Saturday, September 28, 2013

John Pilger_The Silent Military Coup That Took Over Washington

This time it's Syria, last time it was Iraq. Obama chose to accept the entire Pentagon of the Bush era: its wars and war crimes

n my wall is the Daily Express front page of September 5 1945 and the words: "I write this as a warning to the world." So began Wilfred Burchett's report from Hiroshima. It was the scoop of the century. For his lone, perilous journey that defied the US occupation authorities, Burchett was pilloried, not least by his embedded colleagues. He warned that an act of premeditated mass murder on an epic scale had launched a new era of terror.
Almost every day now, he is vindicated. The intrinsic criminality of the atomic bombing is borne out in the US National Archives and by the subsequent decades of militarism camouflaged as democracy. The Syria psychodrama exemplifies this. Yet again we are held hostage by the prospect of a terrorism whose nature and history even the most liberal critics still deny. The great unmentionable is that humanity's most dangerous enemy resides across the Atlantic.
John Kerry's farce and Barack Obama's pirouettes are temporary. Russia's peace deal over chemical weapons will, in time, be treated with the contempt that all militarists reserve for diplomacy. With al-Qaida now among its allies, and US-armed coupmasters secure in Cairo, the US intends to crush the last independent states in the Middle East: Syria first, then Iran. "This operation [in Syria]," said the former French foreign minister Roland Dumas in June, "goes way back. It was prepared, pre-conceived and planned."
When the public is "psychologically scarred", as the Channel 4 reporter Jonathan Rugman described the British people's overwhelming hostility to an attack on Syria, suppressing the truth is made urgent. Whether or not Bashar al-Assad or the "rebels" used gas in the suburbs of Damascus, it is the US, not Syria, that is the world's most prolific user of these terrible weapons.
In 1970 the Senate reported: "The US has dumped on Vietnam a quantity of toxic chemical (dioxin) amounting to six pounds per head of population." This was Operation Hades, later renamed the friendlier Operation Ranch Hand – the source of what Vietnamese doctors call a "cycle of foetal catastrophe". I have seen generations of children with their familiar, monstrous deformities. John Kerry, with his own blood-soaked war record, will remember them. I have seen them in Iraq too, where the US used depleted uranium and white phosphorus, as did the Israelis in Gaza. No Obama "red line" for them. No showdown psychodrama for them.
The sterile repetitive debate about whether "we" should "take action" against selected dictators (ie cheer on the US and its acolytes in yet another aerial killing spree) is part of our brainwashing. Richard Falk, professor emeritus of international law and UN special rapporteur on Palestine, describes it as "a self-righteous, one-way, legal/moral screen [with] positive images of western values and innocence portrayed as threatened, validating a campaign of unrestricted political violence". This "is so widely accepted as to be virtually unchallengeable".
It is the biggest lie: the product of "liberal realists" in Anglo-American politics, scholarship and media who ordain themselves as the world's crisis managers, rather than the cause of a crisis. Stripping humanity from the study of nations and congealing it with jargon that serves western power designs, they mark "failed", "rogue" or "evil" states for "humanitarian intervention".
An attack on Syria or Iran or any other US "demon" would draw on a fashionable variant, "Responsibility to Protect", or R2P – whose lectern-trotting zealot is the former Australian foreign minister Gareth Evans, co-chair of a "global centre" based in New York. Evans and his generously funded lobbyists play a vital propaganda role in urging the "international community" to attack countries where "the security council rejects a proposal or fails to deal with it in a reasonable time".
Evans has form. He appeared in my 1994 film Death of a Nation, which revealed the scale of genocide in East Timor. Canberra's smiling man is raising his champagne glass in a toast to his Indonesian equivalent as they fly over East Timor in an Australian aircraft, having signed a treaty to pirate the oil and gas of the stricken country where the tyrant Suharto killed or starved a third of the population.
Under the "weak" Obama, militarism has risen perhaps as never before. With not a single tank on the White House lawn, a military coup has taken place in Washington. In 2008, while his liberal devotees dried their eyes, Obama accepted the entire Pentagon of his predecessor, George Bush: its wars and war crimes. As the constitution is replaced by an emerging police state, those who destroyed Iraq with shock and awe, piled up the rubble in Afghanistan and reduced Libya to a Hobbesian nightmare, are ascendant across the US administration. Behind their beribboned facade, more former US soldiers are killing themselves than are dying on battlefields. Last year 6,500 veterans took their own lives. Put out more flags.
The historian Norman Pollack calls this "liberal fascism": "For goose-steppers substitute the seemingly more innocuous militarisation of the total culture. And for the bombastic leader, we have the reformer manqu̩, blithely at work, planning and executing assassination, smiling all the while." Every Tuesday the "humanitarian" Obama personally oversees a worldwide terror network of drones that "bugsplat" people, their rescuers and mourners. In the west's comfort zones, the first black leader of the land of slavery still feels good, as if his very existence represents a social advance, regardless of his trail of blood. This obeisance to a symbol has all but destroyed the US anti-war movement РObama's singular achievement.
In Britain, the distractions of the fakery of image and identity politics have not quite succeeded. A stirring has begun, though people of conscience should hurry. The judges at Nuremberg were succinct: "Individual citizens have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity." The ordinary people of Syria, and countless others, and our own self-respect, deserve nothing less now.
Fund Feminist History-Left On Pearl
Dear friends,

