Monday, September 09, 2013

Karl Liebknecht

Not One Person, Not One Penny For This War

The Obama Administration has made it clear at least since mid-August that it fervently wants to bomb Syria, maybe not back into the Stone Age, but bomb that benighted country back into utter  chaos under the pretext of some international duty to respond to the alleged Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons against civilian populations. This has been a hard sell as British Prime Minister David Cameron found out when he, like one of his predecessors Tony Blair in Iraq, tried to join the American parade Syria in late August. The Obama regime as well has been compelled to take the issue to Congress in order to cover it tracks with the authority of Congressional approval. This too is has been a hard sell although a compliant Congress may very well grant Obomber’s wishes. Or, as Obama has repeatedly asserted, he may go to war with or without that authority based on his reading on the power of the imperial presidency to take military action.         

In the event of an American (Allied?) bombing of Syria every anti-war and anti-imperialist militant (or those just sick unto death of the permanent American war footing) in the United States has a special duty here in “the belly of the beast” to not only oppose American military intervention but to call for the defense of the Syria people against the American onslaught.    

No thoughtful militant should be under any illusion that such support to the beleaguered Syrian peoples translates in political support for the murderous regime of the tin-pot dictator (and former American ally) Assad. Sometimes in this wicked old world the political choices are hard. But take this note away. Under conditions of an American attack, an attack by the greatest destructive military power the world has ever known, the stopping of that monstrous machine in its tracks comes first. When the time comes we will know exactly what to do with Assad but we cannot outsource that job to Obomber and his imperial henchmen.

Organize now the fight against Obomber/Kerry war policy in your schools, workplaces and social organizations-To The Streets- Hands Off Syria!-Defend Syria Against U.S. Attack.      



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