Saturday, August 10, 2019

VFP eNews: Veterans Condemn Racist Attacks Veterans For Peace

Veterans For Peace<>
To  Alfred Johnson  
August 9, 2019 - Veterans Condemn Racist Violence, Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki, The Golden Rule Arrives in Hawai'i!, Muana Kea, Korea Armistice Day, Poor People's Campaign, New Podcast: Dee Knight , VFP Newsletters, VFP In the News and Calendar
Veterans For Peace Louisville chapter at Moms Demand Action

Veterans Condemn Racist Violence

Veterans For Peace strongly condemns the terrorist attack conducted by a white nationalist in El Paso, Texas, and the mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio. We hold Donald Trump accountable for his part in stoking racism and bigotry. We hold news outlets accountable for not taking Trump to task for his racism. We hold the U.S. Congress accountable for not enacting legislation that will, in part, make the National Rifle Association culpable for fomenting an atmosphere of lawlessness in our society. Their lack of will and lack of courage makes attacks by domestic terrorists a far too frequent occurrence. This cowardice continues to allow wanton murder to occur unchecked. We furthermore hold that the U.S. Congress’ unwillingness to confront and oppose the racist, bigoted language of the current occupant of the White House to be unconscionable.
Read the Entire Statement
#VetsSpeakOut #VetsVsHate
Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki

We continue to be dismayed at the lack of accountability that the U.S. has taken towards unleashing the most devastating attack the world has ever seen.  The U.S. remains the only country in the world that has used nuclear weapons, of which the side effects are still being felt today.
Veterans For Peace now takes up the call of the Hibakusha. We who have trained for war and experienced war know its meaningless violence, its futility, its lies and false promises. We want to abolish all war, to end the violence of military intervention, and the threats of nuclear destruction.  Read entire statement
Veterans For Peace at Mauna Kea

Veterans For Peace in Mauna Kea

On July 30th, Veterans For Peace was honored to visit Mauna Kea and meet with the Elders circle.  VFP members presented this statement and a VFP flag.
Chris Overfelt testifying

VFP Testifies at Budget Committee with Poor People's Campaign

Chris Overfelt, a representative of Veterans For Peace from Kansas, as part of the Poor People's Campaign, gave his testimony during a hearing on poverty in America and the economic realities of struggling families.  

VFP members handing out literature in NYC

Korea Armistice Day

Veterans For Peace, New York joins a protest organized by Soobak Kim of the Korea Peace Campaign.  Calling attention to HR 152 and getting signatures to support the legislation calling for a formal end to the Korean War.

Podcast: Dee Knight

New Podcast: Dee Knight

Dee Knight, who left the US to resist the Vietnam War from Canada, declares, "Don't be afraid. Follow your conscience," in the newest Courage to Resist podcast produced in collaboration with the Vietnam Full Disclosure effort of Veterans For Peace.
Golden Rule in Hawaii

The Golden Rule Arrives in Hawai'i!

The Golden Rule arrived in Hilo, Hawai'i last week. It's been 61 years since the Golden Rule was in Hawai'i on one of it's original voyages in 1958!!!!
To receive a daily email about the Golden Rule's progress once Golden Rule, click here.

Mary Ellen

Peace is Possible!

Veterans For Peace Evansville made two great videos to get the word out about their chapter.
Check them out:

VFP Nashville Radio Hour Puerto Rico

(This was from last week but still relevant)
Thanks to friend of the show Kat Hitchcock we were able to interview three activists from the streets of San Juan as the people have come out and driven out their governor. The story goes much deeper than just ousting the governor. The people are ready to overthrow the current administration from top to bottom.  Listen Now!
Lars Pip

¡Presente! Lars Prip

Veterans For Peace will miss dedicated activist and fellow VFP friend, Lars Prip, who passed away last month.  Read this thoughtful remembrance of Lars.

VFP In the News

VFP In the News!

VFP in the News

Important Reminders!

Online registration is now closed for Convention.  You can still register, in person, in Spokane, starting on Thursday.
VFP Board and you are current VFP veteran member?  Contact Garett Reppenhagen
Veterans For Peace ballots are around the corner.  To vote you must be a verified member, in good standing, of Veterans For Peace.  If you need to renew your membership, click here!  To send in your DD214 (or other verified documentation), email shelly@veteransforpeace!
Upcoming Events


June 10- August 6 - 2019 East Asia Peace Walk 
August 15-18 - Annual Veterans For Peace Convention in Spokane, Washington
August 27 - Kellogg-Briand Treaty Day
September 7-22 - VFP Trip to Viet Nam
For more calendar events, check out our website!
Veterans For Peace Annual Convention
See You in Spokane!
Make sure to check out our website on all things Convention related. Follow us on TwitterInstagram and Facebook if you aren't able to make it!  We are excited to see you in Spokane!
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Fight for fully funded schools! Boston Socialist Alternative