I am writing to tell you about a project I have been actively supporting for some time now. It's a film called Left on Pearl, which documents a lesser-known chapter of the women's liberation movement in the U.S.

In 1971, women took over a Harvard-owned building in Cambridge, MA and declared it a women's center. This event happened as a result of the spontaneous moment during Boston's 1971 International Women's Day March when, headed toward Harvard Square, marchers took an unexpected left on Pearl St. and headed toward the building at 888 Memorial Drive, where they began their feminist occupation. This story is the origin of the Women's Center in Cambridge, which still exists to this day.

You can watch the trailer for the film here:

The film is extraordinary. Filled with firsthand accounts from women who were there in the building, it gives you a sense of the powerful uncharted-ness of the action these women were taking and its raw political power. The film also gives you a sense of the times, a feeling for the radical-ness of the early 1970's in the U.S., as it connects the women's liberation movement with other people's movements happening at the time, at both local and national levels.

Left on Pearl is an important documentation of women's history, of feminist history, and of people's history. It is a living portrait of a movement for social justice that gives you a sense of immediacy and purpose that is nothing short of inspiring.

Finally, as I'm sure you're well aware, women's/feminist/people's history is rarely documented with any care, thoroughness, or accuracy - much less by those who were involved in the struggle firsthand. Left on Pearl is thus an important contribution to the ongoing project of preserving the history of people's movements for social justice.

I hope you will consider donating to this worthy film. No amount is too small - even $5 is a contribution that matters.

Feminism is a collective endeavor, and your participation only grows the number of people who support this film and care about preserving feminist history.

The link is here:

Many thanks,

H. C.

p.s. I also want to add that, if you are a teacher of any kind, this film is excellent for educational use. I have seen early versions of it, and can say with confidence that I will use it in multiple classes of mine, and imagine it would be useful in all sorts of courses, in all sorts of settings, with all kinds of students, in transmitting the importance of social movements and the history of U.S. radicalism.

President Obama Pardon Private Chelsea Manning Now- A Song From Graham Nash- Almost Gone

Note that this image is PVT Manning's preferred photo.

Note that this image is PVT Manning’s preferred photo.

Save the Date: November 22-24, 2013 - Converge on Fort Benning, GA - Justice Not Impunity

The weekend includes a rally with speakers and musicians from across the Americas, a solemn funeral procession to commemorate the martyrs, art, music and street theater to celebrate the resistance, a protest at a for-profit immigrant prison, nonviolent direct action, a conference with workshops, film screenings, trainings etc., concerts, community, grassroots movement building, and more.

