Saturday, August 24, 2013

President Obama Pardon Private Manning Now!

Update 8/24/13: Alexa O’brien’s interview with defense lawyer David Coombs, NYT calls sentence “excessive”

Journalist Alexa O’brien interviewed David Coombs after the crushing sentence announcement earlier this week. Watch the entire interview:

For a defense lawyer, a sentence of one-third the potential maximum is usually not a bad outcome. But from where we sit, it is still too much, given his stated desire not to betray his country but to encourage debate on American aims and shed light on the “day to day” realities of the American war effort.

And the new White House petition to grant clemency to Manning has passed 12,000 signatures. It must reach 100,000 signatures within the next 30 days in order for the White House to respond. Please sign the petition today and share it widely!


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