Tuesday, December 30, 2014

On The Parliamentary Front Against The American Middle East Wars

Presentation by Marilyn Levin, Co-Coordinator United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) at United for Justice with Peace Forum on ISIS, Iraq and Syria, What Should be the Response of the Left?, December 8, 2014, Cambridge, MA.  Panelists included Elaine Hagopian, historian, Professor Emerita Simmons College, and Cole Harrison, Executive Director, Massachusetts Peace Action.  (Links to video below.)



People have been asking why there was a significant worldwide protest against a war on Syria last year, with barely a noise now.  The U.S. always has to create a justification for its military action and people have been burned by the fantasy WMD’s in Iraq.  The issue of chemical weapons in Syria smelled too much like Iraq and people were heartily sick of wars that accomplish nothing, or at least not the war-makers stated goals.  (They never say we’re fighting this war to control and steal the resources of the rest of the world.)


This year, the drama of ISIS, an unknown group, swarming through the Middle East and beheading Americans, was intensified by the bought media, and scared more people.  Even people in the peace movement got scared and felt threatened.  Part of this is American exceptionalism.  We are civilized; we don’t behead people.  No; we blow them to smithereens with drones and rockets, we send countries back to the dark ages, we torture people by unspeakable means, we are close allies with Saudi Arabia who also beheads people (non-Americans of course), and we finance Israel’s horrendous siege and genocidal destruction of Gaza.  Much better!


In fact, in many arenas, we are the best in the world – the best polluters, the biggest economy and military, the largest criminal pariah state, the best propaganda machine, the country with the biggest prison system in the world, a massive intelligence apparatus that spies on everyone, and the biggest, most mighty imperialist power.


We have a country that after 13 years has caused destabilization, death and destruction to many parts of the world with no end in sight – that has bases all over the world and engages in wars in all its forms, overt and covert, from boots on the ground, drones and rockets, proxy wars, special ops and mercenary wars, counterinsurgency struggles, bought national armies, cyberwars and more.


Ed Snowden did a great service to the world in exposing the extent of the surveillance state.  For his truth telling, his life is in danger and he is unable to leave Russia.  The man who blew the whistle on CIA torture is in jail, while the torturers are home free.


Well, according to all the polls, people are still sick of war but simultaneously, they are sick of a bipartisan single War Party government representing corporate/financial/and military interests that lies, manipulates, spies on them and the world, spends trillions on endless wars while implementing punishing austerity measures at home that targets working people, particularly people of color, and the poor, a racist, undemocratic government that brutalizes, incarcerates and disenfranchises millions of black and brown citizens while the discrepancy between the obscenely rich and the 99% has never been greater.


How do we know this – look at the mid-term elections – where the winner was “none of the above.”  The 34% turnout was the lowest in 72 years, with the under 30 vote down from 19% to 13% and voting by Blacks and Latinos much reduced from before.  We saw Congressional approval ratings of 14% or lower.  A Gallop poll in 2013 showed that 60% of Americans thought the Democrats and Republicans do such a poor job that a third party is needed.


We have witnessed a massive transfer of wealth to the corporate rich, the banks, and the war machine.  They are trying to privatize everything that we assumed belonged to the public.  Even water is no longer a basic human right.  They spent trillions of our money to bail out the banks and no one went to jail for defrauding us and plunging the world into worldwide depression.  The capitalist system has one over-abiding imperative – expand and profit or die. This is accomplished by competition, financial bubbles, austerity programs, and war.  Social justice and environmental concerns plays no part.  Periodic crises are “resolved” through austerity programs that cut essential services and by waging wars.


Putting our faith or energy on elections and influencing Congress is not only a waste of time but it is harmful to building a movement to end war, privation, and injustice, and to curb, now inevitable, global warming.


