Sunday, May 19, 2019

How you can respond to attacks on abortion rights<>
To  alfred johnson  

In just a minute, I am going to ask you to make a donation to organizations that help low-income women pay for reproductive healthcare. Let me first explain why.
Late last night, the Alabama legislature passed a bill that would outlaw 99% of abortions. No exemptions for rape or incest. No rights for women who don’t want to be pregnant. Doctors who perform abortions could be imprisoned for 99 years.
Georgia passed its own bill last week that would ban abortions after six weeks — before most women know they’re pregnant. Last month Ohio signed its own version into law. And Mississippi passed its own abortion ban the month before that.
Politicians should not be getting in the way of a woman and her medical decisions. These are difficult family decisions that governments should not interfere with. These bills and laws are outrageous assaults on women’s rights that have a singular goal: forcing the Supreme Court to take up a case that would overturn Roe v. Wade.
One of the most powerful actions that we can take in response to these bans is to fund local groups that help provide access to clinics for low-income women. These are organizations on the front lines of abortion rights making sure that women who need an abortion can afford to pay for one.
That’s why I’m asking you today:
Will you split a contribution to three abortion support networks in Alabama, the Southeast, and across the country so that low-income women can get abortions and reproductive care? Your donation will send a powerful message in support of abortion rights.
These groups provide direct service to women who need abortions but can’t afford the medical costs, transportation, or lodging required to actually get the abortion, due to the burdensome restrictions put in place by bills like this. They are always in need of additional funding, doing the critical work of caring for women who are in desperate need of help.
These are the groups we are asking you to support today:
Yellowhammer Fund is a group in Alabama that provides funding for medical costs, transportation, and lodging for women who get abortions at any of Alabama’s three abortion clinics. Fifty-nine percent of women in Alabama don’t have an abortion clinic in their county, and Yellowhammer Fund does all it…
Access Reproductive Care-Southeast is a group that provides financial and logistical support for women and their families who want abortions in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee. They help women plan for their abortions, and help cover the costs associated with ac…
The National Network of Abortion Funds is an umbrella organization for local abortion groups throughout the United States — groups like Yellowhammer and Access Reproductive Care-Southeast. They connect people with their local funds, and provide support to the groups themselves.
When fundamental human and constitutional rights are under attack, we must respond and do the most good that we can. That starts with helping low-income women get support for the abortions they need.
Thank you for standing with women and for abortion rights.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie

Sign my petition: tell Congress to pass legislation that would prohibit military action against Iran without Congressional approval.

A war in Iran would make the Iraq war look like a walk in the park. It will be an unmitigated disaster.

Sign my petition: Tell Congress to pass legislation that would prohibit military action against Iran without Congressional approval.

Alfred -
Here is a truth you don’t often hear in the newspapers, on television or in the halls of Congress, but it is a truth we must face, especially as the Trump administration appears to be marching us closer to armed conflict with Iran:
And that truth is that far too often American intervention and the use of American military power has produced unintended consequences which have caused incalculable harm.
Real American power is not demonstrated by our ability to blow things up, but our ability to forge international consensus around shared challenges.
A test of a great nation is not how many wars we can engage in or how many governments we can overthrow, but how we can use our strength to resolve international conflicts in a peaceful way.
And it is almost beyond impossible to imagine that after the horrors of the war in Iraq — a war that upended the regional order of the Middle East and resulted in an untold loss of life — that this administration would put us on such a dangerous path toward more war. But everyday we see a new story about how this administration is trying provoke conflict, like sending huge bombers to the region, or raising the possibility of sending more than 100,000 troops.
Apparently for some, almost two decades of constant war is not enough.
Well, unfortunately for this president and people like John Bolton who love endless wars, the constitutional authority for declaring war rests with the United States Congress — not the president –– no matter if that president is a Democrat or a Republican.
And it is long past time my colleagues in the Senate reassert that authority. That is something I tried to do with my colleagues to stop our involvement in the war in Yemen, and it is something we must do again as the president marches us toward war with Iran.
Please add your name if you agree:
One of the first speeches I gave in Congress was about the first war in Iraq in 1991; a war I voted against.
And what I said at the time was that our challenge at that moment was not simply to begin a war which would result in tremendous suffering and death, but that the real challenge was to address international conflict without war and bloodshed.
It seemed to me that it would be a terrible failing, and very ominous for our future, if we could not solve that problem non-violently when virtually the entire world was united against one small country. And that if we were not successful in that effort, all this world would have to look forward to in the future would be war, and more war, and more war.
There are a number of parallels to this moment in time.
Today, our most important allies are committed to preventing the possibility that Iran’s undemocratic regime could ever obtain a nuclear weapon.
That is what the Iran deal was all about. And that was why it was such a reckless mistake for Trump to withdraw from the Iran deal, as even his own top security officials said at the time. Rather than remain united with those allies, Trump's approach has actually isolated the United States from them, undermining the important consensus that the Obama administration helped forge, and raising the possibility of conflict.
And it seems to me that, once again, if we turn our backs on a non-violent solution in favor of more military conflict, that we will find ourselves in perpetual warfare. Mark my words. A war in Iran would make the Iraq war look like a walk in the park. It will be an unmitigated disaster.
So Congress must intervene and utilize its constitutional authority — before it’s too late.
And I hope you’ll make your voice heard if you agree:
Throughout the world today, hundreds of millions of people live in abysmal poverty while the arms merchants of the world grow increasingly rich as governments spend trillions of dollars on weapons and war.
Our job is to offer a different vision — a vision that one day human beings on this planet will live in a world where international conflicts are resolved peacefully, not by mass murder.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

Chelsea Manning, after being free for a week, was jailed yet again on Thursday. Before she entered the courthouse where she would refuse yet again to testify about WikiLeaks to a grand jury, she spoke about her reasons.

RootsAction Team<>

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Chelsea Manning, after being free for a week, was jailed yet again on Thursday. Before she entered the courthouse where she would refuse yet again to testify about WikiLeaks to a grand jury, she spoke about her reasons.

Click here to watch the video and to demand that the prosecutor rescind the subpoena so that Chelsea can go free.

Chelsea Manning -- who, as punishment for her courageous whistleblowing, was locked up in sometimes brutal conditions for nearly seven years before her sentence was commuted -- continues to be targeted by U.S. prosecutors.

Just last week, Chelsea was released after 63 days in jail. She had refused to testify before a grand jury about her 2010 disclosures to WikiLeaks. Chelsea was released only because the grand jury expired. But now she is being subpoenaed to testify about the very same information before a different grand jury.

She has refused to answer the very same questions aimed at prosecuting, rather than rewarding and honoring, the exposure of egregious crimes and corruption.

Enough is enough! The U.S. Attorney’s Office (USAO) for the Eastern District of Virginia can end this harassment by rescinding the subpoena. Click here to send that demand.

On Thursday, Chelsea took a principled stand, explaining to the judge: "The government cannot build a prison bad enough, cannot create a system worse than the idea that I would ever change my principles. I would rather starve to death than to change my opinions in this regard. I mean that quite literally."

Chelsea objects to -- and has made it clear that she will not cooperate with -- secret proceedings. Since further imprisonment will serve no coercive purpose, it has exceeded its lawful scope. The USAO’s hounding of Chelsea is an abuse of the grand jury process, designed to vindictively harass and retaliate against a courageous truth teller.

Click here to send a clear message.

Chelsea’s disclosures exposed the true nature of 21st-century asymmetric warfare and diplomacy. They served as the basis for stories in publications around the world, including The New York Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, Le Monde, and Al JazeeraFor the "crime" of alerting the public to government misconduct, Chelsea spent more time in prison than anyone ever before had for leaking information to the media.

It’s time to Leave Chelsea Alone!

After doing this action, please use the tools on the next webpage to share it with your friends.

This work is only possible with your financial support. Please chip in $3 now. 

-- The Team

P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.

>>  The Real News NetworkChelsea Manning Back in Prison After Refusing to Testify
>>  BuzzFeed: Chelsea Manning Is Going Back To Jail, Saying She'd Rather "Starve To Death" Than Testify About WikiLeaks
>>  Norman Solomon: Manning Is Guilty of “Aiding the Enemy”—If the Enemy Is Democracy
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SPREAD THE WORD: March for Bernie in the Dorchester Day Parade!

Hi Berners,

Apologies if you’ve already gotten this.

Our Bernie affiliate in Dorchester,  Bernie Vision 20/20 Boston, has gotten a permit for us to march in the Dorchester Day Parade on Sunday, June 2!

With our numbers, we are hoping to show just how much support there is for Bernie in please spread the word to your members, friends and supporters. This parade gets a lot of local Boston TV coverage, giving us an opportunity to reach thousands

We’ll hold banners and signs, pass out flyers, and talk to folks about the many issues to fight for in this election.

We’ll meet at 12:00 noon near CVS at the corner of Dorchester Ave and Richmond St in Lower Mills at 2235 Dorchester Ave.. 
The parade will kick off around 1pm and proceed 3 miles to Columbia Rd. We hope to see you there!

Please let us know you are coming:
Post this link wherever you think it will be seen.

WHAT :     March for Bernie in the Dorchester Day Parade WHEN :    Sunday, June 2 at 12:00 noon WHERE :  2235 Dorchester Ave., corner of Dot Ave and Richmond St. BRING :    Bernie shirts, hats, buttons, signs. A clip-board & pen. Water, snacks, appropriate clothing for the weather. RSVP:      PLEASE…

Jordan & Robin

Rally for Venezuelan Sovereignty Saturday, May 18 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ~ Park Street, Boston

Rally for Venezuelan Sovereignty
Saturday, May 18 @ 1:00 pm  - 2:00 pm ~ Park Street, Boston
There will be a rally on Saturday, May 18, at 1pm at Park Street Station protesting US interference in Venezuela and the treatment of the peace activists who were occupying the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, at the invitation of the Venezuelan government, until they were evicted by the Police on Thursday, May 16.  
This is a local rally in support of the larger protest that will happen in DC on Saturday. 
The United States has been trying to engineer a coup against the duly-elected government of President Nicholas Maduro and has imposed crippling sanctions on that country, on the basis that they pose an “extraordinary threat” to the US.  According to a report by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, the sanctions have killed over 40,000 Venezuelans.  ( 
The US has put representatives of their preferred, non-elected “government” in a diplomatic office in DC and the New York City consulate, and they would like to do the same in the embassy, but peace activists took it over on April 10 and refused to leave until an agreement was reached respecting the sovereignty of Venezuela in its embassy.  Instead, the US government chose to ignore international law and arrested them. 
During much of the over-a-month-long occupation, a rowdy crowd of coup supporters gathered around the embassy and the Secret Service and DC Police refused to arrest them when they assaulted and otherwise interfered with the peace protesters.  Secret Service agents beat up at least one of the peace activists, the president of Veterans for Peace, Gerry Condon.   
The electricity was shut off to the embassy, on the orders of Juan Guaido’s newly appointed “ambassador,” and a coup supporter broke in and disabled the water, without facing any legal consequences.  The coup supporters surrounding the embassy refused to let food or medicine in, even going as far as to physically attack activists trying to deliver supplies.  But Jesse Jackson managed to get food and water in to the protesters on Wednesday, May 15, using a pulley system to a second story window. 
The protesters believe that the US should not be in the business of choosing the government of other countries, even if they do have a lot of oil. 
Come hear from Bostonians who support the Venezuelan government and their Bolivarian revolution, which has built 2.5 million houses for poor people, provided food for millions, even with the sanctions in place, eradicated illiteracy and created a good system of free health care for Venezuelans.   
For a report, from Telesur English, of the eviction of the activists from the embassy, see:  
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5/18 Support the Venezuelan Embassy protectors! US Hands off Venezuela!

Charlie Welch<>
*Support the Venezuelan Embassy protectors!  US Hands off Venezuela!*

*Rally at Park Street red line stop*

*1:00 pm, Saturday May 18*

Venezuelan Embassy defenders led by Code Pink occupied the embassy
building in Washington DC for several weeks at the invitation of the
Venezuelan government.  The US wants to hand over the building to
supporters of the self-proclaimed "president" Juan Guaido, the US puppet
who openly calls for US intervention. Despite the US government action
being clearly illegal, the protectors were arrested and now face
charges.  There will be a national rally to support those arrested,
demand the embassy be returned to its rightful owners and oppose US
aggression against Venezuela.  A local solidarity rally will support the
actions in Washington.

Sponsored by the Committee on Peace and Human Rights and the
International Action Center.

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