Friday, March 10, 2017

On The American Political Beat-Build The Resistance- WARS ABROAD, WARS AT HOME

With all the manufactured hyperventilating over alleged “Russian interference” in our elections, Israel, the country that has actually intervened in our politics on a regular basis remains unmentioned in our media.

Israel interferes in our politics all the time, and it’s never a scandal
Israel tried to interfere in that 2012 election, as Chris Matthews sensibly reminded his audience recently: Benjamin Netanyahu tried to help Mitt Romney beat Obama. Sheldon Adelson held a fundraiser in Jerusalem for Romney.  Netanyahu didn’t stop there. After Romney lost, Netanyahu came to Congress to tell the Congress to reject President Obama’s nuclear deal. That was an unprecedented interference of a foreign leader in our policy-making, enabled by the Israel lobby; but there were never any investigations about that. Subsequently Chuck Schumer said he was torn between a Jewish interest and the American interest, before voting against the president, and he paid no political/reputational price for it; while President Obama said that it would be an “abrogation” of his constitutional duty if he considered Israel’s interest ahead of the U.S.; for which Obama was called an anti-semite… The Israeli interference in our politics is the conspiracy in plain sight that no one in the media talks about because they’re too implicated themselves.  More

Image result for cartoon trump islamophobiaDonald Trump’s victory has become an occasion for soul-searching and fierce debate among liberals, leftists, and their allies. But lost in the mix of all the recriminations and arguments is a clear-eyed attempt to imagine what life for Americans will actually look like under Trump—and then, what we want it to be after he is out of office. If we are to look beyond the next four years, we must create a movement that is not simply anti-Trump, but that presents left politics as a compelling alternative. In preparing to fight the anti-labor, anti-immigrant, racist, and misogynist policies of a Trump administration, history can help us understand how activists and radicals in previous eras of social turmoil fought for a better future…  Today, as terrifying as it is to confront, the left needs to consider that white nationalism, misogyny, and xenophobia always lurks underneath the veneer of modern politics. Donald Trump has simply revealed to us the nation that, in more pessimistic moments, many of us knew existed. But rather than succumb to the despair of “this is not the America I know,” we must instead say, “I will fight for the America I want.”  More

Resisting Trump: The Great American Awakening
“As the nightmare reality of Donald Trump sinks in, we need to put our resistance in a larger perspective,” Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman wrote recently, describing Trump as “our imperial vulture come home to roost.”  The context in which most Trumpnews is delivered is miniscule: more or less beginning and ending with the man himself — his campaign, his businesses, his appointees, his ego, his endless scandals (“what did he know and when did he know it?”) — which maintains the news at the level of entertainment, and surrounds it with the fantasy context of a United States that used to be an open, fair and peace-loving democracy, respectful of all humanity. In other words, Trump is the problem, and if he goes away, we can get back to what we used to be… But the time has come to face the totality of who we are and reach for real change.  I believe this is what we are seeing in the streets right now. Americans — indeed, people across the planet — are ceasing to be spectators in the creation of the future. The protests we’re witnessing aren’t so much anti-Trump as pro-humanity and pro-Planet Earth.  More

Flynn’s Departure is a Win for Peace
Flynn was dangerous not because he was a political flake but because he combined his troubling worldview with serious military credentials that earned him Trump’s respect. He wrote what is practically a guide book on fighting a global religious war, titled The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies. Flynn has also tweeted that “fear of Muslims is RATIONAL” (his emphasis) and has said that “Islam is a political ideology” and “a cancer” that “hides behind being a religion.” And he was a purveyor of the ridiculous notion that “Shariah law” is spreading in the United States…  If you had to bet where Flynn might have helped take Trump into war, your best bet would be Iran. Flynn has argued that Iran is the “linchpin” in the war against “radical Islam.” In a recent White House press briefing, heasserted that Iran’s ballistic missile test violated the Iran nuclear agreement, which it did not. Flynn went on to say, “as of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice,” hinting that another missile test from Iran could lead the United States to take military action.   More