Flyer Schedule of Events Hotel Information
Stand With Veterans For Peace In New York City -October 7th

September 19, 2013
Brothers and Sisters,

Last Oct. 7, marking 11 years of devastating U.S. military involvement (war) in Afghanistan, a group of us gathered at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at 55 Water St. (read some of the statements from vets who were there) in NYC to demand an end to that war, to expose the lies and betrayals connected with the Vietnam War and all subsequent wars, to soulfully remember the fallen with flowers and by reading their names and -- last but not least -- to god damn it, affirm our right, especially as veterans, to assemble peacefully at that place at any hour and do all of the above.
oct7_arrested.jpegTwenty-five of us were arrested for being at the memorial after the arbitrary and seldom enforced 10 pm closing time (people usually are not bothered there at any hour). Subsequently 12 of us went to trial (read about it here) for five days and were found guilty, but the charges, amazingly, were dismissed. People were outraged and rightfully so that veterans were arrested at their own memorial while remembering the fallen. Even a number of the cops who followed orders and arrested us made a point of telling us later, very sincerely, that they were sorry and that they agreed with our right to be there.
Well, we are going back again, and again if we have to until that place is established as a 24/7 place of memory where we can gather to remember and to address issues that concern all of us.
This year we have a plan to be there with the morning light the following morning. At 9 am we will march out of there with VFP flags and banners flying and we are requesting the NYC Rude Mechanical Orchestra with drums and horns to lead us as we sing and march triumphantly through Wall Street and the financial district to Zuccotti Park, home of the Occupy movement. There we will be met enthusiastically by Occupy folks, who recently gave a beautiful award to Bill Perry in recognition of the veterans standing in solidarity with them.
We want you to join us. We will provide housing and help with logistics for those coming from out of town. Just get in touch. The struggle for the right to remember, to assemble and speak truth to power is not one we can afford to lose. Stand with us brothers and sisters.
For more information and to be involved, e-mail or just contact me directly.

Hurry and Order your "Free Chelsea Manning" Banner Today!

Total cost of banner - $61

VFP National will pay $25 towards the cost of the banner. This brings your out of pocket cost to $36 and includes s/h.

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Vigil Still On - Monday!: No Government Shutdown!

The Budget for All campaign issues a call for an…..

Emergency Response to Threat of Congressional Republicans
to Shut Down the Government
on October 1:

Unless a Federal Budget is passed by October 1:Tens of thousands will be thrown out of work;
Payments to active duty soldiers will cease;
No FHA mortgages would be approved;
Federal loans to small businesses would be suspended;
Federal research projects would be halted;
and other vital services will be threatened. (Boston Globe, page 1, 9/20/13)
But unless President Obama agrees to cancel the new universal health Insurance program Republican legislators have said they will do just that. Already the Sequester cuts have jeopardized the well-being of tens of thousands. But a government shut-down will have far more widespread impacts across the country and threaten the U.S. economy itself. Please Join us at this emergency action on:

Monday, September 30 at noon
Republican Party Headquarters
85 Merrimac Street, Boston (North Station T)

Gather at the offices of the Republican State Committee for a vigil and press event. We will deliver a letter at this Republican Party headquarters urging that the Massachusetts Party urge Congressional Republicans to avert a shutdown.
Speakers will include federal employees who will be furloughed and others directly affected by the threatened shutdown.
We demand that the whole Congress stop stifling the voice of the American People who in measures of public opinion across the country – and in the referendum on the ballot in Massachusetts last November – have consistently called for a Federal Budget that:
*Protects Social Security, Medicare, Veterans Benefits and other vital programs:
*Invests in employment as the solution to our economic crisis;
*And pays for these efforts and reduces the national debt by ending massive corporate tax loopholes, ending the war in Afghanistan, and redirecting money from the Pentagon budget to these projects that support our families.
Congress must translate these demands into a budget, repeal the sequester which violates these demands, and keep public programs functioning.
This vigil will only take place if there is no agreement by Monday to avert a shutdown.
Sponsors include The Budget for All Campaign and MoveOn For more information contact 617-354-2169 or 617-623-5288
From The Marxist Archives -In Honor Of The 75th Anniversary Of The Founding Of The Leon Trotsky-Led Fourth International-