Boston Socialist Alternative<>
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What: Public meeting to discuss how we can win fully funded public education!
When: 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 13
Where: UMass Boston, Wheatley Building, room 22
Nationwide, we are witnessing a wave of educators and students walking out of their schools to fight for more funding and for better working and learning conditions. As our public schools are still under threat, we will see the #redfored movement continue this coming school year. Here in Massachusetts, our public schools have been underfunded by over $1 billion for Prek-12 education, and by over $500 million for public higher education every year, and this underfunding of our schools disproportionately hurts communities of color, and poor and working class families.
Year after year, we are given false promises of better funding on the horizon—just last year the legislature failed to pass an updated education  foundation budget bill, and despite the promise of 2019 being the year our students and educators would get the funding we desperately need and deserve, legislators have thus far failed to deliver. We have heard enough empty promises from legislators, and must build the broadest union-led, community-driven movement to demand our students and staff get the funding we deserve! As union members and members of our communities, we must call for strike action and work stoppages this coming school year, and must begin to discuss the most effective strategies to win fully funded schools for ourselves and our students.
In large part due to pressure from unions, students, and community members, the state legislature has just passed a recommendation to increase state funding of our pre-K through 12 public schools by $269 million in the current fiscal year (through an increase in Chapter 70 aid). The PROMISE and CHERISH acts have been pushed aside, and this stopgap of pre-k through 12 funding is a drop in the bucket given the decades of underfunding and cuts our public schools are faced with.
UMass Boston has just announced a projected deficit of $14 million, and is going through with a second round of faculty and staff buyouts. The legislative response was to provide measly budget increases for the UMass system, but allow for tuition increases—once again, working class students at UMass Boston are paying the tab for mismanagement of their higher education institution. 
Join union and community members to discuss how to carry the fight for public education forward--we need to consider strike action this school year to show corporate education reformers and our legislators that our students and our educators need more than temporary funding solutions!

RSVP on Facebook and invite your coworkers, friends and neighbors! 
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We have a responsibility to every living being on planet earth Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley<>
Friend, did you know that last month was the hottest month ever recorded in human history across the globe? Well, July is now on track to break that short-lived record. It's time for the DNC to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and hold a presidential debate on the climate crisis.
Demand the DNC host a climate debate »

Despite the increasingly clear reality that we are in a spiraling climate crisis, the DNC is refusing to hold a presidential debate focused on the candidates’ plans to prevent a full-blown catastrophe.

We have a responsibility to every living being on planet Earth to not allow the greatest crisis we have ever faced as human beings to be swept under the rug by the media.

While the oil industry and the politicians they fund desperately try to keep feeding us both big and little lies, the truth is that the American people deserve a climate debate.

But in order to make that happen, we all need to fight for it. We know that real transformational power comes from people — our unity, our commitment, our knowledge — and from our strength in numbers.

Add your name here to join me in demanding that the DNC host a debate specifically focused on the climate crisis→

No one will be coming to save us. That’s why it’s essential for us to organize right now. It is up to us to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and demand a healthy, just, and sustainable planet.

Our Revolution groups around the country are mobilizing at the local level to demand a climate debate because the fate of our shared planet literally depends on it.

Sign here to stand with Our Revolution in telling the Democratic Party to host a presidential debate focused exclusively on the climate crisis→

Climate change and environmental justice can no longer be ignored.

Thank you for being a part of the millions of people around the world who are standing up.

In Solidarity,
Shailene Woodley

Please explain to me Bernie Sanders 11:12 AM

Bernie Sanders<>
To  alfred johnson  

Alfred -
If you watch TV or browse the internet today, there’s a decent chance you’ll see an ad from a health insurance or pharmaceutical company attacking Medicare for All.
And what I want to know is why?
Why when so many Americans are dying because of a lack of insurance and more cannot afford their prescriptions, are they spending so much money on ads attacking Medicare for All? And how much do they plan to spend?
So I wrote a letter to health insurance and pharmaceutical CEOs, asking them.
Dear Mr. Eyles and Mr. Ubl: We pay, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs and healthcare. While over 30,000 Americans die each year because they lack health insurance and one out of five Americans cannot afford the medicine prescribed by their doctors, the private healthcare…
We should all be outraged at their spending during this process — and please know who they are trying to beat:
Not just me.
They are trying to beat us.
So please, co-sign my letter demanding answers. Use this link:
These groups are likely prepared to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to stop us and our agenda. It’s outrageous.
Thank you for co-signing my letter, and I will let you know if they respond.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders