Thursday, January 23, 2014

From The Marxist Archives -The Revolutionary History Journal-Book Reviews



I have spent a good deal of my political life waging a propaganda campaign here in America in favor of an independent workers party with a program that fights for a workers government, socialism. I have no regrets about that work although I have had more than my share of disappointments over the small inroads made toward that goal. But whining is not what I want to do here. I have received various communications over the past period asking about the whys and wherefores of the workers party question in America and elsewhere and about militant work in the trade unions. Here I make some historical comments and general observations about the work. I will deal with tactical questions at another time.

Let us be clear on this from the outset, calls for formation of a generic workers party are part of the tactics that revolutionaries in America, and elsewhere where such parties do not exist, are appropriate in order to anchor their program and gain a hearing from the more class conscious workers. In the best of all possible left-wing political worlds where working people have developed a level of political class consciousness sufficient to begin flocking to revolutionary parties we would not have to raise the question of a workers party. And there is the rub. Raising the workers party question is a reflection of the apparently undying weakness that the American trade union bureaucracies have for the capitalist Democratic Party (and on occasion a scattering of support for its sister capitalist party, the Republicans) and the weakness of left-wing forces in trying to break that allegiance.

Simply put, unless one assumes some kind of stagist theory of working class organizational development, which this writer does not subscribe to, there is nothing to preclude mass recruitment to a revolutionary organization under proper conditions, like a successful mass trade union organizing drive at Walmart or in the South. To put this point in perspective can one imagine the Bolsheviks in 1917 calling for a mass workers party? Christ, they were the mass workers party (and the class struggle was so 'hot' at the time that there were working class elements to their left who thought the Bolsheviks were unnecessarily dragging their feet on the subject of the seizure of power and wanted to form a ‘real’ mass revolutionary workers party to do so).

To bring this point closer to home there were periods in the 1930’s in America when the workers party question was shelved by revolutionaries because it was possible to recruit the best militants straight to revolutionary organizations. Thus, when we raise the workers party question in the year 2007 it reflects an understanding that we live in tough times for the labor movement. But, as the old Wobbly labor agitator Joe Hill is alleged to have said before he was executed for his labor activities out in Utah in the early 1900’s- “Don’t Mourn, Organize”.

It may be informative to contrast the political tasks that confront American militants with those in, let’s say, Britain where there is a ‘worker's party’, the British Labor Party, that as of this date administers the British imperial state. Despite the changes in that party brought about by one Anthony Blair, in an attempt to make it conform more to a trans –class party like the Democratic Party in the United States, at its core today the British Labor Party is still a working class party, although a clearly reformist one. The British Labor Party has a long and checkered history but mainly it serves as an example of what militants do not want to build. Sure, sure, every British militant today should be a member of the Labor Party in order to get any kind of hearing from the best trade union militants there but their main task is to split the Labor Party and create a ‘new’ workers party that will fight for a workers government. Obviously, that is no simple task given the extreme loyalty of the average British worker to that party. In that sense the tasks in America and Britain, as well as elsewhere are essentially the same.

Someone once told me this little nugget of political wisdom and I hope I have learned it well. Tell me the programmatic basis of your party and I will tell you what kind of party you have. He then proceeded to rattle off various party programs and bowled me over with how close his characterizations came to the type of party he was describing. Sure, innocent political mistakes will be made, and sometimes even conscious ones. Sometimes the whims of personal predilection will twist about the program. Sometimes when confronted with the reality of the class struggle it will fly away in the winds. But, note this well, in the end that damn program is decisive.

If one looks at the latest program of the British Labor Party one will note that even if the greatest amount of class struggle since the Russian Revolution swept through the British Isles that party would stand foursquare in defense of Her Majesty’s capitalist imperial system. Yes, Ma’m. The point is this- if the program of your workers party does not lead to a workers government then you will wind up like the British Labor Party-tied as it is to the monarch, nobility and the state church. Hell, even Cromwell, that consummate bourgeois revolutionary, knew you had to get rid of those things if you wanted to push society forward-and that was over three hundred and fifty years ago!

Those even slightly familiar with American labor history know that the 1930’s represented the last widespread and successful organization of the working class. It was also the time of Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s reign. Some labor bureaucrats, knowing that many militants would refuse to support Roosevelt under the Democratic banner, organized an organization called the American Labor Party, which was essentially a vehicle for steering militant and socialist votes to Roosevelt. Needless to say our conception of a workers party has nothing in common with that electoral scheme. You can be sure, however, that some bright labor bureaucrat (and there are a few), if there is a labor upsurge will drag out a 21st century model of that moribund organization.

The obvious place to propagandize for a workers party is in the trade unions. I would like to round out my thoughts by observing that the only real way to make an impact on the unions and to break them from their reformist (at best) leadership is to form a caucus within the union based on a program. In that sense the union caucus is the workers party in embryo. Here again all experience has showed that if one does not base oneself on a program one is kind of doomed to failure. A million guys and gals have started out as militants only to burn out, be co-opted by the bureaucracy, or fall silent without such an anchor. If the goal is to bring political consciousness to the working class then it is necessary to have a political program. Yes, yes by all means every militant is the best defending of the day-to-day needs of their fellow workers and defender of democratic rights but one must go beyond that to educate about the need to take power.

Elsewhere in this space I have presented some talking points for the program of a workers party (see the archives under A Modest Proposal for a Workers Party). Here are a few for a trade union caucus. Today, the central question is the war in Iraq and therefore it is necessary to take a position on that in the unions. Sure, plenty of unions these days have ‘paper’ resolutions against the war. However it is necessary to move to action, and fast. I have presented elsewhere my point about building anti-war soldier and sailor committees and that could be fought for here. Moreover, a critical point for the independence of the trade unions is to vote against support to capitalist party candidates. Today, also, in some recent cases this is a desperate necessity, for a fight in support of immigrant rights and organizing the unorganized. More latter.


Click below to link to the Revolutionary History Journal index.

Peter Paul Markin comment on this series:

This is an excellent documentary source for today’s leftist militants to “discover” the work of our forebears, particularly the bewildering myriad of tendencies which have historically flown under the flag of the great Russian revolutionary, Leon Trotsky and his Fourth International, whether one agrees with their programs or not. But also other laborite, semi-anarchist, ant-Stalinist and just plain garden-variety old school social democrat groupings and individual pro-socialist proponents.

Some, maybe most of the material presented here, cast as weak-kneed programs for struggle in many cases tend to be anti-Leninist as screened through the Stalinist monstrosities and/or support groups and individuals who have no intention of making a revolution. Or in the case of examining past revolutionary efforts either declare that no revolutionary possibilities existed (most notably Germany in 1923) or alibi, there is no other word for it, those who failed to make a revolution when it was possible.


The Spanish Civil War can serve as something of litmus test for this latter proposition, most infamously around attitudes toward the Party Of Marxist Unification's (POUM) role in not keeping step with revolutionary developments there, especially the Barcelona days in 1937 and by acting as political lawyers for every non-revolutionary impulse of those forebears. While we all honor the memory of the POUM militants, according to even Trotsky the most honest band of militants in Spain then, and decry the murder of their leader, Andreas Nin, by the bloody Stalinists they were rudderless in the storm of revolution. But those present political disagreements do not negate the value of researching the POUM’s (and others) work, work moreover done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.

Finally, I place some material in this space which may be of interest to the radical public that I do not necessarily agree with or support. Off hand, as I have mentioned before, I think it would be easier, infinitely easier, to fight for the socialist revolution straight up than some of the “remedies” provided by the commentators in these entries from the Revolutionary History journal in which they have post hoc attempted to rehabilitate some pretty hoary politics and politicians, most notably August Thalheimer and Paul Levy of the early post Liebknecht-Luxemburg German Communist Party. But part of that struggle for the socialist revolution is to sort out the “real” stuff from the fluff as we struggle for that more just world that animates our efforts. So read, learn, and try to figure out the
wheat from the chaff. 


Alan Wald, The New York Intellectuals, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1987, pp 440, £12.95
We present two reviews of this book. Sam Levy investigates the political issues, and Sheila Lahr looks at the literary aspects.
The New York Intellectuals deals with a unique phenomenon, the emergence and development of an anti-Stalinist, mainly Trotskyist-influenced, left amongst the intellectuals. Fellow travelling as a major phenomenon arose as a consequence of the major slump of 1929 and the emergence of Fascism in all its brutal reality. Though fellow travelling existed before this period, it is after this time that it really flourished. David Caute’s The Fellow Travellers deals with the main beneficiary – Stalinism. Wald’s book, however, deals with that group of intellectuals who broke from Stalinism and went beyond it.
I have personal memories of this period, when, as a youngster, I first became involved in active politics and became a Trotskyist. The Moscow Trials and the Spanish Civil War acted as both a detonator and educator of my political development. I remember from 1937 going weekly to the Independent Labour Party bookshop at 35 St Bride Street, because only there could one get material that wasn’t Stalinist or Stalinist approved. Whilst one could buy cheap books and pamphlets in the Stalinist bookshops, particularly the Marxian classics, anything else was verboten. It was at 35 St Bride Street that one could buy material beyond the Stalinist hack work.
The most important material I acquired was Trotskyist, mainly from the USA. It was there that I first learnt about some of the many intellectuals dealt with by Wald, particularly those linked with the Socialist Workers Party, such as Max Shachtman, Felix Morrow, Albert Goldman and George Novack. They had a strong influence on me.
This book, however, goes beyond my recollections or even knowledge, as to the important roles played by the intellectuals. It gives an historical picture as well as biographical sketches of the leftward moving, though in many cases still young and unknown, intellectuals, whose geographical area was New York, the main centre of American intellectual life. Here was the start of a relatively large-scale movement of intellectuals to the left of Stalinism, whereas elsewhere those moving towards Trotskyism were few and far between, unstable and of often short-lived allegiance.
The rise of the US anti-Stalinist left was linked to the general rise of the left, the growth of industrial unionism and the rise of the CIO. Unlike in western Europe, the Stalinists could not dominate this rise. They grew, but segments of the struggles were not under their control, such as the Minneapolis Teamsters and the auto workers in Flint.
Whereas in Europe, where the class struggles were dominated by the Stalinists, the Trotskyists being marginalised, in the USA a different pattern emerged. Due to historic and certain economic factors, Stalinism was not all-powerful, and the Trotskyists had a small but creditable organisation with some working class base, which was involved in some of the biggest struggles of the time. They could therefore be a pole of attraction to the politicised intellectuals. The rô1e of Stalinism in Germany, the Moscow Trials, the Popular Front and the Spanish Civil War had left their mark on the young intellectuals who were coming out of the colleges after the Great Depression, and they passed by Stalinism to the left beyond it.
The book reveals the active and dynamic role played by these intellectuals in the advance of the left, particularly Trotskyists. Two examples convey the picture. Sidney Hook played a major rôle in the creation of the Muste group, in its fusion with the Trotskyists, and in pushing James Burnham along the same road. The intellectuals also took a key part in the fight against the Moscow Trials. Whilst the Stalinists’ cover-up was powerful, it was not as strong as in Europe. Likewise, the Committee for the Defence of Leon Trotsky was strong enough in the USA to have some influence: sufficient to convince John Dewey to play an active investigatory part on it, whereas Bertrand Russell, with his personal and philosophical affinity with Dewey, was almost silent on this issue.
However, with war clouds growing and the slowing down of working class struggle, the first cracks started to appear. There’s always a ’reason’ for political moves. If it’s a serious move away from Marxism, it starts with philosophy, the two front runners being dialectics and the labour theory of value. It’s amazing that whenever one looks at those who start with ’marginal’ revisions, they tend to move to the far right of the political spectrum. Burnham admitted as much in his resignation letter to the Workers Party. Though not all travel that far, the trend is there.
Trotsky knew the signs from years of experience. After all, a major feature of European revisionism at the beginning of the century was preferring Kant to Marx, the categorical imperative to the class struggle. The trend was so powerful so early that an article by Burnham and Shachtman, Intellectuals in Retreat (New International, January 1939), was vindicated by its authors travelling that very road – first Burnham, then Shachtman.
That is why Trotsky realised, particularly after Dewey’s response to his Their Morals and Ours, that this movement away from Marxism was not just the idiosyncracies of Max Eastman, but a trend of a stratum of intellectuals. The raising by Trotsky in the faction fight in the SWP in 1939-40 of the question of dialectics was to attack the central core of this movement. He tried to educate his comrades, not in abstractions as is so often presented, but as a method of reasoning and as a method of application to the problems of society. He tried to counter the move away from Marxism, both personally (it seems that he was writing a major article on dialectical materialism when he was struck down), as well as delegating Novack and Jean van Heijenoort, whom he hoped would carry on the struggle against the revisionists. Both proved totally incapable. Van Heijenoort ended up rejecting the working class on the grounds that it was incapable of carrying out its historic tasks. Novack turned out an intelligent hack and nothing else; today’s SWP proves this, a politically bankrupt bunch chasing after the golden mirages of Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and Daniel Ortega.
For the anti-Stalinist intellectuals it was downhill all the way in the post-war period, although their individual progressions went at an uneven rate and in an uneven pattern. Their strengths became their weaknesses. Their ability to go beyond Stalinism and expose its rottenness itself became the instrument for them to move towards the most reactionary elements of capitalism. Unable to understand the relationship between Stalinism and the working class, and with their lack of confidence in the working class, they had only one direction in which to go – towards supporting US capitalism.
As these intellectuals moved further to the right, they had to jump a series of hurdles, their attitude to which gave a stamp both to their character and how far they were moving. First was the McCarthy era. They came out very badly, the overwhelming majority endorsing elements of McCarthyism or keeping quiet. The Stalinists have used this as an indictment of Trotskyism. Wald points out that McCarthyism penetrated all left wing and fellow travelling movements. Wald also points out that, ironically, McCarthyism rescued the Stalinists’ reputations:

