Monday, November 26, 2012

The Internationalist
November 2012

Walkouts Show Potential for Class Struggle

Walmart “Black Friday” Strike Actions,
Protests Called at Stores Across U.S.

Protest by Walmart strikers and supporters at Pico Rivera, California, a center of walkouts, October 4.
(Internationalist photo)

Walmart, the Arkansas-based commercial empire founded by Sam Walton, is the largest private employer in the United States (with 1.3 million employees), Mexico (175,000), Latin America (325,000) and the world, with a total of over 2 million “associates” around the globe. It is also almost completely non-union, and that’s no accident. Walmart management has been found guilty of systematically keeping women and racial minorities in low-paying positions, locking night-shift workers in its stores, bribing governments, exposing workers to serious health hazards, paying less than the minimum wage and keeping workers in part-time positions to avoid paying for health care. Walmart workers complain of endless abuse, and are unable to make ends meet without food stamps and Medicaid for their children. Now on “Black Friday,” November 23, the day after Thanksgiving and the biggest shopping day of the year, protests have been called at up to 1,000 Walmart facilities around the U.S. Supporters of labor rights should join in.
The stage has been set by unprecedented actions this fall when Walmart workers walked off the job in several states beginning in September in Illinois and Southern California. In early October, walkouts hit 28 stores in 12 states. Then on November 15 workers struck at a warehouse in Pico Rivera, California, in Seattle, Washington and Dallas, Texas. The strikers threw down the gauntlet to Walmart, challenging the long-held belief that Walmart is too powerful (or “too evil”) to organize. But in doing so, workers have also challenged the hidebound labor movement, which so far has failed miserably to unionize the retail giant. Instead of doing the hard work of signing up workers and showing they are prepared to defy anti-labor laws, the unions (notably the United Food and Commercial Workers) have relied on consumer boycotts and legislation seeking to keep the low-wage chain out of key metropolitan centers.
Such softball tactics are doomed to fail in the long run. Labor’s gotta play hardball to win. Walmart can be unionized – it just can’t be done playing by the bosses’ rules. Virtually every effective tactic of workers’ struggle has been declared illegal. That just means that workers have to stand up to cops and courts as well as a vicious anti-union company. Rather than being an unbeatable monolith, Walmart is a fluid chain of distribution centers and outlets, whose “just-in-time” distribution system depends heavily on the work of just a few employees to make the gears turn. A disruption at one part of the system has consequences throughout the whole. Rather than concentrating our efforts on boycotting Walmart in favor of other companies who also exploit their workers, the unprecedented strikes carried out by warehouse and retail workers so far have shown that the power to bring Walmart to its knees lies with the workers themselves.
“Every strike reminds the capitalists that it is the workers and not they who are the real masters—the workers who are more and more loudly proclaiming their rights. Every strike reminds the workers that their position is not hopeless, that they are not alone.”
–V.I. Lenin, “On Strikes” (1899)
The recent, first-ever strikes against Walmart in the U.S. were only partial stoppages, which rather than shutting down whole shops slowed things down considerably. Yet they have had a significant impact on Walmart … and the conventional wisdom of labor officialdom. They have broken through the logic that Walmart is too tough to organize, the excuse used by union bureaucrats to justify their policy of lobbying politicians rather than organizing workers. Although workers who participated in the walkouts are backed by unions, they aren’t recognized by management. Their work stoppages therefore fall outside the many legal snares that workers with contracts often face. UFCW has lately changed its tune regarding Walmart, urging workers to organize their own store actions and walkouts through the Organization United for Respect at Walmart (OUR Walmart) campaign. But organized labor has never used its muscle to shut down Walmart.
The walkouts demonstrated also how sections of seemingly unconnected workers can quickly act in concert with each other. Warehouse workers near Riverside, California sparked a wave of rebellion among Walmart workers when they walked off the job to protest working conditions in early September. Limber Herrera, a warehouse worker in Riverside describes her workplace, “So many of my coworkers are living in pain because of the pressure to work fast or lose our jobs. We often breathe a thick black dust that gives us nosebleeds and headaches. We want Walmart to take responsibility and fix these bad working conditions” (Warehouse Workers United, 9 August). In early September, in what came to be known as the “WalMarch,” dozens of workers who are supporters of WWU marched for six days from San Bernardino County to downtown Los Angeles demanding that their employer address working conditions and safety.
The workplace action quickly spread. Warehouse workers in Elwood, IL backed by the United Electrical Workers (UE), struck retail giant Walmart’s largest distribution center on September 15. They demanded better working conditions and an end to wage theft on the part of Walmart contractor, Roadlink. The Walmart strikers spoke at strike rallies of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), which pointed out that the Walmart foundation supports the privatization of schools. The warehouse workers complained of erratic work hours, low pay and unsafe working conditions, where they are often asked to hand lift extreme loads and work without shin guards or proper masks. Like many Walmart workers, the warehouse staff don’t work directly for Walmart, but are hired instead through subcontractors. The strike ended after two weeks, with Roadlink promising to end all retaliation against employees who speak out. However, recent reports are that the intimidation tactics have continued.
But the Riverside and Elwood workers lit a spark that inspired solidarity strikes at several Walmarts in several states in the weeks that followed. Under the leadership of OUR Walmart and backed by UFCW, a group of 200 supporters disrupted Walmart’s annual investors meeting in Bentonville Arkansas. The workers have given Walmart a deadline: meet our demands for better pay and working conditions and stop all retaliation against workers who participate in workplace organizing, or there will be a strike on Black Friday, November 22-23. Walmart has now retaliated by lodging a complaint against the UFCW with the National Labor Relations Board and threatening to sue the union. Meanwhile, Walmart “associates” have been ordered to report for work as early as 3 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day, provoking angry complaints from workers who intend to spend the traditional holiday with their families.
Hardnosed Walmart execs won’t stand idly by as they lose millions in potential profits, and they won’t stop at lawsuits if their past actions are any indication of future actions. Their labor practices traditionally include bare-knuckle intimidation, firings, and in the most successful organizing situations, mass layoffs and store closures. The first Walmart store to be unionized in North America was in Jonquière, in northern Québec in 2004. We traveled there to report the story (see “Attention Wal-Mart Workers: Union Victory in Quebec,” The Internationalist No. 20, January-February 2005). But the multinational retail chain retaliated by shutting the store. With Walmart facing a cross-country campaign, they may resort to new and even more ruthless efforts to squash any efforts to organize or unionize their stores. Workers will need the support of labor and community allies if they intend to bring down the behemoth.
In the face of mass unemployment, capitalists figure workers will be so desperate to hold onto a job, no matter how poorly paid, that they will be to afraid to unionize. But desperation can also produce militancy. It’s happened before. In January-February 1937, auto workers occupied the Fischer Body No. 1 plant in Flint, Michigan. Running off the cops and facing down National Guard machine guns, the sit-down strike won after five weeks. This electrified labor. In March, 110 women workers sat down at the Woolworth 5-and-10 chain store in Detroit, protesting against nickel-and-dime wages. Women workers at the Woolworth store in New York’s Union Square followed suit. Within seven days, as union leaders threatened to call a national strike, the company gave in to the strikers’ demands. What was key was the example of militant action by the Flint auto workers, the enthusiastic support of unions, and refusal to be intimidated by the bosses’ laws. Naturally, two years later the Supreme Court ruled sit-down strikes illegal.
As Black Friday 2012 approaches, activists in a number of cities are planning solidarity actions. But consumer boycotts almost never work (the claim that the United Farm Workers won with the grape boycott is a myth), because they fail to mobilize labor’s power. A real strike would aim at Walmart’s supply chain, and would require solid mass pickets that no one dares cross. Walmart workers can’t do that on their own, but a serious mobilization of unions can. If hundreds of unionists are on the lines, Teamsters and even many non-union truckers would honor the picket lines. These are the kind of tactics necessary to challenge the corporate monster. What’s effective in stopping the chain from bleeding communities dry is not “withholding our dollar” from the store, but “withholding our labor” from the shop floor. But that requires a willingness to defy cops, courts and capitalist politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike, to whom the sellout labor bureaucracy are beholden.
The fight to organize the unorganized has always been a watchword of revolutionaries in the labor movement. Today that task is as urgent as it has ever been, but neither “normal” trade-union or liberal pressure tactics can fulfill it. What is required is genuine class-struggle unionism, the potential for which is shown by the recent victory of immigrant workers at the Hot and Crusty bakery/restaurant in New York City. “If you play by the bosses’ rules, you’re bound to lose,” read workers’ signs during 55 days on the picket line. The struggle culminated in an inspiring labor victory with a groundbreaking contract that includes a union hiring hall, virtually unprecedented in the “restaurant sweatshops” staffed by hundreds of thousands of super-exploited immigrants. Having participated intensively in this struggle, the Internationalist Group has stressed that the Hot and Crusty victory could spark major new struggles in the area and beyond (see “Hot and Crusty Workers Win with Groundbreaking Contract,” at
Only by fighting to build a class-struggle opposition in the ranks of labor, together with the support of other workers and the oppressed, will it be possible to shatter the stranglehold of the “labor lieutenants of capital.” Old-style business unionism and even reformist “social justice unionism” won’t work in these times of all-sided capitalist attack on working people. Life on the Walmart plantation is hell. What’s needed is to break the chains that bind wage slaves to the modern slave masters, to build a workers party to fight for a workers government. Solidarity, one section of workers defending another and recognizing that our interests are the same, isn’t just a nice idea: it’s the only possible way in which workers at Walmart, or anywhere else, can fight back effectively and win. Courageous actions by Walmart workers can lead the way forward, and demonstrate that what it takes to win is class struggle.

