No one can fault Massachusetts United Senator John Forbes Kerry for lacking in commemorative spirit. Last spring he wooed an audience at Fanueil Hall with a speech observing the 35th Annivesary of his testimony before a Senate Committee investigating the Vietnam War (Do people in the real world, outside of politics, really observe such anniversaries?). This week, the week of October 8, 2006, he again is on the stump celebrating the 4th Anniversary of his ill-fated vote to authorize President Bush to go to war in Iraq. The highlight of the speech apparently was his ‘heartfelt’ admission that he was wrong to give such approval. As a matter of elemenatry politic hygiene one would think with Kerry ‘s gyrations that he would be hiding out alone somewhere in the hills of New Hampshire not shouting about it from the rooftops. But such is the nature of capitalist politics- when you really have the 'fire in the belly' to be president there is nothing you will not do to abase yourself to get that ‘job’. Ask Bill Clinton (and maybe, ask Hillary). Ask the master- Hubert Horatio Humphrey. Need I say more.
Let us go through the numbers on the question of opposition to the Iraq war one more time. On the national parliamentary level the only real action that counts in opposition to the war in Iraq is not some belated mea culpa on an authorization vote but the vote on the war budget. You know, the way the damn war gets funded. Senator Kerry voted with both hands (and probably both feet) for that one. Democrats and Republicans LIKE to vote for the war budgets. It is now worst than useless to think otherwise. A new set of worker party candidates or other independents with a socialist program must be put forth to vote against the war budget (among other things). But that is the music of the future. As bad as Kerry’ position is THAT women, punitive ( I do not mean putative) Democratic presidential candidate New York Senator Hillary “Hawk”Clinton’s is even worst. While making some very tentative anti-war sounds she continues to stand by her 2002 vote. And like Kerry in 2004 she will probably be anointed the ‘anti-war’ candidate in 2008 agains the Republicans. Well, let the liberal anti-war activists twist in the wind on that one.
One other point about Senator Kerry deserves mentioning here lest one think that he is the reincarnation of the pacifist Indian leader Gandhi. This week North Korea exploded some small nuclear devise which raised all kinds of hypocritical outcries of 'foul' from the exclusive international nuclear club headed by American imperialism. Senator Kerry went out of his way to comment on this so-called outrage and argued for ‘appropriate’ action to stem the North Koreans. For those who need it spelled out that means preemptive military strikes, if necessary. Kerry represents the real position of the Iraqi defeatist wing of the capitalist class. To President Bush they say- It’s Iran, stupid, It’s North Korea, stupid. No one in the establishment, least of all Kerry, is turning swords into plowshares here, they just want another target. After two destructive wars in Iraq the hard reality of international politics in the case of small ‘third world’ nations in the crosshairs of American (or other) imperialist guns is you damn well better have nuclear weapons or you will not survive. More on this latter.
This space is dedicated to the proposition that we need to know the history of the struggles on the left and of earlier progressive movements here and world-wide. If we can learn from the mistakes made in the past (as well as what went right) we can move forward in the future to create a more just and equitable society. We will be reviewing books, CDs, and movies we believe everyone needs to read, hear and look at as well as making commentary from time to time. Greg Green, site manager
Friday, October 13, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
According to the Boston Globe of October 11, 2006 the voters of a number of Massachusetts communities will be able to vote on November 7th on a non-binding referendum calling for the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq. The measure sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee (Quakers) and other anti-war organizations will be on the ballot in various communities depending on the Massachusetts House of Representatives district. The gist of the resolution is a call on your local state representative to support a resolution to call on the Congress and the President to immediately withdraw troops from Iraq. Given that all hell is breaking out in Iraq at some level this should be regarded as sub-parliamentary cretinism. I personally think that it would be much easier to turn swords into plowshares than get any effective action out of this cumbersome parliamentary maneuver. Nevertheless it is minimally supportable by militant leftists as an expression of opposition to the Iraq war. But, hear me out further.