Ignorance on the part of the 1960s New Leftists was not the sole reason that apologists for Stalinism such as Lillian Hellman, Paul Robeson, and the Hollywood Ten were resurrected as moral beacons; their rehabilitation was the logical by-product of the dismal record of all but a few of the founders of the intellectual anti-Stalinist left.
Robeson was one of the most vociferous denunciators of Trotskyism, supporting the imprisonment during the Second World War of the Trotskyists under the Smith Act. Only when he was himself being done under it did he fight against it. Hellman’s anti-Fascist credentials were glorified in the supposedly autobiographical film Julia, which was exposed by Mary McCarthy as a tissue of lies. The McCarthy period was not only a false indictment of Trotsky – through the rôle of the New York intellectuals – but it also permitted the glorification of some of the nastiest Stalinist hacks.
The next major hurdle they faced was the Vietnam War. Many more fell. This war was unique in American history, not in its objectives, but in its result. The heavy casualties and powerful opposition at home altered the outlook of large sections of American society. This war was a further marker in the rightward evolution of the old anti-Stalinist intellectuals. Some held back. Others, like Shachtman, whilst slow off the mark, rapidly overtook them, and went beyond them, defending the reactionary actions of an imperialist government.
This is dealt with by Wald, particularly the differences that emerged amongst the intellectuals, but one feels he does not deal adequately with it in the fundamental sense. The New Left was a major new force arising amongst the younger intellectuals, and whilst on the whole they were as confused a bunch as one could expect to see, they nevertheless correctly saw America’s rôle in that war. Wald, naturally, only touches slightly on them. They aren’t the main topic of his book, nevertheless the inter-relation between them and the older generation is missing. For my part, these New Leftists were the bastard children of the New York Intellectuals, whose disowning of their parentage is linked with the Vietnam war.
The main criticism I have of this book is that it does not give an adequate picture of the material and other conditions, such as the economy, the consciousness of the working class, the struggle of social systems, etc, from which flowed the ideological drift of the anti-Stalinist intellectuals, and the central ideological justification for the movement. Wald deals extensively with the intellectuals’ philosophical polemics, ending with what I feel is a correct observation:
The dialectical transcendence or sublation (in the Hegelian sense of Aufhebung) of this debate is the sine qua non for the revival of Marxist theory and practice in the United States.
This gives an historical slant to the debate, not arguing how it affects present-day thinking in both the USA and Europe. I think a part of this is due to the lack of intertwining the two aspects.
Each period has a basic material and ideological foundation which consciously or unconsciously intertwine. No dominant ideas or philosophy arise out of a vacuum. The ideological movement from Marxism, in the first instance away from Marxist philosophy, reflected the period precisely in the new guru, not Kant (old hat), but pragmatism, and John Dewey in particular. The liberalism of exposition and outlook hid the deeper basic concept from which the philosophy flowed. Being developed in a period of developing US capitalism, with the concept of wide open spaces, intelligent activism became the core, drawing ideas from that core, using developing US capitalism and wide open spaces as the scale, all things became possible – many roads lead to socialism. The difference in this sense between Kant and Dewey is but a reflection of the different material roots.
The essence of Dewey’s thoughts is shown in his short but concrete reply to Trotsky’s Their Morals and Ours in the New International (August 1938) He concludes:
Orthodox Marxism shares with orthodox religionism and with traditional idealism the belief that human ends are interwoven into the very texture and structure of existence – a concept inherited presumably from its Hegelian origin.
If that is the core of his criticism of Marxism extant, the real flavour of it is this:
Since the class struggle is regarded as the only means that will reach the end, and since the view that it is the only means is reached deductively and not by an inductive examination of means-consequence in their interdependence, the means, the class struggle, does not need to be critically examined with respect to its actual objective consequence.
What is posed here is an abstract argument, a universalist argument independent of reality, though liberal in form. This is counterposed to the narrow, therefore ‘religious’ concept of the class struggle. Whereas Trotsky tried to put a period scale on historical development in Their Morals and Ours, from capitalism to a new economic and social structure in which man would truly be free – Socialism – Dewey, on the contrary, tried to establish an absolute principle applicable to all periods under all conditions. He downgrades the class struggle in comparison to his many roads, under the banner of scientific thought and liberal content.
The accusation that the class struggle being the only means has been reached deductively, without scientific basis, is totally wrong. Most scientific discovery is based on deduction flowing from known facts. Again, the argument that class struggle as the only road is reached without critical examination, says more for the lack of knowledge of Marxism on the part of Dewey. Marx and Engels spent their lifetime analysing the economic and social structure of capitalism, from which arise the class struggle, examining the historical, social and economic developments. They made errors, but the structure on which they based their conclusions has stood the test of time.
The dominant characteristics of man are determined by the way he lives, his environment, and the social relations which arise from that. It is precisely the development of the various modes of production – economic and social relationships – that is the dominant (but not the only) characteristic of human development, and which determines the major relationships of classes, sub-classes and even groups. The emergence of capitalism – economically unconsciously and politically semi-consciously – reflected the various struggles of the lower classes – capitalists and workers, serfs and peasants – against the dominant class, which established both the political and the economic foundations of capitalism. The emergence of capitalism established the dominance of a new mode of production – production for the market.
This mode of production rests on certain fundamentals – the relationships to the production and distribution of commodities of those owning the capital, and those without capital but who produce the goods. It is a conflict of interests, based not on what Marx, the industrial proletariat, etc, wants or not, but on a permanent division at the point of production, independent of human consciousness. The class struggle exists, regardless of whether the workers are storming the barricades or believing that they have a common interest with their employers. Marxism arises in the consciousness, not in the class struggle itself.
Because modern human existence rest on the capitalist mode of production, other factors and relationships follow The class struggle becomes the key anc dominant force in social change. Fundamental social change means the destruction of capitalism by the elimination of the capitalists’ rôle in production transferring capitalist property to common ownership. Only the working class has a relationship with capital that enable this to be done. No other class can carry out this radical and necessary transformation.
To argue that the class struggle is central to modern society, does not, however, mean that there are not other forms of conflict, many predating capitalism, such as over the rô1e of women, and racial and religious prejudices, etc, or that many will not be a source of conflict, albeit declining, after the establishment of Socialism.
Dewey, on the contrary, blames the messenger, not the message. Dialectics does not create the class struggle, it is the method of showing and explaining the process. The scientific nature of the explanation is that, on the basis of the examination of capitalism, it cuts across the illusory desires of utopian Socialism. Its strength lies in showing – not postulating – that there is only one road to Socialism. It is Dewey who desires many roads and therefore becomes involved in abstract philosophical arguments independent of reality.
The post-war decline in working class consciousness, and the growing illusions in capitalism on the part of some workers, have been the material foundation of the adoption of a Deweyist outlook by some intellectuals and working class activists. That it first took shape amongst the anti-Stalinist left was no accident. They were brighter and more politically conscious. Nevertheless, today it permeates through the movement, from Euro-stalinists to trade union bureaucrats. The New Left, the bastard children of the New York intellectuals, revolted against their rightward-moving parents as a consequence of the Vietnam War, but took on as their basic creed that there are other means for radical social change, and thus downgraded the working class. With the student, black and women’s movements, struggles were diverted down blind alleys. And whilst many leading lights of the New Left of the 1960s have joined their elders in enjoying the fruits of capitalism, the philosophical basis remains. Many of the latest generation operate along the same lines, just adding new issues with corresponding movements, such as gays and the environment.
I think that Wald has illusions in the movement in Europe. The reality, however, is that Europeans merely imitate what’s happening in the USA, or develop similar themes. The flourishing of new movements at the expense of working class collective activity has become an impediment to developing conscious working class policies and struggle. The tendency to imitate the USA is ironic when one considers political developments there, with the fragmentation of the movement into small groups, some of which have so lost their basic class outlook that they support a black populist of the Democratic Party.
The growth of US capitalism has been a major factor in this development, but for Marxists these are factors to be fought. Whether they like it or not on the New Left, US capitalism is in decline, and to pick on aspects of the social problems in the USA instead of opposing US capitalism as a whole is a blind alley. The need for a total struggle, and in this perspective the re-emergence of the working class and its parties, is not only logical, but necessary.
To criticise the student, black or women’s movements, etc., is not to condemn the justifiable reaction of the disadvantaged, but to criticise their sectionalised outlook, as blacks, as women, independently of the class structure. One should fight for equal rights for women, blacks and gays, and take up ecological issues, but all this should be part of the central class struggle, under the working class and its parties.
I do not think that this has little to do with the New York intellectuals. It is the result of an historical development, of a process that started before the Second World War, the end result of the movement away from Marxism.
After about 55 years, the generation of New York intellectuals has nearly run its course. Such a book is necessary for a knowledge of the past, the rôle the intellectuals played, the weaknesses inherent in their situation, ideology, etc. As an historical documentation of the development of the New York intellectuals, the book is impressive. The hard work gone into it is clear for everyone to see. In that rôle it fulfills a first class function. It is in drawing the strands together and giving it a clear direction where the weaknesses arise, because it fails to draw the full implications of the effects of Deweyism on the working class, through its influence on the intellectuals. Nevertheless, I recommend without doubt this book to anyone who can afford it, because it advocates the need:
‘... to integrate the sort of theoretical consciousness about political strategy with careful empirical research into the experience of the previous generation of Marxists [i.e., Trotsky, Bukharin, etc.]. In that way we will be able to advance the recovery of our radical heritage, to correct the political amnesia that has marred our legacy.
And that is a job worth doing.
Sam Levy
To the general reader who regards books as providing entertainment or information, the arguments between the various literary schools of the early and mid twentieth century may hold no interest. However, it should be remembered that Trotsky regarded the question of such importance that in 1923 he published Literature and Revolution, in which his concern was with the development of literature following the Russian Revolution. To this end, he gave consideration to the possibility of the unfolding of a proletarian culture following the Revolution, coming to the conclusion that while every ruling class creates its own culture, it also takes several hundred years for this to flower. Therefore, as the dictatorship of the proletariat was expected to last a comparatively short time only before giving way to the abolition of classes and the establishment of socialism, no far-reaching proletarian culture would develop.
Certainly Trotsky did not consider that proletarian culture could flourish within capitalist society. However, from the beginning of the 1930s the Stalinists propounded against all other literary schools proletarian literature or, as it was also called, ‘realism’, and this was supported by clubs named after John Reed. One of the foremost proponents of proletarian literature in America was the Stalinist Mike Gold, who set forth a number of stipulations for its practice, among which he demanded that the world of work be described with technical precision; it must provide a useful social function; be presented in as few words as possible in a simple vocabulary; that action should be swift, and that there should be no melodrama. (M. Gold, A Literary Anthology [Ed. M. Folsom], International Publishers, 1972).
As may be understood, those literary intellectuals of the 1930s who were to become the anti-Stalinist left of Wald’s book found this formula over-prescriptive, which led to two of their number, William Phillips and Philip Rahv, both members of the Communist Party and the John Reed Clubs, to advocate that proletarian literature be leavened by ‘modernism’. At that time, the best known writers in the modernist style were Joyce, Pound, Eliot and Stein, and it was their style of writing which came under fire from the Stalinist proletarian literature school. To provide an example of the type of polemic between modernists and ‘realists’ I can do no better than quote Brecht, who wrote to Lukács in 1956 in defence of James Joyce. Brecht writes that an interior monologue of a woman lying in bed in Ulysses had been rejected by ‘Marxists’ as ‘formalistic’ (formalist – the reduction of writing to etymology and syntax: See Trotsky’s Literature and Revolution). But the criticism had been made in such terms, that it left the impression that the monologue would have been acceptable had it been set in a session with a psychoanalyst. (Aesthetics and Politics – Debates between Bloch, Lukacs, Brecht, Benjamin and Adorno, Verso, 1980).
However, to return to Phillips and Rahv. With the support and assistance of established Communist cultural leaders, including Mike Gold, and financial support raised through a lecture by John Strachey, they launched the Partisan Review to concentrate primarily on cultural and literary questions, while leaving the New Masses to confine itself to the political and industrial. By 1937, when both Rahv and Phillips broke openly with the Stalinists, the Partisan Review had gathered around it most of the anti-Stalinist left and Trotskyists who are the subject of Wald’s book, and provided a central point of literary and cultural polemics.
However, Wald writes, although both Phillips and Rahv warned against the right wing dangers to writers “who seek to assimilate the Joyce-Eliot sensibility without a clear revolutionary purpose”, Rahv and Phillips held to elements of Elitism and a belief in High Culture. But they saw modernism as an avant-garde in literary protest against twentieth century commercialism. It is not pertinent that the modernist writers referred to above were not on the left in their politics, for their criticism of bourgeois culture in their works was seen as transcending their political views – an approach, Wald remarks, which recalls Marx and Engels’s treatment of Balzac and Lenin’s of Tolstoy. It must also be remembered that while Trotsky focused on the social aspects of literature in his criticism, he rigorously differentiated between his assessments of the political views of an author and his judgements of the artistic quality of the work.
Ironically, while these editors were gathering about them anti-Stalinist left intellectuals who accepted that “an error of leftism occurs from zeal to steep literature overnight in the programme of Communism, as this leads to sloganised and inorganic writing”, the Stalinists were abandoning their proletarian culture tactics in favour of the Popular Front and were closing down the John Reed Clubs!
Trotsky was now writing about the Moscow Trials, and, as he held a special appeal for radicalised literati which stemmed from his literary, historical and polemical achievements, left wing intellectuals increasingly became associated with the Partisan Review. As it happens, during the 1930s Trotsky had devoted extensive correspondence to the question of the significance of the American intellectuals for a small revolutionary workers’ party, for he saw the leftist intelligentsia, following the Russian revolution, as “binding its lot to the proletariat for the victorious revolution, but at the same time raising itself on the shoulders of the revolution”. He therefore urged that his followers exercise special precautionary measures when assimilating former Communist intellectuals who had gained an education in a Stalinist Party, and pressed that radical intellectuals and writers should strive for theoretical clarity. To what extent some, or all, of these left intellectuals sought the political clarity referred to by Trotsky at that time cannot be stated, but certainly a number of them had reservations with regard to Marxism and Leninism – Max Eastman, for instance, wanted to replace ‘mechanical Marxism’ with ‘social engineering’, and Sidney Hook with pragmatism. Perhaps one of the best known writers attracted to the group around the New Partisan Review was the novelist James T. Farrell (who was also a member of the Trotsky Defence Committee). Farrell’s novels presented Irish working class life in the first half of the twentieth century, and can be said to be written in the realist-naturalist school (examples of which are Zola and Dreiser) but Wald, possibly determined to find a modernist connection, states that he can be considered modernist because he allowed dreams and subconscious longings into his novels. He quotes as proof of this a vision seen by Studs Lonigan as he lies dying from the effects of bootleg liquor, to which he had turned to drown his frustrations and sorrows, instead of developing a class conscious response. As he lies on his sick-bed Studs dreams of a Communist led demonstration against unemployment in which are visible banners bearing slogans calling for revolutionary political action. Against Studs is posed Danny O’Neill “who breaks with the false consciousness perpetrated by (capitalist) society” to work his way through college. Not that this itself is a revolutionary act – in fact it can be quite the opposite!
However, by 1937 when a revamped Partisan Review was launched by Rahv and Phillips, the Moscow Trials, the Trotsky Defence Committee and the Dewey Commission had politicised a further group of young anti-Stalinist left-wing writers, and so Mary McCarthy who was a member of the Trotsky Defence Committee, and whose best known novel is probably The Group, and Dwight Macdonald, became members of the editorial board. Rahv and Phillips had remained intent upon the journal continuing its search for a Marxist aesthetic, and Phillips once again wrote that Trotsky was outstanding in that “he not only saw in literature a mirror of society, but was acutely conscious of those qualities which taken together make up the social vision of a work of art”. In fact, Wald writes that this revamped Partisan Review “was the most important cultural event following the Moscow Trials”.
Nevertheless, it did not last very long as a literary revolutionary catalyst, for within a few short years, as a response to the enthusiastic support of the Second World War by the Stalinists and the absence of a mass revolutionary movement, Rahv had come to the conclusion that the only way in which a writer could protest against the dominant values of ‘our time’ was by maintaining ‘intellectual integrity’. In this Rahv reflected the attitudes of an increasing number of anti-Stalinist left wing writers and intellectuals who had also become disappointed in, and disillusioned by, the failure of the working class to make a revolution. Of course, this process of disintegration was accelerated by Trotsky’s murder. Disillusionment with revolutionary politics brought forth a plethora of anti-socialist novels and stories from former left wing writers and Trotskyists who previously had included little of their revolutionary experience in their fiction. Saul Bellow, Isaac Rosenfeld, Edmund Wilson, Lionel Trilling, Mary McCarthy and Joseph Howe all produced novels and stories, the purport of which was to illustrate the fallacy of attempting to change society by social theory and action. Wald writes that the fiction of the New York intellectuals in the 1940s must be read with a sense of irony, for the consistent theme of virtually every one of their important works published during and immediately after the Second World War proclaims the need for liberation from the ideologies of the radical movement. One might almost call this the school of anti-proletarian culture!
Insofar as ideology is concerned, Wald quotes the British Marxist Terry Eagleton, whose view of ideology is materialist as against that of the New York intellectuals’ philosophical pragmatism. Eagleton sees reality as “ideology’s homeland”. Therefore a work of art “has the potential of liberating us from ideological illusion. Inasmuch as a work of literature seizes upon, reshuffles and depicts experience it, too, resides in the realm of ideology”. (Criticism and Ideology, New Left Books, 1976)
As may well be understood, the opposition of many of these intellectuals to ‘radical ideology’ was to lead them during the ensuing years to support for American foreign policy, McCarthyism, Nixon and Reaganism.
With regard to ‘modernism’, it has become increasingly academic and the elite culture of an intellectual establishment “in which some of the New York intellectuals played a part”. Wald writes that the Marxist criticism of modernism of these intellectuals had never been more than a few penetrating insights “unlike the brilliant work of their European contemporaries such as Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno and Georg Lukacs”. It should therefore come as no surprise that today students of Critical Theory largely study the essays written by these Europeans.
Perhaps in the West the political discussion has changed from a debate of literary schools to that of the effects of mass culture, or the ‘commercialisation of culture’ which Farrell perceived as “creating a struggle between the desire of the artist to present an authentic vision of the world and the desire of the film-makers and publishers to make art marketable, which they achieve by standardisation, repetition and by promoting established authors”. (J.T. Farrell, The Fate of Writing in America, quoted by Wald, p.223).
However, in the East, the debate with regard to ‘proletarian culture’ continues and, in fact, has become part of the fabric of daily life, as witness a recent Channel 4 programme on the dissident Czech writer Vaclav Havel, who has served several terms in prison and whose plays are banned because they satirise the bureaucracy, the plays being presented in a modernist style. In this programme a Stalinist Director of Arts stated that “art has the duty to serve the health of society”, which recalls one of the prescriptions set out by Mike Gold.
In conclusion, I would add that this is a book which poses many questions to all those interested in the connection between politics and the development of a Marxist aesthetic.
What I found especially interesting was the contemplation of why, in America during the 1930s, there was such an active anti-Stalinist and Trotskyist intellectual left, while in Britain our own radicalised intellectuals for the most part continued to support Stalinism or moved directly to the right.
The book itself is written clearly and comprehensively, and apart from detailing the debates and polemics involved, provides potted biographies of a star-studded cast.
Sheila Lahr