Workers Vanguard No. 962
30 July 2010
Revolutionary Perspective for India
(Quote of the Week)
The founding document of the Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India (BLPI), written while India was under British rule, emphasized the proletariat’s unique capacity to lead all the exploited and oppressed in the struggle for their emancipation. Applying the Trotskyist perspective of permanent revolution, the BLPI program stressed the fight for the political independence of the proletariat from the Indian bourgeoisie, which is today, as under colonial rule, a counterrevolutionary force beholden to imperialism.
The leadership of the revolution, which the peasantry cannot provide for itself, can come only from an urban class. But the Indian bourgeoisie cannot possibly provide this leadership, since in the first place, it is reactionary through and through on the land question itself, sharing as it does so largely in the parasitic exploitation of the peasantry. Above all, the bourgeoisie, on account of its inherent weakness and dependence on Imperialism itself, is destined to play a counter-revolutionary role in the coming struggle for power.
The leadership of the peasantry in the coming petty bourgeois democratic agrarian revolution that is immediately posed can therefore come only from the industrial proletariat, and an alliance between the proletariat and the peasantry is [a] fundamental pre-requisite of the Indian revolution. This alliance cannot be conceived in the form of a “Workers’ and Peasants’ Party” or of a “democratic dictatorship of workers and peasants” in the revolution. It is impossible so to fuse within a single party or a dictatorship the policies of two classes whose interests only partially coincide and are bound to come into conflict sooner or later. The revolutionary alliance between the proletariat and peasantry can mean only proletarian leadership of the peasant struggle and, in case of revolutionary victory, the establishment of the proletarian dictatorship with the support of the peasantry....
Despite its subjective weakness in organization and consciousness, inevitable in a backward country and in the conditions of repression surrounding it, the working class is entirely capable of leading the Indian revolution. It is [the] only class objectively fitted for this role, not only in relation to the Indian situation, but in view of the decline of capitalism on [a] world scale, which opens the road to the international proletarian revolution. The proletariat needs above all to develop its own independent political party, free from the influence of the bourgeoisie, and armed with the weapons of revolutionary Marxism, to lead it not only in the day to day struggles but above all in the coming revolution. Without such a party the proletariat must fail in its historic task of leading the masses of India to revolutionary victory.
—“Draft Programme of the Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India” (1942),
reprinted in Charles Wesley Ervin, Tomorrow Is Ours:
The Trotskyist Movement in India and Ceylon, 1935-48


Friday, September 27, 2013

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SAT • SEPT 28 • 4 pm

ACTION CENTER - 284 Amory St, Jamaica Plain, MA (near Stonybrook on Orange Line)
HEAR Sara Flounders International Action Center co-director and WWP Secretariat member, give a talk and show video footage on her recent trip to Syria as part of an U.S. anti-war delegation that included former U.S. Attorney General, Ramsey Clark; former Georgia Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney; IAC West Coast director, John Parker and others
The anti-war delegation visited Syria the week of Sept. 16 to see for themselves what is happening there. The delegation included human rights lawyer and former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark; Cynthia McKinney, a former six-term congressperson from Georgia; Dedon Kamathi of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party and Pacifica Radio; and Johnny Achi of Arab Americans 4 Syria in Los Angeles. The International Action Center, which pulled together the delegation, sent key organizers John Parker from Los Angeles and Sara Flounders from New York.