Petitions, people’s peace treaties and referenda against war pushed by the more pacific, reformist-minded elements of anti- war movements throughout history have been a dime a dozen every time a serious military conflict arises. Those forces that place primary emphasis on such methods of redress fundamentally believe that those who have the power to take a nation to war are at heart “reasonable” and subject to parliamentary pressure from the masses. At last count their efforts have had zero effect on the continuation or cessation of any war, particularly the current one. Nevertheless, as a political proposition such acts do no harm and can give a minimal voice to anti-war opposition. That it is hardly enough goes without saying. Let me, however, propose another way to look at such a vote.
Any even moderately political person who has paid attention to the situation in Iraq over the last period knows that it is desperately necessary to cut and run with “all deliberate speed out” of that quagmire. That part is a no-brainer. Nevertheless, the President, the Congress, the military chieftains and, yes, the anti-war movement have failed the troops in Iraq. The shortest and only way home now for the troops is to organize AMONG THEMSELVES TO COME HOME. Our role on this side of the ocean is to act in solidarity with such efforts and form civilian solidarity committees to aid these efforts. Thus, on November 7th voters in the effected Massachusetts districts can use their vote not only for calling for immediate withdrawal from Iraq but to support the troops efforts' to get out. Until then it is still necessary to say and organize around- GET THE HELL OUT OF IRAQ NOW!!
ADDED NOTE: For the past several months I have been proposing the above course of action regarding troop solidarity committees. During that time I have also been adamant that there will be no troop drawdown soon. Today’s Boston Globe (October 12, 2006) brings the grim confirmation of that projection. No drawdown until 2010, according to the Army chieftains. During this same several month period I have been arguing that the only meaningful measure on a parliamentary level is a vote against the war budget. That is the litmus test for any labor party or socialist candidate (forget the Democrats and Republicans, they like to vote for these budgets). Moreover, on the state level I have proposed this parliamentary question in another form. In the heat of the current Governor’s race I have posed the question to ask Deval Patrick (Republican Kerry Healey is beyond the pale), the darling of the parliamentary anti-war left here, whether as Commander-in Chief of the Massachusetts National Guard he would refuse to send troops to Iraq. No liberal really want to know the answer to that one. Nevertheless, these are the real parliamentary tactics needed for the times.
According to the Boston Globe of October 11, 2006 the voters of a number of Massachusetts communities will be able to vote on November 7th on a non-binding referendum calling for the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq. The measure sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee (Quakers) and other anti-war organizations will be on the ballot in various communities depending on the Massachusetts House of Representatives district. The gist of the resolution is a call on your local state representative to support a resolution to call on the Congress and the President to immediately withdraw troops from Iraq. Given that all hell is breaking out in Iraq at some level this should be regarded as sub-parliamentary cretinism. I personally think that it would be much easier to turn swords into plowshares than get any effective action out of this cumbersome parliamentary maneuver. Nevertheless it is minimally supportable by militant leftists as an expression of opposition to the Iraq war. But, hear me out further.
Petitions, people’s peace treaties and referenda against war pushed by the more pacific, reformist-minded elements of anti- war movements throughout history have been a dime a dozen every time a serious military conflict arises. Those forces that place primary emphasis on such methods of redress fundamentally believe that those who have the power to take a nation to war are at heart “reasonable” and subject to parliamentary pressure from the masses. At last count their efforts have had zero effect on the continuation or cessation of any war, particularly the current one. Nevertheless, as a political proposition such acts do no harm and can give a minimal voice to anti-war opposition. That it is hardly enough goes without saying. Let me, however, propose another way to look at such a vote.
Any even moderately political person who has paid attention to the situation in Iraq over the last period knows that it is desperately necessary to cut and run with “all deliberate speed out” of that quagmire. That part is a no-brainer. Nevertheless, the President, the Congress, the military chieftains and, yes, the anti-war movement have failed the troops in Iraq. The shortest and only way home now for the troops is to organize AMONG THEMSELVES TO COME HOME. Our role on this side of the ocean is to act in solidarity with such efforts and form civilian solidarity committees to aid these efforts. Thus, on November 7th voters in the effected Massachusetts districts can use their vote not only for calling for immediate withdrawal from Iraq but to support the troops efforts' to get out. Until then it is still necessary to say and organize around- GET THE HELL OUT OF IRAQ NOW!!