America's spies anonymously took down Michael Flynn. That is deeply worrying.
The United States is much better off without Michael Flynn serving as national security adviser. But no one should be cheering the way he was brought down.  The whole episode is evidence of the precipitous and ongoing collapse of America's democratic institutions — not a sign of their resiliency. Flynn's ouster was a soft coup (or political assassination) engineered by anonymous intelligence community bureaucrats. The results might be salutary, but this isn't the way a liberal democracy is supposed to function…  Members of the unelected, unaccountable intelligence community are not the right someone, especially when they target a senior aide to the president by leaking anonymously to newspapers the content of classified phone intercepts, where the unverified, unsubstantiated information can inflict politically fatal damage almost instantaneously.    More

STEPHEN WALT: Five Ways Donald Trump Is Wrong About Islam
Donald Trump took up so bandwidth during the 2016 election cycle that we all paid insufficient attention to the people lurking within his campaign operation who have now moved into key policymaking positions…  What unites these people — and seems to drive Bannon in particular — is a belief that the United States, and, indeed, the entire Judeo-Christian West, is under siege from an insidious and powerful foe: “radical Islam.” See this article here, or this one. For the most extreme of them (that is, Gaffney), there’s no real distinction between jihadi terrorists and the entire Muslim religion. In this view, a hardened Islamic State killer is no different from that nice Muslim family who lives downstairs, next door, or across the street…  There’s only one thing wrong with this view as a template for U.S. foreign policy: It’s completely at odds with reality. Specifically, it ignores the true balance of power, overlooks the deep divisions within Islam itself, exaggerates the danger of terrorism and relies on assorted myths Islamophobes have been ceaselessly spouting for decades.   More

DPP STANDING ROCK/ DAPL EVENT FOLLOW-UP -Stand In Solidarity With Standing Rock-Now More Than Ever


Emmy writes: 
The situation as of now, is that there has been a military occupation of the main camp at Standing Rock and other camps have been forced to evacuate by heavily armed government personnel.  The water protectors have dispersed. Some have returned home, some are looking for new homes, some are heading to other protest sights where pipelines are being challenged.  We raised over a thousand dollars which helped people with funds to relocate and get their things out of camp before they were confiscated.  
The media continues to ignore or misrepresent the events.  What we do know is that what happened at Standing Rock remains an inspiration for climate activists all over the world.  

Indigenous People’s March in Washington DC, March 10

               Also a Boston Rise with Standing Rock event with march at the State House Friday, March 10, 12-3
Greetings to Participants at Dorchester People for Peace Standing Rock Solidarity Event February 16, 2017

We want to thank you for being one of 126 people present at our report back from the Standing Rock Resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). This past week has been very difficult and we know you share our concern and deep distress about the assault against peaceful Water Protectors. We are writing with an update and ideas for action.

Brief Recap of Event: Thank you for your great feedback about our event. People left feeling enriched and uplifted by the speakers, most of whom had just returned from Standing Rock. Wyze Love, urban Native activist, reminding us that protecting water is a gift to all humanity; Jude Glaubman, member of Water Protector Legal Collective who explained the various legal needs they fulfilled; The Reverend Mariama White-Hammond who spoke about the spiritual foundation of the Standing Rock movement and our moral, human responsibility to look after the earth; Dan Luker who related the truth that Veterans for have made an oath to protect Americans, and cannot accept gunning down people and hosing down women and children; Emmy Rainwalker, DPP member, who was a stalwart support system for her husband Dan, and others at Standing Rock, providing listening, counseling and resources.

We raised $1,000 at the event and contributions are still coming in.  Thanks to all of you for your wonderful response to the immediate and urgent needs at Standing Rock. Your support was used for the evacuation of two of the camps (Oceti and Rosebud) and helped us to purchase equipment to expand the capacity of the kitchen to feed Water Protectors at Sacred Stone Camp. Funds are still welcome.

Present Situation: Conditions at Standing Rock continue in a state of crisis. On February 23, we watched with great sadness, the invasion of Oceti and Rosebud Camps as militarized local and federal law enforcement personnel established territorial control of these two camps, violating treaty rights. They arrested people, prevented journalists from reporting, interfered with social media streaming of the news, and bulldozed the camps. The governor of North Dakota held a long press conference where he characterized the Water protectors as eco-terrorists, among other misrepresentations of the situation.

