This space is dedicated to the proposition that we need to know the history of the struggles on the left and of earlier progressive movements here and world-wide. If we can learn from the mistakes made in the past (as well as what went right) we can move forward in the future to create a more just and equitable society. We will be reviewing books, CDs, and movies we believe everyone needs to read, hear and look at as well as making commentary from time to time. Greg Green, site manager
Saturday, August 03, 2013
From The Marxist Archives- For the Dictatorship of the Proletariat!
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Remembering Hiroshima
August 6, 2013, 3:30 pm - Cambridge
The Dancer –With Eli Wallach’s The
Line-Up In Mind
The Dancer was a craftsman alright,
a perfect artist just like you see at the ballet or in the art galleries,
places like that. He had beautiful moves, knew how to do his work right, once I
broke his flame temper and got him to see each action as something to be
thought through, planned, and then executed. Incidentally, in case you might
have heard otherwise, I was the one who gave him the name Dancer after bringing
him around, bringing him around from a rough-hewn kid, a punk maybe if left to
his own devises, a punk with no sense to
that perfect artist that I knew he had in him.
See we were partners for about a
decade, actually maybe more like twelve years, but that decade is what counts
because it probably took me two years to cut off those rough edges, so let’s
call it a decade. I was his coach, at least that is the way I looked at it and
after a while that was the way he looked at it too. See Dancer, and me too,
were professional “hit men,” guys who big- time guys, guys with no names, no public
names, but plenty of dough for what they
wanted done, would hire to do what had
to be done. And we were good, known far and wide in the right circles as being
good, and so there you have it. Here’s the funny thing, funny in a way, I never
fired a gun on a job, not in anger anyway, hated the damn things, hated the
sight of blood, hated when the job called for a rub-out and nothing else. After
a while though I got less squeamish, maybe more indifferent, but I never really
liked it. So like I say the Dancer did his part, and I did mine and for that
decade we were the walking daddies of the hired killer night.
Let me tell you a little about how
Dancer and me met, how we moved up the food chain in our chosen profession, and
then maybe you will see how an artist was created out of pure rough stuff. The
Dancer grew up, or at least he told me he grew up and I had no reason to not
believe him, in New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen, a rough place all the way
around. Before we met he was maybe jack-rolling drunks, maybe pimping a couple
of whores, maybe an off-hand armed robbery, or a low level hit from some
third-rate hood with a grudge.
It went something like this, something
like some guy needed dough bad, real bad, maybe was into the wise guys way too
deep, gambling, drugs, an overdue loan, and so he would hire the Dancer to off his
wife, or his partner, someone worth something, insurance something and he would
do the deed. See rough stuff, kid’s stuff really. Wasting his talent on
low-rent outings like that. I could hardly believe he never got caught working
off some ten percent commission stuff. Jesus.
And the Dancer might have stayed
there, stayed doing nickel and dime stuff, working hard, too hard for cheap dough,
except Big Chief, that is the only name you need to know, the wise guy of wise
guys had hired me to take care of some business, some business having to do
with an underling of his in the drug trade, in the heroin trade to be exact, who
was skimming way too much off the top in their international operations. So he
had to fall, fall hard to be made an n example of for other punks who might get
too greedy as the money from the drug trade exploded.
Now I had regular guys who I worked
with, who I coached and planned with, but just that moment they were all either
in stir or working some other job. So I asked Soldier McGee, one of the
low-rider chieftains of the New York City bike crowd and a middle-level
distributor of goods, whether he knew somebody who needed dough, and was not
afraid to get his hair all mushed up. Oh yah, and who did not, I repeat, did
not have a criminal record, nothing. Soldier thought about it, about the requirements
and came up with Sid Lorraine, the Dancer.
I almost didn’t take him on, his idea of a plan was all wild, all shoot ‘em up, bang-bang and collect the dough. Yah, and then walk right up to Sing-Sing. So on that caper I showed him how to really do the thing right, how to do the thing with style, no muss, no fuss and gone. My idea was to get the underling’s confidence, play to his weak side, the side that was all wreck-less skim. So the deal was that Dancer was going to be a Big Chief “mule,” a rogue mule looking to go independent, and contact the underling about moving the material cutting himself in for a large slice of the proceeds for his efforts. He went for it, went like a lemming to the sea. So when the meet occurred over in the Jersey marshes the Dancer had no problem with the problem guy. The cops as usual never ever found the guy, if they were ever looking for him once he wasn’t around anymore. That job was our ticket up the food chain, and the Dancer started taking my instructions more seriously, although like I said it wasn’t all a bed of roses because there was always a little bang-bang and done in him.
Once we moved up as far as we could
go in our profession we were given nothing but high-end assignments. All strictly
high-end drug deals. This is how it worked (the cops even if they saw this
wouldn’t believe it anyway, or would take their cut and look the other way like
usual). The Big Chief had agents all over the world, but with the heroin trade
mainly in the Far East, places like the Golden Triangle, or South Asia, like
maybe Afghanistan. Those agents would procure the stuff (cheap too, cheap to
our eyes anyway), and then use “marks,” mostly unknowing people, tourists,
businessmen, people like that, who purchased something, a vase, a doll, a
figurine, for whatever reason and they would “carry” the stuff through customs.
Beautiful right. Then when the dope got state-side we went to work. We went to
“collect” the dope. Anyway we could.
That, after a while, was how the
Dancer became a perfect artist. See, he would know who he would have to “hit”
and who he wouldn’t. Say some sailor brought the stuff in. Dancer knew, knew
deep in his bones, that there was no other way than a hit to get the
merchandise. So we planned accordingly, set the bait, did the deed, got the
merchandise then vanished, no trace. Other times, with the tourists though, he
could almost just con his way into letting him have the carrier object and be
done with it. And it worked like clockwork for that decade I mentioned before
like all things it went off the tracks.
We had a job set-up in Frisco, a
town neither of us knew, but which looked like an average job. The China Star out of Hong Kong was coming
in with three marks, all tourists, all carrying heroin in respectively, a horse
figurine, a rag doll, and an intricate jade necklace. We had to kill the first
guy because he just wasn’t going to give up the damn figurine. The second guy,
or really his daughter, gave it up with, well, a little struggle. The third, a
woman, we had to waste since she would not take off the necklace, no way, but
we kind of figured that the way dames are about jewelry. So that part was no
big deal. But this is where some guys get kind of squirrely no matter how much
training they get. The Dancer decided, decided all by himself, that he was
keeping this stash, was going into business for himself (or we, for us, the way
he figured it at first). That was a problem a big problem, a Big Chief big
I tried to talk him out of it, tried
to say it couldn’t work out right no matter how it was cut up, that we had a
our place in the food chain, a pretty good place. Naturally he would not listen
and naturally I had to “hit” him when Big Chief sent the word. My first kill. I
still didn’t like it, still didn’t, don’t, like guns, still don’t like the
sight of blood, still didn’t like sending him out with the Japan Current like
some easy mark. But I did it. And now these many years later all I have is the
memory of the Dancer, the perfect artist.
Free Bradley Manning Now!
Update 8/2/13: Colbert Report’s great segment on Bradley, “my view from inside the courtroom”, Berlin rally pics

Bradley Manning: my view from inside the Fort Meade courtroom
The media loves to argue whether Manning is a hero or a traitor, but that is beside the point. This is about truth
On a delicious July afternoon, US army private Bradley Manning sat in a Fort Meade, Maryland courtroom and waited to hear if he’d be declared guilty of treason…. Only the guards hint that the proceedings are special. They carried enough ammo to turn every Manning supporter present into a fine red mist. Read the article at theguardian.com
Sketches by New York-based writer and artist Molly Crabapple
Photos from the ‘Stop Watching Us’ rally in Berlin, Germany

View more photos, along with a few videos, here.
Free Bradley Manning Now !
Govt. wants to blame Manning for harm yet to come from WikiLeaks releases: trial report, day 26
By Nathan Fuller, BMSN. August 2, 2013.
Today the government called former State Department Chief Information Officer Susan Swart to testify about how the State Dept. responded to WikiLeaks’ release of diplomatic cables. Swart testified that the Net-Centric Diplomacy (NCD) database, which housed the records that Pfc. Bradley Manning downloaded and sent to WikiLeaks, was first implemented to give those on classified networks greater ease of access to those cables. No technical limitations were in place, so those with access could simply search for and find any cable they needed, as opposed to waiting for it to be pushed out through various channels as it had before.
After WikiLeaks’ releases, the State Dept. pulled the database from the Secret-level network and kept it only in the Top Secret network, and Swart reviewed possibilities for furthering limiting access to the NCD.
The government started to ask about what the State Department did to prevent future conduct similar to Manning’s, and the defense objected that this type of “aggravating evidence” was outside the scope of what should be legally allowed.
After Swart’s testimony, the parties argued the defense’s motion to limit that very scope, under Rule for Court Martial 1001(b)(4), which says (emphasis mine),
Yesterday in a classified session, John Feeley testified about (it was suggested, we can’t know because the court was closed to the press) how WikiLeaks’ release of the cables caused diplomatic relationships with some Latin American countries to erode. In open court, Feeley discussed estranged ties with countries like Venezuela and Nicaragua, whom he admitted have had longstanding ideological differences with the United States. But Coombs says that Feeley made few specific points about actual harm caused, and could have testified in about ten minutes instead of the hours they took yesterday. The government, he said, was attempting to lay the “many so-called ills of world” at Bradley Manning’s feet.