ADDED NOTE: For the past several months I have been proposing the above course of action regarding troop solidarity committees. During that time I have also been adamant that there will be no troop drawdown soon. Today’s Boston Globe (October 12, 2006) brings the grim confirmation of that projection. No drawdown until 2010, according to the Army chieftains. During this same several month period I have been arguing that the only meaningful measure on a parliamentary level is a vote against the war budget. That is the litmus test for any labor party or socialist candidate (forget the Democrats and Republicans, they like to vote for these budgets). Moreover, on the state level I have proposed this parliamentary question in another form. In the heat of the current Governor’s race I have posed the question to ask Deval Patrick (Republican Kerry Healey is beyond the pale), the darling of the parliamentary anti-war left here, whether as Commander-in Chief of the Massachusetts National Guard he would refuse to send troops to Iraq. No liberal really want to know the answer to that one. Nevertheless, these are the real parliamentary tactics needed for the times.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Click on the headline to link to a Wikipedia entry for the Amish tradition and information on their ways.
Sometimes a political writer is forced by circumstances to comment on events that would normally go under the radar. As a counterexample, as I write this blog news has just come over the radio that the North Koreans have exploded a nuclear devise. That is a normal event to comment on for a hardline political man. However, as the headline above indicates I feel compelled to make a comment on the tragedy that occurred in Pennsylvania Dutch Country last week when an individual went berserk and killed or wounded several Amish girls while they were attending school. Most times I would note the tragedy, make a mental note about the continued irrationality of some human behavior and further note for the 1000th time that it is a dangerous world out there. However some of the commentary concerning the unusual reaction of forgivemess and acceptance by the Amish themselves to the tragedy in their midst bears comment.
In the Sunday Boston Globe of October 8, 2006 one Jeff Jacoby a self-styled ‘libertarian’ conservative and op-ed page regular in that paper indignantly commented on this pious reaction by the Amish. Yes, he gave the obligatory, although in this case left-handed compliment, about the good grace with which that community took its tragedy. But what got Mr. Jacoby steaming and fuming was reportedly the action of one of the Amish elders who while consoling a community youth tried to emphasize the traditional Amish doctrine that one should not have hate in one’s heart toward those who do evil. This is merely the early Christian example, honored more in the breach than the observance, of turning the other cheek. Mr. Jacoby ended his tirade by stating that he would not want to live in a world where such forgiveness was the norm.
One should note that this is the same writer who is apparently one of three or four people outside of the immediate Bush entourage who still supports the bloody American invasion of Iraq. And Mr. Jacoby is also a columnist who has seemingly made a profession of calling for the suppression of every Moslem that the United States can get its hands on. I could go on but enough of Mr. Jacoby's qualifications as an exemplar of moral realism to the gentle Amish. It is indeed a wicked and dangerous world.
Strangely, Mr. Jacoby and I probably are closer in our understanding of the modern world than we are to the Amish. The mental world that separates an Amish elder from us can be measured in centuries. Nevertheless, anyone including myself, who has spend time in Amish country admiring their simple life, their excellent handicrafts and healthful food, and their simple well-tended homes and farms knows that whatever their odd relationship to the modern world they should be left alone. There are all kinds of unsung acts of bravery in the world. There are all kinds of unsung courageous acts in the world. In an age when tragedy is daily thrown in our faces with the evening meal the quiet dignity of the Amish in their sorrow has much to comment it.
As an advocate of socialism this writer knows that the Amish way is neither good for the mass of humanity nor the way forward. Nevertheless, I would hope that under a socialist regime the Amish community would be left in peace and that we would let the natural attrition and benefits of socialist society lure the young into the modern world. But until that time I am ready to cross swords with anyone in defense of their lifestyle and their simple belief in the goodness of humankind. HANDS OFF.
Sometimes a political writer is forced by circumstances to comment on events that would normally go under the radar. As a counterexample, as I write this blog news has just come over the radio that the North Koreans have exploded a nuclear devise. That is a normal event to comment on for a hardline political man. However, as the headline above indicates I feel compelled to make a comment on the tragedy that occurred in Pennsylvania Dutch Country last week when an individual went berserk and killed or wounded several Amish girls while they were attending school. Most times I would note the tragedy, make a mental note about the continued irrationality of some human behavior and further note for the 1000th time that it is a dangerous world out there. However some of the commentary concerning the unusual reaction of forgivemess and acceptance by the Amish themselves to the tragedy in their midst bears comment.
In the Sunday Boston Globe of October 8, 2006 one Jeff Jacoby a self-styled ‘libertarian’ conservative and op-ed page regular in that paper indignantly commented on this pious reaction by the Amish. Yes, he gave the obligatory, although in this case left-handed compliment, about the good grace with which that community took its tragedy. But what got Mr. Jacoby steaming and fuming was reportedly the action of one of the Amish elders who while consoling a community youth tried to emphasize the traditional Amish doctrine that one should not have hate in one’s heart toward those who do evil. This is merely the early Christian example, honored more in the breach than the observance, of turning the other cheek. Mr. Jacoby ended his tirade by stating that he would not want to live in a world where such forgiveness was the norm.
One should note that this is the same writer who is apparently one of three or four people outside of the immediate Bush entourage who still supports the bloody American invasion of Iraq. And Mr. Jacoby is also a columnist who has seemingly made a profession of calling for the suppression of every Moslem that the United States can get its hands on. I could go on but enough of Mr. Jacoby's qualifications as an exemplar of moral realism to the gentle Amish. It is indeed a wicked and dangerous world.
Strangely, Mr. Jacoby and I probably are closer in our understanding of the modern world than we are to the Amish. The mental world that separates an Amish elder from us can be measured in centuries. Nevertheless, anyone including myself, who has spend time in Amish country admiring their simple life, their excellent handicrafts and healthful food, and their simple well-tended homes and farms knows that whatever their odd relationship to the modern world they should be left alone. There are all kinds of unsung acts of bravery in the world. There are all kinds of unsung courageous acts in the world. In an age when tragedy is daily thrown in our faces with the evening meal the quiet dignity of the Amish in their sorrow has much to comment it.
As an advocate of socialism this writer knows that the Amish way is neither good for the mass of humanity nor the way forward. Nevertheless, I would hope that under a socialist regime the Amish community would be left in peace and that we would let the natural attrition and benefits of socialist society lure the young into the modern world. But until that time I am ready to cross swords with anyone in defense of their lifestyle and their simple belief in the goodness of humankind. HANDS OFF.
Monday, October 09, 2006
*From The Pen Of Leon Trotsky- Practical Problems In Building A Socialist Society
Click on title to link to the Leon Trotsky Internet Archive's copy of his 1923 article, "The Struggle For Cultured Speech".
Sometimes those of us embattled socialists still trying to propagandize for the socialist worldview get so totally caught up in that fight that we at times neglect the goals of our efforts. No so Leon Trotsky who, despite being in a continual fight inside the Russian Communist Party in the 1920’s to save and extend the Russian Revolution, from time to time wrote essays and gave speeches on behalf of those goals. The book under review contains a wide-ranging selection of some of the everyday issues and examples of the aspirational messages given by him at the time. Although some of those issues are particular to the Russian situation, such as illiteracy and wide spread alcohol abuse, due to the underdevelopment of Russian society at that time (and unfortunately now as well) some of the aspirational essays should be taken to heart by socialists working today.
Generally, when educated people speak of culture they are referring to “high culture”, the arts and the like. Trotsky was not unaware of that distinction and wrote many enduring essays elsewhere on the subjects of literature and the arts. Here Trotsky looks at the deeper meaning of culture for the mass of society. That is those characteristics and manners of behavior that would lead to a more educated workforce, a more enlightened population and that would give the fight for a socialist society a gigantic push forward. Thus, he wrote about the problems of endemic alcoholism, illiteracy, swearing, the fight against religious superstition, the fight for cleanliness and promptness and the like. Except in a mocking manner most cultural writers do not take such issues seriously other than to distance themselves from the habits of the underclasses. Yet here was a big-time intellectual, revolutionary leader, and in this reviewer’s opinion an exemplar of communist man, harping on the necessity of acquiring just such virtues.
