Friday, February 01, 2019

Tell Congress: Support a Peace Treaty to End the Korean War! Massachusetts Peace Action Michael VanElzakker


Massachusetts Peace Action has joined with the Massachusetts Korea Peace Campaign, a growing movement of Korean-Americans and allies in Massachusetts standing in support of the peace and reconciliation process on the Korean Peninsula. We are a multi-generational group, coming from all walks of life, and we are committed to ending the long-festering Korean War.
Support the negotiation of a new relationship between the United States and two Koreas, and the creation of a formal Peace Treaty to replace the 65-year-old Armistice Agreement. Eighty million people on the Korean Peninsula, millions more in the diaspora, and all peace-loving people around the world wish to see this process succeed.
Three 2018 summit meetings between the South and North Korean leaders, Moon Jae-In and Kim Jong-Un, and the historic Singapore Summit between President Trump and Chairman Kim have created momentum toward a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula and long lasting peace in the region.   Now, as the second Trump-Kim summit approaches, it is appropriate for members of the U.S. Congress to take advantage of this rare opportunity and commit to the peace process in Korea.
Congress should support our grassroots efforts to build on these recent significant gains by providing the leadership needed for good-faith diplomacy and negotiations between the United States and both Koreas.
Yours for peace,
Mike Van ElzakkerMike VanElzakker


Mike VanElzakker
Nuclear Disarmament Working Group

Visit our website to learn more about joining the organization or donating to Massachusetts Peace Action!
We thank you for the financial support that makes this work possible. 
Massachusetts Peace Action, 11 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138
617-354-2169  • • Follow us on Facebook or Twitter
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Get on the bus! 4 for Fair Food Tour caravans are popping up from coast to coast! Coalition of Immokalee Workers

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Coalition of Immokalee Workers
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Wall Street CEO: "It can't be Bernie" Our Revolution Heather Gautney

Our Revolution Heather Gautney<>

Our Revolution

If Bernie runs, he will be up against the entire financial establishment. Wall Street bankers and corporate lobbyists are lining up to oppose him in 2020 because he has a long history of taking on big money interests and oligarchs.
Ideas like universal health care are now mainstream positions among a majority of Americans -- which is exactly why a health care industry group on Thursday launched a digital ad campaign against Medicare for All. And it’s exactly why the CEO of a giant bank just stated with regard to the next U.S. President: “It can’t be Bernie.”
Just last week, the Our Revolution Texting Team turned out more than 30,000 voters for the California Democratic Party’s elections. We helped to elect 646 progressives to positions within the California Democratic Party -- the biggest state party in the country.
Victories like this in California and the Unity Reform Commission’s success in ending superdelegate control of the Democratic nomination process are critical to leveling the playing field in U.S. politics. These victories don’t happen by accident. They take constant pressure and grassroots organizing.
Each of us will have to dig deep. Let’s finish what we started in 2020 and get Bernie Sanders into the White House!
In solidarity,
Heather Gautney
Executive Director
Our Revolution

Why I stand with AOC against the corporate Democratic Party establishment Kshama Sawant

Kshama Sawant<>
See below for a message from Socialist Alternative Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant.

NYC’s socialist representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez fights for policies that would hugely benefit working-class people, like a 70% tax on the billionaire class to fund a Green New Deal and Medicare for All. These demands are overwhelmingly popular (even among many rank-and-file Republicans), but AOC’s advocacy for them has already earned her the ire of the Democratic establishment.

Just yesterday, 
The Hill reported that corporate Democrats are already making plans to oust AOC. One Democratic lawmaker said that he is urging New York Democrats to “find her a primary opponent and make her a one-term congressperson.”

With Trump in the White House and Republican leaders eager to carry out his bigoted, billionaire-backed agenda, it’s even more outrageous that the Democratic Party establishment is setting its sights on defeating working-class fighters like AOC.

We need to stand with AOC against the attacks of the corporate Democrats.

But I’m not surprised by this reaction by Democratic Party leaders. Seattle is a city run from top to bottom by the Democratic Party, which is tied by a thousand threads to corporate interests and big developers to the back rooms of City Hall. Rarely have the links between big business and the Democratic Party establishment been more clear than last summer, when 7 of the 8 Democratic Party councilmembers caved to the pressure of massive corporations like Amazon, whose billionaire CEO Jeff Bezos opposed even the modest-sized Amazon Tax to help address the affordable housing crisis.

There are very important differences between the Democratic and Republican Parties, but they also have one key thing in common: loyalty to Wall Street, and opposition to elected officials like AOC, Bernie, and myself.

Fighting unapologetically for working people means making powerful enemies, and the political establishment sees our re-election campaign this year in Seattle as a key priority to get the socialists out of City Hall. Big business will spend huge amounts of corporate cash to try to bring back business-as-usual in Seattle politics.

Can you pitch in $15, $50, or $100 to help us defend against the attacks of political establishment in Seattle?

Like millions of people, I want to see a party independent of corporate money that fights unambiguously for working people, but I don’t think we can do that within the confines of the Democratic Party. We should build a new party for working people, rooted in social justice movements and completely free from corporate cash.

How can we fight for Medicare for All in a party whose leadership takes money from Big Pharma to oppose it? How can we fight for a Green New Deal within a party whose leadership courts fossil fuel corporations who oppose even the most basic proposals to curb carbon emissions and are determined to drill every last drop of oil from the ground?

Millions of Americans are looking for a different kind of politics, based on the needs of working people and the environment, not the interests of the billionaire class and big business. That’s why I run as an independent socialist candidate, and don’t take a dime from corporations, CEOs, business lobbyists, or big developers.

My campaign is entirely fueled by grassroots donations by working people like you.

Donate Today
Follow Kshama's re-election campaign on social media:
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