Friday, July 19, 2019

Last night, I was at dinner with Ilhan Omar, her daughter, and some other members of Congress when we heard the news that thousands of people at a Donald Trump rally were chanting "send her back."Bernie Sanders 7/18/2019 3:55 PM

Bernie Sanders<>
To  alfred johnson  

Alfred -
Last night, I was at dinner with Ilhan Omar, her daughter, and some other members of Congress when we heard the news that thousands of people at a Donald Trump rally were chanting "send her back."
To my surprise, Ilhan was pretty unfazed. Sadly, as she told me, she has been dealing with this kind of hatred and racism for a long time.
And she knows, as we do, that Trump is a demagogue doing what he does best: dividing and conquering through hate.
No. Trump won't talk about trying to throw 32 million Americans off their health care. He won't talk about his massive tax breaks for billionaires. He won't talk about his budget which called for huge cuts to Medicaid and Medicare. And he certainly won't talk about how climate change is destroying the planet.
But he will try to divide the country up based on the color of our skin, our religion, where we were born or our sexual orientation.
Brothers and sisters: Now is the time, more than at any other moment in our lifetimes, to say NO to racism, NO to divisiveness, NO to the hatred that Trump is trying to foment.
Ilhan Omar is a leader with strength and courage. She won’t back down to Trump’s racism and hate, and neither will we. So today, I want to ask you to do something important that will help ensure her voice is with us in Congress for a long time to come:
Can you split a contribution between Ilhan Omar’s re-election campaign and our campaign for president? Send a message that we will fight back against Trump’s racism.
Bernie at dinner with Ilhan Omar
(Ilhan and me at dinner last night shortly after the news came through about the Trump rally)
Ilhan and I have worked together on a number of important issues since she was elected – most recently our effort to cancel all student debt in this country.
She is a critical voice in our fight for justice in America, and I am excited to work with her and other progressives when we are in the White House.
Split a contribution between her campaign and ours today:
Thank you for reading, and for supporting our campaigns.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

Re-elect an Independent Socialist! Fundraiser for Kshama Sawant Boston Socialist Alternative

Boston Socialist Alternative<>
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What: Fundraiser for Kshama Sawant, a member of Socialist Alternative and Seattle city councilor
When: 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 27
Where: Doyle's Cafe, 3484 Washington St, Jamaica Plain
Who: Speakers will include State Rep. Mike Connolly, Cambridge city council candidate Ben Simon, union activists and members of Socialist Alternative. 

Kshama Sawant is a Seattle city councilor who led the fight for a $15 minimum wage in her city, which sparked a movement that swept the country. She has fought tooth and nail in the interests of working people by building grassroots movements to win millions of dollars for affordable housing, funding for LGBTQ+ services and a moratorium on coal and oil trains passing through Seattle. She lead the charge on a head tax for big businesses including Amazon to fund affordable housing and homeless services. Kshama is a member of Socialist Alternative who ran as a political independent and accepts no corporate money. She takes the average wage of a worker in her district and donates the rest of her income to social movements.

Amazon, Comcast and other major corporations are pouring money into the Seattle City Council race to knock out Kshama because they know she and the grassroots movement of workers and students she helps build are huge threats to their massive profits. A win for Kshama in Seattle will be a win for working people across the country and an example of how we can build a similar movement in Boston!

Join us on Saturday, July 27 at 6 p.m. at Doyle's Cafe in Jamaica Plain to raise money for Kshama’s campaign, and to hear from State Rep. Mike Connolly, Cambridge City Council candidate Ben Simon, and other Boston area activists on why it is important for us in Boston to help re-elect Kshama!

RSVP on Facebook here and invite your friends!

For more information about Kshama's program and accomplishments or to donate, check out her campaign page at
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Will you call voters from home?<>
To  Al Johnsa  

Al -
Here’s how we’re going to make Bernie our next president: by having conversations with millions of Americans, one person at a time.
And now we’re making it VERY easy for you to have those conversations with voters on your own, right from your home. It’s called the Bernie Dialer. And we’re opening it up for the first time tonight.
First up: voters in California — a state that votes early and that is BIG for us to win.
So what do you say? Can you take this important step to help Bernie win?
You must have access to a tablet or desktop computer as well as a phone. If you have all that, start making calls right now!
If you want to call later, or don't have a tablet or desktop computer right now, sign up for a shift to call when you can.
The Bernie Dialer is one of THE most important tools we have in this election. No one else has the kind of grassroots movement working day and night like we have for Bernie.
And the more voters we can talk to, the more we’ll be ready to win elections next year — so we can win this nomination, defeat Donald Trump, and transform our country.
Are you free right now and have access to a desktop computer or tablet? Call California voters right now.
Busy or not near a tablet or desktop computer? Not a problem. Sign up for a shift to call voters later.
Thanks for all you do for our movement.
In solidarity,
Claire Sandberg
National Organizing Director

How to respond re: Trump's cruel immigration raids MoveOn Civic Action Corinne Ball

MoveOn Civic Action Corinne Ball<>
To  Alfred F Johnson  
Dear MoveOn member,
Trump is—again—escalating his administration's campaign of fear and terror against immigrant communities. Immediately after spurring international outrage over the criminal conditions in detention camps across the country, he is now launching mass ICE raids targeting families.
Make no mistake: These raids are designed to tear apart families, cause fear, and retaliate against cities that have stood up to Trump's racist, anti-immigrant policies.1
ICE and CBP are agencies teeming with cruelty and racism—and not only has Trump continued to embolden them, he is gearing up to send thousands more people into their custody with these raids, despite recent reports detailing abuses in detention camps. These agencies even spent massive amounts of money on raids after claiming they don't have funds to improve detention conditions.
Every action Trump is taking gives ICE even more power. This is part of a calculated and heartless attack—and the misery and pain ICE creates will impact far more people than we know.2
Since Trump announced these raids, the response has been overwhelming: Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets, called their members of Congress, added their names to petitions, and more.
Just this week, activists and allies demanded that Marriott and Choice hotels vow not to help the Trump administration tear families apart—and won. Thousands of MoveOn members like you signed a petition that was delivered with allies and partners to hotel headquarters on Thursday. Hours after the petition delivery, Marriott released a statement affirming they would not allow ICE to use their hotels as jails. Choice hotels followed closely behind.3
When we take a stand together, we know we can win. Here's how you can take action to oppose Trump's cruel immigration policies and support communities suffering right now:
1. Know your rights. If an immigration agent comes to your door or your neighborhood, know how to respond. Click here for "Know Your Power," an important resource from United We Dream. Share this information with your community and over social media.
2. Demand your member of Congress take every possible action to stop Trump's cruel attacks. Dial 844-899-8261 now to call your representative, and then dial 855-300-3836 to call your senators. Say to them, "Close the camps, stop funding family detention and deportation, bear witness, and reunite families."
3. Contribute to ensure that everyone in detention has legal representation, so they don't have to face an immigration judge alone. Donate to the Texas Civil Rights Project, an organization that is providing free legal services to immigrants in detention. Click here to contribute now.
4. Sign the petition to say Congress must close the camps! Add your name now.
When we speak up, we have power. In the face of this cruelty, we must continue to speak out, take action, and support our communities.
Thanks for all you do.
–Corinne, Emma, Bill, Seth, and the rest of the team

1. "Cities prepare for showdown with Trump over ICE raids: You 'have to come through us,'" USA TODAY, July 12, 2019
2. "ICE Is Dangerously Inaccurate," The New York Times, July 12, 2019
3. "With Possible ICE Raids Imminent, Hotel Chains Are Taking a Stand," WAMU, July 12, 2019
Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your support, now more than ever. Will you stand with MoveOn?
Contributions to Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. This email was sent to Alfred Johnson on July 13, 2019. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

#NeverAgain Action in DC on Tuesday

Kevin Heaton<>
Two weeks ago, a group of Jews and immigrant justice organizers driven by a deep commitment to “Never Again” put out a call to action for our community. Tens of thousands of people across the country answered that call, showing the world that Never Again means Never Again for anyone. We know from our own histories what happens when a government targets, dehumanizes and strips an entire group of people of all their civil and human rights.

What ICE is doing at the border and in all of our communities is nothing short of a crisis, and Congress is doing nothing to address it -- and it’s not just Trump and the GOP. Our Democratic leadership has failed to take meaningful action to stop the mass atrocities that are taking place on their watch, voting to give ICE billions more in funding just two weeks ago.

We refuse to back down.

On Tuesday, July 16, we are joining forces with Movimiento Cosecha and taking our demand straight to the center of ICE’s dehumanizing immigration machine: Washington, D.C. Join us for the culmination of our fight to shut down ICE.

If you are able to take action in D.C. with us, register here:

#NeverAgain is now.
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