Defend Net Neutrality: Boston Protest

Thursday Dec 7th,  5-7 PM

Verizon (745 Boylston St, Boston)

The FCC wants to repeal net neutrality. This could be the end of a free
and open internet.

On December 7, one week before the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) is set to vote on repealing net neutrality, we'll protest at
retail stores across the U.S. and demand that Congress stop the FCC from
destroying the internet as we know it.

One of the biggest opponents of net neutrality is Ajit Pai, current FCC
chairman and former Verizon lobbyist. If he and the Trump administration
have their way, our free and open internet could be a thing of the past.
We can’t let this happen.


Net neutrality means that internet service providers — like Verizon,
Comcast, or AT&T — can’t pick and choosewhich sites you have access to.
Whether it’s an email from your mother, a bank transfer, or a streamed
episode of The Handmaid’s Tale, your data is treated equally.


The Trump administration wants to repeal net neutrality. That would be a
disaster for free speech and access to information.

Imagine if your phone company could mess with your calls — through bad
connections or frequent dropped calls — when you tried to order pizza
from Domino’s, because Pizza Hut is paying them.

Without net neutrality, your internet service providers can choose which
web pages load quickly and which sites get blocked, based on things like
their own corporate interest or dislike for a certain site’s political
viewpoints. They can play favorites or charge more money for faster
delivery to certain websites.


Join us on December 7 at 5:00 PM to protest in front of the Verizon
store in Boston (745 Boylston Street).

Tell your friends to attend protests in their areas. Find more events
here: <>

Call your members of Congress today and tell them to oppose Chairman
Pai’s plans to dismantle net neutrality:

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Out In The Be-Bop 1930s Night-When Primitive Man “Wins”- “Petrified Forest”-A Film Review

Out In The Be-Bop 1930s Night-When Primitive Man “Wins”- “Petrified Forest”-A Film Review

By Brad Fox  

Okay here is the genesis of this review. Recently, being on a something of a film noir tear, especially a crime noir tear, I reviewed a little light puff of a noir film, Moontide, where well-known 1940s French film star Jean Gabon tried to break into the Hollywood film racket with a role as a tough hombre, seen-it-all dockworker who is really, just ready, to settle down after all the wine, women and song escapades have worn thin. And settle down in 1940s movie parlance (and maybe life too) was with a good woman and a white picket fenced house (or in this film a barge, it’s near the sea, see). The good woman, a kind of eternal working-class version of everywoman also happened to be down on her luck, and in that film was played by Ida Lupino.

Well, seeing Ms. Lupino in that role got me to think about a similar role that she played trying to be a good “wifie,” (and “mother” to the dog Pard) to Humphrey Bogart in High Sierra. In that film the grizzled Bogart played a serious desperado, a three-time loser desperado, Roy Earle, looking to “retire” to that picket-fenced house except the cops would not let him. Let him, especially after a certain messed-up resort hold-up caper went awry. And when Mr. Earle bought it, as it had to be since crime does not pay, grizzled wised-up gangster or not, Ms. Lupino was left to keep his memory fresh and keep moving on.

Of course all of that high Bogartism got me to thinking about other grizzled gangster roles (and grizzled detectives too) that the bad boy actor Humphrey Bogart played, and that led naturally to the film under review, Petrified Forest, where as Duke Mantee Bogart put in his bid for king of the gangster hill. In fact this film (he had also played the role on Broadway, I believe) first established him for that challenge. The story line here has him on the run from, what else, a busted bank robbery, and every cop in the Pretty Boy Floyd, John Dellinger, Bonnie and Clyde American untamed West was looking for him and his confederates. He winds up in a flea-bitten café located, where else, next to the Petrified Forest, a great symbol of humankind’s age old struggle to deal with nature, and to break with the primitive past.

And that isolated, flea-bitten café setting is important because there is a young serving- them-off-the-arm waitress, Gaby, played by a very young Bette Davis, as the owner’s daughter, trapped there, full of dreams, literary dreams, and a very, very strong to desire to put those silly tree rocks behind her. And, as the film opens, a very well-turned out gentleman/intellectual/ hobo/alcoholic, Alan, played by Leslie Howard, on his uppers trying to get off that dusty road. And that little tension, a tension that was palpable to audiences in the 1930s, between Bogart’s gangster take-everything-you-can-grab-and-grab-it-quick and Howard’s ordered intellectual world gone awry with the times, the 1930s despair times what they were, is what drives the theme of this one. Alan, knowing his time has passed, in any case, makes a pact with the devil to insure Gaby’s future hold on her dreams. And while Bogart, perhaps, played more memorable roles later he certainly was believable as the primitive man gangster trying to claim his rightful place in the modern world. Naturally, in movie life he must pay, pay big-time, with his life because we all know, or should know, that crime does not pay.