This Republican administration is determined to carry on the construction of the DAPL by allowing Energy Transfer Partners to dig beneath the Missouri River, without a prior environmental impact assessment. Reports are that the pipeline is completed and oil will be flowing within two weeks.  Furthermore, the entire territory is on ancestral land that belongs to the Sioux by an 1851 Treaty. It is clear that local, federal and private security forces in North Dakota are in the service of Energy Transfer Partners, and not the public interest.

The Movement, however, is far from over and will now move to the Courts and other pipeline protests around the country. Native people have vowed to fight on, because much is at stake. Linda Black Elk, head of the Healer Council at Standing Rock, says this necessary fight is about protecting water, but also more than that. It is also about treaty rights, protection of the spiritual and sacred heritage of the Native people, about edible plants, about medicinal plants. It is about preventing cultural genocide.

Taking Action together

Because we agree that there is a better way to live on this earth, in harmony and in fairness, together with you, we will continue to be allies in this fight. We are writing to share some ideas for what we can all accomplish together to support the resistance by the Native Communities.

First, we are sending you the electronic version of our program. In it there are some excellent links to useful resources. They will give you your own opportunity to research how you can support the brave people of Standing Rock. In addition, we invite you to join us in three kinds of actions we can take together.

a) Actions with others 
b) Actions we can do on our own
c) Supporting the resistance by raising money for the movement

a) Defunding DAPL17 Banks are the funding source for the pipeline in North Dakota.  Bank Exits are actions where individuals, groups, universities, even city councils withdraw funds from these institutions as a protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline. These actions are happening all over the world, sending a message that funding fossil fuels is no longer a good or attractive thing to be doing!

Following the guidance of Native American leaders, we are forming a “#NoDAPL Support Team” to do Bank Exits. WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN US!   Some of us will be trained by the Bank Exit core team to organize the Bank Exits. If you would like to be trained as an organizer/or if you can take part in the actions, please contact Dorchester People for Peace member, Emmy, who will be coordinating. Please contact us at:
b) Supporting Prisoners of Conscience
There are presently 4 Water Protectors from Standing Rock in federal custody for pretrial detention. Some more information can be found at:
They need letters of encouragement and support. It would be wonderful if you would write to them regularly, using the contact information below.

Red Fawn Fallis
A beautiful video about Red Fawn at
Burleigh County Detention Center , PO BOX 1416,  Bismarck, ND 58502-1416, ️ 701-223-8388

Rattler(aka Michael Marcus)
Rattler is Lakota Oglala and a US Marine veteran 
Burleigh County Detention Center, PO BOX 1416, Bismarck, ND 58502-1416

Scorch Jordan (aka Charles Jordan)
Scorch has been held for 2 months, for support for divesting from Wells Fargo.
Burleigh County Detention Center, PO BOX 1416Bismarck, ND 58502-1416

Krow (aka Katie Kloth)
An activist, artist, forager, sustainable farmer, biologist, and amazing person loved by many, she was arrested at Standing Rock. For more see
Morton County Correctional Center
205 1st Ave. NW,  Mandan, ND 58554

c) Raising Money for the Lakota Law Project Legal Fund
This movement depends on our support. As the fight moves to the Courts, substantial funds will be required for legal defense. It’s time for us to step up to the plate by sacrificing a little on behalf of the Native people, putting lives on the line.

We propose that we create: “100 for Water Protectors!”
There were over 100 people at our event! We invite 100 of us to commit $10 a month for 1 year towards the Lakota People’s Law Project. That adds up to $1000 a month, or $12,000 a year, for defending the legal and treaty rights of our Native brothers and sisters.

How to do this:
Google: ; Click on Be a protector, donate today
Tick box: Make it monthly; Choose amount: $10.00
Share: your payment information
VERY IMPORTANT STEP: Let us know you have joined: “100 for Water Protectors!”

Other Ideas!
1. Call Governor Burgum of ND; ask him to respect the water protectors; shame on him for calling them eco-terrorists: 701-328-2200. Tell Army Corps of Engineers to honor the treaties: 202.761.8700.
2. In Massachusetts, work for Indigenous Day instead of Columbus Day.  Change the Massachusetts racist State Seal too!
3.  Call your news sources and tell them to report accurately on the military occupation in our own country.