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Presidente de "Abogados sin fronteras" solicita a Obama clemencia en caso de Los Cinco

24 de noviembre de 2012

SR. Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América

Dr. Barack OBAMA

S. / D.

Concurro en el presente estadio, a formular especial petición de Clemencia, ante Usted, en su carácter de Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América y máxima potestad, a los efectos de resolver lo que considero respetuosamente es una cuestión de carácter humanitario. Sepa Usted Sr. Presidente OBAMA, que no me moviliza en lo personal y en lo institucional como PRESIDENTE DE LA FUNDACION DE ALTOS ESTUDIOS ABOGADOS SIN FRONTERAS, sito en la calle ESMERALDA N° 517, PISO 3°, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, República Argentina, ningún interés político. Los actos que dan origen a esta respetuosa pretensión, se enmarcan en una clara convicción que se ha iniciado un ciclo de necesaria conectividad entre los pueblos de América toda; para transitar el definitivo camino de la integración y de la paz necesaria, como herramienta del desarrollo y cumplimiento de los supremos objetivos que nuestros pueblos hermanos deben trazarse, entonces, es que concurro ante Usted, a formalizar, con acuerdo a lo estatuido en la Ley Máxima de Vuestra Nación, su Constitución Nacional, este pedido de Clemencia o Perdón, consignado en el artículo II de la Sección II (Cláusula de Perdón).-

Es así, que sin rodeos y habiendo valorado en su justa dimensión, ante quien me dirijo, formulo, este pedido de clemencia a favor de Gerardo Hernández NORDELO, Antonio GUERRERO RODRIGUEZ, Fernando GONZALEZ LLORT, Ramón LABAGNINO SALAZAR- como Usted comprenderá, dentro del marco legislativo de las Leyes Penales Americanas, otrora fueron condenados hace catorce (14) años, después de un prolongado período de detención preventiva, y un juicio con Jurado ante el Tribunal Federal de Distrito en Miami, Florida que duró casi siete meses (7), " los cinco" (5) fueron declarados culpables en junio de dos mil uno (2001), en un total combinado de veintiséis cargos (26). Entre ellos: Actuar y Conspirar por actuar como agentes no registrados de un gobierno extranjero, el fraude y el uso indebido de la identidad de documentos y en el caso de tres de los acusados, CONSPIRACIÓN para reunir y transmitir información de Defensa Nacional.

Los hombres fueron condenados en Diciembre de dos mil uno (2001) a penas de prisión que van de quince (15) años a CADENA PERPETUA, ejecución de la pena que se encuentra en cumplimiento, y de la que tengo entendido, se llevan a cabo en penitenciarias Federales del Condado, Dade Miami, Florida, Estados Unidos, habiendo alcanzado René GONZALEZ SEHWERERT el estatus de libertad condicional con sujeción a permanecer en Territorios de los Estados Unidos de América.

En este paso de marcha, es dable destacar que no es función de este ABOGADO poner en crisis y/o cuestionar, valorar jurídicamente, si el proceso llevado a cabo, a los ciudadanos cubanos, lo fue en sentido de lo JUSTO dejando ello a las eventuales interposiciones de recursos, apelaciones y pretensiones procesales,

que puedan llevar a cabo quienes hoy detentan el cargo de Legítimos Defensores de Confianza.

En los primeros días de OCTUBRE del corriente año, en mi carácter de hombre de leyes, concurrí, al XI Encuentro Internacional de Ciencias Penales 2012 que se llevó a cabo en la Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, en calidad de DISERTANTE, y allí Señor Presidente, en la VOZ de un sin número de colegas, que concretaron ponencias de distinta materia de las Ciencias Penales, volví a tomar contacto con LA HISTORIA "de los cinco", de estos hombres y con prescindencia de las acertadas posiciones, en pos de cerrar esfuerzos y acciones tendientes a materializar la Libertad de estos hombres y para que ellos puedan volver a reunirse con sus familias, concebí y expuse, esta posición personal. Así fue, como disertante y hombre del Derecho puse en conocimiento esta acción de Clemencia espontáneamente ante el auditorio de aquel Encuentro Internacional donde como le reitero, más de quinientos cuarenta y seis (546) delegados, hombres de Derecho de todo el mundo, consintieron, tácitamente, que la hora era propicia para que fuera de toda estrategia procesal que escapa a mi acción, impulsara en mi persona, esta acción de Clemencia. Posteriormente me reuní con el Fiscal General de la República de Cuba, Dr. Darío DELGADO CURA, ante quien detenida y lo más claramente posible explicité, mi posición estrictamente personal haciéndole saber también que la misma no se emparentaba en coincidencias o en disidencias políticas con gobierno alguno. "Los políticos, a mi entender, tienen ideologías, LOS PUEBLOS tienen necesidades¨. Inmediatamente después, me reuní con las cinco (5) familias de los Ciudadanos Cubanos detenidos en su país, y les explique la única razón movilizadora de esta acción, consistente, en privilegiar la libertad en pos de cualquier decisorio que nos permita cerrar una página de esta historia y abrir la más importante de todas ellas, que es la del reencuentro sincero de estos hombres con sus afectos y su pueblo. Sin triunfos ni derrotas y volverlos a reunir con los suyos.

