Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Stop The Nuclear Weapons Madness-Now!

Stop The Nuclear Weapons Madness-Now!

By Special Guest Greg Green

“What goes around, comes around” as my friend Jack Riley’s father, Francis Riley always called Frankie by his friends, would said whenever the circle turned on any subject. Lately the subject, the very serious subject in light of this guy, this President of the United States, POTUS in twitter feed speak, one Donald J. Trump and his ranting about existential threats of nuclear war to his country by tiny miniscule North Korea. The threat given the disparity in size of arsenal and capacity to inflict massive and irreversible damage to that country and the earth much on the side of the United States. At no time in recent memory, certainly since the end of the Cold War with the world-historic defeat and demise of the Soviet Union, has the threat of nuclear war, the saber-rattling,  been as intense as now.          

That brings us to the “what goes around, comes around” part of the story. The late Peter Paul Markin, always known as “Scribe,” Frankie Riley’s old-time hang out in the neighborhood friend, in his very first political act, an act scorned by all his corner boy growing up friends, including Frankie and others who heard about it as well, back in the fall of 1960 attended an anti-nuclear weapons rally sponsored by SANE a group headed by Doctor Spock and some Quakers and people like that at the Park Street subway station stop on the Boston Common. He had been hounded and harassed by anti-communist thugs and other red scare Cold War types but felt that he had done the right thing. (The right thing aided by winning a five dollar bet with Frankie Riley that the Scribe would not go into Boston and do the rally). So protesting against the nuclear madness has come full circle.    

Here’s the interesting part- a few weeks ago at the Park Street subway station on the Boston one ancient Frankie Riley, surrounded by Quakers and other such types, was protesting the war clouds that could lead to nuclear war these days at a current anti-nuclear war rally. Yes, what goes around, comes around. 

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