Emmy, Kelley, Hayat, Jane, for DPP

*   *   *   *
How Will Native Tribes Fight the Dakota Access Pipeline in Court?
On Feb. 8 the US Army Corps of Engineers reversed course and issued an easement allowing the installation of the Dakota Access Pipeline under Lake Oahe in North Dakota. That decision followed a presidential memorandum indicating that construction and operation of the pipeline would be in the "national interest," and set the stage for a final showdown over the pipeline's fate. In response, two Indian tribes, the Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Sioux, filed new motions to halt the pipeline's construction and operation. After an initial hearing on those motions, the federal judge on the case allowed construction to proceed but will be considering the tribes' claims before oil will pass through the pipeline under Lake Oahe. That means, unlike the voices of thousands who joined the Standing Rock Sioux tribe in protest against the pipeline, the next chapter of this fight will be argued by a few lawyers in the pin drop silence of a federal courtroom.

Call for the trial of female writer Asli Erdogan who is prosecuted for life imprisonment

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"Do you know if one cries in the sea, nobody could tell?" – By Ece Ayhan who is a Turkish poet
Dear All,
For quite some time, I have been sending you informative e:mail messages about freedom of expression’s being nearly eradicated in and how democratic human rights are restricted. I am trying to draw your attention on how this could be spreaded in the world if people stay silent to what is happening in Turkey at a time when the rightest politics are rapidly rising.
There will be the 3rd hearing of many international awards winning writer Ms. Aslı Erdoğan and 70 years old linguist Ms. Necmiye Alpay who are prosecuted for heavy life inprisonment as I previously informed you, on March 14th, at 10:00 at Istanbul 23rd High Criminal Court of Istanbul Caglayan Court House.
As I have already written to you, Aslı Erdogan’s case documents had been individually reviewed by 17 criminal lawyers (judge, lawyer, academician) with different political views, well-known in Turkey. These 17 legal persons who have political stances totally different from one another, have agreed that there is no element of a crime in these articles in accordance with the current Turkish legal system. Unfortunately, the same is valid for the cases of most journalists, writers, academicians, etc. who are in prison or prosecuted, today. There is not any crime according to the current laws, but jurisdiction politically and unlawfully prosecutes, punished and imprisons the opponents.
For this reason, the presence of international legal reporters, legal activists, human rights activists, freedom of expression activists at the trials are very important. Most practices at the courts are contrary to many international agreements signed by Turkey. And, according to the item 90 of current Turkish Constitution, articles of these many international agreements signed by Turkey should be ahead of internal laws at jurisdiction which makes international sanctions to the injustices made easier.
Unfortunately unlike Europe, jurisdiction in Turkey has not been really institutionalized; it is not independent and precedent. Since the “Independence Courts” established in 1920, jurisdiction have mostly worked basing on politics not law. During this last state of emergency period, a space has been created between law and jurisdiction which is streets ahead of Lacan’s space between word and thought. People are labeled as guilty and imprisoned because of their tiniest opponent tweets.
Today, more than 150 opponent journalists are in jail in Turkey. Last, German Die Welt newspaper’s Turkish origin German citizen correspondent Ä°lker Deniz Yucel has been arrested. He is accused of “making terror organization propaganda” and “provoking public openly for hatred and hostility”. How has Yucel done this? He made an interview with one of the heads of PKK, Cemil Bayik. A journalist does this if he finds the opportunity to interview one of the actors of a case. Is there a journalist who does not want to interview Hitler if he arises from dead today? I do not approve no crime against humanity and terrorist act, however, parties at conflict areas are legalized according to the cyclical balance of power; if the balance of power totally reverses, separatist organization becomes legal government and current government becomes separatist organization. It does not matter that I agree with him or not; Yucel, who is a columnist at the same time, has written what happened with a viewpoint which does not fit the current official politics; dicordantly. Is this a crime? These are his opinions and he has expressed them; is there any act of violence? Is there any call for violence? Besides, both ErdoÄŸan and many spokesmen from AKP made hundreds of statements which are not so different from what Yücel said, during the period called “resolution process” for Kurdish question or “”Kurdish initiative” which had been started by President ErdoÄŸan by having enacted a law when he had been the Prime Minister in 2013, and was recanted after two years. The most funny thing has been the presentation of the existence of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and Abdullah Öcalan's posters at a panel where Yucel participated, as visual evidence. When ErdoÄŸan was the prime minister, official meetings were held with Öcalan many times at the prison, his statements were read with official permission as long as they complied with political interests, but now it is considered a crime to participate a panel where Öcalan posters are hanged.
