Sunday, January 27, 2019

A View From The Boston Local Left -NEW WARS / OLD WARS – What Could Possibly Go Wrong

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NEW WARS / OLD WARS – What Could Possibly Go Wrong

I don’t claim to know all the facts about what is happening in Venezuela but I do know that the US has no right to intervene into the affairs of any sovereign country, even if the situation is not ideal from the point of view of democracy or local policies. This is true of Venezuela – and of Nicaragua, Syria, Iran or anywhere else where our government chooses to selectively oppose governments it deems “enemies” while backing to the hilt friendly dictatorships all over the world such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Israeli occupier.  While US officials shed crocodile tears for the people of these countries, sanctions imposed on their governments have made their humanitarian situation worse. Not only hypocritical, but US interventions have invariably caused more harm than any ostensible good. We should firmly oppose any unilateral US interventions, whatever the supposed justifications.  The situation is increasingly alarming s the embattled Trump administration may be tempted to create an international crisis to deflect attention from its own failures.

Friday, January 25
Protest tonight: HANDS OFF VENEZUELA!!!
5:30 - 6:30 pm, Copley Square, Boston
Yesterday, US President Donald Trump took the extraordinary and illegal action to recognize the president of Venezuela's legislature as the "interim president" of the country. The Alliance for Global Justice has launched a campaign against US intervention that includes a petition against regime change efforts. Sign the petition HERE to tell your elected officials NO US-ENGINEERED COUP In Venezuela! It is clear that the US government and corporate media believe they have entered the final offensive to replace the elected Venezuelan government of President Nicolas Maduro with one that will be subservient to US interests. Tell your elected officials (US and Canadian) that you oppose foreign intervention in Venezuela's internal affairs. This action is counter to both the United Nations and Organization of American States Charters and thus illegal under international law.
Massachusetts Peace Action has joined other groups in supporting an emergency speak out tomorrow against U.S. regime change efforts in Venezuela:

Please join us at the speak out and sign the Alliance for Global Justice Petition  by clicking the button below.

Trump Moves to Oust Maduro & Install Pro-U.S. Leader in Oil-Rich Venezuela
This is unprecedented, not only in Venezuelan history, but in Latin America. The only similarity, as a historian, that I can recall was with the Bay of Pigs, in which part of the U.S. plan in landing troops in Cuba was to declare a government in exile, and then that government in exile, up in arms, would request U.S. military assistance, and the U.S. would then land troops. This is a scenario that likely could play out in Venezuela. It depends on what Juan Guaidó decides to do. There is no way that Maduro can accept another sovereign, another person, declaring to be president within the country. So this is an effort to escalate the crisis, to polarize the conditions further. It is the equivalent, essentially, of Nancy Pelosi saying that Donald Trump is a usurper, he is corrupt, he has laid off 800,000 federal employees, and I’m going to declare myself president of the U.S., and she would be recognized by France, Germany and England. It’s unprecedented.   More

Over 70 Scholars and Experts Condemns US-Backed Coup Attempt in Venezuela
"Actions by the Trump administration and its allies in the hemisphere are almost certain to make the situation in Venezuela worse, leading to unnecessary human suffering, violence, and instability," the letter reads. "The U.S. and its allies must cease encouraging violence by pushing for violent, extralegal regime change. If the Trump administration and its allies continue to pursue their reckless course in Venezuela, the most likely result will be bloodshed, chaos, and instability."  Highlighting the harm American sanctions have inflicted upon the Venezuelan economy and people, the letter goes on to denounce the White House's "aggressive" actions and rhetoric against Venezuela's government, arguing that peaceful talks are the only way forward.   More

The risk of a catastrophic US intervention in Venezuela is real
The US government and opposition also share responsibility. The US has acknowledged that its sanctions could harm Venezuelans, with the following appearing in a November 2018 Congressional Research Service report:Although stronger economic sanctions could influence the Venezuelan government’s behavior, they also could have negative effects and unintended consequences. Analysts are concerned that stronger sanctions could exacerbate Venezuela’s difficult humanitarian situation, which has been marked by shortages of food and medicines, increased poverty, and mass migration. Many Venezuelan civil society groups oppose sanctions that could worsen humanitarian condition. There is little doubt sanctions have worsened humanitarian conditions. The main reason is that harsher sanctions imposed in mid-2017 severely curtailed Venezuela’s ability to incur debt, and in so doing decimated Venezuelan oil production. This has lessened the public resources available to an increasingly desperate population. Far from being an accidental side effect, this seems to be one of the intents of US policy: make Venezuelans so desperate that they turn against Maduro. The inhumanity of such a policy is clear.    More

