Friday, March 02, 2018

The Roots Is The Toots: The Music That Got The Generation Of ’68 Through The 1950s Red Scare Cold War Night-The Face (Book) Photo That Launched A Thousand Clicks- Or “Foul-Mouth” Phil Hits Pay-Dirt-Finally

The Roots Is The Toots: The Music That Got The Generation Of ’68 Through The 1950s Red Scare Cold War Night-The Face (Book) Photo That Launched A Thousand Clicks- Or “Foul-Mouth” Phil Hits Pay-Dirt-Finally

From The Archives Of Allan Jackson

[Recently in an introduction to a re-posting of one of this series involving a take on the mad monk writer Ken Kesey and the equally mad monk Phil Larkin from the old North Adamsville working class Acre neighborhood where, Sam Lowell, the late Peter Paul Markin, Allan Jackson and a few others who have written here including me, I pointed out that the by-line had changed. The by-line which had originally in the first thirty or so sketches been attributed to Frank Jackman another guy from the old neighborhood has now truthfully as far as it goes been attributed to the guy, Allan Jackson, who actually wrote, edited, and guided the series through about two or so years of heavy work.

This whole subterfuge had been the brainchild of Greg Green the current site manager who owes his position to having been on the “winning side” in the big internal fight that roiled this publication in the fall of 2017 after Allan, the old site manager and one of the founders of this publication back when it was in hard copy had been purged, retired take your pick after he lost a fatal vote of no confidence. To stem the continuing controversy in the aftermath of the struggle when writers on both sides of the dispute on the future direction of the blog which was tearing things apart for a while Sam Lowell, and old-timer and also a founder of the hard copy edition, and Greg worked out a truce. An “armed truce” as one wag put it where writers would no longer refer to Allan Jackson, his regime, his shortcomings and fixations about the 1960s nostalgia trip that he was pushing the publication toward, or for that matter his good points.

Greg used the “truce” to sort of underhandedly revive the series under Frank’s name without Frank knowing that he had unwittingly taken credit for what was essentially Allan’s work although he had written several of the sketches under Allan’s direction. What was Greg’s purpose? When Greg took over with the aid of the stable of younger writers who forced the vote of no confidence he had planned to take the publication away from the old time base of 1960s nostalgia freaks and aficionados and appeal to a younger audience by among other things forcing everybody on staff to do film reviews of super-hero movies, you know, Ironman, Batman, Superman those Marvel and DC comic book characters come to the screen. While every writer I think held his or her nose while  doing the damn thing they also tried in vain to tell Greg that the kids, Generation X, the Millennials frankly don’t read film reviews, book reviews, cultural takes, which is why the comic book companies went to the screen anyway. See they can’t even take the twenty minutes to read a fucking comic book. Greg finally got wise when that “old fogy” base which has stuck with the publication although that population is dwindling and was a cause of Greg’s unwise decision started complaining about the wall to wall coverage of this comic book madness. That is genesis on Greg seeing the light.

Enter one Allan Jackson who found out what Greg had done and had a fit although they was not much he could do about it since all the material on the site unlike the hard copy stuff in the old days was not copyrighted. We had gone the freely publish common copyright route assuming nobody would care to “filch” the stuff. Apparently from what Sam Lowell told me Allan got in touch with Sam to find out what he could do to see some justice done to his work. Sam said he would talk to Greg the result of which ended up with a “compromise” of attributing the material to Allan’s “archives” without recognizing his central role in putting the whole series together.

You have to realize how intense that internal struggle was which now by general consensus of the old-timers who sided with Allan and the Young Turks who forced him out, who using a term Sam used forthrightly “purged” him and sent him into exile. To have him through negotiation become a “non-person” in the old Stalinist terminology that the old-timers including Allan and Sam were addicted to from their radical pasts in that 1960s which to this day has marked them. All kinds of rumors have floated about what had happened to Allan since last fall. That have gone from innuendoes that Greg had him done away with like in old Stalin times once he lost the vote like this was some epic Stalin-Trotsky world historic dispute to his being forced into exile in Utah working for some Mormon newspaper touting the virtues of wearing clean white underwear and praying seven times a day to the shade of Joseph Smith to hiding out in La Jolla with some twenty-something part-time waitress surfer girl to running dope across the border for the Cuernavaca cartel to running a high end whorehouse in Argentina with old friend Madame La Rue for Chinese bigwigs on travel. The very latest rumors have him in Big Sur as a disciple of Buddha of the hills or pimping for a local Fox News outlet in Phoenix. Fortunately I have found out where he is, or maybe better, where he last was and will report what is what when I catch up to my old comrade who seems to have gone off the rails. Jack Callahan]      
Here's the story of the headline: 

Yes, I know. I know damn well that I should not indulge my seemingly endlessly sex-haunted old-time corner boys. After all this space is nothing but a high-tone “high communist” propaganda outlet on most days- the good days. I should, moreover, not indulge a “mere” part-timer at our old North Adamsville Salducci’s Pizza Parlor hang-out be-bop night “up the Downs” like one “Foul-Mouth” Phil Larkin. (For those who do not know what that reference refers to don’t worry you all had your own “up the Downs” and your own corner boys, or mall rats as the case may be, who hung out there.) Despite his well-known, almost automatic, foul mouth in the old days Phil had his fair share, more than his fair share given that mouth, of luck with the young women (girls, in the old days, okay). I am still mad at him for “stealing” my old-time neighborhood heartthrob, Millie Callahan, right from under my nose. (And right in the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church after Mass to boot. If he is still a believer he stands condemned. No mercy. As for me, an old heathen, I was just glad that I stared at her ass during Mass. I stand condemned anyway, if things work out that way).

Well, that was then and now is now and if you read about “poor” Phil Larkin’s trials and tribulations with the ladies recently in a post here entitled -“Sexless” sex sites” you know that his old Irish blarney ( I am being kind to the old geezer here) had finally given out and that he was scoreless lately. That is he was scoreless as of that writing. As Phil pointed out to me personally as part of our conversations while I was editing his story he felt that he would have had better luck with finding a woman companion (for whatever purpose) by just randomly calling up names in the telephone directory than from that “hot” sex site that he found himself embroiled in. And, in an earlier time, he might have been right.

But we are now in the age of so-called “social networking” (of which this space, as an Internet-driven format is a part) and so, by hook or by crook, someone placed his story (or rather, more correctly, my post from this blog) on his Facebook wall. As a result of that “click” Phil is now “talking” to a young (twenty-something) woman graduate student from Penn State (that is why just a few minutes ago he was yelling “Go, Nittany Lions” in my ear over the cell phone) and is preparing to head to the rolling Appalachian hills of Pennsylvania for a “date” with said twenty-something. Go figure, right? So my placement of this saga, or rather part two of the saga (mercifully there will be no more), is really being done in the interest of my obscure sense of completeness rather than “mere” indulgence of an old-time corner boy. As always I disclaim, and disclaim loudly for the world to hear, that while I have helped edit this story this is the work of one “Foul-Mouth” Phil Larkin, formerly of North Adamsville and now on some twisted, windy road heading to central Pennsylvania.