The cost of running in elections, Supreme Court rulings, and restricted media access ensures bought politicians who must cater to their handlers or be booted out.  Once elected, they ensure that laws benefit the ruling rich.  We can’t talk about the “rule of Law” in the abstract.  Whose law?  The law that benefits the power elite does not work for the rest of us.  The entire criminal justice system is rigged – prisons are places of torture and slave labor and run by privatized profit-makers on a large scale.  Poverty is now a crime.  When people can’t pay even minor fines, they accrue more and are jailed repeatedly.  The grand jury system works for them.  People are coerced to plead guilty and plea bargain to avoid lengthy sentences, and then, as convicted felons, are disempowered for life.  We must not forget that what the Nazis did was legal.  They just passed laws that allowed them to act with impunity.  Wars with no limits are authorized and reauthorized by Congress or just acted on by the “Commander in Chief.”


The organized left and labor, mostly co-opted by the Democratic Party and lesser-evilism, has been so weakened that it has not been effective in struggling against the actions of the major imperialist power on earth.  In fact, the left, particularly the antiwar movement, has not recovered from the first Obama election in 2008.


The same left will not learn from this and they will invariably support the Democratic Party, while demonizing the Republicans.  If Hillary Clinton is the candidate, her record as a war-hawk and staunch friend of Israel, will be expunged and she will be extolled as the climate change champion, the anti-racist, the advocate for women’s rights, while hiding her true colors as the mouthpiece for the military/industrial/financial complex.


What is hopeful is that we see mass responses to the injustices and repression.  Look at recent uprisings and campaigns that have won some victories – the massive march on climate change, the rise of Students for Justice in Palestine and the Gaza protests, the campaigns for immigrant rights, the Occupy movement, marriage equality, the $15/hour campaign, and the election in Seattle of socialist candidate Kshama Sawant.


Of course, the most exciting is the uprising, initially over the non-indictment of the police murderer in Ferguson, that is now reawakening the new stage of the civil rights movement that says “Black Lives Matter.”  The struggle is not over desegregation and voting rights.  Today, it is tackling the systemic racism and oppression of Black people in this country – police brutality and racial profiling, mass incarceration, poverty, poor education, the war on drugs – and building a new, young, fighting leadership, independent from the major parties.  They are making demands for what is needed.  They are not asking people to call their Congressional representatives and beg for support.  Because of this, they are getting the President, Hillary Clinton, and other politicians to speak out and take minimal action.  Where were they when the thousands of other victims were brutalized and even murdered by a militarized police force?


These struggles are inevitable because the abysmal conditions we face drives people to fight back.  The corporate powers are well aware of this and they are preparing for it.  It is not an accident that the police force has been militarized, that the NSA spies on all of us, especially the dissidents and potential leaders of struggles, now here and coming, and that the Patriot Act and many other laws and executive orders to stifle opposition have been put in place.


Our role is to do the same – not rely on Congress or the UN (which the U.S. and other major powers use to do their bidding when convenient and ignore it when it is not) – to join with every social movement in the streets in mass protests and to connect the issues to their source – the imperialist drive for expanding profit and dominance. 


We need to stay in the streets and make demands for what we want and do not want.  We don’t need to tell them how to run their system more efficiently and what percent of the military budget is acceptable to us.  None of it is!


This rotten system needs to be brought down and replaced by one that meets the needs of the majority of the world and the planet itself.


We won’t get there by voting for the war-makers.  We won’t get there by incremental reforms.  We won’t get there by relying on the Supreme Court, or the UN, or their so-called diplomacy.


We need a real independent mass third party in this country.  We need to unite the movements that are fragmented and separated.  We need to educate ourselves and others and continually point the finger at those who are responsible.  We need to keep our groups and coalitions going and expand them, especially working with the radicalized youth of today.


I encourage you to attend the national UNAC conference next May 10-12 in Seacaucus, New Jersey and to join with activists engaged in struggles around the globe to strategize and organize to build a united movement that is powerful enough to make the fundamental changes that are necessary to sustain and nourish human life on this planet.



Forum recorded by Stanley Heller for cable program, “The Struggle.”


Playlist of the Three Talks


Elaine Hagopian     http://youtu.be/MQsVBH4BkJ4

Cole Harrison      http://youtu.be/nYJEUqIT754

Marilyn Levin    http://youtu.be/gpE6aqe1Xl4

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