Part of the compilation in this book is also taken up with Trotsky’s daydreaming in print about how a future socialist and then communist classless society might look. He did not neglect the importance of using the preexisting industrial apparatus left from capitalism as the starting point for his analysis. He also presents many interesting predictions about the use of technology, including nuclear technology, and mass communications to make the transition easier. However, Trotsky’s dreams certainly do not include a theory of “barrack communism”, that is, the equality of all citizens based on scarcity or return to a more primitive form of society. On the contrary, Trotsky’s communist future is explicitly based on abundance so that the question of daily survival is taken off the agenda for the mass of humankind. Then society will, as a matter of course, develop many great political thinkers, literary writers and other types of geniuses and put the geniuses of past societies in the shade. Yes, I can get behind goals like that. Yes, those are what the goals of socialism are all about.
Sometimes those of us embattled socialists still trying to propagandize for the socialist worldview get so totally caught up in that fight that we at times neglect the goals of our efforts. No so Leon Trotsky who, despite being in a continual fight inside the Russian Communist Party in the 1920’s to save and extend the Russian Revolution, from time to time wrote essays and gave speeches on behalf of those goals. The book under review contains a wide-ranging selection of some of the everyday issues and examples of the aspirational messages given by him at the time. Although some of those issues are particular to the Russian situation, such as illiteracy and wide spread alcohol abuse, due to the underdevelopment of Russian society at that time (and unfortunately now as well) some of the aspirational essays should be taken to heart by socialists working today.
Generally, when educated people speak of culture they are referring to “high culture”, the arts and the like. Trotsky was not unaware of that distinction and wrote many enduring essays elsewhere on the subjects of literature and the arts. Here Trotsky looks at the deeper meaning of culture for the mass of society. That is those characteristics and manners of behavior that would lead to a more educated workforce, a more enlightened population and that would give the fight for a socialist society a gigantic push forward. Thus, he wrote about the problems of endemic alcoholism, illiteracy, swearing, the fight against religious superstition, the fight for cleanliness and promptness and the like. Except in a mocking manner most cultural writers do not take such issues seriously other than to distance themselves from the habits of the underclasses. Yet here was a big-time intellectual, revolutionary leader, and in this reviewer’s opinion an exemplar of communist man, harping on the necessity of acquiring just such virtues.
Part of the compilation in this book is also taken up with Trotsky’s daydreaming in print about how a future socialist and then communist classless society might look. He did not neglect the importance of using the preexisting industrial apparatus left from capitalism as the starting point for his analysis. He also presents many interesting predictions about the use of technology, including nuclear technology, and mass communications to make the transition easier. However, Trotsky’s dreams certainly do not include a theory of “barrack communism”, that is, the equality of all citizens based on scarcity or return to a more primitive form of society. On the contrary, Trotsky’s communist future is explicitly based on abundance so that the question of daily survival is taken off the agenda for the mass of humankind. Then society will, as a matter of course, develop many great political thinkers, literary writers and other types of geniuses and put the geniuses of past societies in the shade. Yes, I can get behind goals like that. Yes, those are what the goals of socialism are all about.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
I am privy to no special insider information on the trials and tribulations of the internal situation in Iraq. I get my information from the mass media just like most citizens. However, as a politico I pay very close attention to the writings of political journalists, especially those who have been to Iraq and have eye-witness observations about the situation. What is amazing in the fall of 2006 is their near unanimous agreement, regardless of political persuasion, that Iraq is in the midst of a sectarian civil war. Yet, virtually none will call the situation there by that name. They are in a classic position of hedging their bets. Why?
This writer has not and does not support American foreign policy in general and Iraq policy in particular. On the other hand the political writers I have read have some kind of fundamental belief in the rightness of the direction of general American foreign policy. In short, those writers exhibit in a different way that same hubris that animated the Bush Administration to go into Iraq in the first place. That is, it seemed to be the right thing to do at the time and although it did not turn out to be the right thing to do nevertheless we must stay to correct the errors. This the arrogance of power-once removed. Sweet Jesus, under that theory of responsibility our grandchildren will be fighting in Iraq.
