Thursday, August 01, 2019

Unite against racism (petition) Reverend William J. Barber, II

Reverend William J. Barber, II<>
To  Alfred F Johnson  
Dear MoveOn member,
I'm Reverend William J. Barber, II, of Repairers of the Breach, the Poor People's Campaign, and the Moral Mondays movement. And I am asking you to join me in this call to all the presidential candidates:
All presidential candidates should unite for a massive, pro-voter, anti-racism rally in Greenville, NC—the city in which Trump supporters spread a bigoted, racist and xenophobic chant—to reject racism and regression, register voters, and demonstrate what an America committed to moving forward together looks like.
On July 17, the Trump 2020 campaign held a rally in Greenville, North Carolina, where President Trump used racist tropes to demonize Representative Ilhan Omar before pausing to let the crowd chant, "Send her back!" Along with the vast majority of Americans, all the other presidential candidates condemned Trump's appeals to racism. We are writing to invite them to come together for a mass rally in Greenville to demonstrate what an alternative for America's future looks like.

While the candidates are not enemies, we understand they are competitors. They have real policy differences between them, and they are on the campaign trail to make the case for why they should be the next person to lead the United States of America. But just as the global community of nation-states has at times put aside competitive differences in order to face an existential threat, we believe this is a time for candidates to unite and demonstrate what an America committed to moving forward together looks like.
If you agree, please add your name to our letter asking all the candidates to unite against racism and regression and for voter registration—at a massive rally in North Carolina.

It is important to return to the scene of Trump's crime in North Carolina's Pitt County, because while the whole world has seen images of a nearly all-white crowd chanting in racist unison there, we know this does not actually represent Pitt County or the vast majority of rural America that Trump 2020 wants to cast as "red counties." Pitt County is not, in fact, a red county. Hillary Clinton won Pitt County in 2016, as did almost every Democrat down ticket. Pitt County is in North Carolina's Black Belt. Poor and low-income Black, white, and Latino people there have voted in a fusion coalition that demonstrates our capacity to come together and reject the divide-and-conquer politics of racism.

America desperately needs to see this possibility now. Because such coalitions are possible all across the South and the Midwest. These fusion coalitions offer the only hope of reclaiming democracy from a movement of extremism.

North Carolina's Forward Together Moral Movement organized in response to extremism that took over the state legislature and the governor's office in 2013. The policy agenda that the Trump administration and its enablers in Congress are pushing today was front and center in North Carolina in 2013. Leaning into a long history of moral fusion organizing in the South, we learned to fight reactionary extremism by highlighting how racism hurts Black, white, and brown people regardless of their party affiliation. We came together in mass Moral Monday rallies that showed the people of North Carolina what uniting to move forward together could look like. We beat voter suppression in the courts, and we beat extremism at the ballot box in 2016's statewide races. We know fusion coalition can win in the South ... even in places that have been misidentified as "Trump country."

The vast majority of Americans do not want to capitulate to racist demagoguery. They do not want to be pitted against one another in a zero-sum competition. Most people are desperate for leadership that can chart a path forward together to the multi-ethnic democracy of equal opportunity that this nation has long aspired to become but has never yet been.

Now is the time to unite for a mass unity and voter registration rally focused not on any individual's campaign, but on the coalition building that is needed to dispel the myth of a solid South and show the nation what a better future looks like.
Please add your name if you agree, and we'll make sure all the candidates hear our call for unity against racism and regression and for voter registration.

The world is asking how the candidates will respond to the open racism of Trump's Greenville rally. We believe the answer is, "If Americans don't like what they see in the White House, they can go door to door registering and educating a powerful new fusion coalition to chart a new course beyond 2020."

Whoever emerges to lead the challenge to Trump in 2020, this must be clear: The future of democracy and the well-being of our common home on this planet depend upon a fusion coalition that can reclaim American democracy from the extremism that now holds power in our public life. We believe this crisis demands that we unite to make this single message clear.
Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.

William J. Barber II, President, Repairers of the Breach and Co-Chair of the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Liz Theoharis, Co-Director of Kairos Center and Co-Chair of the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Director of the School for Conversion and member of National Steering Committee, Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on, where anyone can start their own online petitions. You can start your own petition here.
Want to support MoveOn's work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us?

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to Alfred Johnson on July 30, 2019. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

big and little lies about climate change Shailene Woodley

New Vietnam GI Resistance Podcasts! w/ Mike Dempsey, Ray Parrish, John Ketwig Courage to Resist Jeff Paterson

Courage to Resist Jeff Paterson<>
Courage to Resist
I said, "This is fucked up.” And he said, “You’re just having a little thing.” And I said, “No, it’s not okay.” I said, “We don’t belong here.” Listen to Michael's story.