Un singular número de personas a través de la historia Presidente OBAMA, son elegidos para cambiar los cursos de la misma, esos como dice el escritor Bertolt BRECHT "esos son los necesarios" y cuando el mundo decidió que en Usted se encontraba la máxima expresión que ostenta un ser de PAZ, lo consagró como un líder de la PAZ, lo nominó como PREMIO NOBEL DE LA PAZ, y a esa Paz la lidera, se percibe que Ud. detenta la mayúscula capacidad de entender que la PAZ, no se consigue simplemente con un Acuerdo Bilateral entre dos Naciones o fracciones disidentes las que, a la hora de un día deciden un "Alto al Fuego", la PAZ importante, no se basta ni con el avance, ni con el retroceso de las tropas de ningún lugar ni de ningún territorio. La construcción de la PAZ, a través de los XXI siglos de ESTA HUMANIDAD y de este pequeño planeta del universo y de esta única expresión de vida que conocemos, se expresa y se consolida con la libertad.

Por eso, es que concurro a peticionarle desde la VOZ de los PUEBLOS en libertad que será un gran aporte a la unidad de esta América toda, que en su juicio de valor considere oportuna y detenidamente, la concesión de este Pedido de Clemencia. Entiendo, que ésta, mi carta introductoria podrá ser el vehículo previo a la formalización de los documentos que adjunto para dar cumplimiento a la viabilidad y estudio de esta Petición de Clemencia. La Clemencia, a la luz del pensamiento de George Washington es la situación por el cual, un

CIUDADANO, que lamentablemente se ha vinculado con el sistema penal de un país y ha recibido una respuesta a través de una condena, le solicita a quien PRESIDE esa sociedad, al PRESIDENTE, sin más atributos que su condición de hombre a su favor se estudie una Petición de Clemencia.Usted, ha sabido enarbolar los Principios de las Garantías Universales, de los Derechos Civiles y Políticos de los Ciudadanos, ellos consagrados en la Declaración Universal de los Derechos del Hombre, Naciones Unidas mil novecientos cuarenta y ocho (1948). Usted, Presidente OBAMA, ha sabido concretar esfuerzos extraordinarios a favor de los procesos Nacionales e Internacionales y de Cooperación entre las personas, por el desarme nuclear, además de finalizar la guerra con Irak, y de firmar el tratado START III por el control de armas en Rusia, entre otras misiones.

A la luz de las graves crisis que aún no hemos podido resolver, como ciudadanos de esta gran NAVE, que es el Planeta Tierra, advierto claramente que por lo menos en toda esta región continental, estamos viviendo un NUEVO clima de la política internacional, con clara pertenencia en la independencia originaria de todos los pueblos, la preservación de sus costumbres, el respeto a sus historias y la no intromisión en sus decisiones gubernamentales.

Entiendo Querido Presidente OBAMA, que Usted conocerá, la gran expectativa, que generó en millones de jóvenes de mi América Latina, el justo y preciado TRIUNFO de su última reelección como PRESIDENTE DE LOSESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA, eso debe hacerlo sentir orgulloso, porque millones de jóvenes a los que usted seguramente no conoce, confiaron un voto desde su espíritu a miles de kilómetros de distancia, para que Usted, continuara dirigiendo los intereses de esa importante Nación del mundo, por lo tanto se ha transformado indubitablemente en el PORTAVOZ de ellos y quienes tomaron para sí y en todo su esplendor, el mensaje movilizador de "change we can believe in" (cambio que podemos creer) y " yes we can" (si todos podemos).

Esas dos expresiones que claramente lo definen a Ud. Presidente OBAMA, son precisamente las que me movilizaron aquella mañana del pasado cinco de Octubre (5) ante aquel auditorio del Congreso de Ciencias Penales. Entendí que el cambio, es que se debía solicitar este Pedido de Clemencia, que éste era el tiempo y por eso "se puede".

Mis colaboradoras, Dra. Violeta Muratorio y la Dra. Roxana Ranni me acercaron, una emotiva carta que Ud. escribiera a sus hijas "Malia y Natasha" y seguramente cuando un padre escribe a un hijo, sabe que cada palabra cristalizada en el papel, conlleva un mensaje de amor, una línea de acción y una expresión de deseo, que lo hacemos con mucho respeto porque sabemos que los niños y los jóvenes, rara vez se equivocan, sabemos que en esa carta que escribimos como la que Ud. le escribió a sus hijas, el tiempo será el Juez.

Mi edad me permite retener claramente a dos hombres sensibles a la historia de los Pueblos de América, de uno de ellos el Presidente John F. Kennedy, un cuadro en tamaño natural, preside el ala derecha de mi despacho de trabajo. Kennedy solía decir "hay personas, que ante una dificultad se preguntan ¿cómo?, yo vivo pensando en hechos que me parecen imposibles de realizar y me digo porque no" JFK. El otro, dejó su vida en Memphis Alabama, luchando

por los derechos de unos americanos muy americanos, el Pastor Martin Luther King, el que en la marcha sobre Washington, dejo para siempre y para ser valientes una visión de libertad permanente que ya nadie podrá quebrantar "hoy tuve un sueño".

Pareciera Presidente OBAMA que sin querer, supra magnificar la cuestión, si el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, después de un análisis detenido y profundo de la cuestión que pongo en su conocimiento, decidiera conceder el pedido de CLEMENCIA en favor de Gerardo HERNANDEZ NORDELO, Antonio GUERRERO RODRIGUEZ, Fernando GONZALEZ LLORT, Ramón LABAGNINO SALAZAR y René GONZALEZ SEHWERERT, estamos construyendo aquel ¿ por qué NO? de JFK, en el sueño de Luther King es considerar que el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, concede este pedido de clemencia como una Contribución a la PAZ, al encuentro definitivo de los pueblos de Cuba y Estados Unidos, quebrantando los justos o injustos intereses que suelen trazar a veces las barreras políticas, la que muchas veces han servido para mejorar sensiblemente la situación social de los mas postergados y algunas otras para que intereses mezquinos sometan o cercenen a hombres y mujeres con niños que no han elegido donde nacer ni donde vivir y quedan sujetos a la decisión inaceptable de una posición política que aunque satisfactoria internamente se contrapone contra los intereses de la humanidad.

Pensar que la concesión de este pedido de CLEMENCIA es el triunfo de un proyecto político de Nación alguna, es equívoco. La intercomunicación, la globalización, la necesidad imperiosa de armonización de todos los Pueblos del Mundo en función del universalismo es imperativo, entiendo que todas las acciones que tienden al reencuentro y a la efectiva PAZ, concretan el proyecto de realización de la raza humana.

