Sunday, September 30, 2018

From Veterans For Peace-To Secure Peace Between the Koreas, US Must Declare an End to the War

To Secure Peace Between the Koreas, US Must Declare an End to the War

Christine Ahn of Women Cross the DMZ and who was recently scheduled to speak at our annual convention has another great piece out about the recent efforts and continued process between North and South Korea. 
"A peace treaty would end the state of war between the United States and North Korea, taking the threat of a military conflict off the table. A ceasefire — a temporary truce — is what has defined the US-North Korean relationship.
One tangible step that the Trump administration can take that the North Koreans would view as a “corresponding measure” is to declare an end to the Korean War. Joseph Yun, the former State Department envoy to North Korea during the Obama and Trump administrations, has said “the end-of-war declaration has to be done.” In an interview with the Asahi Shimbun, Yun said, “I don’t agree that [the US] would lose any significant item by saying the war has come to an end.” This would demonstrate the US commitment to improve relations and establish trust as a key toward normalizing relations between the two countries. "

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