War Against Iran Becoming Ever More Likely
Trump’s position has never been weaker. And despite what appears to be his personal desire to extract U.S. troops from the Middle East, as shown by his order to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria and his assertion two weeks later that Iran’s leaders “can do what they want” there, his deepening political problems may make war more attractive…  With Trump in political trouble at home, Mattis out, and Bolton centralizing power in an increasingly hawkish NSC, certain foreign powers with a well-established interest in military conflict between the United States and Iran-–notably Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Bahrain—may see an unprecedented but transitory window for provocation. Indeed, like Trump, both Netanyahu and MbS are facing difficulties of their own and may be eager to create new distractions that could rally domestic opinion behind them…  The potential of some kind of conflict with Iran escalating into a larger regional war is very real, possibly more real than ever.   More

US Congress votes to sanction anyone who does business with Syria
The U.S. House of Representatives unanimously adopted a bill this week that would sanction anyone who does business with the Syrian government.  According to the bill, the U.S. President will sanction anyone who does business with or provides financing to the Syrian government, including the Syrian intelligence and security services, or the Central Bank of Syria. The sanctions will target anyone who provides aircraft or spare parts for aircraft to Syria’s airlines; anyone who funds the construction and engineering projects controlled by the Syrian government; and anyone who supports Syria’s energy industry.   More

As Nations Get Ready for Nuclear War, Their Governments Work to Create the Illusion of Safety
The latest report from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, issued on January 24, reminds us that the prospect of nuclear catastrophe remains all too real. Citing the extraordinary danger of nuclear disaster, the editors and the distinguished panel of experts upon whom they relied reset their famous “Doomsday Clock” at two minutes to midnight.  This grim warning from the scientists is well-justified. The Trump administration has withdrawn the United States from the painstakingly-negotiated 2015 nuclear weapons agreement with Iran and is in the process of withdrawing from the 1987 Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with Russia. In addition, the 2010 New Start Treaty, which caps the number of strategic nuclear weapons held by the United States and Russia, is scheduled to expire in 2021, thus leaving no limits on the world’s largest nuclear arsenals for the first time since 1972. According to Trump, this agreement, too, is a “bad deal,” and his hawkish national security advisor, John Bolton, has denounced it as “unilateral disarmament.”   More

Socialist Alternative<>
To  Al  
See below for a message from Socialist Alternative Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant, who is up for re-election in 2019. Donate today to her grassroots campaign.

In 2013, when I became one of the first socialists to win a major election in decades, we made history.

I’m proud to have helped lead the way in making Seattle the first major city in the country to pass a $15 minimum wage. We inspired big victories from New York to Minneapolis to the entire state of California, with an estimated 22 million low-wage workers winning $68 billion in raises to date. But we have so much more to do.

Can you donate $15, $50, $500 - whatever you can - to re-elect a socialist and fighter for working people?
Donate Today
Under capitalism, we live in an era of record inequality. As Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos continues to shatter records as the richest man in modern history, only 39% of Americans have enough saved to cover a $1,000 emergency. In every major city in the U.S., working people face a housing crisis  the for-profit system has failed us.

Last year, our struggle in Seattle to Tax Amazon to fund affordable housing showed how far Amazon and big business are prepared to go to protect their massive profits. Jeff Bezos who in 2017 paid no federal tax on Amazon’s $5.6 billion profits  threatened 7,000 jobs to try to defeat the Amazon Tax, then applied intensive backroom pressure to force its repeal a month after it was unanimously passed by the City Council.

This corporate bullying isn’t unique to Seattle. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and NYC Mayor Bill have united to grant Amazon over $3 billion in public handouts. Adding insult to injury, 1,500 units of affordable housing and a school originally slated for the area are planned to be cut to make way for the Amazon campus and a taxpayer-funded helipad for Bezos.

Now, more than ever, we need socialists in public office who are prepared to stand up to CEOs like Bezos and billionaire developers like Trump.

That’s why my campaign is not for sale. As always, to be fully accountable to working people, I don’t take a dime from corporations or big developers. I accept only the average worker’s wage, donating the rest of my $120,000 salary to grassroots social movements.