Ted Grant, The Unbroken Thread: The Development of Trotskyism over 40 Years, Fortress Books, London 1989, pp.85, £6.95
A book that sets out to present in handy form the contributions of one of the foremost thinkers of the Trotskyist Movement in Britain can only be welcomed, did it but restrict itself to that aim. Unfortunately, that is not the case with this selection, which in a number of places sets out to tinker with the historical record in the interests of promoting a personality cult.
Readers of our Reviews section will recall (Vol.1, no.4, p.44) that in a previous review of a book from the same publisher I took exception to the remark that in 1938 Ted Grant was already the “Theoretician and principal leader of Trotskyism in Britain”. I made the point that in no way was this the case, and that even in the WIL Ralph Lee considerably overshadowed him, although he did not even deserve a mention in Taaffe and Mulhearn’s account.
This book’s compilers were in considerable difficulties in finding any writings signed by Ted Grant that could justify this statement at all that dated from 1938, let alone earlier, where his name does not appear alone on a single document. The result of a no doubt dedicated search to prove the contrary came up with the preface to the WIL version of Trotsky’s The Lessons of Spain – The Last Warning, which on page 1 is described as “written jointly by Ted Grant and Ralph Lee”, and less modestly in the caption of the illustration on page 59 as “Ted Grant’s introduction”. The truth is, as any comrade in the WIL at the time in London is able to affirm, that it was the work of Lee himself, with next to no input by Grant at all. The initials appended to the text, those of J.R. Strachan, were in fact those of Jock Haston's wife. Devotees of stylistic analysis – which can now be done by computer – will no doubt derive great amusement from the demonstration that the preface bears none of the marks of Ted Grant’s easily recognisable style at all. The attempt to predate Grant’s leadership qualities to his sojourn in South Africa is even more laughable, when on page vii of the preface he is credited along with Lee and Purdy with founding “the Workers International League in South Africa”, the name of the new group that Lee founded when he returned to that country during the Second World War. Even Lee’s rôle in founding the English group of that name is concealed by the statement (p.viii) that he came to Britain in 1938, whereas the minutes of the Conference of the Harber Group show clearly that he was in Britain a year earlier. Grant’s journey, on the other hand, is placed a year earlier than it was in order to lend credence to his alleged leading theoretical role at this early date. This is historically light-fingered, to say the least.
As with the versions of Stalin’s and Lenin’s Selected Works, names have simply dropped out of history. Whereas in Taaffe and Mulhearn’s book the main victim of this treatment was Ralph Lee, in this collection it is Roy Tearse, Jock Haston and Bill Hunter who have slipped out of the record, names to be found in neither text nor index.
Thus on page ix of the preface we are told that “only Ted Grant” was able to come to terms with the development of the new situation in the post-war world, and on page 82 that the RCP did this “under the theoretical guidance of Ted Grant especially”. Nowhere are we informed that the documents pointing out a new situation written by Goldman and Morrow circulated freely inside the WIL and the RCP before Grant recognised what was valid in them, or that as far as the economic forecast was concerned Tearse realised the fallacy of the International Secretariat’s position before Grant did. And as for foreseeing the new situation in Europe before all others, that too is myth, as a simple consultation of the article written by Ted Grant entitled The Coming German Revolution in the October 1944 issue of Workers International News shows all too plainly – an article mysteriously absent from this collection. The contributions of Tony Cliff and Jock Haston to this discussion are not cited in the description given in this book on pp.371-3, and most disgracefully of all the section on Eastern Europe on pp.187-91 does not even hint at the fact that it was Haston who began the discussion about Russia and Eastern Europe, both in Socialist Appeal and in the internal bulletin of the RCP. We are simply told that “it was Ted Grant, as the leading theoretician of the RCP, who worked out a correct position” (p.188).
Even more contemptible is the selection or editing of texts to give a totally false picture or exonerate the author from the results of his mistaken policies. Although we are told that “there are none of the writings or speeches of Ted Grant that the author would not now be prepared to reissue and debate” (p.xiv) the controversy about Chauvinism and Revolutionary Defeatism restricts itself to Grant’s polemic against the RSL in 1943, carefully avoiding the document Grant wrote along with Healy for the WIL’s internal bulletin two years earlier, which showed himself and Healy to be on the right wing of the movement as against the position argued by Jock Haston and Sam Levy. Although we are told that “he main reason why original articles and documents have been cut is an attempt to concentrate as much as possible in a single volume, without vulgarising or simplifying the theoretical constructions” (p.xv), and that the reason that the cuts are not indicated in the text has “no ulterior motive”, this is demonstrably not the case. The version of Preparing for Power that is served up has removed from it the entire polemic against the tactic of entry work into the Labour Party, and in particular the passage with the remark that “such a perspective is farcical and can only serve as a cloak for complete inactivity”. The cuts amount to well over a thousand words, and their significance can easily be gauged.
When in the interview with Collins in 1936 Trotsky advised his British supporters to join the Labour Party, he based himself on the perspective of a rising tide of industrial militancy and its effects upon radicalising the Labour Party and making its supporters receptive to revolutionary ideas. Naturally the coming of war slowed down the process, but 1944 showed the largest number of days lost in strikes of any year back to 1926. The result of this was soon shown by the two most radical Labour Party conferences that have ever met, as a simple consultation of their minutes demonstrates clearly. And in 1945 people who had no previous connection with the party, or even with the working class at all, were able to be adopted as candidates and found themselves almost immediately in parliament. The main responsibility for the British Trotskyists not being there, otherwise engaged in attempting to create a party by linear recruiting, lies squarely on the shoulders of Haston ... and Grant, “especially” (p.82). By these cuts Grant escapes his responsibility for the loss of the historical opportunities of a generation, opportunities prepared and foreseen for the movement by Leon Trotsky himself. The final break-up of the RCP is laid, not at Grant’s door, but “in large measure due to bureaucratic interference and outright manoeuvres by the leadership of the Fourth International” (p.ix), to which is added the ingenuous remark that “at that point [1949] Ted Grant and the British Marxists turned their backs on this international organisation” (p.83).
Add to this catalogue of downright falsification a crop of random stupid errors (e.g. that the authors of the Three Theses had spent most of the war years in exile in Britain, p.84), and we have a very sorry production indeed. This is a shame, because Ted Grant’s theoretical record speaks up as well as anybody’s during the period, even if it has done no more than spin round on the same turntable since 1949. It is, in general, unwise to reproduce documents in extracts, and far better to present fewer key statements intact. But even worse is not to indicate the presence of cuts in the text at all, which makes this collection useless for critical purposes. Anybody reminded of the fate of certain Russian Marxist writings might search for a similar explanation, in the self-censoring activities of a swollen and parasitic bureaucracy of full-time officials.
Al Richardson