Below are reports from the delegation, condensed from emails and a phone interview conducted by Andrea Sears of WBAI radio with Flounders and Syrian youth organizer Ogarit Dandash. It can be heard online at
Sara Flounders: “Today [Sept. 17], we are visiting a youth resistance encampment called Over Our Dead Bodies on Qasioun Mountain. It is the site of TV and communication towers overlooking Damascus. This is a human shield commitment made by hundreds of youth every day and at least 100 every night against U.S. bombing. It was begun two weeks ago, when it seemed a U.S. strike was imminent.
“What we’re involved in on this trip is people-to-people resistance, meeting people from neighborhood defense teams, also meeting people at a displaced persons center whose homes had been destroyed by the U.S.-supported rebel forces.
“Today, we visited such a center of about 300 people — 65 families in a public school in the Mezzeh neighborhood of Damascus. Families of from six to 10 people share one classroom. It is crowded! But at least families are assured shelter, good food for the kids, medical care and meds, and classes.
“We also visited a military hospital where victims of gas attacks and sniper and shrapnel fire were being treated.
“We earlier had a meeting with the Grand Mufti of Syria. He is the top Sunni religious leader and stands with the government in defense of a secular state for all religions. Because of his position and because he refused to join the Islamic right-wing jihadists, his son was publicly assassinated almost two years ago.
“He had planned to visit the U.S. this past summer to hold meetings with many Christian, Muslim and Jewish religious leaders on the importance of a society based on tolerance. But the U.S. denied his visa.
“Day and night, we hear the boom of civil defense mortars and some heavy explosives, but most parts of Damascus are secure. It is a beautiful, modern, clean city with wide boulevards. Everything here is still well lit, even street lights all functioning. The infrastructure is pretty incredible. The housing blocks everywhere we have been are very modern. Everywhere are Syrian flags and enormous patriotic fervor.
“Women are especially outspoken about what is at stake here, when they compare it to what the future holds in Iraq or Libya.”
Ogarit Dandrash: “I am usually a journalist, but now I am an activist. The experience in Iraq has taught us. We don’t trust the U.S. government. Only when the Syrian government says we have an agreement and it is safe now will we go back to our schools or our jobs. Until then, we will stay at the encampment here.”
John Parker: “There was great relief when it seemed that President Obama had called off the attack. But over the last few days, Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have made it clear that an attack is not off the table. A U.S. attack on Syria would destroy what is a very modern, developed country with results like what we’ve seen already in Iraq and Libya, which once had the highest standard of living in Africa and is now in chaos.”
Delegation members have played a big role in organizing anti-war actions in the U.S. since the U.S. government began threatening Syria during the last week of August. They intend to use their experience in Syria to strengthen their anti-war organizing among the U.S. population, which is overwhelmingly opposed to U.S. military action against Syria.
Endorsed by International Action Center, Boston Fanmi Lavalas, Bishop Filipe Teixeira OFSJC, Minister Don Muhammad Nation of Islam Mosque #11, Women's Fightback Network, Stonewall Warriors, Workers World Party (list in formation. TO ENDORSE, call 617-286-6574 or email,)
c/o Action Center
284 Amory St
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
(near Stonybrook on Orange Line)
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SAT • SEPT 28 • 4 pm

ACTION CENTER - 284 Amory St, Jamaica Plain, MA (near Stonybrook on Orange Line)
HEAR Sara Flounders International Action Center co-director and WWP Secretariat member, give a talk and show video footage on her recent trip to Syria as part of an U.S. anti-war delegation that included former U.S. Attorney General, Ramsey Clark; former Georgia Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney; IAC West Coast director, John Parker and others
The anti-war delegation visited Syria the week of Sept. 16 to see for themselves what is happening there. The delegation included human rights lawyer and former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark; Cynthia McKinney, a former six-term congressperson from Georgia; Dedon Kamathi of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party and Pacifica Radio; and Johnny Achi of Arab Americans 4 Syria in Los Angeles. The International Action Center, which pulled together the delegation, sent key organizers John Parker from Los Angeles and Sara Flounders from New York.

