Monday, March 15, 2010

*The Latest From The "Socialist Appeal" Website

Click on the title to link to the "Socialist Appeal" Website.

Markin comment:

The question of a Fifth International proposed by Hugo Chavez and seconded, apparently by the IMT, will require a longer answer. But for this minute I wonder, and I wonder seriously why so-called orthodox Marixts would be heeding a call from a, what in the final analysis is just another Latin American caudillo with some oil money. We have heard about the epicenter of world revolution being in Latin America and other "Third World" spots before, if I recall, with the guerilla foci, and the results were not pretty whatever revolutionary impulses drove that movement.

I might add that Lenin, Trotsky and the other leaders of the Communist International were very precise (remember the 21 conditions) about who they were going to let in the Communist International. "Hermano" Chavez would not even get in the side door in those days. More, much more on this later, especially on Alan Woods' rationale for dumping the historic work of Leon Trotsky that he allegedly stands on just to be a "cheerleader" for some quasi-socialist, and in this I am giving Chavez much the best of it. U.S. Hands Off Venezuela!

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