Phil Larkin comment:

Jesus, that Peter Paul Markin is a piece of work. Always rubbing in that “foul-mouth” thing. But I guess I did get the better of him on that Millie Callahan thing back in the day and he did provide me a “life-line” just now with his posting of my story on his damn communist-addled blog. It is a good thing we go back to “up the Downs” time and that I am not a “snitch” because some of the stuff that I have read from him here should, by rights, be reported directly to J. Edgar Hoover, or whoever is running the F.B.I., if anybody is. We can discuss that another time because I don’t have time to be bothered by any such small stuff. Not today. Not since I hit “pay-dirt” with my little Heloise. Yes, an old-fashioned name, at least I haven’t heard the name used much lately for girls, but very new-fashioned in her ideas. She is a twenty-five graduate student from Penn State and I am, as I speak, getting ready to roll out down the highway for our first “in person” meet.

You all know, or should be presumed to know to use a Markinism (Christ, we still call his silly little terms that name even forty years later), that I was having a little temporary trouble finding my life’s companion through sex sites. I told that story before and it is not worth going into here. [Markin: Fifty years Phil, and every other guy (or gal) from the Class of 1964. Do the math. I hope you didn’t try to con Heloise with that “youthful” fifty-something gag-christ, right back to you, Phil.] Let me tell you this one though because it had done nothing but restore my faith in modern technology.
Little communist propaganda front or not, Peter Paul’s blog goes out into the wilds of cyberspace almost daily (and it really should be reported to the proper authorities now that I have read his recent screeds on a Russian Bolshevik guy named Trotsky who is some kind of messiah to Markin and his crowd). So a few weeks ago somebody, somehow ( I am foggy, just like Markin, on the mechanics of the thing, although I know it wasn’t some internet god making “good” cyberspace vibes or anything like that) picked it up and place it (linked it) on his Facebook wall ( I think that is the proper word). Let’s call him Bill Riley (not his real name and that is not important anyway) Now I don’t know if you know how this Facebook thing works, although if you don’t then you are among the three, maybe four, people over the age of five that doesn’t.

Here’s what I have gathered. Bill Riley set up an account with his e-mail address, provided some information about himself and his interests and waited for the deluge of fan responses and “social-connectedness” (Markin’s word). Well, not exactly wait. Every day in every way you are inundated with photos of people you may know, may not know, or may or may not want to know and you can add them to your “friends” pile (assuming they ‘confirm” you request for friendship). Easy, right?

Well, yes easy is right because many people will, as I subsequently found out, confirm you as a friend for no other reason than that you “asked” them to include you. Click- confirm. Boom. This, apparently, is what happened when Bill “saw” Heloise’s photo. (I found out later, after “talking” to Heloise for a while, that she did not know Bill Riley or much about him except that he has a wall on Facebook. So the weird part is that Bill “introduced” us, although neither Heloise nor I know Bill. This has something Greek comedic, or maybe a Shakespeare idea, about it, for sure.). In any case Heloise, as a sociology graduate student at Penn State, took an interest in the “sexless” sex site angle for some study she was doing around her thesis and, by the fates, got hooked into the idea that she wanted to interview me about my experiences, and other related matters.

Without going into all the details that you probably know already I “joined” Bill Riley’s Facebook friends cabal and through him his “friend” Helosie contacted me about an interview. Well, we “chatted” for a while one day and she asked some questions and I asked others in my most civilized manner. What I didn’t know, and call me stupid for not knowing, was that Heloise not only was a “friend” of Bill’s but, unlike me (or so I thought), had her own Facebook page with photos. Now her photo on Bill’s wall was okay but, frankly, she looked just like about ten thousand other earnest female twenty-something graduate students. You know, from hunger. But not quite because daddy or mommy or somebody is paying the freight to let their son or daughter not face reality for a couple more years in some graduate program where they can “discover” themselves. Of course, naturally old cavalier that I am said, while we were chatting, that she was attractive, and looked energetic and smart and all that stuff. You know the embedded male thing with any woman, young or old, that looks the least bit “hit-worthy.” (Embedded is Markin’s word, sorry.)That photo still is on Bill’s wall and if I had only seen that one I would still be sitting in some lounge whiskey sipping my life away.

Heloise’s “real” photos, taken at some Florida beach during Spring break, showed a very fetching (look it up in the dictionary if you don’t know that old-time word means) young woman that in her bikini had me going. Let’s put it this way I wrote her the following little “note” after I got an eyeful:

“Hi Heloise - Recently I made a comment, after I first glanced at your photo wall, that you looked fetching (read, attractive, enchanting, hot, and so on). On that first glance I, like any red-blooded male under the age of one hundred, and maybe over that for all I know, got a little heated up. Now I have had a change to cool down, well a little anyway, and on second peek I would have to say you are kind of, sort of, in a way, well, okay looking. Now that I can be an objective observer I noticed that one of your right side eyelashes is one mm, or maybe two, off-balance from the left side. Fortunately I have the “medicine” to cure you. If you don’t mind living with your hideous asymmetrical deformation that is up to you. I will still be your friend. But if you were wondering, deep in the night, the sleepless night, why you have so few male Facebook friends or why guys in droves are passing your page by there you have it. Later-Phil.”

The famous old reverse play that has been around for a million years, right? Strictly the blarney, right? [Markin: Right, Phil, right as ever]. That little literary gem however started something in her, some need for an older man to tell her troubles to or something. And from there we started to “talk” more personally and more seriously. See I had it all wrong about her being sheltered out there in the mountains by mom and dad keeping her out of harm’s way until she “found” herself. No, Heloise was working, and working hard, to make ends meet and working on her doctorate at the same time. Her story, really, without the North Adamsville corner boy thing, would be something any of us Salducci’s guys would understand without question.(I was not a part-time corner boy by the way, except by Frankie Riley’s 24/7/365 standards and The Scribe’s). [Markin: Watch it, Phil. I told you not to use that nickname anymore.] I’ll tell you her story sometime depending on how things work but right now I am getting ready to go get a tank full of gas and think a little about those photos that launched a thousand clicks.

Markin comment:

Phil, like I said to Johnny Silver about what people might say about his little teeny-bopper love. Go for it. Don’t watch out. And like I said before we had better get to that communist future we all need pretty damn quick if for no other reason that to get some sexual breathes of fresh air that such a society promises.

Black History and the Class Struggle-In Honor of John Brown-"John Brown" An Address By Frederick Douglass(1881)

Black History and the Class Struggle-In Honor of John Brown-"John Brown" An Address By Frederick Douglass(1881) 

Workers Vanguard No. 1128

23 February 2018
Black History and the Class Struggle
In Honor of John Brown
On 16 October 1859, revolutionary abolitionist John Brown led an armed and racially integrated group in a daring raid on the Harpers Ferry federal arsenal in what was then Virginia. His aim was to procure arms, free slaves in the area and lead his army into the mountains where they could establish a liberated zone and, as needed, wage war against the slave masters. Brown’s forces fought heroically but were overwhelmed and defeated by U.S. marines led by Robert E. Lee, who would soon become the commander of Confederate forces during the Civil War. Brown and his surviving comrades were captured. On December 2, he was hanged.
Throughout his life, John Brown burned with hatred for slavery. Several years before the Harpers Ferry raid, in what became known as “Bleeding Kansas,” John Brown and several of his sons led a struggle to crush pro-slavery forces and ensure that Kansas entered the Union as a free state. On the day of his execution, he scrawled a small note to a friend that prophetically stated: “I John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land: will never be purged away; but with blood.” The raid on Harpers Ferry was the real opening shot of the Civil War, which broke out in 1861. It took the blood and iron of that war, including the 200,000 black soldiers and sailors who helped ensure Union victory, to finally destroy the American slave order.
We print below extracts of a 30 May 1881 address by Frederick Douglass paying tribute to the courage of John Brown. The speech was delivered at Storer College, a historically black college in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. Douglass, who had escaped slavery in 1838, was an electrifying agitator and one of the most powerful champions of black freedom in America’s history.
As Trotskyists, we stand in the revolutionary tradition of John Brown and Frederick Douglass. We fight to complete the unfinished tasks of the Civil War, which require sweeping away the American capitalist order. As we wrote in the first issue of Black History and the Class Struggle (1983), “The whole system stands squarely counterposed to black freedom. Forward to the third American Revolution, a proletarian revolution led by a Trotskyist vanguard party with a strong black leadership component. Finish the Civil War—For black liberation in a workers’ America!”

John BrownAn Address by Frederick Douglass
The bloody harvest of Harper’s Ferry was ripened by the heat and moisture of merciless bondage of more than two hundred years. That startling cry of alarm on the banks of the Potomac was but the answering back of the avenging angel to the midnight invasions of Christian slave-traders on the sleeping hamlets of Africa. The history of the African slave-trade furnishes many illustrations far more cruel and bloody....
Your interests, like mine, are in the all-commanding figure of the story, and to him I consecrate the hour. His zeal in the cause of my race was far greater than mine—it was as the burning sun to my taper light—mine was bounded by time, his stretched away to the boundless shores of eternity. I could live for the slave, but he could die for him. The crown of martyrdom is high, far beyond the reach of ordinary mortals, and yet happily no special greatness or superior moral excellence is necessary to discern and in some measure appreciate a truly great soul. Cold, calculating and unspiritual as most of us are, we are not wholly insensible to real greatness; and when we are brought in contact with a man of commanding mold, towering high and alone above the millions, free from all conventional fetters, true to his own moral convictions, a “law unto himself,” ready to suffer misconstruction, ignoring torture and death for what he believes to be right, we are compelled to do him homage....
Slavery is indeed gone; but its long, black shadow yet falls broad and large over the face of the whole country. It is the old truth oft repeated, and never more fitly than now, “a prophet is without honor in his own country and among his own people.” Though more than twenty years have rolled between us and the Harper’s Ferry raid, though since then the armies of the nation have found it necessary to do on a large scale what John Brown attempted to do on a small one, and the great captain who fought his way through slavery has filled with honor the Presidential chair [Abraham Lincoln], we yet stand too near the days of slavery, and the life and times of John Brown, to see clearly the true martyr and hero that he was and rightly to estimate the value of the man and his works. Like the great and good of all ages—the men born in advance of their times, the men whose bleeding footprints attest the immense cost of reform, and show us the long and dreary spaces, between the luminous points in the progress of mankind,—this our noblest American hero must wait the polishing wheels of after-coming centuries to make his glory more manifest, and his worth more generally acknowledged....
To the outward eye of men, John Brown was a criminal, but to their inward eye he was a just man and true. His deeds might be disowned, but the spirit which made those deeds possible was worthy [of] highest honor. It has been often asked, why did not Virginia spare the life of this man? why did she not avail herself of this grand opportunity to add to her other glory that of a lofty magnanimity?...
Slavery was the idol of Virginia, and pardon and life to Brown meant condemnation and death to slavery. He had practically illustrated a truth stranger than fiction,—a truth higher than Virginia had ever known,—a truth more noble and beautiful than Jefferson ever wrote. He had evinced a conception of the sacredness and value of liberty which transcended in sublimity that of her own Patrick Henry and made even his fire-flashing sentiment of “Liberty or Death” seem dark and tame and selfish. Henry loved liberty for himself, but this man loved liberty for all men, and for those most despised and scorned, as well as for those most esteemed and honored. Just here was the true glory of John Brown’s mission. It was not for his own freedom that he was thus ready to lay down his life, for with Paul he could say, “I was born free.” No chain had bound his ankle, no yoke had galled his neck. History has no better illustration of pure, disinterested benevolence. It was not Caucasian for Caucasian—white man for white man; not rich man for rich man, but Caucasian for Ethiopian—white man for black man—rich man for poor man—the man admitted and respected, for the man despised and rejected. “I want you to understand, gentlemen,” he said to his persecutors, “that I respect the rights of the poorest and weakest of the colored people, oppressed by the slave system, as I do those of the most wealthy and powerful.” In this we have the key to the whole life and career of the man....
It must be admitted that Brown assumed tremendous responsibility in making war upon the peaceful people of Harper’s Ferry, but it must be remembered also that in his eye a slave-holding community could not be peaceable, but was, in the nature of the case, in one incessant state of war. To him such a community was not more sacred than a band of robbers: it was the right of any one to assault it by day or night. He saw no hope that slavery would ever be abolished by moral or political means: “he knew,” he said, “the proud and hard hearts of the slave-holders, and that they never would consent to give up their slaves, till they felt a big stick about their heads.” It was five years before this event at Harper’s Ferry, while the conflict between freedom and slavery was waxing hotter and hotter with every hour, that the blundering statesmanship of the National Government repealed the Missouri compromise [of 1820, which banned slavery in most of the northern part of the Louisiana territory], and thus launched the territory of Kansas as a prize to be battled for between the North and the South. The remarkable part taken in this contest by Brown has been already referred to, and it doubtless helped to prepare him for the final tragedy, and though it did not by any means originate the plan, it confirmed him in it and hastened its execution....