Quiera Señor Presidente OBAMA que, se comprenda objetivamente el legítimo y genuino interés que me moviliza, las fórmulas legales, los ordenamientos doctrinarios judiciales, me imponen el deber de nominar y personalizar esta petición, pero entienda Usted que, sin pretender jamás arrogarme representación alguna, son millones los que acompañan mi pedido. Así lo han manifestado un sin número de presentaciones de destacadas personalidades del país que dignamente preside, del ámbito artístico, escritores, de mundo de las artes, diez Premios Nobel, el ex presidente James Carter. En el igual sentido, se han expresado a través de sus escritos – Amicus Curie – de académicos y asociaciones jurídicas de todo el mundo, haciendo públicos votos para que pueda revertirse esta situación. Además, deben sumarse, numerosos colegios de abogados de su país y del mundo, el Senado de México, Grupos Parlamentarios de Europa, América Latina, Grupo de Trabajo sobre la Detención Arbitraria de la ONU, Amnistía Internacional, sindicatos, organizaciones de mujeres, entre otros, han apoyado la libertad por estos cinco prisioneros. Todos ellos, hombres y mujeres de buena voluntad, que seguramente y con idénticos y legítimos intereses, han agotado diferentes presentaciones desde distintas ópticas y análisis de las Ciencias Jurídicas.- El Consejo de Derechos Humanos también ha analizado el presente caso; debatiéndose el mismo en el seno del sesenta y siete (67) período de sesiones. ¨Los cinco¨ tienen a su favor que los argumentos para un posible perdón, fueron vertidos por la propia jueza Joan Lenard, y el Fiscal General de Estados Unidos en donde en varias oportunidades dio un veredicto

negativo sobre la conducta de los periodistas en la sede del tribunal, expresó además que el jurado se sentía atemorizado por los periodistas, dicha situación fue motivo de un esbozo de Habeas Corpus. Este fue el precedente que llevó a tres jueces de la Corte de Apelaciones de Atlanta a declarar nula la vista judicial en Miami, por no ser una comunidad neutral. Por su parte el Grupo de Trabajo de Naciones unidas sobre detenciones arbitrarias, determinó que la privación de libertad de ¨los cinco¨ viola la Convención Internacional sobre libertades Civiles y Políticas.

No obstante, entiendo que este pedido conlleva por primera vez una pretensión de CLEMENCIA y de que aquí en mas, se sabrá entonces que esta decisión, ya no está solo en manos de los jueces del caso, en la opinión de los legítimos Fiscales AMERICANOS que en cumplimiento con órdenes, instrucciones y evidencias o no, elevaron un dictamen acusatorio que el Tribunal Federal de Distrito en Miami, Florida, concretó en la sentencia que ¨ut supra¨ señalara, esta decisión deberá ser adoptada con la sabiduría y el criterio del hombre al que la humanidad consagró como PREMIO NOBEL DE LA PAZ, la que millones de AMERICANOS pocas horas atrás volvieron a confiar los destinos de esa Nación, que es Usted Presidente Barak OBAMA.-

Sin otro particular, y a la espera de una respuesta favorable a mi petición lo saludo con mi consideración más distinguida.


Raising Resistance: Solidarity with the Unist’ot’en, November 27th

In inspiring resistance this past week, the Unist’ot’en and Grassroots Wet’suwet’en have, yet again, evicted pipelines from their territories!
On November 20th, Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief Toghestiy intercepted and issued an eagle feather to surveyors from the Can-Am Geomatics company who were working for Apache’s proposed natural gas Pacific Trails Pipeline (PTP). In Wet’suwet’en law, an eagle feather is used as a first and only notice of trespass. The surveyors were ordered to leave the territory and the road leading into the territory has been closed to all industry activities until further notice. The materials that were left behind by the work crew are being held until Apache and PTP agree to open up appropriate lines of communication with the Unist’ot’en and grassroots Wet’suwet’en according to the Free Prior and Informed Consent protocol and laws of their unceded territories. The Unist’ot’en are against all pipelines slated to cross through their territories, which include Enbridge Northern Gateway, Kinder Morgans northern proposal, Pembina, and Spectra. Read the rest of this entry

Socialism and Religion

V. I. Lenin

Present-day society is wholly based on the exploitation of the vast masses of the working class by a tiny minority of the population, the class of the landowners and that of the capitalists. It is a slave society, since the "free" workers, who all their life work for the capitalists, are "entitled" only to such means of subsistence as are essential for the maintenance of slaves who produce profit, for the safeguarding and perpetuation of capitalist slavery.

The economic oppression of the workers inevitably calls forth and engenders every kind of political oppression and social humiliation, the coarsening and darkening of the spiritual and moral life of the masses. The workers may secure a greater or lesser degree of political liberty to fight for their economic emancipation, but no amount of liberty will rid them of poverty, unemployment, and oppression until the power of capital is overthrown. Religion is one of the forms of spiritual oppression which everywhere weighs down heavily upon the masses of the people, over burdened by their perpetual work for others, by want and isolation. Impotence of the exploited classes in their struggle against the exploiters just as inevitably gives rise to the belief in a better life after death as impotence of the savage in his battle with nature gives rise to belief in gods, devils, miracles, and the like. Those who toil and live in want all their lives are taught by religion to be submissive and patient while here on earth, and to take comfort in the hope of a heavenly reward. But those who live by the labor of others are taught by religion to practice charity while on earth, thus offering them a very cheap way of justifying their entire existence as exploiters and selling them at a moderate price tickets to well-being in heaven. Religion is opium for the people. Religion is a sort of spiritual booze, in which the slaves of capital drown their human image, their demand for a life more or less worthy of man.

But a slave who has become conscious of his slavery and has risen to struggle for his emancipation has already half ceased to be a slave. The modern class-conscious worker, reared by large-scale factory industry and enlightened by urban life, contemptuously casts aside religious prejudices, leaves heaven to the priests and bourgeois bigots, and tries to win a better life for himself here on earth. The proletariat of today takes the side of socialism, which enlists science in the battle against the fog of religion, and frees the workers from their belief in life after death by welding them together to fight in the present for a better life on earth.

Religion must be declared a private affair. In these words socialists usually express their attitude towards religion. But the meaning of these words should be accurately defined to prevent any misunderstanding. We demand that religion be held a private affair so far as the state is concerned. But by no means can we consider religion a private affair so far as our Party is concerned. Religion must be of no concern to the state, and religious societies must have no connection with governmental authority. Everyone must be absolutely free to profess any religion he pleases, or no religion whatever, i.e., to be an atheist, which every socialist is, as a rule. Discrimination among citizens on account of their religious convictions is wholly intolerable. Even the bare mention of a citizen's religion in official documents should unquestionably be eliminated. No subsidies should be granted to the established church nor state allowances made to ecclesiastical and religious societies. These should become absolutely free associations of like minded citizens, associations independent of the state. Only the complete fulfillment of these demands can put an end to the shameful and accursed past when the church lived in feudal dependence on the state, and Russian citizens lived in feudal dependence on the established church, when medieval, inquisitorial laws (to this day remaining in our criminal codes and on our statute-books) were in existence and were applied, persecuting men for their belief or disbelief, violating men's consciences, and linking cozy government jobs and government-derived incomes with the dispensation of this or that dope by the established church. Complete separation of Church and State is what the socialist proletariat demands of the modern state and the modern church.

The Russian revolution must put this demand into effect as a necessary component of political freedom. In this respect, the Russian revolution is in a particularly favorable position, since the revolting officialism of the police-ridden feudal autocracy has called forth discontent, unrest and indignation even among the clergy. However abject, however ignorant Russian Orthodox clergymen may have been, even they have now been awakened by the thunder of the downfall of the old, medieval order in Russia. Even they are joining in the demand for freedom, are protesting against bureaucratic practices and officialism, against the spying for the police imposed on the "servants of God". We socialists must lend this movement our support, carrying the demands of honest and sincere members of the clergy to their conclusion, making them stick to their words about freedom, demanding that they should resolutely break all ties between religion and the police. Either you are sincere, in which case you must stand for the complete separation of Church and State and of School and Church, for religion to be declared wholly and absolutely a private affair. Or you do not accept these consistent demands for freedom, in which case you evidently are still held captive by the traditions of the inquisition, in which case you evidently still cling to your cozy government jobs and government-derived incomes, in which case you evidently do not believe in the spiritual power of your weapon and continue to take bribes from the state. And in that case the class-conscious workers of all Russia declare merciless war on you.