In my last race, our opponents had the support of CEOs, the Chamber of Commerce, the real estate lobby, Amazon, and three corporate PACs. Big business influence has only grown since then, with Amazon alone spending $350,000 in 2017 to buy their mayoral pick, current Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan.

We can’t let corporate cash buy this election. Our campaign will be run entirely on grassroots donations like yours. Can you donate $15, $50, or $500 right now to re-elect a socialist and fighter for working people?

Donate Today
Follow Kshama's re-election campaign on social media:
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Stand with the Atomic Bomb Survivors: Hibakusha Appeal to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons Monday, January 28 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm: Community Church of Boston, 565 Boylston St, Copley Square

Dear Nuclear Disarmament and Faith Communities teams,
Formerly Boston-based, now Hiroshima-based, young disarmament activist Mary Popeo will speak at Community Church Monday evening about the Hibakusha Appeal to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons.  

Mary and  Christian will be in town the whole week and if there is interest in organizing another gathering, please reply.   (Additionally, note a talk by James Carroll at BU on Tuesday afternoon:

Stand with the Atomic Bomb Survivors: Hibakusha Appeal to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

Monday, January 28 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm: Community Church of Boston, 565 Boylston St, Copley Square

No More Nagasakis

Mary Popeo
Mary Popeo
In what may be their last large effort to eliminate nuclear weapons, the atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have united to gather millions of endorsements from people like you!  To date, they have gathered 8 million!
Mary Popeo and Christian Ciobanu, two young activists, will tell you about the Appeal and how you can get involved!
Sponsored by PEAC Institute, Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, Veterans for Peace, Memory Productions, and International Physicials for the Prevention of Nuclear War

About Mary Popeo and Peace Culture Village
To introduce Mary properly I think it’s fitting to first introduce Steve Leeper, former U.S. Assistant to  the Mayor of Hiroshima who founded the world wide peace initiative, Mayors for Peace.  With Steve, Mary is the co-founder of Peace Culture Village in Hiroshima. Together they are collaborating with Japanese Hibakusha in the monumental movement, HIBAKUSHA APPEAL TO END NUCLEAR WEAPONS NOW! 
Hibakusha groups in Japan have come together in a united front to gather a billion signatures world-wide to once and for all end the threat of nuclear war. This is no idle daydream. The hibakusha, long devoted to the abolition of nuclear weapons, are in their 80’s and 90’s. Their time is running short. They realize their power and have united as never before in a major push to reach their goal.
I can’t stress enough how powerful this particular movement is and how its success may impact on the future of world peace for generations to come.
The energy is there. The momentum is building day by day, hour by hour. The hibakusha, after 72 years of suffering, will not be denied.  They have already gathered 7 million signatures.
 – David Rothauser

Steve has spent about half of his 70 years in Japan. In both countries he has worked as a counselor (10 years), management consultant (14 years), translator (30 years) and peace activist (18 years). He suspects that he has translated, edited and interpreted more atomic bomb victim testimonies than anyone in the world, other than his wife, Elizabeth. From 2002 to 2007, he was the US representative for Mayors for Peace. From 2007-2013 he was chairman of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, the peace and international relations arm of the city of Hiroshima. He is a visiting professor at Hiroshima Jogakuin University and Nagasaki University. He has a Master’s degree in clinical psychology from West Georgia University. His books include Hiroshima Resolution (in Japanese and English), Nihon ga Sekai wo Suku and Amerikajin ga tsutaeru Hiroshima (both in Japanese only). 

Mary Popeo
As a student at Boston College, Mary had two opportunities to visit Japan. During her trips, she conducted independent research on Hiroshima, interviewed 25 people familiar with nuclear issues, interned at the World Friendship Center, participated in the World Conference Against A & H Bombs, and helped organize the YMCA’s International Youth Peace Seminar. Returning to Boston profoundly influenced, Mary began volunteering with organizations like the American Friends Service Committee and Global Zero. In 2015, she participated in the Japan Council Against A & H Bomb’s annual Peace March as an international youth relay marcher, walking from Okayama to Hiroshima to spread awareness of the dangers of nuclear weapons. Her dream was to move to Hiroshima, and after hearing about PCV she was determined to live there.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Virginia Pratt <>
Date: Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 5:28 PM
Subject: Fwd: Hibakusha Appeal
To: joan ecklein <>, Eileen Kurkoski <>, Marie-Louise Jackson-Miller <>, Ausra Kubilius <>, Paula Sharaga <>, Paul Shannon <>, Cole Harrison <>, David ROTHAUSER <>, Guntram Mueller <>, Dean Stevens <>, Tilly Texeira <