Such was the man whose name I heard uttered in whispers—such was the house in which he lived—such were his family and household management—and such was Captain John Brown. He said to me at this meeting, that he had invited me to his house for the especial purpose of laying before me his plan for the speedy emancipation of my race. He seemed to apprehend opposition on my part as he opened the subject and touched my vanity by saying, that he had observed my course at home and abroad, and wanted my co-operation. He said he had been for the last thirty years looking for colored men to whom he could safely reveal his secret, and had almost despaired, at times, of finding such, but that now he was encouraged for he saw heads rising up in all directions, to whom he thought he could with safety impart his plan. As this plan then lay in his mind it was very simple, and had much to commend it. It did not, as was supposed by many, contemplate a general rising among the slaves, and a general slaughter of the slave masters (an insurrection he thought would only defeat the object), but it did contemplate the creating of an armed force which should act in the very heart of the South. He was not averse to the shedding of blood, and thought the practice of carrying arms would be a good one for the colored people to adopt, as it would give them a sense of manhood. No people he said could have self-respect or be respected who would not fight for their freedom....
Slavery was a state of war, he said, to which the slaves were unwilling parties and consequently they had a right to anything necessary to their peace and freedom. He would shed no blood and would avoid a fight except in self-defense, when he would of course do his best. He believed this movement would weaken slavery in two ways—first by making slave property insecure, it would become undesirable; and secondly it would keep the anti-slavery agitation alive and public attention fixed upon it, and thus lead to the adoption of measures to abolish the evil altogether. He held that there was need of something startling to prevent the agitation of the question from dying out; that slavery had come near being abolished in Virginia by the Nat. Turner insurrection, and he thought his method would speedily put an end to it, both in Maryland and Virginia. The trouble was to get the right men to start with and money enough to equip them. He had adopted the simple and economical mode of living to which I have referred with a view to save money for this purpose. This was said in no boastful tone, for he felt that he had delayed already too long and had no room to boast either his zeal or his self-denial.
From 8 o’clock in the evening till 3 in the morning, Capt. Brown and I sat face to face, he arguing in favor of his plan, and I finding all the objections I could against it. Now mark! this meeting of ours was full twelve years before the strike at Harper’s Ferry. He had been watching and waiting all that time for suitable heads to rise or “pop up” as he said among the sable millions in whom he could confide; hence forty years had passed between his thought and his act. Forty years, though not a long time in the life of a nation, is a long time in the life of a man; and here forty long years, this man was struggling with this one idea; like Moses he was forty years in the wilderness. Youth, manhood, middle age had come and gone; two marriages had been consummated, twenty children had called him father; and through all the storms and vicissitudes of busy life, this one thought, like the angel in the burning bush, had confronted him with its blazing light, bidding him on to his work....
Two weeks prior to the meditated attack, Capt. Brown summoned me to meet him in an old stone quarry on the Conecochequi river, near the town of Chambersburgh, Penn. His arms and ammunition were stored in that town and were to be moved on to Harper’s Ferry. In company with Shields Green I obeyed the summons, and prompt to the hour we met the dear old man, with Kagi, his secretary, at the appointed place. Our meeting was in some sense a council of war. We spent the Saturday and succeeding Sunday in conference on the question, whether the desperate step should then be taken, or the old plan as already described should be carried out. He was for boldly striking Harper’s Ferry at once and running the risk of getting into the mountains afterwards. I was for avoiding Harper’s Ferry altogether. Shields Green and Mr. Kagi remained silent listeners throughout. It is needless to repeat here what was said, after what has happened. Suffice it, that after all I could say, I saw that my old friend had resolved on his course and that it was idle to parley. I told him finally that it was impossible for me to join him. I could see Harper’s Ferry only as a trap of steel, and ourselves in the wrong side of it. He regretted my decision and we parted....
But the question is, Did John Brown fail? He certainly did fail to get out of Harper’s Ferry before being beaten down by United States soldiers; he did fail to save his own life, and to lead a liberating army into the mountains of Virginia [now West Virginia]. But he did not go to Harper’s Ferry to save his life. The true question is, Did John Brown draw his sword against slavery and thereby lose his life in vain? and to this I answer ten thousand times. No! No man fails, or can fail who so grandly gives himself and all he has to a righteous cause. No man, who in his hour of extremest need, when on his way to meet an ignominious death, could so forget himself as to stop and kiss a little child, one of the hated race for whom he was about to die, could by any possibility fail. Did John Brown fail? Ask Henry A. Wise in whose house less than two years after, a school for the emancipated slaves was taught. Did John Brown fail? Ask James M. Mason, the author of the inhuman fugitive slave bill, who was cooped up in Fort Warren, as a traitor less than two years from the time that he stood over the prostrate body of John Brown. Did John Brown fail? Ask Clement C. Vallandingham, one other of the inquisitorial party; for he too went down in the tremendous whirlpool created by the powerful hand of this bold invader.
If John Brown did not end the war that ended slavery, he did at least begin the war that ended slavery. If we look over the dates, places and men, for which this honor is claimed, we shall find that not [South] Carolina, but Virginia—not Fort Sumpter, but Harper’s Ferry and the arsenal—not Col. Anderson, but John Brown, began the war that ended American slavery and made this a free Republic. Until this blow was struck, the prospect for freedom was dim, shadowy and uncertain. The irrepressible conflict was one of words, votes and compromises. When John Brown stretched forth his arm the sky was cleared. The time for compromises was gone—the armed hosts of freedom stood face to face over the chasm of a broken Union—and the clash of arms was at hand. The South staked all upon getting possession of the Federal Government, and failing to do that, drew the sword of rebellion and thus made her own, and not Brown’s, the lost cause of the century.
— Reprinted from John Brown/Boyd B. Stutler Collection, a Feature of West Virginia Archives and History

A View From The Left-Free All Class-War Prisoners- Spartacist Speaker at NYC Holiday Appeal Black Oppression: What Makes America America-Support The Partisan Defense Committee!

Workers Vanguard No. 1127
9 February 2018
Spartacist Speaker at NYC Holiday Appeal
Black Oppression: What Makes America America
The following speech, edited for publication, was delivered by Spartacist speaker Laura Zamora at the Partisan Defense Committee’s 32nd annual Holiday Appeal for Class-War Prisoners in New York City on January 27.
On New Year’s Day, a few of us woke up to messages reassuring us that “this year will be better.” I found this 2018 catchphrase rather annoying and anti-scientific—Marxists don’t believe in crystal balls. I also knew why people were cursing last year, and it ends with the word Trump. One year into this new chapter of the evil empire, the U.S. rulers have continued their war against working people, the poor, black people, immigrants, women, gay and trans people. They’ve kept up their imperialist wars and occupations against the poor and dispossessed abroad.
Liberals are very fond of blaming everything on the Orange Vader Trump, as if nothing like this has happened before. Trump is, after all, an easy target—the big bully of racist American capitalism. He shows the rulers’ most primal urge for profit and power without the hypocritical pretense of “democratic values.” We’re in a midterm year; the Democrats say: “Take our country back.” Take it back? This country was founded through racist bloodshed, the genocide of Native Americans. U.S. capitalism was built upon the backs of black people—from slavery to convict labor, from the chain gang to the assembly line. Both Republicans and Democrats rule in the interest of the capitalist class and its profit system: the difference is that one party is better at putting lipstick on the pig. When we hear people talking about the “resistance” these days, it’s just about resisting Trump and the Republicans. It’s not about resisting the misery, exploitation and bigotry inherent to the capitalist order.
To use Trump’s word, the “shithole” is capitalist America. It has always been so for those at the bottom. About 5.3 million Americans live on less than four dollars a day. Some 30 million have no health insurance. Women in the U.S. are more likely to die from childbirth- or pregnancy-related causes than anywhere else in the industrialized world—black women at three times the rate of white women. The U.S. locks up more people than any other country. And we know who they lock up: courageous fighters like Mumia Abu-Jamal, Leonard Peltier and other class-war prisoners. Nearly 3,000 people are on death row. One in every nine people in prison is serving a life sentence, nearly half of them black. Meanwhile, the local cops are attacking protesters and killing people as much as they were last year and the year before and the year before that. The Feds are smearing black activists and radicals as “domestic terrorists,” setting them up for repression.
The capitalist class at the top, a tiny fraction of the “1 percent,” keeps making a killing while the laborers who sweat and toil get their wages slashed. And those whose countries have been wrecked by U.S. imperialism—they make a harrowing escape, come here to work for small change and live in fear of deportation. Anyone who has made it to this country should get all the rights of anyone already here. Our demand is for full citizenship rights for all immigrants.
Trump inherited a well-oiled deportation machine from the plantation’s first black overseer. Under Obama, we saw the expansion of nightmare detention centers, a “fast track” system for arrests and millions of deportations. Trump is explicit about his aims and has a loud mouth; Obama was the smart sugarcoater, the quiet enemy.
To get a measure of Washington’s contempt for those it dominates, look at Puerto Rico. Four months after Hurricane Maria, 40 percent of the island still has no electricity. On top of that: massive debt, taken out of the hides of working people; government services slashed; hobbled medical care and transportation; foreclosures. How does one breathe under this weight of a colonial master who loots you, lets you rot, then stomps on your tattered remains? Puerto Ricans are an important part of the working class and union movement here in the U.S. American workers should side with their Puerto Rican class brothers and sisters—they have a common class enemy. Cancel Puerto Rico’s debt! For the right of independence!
Imagine telling workers of countries plundered by imperialism like Puerto Rico that national sovereignty doesn’t matter, or that they have to suck it up and remain at the mercy of the overlords’ banks. That’s what it means to tell Greek workers that they should stay in the European Union (EU), an imperialist cartel where the European powers, especially Germany, dominate the weaker states. We are for breaking up this capitalist trade bloc. This is why we not only call for Greece to get out of the EU, but also welcomed the Brexit vote. The vote for Britain to leave the EU was a blow against the bosses and bankers of Europe—including those in the City of London, who lord it over workers in Britain.
And to those who point out how the hardcore racists and fascists seized on the Brexit vote to step up their race-hate provocations, I will say this: the answer to racist terror and anti-immigrant chauvinism does not lie in looking to the so-called good graces of the EU, which implements austerity and sets up immigrant concentration camps. The answer is mobilizing the multiracial and multinational proletariat at the head of all the oppressed.
That is definitely what needs to be done here in the U.S. In the last year, the race-terrorists, and that filth around the “alt-right,” have been taking their cue from the White House. They’ve fed off economic devastation. The new fascist organizations in the U.S. are small, but they’re growing, armed and dangerous. Their ultimate aim is racial genocide and the destruction of unions and the left.
The misery and discontent of the working class and oppressed can fuel the rise of a fighting workers movement. We talk about how organized labor must urgently mobilize to stop the fascists. Labor has a great weapon: its social power, numbers, collective organization and ability to choke off profits through strike action. In the factories, the transit barns and on the docks, the workplace remains the main site of integration in racist America, where the majority of black people remain a forcibly segregated race-color caste at the bottom.
The early union misleaders’ refusal to organize black workers gave the bosses the ability to use them against the unions—to the benefit of no one but the racist capitalists. It took organizing white and black workers side by side to forge the industrial unions in the 1930s, building picket lines that no scab dared cross.
If an integrated militant fight by organized labor seems improbable today, it’s because this generation has seen little to no real union struggle. Why is union membership half of what it was 30 years ago? How did the bosses get away with implementing “right to work” laws in 28 states? The trade-union misleaders bear much of this responsibility. They have fed patriotism and protectionist poison and begged the politicians for the right to live. They have chained the working class to the Democratic Party and therefore to its class enemy.
Yes, its enemy. When the Commander-in-Chief is an unabashed chauvinist and bigot, we have to remember who all our enemies are. The Democrats would have you believe that the nemesis is Russian strongman Vladimir Putin, who supposedly organized an army of hackers and trolls to subvert American “democracy.” Not so fast. The Trump-Russia collusion story is a big distraction by the same media pundits who manufacture the lies for war abroad. Malcolm X called the media the most powerful entity on earth that can “make the innocent guilty” and “make the guilty innocent.”
So, when the bourgeois media becomes the judge, jury and executioner against anyone accused of sexual misconduct, it should cause some apprehension. Sexual harassment is a serious problem; sexual assault and rape are serious crimes—and they’re regularly covered up in the workplace, in the military, and especially in the prisons. But the mainstream #MeToo movement has flattened any distinction between trivial acts—which very well could be offensive and unpleasant—and criminal acts. The media treats anything from a wink to a sleazeball comment like an act of coercion and violence, convicting all suspects without any due process. And that never bodes well for anyone outside bourgeois convention and especially not for black men, who are the main victims of lynch mob “justice” in this country.
The anti-Trump “resistance” gave birth to the liberal feminist #MeToo movement we see today. It was a way for the Democrats to keep up the ruse that Hillary Clinton—that imperialist hawk and wolf of Wall Street—represented some kind of advancement for women, and to pretend that they defend women’s rights. It was also a way for the Democrats to go after the “pussy grabber in chief” for his morals. Meanwhile, the rulers can get on with their crimes: nuclear war threats, union-busting, and, don’t forget, the gutting of abortion rights. Despite the formal existence of Roe v. Wade, 43 states outlaw most abortions after a certain point in pregnancy. There are more than 1,000 state restrictions making it impossible for the vast majority of women to have the procedure. One-third of those restrictions were enacted in the past seven years.
Where was the “resistance” when access to abortion was being dismantled? Where was the “resistance” when Obama deported more people than any other president in U.S. history? Where was the “resistance” when the livelihoods of black and working people were being destroyed by Wall Street? We want there to be protests and opposition to the depravities of this system. But this “resistance” is really about getting the Democrats back into the halls of power. And in power, they will try to crush us as they’ve always done. They will use any means to divide working people, primarily through race.
What makes America America is the all-sided brutal oppression of black people. To sweep away this rotting, decaying America means shattering this oppression. It’s in the interests of all workers, including white workers and immigrants, to take up this fight. The struggle for black liberation through socialist revolution is also a struggle for the liberation of all the working masses, women and all the oppressed in this country.
That is why any discontent needs to be directed against the capitalist class enemy, independently of the Democrats and other false friends. Our goal is for the working class to take power, to become the ruling class through workers revolution, as the workers did in Russia through the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. The continuity of revolutionary Marxism, of communism, is Trotskyism. Only with a Trotskyist program and the establishment of an egalitarian socialist society will the resources of society be able to be used for the benefit of all. For such a struggle to go forward to victory, we need to build a multiracial revolutionary workers party. Join the Spartacist League to make future years, future generations, better.

A View From The Left-Turkey Attacks Kurdish YPG: NATO Partner vs. U.S. Tool U.S. Out of Syria!

Workers Vanguard No. 1127
9 February 2018
Turkey Attacks Kurdish YPG: NATO Partner vs. U.S. Tool
U.S. Out of Syria!
On January 20, Turkey launched a cross-border military assault on the Kurdish-controlled canton of Afrin in northwestern Syria. As tanks, artillery and U.S.-supplied warplanes bombarded their homes, thousands of desperate civilians found themselves trapped, unable to cross the border into Turkey and blocked by Syrian government checkpoints from fleeing south to the city of Aleppo. Ankara’s stated aim is to create a 30-kilometer buffer zone by driving back the Kurdish nationalists of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its military arm, the People’s Protection Committees (YPG), which Turkey calls a “terror army.” In Turkey itself, the bonapartist regime of Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues its war against the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), the PYD’s mother organization.
The YPG has served as ground forces for the U.S. military intervention and bombing campaign in Syria directed mainly against the Islamic State (ISIS), for example, by calling in the coordinates for U.S.-led airstrikes that helped drive ISIS out of Raqqa in October. Yet Washington gave a green light to its NATO ally Turkey to attack Afrin. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson cynically cautioned Ankara to “show some restraint,” while emphasizing that U.S. forces do not work directly with the YPG in that slice of northwest Syria.
Moscow also approved of Turkey’s offensive, withdrawing its military personnel from Afrin and allowing Turkish strikes in airspace that Russia controls. While Turkey and Russia have divergent interests in Syria, with the latter backing the Bashar al-Assad regime, they agree with the U.S. on maintaining Syria’s “territorial integrity”—i.e., no independent Kurdish state.
Moscow no doubt relishes the fraying of relations between the U.S. and Turkey as America’s NATO ally engages in a military confrontation with Washington’s Kurdish proxies. Turkey attacked Afrin just days after Washington had announced plans for a 30,000-strong “border protection force” in an area of northeastern Syria controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (essentially the YPG with some Arab forces added in). Erdogan has announced that after Afrin, he intends to turn his fire on the city of Manbij, the gateway to that area, where there are a few thousand American troops.
Behind Erdogan’s bluster is his attempt to pressure the U.S. to drop its Syrian Kurdish proxies, one of the main sources of the growing tensions between Ankara and Washington. For its part, the U.S. is putting out mixed signals about its intentions. After Erdogan hit the roof over the border proposal, Trump administration officials immediately began to backtrack. Nonetheless, the Pentagon continued to back the plan, with the New York Times(23 January) declaring that “the Syrian Kurds will most likely serve as the backbone of the allied forces on the ground in Syria for months to come.”
The backdrop to the U.S. military deployment in Syria is the civil war which, beginning in 2011, has pitted Islamist and other opposition forces against the Assad dictatorship. Most of the rebel groups have been armed by the U.S., including Turkey’s favorite, the Free Syrian Army, which is currently fighting the YPG. As Marxists, we have no side in the reactionary and communalist civil war, including in clashes between Washington’s Turkish (nominal) ally and its Kurdish tools.
Where we do have a side is against the U.S. and other imperialist powers. Last month, the White House confirmed that the U.S. intends to maintain its military presence in Syria indefinitely. The U.S. has already established ten bases in northeastern Syria and is developing another in southern Syria near the borders with Iraq and Jordan. The latter would serve as a barrier to overland support by Iran for Assad and for Hezbollah in Lebanon and as a point of pressure on the Iraqi government, which is serving both the U.S. and Iran.
Workers in the U.S. must demand: All U.S. troops and bases out of Syria and the Near East now! While our main opposition is to U.S. imperialism—the greatest force for organized terror on the planet—we call for the regional powers Turkey, Russia and Iran to get out as well.
Opposition to Imperialism: Crucial to Kurdish Liberation
The national liberation of the Kurds, who are divided among and oppressed by Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, is a historically just cause. We call for a united, independent Kurdistan encompassing all the Kurds, and would also support Kurdish independence from individual capitalist states. The struggle for Kurdish self-determination is a crucial part of our perspective to mobilize the proletariat in the region in the revolutionary fight for a socialist federation of the Near East that would include a Socialist Republic of United Kurdistan. The necessary prerequisite to any such struggle is uncompromising opposition to imperialism.
Just as the Kurdish nationalist forces have done for many years in Iraq, the PYD/YPG leadership in Syria has betrayed the Kurdish masses by subordinating their desire for national liberation to the YPG’s role as foot soldiers for the U.S. And now YPG spokesmen fear that the U.S. will abandon the Kurds to attacks by Turkey. Indeed, once the imperialists decide they no longer need their Kurdish nationalist stooges, they will discard them, as they have repeatedly done before.
The U.S. imperialists are committed enemies of Kurdish self-determination. The situation in Iraqi Kurdistan is a case in point. After siding with the U.S. in its 1991 war against Iraq, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) consolidated autonomous rule in northern Iraq as U.S. warplanes enforced a “no fly zone” overhead. In the 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation, KDP and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan forces served as ground troops for Washington, helping to crush resistance to the imperialist occupation. Kurdish forces then joined with the other U.S. proxies—the Iraqi army and Shia militias—in the war against ISIS. In the U.S.-led war on ISIS in Iraq and Syria, we Marxists stressed that every blow ISIS struck against the U.S. and its proxies coincided with the interests of the U.S. and international proletariat. This understanding does not lessen in the least our Marxist opposition to everything that those arch-reactionary cutthroats stand for.
Last September, with ISIS largely defeated in Iraq, the KDP held a referendum on independence for Iraqi Kurdistan, with Kurds almost unanimously voting “yes.” We welcomed the referendum and its result while maintaining our political opposition to the bourgeois nationalists. The KDP had no intention of implementing the independence vote. But this did not matter to the KDP’s paymasters in Washington, who denounced the referendum and, in its aftermath, assented to the Iraqi army’s seizure of the historically Kurdish city of Kirkuk and its oil-rich province (see “Iraqi Kurds Vote for Independence, Baghdad Seizes Kirkuk” [WV No. 1120, 20 October]). Tens of thousands of Kurds were subsequently driven out.
With ISIS now on the ropes in Syria, the YPG might already be losing its usefulness to the imperialists. A portent of what might befall them was captured by a New York Times (25 January) article headlined “Allies or Terrorists: Who Are the Kurdish Fighters in Syria?” Making a grotesque and provocative amalgam that PKK/PYD leader Abdullah Öcalan is “viewed by Turks the same way Americans viewed Osama bin Laden,” the article reported that “American officials have told the Kurds that the United States will not fight Turkey for them.” We recall that in July 2015 the U.S. gave Ankara the green light to launch airstrikes in northern Iraq against the PKK in return for Turkish permission for the U.S. to use the Incirlik air base to launch bombing attacks on ISIS. As the all-sided conflict in Syria enters a new phase, the Kurds may well be among the main losers.
Left liberals and ostensible Marxists in the U.S., Germany and elsewhere have been the biggest cheerleaders for the PYD, presenting the Rojava Kurdish autonomous region as a bastion of women’s emancipation, democracy and religious pluralism. There is a cruel irony in the left-nationalist PYD’s embrace of American imperialism. In “Dark Victory in Raqqa” (New Yorker, 6 November), Luke Mogelson noted a case of the “many strange bedfellows” produced by the Syrian civil war, including that “in Rojava, Kurds often refer to Donald Trump as Bâvê ÅŸoreÅŸ—‘Father of the Revolution’.” Pointing to how the YPG “lost thousands of our brothers and sisters in the war against the Islamic State,” a New York Times (29 January) op-ed piece by Nujin Derik, a leader of the YPG’s female unit in Afrin, now calls on the U.S. to impose “a no-flight zone over Afrin and the rest of Rojava.”
The YPG has been open about its alliance with U.S. imperialism. Not so its fans in the reformist Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI, whose U.S. affiliate is Socialist Alternative). Most recently, the CWI’s British affiliate issued a declaration upholding the Syrian Kurds’ “right to defend themselves” against the Turkish intervention. In the declaration, the CWI coyly speaks of the YPG fighting “alongside airstrikes from Russia and the US” against ISIS, thereby concealing—and certainly not opposing—the YPG’s role as spotters and ground troops for the U.S. (“Erdogan Regime Launches Bombing and Ground Invasion Against Kurds,” 26 January). The article hails the war against ISIS for supposedly creating “the possibility of breaking down imperialism’s borders” in the Near East. In fact, with the help of the YPG, the U.S. imperialists have extended their reach even further in the Near East, promising yet more horrific bloodshed.
Turkish Proletariat and Defense of the Kurds
The CWI’s line of siding with the YPG in Syria against the assault by Turkey is in sharp contrast with its refusal to defend the PKK against the Turkish military in Turkey. In the summer of 2015, at the start of a Turkish government offensive against the PKK that would kill hundreds of civilians and displace some half a million people, the CWI’s British group published an article that condemned the PKK’s “individual armed actions” as “counter-productive” without so much as hinting that the international proletariat has a side in Turkey in defense of the PKK (, 28 July 2015).
Why does the CWI defend the PYD in Syria but not the PKK in Turkey? Because these social democrats lend their support to those whom the “democratic” imperialists support. As Marxists, we defend the PKK against the Turkish state, as should the workers movement in Turkey. At the same time, we oppose the PKK’s petty-bourgeois program, which does not even call for Kurdish independence but raises at most the prospect of autonomy within the Turkish capitalist state.
In Turkey, the Erdogan regime is cracking down on anyone opposing the attack on Afrin, rounding up hundreds of people in the name of fighting PKK “terrorism.” Anti-Kurdish chauvinism is a defining element of Turkish nationalism and a key prop of capitalist rule there. If the proletariat in Turkey is to ever liberate itself from capitalist exploitation, it must take up the fight for Kurdish self-determination. Kurdish struggle in Iran could shake up the structure of that theocratic prison house of peoples, where the Persian-chauvinist regime presides over a population nearly half of which is non-Persian.
The struggle for Kurdish national liberation, combined with the fight against imperialist occupation, could be a motor force for a proletarian upsurge in the region. By championing Kurdish self-determination, the working masses of the Near East would be taking a stand against their own capitalist exploiters and helping to undercut U.S. imperialism’s capacity to manipulate the Kurds’ grievances to further its interests. The key task for Marxists is to build revolutionary workers parties that champion the cause of the Kurdish people, women and all the oppressed in the struggle to overthrow capitalist rule. The perspective of the International Communist League is to win class-conscious militants to build such parties as sections of a reforged Fourth International, world party of socialist revolution.
The fight for the emancipation of the exploited and oppressed in the Near East and the rest of the Third World would be incomplete and reversible without the perspective of workers socialist revolution in the imperialist centers. In Germany, Kurds as well as Turks represent an important component of the working class, and can constitute a bridge between the struggles of workers in the Near East and those in the imperialist centers. In the U.S., the multiracial working class has every interest in opposing the depredations of its exploiters. The capitalist rulers’ drive to assert their domination of the oil-rich Near East and the rest of the globe goes hand in hand with their insatiable drive to wrest ever more profit out of the labor and lives of working people at home. As the U.S. section of the ICL, the Spartacist League dedicates itself to building a multiracial revolutionary workers party committed to proletarian rule.

Stop The Endless Wars Of The American Empire - From Veterans For Peace- VFP eNews: Stop Fueling War in Yemen, AUMF and Okinawa

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Tell Congress: Stop Fueling War in Yemen

Yemen is facing a massive humanitarian catastrophe and we need your help to stop it. American aid is crucial to the Saudi war effort, and removing our assistance would limit Saudi attacks and maybe even push them to the negotiating table.
Check out this great Fact Sheet from Indivisible
P.S.  From About Face: Veterans Against the War: "Veterans are sharing videos statements telling congress #YemenCantWait”- please share and use to the hashtag to raise awareness and build public pressure."

E.D. Michael McPhearson Testifies at Congressional Hearing on AUMF

The Congressional Progressive Caucus Peace and Security Task Force and the House Liberty Caucus held a bipartisan ad-hoc hearing on the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF)on Tuesday, February 27, 2018.  VFP Executive Director Michael McPhearson testified at the hearing.  The video can be seen here.
From the Caucus: "The 2001 AUMF opened the door for any president to wage endless war without further Congressional debate or authorization, and it has been used to authorize military actions far outside the scope of what Congress envisioned when it originally passed. In 2016, the Congressional Research Service issued a report showing that, since its enactment, this authorization has been cited as the statutory authority for military or related actions at least 37 times in 14 countries. While we might not agree on what a new AUMF should look like, we can all agree that the overly broad and outdated AUMF represents a critical deterioration of Congressional oversight. While our brave servicemen and women are deployed around the world in combat zones, Congress is missing in action when it comes to its Constitutional duty. It is past time for Congress to do its job."

Golden Rule Newport Beach Fundraiser Huge Success!

The February 25th Golden Rule event in Newport Beach was a great success!
Thanks to our fantastic sponsors Nevada Desert Experience, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Pax Christi Orange County, Physicians for Social Responsibility and supporters! 
We were able to raise over $3,000 for the Golden Rule's upcoming journey to Hawaii and beyond. The world premiere of the film "Making Waves: The Rebirth of the Golden Rule" was loved by all and even elicited a few tears from the audience.
If you were unable to make it this time, our next fundraising event will be March 25 at the Peace Resource Center in San Diego!

"NO BASES NO WAR: No U.S. Foreign Military Bases in Okinawa"

On Feb. 24th, Veterans For Peace joined "NO BASES NO WAR: No U.S. Foreign Military Bases in Okinawa" in front of the NY Public Library in support of the Okinawa anti-bases activists, Hiroji Yamashiro, and his co-defendants, Hiroshi Inaba and Atsuhiro Soeda.
Last year, Veterans For Peace sent a delegation to Okinawa. Read their reflections from that trip.
The Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases has issued a call for emergency vigils in Support of Okinawa Anti-Bases Activists with their upcoming court dates on March 14th. Read more about the Okinawa anti-bases activists, Hiroji Yamashiro, and his co-defendants, Hiroshi Inaba and Atsuhiro Soeda.
If you are in NYC or Washington D.C. consider joining these vigils:
March 12, 2018, 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
866 UN Plaza, Manhattan
(1st Avenue and E. 48 Street)

March 13, 2018, 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Capital Hilton Hotel, 1001 16th Street, NW
Washington DC 20036

VFP Chapter 160 Vietnam Tour Starts Soon!