So far as the party of the socialist proletariat is concerned, religion is not a private affair. Our Party is an association of class-conscious, advanced fighters for the emancipation of the working class. Such an association cannot and must not be indifferent to lack of class-consciousness, ignorance or obscurantism in the shape of religious beliefs. We demand complete disestablishment of the Church so as to be able to combat the religious fog with purely ideological and solely ideological weapons, by means of our press and by word of mouth. But we founded our association, the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party, precisely for such a struggle against every religious bamboozling of the workers. And to us the ideological struggle is not a private affair, but the affair of the whole Party, of the whole proletariat.

If that is so, why do we not declare in our Program that we are atheists? Why do we not forbid Christians and other believers in God to join our Party?

The answer to this question will serve to explain the very important difference in the way the question of religion is presented by the bourgeois democrats and the Social-Democrats.

Our Program is based entirely on the scientific, and moreover the materialist, world-outlook. An explanation of our Program, therefore, necessarily includes an explanation of the true historical and economic roots of the religious fog. Our propaganda necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism; the publication of the appropriate scientific literature, which the autocratic feudal government has hitherto strictly forbidden and persecuted, must now form one of the fields of our Party work. We shall now probably have to follow the advice Engels once gave to the German Socialists: to translate and widely disseminate the literature of the eighteenth-century French Enlighteners and atheists.

But under no circumstances ought we to fall into the error of posing the religious question in an abstract, idealistic fashion, as an "intellectual" question unconnected with the class struggle, as is not infrequently done by the radical-democrats from among the bourgeoisie. It would be stupid to think that, in a society based on the endless oppression and coarsening of the worker masses, religious prejudices could be dispelled by purely propaganda methods. It would be bourgeois narrow-mindedness to forget that the yoke of religion that weighs upon mankind is merely a product and reflection of the economic yoke within society. No number of pamphlets and no amount of preaching can enlighten the proletariat, if it is not enlightened by its own struggle against the dark forces of capitalism.

Unity in this really revolutionary struggle of the oppressed class for the creation of a paradise on earth is more important to us than unity of proletarian opinion on paradise in heaven.

That is the reason why we do not and should not set forth our atheism in our Program; that is why we do not and should not prohibit proletarians who still retain vestiges of their old prejudices from associating themselves with our Party. We shall always preach the scientific world-outlook, and it is essential for us to combat the inconsistency of various "Christians". But that does not mean in the least that the religious question ought to be advanced to first place, where it does not belong at all; nor does it mean that we should allow the forces of the really revolutionary economic and political struggle to be split up on account of third-rate opinions or senseless ideas, rapidly losing all political importance, rapidly being swept out as rubbish by the very course of economic development.

Everywhere the reactionary bourgeoisie has concerned itself, and is now beginning to concern itself in Russia, with the fomenting of religious strife -- in order thereby to divert the attention of the masses from the really important and fundamental economic and political problems, now being solved in practice by the all-Russian proletariat uniting in revolutionary struggle. This reactionary policy of splitting up the proletarian forces, which today manifests itself mainly in Black-Hundred pogroms, may tomorrow conceive some more subtle forms. We, at any rate, shall oppose it by calmly, consistently and patiently preaching proletarian solidarity and the scientific world-outlook -- a preaching alien to any stirring up of secondary differences.

The revolutionary proletariat will succeed in making religion a really private affair, so far as the state is concerned. And in this political system, cleansed of medieval mildew, the proletariat will wage a broad and open struggle for the elimination of economic slavery, the true source of the religious humbugging of mankind.

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Half Boy / Half Man

cleaning gunsThe average age of the military man is 19 years. He is a short haired, tight-muscled kid who, under normal circumstances is considered by society as half man, half boy. Not yet dry behind the ears, not old enough to buy a beer, but old enough to die for his country. He never really cared much for work and he would rather wax his own car than wash his father's, but he has never collected unemployment either.

He's a recent High School graduate; he was probably an average student, pursued some form of sport activities, drives a ten year old jalopy, and has a steady girlfriend that either broke up with him when he left, or swears to be waiting when he returns from half a world away. He listens to rock and roll or hip-hop or rap or jazz or swing and a 155mm howitzer.

He is 10 or 15 pounds lighter now than when he was at home because he is working or fighting from before dawn to well after dusk. He has trouble spelling, thus letter writing is a pain for him, but he can field strip a rifle in 30 seconds and reassemble it in less time in the dark. He can recite to you the nomenclature of a machine gun or grenade launcher and use either one effectively if he must.

desert combatHe digs foxholes and latrines and can apply first aid like a professional.

He can march until he is told to stop, or stop until he is told to march.

He obeys orders instantly and without hesitation, but he is not without spirit or individual dignity. He is self-sufficient.

He has two sets of fatigues: he washes one and wears the other. He keeps his canteens full and his feet dry.

He sometimes forgets to brush his teeth, but never to clean his rifle. He can cook his own meals, mend his own clothes, and fix his own hurts.

If you're thirsty, he'll share his water with you; if you are hungry, his food. He'll even split his ammunition with you in the midst of battle when you run low.

man with tearsHe has learned to use his hands like weapons and weapons like they were his hands.

He can save your life - or take it, because that is his job.

He will often do twice the work of a civilian, draw half the pay, and still find ironic humor in it all.

He has seen more suffering and death than he should have in his short lifetime.

He has wept in public and in private, for friends who have fallen in combat and is unashamed.

female soldierHe feels every note of the National Anthem vibrate through his body while at rigid attention, while tempering the burning desire to' square-away' those around him who haven't bothered to stand, remove their hat, or even stop talking. In an odd twist, day in and day out, far from home, he defends their right to be disrespectful.

Just as did his Father, Grandfather, and Great-grandfather, he is paying the price for our freedom. Beardless or not, he is not a boy. He is the American Fighting Man that has kept this country free for over 200 years.

He has asked nothing in return, except our friendship and understanding.

women soldiersRemember him, always, for he has earned our respect and admiration with his blood.

And now we even have women over there in danger, doing their part in this tradition of going to War when our nation calls us to do so.

Pardon Private Manning Stand-Out-Central Square, Cambridge, Wednesday November 28th, 5:00 PM


Stand In Solidarity With The Pre-Trial Events At Fort Meade This Week


Let’s Redouble Our Efforts To Free Private Bradley Manning-President Obama Pardon Bradley Manning -Make Every Town Square In America (And The World) A Bradley Manning Square From Boston To Berkeley to Berlin-Join Us In Central Square, Cambridge, Ma. For A Stand-Out For Bradley- Wednesday November 28 From 5:00-6:00 PM


The Private Bradley Manning case is headed toward a mid- winter trial now scheduled for February 2013. The recent news on his case has centered on the many (since last April) pre-trial motions hearings including defense motions to dismiss for lack of speedy trial (Private Manning’s pre-trial confinement is now entering 900 plus days), dismissal as a matter of freedom of speech and alleged national security issues (issues for us to know what the hell the government is doing either in front of us, or behind our backs) and dismissal based on serious allegations of torturous behavior by the military authorities extending far up the chain of command while Private Manning was detained at the Quantico Marine brig for about a year ending in April 2011. The latest news from the November 2012 pre-trail sessions is the offer by the defense to plead guilty to lesser charges (wrongful, unauthorized use of the Internet, etc.) in order to clear the deck and have the major (with a possibility of a life sentence) espionage /aiding the enemy issue solely before the court-martial judge (a single military judge, the one who has been hearing the pre-trial motions, not a lifer-stacked panel).    