Karl Kautsky, The Materialist Conception of History, translated by Raymond Meyer and John H. Kautsky, annotated and introduced by John Kautsky, Yale University Press, New Haven 1988, pp.558, £35.00
John Kautsky, the grandson of Karl Kautsky, the ‘Pope of Marxism’, has rendered an immense service in presenting this book in a form that English readers can use. The measure of his achievement (and even more so, that of his grandfather, the author) can be gauged from the fact that this version is smaller than either of the volumes of the German text, but by judicious editing none of the coherence of the original is lost.
The book’s value can hardly be overestimated. Kautsky was the literary legatee of Marx and Engels, and the great systematiser of their work. This volume is thus a synthesis, if not an encyclopaedia of the world view of the German Social Democratic Party, and indeed of the Second International as a whole.
It also represents, of course, the background against which Lenin and Trotsky developed their ideas. Kautsky’s negative attitude to Freud, for example (pp.58, 93, 106-7, 511), stands in marked contrast to Trotsky in Culture and Socialism, and readers of Lenin’s Materialism and Empirio-criticism will be interested to learn that Kautsky placed far more value on Mach’s work than Lenin did (p.31). Those who are fond of holding forth on the superiority of Lenin’s dialectics over Kautsky’s alleged ‘mechanical materialism’ will be surprised to find out that he is very critical of Engels’ concept of the ‘dialectics of nature’, holding that “like Hegel, we assume that the dialectic in which the thesis itself generates its own antithesis holds good only for human development in society” (p.218).
Coming to the broad sweep of history, students of the Marxist theory of historical development will note that Kautsky identifies and describes the Asiatic Mode, in which he includes Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Indian and especially Chinese society (pp.140, 278), whose basic mechanism he accepts as hydraulic works (pp.214, 307-10), and delineates the causes of its limitation and stagnation (pp.317-8, 331, 337-8, 543). He even anticipates the theories of Umberto Melotti’s Marx and the Third World when he explains the state form of the Soviet Union as a reversion to “a new despotism, a bureaucratic military despotism under the leadership of a dictatorship of intellectuals’ (p.414). He has none of the reservations of our modern quasi-Marxists at describing Classical society as slave-based (pp.346-7) and ascribes the ultimate failure of the city state to the inbuilt tendency of the slave mode of production to stagnation and decline (p.352).
There is, of course, a weaker side to the book. Kautsky’s Olympian detachment deserts him when he goes over once again his polemic with Bolshevism, which he accuses of holding “that every antagonism among peoples and classes can only be fought out by bloody war” (p.320), and it is inevitably over the question of revolution and the class theory of the state that he appears most limp. He assures us that “there is no longer room for armed struggle as a way of carrying on class conflicts” in a democratic state, in which even the mass strike “hardly seems applicable” (p.376). Industrial capital, we are told, “cannot simply be expropriated without economic damage to society and to the workers themselves” (p.377). Considerable exegetical violence is done both to Marx, whose concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat is identified with a democratic republic (p.390), and to Engels, whose forecast of the state taking possession of production as “an act” is put down to an inability to understand that “this transition can only be a more or less slowly advancing process” (p.446).
Kautsky’s book was published in 1927, in the middle of the palmy days of the ‘Roaring Twenties’ and the Stresemann Era, and its trouble-free, evolutionary, unproblematic conception of gradual upward human progress seemed to be a reasonable assumption at the time. Hegelian discontinuities and dialectical leaps are noticeably absent from it. As he admits in several places (pp.6, 66, etc.) he came to his theory of historical change through Darwin rather than Hegel or Marx, and in the end his work is really no more than an immense Darwinian evolutionary rationalisation. History was shortly to deal it a series of rapid and cruel blows. Two years later came the Wall Street crash and another two more years were to see Hitler in power and Kautsky in exile in Prague, where he died in 1938 witnessing the massive wreck of the German workers’ movement.
For there were others who also took their inspiration from Darwin, and developed his insights in unforeseen ways. As opposed to Kautsky, who took over the theory of evolution, others were more interested in natural selection and the survival of the fittest. In several places Kautsky has to argue against racial theories erected on just these Darwinian premises (pp.12,4-5, 137, 149). For the moment Hitler’s movement was no larger than a cloud, the size of a man’s hand, in an otherwise clear sky. “If the expression ‘intensification of class antagonisms’ means that the class struggles assume increasingly violent forms“, Kautsky notes, “then the view implicit in that expression would certainly not be correct” (p.428). He writes his political epitaph, and unfortunately that of the German proletariat as well, with massive if unconscious irony:
The question of whether the capitalists will undertake an armed attack on democracy comes down ... to the question of whether they will be able to find an adequate armed force that is available to them for this purpose ... Today it is the Fascists who have become the paid executioners of the people’s freedom. They are certainly dangerous, but fortunately only under certain conditions that the capitalists cannot conjure up as they choose. In order to be politically effective, the Fascists must appear in large numbers ... In Germany, they will have to be almost one million strong in order to attain this proportion. In an industrialised country, it is impossible to get hold of such a large number of scoundrels in the prime of life for capitalistic purposes (p.394).
Al Richardson
***The Roots Is The Toots-The Music That Got The Generation Of ’68 Through The 1950s Red Scare Cold War Night-Introduction-Warren Smith’s Rock and Roll Ruby 

Peter Paul Markin comment on this series:

I recently completed the first leg of this series which is intended to go through different stages of the American songbook as it has evolved since the 19th century, especially music that could be listened to by the general population through radio, later television, and more recently the fantastic number of ways to listen to it all. That first leg dealt with the music of our parents’ generation, that being the parents of the generation of ’68, the ones who struggled through the Great Depression of the 1930s and World War II in the 1940s. This leg centered on the music of my generation growing up in the Cold War 1950s is a natural progression from that first leg since a lot of what we were striving for was music that was not the music that was wafting through many of our houses in the early 1950s. The music of our “square” parents which was driving us to desperation for a new sound just in case those threatened bombs actually were detonated. At least that is the way we will tell the story now.  
Whether we liked it or not, whether we even knew what it meant, or frankly, during that hellish growing up absurd teenager time in the 1950s trying to figure out our places, if any, in the cold war red scare world, if there was to be a world, and that was a close thing at times, or whether we cared, music was as dear a thing to us, who were in the throes of finding our own very different musical identities. Whether we knew it or not in the big world historic picture, knew what sacred place the music of the 1950s, rhythm and blues, scat, rockabilly, doo wop, flat out pure rock and roll, and the like was held in our youthful hearts. That was our music, our getting through the tough times music, that went wafting through the house on the living room radio (when the parents were out), on the record player, or, for some, the television (ditto the parents out, especially when American Bandstand hit us like a hurricane), and best of all on that of blessed transistor radio that allowed us to while away the time up in our rooms away from snooping parental ears. Yes, the music of many of those of us who constitute the now graying fading generation of ‘68.

Some of us will pass to the beyond clueless as to why we were attuned to this music when we came of age in a world, a very darkly-etched world, which we too like most of our parents had not created, and had no say in creating. That includes a guy, me, a coalminer’s son who got as caught up in the music of his time as any New York City Jack or Jill and whose father busted out of the tumbled down tarpaper shacks down in some Appalachia hills and hollows, headed north, followed the northern star and never looked back and neither did his son.

Yes we were crazy for the swing and sway of Big Joe Turner snapping those big fingers like some angel- herald letting the world know,  if it did not know already, that it did not mean a thing, could not possibly matter in the universe, if you did not rock, rock with or without Miss LaVern Baker, better with, better with, swaying slightly, lips moistened, swirling every guy in the place on Jim Dandy vowing he would do just that for a smile and a chance at those slightly swaying hips. Mr. Elvis Presley, with or without the back- up boys, better with, belting out songs, knocking down walls, maybe Jericho, maybe just some teen-struck Starlight Ballroom in Kansas City blasting the joint with his Jailhouse Rock to the top of the charts. Elegant Bill Haley, with or without that guy blowing that sexy sax out into the ocean air night in some Frisco club, blowing out to the Japan season Rock Around The Clock. Bo Diddley, all banded up if there is such a word, making eyes wild with that Afro-Carib beat on Who Do You Love. A young Ike Tina-less Turner too with his own aggregation wailing Rocket 88 that had every high school girl throwing dreamy nickels and dimes into the jukebox, with or without fanfare. Buddy Holly, with or without those damn glasses, talking up Peggy Sue before his too soon last journey. Miss Wanda Jackson, the female Elvis, with or without the blues, personal blues, strung out blues too, singing everybody else’s blues away with that throaty thing she had, that meaningful pause, on yeah, Let’s Have A Party. Miss (Ms.) Patsy Cline, with or without bad weather, making grown men cry (women too) when she reached that high note fretting about her long gone man, She’s Got You, Jesus.  Miss (Ms.) Brenda Lee too chiming in with I’m Sorry. Mr. Jerry Lee Lewis doing a million songs fronting that wild piano off the back of a truck in High School Confidential calling out to  anybody who wanted to rise in that rocking world, with or without a horde of cashmere sweater girls breaking down his doors, putting everybody else to shame. The Everly Brothers, always with that soft -spoken refrain catch that nobody seemed to tire of, doing teary Wake Up Little Susie. The Drifters with or without those boardwalks. The Sherilles with or without the leader of the pack, the Dixie Cups with or without whatever they were doing at that chapel. Miss Carole King, with or without the boys, writing the bejesus out of Tin Pan Alley. Yeah, our survival music. 

We, the generation of ’68, baby-boomers, decidedly not what Tom Brokaw dubbed rightly or wrongly “the greatest generation,” decidedly not our parents’ generation, could not bear to hear their music, could not bear to think anybody in the whole universe would think that stuff was cool. Those of us who came of age, biological, political, and social age kicking, screaming and full of the post-war new age teenage angst and alienation in the time of Jack Kennedy’s Camelot were ready for a jail-break, a jail-break on all fronts and that included from “their song” stuff. Their staid Eisenhower red scare cold war stuff (he their organizer of victory, their gentile father Ike), hell, we knew that the world was scary, knew it every time we were forced to go down into some dank school basement and squat down, heads down too, hoping to high heaven that the Russkies had not decided to go crazy and set off “the bomb,” many bombs. And every righteous teenager had a nightmare that, he or she, they were trapped in some fashionable family bunker and those loving parents had thoughtfully brought their records down into the abyss to soothe their savage beasts for the duration. Please, please, please if we must die then at least let’s go out to Jerry Lee’s High School Confidential.  

We were moreover, some of us any way and I like to think the best of us, driven by some makeshift dreams, ready to cross our own swords with the night-takers of our time, and who, in the words of Camelot brother Bobby, sweet ruthless Bobby of more than one shed tear, quoting from Alfred Lord Tennyson, were “seeking a new world.” Those who took up the call to action heralded by the new dispensation and slogged through the 60s decade whether it was in the civil rights/black liberation struggle, the anti-Vietnam War struggle or the struggle to find one’s own identity in the counter-culture swirl before the hammer came down were kindred. To the disapproval, anger, and fury of more than one parent who had gladly slept through the Eisenhower times. And that hammer came down quickly as the decade ended and the high white note that we searched for, desperately searched for, drifted out into the ebbing tide. Gone. But enough of that this series is about our uphill struggles to make our vision of the our newer world, our struggles to  satisfy our hunger a little, to stop that gnawing want, and the music that in our youth  we dreamed by on cold winter nights and hot summer days.
Rock N' Roll Ruby

Warren Smith

Well, i took my ruby rockin'
On the outskirts of town
Kicked her high heels off
And rolled her stockings down
Put a quarter in the jukebox
To get a little beat
All the people started watchin'
All the rhythm in her feet

She's my rock'n'roll ruby, rock'n'roll
Rock'n'roll ruby, rock'n'roll
When ruby starts a-rockin'
Boys, it satisfies my soul, my soul

Well ruby started rockin' 'bout one o'clock
And when she started rockin'
She just couldn't stop
She rocked on the table
And rolled on the floor
With all the people yelling "ruby rock a little more!"

She's my rock'n'roll ruby, rock'n'roll
Rock'n'roll ruby, rock'n'roll
When ruby starts to rockin'
Boys, it satisfies my soul, my soul

Aw look out
It was long about four
I thought she would stop
She looked at me and then
She looked at the clock
She said "wait a minute daddy
Now don't you get sore
All i want to do
Is rock a little bit more"

She's my rock'n'roll ruby, rock'n'roll
Rock'n'roll ruby, rock'n'roll
When ruby starts to rockin'
Boys, it satisfies my soul, my soul
When ruby starts to rockin'
Boys, it satisfies my soul

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

HONOR THE THREE L’S-LENIN, LUXEMBURG, LIEBKNECHT-Honor The Historic Leader Of The Bolshevik Revolution-Vladimir Lenin  


Every January leftists honor three revolutionaries who died in that month, V.I. Lenin of Russia in 1924, Karl Liebknecht of Germany and Rosa Luxemburg of Poland in 1919 murdered after leading the defeated Spartacist uprising in Berlin. I made my political points about the heroic Karl Liebknecht and his parliamentary fight against the German war budget in World War I in this space earlier (see review in April 2006 archives). I made some special points here last year about the life of Rosa Luxemburg (see review in January 2006 archives). This year it is appropriate, at a time when the young needs to find a few good heroes, to highlight the early struggles of Vladimir Lenin, the third L, to define himself politically. Probably the best way to do that is to look at Lenin’s experiences through the prism of his fellow revolutionary, early political opponent and eventual co-leader of the Bolshevik Revolution Leon Trotsky.

A Look At The Young Lenin By A Fellow Revolutionary

The Young Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Doubleday and Co., New York, 1972

The now slightly receding figure of the 20th century Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin founder and leader of the Bolshevik Party and guiding light of the October 1917 Russian Revolution and the first attempt at creating a socialist society has been the subject to many biographies. Some of those efforts undertaken during the time of the former Soviet government dismantled in 1991-92, especially under the Stalin regime, bordered on or were merely the hagiographic. Others, reflecting the ups and downs of the post- World War II Cold War, painted an obscene diabolical picture, excluding Lenin’s horns, and in some cases not even attempting to exclude those. In virtually all cases these effort centered on Lenin’s life from the period of the rise of the Bolshevik Social Democratic faction in 1903 until his early death in 1924. In short, the early formative period of his life in the backwaters of provincial Russia rate a gloss over. Lenin’s fellow revolutionary Leon Trotsky, although some ten years younger than him, tries to trace that early stage of his life in order to draw certain lessons. It is in that context that Trotsky’s work contains some important insights about the development of revolutionary figures and their beginnings.

