Friday, July 26, 2013

Peace Action: Working for Peace Since 1957 FacebookTwitterBlogContact us

Dear Al,
As I write this the House is debating H.R. 2397 — Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2014 — which will fund the Pentagon with hundreds of billions of dollars. Fortunately, there a dozens of amendments that seek to cut the Pentagon fat. You can see our positions on key amendments here.
Please call your Representative now at 202-224-3121 and say:

Please oppose the Department of Defense Appropriations Act and support amendments that reduces the Pentagon budget and ends the Afghanistan war.

Only a few times a year does Congress vote on Pentagon spending. Now is your time to voice your priorities. To tell your Member of Congress that you support funding human needs and oppose wasting more tax dollars on war and weapon systems that fail to make Americans safer.

Now is the time to pick up your phone and make a brief phone call. It's quick and easy. We expect votes tonight and tomorrow.
Thanks for taking action now.
Humbly for Peace,
Kevin Martin
Executive Director
Peace Action

P.S. - The House of Representatives is about to vote on Pentagon funding. Please call your Representative now at 202-224-3121 and say: Please oppose the Department of Defense Appropriations Act and support amendments that reduces the Pentagon budget and ends the Afghanistan war.

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