The Veterans For Peace tour of Viet Nam, hosted for the seventh consecutive year by members of Hoa Binh Chapter 160 of VFP in Viet Nam, kicks off March 4th when the delegation of 39 veterans, spouses, friends arrives in Ha Noi.  The tour will be in Quang Nam Province on March 16 to mark the 50th anniversary of the My Lai Massacre, and March 19 in Ho Chi Minh City for the opening of an exhibit on the GI Movement during the war.  In addition, over the 2-1/2 weeks of the tour the group will travel through all of Viet Nam, visiting tourist and cultural attractions, old battle sites, activities and projects that reduce the impact of war legacies including Agent Orange and residual UXO.
In the past VFP delegations have donated some $100,000 to such projects.  This year participants will contribute at least $1,000 each, and at the end of the tour the group will vote on how the money will be distributed.  Additional donations are much appreciated from VFP members, families and friends who are not coming on this trip but who wish to contribute anyway.
You may send your tax-deductible check to VFP Chapter 69 c/o Denny Riley, 5519 Plumas, Richmond, CA 94804.  Be sure to put Vietnam Tour in the memo line. Chapter 69 will wire the collected funds to Chapter 160.  At the end of the trip we will inform you of how the money was distributed.

Facebook Has Some Changes!

Earlier this month, Facebook began introducing changes that will make it harder for you to see Veterans For Peace and all the great anti-war news we share!
On the bright side, it’s easy to get us back:
  • Go to our Facebook page
  • Make sure to like us if you don’t already
  • Click the “Follow” button (if you’re already following us it will say “Following”) and choose "See First" from the dropdown menu.
P.S. Make sure to take this action with every page you want to continue seeing news for!

May Day in Cuba

Join up to a million peace activists from all over the world for May Day in the Plaza de la Revolucion in Havana.
We will spend a week in Cuba, visiting historical sites, and interacting with the incredible Cuban people, including fellow veterans. However, you don't have to be a veteran to join us, I need to know of your interest, and how many will be in your party. Our trip is limited to about 15 people, so let me know as soon as possible and I'll send the itinerary and prices.
Don't hesitate to call or email:
I invite you to contact any of the 60 VFP members and supporters who have traveled with me to the island and helped spread our message of peace.
In This Issue:

Advisory Board Member Bruce Gagnon on Hunger Strike

"A vocal peace activist, Gagnon has been eschewing solid foods and subsisting on water, fruit juices and broth since Feb. 12 to protest BIW’s request for the tax breaks. Others have occasionally joined Gagnon in his fasting and during his twice-daily “vigil” outside BIW’s gates during shift changes, where he hands out fliers to departing workers.
“I was an organizer for the United Farm Workers Union, where I learned about solidarity,” Gagnon said earlier Tuesday while holding a sign in the hallway connecting the Maine House and Senate chambers. “So for me, it’s all about solidarity: solidarity in terms of the thousands of people in the state without health care, solidarity with the 43,000 kids living in poverty and solidarity with people driving around on roads (filled) with potholes that are tearing up their cars.”

Climbers For Peace in Iran: Apply Now

Chapter 71 of VFP in Santa Rosa CA with the support of national Veterans for Peace is planning an exciting adventure in Citizen Diplomacy called Climbers for Peace in Iran(CFP-Iran).
We are going to Iran at the invitation of the Iranian Mountaineering Federation. We will join with Iranian climbers and jointly climb their sacred mountain, Damavand an 18,600 ft dormant volcano. It is not a technical mountain so no special climbing skills are required but it is high and the air will be thin and cold so you need to be in good shape. We leave June 30 and return July 15. The total cost is about $5,000 including airfare. We spend 7 days on the climb and 7 days seeing the "treasures of ancient Persia' and conducting people to people diplomacy with ordinary Iranians including veterans
We met with the Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations at the UN in NYC and he is very supportive. In fact everyone on the Iranian side has been very supportive and I am very sure we will be granted visas despite the fact that officially Iran is not issuing visas to Americans in response to Trumps ban on Iranians coming to the US.  Iran is making exceptions on a case by case basis. The US Olympic Wrestling Team went to a tournament and 28 Americans ran in their International Marathon last year
Contact Fred Ptucha, Founder of Climbers for Peace for more information:  at 707 539 6849 or

Olympic Truce Action: Diplomacy NOT War

The Winter Olympics and Paralympics, to be held in Pyeongchang, South Korea, offer a unique moment to promote peace on the Korean Peninsula. On a very encouraging note, in November 2017, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for an Olympic Truce, or a cessation of hostilities during the Winter Games, which gained the support of 157 Member States including both Koreas and future hosts of the Olympic Games: Japan, China, France and the United States.
The Olympic Truce represents an important opportunity to defuse tensions and begin the work of reconciliation on the Korean peninsula. The United States should fully support both Korean governments' current efforts to restore a peace process.  Veterans For Peace hasissued a statement of support for these unity efforts.
Let's build on this momentum! We in the United States have a special responsibility to demand diplomacy, not war, with North Korea. An ad hoc network, the Korea Collaboration, calls for weeks of action during the Winter Olympics (February 9 - 25) and Paralympics (March 9 - 18), as well as the broader period of the Olympic Truce (February 2 to March 25). We call on groups and individuals to organize actions or other events in your communities.
p.s. Check out the Korea Peace Campaign for more ways to get involved in Veterans For Peace efforts and resources to learn more about Korea.

Support Zahid!

Disabled veteran Zahid Chaudhry's next immigration hearing has been pushed out to March 12, 2018, at 1pm.
Muhammad Zahid Chaudhry is a member of Veterans For Peace and a long time community volunteer and peace & justice advocate.  He has been unjustly threatened with  removal from the U.S.
Community members from Olympia, Tacoma and Seattle are gathering in support!  If you are in the greater Seattle area, supporters will gather outside the court building together with Mr. Chaudhry and family from noon to 12:45 and will then sit in solidarity during the court proceedings.   More details
If you are not in the area, and still wish to show your support, please visit the endorsement tabs on and, and write letters of support & email them to
Please see Pastor Amy Hessel's letter on the endorsements tab of either website.

We Want to Know What Social Media You All Are On!

We know that often social media is how many people reach out to you all so we want to make sure we are tagging you often from the VFP National Page and directing folks to your pages. 
It's ok if you have only one or two or none at all!  (Remember a social media page is only useful if it can be updated!  Having one well updated page is better than having three or four social media platforms with no engagement!)

If you are a member at large-it's great to fill this out too--there's a place to plug in your personal social media at the bottom!

March 3-8 - Greenpeace Action Camp
May 14-16 - 2018 UN High Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament, United Nations, New York
June 24-July 1 - Action Week Against Air Base Ramstein, Germany
July 9-10 - NO to NATO Counter Summit, Brussels, Belgium
July 10-18 - International Action Camp Against Nuclear Weapons in Germany, Buchel, Germany
Aug 23-26 - 2018 VFP National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota
Sept 19-21 - 2nd Annual Conference in Havana, Cuba on "Realities and Challenges of Being a Zone of Peace in Latin America and the Caribbean"

Veterans For Peace, 1404 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102

Veterans For Peace appreciates your tax-exempt donations.
We also encourage you to join our ranks.