Although Trotsky’s little work, originally intended to be part of a full biography of Lenin, never served its purpose of educating the youth during his lifetime and the story of it discovery is rather interesting one should note that this is neither a scholarly work in the traditional sense nor is it completely free from certain fawning over Lenin by Trotsky. Part of this was determined by the vicissitudes of the furious Trotsky-Stalin fights for the soul of the Russian Revolution as Trotsky tried to uncover the layers of misinformation about Lenin’s early life. Part of it resulted from Trotsky’s status of junior partner to Lenin and also to his late coming over to Bolshevism. And part of it is, frankly, to indirectly contrast Lenin’s and his own road to Marxism. That said, this partial biography stands up very well as an analysis of the times that the young Lenin lived in, the events that affected his development and the idiosyncrasies of his own personality that drove him toward revolutionary conclusions. In short, Trotsky’s work is a case study in the proposition that revolutionaries are made not born.

To a greater extent than would be true today in a celebrity-conscious world many parts of Lenin’s early life are just not verifiable. Partially that is due to the nature of record keeping in the Russia of the 19th century. Partially it is because of the necessity to rely on not always reliable police records. Another part is that the average youth, and here Lenin was in some ways no exception, really have a limited noteworthy record to present for public inspection. That despite the best efforts of Soviet hagiography to make it otherwise. Nevertheless Trotsky does an admirable job of detailing the high and low lights of agrarian Russian society and the vagaries of the land question in the second half of the 19thcentury. One should note that Trotsky grew up on a Ukrainian farm and therefore is no stranger to many of the same kind of problems that Lenin had to work through concerning the solution to the agrarian crisis, the peasant question. Most notably, is that the fight for the Russian revolution that everyone knew was coming could only be worked out through the fight for influence over the small industrial working class and socialism.

I would note that for the modern young reader that two things Trotsky analyzes are relevant. The first is the relationship between Lenin and his older brother Alexander who, when he became politicized, joined a remnant of the populist People’s Will terrorist organization and attempted to assassinate the Tsar. For his efforts he and his co-conspirators were hanged. I have always been intrigued by the effect that this event had on Lenin’s development. On the one hand, as a budding young intellectual, would Lenin have attempted to avenge his brother’s fate with his same revolutionary intellectual political program? Or would Lenin go another way to intersect the coming revolutionary either through its agrarian component or the budding Marxist Social Democratic element? We know the answer but Trotsky provides a nicely reasoned analysis of the various influences that were at work in the young Lenin. That alone is worth the price of admission here.

The other point I have already alluded to above. Revolutionaries are made not born, although particular life circumstances may create certain more favorable conditions. Soviet historians in their voluntarist hay day tried to make of Lenin a superhuman phenomenon- a fully formed Marxist intellectual from his early youth. Trotsky once again distills the essence of Lenin’s struggle to make sense of the world, the Russian world in the first instance, as he tries to find a way out the Russian political impasse. Trotsky’s work only goes up to 1892-93, the Samara period, the period before Lenin took off for Petersburg and greener pastures. He left Samara a fully committed Marxist but it would be many years, with many polemics and by using many political techniques before he himself became a Bolshevik, as we know it. And that, young friends, is a cautionary tale that can be taken into the 21st century. Read on.
From The Marxist Archives -The Revolutionary History Journal-Danish Trotskyism in World War Two
BOOK REVIEW-Year One Of The Russian Revolution-Victor Serge 


I have read several books on subjects related to the Russian Revolution by Victor Serge and find that he is a well-informed insider on this subject although the novel rather than history writing is his stronger form of expressing his views. See his The Case of Comrade Tulayev. This book can be profitably read in conjunction with other better written left-wing interpretations of this period. Sukhanov's Notes on the Russian Revolution (for the February period), Leon Trotsky's History of the Russian Revolution and John Reed's Ten Days that Shook the World come to mind.

The task Serge sets himself here is to look at the dramatic and eventually fateful events of first year of the Russian Revolution. Those included the Bolshevik seizure of power, the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly and the struggle by the Bolsheviks against other left-wing tendencies in defining Soviet state policy, the fight to end Russian participation in World War I culminating in the humiliating Brest-Litovsk treaty with Germany and, most importantly, the beginnings of Civil War against the Whites. In short, he investigates all the issues that will ultimately undermine and cause the degeneration of what was the first successful socialist seizure of state power in history.

Serge's history is partisan history in the best sense of the word. It is rather silly at this late date to argue that historians must be detached from the subject of their investigations. All one asks is that a historian gets the facts for his or her analysis straight. And then stay out of the way. Serge passes this test. Serge worked under the assumption that the strategic theory of the Bolshevik leaders Lenin and Trotsky was valid. That premise stated that Russia as the weakest link in the international capitalist system could act as the catalyst for revolution in the West and therefore shorten its own road to socialism. The failure of that Western revolution, the subsequent hostile encirclement by the Western powers and the inevitable degeneration implicit in a revolution in an economically undeveloped country left to its own resources underlies the structure of his argument.

The Russian revolution of October 1917 was the defining event for the international labor movement during most of the 20th century. Serious militants and left -wing organizations took their stand based on their position on the so-called Russian Question. At that time the level of political class-consciousness in the international labor movement was quite high. Such consciousness does not exist today where the socialist program is seen as, at best, utopian. However, notwithstanding the demise of the Soviet state in 1991-92 and the essential elimination of the Russian Question as a factor in world politics on a day to day basis anyone who wants learn some lessons from the heroic period of the Russian Revolution will find this book an informative place to start.

Click below to link to the Revolutionary History Journal index.

Peter Paul Markin comment on this series:

This is an excellent documentary source for today’s leftist militants to “discover” the work of our forebears, particularly the bewildering myriad of tendencies which have historically flown under the flag of the great Russian revolutionary, Leon Trotsky and his Fourth International, whether one agrees with their programs or not. But also other laborite, semi-anarchist, ant-Stalinist and just plain garden-variety old school social democrat groupings and individual pro-socialist proponents.

Some, maybe most of the material presented here, cast as weak-kneed programs for struggle in many cases tend to be anti-Leninist as screened through the Stalinist monstrosities and/or support groups and individuals who have no intention of making a revolution. Or in the case of examining past revolutionary efforts either declare that no revolutionary possibilities existed (most notably Germany in 1923) or alibi, there is no other word for it, those who failed to make a revolution when it was possible.


The Spanish Civil War can serve as something of litmus test for this latter proposition, most infamously around attitudes toward the Party Of Marxist Unification's (POUM) role in not keeping step with revolutionary developments there, especially the Barcelona days in 1937 and by acting as political lawyers for every non-revolutionary impulse of those forebears. While we all honor the memory of the POUM militants, according to even Trotsky the most honest band of militants in Spain then, and decry the murder of their leader, Andreas Nin, by the bloody Stalinists they were rudderless in the storm of revolution. But those present political disagreements do not negate the value of researching the POUM’s (and others) work, work moreover done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.

Finally, I place some material in this space which may be of interest to the radical public that I do not necessarily agree with or support. Off hand, as I have mentioned before, I think it would be easier, infinitely easier, to fight for the socialist revolution straight up than some of the “remedies” provided by the commentators in these entries from the Revolutionary History journal in which they have post hoc attempted to rehabilitate some pretty hoary politics and politicians, most notably August Thalheimer and Paul Levy of the early post Liebknecht-Luxemburg German Communist Party. But part of that struggle for the socialist revolution is to sort out the “real” stuff from the fluff as we struggle for that more just world that animates our efforts. So read, learn, and try to figure out the
wheat from the chaff. 


Danish Trotskyism in World War Two

The account that follows was first published in Danish in Anarki og arbejderhistorie (Anarchy and Workers’ History), a festschrift for Carl Heinrich Petersen edited by Karen Petersen and Therkel Straede, and published by Tiderne Skifter of Copenhagen in 1985. To it are appended a number of statements issued by the Danish Trotskyists during the German occupation. They appear here by kind permission of Børge Trolle, his publisher, and the translator, Mike Jones, to whose immense industry we are deeply indebted.
The militant in whose honour this piece was written, Carl Heinrich Petersen, who has since died, was an old cigar maker from Viborg in Jutland, whose career developed from Social Democracy towards the currents of the Communist opposition. During the period covered by this article he supported Arbejderpolitik and was on the board of Arbejderopposition, as recounted below. During the 1950s he rejoined the Social Democracy, but later evolved in the direction of Anarchism.
Børge Trolle was born in the year of the Russian Revolution and remains active to this day. His description of the struggle of the Danish Trotskyists during the war is almost unique among accounts of this genre, since it is written by a leading participant who yet maintains a remarkable sense of balance and detachment. Moreover, he continues to be loyal to his opinions, being a member of the PSP and a sympathiser of the United Secretariat of the Fourth International. He is well known as a creative artist in the Danish film industry, has had some of his work screened in the Soviet Union, and continues to write on film topics for the journal of the Danish United Secretariat grouping.
Georg Jungclas (1902-1975), whose courageous activity on behalf of German Jews at the time of the deportation order led to his arrest, also continued to defend his principles, and died a supporter of the GIM, the German section of the USFI. His subsequent fate in Germany is described in Gisela Mandel in On the Seventieth Birthday of Georg Jungclas in Intercontinental Press 13 March 1972, pp 261-63, and his obituary by the GIM, Georg Jungclas: 22 February 1902 – 11 September 1975appears in the same journal, vol.xiii, no.34, 29 September 1975, p.1277. Knud Ellegaard later rose to an important position in the Danish trade union movement.
Readers who are able to deal with Danish can consult two other accounts of the revolutionaries during this period referred to in Børge Trolle's description. One remains an academic dissertation, Trotskismen i Danmark 1938-1947 Et Bidrag, presented in 1983 by Anton Schou Madsen, the leader of the Danish Lambertists; the other is Mod Strommen: De Kommunistiske oppositionsgrupper i tredivernes Danmark (Against the Stream: The Communist Opposition Groups in 1930s Denmark) by Steen Bille Larsen, the leader of the Danish CND during the 1950s. Revolutionary History hopes to be able to secure permission to reproduce parts of these in a future issue.
An account of events and of a political group, in which you have taken an active part, inevitably places you in a dilemma. To avoid referring to yourself and your own part isn’t possible, as it would distort the picture. On the other hand, you strive to reach objectivity and must therefore seek to ‘place yourself outside’. You wish to avoid self-glorification and contemplation of your own navel.
Placed in this situation I have chosen a way out, which others have also used in similar situations, namely to appear in the third person. Thereby I have attempted to arrive as near as possible at an objective picture, in the knowledge that such a thing is not fully possible.
This account deals with a current within the Danish workers movement that, until now, has only been touched on in the most minimal manner. The two established wings within the movement, Social Democracy and the Danish Communist Party have both crept around this subject like a cat around warm milk. They would rather ‘delete it from history’, because now as earlier, it is preferred that history is written by ‘the victors’. This, therefore, is an attempt to allow ‘the conquered’ to express themselves.
The introductory chapter, which in a highly cramped manner, seeks to sketch out the background for the subsequent account, cannot avoid being affected by the fact that it is seen in the light of an almost 50 year distance from the central events. That my assessment would have developed nuances during this half century is natural and requires no apology. But I maintain the general view of these events.
Throughout history it has been shown that yesterday's conquered have become the victors of tomorrow.
And it can repeat itself, although the outer forms will change their character.
(The next section in the original details the period between the wars and its consequences for the workers’ movement and its revolutionary sector. It explains the rise of the ‘Trotskyist’ current and the degeneration of Communism. I omitted this chapter as it is accepted as common knowledge among those accepting a ‘Trotskyis’ viewpoint of history – translator.)
The political storms which swept over Europe in the aftermath of the First World War did not fail to affect Denmark, but the Comintern was only involved in this in a minor way. The events are covered adequately elsewhere in a variety of publications, so it would be superfluous to repeat them here. In the eyes of Moscow Denmark was only a little backwater. Aksel Larsen avoided being deported as a Trotskyist during his stay in the USSR, owing to the lack of a translator at the time, and he was thus sent back to Denmark, though with the instruction that he was not to take any leading post within the Danish Communist Party. However, he succeeded in getting his hands onto the apparatus of the party – something his stay at the Lenin School had taught him – from where he carried out the Stalinisation of the party. Thanks to the DKP’s efforts in the unemployed workers movement, in 1932, Larsen, together with Arne Munch-Petersen, was elected to the Folketing, and in his speech on the steps of the parliament he had declared: “We fight for a Soviet Denmark.” On the shift to Popular Frontism after the Seventh Congress of the Comintern, the Communist Party passionately courted the Social Democracy. But the government of Stauning-Munch was stable and secure, so the Social Democrats hardly required to reply to the Communist Party.
The struggle for power in 1930s Germany had led to the emergence of a number of oppositional currents, especially within the DsU (Social Democratic Youth). The capitulation without struggle of the German Communist Party had also created a certain unease within the Danish Communist Party. But there was never any attempt to cohere these, more or less, spontaneous reflections of dissatisfaction. Trotsky’s short visit to Denmark in November 1932 never resulted in much more than a media event, and left little trace. The arrival in Denmark of various German political emigrés, as a result of Hitler’s coming to power, also resulted in certain political discussions; but in the beginning most of these thought that the Hitler regime would collapse within the space of a few years, so they did not concern themselves greatly with Danish political affairs.
It was the Moscow Trials and the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, both in 1936, which provoked serious political discussion on the left, and the Right Opposition – the so-called Brandlerists – were sovereign in this field at the start, represented by the Clarté group, with Mogens and Ester Boserup as the leading force, and the Metz group, which had broken with the Danish Communist Party. The Boserups sought, among other things, contact with the two existing international information centres, the ‘Paris Bureau’ and the ‘London Bureau’, which were associated with the Right Opposition groups – described as ‘centrist’ by the Trotskyists (a description which probably summed them up adequately) – and Ester Boserup went on various journeys abroad as a ‘courier’. The Clarté group concentrated mainly on work among students, although when they began to publish Information, they had gained the collaboration of Carl Heinrich Petersen, as an industrial correspondent, and they had also links with the old syndicalist union leader Lauritz Hansen.


