Saturday, March 19, 2016

Movies From The Left To Check Out -1913: Seeds of Conflict- And -The Land Speaks Arabic

What is... disturbing to me is that many of these pro-Israeli lawmakers sit on the House International Relations Committee despite the obvious conflict of interest that their emotional attachments to Israel cause... The Israeli occupation of all territories must end, including Congress."'  ~Cynthia McKinney

"In the end, we must come out publicly with the truth: We had no right to build a settlement and to realize the ideal of Zionism with other people's property. To do this is robbery." ~Rabbi R Benjamin, 1955

1913: Seeds of Conflict
How things first went wrong in Palestine

[see trailer]

Showing Thursday, March 17, in Cambridge
[please download & distribute flyer]
Many consider the Balfour Declaration and Mandate period of the 1920s as the origin of today''€'™s Israeli occupation of Palestine. Nay, not so. Breaking new ground, 1913: SEEDS OF CONFLICT explores the divergent social forces growing in Palestine --before World War I-- that caused the simultaneous rise in Jewish and Arab nationalism.

1913 Palestine is a multi-lingual, multi-cultural society. Muslims, Jews and Christians coexist in relative harmony and often gather together in the coffeehouses of Jerusalem. But after European Jewish migrants arrive, Ruhi al-Khalidi, Jerusalem''€'™s representative to the Ottoman Parliament in Istanbul, voices growing concerns about what he sees as their secret agenda to build a state. So does Albert Antebi, an Arab-speaking Sephardic Jew known as the Jewish ''€'œpasha,''€' who embraces economic and cultural Zionism, but fears the consequences of a Zionist land grab.

"We witness a world where Jerusalem''€'™s Old City is ... one where Muslim, Christian, Armenian, and Jews all share a common space, with coffeehouses a particularly popular gathering-spot for men. This reality is slowly upended as European Zionist Jews disembark at Palestine''€'™s ports." ~Khelil Bouarrouj

"The ever expanding land-use by Jewish immigrants and creation of militias to guard their collective farms makes it all but inevitable that disputes between the communities would turn violent."''  ~Claire Sadar

"What good is it to arouse the bitterness of our fellow citizens? I predict an inextricable situation of Ottoman anti-Semitism if we do not change our methods.''€'''  ~Albert Antebi

The Land Speaks Arabic
See Trailer

This film documents the founding of the Zionist movement and the expulsion of Palestinians in the early part of the 20th century. The historical narrative is reconstructed by weaving archival materials such as photographs, films, news reels and official documents, with the testimonies of Palestinian survivors of the forced expulsion of 1947-48, referred to as the Nakba.

Beginning with Masalha''€'™s thesis emphasizing the idea of ''€'œtransfer''€' as the rudimentary motive of Zionism, the film chronicles the establishment of the Israeli state through the initial proposals of European Zionists in the late 19th century and the terrorist tactics of Jewish settlers in Palestine under the British Mandate. Acting as the historical anchor of the film, Masalha first describes how he came upon innumerable records in Israeli archives outlining the transfer of European Jews to Palestine with the simultaneous ejection of local Palestinians to neighboring countries. He then places this policy within the European colonial mindset of the time, one based on racist, supremacist notions.

Terrorizing Palestinian communities meant disrupting local Arab society. Often dressed as Arabs, members of Zionist terrorist organizations such as the Stern Gang and the Irgun, set out to disrupt Arab urban centers by initiating these explosions and intimidating Palestinian leaders.''  By 1948, the terror campaigns turned to large-scale massacres and attacks on villages, leading to the mass explosion of Palestinians that culminated in the Nakba. The film ends with several eyewitness accounts by Palestinians who experienced and survived the Nakba.

Employing a team of researchers who scoured through archives in Europe, the US, and the Middle East, The Land Speaks Arabic is thoroughly researched, nuanced and well-made. Gargour''€'™s film is a significant contribution to the historical recording of the Palestinian narrative and is a must-see for anyone interested in the history of Palestine and the Palestinians.


"[Zionism] wasn'€™t just to colonize Palestine. It was also to exploit indigenous people as cheap labor, dispossess and disperse them, replace them with arriving Jews, legitimize ethnic cleansing, and remove Palestinians from their land and history. Historical records were falsified. Palestinians were re-invented as a semi-savage, nomadic remnant.'  Mass elimination methods were justified for a 'people too many.' " ~Stephen Lendman, writer (eg, Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III), syndicated columnist, activist, News TV personality
"The state of Israel must invent dangers, and to do this it must adopt the methods of provocation and revenge'…. And above all, let us hope for a new war with the Arab countries so that we may finally get rid of our troubles and acquire our space."'  ~From the diary of Moshe Sharett, Israeli''’s first Foreign Minister from 1948-1956, and Prime Minister from 1954-1956

"'“Everybody has to move, run and grab as many (Palestinian) hilltops as they can to enlarge the (Jewish) settlements because everything we take now will stay ours. '…Everything we don''’t grab will go to them." ~ Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of the Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, Nov. 15, 1998.

"We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves."''  ~Heilbrun, Chairman, Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, mayor of Tel Aviv, Oct. 1983
'€œBetween ourselves, it must be clear that there is no room for both peoples together in this country. We shall not achieve our goal if the Arabs are in this small country. There is no other way than to (get rid of) all of them. Not one village, not one tribe should be left.'€'  ~ Joseph Weitz wrote in1940 as head of the Jewish Agency'€™s Colonization Department

"They are too many and too much rooted. The only way is to cut and eradicate them from the roots. Without taking action to transfer the [Arab] population we will not be able to solve our question by land buying. ~ Yozef Weitz, Jewish Natl Land Fund

"The British played a crucial role in terms of disarming the Palestinian society. The zionists by contrast had an arms industry. The way the Jewish community was created in Palestine, it was created as a military civilian community. Settlers were also soldiers at night. Settlers had a fence and watchtower. The Jewish community in Palestine was trained as a military garrison."
~Dr Nur Masalha, School of Theology, Philosophy & History, St Mary's College; Univ of Surrey, Director of Holy Land Studies
Plan Dalet, the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
"War will give us the land. The concept of 'ours' and 'not ours' are peace concepts; only and in war they lose their whole meaning."
~Ben Gurion

"The Jewish community in Palestine had more soldiers than all the Arab countries around it. Come to early 1948, the [Arab] villages had no weapons at all. Militarily the balance was completely against the Palestinians."
~Dr Nur Masalha

"I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy not approved by the Jews. ... I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get Congress to do anything they don't approve of. ... The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to Congress through influential Jewish people here in this country.
" ~John Foster Dulles, 1948

"We have exhausted our requests. President Clinton has answered all our needs. There has been no American president in history like President Clinton, in his support of Israel and the Jewish people." ~ Shimon Peres (From Washington Report, July 1996, pg. 17)

"Capitol Hill is an Israeli occupied territory". ~Patrick Buchanan (St. Louis Dispatch, 10/20/1990)

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.


doors open 6:40; film starts promptly 7pm
243 Broadway, Cambridge - corner of Broadway and Windsor,
entrance on Windsor

Please join us for a stimulating night out; bring your friends!
free film & free door prizes[donations are encouraged]feel free to bring your own snacks and soft drinks - no alcohol allowed

"You can't legislate good will - that comes through education." ~ Malcolm X

UPandOUT film series - see

Why should YOU care? It's YOUR money that pays for US/Israeli wars - on Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine, Libya. Syria, Iran, So America, etc etc - for billionaire bailouts, for ever more ubiquitous US prisons, for the loss of liberty and civil rights...

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