The daily news out of Iraq is uniformly grim. X number of Shia, Sunni or others are daily found handcuffed, shot and dumped on the outskirts of town. Or in a river. The recently augmented American forces sent into Baghdad have seemingly kicked every door in the city down to no real effect, except to recruit for the insurgents or some sectarian militia. There are not enough morgues in Iraq (and maybe the whole Middle East) to hold the victims. Additionally, this week, the week of October 1, 2006 a whole brigade of American-trained and financed Iraqi police had to be disbanded for complicity with sectarian militias and general ugliness. Dear readers this is civil war pure and simple. Not the prelude to, not a low-level about to be, but a full blown civil war.
A year or so ago the situation was not nearly as clear. However, now why are even thoughtful bourgeois journalists and commentators being so coquettish about calling a thing by its right name? Does it have to look like the first skirmishes of the American Civil War at Bull Run before the situation in Iraq is recognized as such? Well, this out-of-the-loop leftist is not going out on any political limb whatever-Iraq is in a full-blown civil war. End of story.
What to do about it? This writer has long called for immediate withdrawal from Iraq. That position is a no-brainer now. However, for the slow-witted Bush Administration here is a quick and short term solution. And it has the virtue of coming from a late, revered member of the Republican Party. Call Iraq a victory and withdraw now. During the Vietnam War Vermont Republican United States Senator George Aikens (I believe) made that comment. For those enthralled by parliamentary solutions this seems an eminently reasonable solution. Let future historians argue and fuss over the truth of that assertion of victory. In the meantime-GET THE HELL OUT OF IRAQ NOW!
I am privy to no special insider information on the trials and tribulations of the internal situation in Iraq. I get my information from the mass media just like most citizens. However, as a politico I pay very close attention to the writings of political journalists, especially those who have been to Iraq and have eye-witness observations about the situation. What is amazing in the fall of 2006 is their near unanimous agreement, regardless of political persuasion, that Iraq is in the midst of a sectarian civil war. Yet, virtually none will call the situation there by that name. They are in a classic position of hedging their bets. Why?
This writer has not and does not support American foreign policy in general and Iraq policy in particular. On the other hand the political writers I have read have some kind of fundamental belief in the rightness of the direction of general American foreign policy. In short, those writers exhibit in a different way that same hubris that animated the Bush Administration to go into Iraq in the first place. That is, it seemed to be the right thing to do at the time and although it did not turn out to be the right thing to do nevertheless we must stay to correct the errors. This the arrogance of power-once removed. Sweet Jesus, under that theory of responsibility our grandchildren will be fighting in Iraq.
The daily news out of Iraq is uniformly grim. X number of Shia, Sunni or others are daily found handcuffed, shot and dumped on the outskirts of town. Or in a river. The recently augmented American forces sent into Baghdad have seemingly kicked every door in the city down to no real effect, except to recruit for the insurgents or some sectarian militia. There are not enough morgues in Iraq (and maybe the whole Middle East) to hold the victims. Additionally, this week, the week of October 1, 2006 a whole brigade of American-trained and financed Iraqi police had to be disbanded for complicity with sectarian militias and general ugliness. Dear readers this is civil war pure and simple. Not the prelude to, not a low-level about to be, but a full blown civil war.
A year or so ago the situation was not nearly as clear. However, now why are even thoughtful bourgeois journalists and commentators being so coquettish about calling a thing by its right name? Does it have to look like the first skirmishes of the American Civil War at Bull Run before the situation in Iraq is recognized as such? Well, this out-of-the-loop leftist is not going out on any political limb whatever-Iraq is in a full-blown civil war. End of story.
What to do about it? This writer has long called for immediate withdrawal from Iraq. That position is a no-brainer now. However, for the slow-witted Bush Administration here is a quick and short term solution. And it has the virtue of coming from a late, revered member of the Republican Party. Call Iraq a victory and withdraw now. During the Vietnam War Vermont Republican United States Senator George Aikens (I believe) made that comment. For those enthralled by parliamentary solutions this seems an eminently reasonable solution. Let future historians argue and fuss over the truth of that assertion of victory. In the meantime-GET THE HELL OUT OF IRAQ NOW!
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