Below are reports from the delegation, condensed from emails and a phone interview conducted by Andrea Sears of WBAI radio with Flounders and Syrian youth organizer Ogarit Dandash. It can be heard online at
Sara Flounders: “Today [Sept. 17], we are visiting a youth resistance encampment called Over Our Dead Bodies on Qasioun Mountain. It is the site of TV and communication towers overlooking Damascus. This is a human shield commitment made by hundreds of youth every day and at least 100 every night against U.S. bombing. It was begun two weeks ago, when it seemed a U.S. strike was imminent.
“What we’re involved in on this trip is people-to-people resistance, meeting people from neighborhood defense teams, also meeting people at a displaced persons center whose homes had been destroyed by the U.S.-supported rebel forces.
“Today, we visited such a center of about 300 people — 65 families in a public school in the Mezzeh neighborhood of Damascus. Families of from six to 10 people share one classroom. It is crowded! But at least families are assured shelter, good food for the kids, medical care and meds, and classes.
“We also visited a military hospital where victims of gas attacks and sniper and shrapnel fire were being treated.
“We earlier had a meeting with the Grand Mufti of Syria. He is the top Sunni religious leader and stands with the government in defense of a secular state for all religions. Because of his position and because he refused to join the Islamic right-wing jihadists, his son was publicly assassinated almost two years ago.
“He had planned to visit the U.S. this past summer to hold meetings with many Christian, Muslim and Jewish religious leaders on the importance of a society based on tolerance. But the U.S. denied his visa.
“Day and night, we hear the boom of civil defense mortars and some heavy explosives, but most parts of Damascus are secure. It is a beautiful, modern, clean city with wide boulevards. Everything here is still well lit, even street lights all functioning. The infrastructure is pretty incredible. The housing blocks everywhere we have been are very modern. Everywhere are Syrian flags and enormous patriotic fervor.
“Women are especially outspoken about what is at stake here, when they compare it to what the future holds in Iraq or Libya.”
Ogarit Dandrash: “I am usually a journalist, but now I am an activist. The experience in Iraq has taught us. We don’t trust the U.S. government. Only when the Syrian government says we have an agreement and it is safe now will we go back to our schools or our jobs. Until then, we will stay at the encampment here.”
John Parker: “There was great relief when it seemed that President Obama had called off the attack. But over the last few days, Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have made it clear that an attack is not off the table. A U.S. attack on Syria would destroy what is a very modern, developed country with results like what we’ve seen already in Iraq and Libya, which once had the highest standard of living in Africa and is now in chaos.”
Delegation members have played a big role in organizing anti-war actions in the U.S. since the U.S. government began threatening Syria during the last week of August. They intend to use their experience in Syria to strengthen their anti-war organizing among the U.S. population, which is overwhelmingly opposed to U.S. military action against Syria.
Endorsed by International Action Center, Boston Fanmi Lavalas, Bishop Filipe Teixeira OFSJC, Minister Don Muhammad Nation of Islam Mosque #11, Women's Fightback Network, Stonewall Warriors, Workers World Party (list in formation. TO ENDORSE, call 617-286-6574 or email,)
c/o Action Center
284 Amory St
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
(near Stonybrook on Orange Line)
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***Out In The 1940s Noir Night- With Blonde Ice In Mind-Take Two


From The Pen Of Frank Jackman

Les Lewis, who knew her best, who had been her benighted back door lover, probably summed her up best, summed up the late Claire Summers, when he said he didn’t really know her at all, that he had no idea what made her tick, if anything. He added that as time went on and he got more of a sense of her outrageousness, of her outrageous demands and her wanting habits he realized that she had no moral compass, no moral core at all. That was the point where he started using the term Blonde Ice when speaking of her, although that did not stop him from being entrapped, ensnared, and enthralled by her. No way, not even when the bodies, male bodies, started piling up before his eyes. What did he say, oh yah, she went through her men so fast she didn’t have time to have her initials embroidered on their sets of towels. Yah, Claire, Blonde Ice, take your pick, had a good run while it lasted, a damn good run. Maybe, though it’s best to go through the story so you will know how close, if you were a man, you were to falling in her clutches.               

Claire’s story, the story she told anyway, to her fellows in the Frisco Gazette newsroom where she held forth as the society page editor, was that she was from nowhere USA like a lot of young people who migrated West after the war, World War Two for those who are asking. She added that she was from hunger, from the cheap mean streets of that from nowhere that she had come from. She made it plain, plain as day, to everybody, no, to every guy in the place, and elsewhere that the from hunger thing was strictly in the past and that if anybody wanted to keep company with her they had better have dough, big dough, and connections to the Mayfair swells, or leave her alone. That didn’t stop anybody, any guy, in the newsroom from copy boy to city editor, or elsewhere either from taking a run at her, a hard run. See she was blonde, young, with a good shape, and pleasing, publicly pleasing, like a kitten. A kitten that would scratch you, scratch your eyes out if it came to that, as soon as look at you but that came later. Later when she got her wanting habits into high gear, and when the male population of the West Coast seemed to be dropping daily.    