For the past several months there has been a weekly stand-out in Greater Boston across from the Davis Square Redline MBTA stop (renamed Pardon Bradley Manning Square for the stand-out’s duration) in Somerville on Friday afternoons but we have since July 4, 2012 changed the time and day to 4:00-5:00 PM on Wednesdays. This stand-out has, to say the least, been very sparsely attended. We need to build it up with more supporters present. This Wednesday November 28th  at 5:00 PM  in order to broaden our outreach we, in lieu of our regular Davis Square stand-out, are meeting in Central Square , Cambridge, Ma.(small park  at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue  and Prospect Street) for a stand-out for Private Manning. President Obama Pardon Private Manning Now!  


From Veterans For Peace

Hi Smedleys & Samanthas,
Someone just asked me to post the song I wrote that I read at the Veterans / Armistice Day Rally at Faneuil Hall. It is entitled "Extremists" and was inspired by the ACLUM's "Policing Descent", the monitoring of Peace Groups by the Boston Police.

They say that we’re extremists
Cause we’re out here in the street
How unpatriotic to be marching for peace
They say “we better watch them, like never before”
Cause there’s nothing more dangerous
Than Veterans Against War
So they stand on every corner, with their cameras in their hands
Taking film and snapping pictures of everything they can
They develop film and write reports on everything they saw
Protecting all our citizens from folks who broke no law
They’ve been doing this so long, they know us to our core
They know we’re peaceful veterans, who know the cost of war
Because we’ve seen the horror, and the price we always pay
They have to document everything we do and say
They got Home Land Security, FBI and DIA
State and local police, don’t forget the CIA
Why, we are so important, a clear danger to the land
Can’t let this love and peace thing, get too far out of hand
Well they got their Bric, play all their tricks, wasting all our dough
All those files and pictures, with nothing much to show
So we raise our voices here today, to let them know it’s time
Stop hassling the peace groups, go back to fighting crime
© Patrick J. Scanlon 2012
Abortion rights letter being handed to Irish embassy on Wednesday

The following letter, signed by Socialist Party members including several leading trade unionists, will be handed to the Irish embassy in London (17 Grosvenor Place) at 9am Wednesday morning [Nov. 21, 2012] as part of an international day of action for abortion rights in Ireland.

Protests will also be taking place on Wednesday in Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Bangalore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Edinburgh, Berlin, Brussels, Stockholm and Vienna.

Dear Ambassador,

The world was shocked by the tragic and avoidable death of Savita Halappanavar in an Irish hospital on 28 October.

Savita was experiencing a painful and traumatic miscarriage and asked doctors to end the pregnancy they told her was unviable.

They replied 'this is a Catholic country' and refused to remove the foetus until its heart had completely stopped beating, two days later. Savita then died of septacaemia and ecoli.

This appalling series of events is a direct result of the legislative limbo that exists in Ireland with regards to abortion.

It has been 20 years since Case X decreed that there should be the right to abortion where the mother's life is at risk. Yet successive governments since that time have failed to legislate on this basis.

Legislation has been proposed by Socialist Party Ireland's elected representatives at all levels of government but has continually been blocked by all the main parties.

If these politicians cannot find the courage to stand up for women and working class people, they should stand aside for those who will.

We support the Socialist Party and United Left Alliance's stand for women's rights and against austerity attacks.

The politicians who hypocritically vote against abortion rights on the basis of "standing up for children" seem to lose all concern for children once they are born and are the

same politicians voting for brutal attacks on working class children and families as a result of the bankers' crisis.

This archaic state of affairs cannot be allowed to continue. We the undersigned call on you to lobby the Irish government to immediately legislate for X as a first step to full abortion rights for women across Ireland.

We will be raising in our trade unions, student unions and community groups the need to support the struggle of women in Ireland for the right to control their own bodies. [over for signers]


Chris Baugh, PCS assistant general secretary

Vicky Perrin, Unison NEC (personal capacity)

Martin Powell-Davies, National Union of Teachers National Executive

Brian Debus, President Hackney Trades Council

Phil Clarke Secretary Brighton Trades Council

Nick Parker, Secretary, Lincoln & District Trades Union Council

Sarah Sachs-Eldridge, Editor, the Socialist

Ian Pattison, Socialist Students national chair

Sarah Wrack, Socialist Party women's committee

John Malcolm Unison branch secretary Tees Esk and Wear valleys

Paul Hunt, assistant branch secretary Coventry District Unison (personal capacity)

Paul Couchman, Unison branch secretary, Surrey County Local Government branch and secretary of Surrey County Council Trade Union group (SCCTU)

Iain Dalton, USDAW Leeds private trade vice chair

Jared Wood, RMT branch political officer

Rob Williams, National Shop Stewards Network Chair

Glenn Kelly, staff side secretary, Bromley council

Jackie Grunsell, GP and former councillor

Tom Baldwin, Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts candidate for Bristol Mayor