From Veterans For Peace- Vietnam Full Disclosure Campaign

From Veterans For Peace- Vietnam Full Disclosure Campaign

Frank Jackman comment:

Whatever your opinion of the recent (2017) ten-part eighteeen hour Ken Burns-Lynn Novack Vietnam presentation on PBS you should be aware that Veterans for Peace has been hammering away at breaking down the myths of that war and of the Pentagon's attempts to control the story line. VFP had the advantage of  having guys (and it was mostly guys then in military service) who were on the lines such as they were in that assymetric war tell a very different story. A story that needs to be told so that the next "fog of war" action by some Amercian government does not get a free  pass.  


Vietnam Full Disclosure Campaign

Vietnam: Full Disclosure campaign organizers have established a google group to help build momentum within the nationwide movement of truth telling leading up to the 50th anniversary of the end of the American war in Vietnam.

This voluntary listserv allows individual group members to communicate directly with one other in order to share ideas, spark inspiration, and build momentum. People can directly share curricula, publications, articles, art, photos and other resources that support a full and truthful telling of the history of the war, as well as announcements about local commemorative events and activities, e.g., 2014 events marking the Gulf of Tonkin resolution and 2015 teach-in events commemorating the teach-ins of 1965.

All these things and more are already being listed and archived on the website, thanks to the efforts of Julie Dobson and Howard Machtinger. This google group tool is simply an add-on with the advantage of immediate accessibility to information via email.

To subscribe to the vnfd google group, go to [Note: You will be required to sign up for a free google account, or to sign into your account if you already have one.]

Free the Resistance - Support Whistleblower Reality Leigh Winner


Free the Resistance
Support Reality Winner!

oct 2017 pdf newsletter

Thank you again for contributing to Chelsea Manning's freedom this year. Now let's get some justice for heroic whistleblower Reality Winner!

Please donate to the Reality Winner Defense Fund today.

Hi Al.
Reality Winner, charged with one count of giving a classified document to a news outlet, will be spending Thanksgiving in jail as she awaits trial.
Meanwhile, both of the former Trump campaign officials recently arrested in the investigation into collusion with Russia, Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, will be spending Thanksgiving with their families.
Both men are accused of secretly working for a foreign government to influence the United States, a charge usually referred to as “spying.”
Despite having multiple passports, millions of dollars in hidden assets, and highly-placed connections all over the world, they’re considered safe enough to enjoy the holidays with their loved ones.
Reality is accused of informing the American people of what their government was hiding -- widespread hacking of election systems by the Russian government in the months before last year’s elections. The only government she’s ever worked for is the government of the United States. And the court considers her so dangerous that she’s being held behind bars until her trial in March.
Reality is also a vegan. Last year around this time, she was re-tweeting articles from PETA about the number of turkeys slaughtered for Thanksgiving every year, along with angry tweets about Trump, and news articles about the protesters at Standing Rock.
Lots of us probably have an outspoken person like Reality at our Thanksgiving table, who only want to talk about politics and refuse to eat the turkey. Maybe you are that person. And the only thing worse than arguments around the dinner table is that person’s chair sitting empty.
All of the resources Reality and her legal team have to work with come from her family, and the few thousand people reading this email. But they’re making the most of them --  laying out a defense that aims to make it better for all the whistleblowers who come after her.
So in honor of the empty chair around Reality’s family’s table this Thanksgiving, please make a donation to her legal defense fund, and consider becoming a monthly sustainer through her trial in March. Donating just an hour of your labor a month makes a real difference.
Jeff Paterson,
Courage to Resist, Project Director
Stand with Reality Winner Support Group
P.S. If you donate, please include a note with your Thanksgiving wishes. The jail holding Reality hasn’t been accommodating her diet, so it’s likely she’ll be eating peanut butter for Thanksgiving this year. We want to make sure her morale stays high, and that she knows we’re out here supporting her.
P.S.S.For up-to-date information about Reality Winner, and to donate to her defense online, visit To donate by check to Reality Winner's defense fund, send to Courage to Resist, 484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland CA 94610, and note "Reality Winner" on the memo line.
484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland, California 94610 ~ 510-488-3559 ~