Please see information on Mary Popeo's availability in late January and early Feb. I am hoping we might be willing to host a joint sponsored event.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mary Popeo <>
Date: Thursday, January 10, 2019
Subject: Hibakusha Appeal
To: Virginia Pratt <>
Cc: Christian Ciobanu <>

Hi Virginia,

I hope you had a restful holiday! My colleague Christian and I will be in Boston from January 28 through February 2 to organize and speak about the Hibakusha Appeal! Let me know if WILPF might be available to speak with us somewhere in the time period mentioned above.

Thanks, and I hope to meet you soon.


Not one step back

Cole Harrison
Executive Director
Massachusetts Peace Action - the Commonwealth's largest grassroots peace organization
11 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138
617-354-2169 w
617-466-9274 m
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Environmental protection we can do RootsAction Team

RootsAction Team<>
RootsAction is developing into a major online force for the natural environment.

As illustrated by our new campaign to stop the poisoning of ground water with carcinogenic chemicals at U.S. military bases across the country and the world, we're willing to go wherever the damage is. We don't give any free pass to militarism or nationalism or any political party.

Groundwater at hundreds of U.S. bases is poisoned with chemicals used in fire fighting.

The Trump Administration presents new challenges, and the ticking climate clock increased urgency. We can only continue and grow with your continued and increased support. Please click here to make a donation.

RootsAction works alone and with allies locally, nationally, and globally to reduce the damage humanity is doing to the earth.

We've been a big part of campaigns that have pressured prisons to stop poisoning the environment. We've helped persuade cities to block the basing of military jets near schools. We've been part of stopping the creation of what would have been the biggest and dirtiest trash incinerator in the United States, in Baltimore.

RootsAction and partners have lobbied numerous cities and the U.S. Conference of Mayors to ask Congress to fund human and environmental needs, rather than militarism. Along with others, we've successfully lobbied the U.S. government to block pipelines, to invest in a Green Climate Fund, and to ban oil drilling in portions of the Arctic and Atlantic.

We've helped to prevent an environment-destroying Trans-Pacific Partnership, and to persuade Shell to abandon its arctic drilling plans, as well as successfully lobbying California to prohibit single-use plastic bags.

We have ever bigger struggles ahead, with many more innovations that can be taken from one state to 49 more, and from earth-defenders to the U.S. government. We can only do it with your help.

And as long as we have your help, we promise never to shut down.


-- The Team

P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.

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Those Who Fought For Our Communist Future Are Kindred Spirits-HONOR LENIN, LUXEMBURG AND LIEBKNECHT- THE THREE L’S-Honor Karl Liebknecht! -Karl Liebknecht Condemned by His Party for Voting "No" on December 2, 1914, and His Answer

Markin comment

Karl Liebknecht

The Future Belongs to the People

Karl Liebknecht Condemned by His Party for Voting "No" on December 2, 1914, and His Answer


IN December, 1914, the Social-Democratic representation of the Reichstag censured Karl Liebknecht for voting "No" in the open meeting of the Reichstag.

At a meeting on February 2, 1915, the Reichstag Socialists adopted a resolution condemning his stand and repudiating alleged misleading information he had spread about the Party. To this Liebknecht answered in the Vorwärts of February 5, 1915, as follows:

BERLIN, February 5, 1915.

Editor Vorwärts,


Concerning the resolution adopted by the Social-Democratic Deputies of the Reichstag I wish to remark: (1) I voted against the war credits because the vote for the war credits is in my opinion in sharp contradiction not only to the interests of the proletariat, but also to the resolutions of the Social-Democratic Party and of the International Socialist Convention. And the Social-Democratic Deputies in the Reichstag are not justified in recommending a violation of the Program and party decisions.

In a letter of Dec. 3, 1914, addressed to the Chairman of the Social-Democratic Deputies of the Reichstag I made my stand clear.

(2) Misleading information about the Party I have not given out. The Social-Democratic Deputies in the Reichstag, who are not the proper authorities for such decisions, voted down my motion to postpone making any decision on this point until a thorough discussion had taken place.



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