Tony Mulhearn, Life member of Unite the Union and PCS

Stacey Dodd, Unite union, Coventry

Jon Redford, Unite

James Kerr, National Union of Teachers

Matthew Gordon, Unite

Robin Clapp, Unite SW 287

Alec Price, Unite community

Jane James, National Union of Journalists

Ben Norman, Unite

Gavin Marsh, Unite

Jacqui Berry, Unison young members

TU Senan, National Union of Journalists

Yuvanesan, CWI Malaysia

Hugh Caffrey, Socialist Party North-West regional secretary

Steve Glennon, Socialist Party Eastern regional secretary

Sean Figg, Socialist Party national committee

Ken Douglas, Socialist Party national committee

Dave Reid, Socialist Party national committee

Alistair Tice, Socialist Party national committee

Andy Bentley, Socialist Party national committee

Dave Griffiths, Socialist Party national committee

Lenny Shail, Socialist Party national committee

Becci Heagney, Socialist Party national committee

Jim Thomson, Socialist Party national committee

Call to Action: Defend Student Radicals & Free Speech at U Mass Boston

Call to Action: Defend Student Radicals & Free Speech at U Mass Boston
The rights to free speech and student organizing are in danger on the UMass Boston campus. Restrictive policies are being used to target the UMB student chapter of International Socialist Organization and student dissent in general.
A public institution for higher education should be a place to learn inside and outside of the classroom, it should have an environment that fosters critical thinking, and an atmosphere that encourages student engagement in politics and current events.
Rhetorically there is an apparent consensus among the campus community that this is the way things should be. This is directly from the UMass Boston website:
“The University of Massachusetts Boston is an educational institution dedicated to rigorous, open, critical inquiry—a gateway to intellectual discovery in all branches of knowledge... Our campus culture fosters imagination, creativity, and intellectual vitality... we expect and welcome divergent views, honoring our shared commitment to expanding, creating, and disseminating knowledge.”
But as students in the International Socialist Organization, an authorized student organization for four semesters, we have been steadily thrown bureaucratic obstacles that show deep contradictions between the universities policies and its stated mission.
The allegations leveled against us are "mismanagement of funds" and "posting violations". We have still not been formally told what the "mismanagement of funds" accusation is about and the posting violation comes from allegedly putting New England Marxism Conference posters up in "not designated" locations. As result our funds have been confiscated and the future of our club status is uncertain.
At a time when the Board of Trustees and administration are working in tandem to increase student fees, ignore mounting student debt, and make education less and less accessible, it is ridiculous that bureaucracy is being prioritized over the student community.
This situation brings to light a stark contrast between policy and rhetoric on campus. We are not the only group to have noticed this or to be dealt bureaucratic obstacles to our organizing. UMass Boston is a working class university where nearly 16,000 students commute to class. A posting policy that only allows 55 flyers to be posted in limited designated space makes it incredibly challenging to publicize events on campus. The funding system demands a student club to plan an entire semester’s schedule to exact details even before the semester starts. For a group like the ISO, who deals with ever changing current events, this prohibits us from playing a dynamic role in responding to something we didn’t plan for 3 months in advance. These policies create unnecessary obstacles for student engagement.
We believe this is politically motivated selective enforcement of the rules Undergraduate Student Government (USG) and the administration meant to target and repress activists on campus while stifling critical thought and political dissent. This has been part of a pattern of increased harassment over the last two semesters, semesters where we have been involved in publicizing and challenging the administrations fee hikes and parking fare increases. We fear that continued repression will result in the elimination of the ISO club status and funding altogether.
Unfortunately, the USG and the Administration have failed to approach this situation in good faith. Instead, they held an initial hearing with us where they cut the meeting short, rushed us out of the room after the meeting was abruptly ended before we were allowed to fully address the allegations against us, and then came to a quick and unanimous decision to freeze our funds without any deliberation (it appeared like they came into the hearing with the verdict already made). They've now given us a final opportunity to appeal this decision with the USG--in a meeting which they refuse to allow us to have any legal representation present, will not allow us to record and document the proceedings, and are denying campus and community members the right to attend.
We will continue to show our commitment to encouraging student engagement, building a stronger student community, and promoting the free flow of ideas, critical thought and discussion, and activism. The UMass Boston ISO wants to work with--not against- Student Government and the Administration to change the current policies regulating posting and student clubs.
But right now we need your help. We need to show the USG and campus Administration that students, faculty, alumni, and community members are concerned with the repressive measures being taken against the ISO on campus and are opposed to the existing posting and funding policies regulating student organizations.
Here's what you can do!
1. If you haven’t signed our petition already please sign HERE
2. Write a letter to Undergraduate Student Government’s Chief Justice Shani Walker (, Student Activities director Shelby Harris (, as well as Chancellor J. Keith Motley (
Also, we are encouraging anyone who wants to be a part of this campaign to join us and other campus community members at our final appeals hearing with the USG on Wednesday November 28th at 3:00pm. Even if the public is not allowed in, the more support we can show, the better!
Thank you for standing in solidarity with us and coming together to help build a movement that fosters student engagement, political activism, and critical thought! This is exactly what democracy looks like.
In solidarity,
The UMass Boston International Socialist Organization
An Injury to One is An Injury to All:

A Conference in Defense of Civil Liberties and to End Indefinite Detention


Glen Greenwald - Author and Guardian Columnist

Sahar F. Aziz - Civil Rights Legal Scholar

Shahid Buttar - Executive Director, Bill of Rights Defense Committee

Steve Downs - Executive Director, National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms

Nancy Murray - Director of Education, ACLU of Massachusetts

Ruth Wilson Glimore - Scholar, Activist and Prison Abolitionist

John Woodruff - International Representative of United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE)

Muneer Awad—NYC Council on American Islamic Relations and the NYPD/CIA Spying Campaign

And many others!

Saturday December 8, 2012

Semesters Hall, Student Center

Central Connecticut State University

New Britain, CT

Dear Friends,

Our movements and our communities are under assault. Rarely a week goes by without the passage of a new repressive law, grand jury subpoena, raid, sentencing, or court ruling targeting our movements. No minute goes by without new deportations, arrests, illegal frisks, frame-ups and prison sentences that divide and repress immigrant, African American, Latino, Muslim, Arab, South Asian and other communities targeted by our government. The repressive apparatus is strengthened daily. "Secure Communities" or S-Comm, which connects local police forces to federal immigration authorities, has been implemented in nearly every state and will be universal by 2013. The right of the president to detain anyone (including U.S. citizens) without trial has been codified into law, and is now being defended in the courts. The NSA's right to spy on our e-mails and phone-calls without even suspicion of wrong-doing was just approved once again by the House.

Deportations have grown to roughly 400,000 a year - between 1.5 and 2 times the rate during 2001-2008. 1 out of every 8 people in prison on planet earth is African American. (about one in four is American) In the last four years double the number of whistle-blowers have been prosecuted under the WWI Espionage act than in all previous years combined.

The last few months alone are stunning:

In April, 2012 Tarek Mehanna began serving a 17 and one half year sentence for writings he placed online and a trip to Yemen.

Between August and October, 2012 federal courts jailed three young Pacific Northwest anarchists for refusing to testify in grand-jury fishing operations. All three have spent significant time in solitary confinement. One of them - Leah Plante - was told she would be in solitary for her entire sentence of 18 months.

On August 28, 2012 Dr. Shakir Hamoodi, an Iraqi-American engineer who spoke out against the invasion of Iraq, began serving a three year sentence for sending money to his family in Iraq which they needed for food and medicine during the U.S. sanctions regime.

On Monday, October 29, 2012 the Supreme Court declined to hear the case of the Holy Land Five - five leaders of what had been the largest Muslim charitable organization in the U.S. - who are serving sentences ranging between 15 and 65 years for giving charity to Palestinians.

But on December 8th residents and activists from Connecticut and the region will meet in New Britain to learn about each others struggles and make connections necessary to mount a serious response to this many-sided offensive. December 8th can be a critical step in building a movement capable of defending our brothers and sisters when they are targeted for their speech, their political activity, race, religion, or nation of origin; that can prevent deportations; that can expose and challenge racial profiling and the mass-incarceration of generations; that can defend workers organizing in their work-places; that can overturn reactionary laws that restrict our basic civil freedoms.

We are now two weeks from the conference. This is an ideal time to get the word out far and wide. Please contact us if you can contribute financially or in any other way.

To endorse, contribute, help out, or for more information contact Dan at860-985-4576 or

Send advanced registration fee, lit table fees or contributions to:

C/O of Dan Piper

103 Elizabeth street

Hartford, CT 06105

Make checks payable to: "CT Coalition to Stop Indefinite Detention"

For more information see:

Endorsing organizations (in formation):

Bill of Rights Defense Committee; National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms; Project SALAM; New England United; Committee to Stop FBI Repression; Islamic Circle of North America-New London CT; United National Anti-war Coalition; Connecticut Green Party; American Friends Service Committee, Western MA; United Action; National Lawyers Guild--CT; American Civil Liberties Union—CT; Muslim Student Association of CCSU; Stop the Raids, Trinity College; We Refuse to Be Enemies; Unidad Latina en Accion; West Hartford Citizens for Peace and Justice; CT United for Peace; Hartford Catholic Workers; Latin American Students Organization of CCSU; Connecticut Coalition for Peace and Justice-Hartford; Middle East Crisis Committee; Central Connecticut Chapter of Veterans for Peace; Occupy Hartford; Manchester Peace Coalition; Greater Hartford Coalition on Cuba; Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace; Greater New Haven Peace Council; Boston United for Justice with Peace; Reclaiming the Prophetic Voice.