This year marks 50 years since some of the most important GI resistance actions against the US war in Vietnam. To mark the occasion, we've been producing a podcast series in collaboration with the Vietnam Full Disclosure effort of Veterans For Peace. With your support, we'll soon be able to share with you the first-ever, first-person account of the mutiny aboard the SS Columbia Eagle as it carried napalm to Vietnam in March 1970. Please donate today.

ray parrish podcastPodcast: "Everything we could think of to screw with the system" - Ray Parrish

"The fact that we were not shot encouraged us that this was not an unusual opinion ... that Vietnam was just a bad idea in so many ways." Listen to Ray's story.

john ketwig podcastPodcast: "Not something you go home and be proud of" - John Ketwig

"The vast majority of guys who were sent to Vietnam were sent against their will...coerced into the army and had a chip on our shoulders." Listen to John's story.
484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland, California 94610 ~ 510-488-3559 ~

Who's afraid of the socialists? Amazon's top executives Socialist Alternative

Socialist Alternative<>
Please see below for a message from the campaign to re-elect Kshama Sawant, Seattle's Socialist Alternative City Councilmember. Seattle’s 2019 election is gearing up to be the most expensive in the city’s history. 
Amazon’s top executives have something in common with Vulcan, Comcast, Puget Sound Energy, and the Amazon corporation itself: they are afraid of socialist Councilmember Kshama Sawant.

One of our opponents’ donor lists reads like a who’s who of Amazon’s top players, with big donations from over 15 of Amazon’s top executives. Over half of these executives are members of the “S Team,” Jeff Bezos’ closest advisors.

What’s at stake in this election is who runs Seattle — Amazon and big business or working people. Amazon hates that we stood up to their corporate blackmail last year. They were terrified by how close we came to winning last year’s Tax Amazon struggle, and they are afraid of how our movement will continue to grow if we win this re-election campaign.

We only have 2 days left until our July fundraising deadline, the last big deadline before the August 6 primary. Don’t let Amazon buy this election! Please donate $50 today — 10 donations from working people like yourself will cancel out a max donation from an Amazon executive.

While Amazon executives may be picking favorites, their top priority this election year is “anybody but Kshama Sawant” for Seattle’s District 3 seat — that’s why they’re hedging their bets.

For instance, Senior Vice President David Zapolsky, who oversees policy at Amazon, realizes that the best policy for Amazon is to protect Seattle’s regressive tax policy, so that Amazon can continue raking in record-breaking profits as Seattle’s homeless population grows. Top Amazon executive Zapolsky has given maxed out donations to both Zachary DeWolf and Egan Orion, as well as $5,000 to the “People for Seattle PAC.”

Headed up by former corporate City Councilmember Tim Burgess, the People for Seattle PAC is sending out a flood of mailer attacks against us. We're not the least bit surprised. Big business leaders are determined to buy this election because they are frustrated at the gains our movements have won for working people. And now the gloves have come off — as The Stranger reporter Rich Smith writes, “Honestly, I'm glad to see divisive mailers created by a politician who calls for the end of divisiveness in politics. The open hypocrisy is refreshing.”

Our opponents often say that they will “listen to everyone in the district.” Some of these multimillionaire Amazon executives live within the boundaries of Seattle’s District 3, but Councilmember Kshama Sawant doesn’t represent them.

Councilmember Kshama Sawant unambiguously represents working people like the Amazon workers who are standing up to Jeff Bezos to demand real climate action and the Amazon security officers who fought for, and won, their union (and we’re proud to have the endorsement of SEIU Local 6!). Kshama represents renters who are struggling to afford Seattle’s sky-high rents, and who are joining our movement for rent control. And Kshama represents all the working people who are burdened by Seattle’s regressive taxes and underfunded public services, and who are fighting to tax Amazon and Seattle’s biggest business.

That’s why our campaign is not for sale to Amazon executives, corporate PACs, business lobbyists, or big developers. We’re incredibly proud that our grassroots fundraising has already cancelled out Amazon’s big $200,000 donation from earlier this year. But we know that the corporate cash will only continue to flood in.

Don’t let Amazon buy this election: please donate today to cancel out a max donation from an Amazon executive before our fundraising deadline tomorrow at midnight.

Thank you in advance,

Eva Metz
Vote Sawant Fundraising Director
Your $25 donation will bring this flyer to 100 voters.
Your $50 donation will bring this flyer to 200 voters.
Your $125 donation will bring this flyer to 500 voters.
We have a goal of cancelling out Vulcan’s $80,000 donation by the August 6 primary. We’re over halfway there, but we need to get as close to this goal as possible before our big July fundraising deadline. Your donation to #CancelOutVulcan will send a powerful message that big developers can’t buy this election. Please donate today — there are only 4 days left before our July fundraising deadline!
#CancelOutVulcan: Donate today
Follow Kshama Sawant's Campaign on Social Media
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The Democratic debate tonight will show a bright contrast between the progressive running for president who understands the need to challenge the power of big money in politics, and seven other people who aren't named Bernie Sanders.

Marisa Mormile<>

The Democratic debate tonight will show a bright contrast between the progressive running for president who understands the need to challenge the power of big money in politics, and seven other people who aren't named Bernie Sanders.

While our shared vision for a democracy that works for all voters is popular, we know that the media will look for any excuse to claim otherwise. If we allow them to succeed, our mission to challenge the stranglehold that big money has on our politics will be set back.

That's why it's so important that we reach our critical post-debate fundraising deadline and ensure we have the resources to continue advancing our progressive message of economic and social justice in solidarity. Rush a donation now!
Our Revolution is doing critical organizing for important issues like Medicare for All, the climate crisis, free college for all, getting big money out of politics, and more.

We can't allow the so-called "centrists" (an odd name for a group of people most known for holding unpopular, corporate-friendly opinions) and their allies in the media to distort the post-debate narrative.

That's why we are asking you to give before our critical end-of-month post-debate deadline. Rush a donation now!


Marisa Mormile