Sunday, August 25, 2013

Taking the Next Step


Sisters and Brothers, Comrades,

This October 7 at 5 pm

veterans and allies will gather at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza in NYC, as we did last year, when 25 veterans and allies were arrested as we peacefully remembered the fallen, reaffirmed our commitment to ending war, exposed the lies and betrayals of U.S. wars and stood with dignity and resolve for our inalienable right to assemble.

The police normally do not bother anyone passing through or lingering at the Memorial at any hour although there is an arbitrary 10 pm closing time posted. We were arrested slightly after 10 pm as we read the names of the fallen and placed flowers at the base of the memorial wall.

Prior to 10 PM we had speakers, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghan war vets as well as non vets who exposed the lies and betrayals of the Vietnam war and made the connections between U.S. wars of empire, militarism, poverty and environmental devastation.

Subsequently 12 of us went to trial and after 5 days of compelling testimony had a very interesting and somewhat unprecedented verdict of guilty and then a

dismissal of all charges, “in the interest of justice.”

We are filing a federal suit to challenge the 10 PM closing time and are involving NY City Council members in the struggle to overturn this ordinance restricting our right to assemble. We claim the right to be at that open plaza place
of memories at any time day or night as is the case at most war memorials.
In 2012 we stated on our web site, “On this day and at this place, our demands are straightforward:
We call for an end to the 12-year war in Afghanistan.
We call for an end to all U.S. wars of aggression.
We will remember those who have fallen.
We will stand for our right, duty and sworn oath, to defend the Constitution and to assemble and organize.

The deeper issue is that we recognize, with no illusions, that the ghosts of Stalin, HItler, Mussolini have occupied the elite ruling class of the U.S., U.K. and their minions. We are in the grips of a efficient, ruthless and still partially disguised system of totalitarian fascism. All those of us who understand this, should also understand and take it to heart that many of us will face difficult times ahead.

“State power is to be, from now on, unchecked, unfettered and unregulated. And those who do not accept unlimited state power, always the road to tyranny, will be ruthlessly persecuted.”

-Chris Hedges

Most of us, especially white, privileged males (and females - somewhat less privileged) still live relatively comfortable and safe lives. This will probably not last.

We see signs of

encroaching repression and state surveillance all around. Being a white male - or female has not protected truth-tellers like Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning (35 years for revealing the truth), Thomas



John Kiriakou

, Jesselyn Radack, and many others either pursued and harassed relentlessly by the government or sitting behind bars already.
This is not to forget the multitudes of sorely oppressed people of color and indigenous


women behind bars, and men, such as Mumia Abu Jamal, Leonard Peltier, many in solitary for decades.

Sooner or later, many of us may face more severe repression than an overnight in jail for civil resistance. This being the obvious reality, my question is - how much are a few more years of comfort and relative safety worth, while countless millions of living beings suffer and while the lives and future of our children and their children are increasingly endangered?

There is a sense of urgency.

Do we expect our highly paid, comfortable, so-called “democratically elected” representatives to change the system - to change the corporate machine that gives them wealth, prestige and comfort? The hope many decent people believed in 5 years ago has turned into a cruel and bitter disappointment.

We cannot expect a system, rotten from the beginning with slavery, genocide, wars for profit and empire, to voluntarily change itself or its essence. More likely, as all entrenched systems of power have done, from Rome to the Third Reich, it will seek to maintain itself until outside forces and inside decay cause collapse.

Let us put ourselves for a moment in the place of the

Vietnamese, the Iraqis, the Afghan people, indigenous people worldwide, poor people of color right here, who every day see U.S. corporate militarism destroying the lives of their women, children, incarcerating and torturing their men and women and stealing land lived upon for generations.

As Martin Luther King Jr. said on

April 4,1967 at Riverside Church in New York City,

"Somehow this madness must cease. . . we are at the moment when our lives must be placed on the line if our nation is to survive its own folly. Every man (and woman) of humane convictions must decide on the protest that best suits his convictions, but we must all protest."

Martin Luther King Jr. was not speaking hyperbolically, his words were literal - he gave his life exactly one year later.

"Somehow this madness must cease . . . "

The words he spoke 46 years ago ring even more true today:

“These are revolutionary times. All over the globe men are revolting against old systems of exploitation and oppression, and out of the wounds of a frail world, new systems of justice and equality are being born. The shirtless and barefoot people of the land are rising up as never before.”

The question of our times is: can we follow Martin’s lead and go beyond fear, embrace a willingness to sacrifice, which often means increased risk, to take one more step into that unknown and dangerous revolutionary zone, that zone where greater freedom and strength awaits?

There are many steps we can take and each of us has to decide what we must do, but we must act.

Think about joining us, as once again in October, veterans

and allies resist police and state repression of our right to assemble, our right to remember and speak out about the lies, the betrayals of this system.

Vietnam Army Medic, Mike Hastie arrested last Oct.7

. Picture Ellen Davidson

Join members of Veterans For Peace on

October 7th at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in NYC as we send a powerful message to the powers that be and to the public, that we, veterans and allies will stand for our rights and all people’s right to live freely and express themselves without fear.

For more information and to be involved, e-mail

Take the next step.

FREE CHELSEA MANNING! (The Heroic Soldier Wikileaks Whistle-Blower Formerly Known As Bradley)


Sign the White House Petition Now!

What a week it has been for Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning. After the young Army whistle-blower was sentenced to an outrageous 35 years in prison, she chose to reveal her true identity, the one she has felt ever since childhood. She is a female in a male body.

"Why now?" some may ask. Bradley/Chelsea's struggle has always been for truth and transparency. Apparently, she did not think it was a good idea to make this a full-blown issue in the midst of a military court martial. But now that the court martial is over, Chelsea wants us all to know who she is, and she is asking us to give her the respect of calling her by her chosen name.

Veterans For Peace is more than happy to comply. We will continue to fight for freedom for this courageous young whistleblower, as well as for her rights as a transgender female in prison.

Amnesty International and the Bradley Manning Support Network, which will soon be changing its name, have launched a White House petition calling on President Obama to "Pardon Bradley Manning." This petition was launched immediately after sentencing and before Bradley asked to be called Chelsea. It is too late to change the wording of this petition now, as it already has been signed by over 12,000 people, of the 100,000 now required for a White House response. This also remains her legal name, for the time being.

This White House petition is the most important and timely initiative, among many. We have only 27 more days to gain 88,000 additional signatures. Please go there now and sign this petition. Ask all your friends and allies to do the same.

If you are going to the White House petition site for the first time, you will be asked to register with your name, residential address and email address. Please do not be put off by this extra step or be overly concerned about your privacy (they already know where you live).

Soon Veterans For Peace will begin a letter-writing campaign to General Buchanan, to be part of a packet for sentence reduction that lawyer David Coombs will present him in November. General Buchanan's will announce his decision in December. So you may wish to begin working on those letters. But for now, please help us get to 100,000 signatures on the White House petition.

Learn more about the petition here.

Go straight to the White House petition, here.

August 21, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Contact: Gerry Condon 206-499-1220
Patrick McCann 240-271-2246
Ward Reilly 225-766-1364

Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison on Wednesdayfor handing WikiLeaks amassive cache of sensitive government documentsdetailing the routine killing of civilians by US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Outraged members of Veterans For Peace are joining in protest actions around the country and around the world.

"Bradley Manning is a hero, and we are both proud of his actions, and angry at his sentence,” said Patrick McCann, President of Veterans For Peace. “Reporting war crimes is not a war crime. Bradley Manning swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, and is now being penalized for doing just that."

This harsh sentence is an outrage to all who believe in truth, transparency and freedom of the press,” said Gerry Condon, member of Veterans For Peace Board of Directors. “Bradley Manning has not harmed a hair on any person's head. He exposed that the U.S. Military was routinely killing civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. Government should prosecute war criminals, not whistle-blowers.”

While a 22-year-old intelligence analyst stationed in Iraq in 2009-10, Pfc. Manning witnessed war crimes, rampant corruption, and covert abuse. He exposed what he saw by leaking hundreds of thousands of classified military and diplomatic files to the transparency website WikiLeaks.
Manning, 25, was not allowed to make a statement when his sentence was handed down by military judge Col. Denise Lind at Fort Meade, Maryland. Guards quickly hustled him out of the courtroom, while at least half a dozen spectators shouted their support.

Amnesty International immediately called on President Obama to commute Manning's sentence.

Bradley Manning acted on the belief that he could spark a meaningful public debate on the costs of war, and specifically on the conduct of the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan,"

Widney Brown, senior director of international law and policy at Amnesty International, said in a statement. "The US government should turn its attention to investigating and delivering justice for the serious human rights abuses committed by its officials in the name of countering terror.”

The only person prosecuted for the crimes and abuses uncovered in the WikiLeaks’ releases is the person who exposed them,” said Pentagon Papers whistle-blower Daniel Ellsberg. “That alone proves the injustice of one more day in prison for Bradley Manning.”

Manning can subtract more than three and a half years off of his 35-year sentence, for the time he has already served and the mere 112 days he was credited for enduring torture and abuse while detained at the Quantico Marine Brig. He will be eligible to reduce his sentence by 10% for good behavior. He may also be eligible for parole after serving one third of his sentence.

Veterans For Peace is calling on Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan, Military Commander of the District of Washington and Convening Authority of Manning’s court martial, to reduce the sentence, which he has the legal authority to do.

Please help us reach all these important contacts:
Adrienne Combs, Deputy Officer Public Affairs (202) 685-2900
Col. Michelle Martin-Hing, Public Affairs Officer (202) 685-4899
The Public Affairs Office fax #: 202-685-0706
Try e-mailing Maj. Gen. Buchanan at

For more information, go to and

***From The Boston Private  Manning Support Committee Archives (Summer 2013 )

Emergency Rally After Private Bradley Manning Sentence-President Obama Pardon Private Bradley Manning

Judge Lind will read her sentencing decsions tomorrow Wednesday August  21, 2013 at 10 AM so we are on…

Come to Park Street Station at 5 PM on the day heroic Wikileaks whistleblower Private Bradley Manning is sentenced-tentatively set for Wednesday August 21 

Following on Facebook for updates as the sentencing date arrives:



The Bradley Manning Support Network has called for the following:   

Immediately following the sentencing announcement of heroic WikiLeaks whistle-blower Bradley Manning by the military court at Fort Meade, Maryland, join us in the streets to declare, “Free Bradley Now!”

Many communities have a historic gathering location, such as a downtown intersection, central park, or other visible location. Please spread the word for folks to join you immediately following the sentencing to celebrate, protest, and/or simply show your support for Bradley.

We will likely have one day notice before sentencing occurs, so we’ll have some heads up. If it takes place in the morning, we suggest gathering that evening. If it takes place in the afternoon or evening, we suggest the following day. Same-day events are more likely to be covered by your local media in conjunction with the national breaking story of Bradley’s sentencing. Please contact the Support Network for posters, stickers, and info cards.

Our primary message for these response rallies: “President Obama: Pardon Bradley Manning”
***From The Boston Private  Manning Support Committee Archives (Summer 2013 )


Bradley Manning Sentencing Heads-Up-August 15th

On Wednesday August 14, 2013 Bradley Manning and members of his family spoke in his favor during the defense portion of the sentencing phase of his trial. With those statements the defense rested. The government is scheduled for a Friday August 16th rebuttal (they get the last say because they brought the case) which will probably close the sentencing phase and Judge Lind will then deliberate on a sentence. Like on the verdict she is expected to give the media and us 24 hours’ notice of her decision. The BM Support Network’s best estimate is that she will render a decision on Tuesday August 20, 2013.     

The BM Support Network has called for street demonstrations centered on the demand for a pardon for Bradley on the day of his sentencing. We plan to have an emergency stand-out at Park Street Station in downtown Boston from 5:00-6:00 PM on the day of sentencing. We are assuming the 20th but stay tuned for any updates.

We should also plan whatever day the sentence is handed down to gather together after the rally and take the opportunity to plan the next phase in our fight to free Bradley.

We will also have our regular scheduled Wednesday Bradley stand-out at the Central Square Cambridge MBTA Redline stop from 5:00-6:00 PM.    