Initiated by the Connecticut Coalition to Stop Indefinite Detention


Stop the Drones - Report-Back from Pakistan Peace Delegation - MONDAY

Report Back from the October CodePink
Anti-Drone Peace Delegation to Pakistan

When: Monday, November 26, 2012, 7:30 pm
Where: MIT Room 32-141 • 32 Vassar St • Cambridge
Stop the DronesOn October 7 (the anniversary of the US attack on Afghanistan), a delegation of 31 US antiwar activists marched with tens of thousands of Pakistanis sickened by the civilian death toll and growth of rightwing reaction brought on by the US drone war in Waziristan. Hear first-hand reports and view slides from delegation members who just met with the families of drone victims, with intellectuals, political activists, and others in Islamabad, Lahore, and the tribal areas. We will also hear from Pakistanis on the impact of the US “War on Terror” and drone attacks on Pakistan.
Learn about the growing use of drones for military attacks and for domestic surveillance. Discuss what we can do to stop the use and proliferation of these deadly weapons.
  • Joe Lombardo, Co-Coordinator, United National Antiwar Coalition; member of the Troy Area Labor Council (New York); tour member
  • Paki Wieland, Arrested Hancock AFB drone resister; Engages in peacekeeper & nonviolence training and education; tour member
  • Lois Mastrangelo, United for Justice with Peace; CodePink of Greater Boston; tour member
  • Osman Khan, Radical economist pursuing his doctorate; just returned from six months in Pakistan researching the impact of drone attacks and war on the tribal peoples of western Pakistan
  • Waqas Mirza, Recent Political Science graduate University of Massachusetts Amherst; Writes and speaks about impact of “War on Terror” on Pakistan
Endorsed by United National Antiwar Coalition, United for Justice with Peace, Code Pink Greater Boston, Alliance for a Democratic and Secular South Asia, Muslim Peace Coalition, Veterans For Peace, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Massachusetts Global Action
Suggested donation $5.00. Proceeds to support anti-drone protests

Thanksgiving Week of Supermarket Action rings in the holiday season in style!
Actions across the country call on Publix, Kroger, and Ahold to get with the Fair Food Program -- now!
Perhaps more than ever before in the 12-year history of the campaign, Thanksgiving this year was a celebration of Fair Food, as consumers and workers joined in actions across the state of Florida and across the nation demanding food justice from the supermarket industry.
First, the stunning video and accompanying e-petition, "A Tale of Two Thanksgivings," caught the attention of food movement leaders -- including bestselling author Michael Pollan and New York Times food writer Mark Bittman -- and countless consumers, who let Publix CEO Ed Crenshaw know it is time that his company "be part of a proven model to address the root cause of farmworker poverty across Florida, and demonstrate that it values the hard work of farmworkers who make possible the food we share this holiday." If you haven't seen the video or signed the petition yourself yet, you can still do so here.
Meanwhile, Fair Food committees from Lakeland, Florida, to Albuquerque, New Mexico, were busy taking the fight to their local supermarkets, with some creative and exciting protests as part of the Thanksgiving Week of Supermarket Action, and we have the pictures, video, and media reports to prove it!
For a beautiful photo report and media round-up, visit the CIW website!

Labor's Call to Action: The Grand Bargain Betrayal
21 Nov 2012
The labor movement is in terminal crisis. After decades of declining membership, the union movement has been targeted for destruction: private sector union membership is near eradication, and now the corporations are on a public-sector mopping up mission, using the city, state, and federal budget deficits as an excuse to target public sector unions. Obama’s Race to the Top education policy specifically targets the nation’s most powerful union workers, the teachers.
If that wasn’t enough, enter the “grand bargain” that Democrats and Republicans are attempting to broker, at the expense of hundreds of millions of people — cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, education and other social programs are being planned, and will very likely include Social Security cuts.

These aren’t hypothetical cuts, they are being haggled over right now behind closed doors in Washington DC. The New York Times explains the “framework” that is being agreed upon to execute the Grand Bargain cuts:

“The framework would have separate goals for raising revenues and cutting the two types of federal spending: so-called discretionary financing that Congress sets annually for most programs, domestic and military; and entitlement spending, chiefly for Medicare and Medicaid… it would define a framework for negotiating a long-term “grand bargain” in 2013 to shave annual deficits by perhaps $4 trillion over the first decade.

This “framework” resembles a scaffold on which to execute the U.S. social safety net.

In fact, Obama attempted to make a similar “grand bargain” with Republicans last year. Leaked documents were obtained by journalist Bob Woodward which show that Obama made a “grand bargain final offer” to Republicans — that they rejected — which included massive cuts in the trillions to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, education, and other social programs.

Obama has been on an anti-worker “grand bargain” path for over a year. He is not labor’s “friend,” but foe. This is the reality of the situation that threatens the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people.

But how is the labor movement specifically affected?

Union members depend upon Medicare and Social Security in the same way that non-union members do. An attack on entitlement programs is thus an attack on organized labor. The interests of union and non-union workers are linked by a thousand threads, regardless of the corporations’ attempts to divide the two.

There is no coincidence that the war against unions is happening at the same time as the war against social programs. The connection is that both are main targets of the corporations, since they both take money from the wealthy and re-distribute it to working and unemployed people. This is why the decline in labor unions has been proved to be directly related to the rise in inequality in the United States.

Most importantly, the “grand bargain” represents a tremendous challenge to organized labor to act as an independent social force: politicians are testing the ability of unions to intervene in this conflict like labor intervened in Wisconsin and Chicago.

If unions fail this test by inaction or half-hearted opposition, they will prove their inability to fight back against these attacks, and this weakness will invite further aggression by corporations and their pet politicians: Predators do not show mercy when their prey displays weakness.

How has labor reacted so far to the “grand bargain” threat? With mixed messages:

On paper, organized labor has remained tough against devastating “grand bargain” cuts to social services.

For example, on November 9th 146 national labor and community groups sent President Obama a letter stating their insistence that he not cut social programs and instead fix any deficit issue by taxing the rich and corporations, while focusing also on job creation via investment in infrastructure and education spending.

The President of the AFL-CIO, Richard Trumka, has made several public statements about labor’s willingness to fight against “grand bargain” cuts. He stated correctly that the “fiscal cliff” was a creation of the politicians to attack social programs.

But his powerful words haven’t been followed by equally powerful actions. Although small demonstrations have already taken place, they have been mostly symbolic, and many were mild lobbying operations, politely requesting that politicians stop attacking them. No national demonstrations have been announced.

More disturbing is that, after labor leaders met with President Obama regarding the “grand bargain,” unions left the meeting “encouraged.” Richard Trumka said that it was a “very, very positive meeting”[?!].

It’s fine if labor leaders want to meet with President Obama. However, it’s unacceptable for them to be fooled by him and announce their gullibility to the country. Union members and the community need to be told the truth about the bi-partisan “grand bargain.”

This is not a crisis that can be solved with backroom deals, letters or petitions to the President, or lobbying congressmen.

If the 146 organizations that sent the “no cuts” letter to Obama also begin planning huge nationally coordinated protests, the public debate would instantly change. If European-style mass protests happened in the streets here, working people would have begun leveraging power in their favor.

The struggles in Wisconsin and the teachers’ strike in Chicago proved that labor has an inherent power that, if released on a national level, has the ability to stop the “grand bargain.”

If labor and community groups fail to act powerfully against the “grand bargain,” the corporations will be inspired to increase their attacks on working people; they will not be satisfied with an anti-worker “grand bargain,” but will be inspired to finish off the unions along with the social safety net and then proceed to expand the privatization of the public sector.

The “grand bargain” threat is a call to action for organized labor. But will unions respond? Or play deaf? Pretending that a war against working people is not happening will guarantee a massive defeat. Preparing for the defense of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and public education will require massive mobilizations in the streets while demanding that the corporations and the wealthy pay for the crisis they created.

Enough is enough! No cuts!

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