Here is how Claire operated, operated up front and in public to give you an idea of what she was capable of when she had her wanting habits on. Les Lewis who we have already met was the editorial page writer, you might have seen his by-line if you got the Gazette and as we also know was, well, let’s call it smitten by her, and she by him in a calculating sort of way. So while she was waiting for the next best thing they stuck together. Hell he was happy with that arrangement as long as he could be with her.  But she made clear only for that amount of time. A while later, maybe six, eight, months later this Carl Castle, a self-made millionaire took a run at her. He didn’t have to run hard, not hard at all because all she saw was dollar signs. So she dumped Les, forthwith, and married Carl and his money. But see here is where she, hell, maybe all dames, went screwy. She wanted to keep Les around as a stand-by, keep him around for those nights when Carl was away on business, or she just wanted an off-hand romp.  Needless to say a guy who was a self-made millionaire didn’t get that kale by being a stooge, even for a dame. So when Carl caught on to Claire’s  act, caught on during their honeymoon for chrissakes, he dropped her like a hot potato. 

Or rather he would have if he had had the chance. But Claire, clear-eyed Claire, was not giving up the gravy train after what she had been through and so she wasted him, wasted him before he could cut her out. Here is the beauty of it though she set the scene up like Carl had committed suicide. Nice touch. And that kept the wolves, the legal wolves, away for a while. And here is a nicer touch she took right up with Les like nothing had happened. And he was so gone on her that he bought into her fantasy.

Of course Les for Claire was just a safe harbor until she could snare something else, and you know she did. That is how strong her wanting habits were. So the next best that came along was a high-priced lawyer, Stan Lewin, yes, that Stan Lewin the big corporate lawyer for Ajax Consolidated up inSan Francisco. The guy who saved them millions winning that big anti-trust case the government ran against them. So Les was out the door, or half-way out the door, again. Poor sap, he had it bad, as bad as man could have it for a woman and still be on two feet. Maybe he was getting just a little wise, because around that time he started referring to her as Blonde Ice around the office. Little good it did him once Stan announced that he and Mrs. Castle were to be wedded. 

Those wedding plans though were Claire’s undoing. Somehow someone had gotten to Stan and put a bug in his ear about Claire’s virtue and so he called the whole thing off. Mistake, Stan mistake, a big one. See you couldn’t do something like that to Claire once she had her plans set, set in stone apparently. And so Stan went underground, six feet under.  And here again is the beauty of her mind she let Les take the fall for it. Set him up for the big step- off up in Q. And didn’t bat an eyelash. Evil, sheer evil.        

Les, and his fellows, by this point were no fools and could see a certain pattern to Claire’s behavior, and so they were ready to move heaven and earth to get Les out from under a murder rap. However they were saved the effort by a very strange occurrence. Apparently back in nowhere Claire had been married, a child-bride it seemed, to some farmer in Utah, or someplace like that. This farmer, Clyde Smythe read about Carl Castle’s demise and accompanying picture of his widow, his own dear runaway wife. He headed to Frisco, armed, armed and filled with righteous indignation. And that righteous indignation put one Blonde Ice on ice. RIP.      

Oh yah, it later came out that Claire had killed a couple of other guys on her way up. One, a guy who had been pimping her off doing tricks on the cheap streets of Reno and she blasted him one night when he was wasted from his dope habit that required her out on the streets. The newsies figured that was when she developed the taste for the rooty-toot-toot to solve her problems. The other guy was a guy from Vegas who knew that she had wasted her pimp and was trying to blackmail her. Bad idea, very bad.  So maybe she did have her comeuppance when Clyde showed up to even things out for mankind before it ran out of men. But don’t tell Les that, okay. He goes out to Garden Grove Cemetery every week to visit her grave. Some guys have it bad, real bad, and some dames, good or evil, make them that way.  


