Friday, June 28, 2019

City Council Hearing 5:30pm Za C

Za C<>

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From: BUGWU-UAW <>
Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 10:00 AM
Subject: TODAY: City Council Hearing 5:30pm
To: <

Dear Colleagues,
Today is the day! From 5:30-8:30 pm, the Boston City Council will hold a public hearing on the rights of graduate student workers at Boston’s institutions of higher education. Three Boston College graduate workers will join colleagues from Harvard , BU, and Northeastern to testify about the challenges graduate workers face and the importance of a fair union contract.
Graduate workers from Boston University, Boston College, Northeastern, and Harvard will be testifying about experiences working at our universities, the need to improve our working conditions and why universities need to respect our rights to a democratically elected union. Come be a part of this event and support grad workers who are speaking out about the need for a union - It’s critical for us to pack the room with graduate workers and supporters to show how strong our movement is!
TODAY! Thursday, June 27th at 5:30pm (Note: There is a security check at the City Hall building, so plan to be there by 5pm to ensure you get in before the hearing). NOTE: City Hall has multiple entrances. If the "3rd floor" (plaza) entrance is closed as it may be after 530pm, the CONGRESS STREET entrance will still be open.
We will be meeting up in Marsh Plaza starting at 4pm and then heading to City Hall by 4:45pm if you want to go down as a group. And if you have a BUGWU button, wear it! Don't have one? We'll have extras at Marsh Plaza.
Iannella Chamber -- 1 City Hall Square, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA

Can we count on you to be there? Please let us know by RSVPing below.

In solidarity,
The BUGWU-UAW Organizing Committee

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Public Hearing: Student Workers and Labor Practices in Boston's Institutions of Higher Education
Iannella Chamber
1 City Hall Square
Fifth floor
Boston, MA 02201

June 27th, 5.30pm
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BUGWU-UAW Graduate Workers
Contact us: | Visit us on Facebook | Follow on Twitter:@bugradunion |
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Stand with Kshama Sawant against Corporate PACs Socialist Alternative

Socialist Alternative<>

Please see below for a message from Kshama Sawant's campaign. Can you make a contribution to the campaign to stand against the corporate PACs which have already raised $1 million for ‘anybody but Kshama Sawant’? Her campaign needs to raise another $10,000 before our next important fundraising deadline this Sunday at midnight.

You may have heard us talking about the corporate PACs that have already built up a war chest of over $1 million for ‘anybody but Kshama.’ That’s because it will have a big impact on this race.

During the 2017 Seattle mayoral election, the Chamber of Commerce’s corporate PAC (CASE), spent over half a million dollars  $350,000 of that from Amazon alone  to buy their mayoral pick, Jenny Durkan. When we won a historic tax on Amazon and Seattle’s biggest businesses last year to fund millions for affordable housing, corporate interests like Amazon, Starbucks and for-profit developer Vulcan quickly amassed $325,000 to bully the majority of Seattle’s City Council into repealing the tax.

The corporate PAC money will only grow. PACs will send out multiple rounds of attack mail and potentially even tv ads spreading propaganda and lies about Kshama’s record of making things happen or the alleged doomsday effects of winning rent control as our movement for rent control gains momentum. Big developers will try to clamp down to prevent a victory which could reverberate nationwide, like our movement for 15 Now.

The way we will win this campaign and keep a seat for working people in Seattle’s City Hall will be by building the biggest grassroots campaign Seattle has ever seen. It will be by knocking on the doors of all the nearly 100,000 voters in District 3, over and over, to defend Kshama Sawant against the corporate PAC attacks. And while our huge volunteer team drives this campaign, it costs money to print literature, blanket the district with red posters and fund an office with field organizers to coordinate our volunteer operation.

We only have 4 days to raise $10,000 before our next important fundraising deadline this Sunday at midnight. We want to enter our July ‘Get out the Vote’ push on strong footing and be on track to cancel out Amazon’s $200,000 corporate PAC contribution.

We’re proud to already lead the race in fundraising, with more contributors from District 3, the city of Seattle, and the state of Washington than any other campaign. And we're proud that our campaign is not for sale, funded entirely by grassroots donations from working people like yourself. The maximum contribution for an election cycle is $500 per individual. 
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We are offering a new vision Bernie Sanders 2020

Bernie Sanders 2020<>
To  alfred johnson  

Alfred -
Bernie made the difference clear tonight.
Are we going to settle for the status quo and more of the same, or will we fight for a fundamental transformation of our political and economic systems?
Will we settle and hope to win on just one issue? Or do we know that by building a political revolution, transformative change is possible?
Bernie made the argument that the future of our country and planet rests on aggressively challenging powerful special interests. It’s what he’s done for his whole career — and it’s what he’ll do as president.
We can do more than the media and the political establishment can even imagineis possible. But this future is only possible if we build it together.
Will you contribute to Bernie 2020 before Sunday’s FEC fundraising deadline? This is an important moment for our campaign.
Everyone is going to be watching our momentum coming out of tonight’s debate — especially with Sunday’s FEC fundraising deadline. They’re going to look closely at the numbers we report, and it’s important we send an unmistakable message. Add your contribution now.
Thank you for standing with Bernie.
In solidarity,
Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager

What Biden didn't want to talk about last night RootsAction Team

RootsAction Team<>
Via <>
Our country needs the Biden Fact Squad.

This month, at state Democratic Party conventions in California and South Carolina, we used facts to raise crucial questions about Joe Biden. And -- as news outlets like CNN, Bloomberg News and USA Today reported -- we got our message out.

“Anyone who spent more than 10 minutes at the convention was handed a two-sided document from the group RootsAction,” the Washington Post reported from San Francisco. Our flyer’s disturbing headline quoted a mainstream journalist: “It is hard to name an infamously unjust feature of America’s criminal-justice system that Joe Biden didn’t help to bring about.”

The Biden Fact Squad is committed to distributing information that is both accurate and hard-hitting.

Here are two important ways you can make it possible for the Biden Fact Squad to widen its reach and boost its impacts nationwide:
Days before last night's debate, the New York Times published an exceptional investigative article with the kind of devastating information about Biden’s record that we’ve been distributing nationally for many weeks.

With your help, the Biden Fact Squad can continue to quickly transmit such explosive material to activists, journalists and the public.

Under the heading “Joe Biden and the Era of Mass Incarceration,” the Times explained: “He now plays down his role overhauling crime laws with segregationist senators in the ’80s and ’90s. That portrayal today is at odds with his actions and rhetoric back then.

The newspaper reported that Biden “must answer for his role in legislation that criminal justice experts and his critics say helped lay the groundwork for the mass incarceration that has devastated America’s black communities” -- and that he “worked with segregationists to write the bills.” Yet, “Mr. Biden long defended the [1994 crime] bill, saying as recently as 2016 that it ‘restored American cities’ and that he was not ashamed of it.”

We must not let such facts be obscured from public view and scrutiny.

Your help now can make a real difference as the Biden Fact Squad gains momentum.

The power of corporate backers has elevated Joe Biden to frontrunner status. They have the big checks and the big megaphones. But if we organize effectively, we can clear the path for a progressive Democratic ticket that can defeat Donald Trump and provide genuine leadership for social progress instead of corporate greed.

Thank you!

-- The Team

P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.

>>  The New York Times“Joe Biden and the Era of Mass Incarceration”
>>  Ta-Nehisi Coates, Democracy Now: “Joe Biden Shouldn’t Be President”
>>  Norman Solomon, Common Dreams“The Staggering Frontrunner Status of Clueless and Shameless Joe Biden”

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