And there is of course Yücel’s publishing hacked mails of the President’s son in law and Minister of Energy Berat Albayrak. As in Hamlet’s lines “revenge is a dish best served cold”, however, you do not need to wait its getting that cold if there is a chance.
The fifteen items which will be voted by referandum in April and can never be considered a draft of constitution because there is not a single item among them pertaining to social concensus, project that execution and legislation are totalized in one man’s total authority and, by zeroing separation of powers, jurisdiction is also given indirectly to the same man’s hand with the power of appointment, keeping the regime as it is. Here at this point, jurisdiction will completely be politicized and freedom of expression will be set to zero.
Jurisdiction today in Turkey is unfortunately processing politically independent of law. There is no need to commit a crime to be punished; opponents can be punished even there is not any legal base. This is an intimidation policy. Aslı is a specifically chosen one as in the earlier Pınar Selek case to threaten white collar Turks. Instead of occupying a  good place in the economical and social pyramid with your education and fame, it is merely said that this would happen to you, too, if you deal with problems of Kurds, Armenians, Jews, LGBTI’s, animals etc. who are exposed to discrimination and you oppose. Intimidation policy and silencing down all voices have worked just fine. It is said that you either will be arrested or become unemployed. People could be arrested or fired even for their opponent tweets. Layoffs are not only in state related organizations; they also happen in private organizations, particularly in media organizations which do not wish to be contrary to the government.
Today when Trump wins in the USA, La Pen is increasing its votes in France, nationalists and rightests are getting stronger in Europe; freedom of expression’s and democracy’s disappearing rapidly in Turkey, will not only be Turkey’s problem; these will enure to Europe’s strengthening anti-democratic leaders. Europe should immediately take a stand against democracy’s disappearing by applying serious sanctions to Turkey  by way of international agreements that Turkey made. Europe should not bend its knee to anti-democratic Turkish government’s refugee and trade (especially arms) leverage.
Please do not forget that attacks against freedom of expression in Turkey pose a threat for civil societies in whole Europe, even whole world. To stay silent to violations in other countries would harm you eventually. To end democracy in Turkey could give inspiration to some authorites; please think about this.
Please, do not stay silent to Europe’s and world’s giving up ideals in favour of short term benefits (refugee pacts, arms sales and other trades). Please do not comply with Turkish government’s bluffs.
Best Regards,
Ps Please get in touch with Aslı ErdoÄŸans attorney Mr. Erdal DoÄŸan through or 90 532 563 25 26 if you want.
Pss Here is a video on Asli Erdogan's article named "Chronicles of Fascism: Today" (in English) some words of which are considered as elements of crime.  
PW: 2016Mas
You can contact the director/artist Ms Eren Topçu through or 90 055 456 70 16
 Who is Ali Erdogan?
Aslı ErdoÄŸan is an objector to violance, anti-militarist, peace activist and a female conscientious objector, who is one of the most important names of today’s Turkish literature and whose books have been translated into 14 languages and published in more than 20 countries. She was born in 1967 in Istanbul. She graduated from Istanbul American Robert College and then from Bosphorus University, Department of Computer Engineering. During this time, she also studied classical ballet.
Aslı studied computer engineering (received her bachelor degree in 1988) and physics (master’s degree in 1993); she wrote her master’s thesis about Higgs physics in Geneva, where she worked as a high energy researcher (God particle) at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (1991-1993). Later, she moved to Rio de Janeiro, where she began writing her doctoral dissertation; however, she gave up on her academic career in 1994. After a two year stay in South America, she returned to Istanbul and began her writing career.
Since her novel The Shell Man was published in 1994, she has written over a dozen books, including novels, short stories, collections of stories, poetic prose, as well as a selection of political essays.
Being a female conscientious objector and an antimilitarist, Aslı Erdogan has worked as a columnist and journalist – since 1998, mainly for the iberal newspaper Radikal, leftist newspaper Birgün and Kürdish newspaper Özgür Gündem.
Aslı received many important literary awards in Europe and Turkey. France literary magazine Lire placed her on the list of “50 writers of the future”, naming her work a modern classic and etc.
She received Yunus Nadi Novel Prize in 2005 and Sait Faik Short Story Prize in 2010 which are the two most important literature prizes of Turkey.
Miraculous Mandarin took its place within the “Books of the Year” together with Joyce Carol Oates’ and Vaclav Havel’s book in Sweden. She received the first prize in a contest organized by Deutsche Welle in Germany in  1997 with her short story named Wooden Birds which was translated into 10 languages.