The left oppositional groups’ situation was quite chaotic until the founding of the Revolutionary Socialists (RS). And it wasn’t until the Moth group walked out of the RS on 9 April 1940, that one can speak of a coherent organisation, which described itself as Trotskyist and with the addition ‘linked to the Fourth International’ (that is, not a ‘section of’). At that time any connection had become practically impossible because of Denmark’s occupation. Thus the Danish group was also left to make its own assessments and decisions.
This development is described in full by Steen Bille Larsen in his account Mod Strommen: De kommunistiske oppositionsgrupper i tredivernes Danmark (published in 1988), so it can safely be omitted from this account and remarks limited to those above. Supplementary material can be found in Anton Schou Madsen’s university thesis Trotskismen i Danmark 1938-1947 ’ A Contribution, AUC 1983, which, however, cannot be borrowed.
At the outbreak of the war in 1939, the RS had already taken a position on the Stalin-Hitler pact, and in a statement denounced it as a “pact for war”, and the war as imperialistic. The RS had begun to publish the little organ Klassekamp, which had contained Trotsky’s article The Soviet Union in War, but it came out irregularly. (at the most four copies, maybe three, and only one has survived).
It was, however, the Soviet attack upon Finland which produced the first dispute with the leadership of the Fourth International in the USA. The Finnish war, naturally enough, had a bigger impact in Scandinavia than in the USA. At the time we had very good links with the Trotskyists in Norway and Sweden, while the contacts with the USA (and some weak ones with England), in fact, only meant that we received their publications. Churchill's plans for a “peaceful occupation of Norway and Sweden”, in order to aid Finland, the RS got wind of from Norway. It was these plans which made the German High Command change their own plans for Scandinavia, which at the start of the war had been foreseen as ‘neutral’ countries which could provide food and iron ore. That it was Churchill’s plans which involved Norway in the war has been documented for some time, and Denmark thus became a necessary stage, as the airport at Aalborg was required.
The RS did not fall into the hysteria which the Finnish war provoked in Denmark. In a declaration it opposed quite sharply the Finland financial appeal and the sending of volunteers to Finland, The RS clearly opposed the policy of Mannerheim, but at the same time characterised the Soviet attack upon Finland as a great-power bonapartist assault upon a small nation, and advanced the slogan “Peace without annexations and compensation.”
On the evening of 8 April, the few remaining syndicalists and some trade unionists held a meeting in the Kommunekaelder, among them Carl Heinrich Petersen and Thorvald Jensen. At the same time, the RS held a meeting in a cellar in Griffenfeldtsgade. Both meetings were aware of the German shipping traffic through the Oresund and the Great Belt on course for Norway, so that it was known that anything could happen at any, moment. In the Griffenfeldtsgade meeting a showdown had taken place between, on the one hand, Paul Moth and some of his supporters, and on the other, the German exile Georg Jungclas. The kernel of the dispute was the national question, which in the developing situation could become quite crucial. Paul Moth rejected internationalism and proposed that one should proclaim oneself as nationalists, and in the case of an occupation one should go into the streets and “wave the flag”. Jungclas, whose pseudonym was Shorsh, opposed these dangerous views firmly, and was supported by the two other German exiles, Rudi Singer (Rolf) and Kurt Meyer (Peter), along with Bruno Nielsen, Hjalmar and Else Püschl, Niels Jacobsen, John Andersson, Grete Hoppe, Børge Trolle and Carl Hansen (Karl the Moulder). (Whether Knud Ellegard was present at the meeting is unclear, but anyway, the next day he totally backed the line of Georg Jungclas.)
At the meeting it was agreed that in the case of anything occurring we should meet at the Püschl’s in Stengade, and in the course of the morning of 9 April, they showed up one by one. Moth insisted on maintaining his dangerous view, and eventually he left the meeting with a few others. The rest reviewed the situation, and on the basis of the conclusions arrived at, Børge Trolle set out a Declaration on the Situation, which was later that day duplicated, and the next day given out at the workplaces and dole offices. The statement, which was the first illegal publication in Denmark, postulated the total bankruptcy of the previously adhered to policy and set out as a perspective that it was now a matter of gathering together all the conscious Socialist forces and then analysing the situation and developments together, in order to advance an orientation.
Thus, the RS sought contact with all those circles who were thought as likely participants in the future activity. The perspective was the publication of an organ. It succeeded in November 1940, when the first edition of Arbejderpolitik came out. In between, Alfred Püschl and Grete Geisler had joined the group, whereas Carl Heinrich Petersen associated himself as a ‘sympathiser’. Furthermore, contact had been taken up with some people from the Clarté movement, of which Torbert Kirstein, Tage Barfod and Jacob Vedel-Petersen later joined the group, while Lars Andersen and Heinrich (Klaus) Arp got involved in the work of the editorial board. Contact was also made with the Norrebro, Osterbro and Sundby branches of DsU, and from the latter came Laurits Jensen and another member onto the editorial board. The regular editorial work was carried out by Jungclas and Trølle, but Lars Andersen, Heinrich Arp, Rolf and Peter also participated. The practical side – that of duplication – was mainly done by Niels Jacobsen and Thorvald Jensen.The latter also obtained a printed cover for the paper.


Already in the first issue, apart from a presentation of itself, the paper asked: “Is it all just the fault of the Germans?” It thus illustrated that the German occupation, regardless of the German promises of non-interference in internal Danish relations, had shifted the social balance of forces in the country, whereby the capitalists, in the shadow of the German bayonets, had begun a regular exploitative attack upon the living conditions of the working class and people. The main line of the five issues in which the paper succeeded in appearing was a clear attempt to connect with the discussion which the occupation had given birth to, namely the necessity of a new Socialist party, after both the Social Democracy and the Communist Party had proved bankrupt.
Apart from the five issues, the editorial board produced two leaflets, which were described as “special issues of Arbejderpolitik”, in order to make the link clear. One was a protest against the Germans forcing Hedtoft and HC Hansen out of the leadership of the Social Democracy. The other was a protest against censorship of the Aarhus Social Demooratic paper Demokraten. [1] In this way we wanted to indicate that we solidarised with all those suffering repression by the occupation forces. The Danish Nazis, of course, were not thought of as needing our efforts, for obvious reasons.
Until June 1941, the illegal conditions were of a rather lenient character (the paper’s cover even had a price-tag of 25 ore printed upon it). But the editors, staff and printer were naturally not mentioned. Arbejderpolitik can with justice be described as “the first regularly appearing illegal paper in Denmark” during the war.


The Nazi attack upon the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, the Danish police action against the Communist Party and Spanish Civil War volunteers, together with the adoption by the parliament of the unconstitutional ‘Communist Law’, all meant a violent sharpening of the situation in the country. Work had to be carried out under the much more difficult conditions of illegality. We knew that the police would look upon the RS in the same way as they regarded the Communist Party. Shorsh had immediately to go underground, while Rolf and Peter, who possessed stay and work permits, had to show the greatest care. After a while Arp dropped out of activity, Tage Barford died in a boating accident in the Great Belt, and Karl the Moulder committed suicide when he was faced with being forced to work in Germany.
The other members of the group could, in the meantime, continue a legal existence, and contact between them continued, as did that with the DsU groups and some Clarté people. In the Osterbro branch of DsU, where John Andersson was active and a part of the branch leadership, they assisted by starting a membership organ Stormfanen (Stormflag), which put forward a radical line and quickly gained support in other DsU branches. Formally, the paper was legal, and DsU Osterbro admitted its publication, but all the articles were anonymous. Børge Trolle wrote articles for the first two issues, then the Osterbro people continued the activity. John Andersson was the editor and wrote in almost every issue. Of course, one had to work within the framework of legality, but that framework was stretched to the extremes. And as it was a ‘membership organ’, the authorities did not take notice of it. The RS did not try to take over the paper, but saw it as a means of using the legal opportunities that existed.
Until April 1942, the illegal possibilities were only used for publishing information about, and taking a position on, different events, always as only one item. Through different contacts they were spread out on the workplaces and dole offices. Considering the conditions they were produced in a quite large amount (between 3,000 and 5,000) and were all signed Arbejderen (The Worker). They were the germ of what later became Arbejderopposition (Workers Opposition).
But, naturally, the developing situation required a regularly appearing paper, and in April 1942 this was achieved, when Frihed (Freedom) began to come out. The editorial board was made up largely of the same people who were involved with Arbejderpolitik, with the above mentioned lapsed members – Shorsh and Trølle took care of the direct editorial work. Formally it was published by the RS and ‘the Sundby group’, a group of the DsU, but they only contributed to the practical work in a modest degree. After a while accusations that the RS was carrying out ‘fractional activity’ and wished to dominate the paper, came from the Sundby group people. The bulk of the material did come from the RS, but that was due to the Sundby people not delivering more than a few modest contributions. None of their contributions had been refused space. Also, the RS did all the practical work on the production side. A faction within the Sundby DsU had begun a campaign to end the collaboration; one of the key protagonists in that effort was Egon Weidekamp (later SD mayor of Copenhagen, elected by Conservatives as well as Social Democrats [1976-89]).
After Frihed had appeared with four issues, the RS, in late September, decided to produce a paper it alone was responsible for, and as a direct continuation the group gave out Klassekamp, from October 1942, which then appeared first as a monthly, later as a fortnightly paper, until the Gestapo got hold of the editorial board in May 1944. The paper achieved a production of 23 issues, the last one, however, never reaching the streets, as the whole print run was seized by the Gestapo as a result of their raid.
The print-run of Klassekamp increased as the situation developed; it was an organ which aimed itself at the most conscious sector of the Danish population; it didn’t attempt to be a ‘mass organ’, although it increasingly took up the concrete and immediate events and tasks, though it always tried to analyse them and place them in a wider framework. In 1942, the RS had also begun to produce a theoretical journal Marxisme, as a supplement to Klassekamp. However, it only succeeded in being produced three times. The work with the immediate concrete tasks demanded more and more of us, and besides the paper we continued to produce the leaflets under the Arbejderen label.
In 1942, the previous restriction whereby the paper and other materials only succeeded in reaching mainly the Copenhagen area, and only a modest quantity managing to reach further afield, was breached. In 1942, the warehouse worker Kaj Andersen (an HK union member) joined the group, and through him it was able to get into contact with the delicatessen-dealer Peter Pedersen in Kongsted, near Ronnede. He had earlier been an agitator for the Communist Party, and travelled the length and breadth of Sjaelland and Lollland Falster in his car. By now he was restricted to the use of a horse and cart, which limited his ‘action-radius’ somewhat, but he continued, however, to visit his customers, commercial as well as political, and possessed a series of addresses of potentially interested people in the provinces.
29 August 1943 came, and the situation changed dramatically. The RS recognised that the time had come when it became possible to go over to mass work, that is, a broadly directed activity, which, in the main, should rest on the workplaces, and furthermore, should possess a broad political-socialist aim. The solid preparatory basis had been laid by the Arbejderen leaflets, and during the timber-unloading strike of June 1943, the RS had collected a considerable sum to support the strikers and reached many new contacts in the unions and workplaces. The main protagonist in this work was Knud Ellegaard. In October 1943, on the Burmeister and Wain canteen-ship Skibet, in Christianshavn’s canal, he held a meeting with two B and W shop stewards, Janus Jensen and Charles Nielsen, with Børge Trolle joining later. It was decided then to build the organisation ‘Arbejderopposition’.
The tangible result of this was, that the paper Arbejderopposition (AO) started appearing in November 1943. The first two issues, however, had the title Arbejderoppositionen. The subtitle said: ‘produced by oppositional shop stewards’. The link with the workplaces was thus clearly stressed.
Unfortunately, the first issue has not survived. Whether it contained a programmatic declaration nobody remembers. But, in a ‘brief report’, which Børge Trolle wrote and sent to Ernest Mandel in 1947, he described AO’s platform in the following manner:
We called upon the workers to build resistance groups in the workplaces, groups which covered all political viewpoints, and thus created a united front. These groups could never develop into party organs but could set down a basis for our political propaganda and activity. In the course of the developments these groups could become the kernel in subsequent workers’ councils (soviets).
Apart from the fact that the hopes of the workers’ councils were dashed by developments, the above is surely a very precise description of the perspective in AO.
This is confirmed by an interview which Anton Schou Madsen made with Carl Heinrich Petersen in connection with the production of his university text. Carl Heinrich says the following about the basis of AO (p.109):
A general oppositional trade union programme, wherein one inserted a socialistic, illegal activity ... Apart from the two issues I produced myself (the People’s Strike), in the earlier issues anyway, trade union material dominated absolutely.
It was quite natural that Petersen, who had delivered trade union material to both Frihed and Klassekamp, also became an important force on the AO editorial board. But, we also gained new and fresh forces: Alvar Westerberg from the painters, van den Bosch from the cigarmakers, Alf Mortensen (the Count) from the printworkers, plus people from the dockers, the engineering workers, from HK and from Jord og Beton (Earth and Concrete Workers) Bruno Nielsen. Furthermore, as mentioned above, Knud Ellegaard came from the drivers, at that time a central group, as the drivers union monopolised most transport. Børge Trolle was also on the editorial board, the only one formally representing the RS as an organisation, although his rô1e was more of a technical-editorial nature. He put his main efforts into Klassekamp, for which he developed an alternative programme to that of the Freedom Council (the clandestine resistance centre uniting bourgeois and working class groupings), Naar Danmark atter er frit (When Denmark is once again free). It appeared as a special issue of Klassekamp entitled Dagen derpaa (The next day). After his arrest by the Gestapo Trolle was accused of being sent into AO in order to “ensure” that a “Trotskyist line” was advanced, but the above-mentioned quotes indicate quite clearly that this was not the case.


The technical work of the production of the paper was carried out by Alf Mortensen in the main, and the typographer Thorvald Jensen. It was the latter who, after the Gestapo had got hold of AO’s second editorial board after the People’s Strike, took care of the printing of the subsequent issues of AO at an illegal print-works. On the same ‘F1yswatter’ he also printed leaflets with the title Die Wahrheit (The Truth) which were spread among the German soldiers here.
There is a basis for slightly correcting CHP’s statement. After the Allied invasion of June 1944, AO published a 10 paged Invasion issue (No.9) which, although it focussed on the position of the workers in the coming peace time, must be described as clearly political (though not party political). In that issue a polemic was taken up against the Soviet, the resistance movements’ and the Allies’ attitude towards peace demands upon Germany, which could only drive the German population even further into the arms of Hitler, as they would end up fearing the peace more than the war, not least because of the huge compensation demands and the demand for German forced labour in the USSR. Knud Ellegaard wrote the special issue.
The AO started with a print-run of 5,000, but it quickly increased. The paper also reached – though to a limited degree – the provinces. Certain local resistance groups are supposed to have reprinted articles from it, or parts of them. Concrete examples cannot be given, however, as such an investigation has so far not been carried out.
Already by 1942, the RS had established an escape route to Sweden outside the control of the Swedish authorities – changing over into a Swedish boat out in the Sound. Under the German action against the Jews in October 1943, the organisation became involved in the work of transporting the Jews to safety. Among other things, it took responsibility for the emptying of the Adelgade-Borgergade area of Jews. They hadn’t been given much thought by the other groups. Thereby one came into contact with a much greater and more heterogeneous circle of people. A certain Svend Bjornestad, who fetched the money for the financing of the transportation, was later shown to be one of the most infamous Gestapo informers. He was later liquidated by the resistance. The RS had got word that he was suspicious and naturally broke all links with him. But he had succeeded in placing one of his contacts in the circle around the RS, and he was able to inform on the group, which was taken by the Gestapo in the beginning of May. Shorsh and Trølle were among the first to be arrested (the latter had gone into illegality after the Jewish transports). By an unfortunate coincidence four other group members were arrested and two of the transport people, Jacob Vedel-Petersen and Grete Hoppe (Bjergvig) succeeded in escaping to Sweden; Knud Ellegaard, Thorvald Jensen, Carl Heinrich Petersen, Vesterberg and Alf Mortensen went underground.
Previously, the RS had taken Rolf and Peter to Sweden; Peter was even got out of Vestre prison by trickery. The Germans had begun to call up their citizens legally living in Denmark for military service.
Thus, the RS had been robbed of some of its best forces. Those remaining therefore decided to concentrate their efforts around AO. The organisation continued to function and the paper appeared regularly. Knud Ellegaard was the leading force in that work.
On 25 June 1944, Best (the German plenipotentiary in Denmark) decreed a curfew from 8.00 pm, and the workers responded by the so-called ‘go-home-early’ strikes. Street-fighting developed during the curfew period, and barricades were built in the working class areas. On 27 June, the dockers, Jord and Beton and other sectors went over to 24 hour strikes, and on 28 June, AO published its call: “Down with the martial-law. Organise resistance. Strike everywhere!” At that time the Freedom Council was very passive. It still went in for half-day strikes and was more concerned with issuing protests against the execution of the Hvidsten resistance group. But the population wanted a General Strike, and it came on 29 June, when the tramway and suburban train workers went home and thereby paralysed Copenhagen. On 1 July, Best declared the city under siege as a result, stopped gas, water and electricity supplies, and isolated the capital from the rest of the country. The Germans simultaneously began a process of ruthless terror on the streets. Finally, the Freedom Council issued a call for the continuation of the strike, but on 2 July, AO came out with a leaflet calling for the General Strike to be extended nationally. Roskilde and Elsinore had already come out in a sympathy strike. The call was spread out over all of Copenhagen. In the Istedgade area Knud Ellegaard himself was among those giving out leaflets. But Best had now begun to retreat, the Schalburg Corps (a Danish auxiliary ‘terror gang’) had been withdrawn from the streets, and on the evening of 3 July, the Freedom Council called for the strike to be ended. The President of the Danish TUC Eiler Jensen, and the Head-Mayor of Copenhagen Viggo Christensen,, appealed over the radio for the strike to be ended. The Freedom Council issued its call illegally, giving the excuse that victory had been achieved! On 4 July, work resumed in most places.
Naturally, it would be wrong to claim that AO had organised the People’s Strike. It was a spontaneous strike, emerging owing to the provocations of the Germans. But AO had had ‘the finger on the pulse’ and were in touch with the feeling among the population much more clearer and quicker than the Freedom Council. And in the Dagmarhus (the Gestapo HQ) they were not blind to this fact. The Gestapo began a wild chase after the AO people. It led to Knud Ellegaard, Vesterberg, Alf Mortensen and Boss being arrested, while Thorvald Jensen escaped through a window as they arrived to arrest him. Carl Heinrich Petersen was taken while ‘on holiday’ at his parents in Viborg, and arrested. Thus was all the kernel of the RS put out of the game. John Andersson did continue. He had been released (he was an invalid), and so together with Thorvald Jensen produced AO, but they had no organisational skill, so the Stalinists took it over.


Had AO been allowed to carry on its hitherto developed activity, it could have been a serious threat against the occupation, because it could hit them in their weak spot: production! That the Germans recognised this is illustrated by the following example. After the second wave of arrests the Gestapo threatened that Knud Ellegaard, Carl Heinrich Petersen and Børge Trolle would be put before a German court-martial as those responsible for starting the People’s Strike. To be put before such an organ at that time was as good as being condemned to death. Whether they meant it, or used the threat as a means of applying pressure cannot be determined today. After the People’s Strike the executions were stopped for a while, and the fear of the reaction could explain why the court-martial never took place. Even if it was bluff, the threat alone illustrates how the Germans looked upon AO.
The account must stop here. The question about why Arbejderopposition, which re-emerged at the end of the war, and looked like achieving success at first, did not succeed in utilising this, but at the end of 1947 was almost squeezed out, and would vanish totally the year after, is another problem altogether, which still awaits its historical analysis. Anton Schou Madsen, attempts such a thing in his Trotskismen i Danmark, but without much luck, as he also admits himself.
The author of this article was, owing to the after-effects of imprisonment, hard interrogation and the resulting stay in internment, only present during the closing phase of this post-war development, which explains the lack of and diffuse nature of his source materials.
This is only an attempt to sketch out the earlier stages. But this should also be seen as an encouragement and plea that the later developments are taken up in an historical analysis and treatment.
If my account can play a part in this then it has served its aim.
Børge Trolle


1. Hans Hedtoft and H.C. Hansen were both members of the Social Democratic leadership. The daily Demokraten of Aarhus was a Social Democratic paper with an outspoken left wing position.

Help Finland (?) Democracy in Finland is in Danger (?), Support the Finland Financial Appeal' (?)

A Danish Trotskyist statement on the Finnish Winter War of 1939-40 (undated).
Translated by Mike Jones.
This is the sound of the slogans of Social Democracy and the trade unions today. Should we follow them?
Stalin has attacked Finland. Even though Mannerheim, like the Finnish capitalists and their class brothers the world over, were and are the deadly enemies of the USSR, he and the Finnish bourgeoisie were far too weak to attack and beat the USSR alone. What the Stalinists tell us about the threats to the sea approaches to Kronstadt is pure demagogy. Only the present Stalin government has an interest in this war, in order to ensure its own bureaucratic position in power. Stalin’s war provocations are a crime against Socialism and the working class.
At the start of the Russo-Finnish conflict the Finnish capitalists had only thought of protecting their national independence militarily and by diplomacy. But today they manifest a new flowering of anti-Bolshevism. Supported by capitalists from the whole world, the Finnish capitalists are becoming the military vanguard in the imperialist war against the Soviet Union.
“Let us turn Leningrad back into St Petersburg!” This is the war-cry of the capitalists which the French capitalist press has already mouthed. “Crusade against Bolshevism!” is the slogan of the Holy See to the world.
The capitalists in England, France and America are not thinking of helping the Finnish workers to attain liberty and democracy. They want to destroy the USSR in order to force through its division and capitalisation, because thereby they will overcome their own crisis. Even the few gains of the October Revolution yet remaining are in danger from the world’s capitalists. Furthermore, the capitalists know quite well that one fine day Stalin will be swept away by the Russian workers. The Soviet Union will then become once more the champion of the world revolution and Socialism. These considerations are the reasons for the world’s sympathy for the threatened Finnish ‘democracy’.
How is democracy faring in Finland?
Already today there is no longer a democratic government in control in Finland but a military dictatorship, which in the course of the war will expose itself as being still more brutal. Mannerheim dictates in Finland. The Finnish worker has been disappointed in, and misled by, Social Democracy, worked up into nationalism and chauvinism by his own leaders and the crimes of Stalin. That is why the Finnish workers today still put up meekly with this dictatorship, and it is only because of that, therefore, that one can loudly whine all over the world about Finnish democracy.
We know who Mannerheim is. Mannerheim – the dictator of Finland – an old Tsarist general – was the executioner of the Finnish working class and the revolution of 1918.
The ‘democrat’ Mannerheim in 1918 let 16,000 workers be slaughtered by courts martial. The ‘democrat’ Mannerheim let 15,000 workers freeze and starve to death in concentration camps. The ‘democrat’ Mannerheim let 72,500 workers be condemned to lengthy sentences of hard labour by special courts.
After the slaughter of the Finnish workers who had risen up for democracy and Socialism, so many workers were murdered and imprisoned that the Finnish capitalists had to beg Mannerheim for an amnesty, as they lacked labour. The ‘democrat’ Mannerheim wanted to put a German prince at the head of a kingdom of Finland, and was only prevented by the outbreak of the German revolution and the diplomacy of the Entente. Such was the birth of Finnish democracy.
After 1918, the Socialist workers of Finland were persecuted and their organisations, trade unions included, were banned insofar as they put forward class politics. Under Finnish ‘democracy’ the Fascist Lappo movement emerged and flourished and was let loose upon the revolutionary workers. In later years the Social Democrats were tolerated in the government, because they were no longer a workers’ party but a tool in the hands of the capitalists for betraying the working class.
The Finnish government is not democratic, although Tanner and some of his cronies are to be found in it. These Social Democrats do not represent the interests of the working class, but are the bourgeoisie's administrators. Even though the worst excesses of the anti-revolutionary laws have been removed, the Finnish workers are tied and their rights are very limited. The prisons are still filled with revolutionary workers. The banner of the working class – the red flag – is prohibited. The song of the working class – the Internationale – is banned.
The Finnish Social Democratic leaders have agreed to the limitations on personal liberty. The Finnish government admits that is has allowed 70 spies to be shot in the Petsamo district alone. Naturally Mannerheim would describe every revolutionary worker as a spy, and allow him to be shot. Such is the shape of democracy in Finland.
If Mannerheim wins in the fight against Stalin, the last traces of democracy will vanish.
If Mannerheim wins capitalism and counter-revolution will also win for a long time in Finland.
If Mannerheim wins in the vanguard of an intervention, supported by the world’s capitalists, it will not be only Stalin who falls but the Soviet Union, a victim of imperialism.
If Stalin wins the Finnish workers will lose their political and trade union rights.
If Stalin wins the revolutionary Finnish workers will be deported and shot by the GPU in the style of the Moscow Trials.
If Stalin wins the counter-revolutionary Stalinist bureaucracy will, against the interests of the world revolution and the world working class, be reinforced and be able to continue to exercise its power to demoralise.
A third way is available. This is the way shown to the working class by Marx and Engels – Lenin and Trotsky.
The Finnish workers must carry out, to the utmost of their ability, a daily and decisive struggle against Mannerheim, with the aim of overthrowing him and his clique and establishing a workers’ government. Once the revolution has been won in Finland, Stalin, weakened by his earlier defeats, will be unable to continue to incite the Russian workers and peasants against their Finnish brothers. The Russian workers will overthrow Stalin and again join the ranks that fight for world revolution.
This is the only way, which every honest and revolutionary worker must desire. It is the duty of every worker to help our Finnish and Russian brothers to find this way.
Not through the Finland Financial Appeal and supporting Scandinavian chauvinism.
Fight everywhere and everyday against nationalism and chauvinism!
Down with the volunteers for Mannerheim!
Down with the Finland appeal!
Recognise that in the chaos that the capitalist catastrophe creates, and in which Finland is only a tiny part, there is only one revolutionary solution:
The revolutionary class struggle – the creation of a workers’ government.
Fight with the Fourth International against war and chauvinism!
Prepare together with us the Scandinavian Association of Revolutionary Workers’ States!

A Statement on the Situation

This was drafted by Børge Trolle on 9 April 1940 on the basis of a collective discussion, and was given out to contacts in workplaces, etc, on the next day.
Translated by Mike Jones.
As revolutionary Socialists we long ago examined and judged the possibilities for the development of the war and the position and rôle of Denmark within it thus:
The war is an imperialist war of plunder concerning a new partition of the world by both sides. It will be a totalitarian war and will not spare the smallest part of capitalist society.
The neutrality of Denmark will not be dependent upon the will of the Danish bourgeoisie to hold itself outside of the war, but will be decided solely by the military and economic interests of the warring powers.
When the government and the Danish bourgeoisie speak of defence of the independence of the nation, they mean thereby the defence of their right to exploit the working class.
If their interests demand it they will be willing to capitulate, and in this way give up the national independence of the country.
Equally, the attempts to create a Scandinavian defence union will be wrecked by the contradictory interests which exist within the bourgeoisies of the Scandinavian countries.
The only possibility of saving Scandinavia from the horrors of the war and giving its people the possibility of defending their national independence consists in the taking of political and economic power by the working class and in concentrating its political, economic and military forces in a union of Scandinavian Socialist workers’ republics.
The Danish bourgeoisie and the Stauning government will be unable to protect the Danish working class and the Danish people from the horrors, the suffering and the double burdens which the war and the occupation will result in.
Today these theses have become a bitter reality.
The conflict between the imperialist great powers has resulted in the occupation of Denmark by German troops. Through this occupation the country has become involved as a link in the great-power war and represents a part of the imperialist front.
Further development regarding Denmark depends on whether the country becomes a direct battle zone or whether it gradually becomes Nazified and incorporated into the German war economy.
The government and the political parties have known all about the threatening danger to Denmark, but they kept the people in total ignorance of it and plunged it into the catastrophe unprepared.
By unconditionally capitulating, the Danish government has shown its lack of will or ability to defend the independence of the country, but has shown its readiness to give this up in the hope that it could thereby gain for itself certain freedoms for the bourgeoisie.
The recently built coalition government only means that the reactionary part of the Danish bourgeoisie has gained increased possibilities to exercise control and influence, so that in the present conditions they will also be able to pass the increased burdens onto the working people.
The millions which in the previous years have been spent on Danish ‘neutrality-protection’, can be now seen to be totally wasted, and the claim that the task of the army has been just as much to maintain order on the internal front, as to defend the country, has been totally vindicated by the events of the last few days.
The Social Democratic Party and the trade union bureaucracy knew all about these conditions, but have supported the government in its policies in every respect regardless, and thus abandoned the working class to its fate. Not even the Stalinist party has prepared the working class, and it judges the situation not from a class viewpoint, but has put itself at the service of one side of the imperialist front. By accepting the German excuse for the occupation they become, in fact, spokesmen for this intervention.
The events which have occurred have tied the fate of the Danish working class close to that of the German working class and to the further development of the war. Just as the German working class, the Danish working class must now support the defeat of Germany in this imperialist showdown and use it in order to advance the proletarian revolution. This aim cannot be attained through unity with the English or French imperialists – nor by tailending any atavistic sector of the Danish bourgeoisie, but only through a close union of struggle with the German working class and the oppressed classes in Poland and Czechoslovakia.
Thus, in the next period, our tasks must be, everywhere in enterprises and organisations, to regroup that core of the best and most conscious elements within the Danish working class, which can carry out the fight against the imperialist war of plunder and thereby overcome the demoralisation and disorientation which the previous policy has resulted in for the working class.
For this kernel to be able to live up to its task, it is necessary that it regroups itself on the basis of a clear and principled programme. Such a programme must base itself upon all the experiences the working class has gained until now, and today the Fourth International exists as the international organisation which has begun this task. Only under its slogans will it be possible to break with the previous route from defeat to defeat and to lead the working class forward to victory.
Revolutionary Socialists adhering to the Fourth International
10 April 1940

Persecution of the Jews in Denmark

From Klassekamp (Class Struggle), 4 October 1943, an illegal Trotskyist paper.
Translated by Mike Jones.

Persecution of the Jews in Denmark.
Total lawlessness rules over the country.
Conditions of open terror.
As a consequence of the 29 August, in the days around 30 September and thereafter, the persecution of the Jews began. Without previous legislation, which at least occurred in Germany, it was set in motion as the inevitable consequence of the sharpened conditions. Fascism, because of its own inner dynamic, its own inner laws of motion, flowing from its traditional methods of operation, will always be forced to adopt certain measures, when it takes total power. Such a component of the Fascistic philosophy of life and method of operation, inseparable from the Fascist form of rule, in spite of the lack of any real political value, is the persecution of the Jews. This, the greatest cultural barbarism of the twentieth century, is now being acted out here and has given the Danish population a practical philosophy lesson in what Fascism contains of reaction. It has brought events home to us, and even though we already rejected the persecutions in Germany, it was in a feeble and passive way. Faced directly with the problem, the persecutions have released a wave of anger and indignation, and at the same time that the full comprehension that the Danish idyll, the model example of an occupied country, has vanished, is now a fact.
The idyll in Denmark is really over: from the Fascist side, they attempt to sweeten the pill by making the persecutions popular through releasing the Danish soldiers, and by promising an easing of the heavy conditions of the state of emergency: “now that the real reason for the arrival of the state of emergency has been dealt with”.
The barbaric and totally ruthless persecution of the elderly, babies, cancer and tuberculosis patients, with many months of careful nursing ahead of them as a condition for a recovery of good health, who are crammed like cattle into the holds of cargo ships and transported away to specially constructed camps in Poland, Czechoslovakia or Germany, which in spite of their different geographical situation have the same planned starvation and misery in common, this is too clumsy a form of bribery. Only the lowest form of bourgeois and arch-reactionary would buy himself advantages with such costs. No, resistance and more resistance will be the result faced with such methods.
This attempt to divert attention from the real enemy, which is the real function of the progroms, wherever they have occurred (whether in Tsarist Russia, Poland, Germany, Italy or in the highly-praised democracy of the USA, with its numerous persecutions of negroes, not to speak of Denmark, which in the beginning of the 1880s and around the turn of the century had small manifestations of the same), will not succeed. And it will not succeed because the Fascists cannot support themselves on any national enthusiasm, which they could, for example, in Germany, but on the contrary stand opposed by a united opposition; because the Jewish persecutions do not arise from inside, from the Danish bourgeoisie, but from without, and cannot support themselves upon chauvinism, which always accompanies the pogroms. Thus, the pogroms are not any special Fascist phenomenon, though the Fascists take the prize for the greatest expression of bestiality in their oppressions and persecutions. Pogroms have occurred throughout history, wherever the oppressors have found themselves in a difficult situation and lacked a scapegoat.
The events around 1 October: already on Sunday it was hinted by official circles that the persecution of the Jews will be starting. During the course of Monday and Tuesday, nearly all Jew; were warned, and the most of the country found itself in a feverish tension, well aware of the consequences involved. On Thursday the first arrests took place and on Friday it went into full swing. The arrests were carried out by the Gestapo and our local Nazis, on Thursday assisted by the Danish police, who hoped that the compromise proposal whereby internment would take place in Denmark would be accepted; in that case they were prepared to assist in the internment of the Jews. The compromise was rejected by the Germans and then the police stopped their active participation. It is the irony of fate that the police, who on Thursday found themselves among the hunters, maybe in the near future will find themselves among the hunted.
In the course of the first three days around 1,500 were caught, some of whom were immediately sent to internment camps outside Denmark. A large number have escaped to Sweden, and a greater number remain in the country in conditions of illegality.
The first protest demonstration is the closure of the University for eight days. Only one vote was against it in the Student Council. Many protests will surely follow on from there.
The working class and the persecutions: events of great significance have also occurred for the working class. One must not be diverted by ‘anti-capitalistic’ radio commentator’s speeches about Jewish capitalism, which attempt to fool us that the persecution of the Jews is an anti-capitalist action. Poor Jews are being arrested, and so are innocent children and defenceless geriatrics, and in Germany it is precisely Big Business that is at the helm; limitations on the commercial freedom of the capitalists owing to the war do not change the fact, because it is a development which all the capitalists of the warring sides ‘suffer’ under. The Fascists are persecuting the Jews only in order to create scapegoats, as already stated.
Our position in the face of this must be, that we defend the Jews from such persecutions, which only serve the imperialist alms of Germany. We defend them as human beings, who have the right to expect the same democratic rights as any ‘good’ Dane. The Jewish capitalist we fight with the same methods as we fight any Danish capitalist. But we must defend even a Jewish capitalist, when he is being sought and hunted by the Fascists, because they do not hunt him as a capitalist, but as a human being.
As Socialists we do not just fight for five ore more per hour; we also have our ideals about human existence, and we fight against all forms of oppression, whether economic or racial.
It is the Duty of every worker to give aid to every Jew if it is possible: but furthermore, the working class must understand, soon attacks will come on the positions of the Danish working class. The legal organisations still remaining will be liquidated. Living standards will be further reduced, and our best people deported to Hitler’s Concentration Camps. Our organisations, though, have long ago played out their role and become useless in the face of the new tasks and the new situation under which they should operate. Total crushing will be the result if we don’t succeed in creating new organisations before new defeats destroy the morale of the working class completely. We were defeated on 29 August and we must recognise that. The General Strike did not materialise. The reason was precisely that we lacked viable organisations of struggle. The working class supposedly had large apparatuses at its disposal, but they failed and had to fall as a result of their composition, and owing to the leadership they had.
Organisation – Organisation – Organisation – Organisation: this is the order of the day. Comrade – look at the history of the working class. Everywhere it was organisation that was decisive for our strength.
Where we had organisation, there we achieved victory.
The old forms of organisation are outdated for the illegal struggle ahead. The unions can be destroyed with one blow. New ones must be built. They must be based on the workplace.
Build resistance groups in the workplace. The illegal struggle must be led from these centres, as well as the strikes and mass sabotage, and from these centres the fascist power can be undermined. Every factory must be a fortress in the fight against fascist oppression.

Workers of Copenhagen

The following text is from the Arbejderopposition (Workers Opposition) leaflet, Special Edition No.2, which was given out in 1944. Its context was the ‘Folkestreike’ in the last days of June and first days of July. The strikers demanded the removal of the Schalburg Corps – a pro-Nazi terror gang – from Copenhagen and an easing of the curfew limitations. The Germans tried to starve the strikers and the population into giving up, as the leaflet states. At the same time they moved reinforcements into the area and prepared to use force to crush the strike – firebombing of whole areas of the city was one idea mooted. The Germans gave concessions. However, it was the politicians who negotiated with them, and not the resistance movement. As Børge Trolle explains in his text on the Trotskyists and the occupation, the politicians feared that things would bypass them. The ‘Folkestreike’ resulted in the politicians establishing contact with the resistance for the first time. After that, among other things, the composition of a post-war government was planned.
Translated by Mike Jones.

The General Strike has now continued for four nights and days. The Fascist terror, which has so far resulted in 400 killed and wounded among the civilian population, has convinced us that the oppressors will attempt to smash the general strike with all means.
Gas, electricity and waterworks are occupied by German police troops, who have thus been able to stop the supplies from these places. Copenhagen is besieged. German troops have dug themselves in around the city with the aim of starving it. These measures show us the fear of the Germans that the general strike could take on national proportions. Hard pressed as they are on all fronts, at this moment the Germans cannot provide people to oppress us all with armed force, and the possibilities exist for forcing concessions from the Germans. The possibilities will increase in the measure that one succeeds in spreading the strike to the whole country. Such a development is in motion. A whole series of towns, with Roskilde and Elsinore in the lead, have engaged in sympathy strikes.
The working class is now the decisive political factor in the fight against the Fascist oppressors. The struggle is hard, and demands the greatest discipline within our ranks. We must not let ourselves be led astray into adventures of any sort. Our weapon is the strike, the only one able to bring us victory. The most important task now is to expand the illegal leadership of the strike, which can and must only be led by the independent organisations of the working class themselves.
Through the strike the self-confidence of the working class has been reawakened. When the Fascists are beaten, the struggle must be used to put a stop to the shameless exploitation of the working masses by the Danish employers. The basis for an alteration of our miserable contracts is now in existence.
Let the solidarity which has resulted in such a magnificent expression through the collective work stoppage help us overcome the difficulties which the strike has brought with it.
Demand locally that the shops sell their goods to the population via the backdoor.
Remember that the struggle is not hopeless. The power of the working class is based on its total mastery over the means of production.
Long live the solidarity of the working class. Down with the Fascist regime of violence. Hold onto the demands raised.
Long live the victorious general strike.

Translator’s Note

Thorvald Stauning (1873-1942), the Danish Prime Minister at the time of the occupation, was the dominant figure in Danish political life in the inter-war years. He headed the first Social Democratic government in 1924 – which included the first woman minister Nina Bang, as education minister – when Social Democracy became the largest Danish party, a position it has held ever since.
From 1926 to spring 1929 a bourgeois coalition ruled which, until its fall, gave Social Democracy another advance, Stauning took over the government, but he took the Radicals (Social-Liberals), a petty bourgeois party, into government giving their leader Peter Munch, the Foreign Ministry. This coalition was the first Danish parliamentary majority since 1909, and it ruled until the German invasion.
On 10 April 1940, Stauning took Conservative and Liberal ministers into his coalition.
After the German attack upon the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, Communists were ordered to be interned in Denmark. The government carried out a law forbidding Communist activity, in a clear break with the constitution. Later that year the government signed the ‘Anti-Comintern Pact’.
In May 1942, Stauning died. He was replaced by another Social Democrat, it Buhl. Late in 1942, on a request from Germany, a new government was erected under Eric Scavenius, a non-party figure.
In May 1943, following the constitution, Denmark voted. A large turn-out saw an increase for Social Democracy (the CP was illegal). The pro-German Nazi party received 2.2 per cent of the vote, and the peasant party 1.2 per cent of the vote. So pro-German or Nazi parties received less votes than in 1939.
On 29 August 1943, after growing resistance, the collaborationist line of the government fell out of sympathy with the populace and after a German demand for the introduction of the death sentence for sabotage was rejected, it fell and martial law was introduced. Shortly after, the Germans went for the interned Communists to send them to concentration camps, and a similar fate was in store for the Danish Jews (after warnings from German sources the majority of Jews escaped in time).
Mike Jones