Wednesday, November 17, 2010

**On The Engagement Of The United Kingdom’s Prince William And His Kate- The View From The Left- Abolish The Monarchy, House Of Lords And State Churches- In Honor Of Gerrard Winstanley

Click on the headline to link to a Wikipedia entry for 17th century English communist, Gerrard Winstanley

Markin comment:

Okay, this should be short and sweet and a “no-brainer” for international leftist militants. In fact it seems odd, and should give us pause, that we have to comment on the question of the abolition of the monarchy, especially in the homeland of the first serious and important bourgeois revolution in Western society, the United Kingdom. But, to paraphrase a remark Karl Marx once famously made, mankind makes its own history…but not always to its own design, or liking.

Obviously from reading the headline to this entry I, for one, am not weak in the knees and all weepy over the recent announcement from the British royal family that Prince William, eldest son of Prince Charles and a leading heir to the throne, in short, on the short list in line to be the once and future king, Defender of the Faith, and a million other titles attached from sunnier Empire days, including, for all I know, Emperor of India, that he and his Kiss Me, Kate were engaged. From the media blitz (and future blitz) on this we will hear from every possible source about their doings or not doings from here on in. Every teary-eyed closet monarchist in the world, including not a few not so-closeted British Laborite monarchists like Mr. Anthony Blair will have his or her say on the matter. Including the numerous misty-eyed closet (and not so-closeted) monarchists here in republican America.

Now I have nothing personal against Prince William. I have nothing personal against marriage, his or any other, but I most certainly have something against the remnants of medieval society that should have been abolished (and stayed abolished) about 1650. And moreover, cruel as history is, come revolution time, our socialist revolution time, old Prince William or whatever king or queen is on the throne at the time can act, as they have acted in history, as a focal point for counter-revolutionary resistance. So to avoid all that unpleasantness (nice British English word, right?) fight to abolish the monarchy, the House of Lords, and the state churches now. Then Citizen William and his fetching Citizen Kate can enjoy the benefits of our socialist future just like everyone else. And Gerrard Winstanley can officially take his rightful place as one of the early innovators of British and world human progress.


  1. ... we have to comment on the question of the abolition of the monarchy ...

    I tell you something: You don't have to comment the engagement announcement. You could even have ignored it, because there are millions out in this world, who were happy with the newly engaged couple.

    And to speculate a little bit, I think, this number of people is bigger than that of the men and women who want to see "our socialist revolution time coming.

    Long live the Monarchy!

  2. Citizen Radical Royalist is NOT an an example of a closet monarchist as I mentioned in my commentary in case anyone was unclear on his or her opinion.
