Wednesday, February 06, 2013

From The Class Struggle At Harvard- In Honor Of John Reed Class Of 1910

Union Chants

They say layoff? We say BACK OFF!! They say cut back? We say FIGHT BACK!! They say furlough? We say HELL NO!!

Are you tired of having us in your face? Get some JUSTICE in this place!!

We are unstoppable— Another Harvard is possible!!

Harvard workers under attack - what do we do? Stand up, fight back!! What do we do? Stand up, fight back!!


Harvard is NOT POOR!!

5, 6, 7, 8

Layoffs are WHAT WE HATE!!

I say worker, you say power. Worker




I say student, you say power. Student




I say worker-student, you say power power.

Power power!!


Power power!!



Hey people What? I got a story What?

I'll tell the whole wide world This is union territory!!

Hey Harvard, you got cash

Why do you treat your workers like trash??

The workers, united Will never be defeated!!

What do we want? Union jobs!! When do we want 'em? NOW!!

We are the union Mighty, mighty union Everywhere we go People wanna know Who we are So we tell them We are the union.

If we don't get no justice Then you don't get no peace!!

Hey Harvard you should know Union busting's got to go!!

There's no excuse For Temp abuse!!

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