Furthermore, Coombs argued that if the government is allowed to present evidence of events not directly related to WikiLeaks releases, the defense should be allowed to present evidence of indirectly related events that were beneficial:
But prosecutor Maj. Ashden Fein admitted that the government did intend to elicit information regarding future harm. He said he would call terrorism experts (likely to include Youssef Aboul-Enein) to discuss information that terrorists now have due to WikiLeaks’ releases, but also to opine on what they will do with that information in the future.
Military judge Col. Denise Lind is taking the matter under advisement, and will rule on the defense motion on Monday.
This afternoon, the government will call Ambassador Michael Kosack (profiled here) from the Persons-At-Risk Working Group, which attempted to identify people vulnerable due to WikiLeaks’ releases and mitigate potential harm.
Amb. Kozak on “chilling effect” and protecting sources
Ambassador Michael Kozak, from the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, led the Persons-At-Risk Working Group, which around Christmas of 2011 branched off from the broader 24/7 WikiLeaks response group. The Persons-At-Risk group reviewed the WikiLeaks-released diplomatic cables and determined if some people identified by name were at risk of death, violence, or incarceration. These people were largely human rights and democracy activists who could be vulnerable to retribution if their government or nonstate actors discovered they’d cooperated with the United States. The group determined that if the State Dept. could do something about it, it would offer to assist that person discretely, he testified. Kozak testified the group felt a “moral obligation” to mitigate potential harm to people who trusted the State Dept. to keep their work secret, but also said that the State Dept. didn’t always commit to helping out, at first merely determining what was needed. Prosecutors asked him to give a general approximation of how many such sources needed help, but Kozak said he’d have to answer that in a classified session.
This assistance sometimes involved paying airfare for the activist to relocate and then helping him or her “regularize” (meaning help with immigration paperwork and then gain employment) in the new country.
But asked about the “greatest damage” that resulted from WikiLeaks’ Cablegate release, Kozak discussed the “chilling effect” it instilled in these activists, who then felt they might not be able to trust the State Dept. to keep their work secret. He compared diplomacy to journalism, in that a newspaper similarly wants to protect its credibility: if it outs a source, he or she will probably stop talking.
Kozak said that while members of the Persons-At-Risk team have resumed their previous duties, they are still in the process of assisting some people (one of whom had slipped through the cracks in 2010-11, and a few of whom have simply needed more assistance “regularizing” in their new countries). He couldn’t say when the group would ever be done, because journalists continue to cite cables in new reporting, and so new sources and cooperative activists could be at risk in the future. Referring back to its motion and this morning’s argument over aggravating damage, the defense objected to the judge considering this speculative damage that has not occurred.
Ambassador Patrick Kennedy is expected to testify all day on Monday, beginning at 10:00am.
Today the government called former State Department Chief Information Officer Susan Swart to testify about how the State Dept. responded to WikiLeaks’ release of diplomatic cables. Swart testified that the Net-Centric Diplomacy (NCD) database, which housed the records that Pfc. Bradley Manning downloaded and sent to WikiLeaks, was first implemented to give those on classified networks greater ease of access to those cables. No technical limitations were in place, so those with access could simply search for and find any cable they needed, as opposed to waiting for it to be pushed out through various channels as it had before.
After WikiLeaks’ releases, the State Dept. pulled the database from the Secret-level network and kept it only in the Top Secret network, and Swart reviewed possibilities for furthering limiting access to the NCD.
The government started to ask about what the State Department did to prevent future conduct similar to Manning’s, and the defense objected that this type of “aggravating evidence” was outside the scope of what should be legally allowed.
After Swart’s testimony, the parties argued the defense’s motion to limit that very scope, under Rule for Court Martial 1001(b)(4), which says (emphasis mine),
The trial counsel may present evidence as to any aggravating circumstances directly relating to or resulting from the offenses of which the accused has been found guilty. Evidence in aggravation includes, but is not limited to, evidence of financial, social, psychological, and medical impact on or cost to any person or entity who was the victim of an offense committed by the accused and evidence of significant adverse impact on the mission, discipline, or efficiency of the command directly and immediately resulting from the accused’s offense.