***Songs To While The Time By- The Roots Is The Toots-


Over the past several years I have been running an occasional series in this space of songs, mainly political protest songs, you know The Internationale, Union Maid, Which Side Are You On, Viva La Quince Brigada, Universal Soldier, and such entitled Songs To While The Class Struggle By. This series which could include some protest songs as well is centered on roots music as it has come down the ages and formed the core of the American songbook. You will find the odd, the eccentric, the forebears of later musical trends, and the just plain amusing here. Listen up-Peter Paul Markin       

***Songs To While The Time By- The Roots Is The Toots-
Blind Lemon Jefferson-Bad Luck Blues

Over the past several years I have been running an occasional series in this space of songs, mainly political protest songs, you know The Internationale, Union Maid, Which Side Are You On, Viva La Quince Brigada, Universal Soldier, and such entitled Songs To While The Class Struggle By. This series which could include some protest songs as well is centered on roots music as it has come down the ages and formed the core of the American songbook. You will find the odd, the eccentric, the forebears of later musical trends, and the just plain amusing here. Listen up-Peter Paul Markin

***Songs To While The Time By- The Roots Is The Toots- Cotton Mill Blues

Over the past several years I have been running an occasional series in this space of songs, mainly political protest songs, you know The Internationale, Union Maid, Which Side Are You On, Viva La Quince Brigada, Universal Soldier, and such entitled Songs To While The Class Struggle By. This series which could include some protest songs as well is centered on roots music as it has come down the ages and formed the core of the American songbook. You will find the odd, the eccentric, the forebears of later musical trends, and the just plain amusing here. Listen up-Peter Paul Markin

***Songs To While The Time By- The Roots Is The Toots-


Over the past several years I have been running an occasional series in this space of songs, mainly political protest songs, you know The Internationale, Union Maid, Which Side Are You On, Viva La Quince Brigada, Universal Soldier, and such entitled Songs To While The Class Struggle By. This series which could include some protest songs as well is centered on roots music as it has come down the ages and formed the core of the American songbook. You will find the odd, the eccentric, the forebears of later musical trends, and the just plain amusing here. Listen up-Peter Paul Markin       

***Songs To While The Time By- The Roots Is The Toots- Little Old Sod Shanty

Over the past several years I have been running an occasional series in this space of songs, mainly political protest songs, you know The Internationale, Union Maid, Which Side Are You On, Viva La Quince Brigada, Universal Soldier, and such entitled Songs To While The Class Struggle By. This series which could include some protest songs as well is centered on roots music as it has come down the ages and formed the core of the American songbook. You will find the odd, the eccentric, the forebears of later musical trends, and the just plain amusing here. Listen up-Peter Paul Markin

***Songs To While The Time By- The Roots Is The Toots-Big Bill Broonzy-Starvation Blues

Over the past several years I have been running an occasional series in this space of songs, mainly political protest songs, you know The Internationale, Union Maid, Which Side Are You On, Viva La Quince Brigada, Universal Soldier, and such entitled Songs To While The Class Struggle By. This series which could include some protest songs as well is centered on roots music as it has come down the ages and formed the core of the American songbook. You will find the odd, the eccentric, the forebears of later musical trends, and the just plain amusing here. Listen up-Peter Paul Markin

***Songs To While The Time By- The Roots Is The Toots-Dave McCarn-Cotton Mill Colic

Over the past several years I have been running an occasional series in this space of songs, mainly political protest songs, you know The Internationale, Union Maid, Which Side Are You On, Viva La Quince Brigada, Universal Soldier, and such entitled Songs To While The Class Struggle By. This series which could include some protest songs as well is centered on roots music as it has come down the ages and formed the core of the American songbook. You will find the odd, the eccentric, the forebears of later musical trends, and the just plain amusing here. Listen up-Peter Paul Markin