In 1998, her “City with Red Cloak” entered into Norway’s Gylendal Publisher’s Marg (Medulla) Series which give place to works of writers “who are not popular but writing books as important as to form the medulla of literature”.
In 2005, she was shown in “future’s 50 writers” who would give direction to 21st century’s literature, by French Literature journal Lire. “In the Silence of Life” which is considered a milestone in Asli’s writing, published in 2005 as well, received the book of the year award given by World Publications.
In 2012, with the Literaturhaus and International PEN Club’s review, she was elected as "Zürich City Writer".
In 2013, she was deemed worthy of "Liminal Words Award” (Ord i Grenseland Prisen) in Norway.
When Aslı was in prison, she was deemed worthy of 'Tucholsky Award”, one of the prestigious literary awards, by Swedish PEN Club. The reason for giving her the award was stated as “her newly created writership and her language to bring down the prison of that little rights”. This award is given in memoriam of German writer Kurt Tucholsky who took refuge in Sweden, running from Hitler’s nazisim and commited suicide after falling into depression when his request for asylum was rejected.
After she was released from prison, Aslı has received Bruno Kreisky Human Rights Award unanimously for “her major contribution for developing and protecting international human rights”, given by Bruno Kreisky Human Rights Foundation. Furthermore, the jury made a statement of “She has worked actively for all her life to improve human rights with unconditional committment. This award given to Aslı ErdoÄŸan is a symbol against the big limitations for human rights”. After this, Aslı has been deemed worthy of Princess Margriet Award for Culture, given by European Culture Foundation. In the rationale of the award, it said “Aslı ErdoÄŸan inspires and illuminates a large mass and starts arguments exceeding her limits by way of literature, journalism and media. This extraordinary person adds  an amazing richness to the European culture scene. She gives exemplary culturel responses to today’s urgencies and shows that culture is a vital part of communication in the creation of tomorrow’s world”. Aslı will not be able to go to Germany to receive both awards due to her international travel ban.
More than 100 articles and papers on Asli’s books were published in newspapaers and journals like Le Monde, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, die Welt, der Freitag and die Berliner Literatur Kritik. In the critics, she was compared to Antonin Artaud and Malcolm Löwry. Her books were considered contemporary classics. In Norway, Aftenposten said: “As Joyce and Dublin, Kafka and Prag cannot be separated, from now on Aslı Erdogan and Rio are now bonded by unbreakable ties”.
Aslı’s books: Shell Man, 1994 (novel), Miraculous Mandarin, 1996 (novel), City with Red Cloak, 1998 (novel), When Does a Journey End, 2000 (newspaper articles), In the Silance of Life, 2005 (lyrical text), Journal of a Lunatic, 2006, One More Time, 2006 (essays), Stone Buiding and Others, 2009 (tales), Now Even Silence No Longer Belongs, 2017 (essays)
Asli Erdogan Case
More than 50 fully armed policemen raided Aslı ErdoÄŸan’s home where she lived by herself on August 16, 2016. After a search of 4.5 hours and nothing was found, she was taken into custody and arrested on Augus 19th. “Disrupt the unity and territorial integrity of the state” and “being a member of armed terrorist organization” were the accusations attributed to Aslı about whom an investigation was opened with the prosecution’s referral demanding heavy life sentence. When she was arrested, Aslı was “a columnist” and “a publication advisory board member” who does not have any criminal or legal responsibility for periodicals according to the Article 11 of Turkish Press Law No. 5187, at “Özgür Gündem” newspaper which had been closed.
Rationale of the investigation opened against Aslı was disclosed as her publication advisory board membership which “does not have any criminal or legal responsibility” and her four articles, three of which were form her column at  “Özgür Gündem” newspaper and one from Karakarga literature journal. 
I had Aslı Erdogan’s case documents had been individually reviewed by 17 criminal lawyers (judge, lawyer, academician) with different political views, well-known in Turkey. These 17 legal persons who have political stances totally different from one another, have agreed that there is no element of a crime in these articles in accordance with the current Turkish legal system. This is the same for Mrs. Alpay’s case as well. (Most of these reports were translated into English; I can send you if you are interested in them.)
Despite her poor health condition, Aslı was kept in prison during 133  days. Her attorney’s petitions for her being on trial without arrest, are being rejected repeatedly.  
Despite her serious health issues, her petitions to be judged without arrest were declined completely illegally.
She was detained pending trial which is a heavy security measure and can only be applicable only lighter measure is not sufficient to protect the interests of the individual or the public and her pending trial request were rejected four times even though her home was thoroughly searched and it was obvious that there was no spoliation of evidence and there was no possibility for her to escape and she was kept prisoned for 133 days arbitrarily before her trial though it was unlawful.