Defense lawyer David Coombs explained that while the merits (guilt v. innocence) phase of the trial dealt with “potential damage” (Manning was convicted on six Espionage counts for disclosing information he should have known “could” harm the United States or aid a foreign nation), the sentencing phase is supposed to deal with “actual damage.” Yet the government is trying to extend that out as far as possible, calling witnesses to speculate about how limited actual damage could have a domino effect down the line. Yesterday in a classified session, John Feeley testified about (it was suggested, we can’t know because the court was closed to the press) how WikiLeaks’ release of the cables caused diplomatic relationships with some Latin American countries to erode. In open court, Feeley discussed estranged ties with countries like Venezuela and Nicaragua, whom he admitted have had longstanding ideological differences with the United States. But Coombs says that Feeley made few specific points about actual harm caused, and could have testified in about ten minutes instead of the hours they took yesterday. The government, he said, was attempting to lay the “many so-called ills of world” at Bradley Manning’s feet.
Furthermore, Coombs argued that if the government is allowed to present evidence of events not directly related to WikiLeaks releases, the defense should be allowed to present evidence of indirectly related events that were beneficial:
Moreover, if the Government were to be permitted to advance an attenuated chain of events that seek to place many of the ills of the world at PFC Manning’s feet, then the Court would have to allow the Defense to rebut this with evidence that PFC Manning’s disclosures actually effected meaningful change in the world. For instance, PFC Manning’s disclosures have been credited with empowering people in the Middle East and with precipitating “Arab Spring.” See http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/06/03/how-bradley-manning-changed-the-war-on-terror.html (“Some commentators have credited Manning’s leak with providing a spark for the revolutions that toppled the governments of Egypt and Tunisia and triggered uprisings in Bahrain, Libya, and Yemen, collectively known as the Arab Spring. Files leaked by Manning disclosed a secret relationship between the U.S. government and President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen, to allow drone strikes inside the country where the United States was not in a declared war. Another cable detailed the private investments and holdings of the Tunisian ruling family.”) The Defense submits that allowing the Government or the Defense to go down this road would be improper aggravation or mitigation and would run afoul of R.C.M. 1001(b)(4) and R.C.M. 1001(c)(1)(B) respectively.
The prosecution defended its approach, contending that the testimony it elicited was “directed related to or resulted from” Manning’s disclosures. It didn’t go into specifics about yesterday’s testimony.But prosecutor Maj. Ashden Fein admitted that the government did intend to elicit information regarding future harm. He said he would call terrorism experts (likely to include Youssef Aboul-Enein) to discuss information that terrorists now have due to WikiLeaks’ releases, but also to opine on what they will do with that information in the future.
Military judge Col. Denise Lind is taking the matter under advisement, and will rule on the defense motion on Monday.
This afternoon, the government will call Ambassador Michael Kosack (profiled here) from the Persons-At-Risk Working Group, which attempted to identify people vulnerable due to WikiLeaks’ releases and mitigate potential harm.
Amb. Kozak on “chilling effect” and protecting sources
Ambassador Michael Kozak, from the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, led the Persons-At-Risk Working Group, which around Christmas of 2011 branched off from the broader 24/7 WikiLeaks response group. The Persons-At-Risk group reviewed the WikiLeaks-released diplomatic cables and determined if some people identified by name were at risk of death, violence, or incarceration. These people were largely human rights and democracy activists who could be vulnerable to retribution if their government or nonstate actors discovered they’d cooperated with the United States. The group determined that if the State Dept. could do something about it, it would offer to assist that person discretely, he testified. Kozak testified the group felt a “moral obligation” to mitigate potential harm to people who trusted the State Dept. to keep their work secret, but also said that the State Dept. didn’t always commit to helping out, at first merely determining what was needed. Prosecutors asked him to give a general approximation of how many such sources needed help, but Kozak said he’d have to answer that in a classified session.
This assistance sometimes involved paying airfare for the activist to relocate and then helping him or her “regularize” (meaning help with immigration paperwork and then gain employment) in the new country.
But asked about the “greatest damage” that resulted from WikiLeaks’ Cablegate release, Kozak discussed the “chilling effect” it instilled in these activists, who then felt they might not be able to trust the State Dept. to keep their work secret. He compared diplomacy to journalism, in that a newspaper similarly wants to protect its credibility: if it outs a source, he or she will probably stop talking.
Kozak said that while members of the Persons-At-Risk team have resumed their previous duties, they are still in the process of assisting some people (one of whom had slipped through the cracks in 2010-11, and a few of whom have simply needed more assistance “regularizing” in their new countries). He couldn’t say when the group would ever be done, because journalists continue to cite cables in new reporting, and so new sources and cooperative activists could be at risk in the future. Referring back to its motion and this morning’s argument over aggravating damage, the defense objected to the judge considering this speculative damage that has not occurred.
Ambassador Patrick Kennedy is expected to testify all day on Monday, beginning at 10:00am.
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