Criminal lawyers evaluated this repeated implementation as “Court’s rejecting the objection to imprisonment without showing any rationale is both the indicator of most concrete arbitrariness of not complying with the law of criminal procedure and Aslı ErdoÄŸan’s imprisonment’s being political and being without any legal base”.
It was claimed that Aslı’s 4 articles, one of which was published in Karakarga Journal and three of which were published in her column in Ozgur Gundem Newspaper, have elements of crime. (20.03.2016 “Proceedings 2: ‘This is your father’” -title of the article was inspired from Heimrad Böcker’s poem-; 20.05.2016 “Chronicles of Fascism: Today”; 17.06.2016 “History readings of a lunatic”; and 08.07.2016 “Cruelest of the months” –title of the article was inspired from T.S.Eliot’s poem-. I can send you English translations of these four article if request). All of the 17 criminal lawyers who have examined these four articles one by one, reported that there is no element of a crime in these articles in accordance with the current Turkish legal system. So, this accusation is also not legal but it is arbitrary; like Aslı says “Not only the freedom of thought is judged, but also the conscience…”
When her articles are read, it is clearly seen that the writer talks about her sadness in a literary language without making any calls for violence or praising violence. It is completely obvious that Aslı, who has never been a member of HDP (Kurdish Poeople’s Democratic Party) which she was tried to be associated with, or any other party in her whole life, neither made propaganda for either PKK of which she was never a member, contrary to allegations, or any other organization nor implicated these in her four articles.  
It can be observed from Aslı’s writings in periodicals like Radikal, Birgün and Özgür Gündem newspapers and Fil and Karakarga journals, and her books that she discusses violence in detail in a literary language with all its philosophical, sociological and political dimensions and emphasizing frequently its patriarchal dimension, as well, and she always takes a firm stand against violence.
Maybe you followed from the media; a simple but a wicked game of perception was played. First, news about Aslı ErdoÄŸan’s and Necmiye Alpay’s discharge was spreaded to international media. It was meaningful that this was done just before EU’s voting about Turkey and UN’s Turkish Commissioner’s heavy critisizm regarding human rights. Then, it was pictured that ErdoÄŸan and Alpay were discharged from the act of “disrupting the unity and territorial integrity of the state” for which there had been no evidence against them and their arrests had been illegal in the first place; but re-arrested for “being a member of terrorist organization” for which there is no rational evidence against them, as well. However in actual fact, they have never been discharged and these two were not separate cases; it was the only case which was totally unlawful.
Prosecutor’s criminal charge against Aslı ErdoÄŸan were not written for a long time. It was written and disclosed 83 days later then she had been imprisoned. However, there was no rational evidence of crime in this criminal charge.
Aslı and Necmiye Alpay have been released at the first hearing on 29 Aralık 2016  which started by Aslı’s having said “I will start my plea as if there is law and by the name of law” in her writing that that she had prepared. In her writing, Aslı said "I am an war opponent, a conscient objector, an anti-militarist who does not approve to kill a person even for self defense, does not eat meat” in her writing that she read  at the trial and finished with a very important sentence according to me “Law is obliged to protect the individual and the community, not only the state.”
Her both two hearings were just unlawful black comedies. Like Kafka’s Case. Even the judge was unable to hide the cynical smile on his face while reading the alleged crimes at the las hearing. Aslı’s attorney requested her acquittal once again stating that there is no rational evidence for the alleged crimes. He requested that at least her retained passport is returned and her international travel ban is lifted for her carrying on her occupatinal activities. Judge said he is restricted by the accusation in case of state of emergency. Prosecutor did not permit to lift her international travel ban. Her trial without arrest will continue.
One can write only when s/he’s nude, there is an excoriated skin underneath the nude. The birth of the litterature is contemporaneous with the statute and epos, with the masculine language. With the contract and the order. The woman has been told always by the definition of the male, by the male subject, she’s been objectified and ceased. Even while undressing, she was being undressed under the gaze of the male, by the male she was being undressed and clothed. Her nudity was another dress put on her -that the male defined. John Berger gives the extreme example on it through the nude paintings: calling the painting with the women with a mirror (Melming’s “Vanity”): “self admiration”. Untill the last two centuries period, till the effort to break out of the anonymity, the woman is ‘blank creature’. I, in my writing, see the woman body as a return to Iteka. There is no Iteka for a woman Odysseus. Because she is detached from her own body. This is why I always depict the woman using ‘sore’, ‘lacking’, ‘detachment’, ‘vanishing’ and ‘disintegration’.”
 (About the play called ‘Merheba’ that she wrote “The Monologues of the woman with a cut tongue” for.)
Mehmet Atak
+ 90 212 225 54 41
+ 90 212 343 50 04

In Boston -Two Veterans Groups Banned from the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade Veterans For Peace Are Out as Well

  Veterans For Peace 

For Immediate Release
Two Veterans Groups Banned from the
Saint Patrick’s Day Parade 
Veterans For Peace Are Out as Well
March 10, 2017

SOUTH BOSTON— There are two veterans organizations prohibited from marching in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade this year. One group because they dare to exhibit a tiny rainbow flag to identify who they are as individuals. The second group is being denied because they work for Peace and Peaceful resolution of conflict. Veterans For Peace have also been denied to walk in the parade on March 19.
Both Governor Baker and Mayor Walsh had wonderful things to say about veterans in yesterday’s news”, stated Pat Scanlon, Special Event Coordinator for the local chapter of Veterans For Peace. “Mayor Walsh stated, “I will not tolerate discrimination in our city” and the Governor had moving words to say about our veterans. To quote the governor as reported; "That word veteran, to me it approaches holy," Baker said. "And the idea that we would restrict the opportunity for men and women who put on that uniform knowing full well they could put themselves in harm's way, and deny them an opportunity to march in a parade that's about celebrating veterans, doesn't make any sense to me."
“What are we, chopped liver”, continued Scanlon. Veterans For Peace is a national veterans organization with over two hundred veterans in their local chapter for the Boston area. These are Veterans have fought in every war since WWII. Many of these Veterans have been in harms way defending this country, have seen the horrors of war first hand, are highly decorated and now work for peace. Yet, once again not allowed to march in this historical parade. Where is the outcry from our leaders about these veterans not being able to walk in this parade? It is as if Peace is a Dirty Word.
The application that was sent to the AWVC is attached – please read it and try to figure out why the members of the AWVC denied Veterans For Peace to participate.
“It is shameful”, stated Scanlon. “The City of Boston should take back this parade and truly make it inclusive for all, regardless if you are gay or work for peace”.
Attachments include: 
Application for participation in Saint Patrick's Day Parade
Press Release
Picture of Veterans For Peace on West Broadway in 2016Inline image