Finally-after sentencing our tasks will change, centrally focused on getting a reduction of sentence from General Buchanan and a pardon from President Obama, but we are not finished with defending Bradley and fighting like seven dervishes for his freedom- Free Bradley  

***From The Boston Private  Manning Support Committee Archives (Summer 2013 )

On Bradley Manning’s Show-Trial-Part Two-The Sentencing Phase

The following observations and comments are those of one of Bradley Manning’s supporters from Boston who has attended several sessions of the court-martial that has been held at Fort Meade in Maryland since June 3, 2013. This part concentrates on the sentencing phase which started on Wednesday July 31st, the day after Private Manning was convicted of some 19 charges amounting to a total possible sentence at that point of 136 years.

July 31, 2013

The initial euphoria, or at least sign of relief over Judge Lind’s find Bradley not guilty of “aiding the enemy” charge, one that would essential have declared him a traitor and which carries a life without parole maximum, quickly dissipated as the grim reality of the total number of years that he faces, 136, unless some charges for similar acts are consolidated set in. The government, as has been the case throughout since it brought the case, will start first (and have the last word as well after the defense’s presentation) today once again to vilify Bradley, especially on the espionage counts. The gist of their claim is that Bradley’ s leaking of classified information to Wikileaks caused a severe blow to whatever it is the American government is trying to do around the world.       

Retired Brigadier General Robert Carr, the first witness in the sentencing phase, testified that no individuals in Iraq or Afghanistan were killed as a result of WikiLeaks’ releasing the Afghan War Diary and Iraq War Logs.
Apparently this phase, like the trial phase, is also going to include plenty of material presented by governmental witnesses in closed session as occurred today with John Kirchhofer.

August 1, 2013

Most of the session was closed. An important expected defense motion to consolidate a number of the charges based on the same course of action or which were charged separately as part action was taken under by advisement by Judge Lind at that time. She eventually ruled that some of the charges should be consolidated and reduced Bradley’s total possible sentence from 136 years to 90.  By my calculations, and correct my Math if I am wrong, 90 plus 25 (Bradley’s age) comes out to 115 years, a very long time making him a very old man unless we can gain his freedom, and gain it quickly.

August 2 to August 9

Most of the government witnesses, civilian from the State Department or those from the military spent their open court time (not much since many witnesses testified in closed court to the utter frustration of many Bradley court-side supporters) going on and on about the harmful effect of the Wikileaks revelations, although very little actual proof of harm was elicited. The defense has continually tried to rein in the governmental testimony when the prosecution has led the witnesses to speculate broadly about some speculative harm might have or might in the future affect American military or diplomatic policy. That was particularly true of the State Department’s Patrick Kennedy. Judge Lind has rules several times in the defense’s favor on the question of speculation but has also let some information in helpful to the prosecution. There was a running battle throughout as the prosecution ended its part of the sentencing phase on August 9th.

The defense will be begin its efforts on Monday August 12th- A now traditional first day of the trial week stand-out is scheduled in front of Fort Meade at 7 AM that day.

As the sentencing phase has wound down, with a potential sentence imposed as early as August 16th the Bradley Manning Support Network has called for world-wide emergency actions on the day the sentence is announced. Here is some information on that- Stay tuned to the Support Network for a Boston action:
Immediately following the sentencing announcement of heroic WikiLeaks whistle-blower Bradley Manning by the military court at Fort Meade, Maryland, join us in the streets to declare, “Free Bradley Now!”
Many communities have a historic gathering location, such as a downtown intersection, central park, or other visible location. Please spread the word for folks to join you immediately following the sentencing to celebrate, protest, and/or simply show your support for Bradley.
We will likely have one day notice before sentencing occurs, so we’ll have some heads up. If it takes place in the morning, we suggest gathering that evening. If it takes place in the afternoon or evening, we suggest the following day. Same-day events are more likely to be covered by your local media in conjunction with the national breaking story of Bradley’s sentencing. Please contact the Support Network for posters, stickers, and info cards.
Our primary message for these response rallies: “President Obama: Pardon Bradley Manning”

From The Boston Private Manning Support Committee Archives- August 2013 

Emergency Bradley Manning Stand-Out –Park Street Station-Boston –August 21, 2013 –Report

President Obama Pardon Bradley Manning

On August 22, 2013 David Coombs announced that as of this date  Bradley Manning wants to be called Chelsea referred to by use of the feminine pronoun. How this affects campaigns like the Amnesty International/Bradley Manning Support Network petition to President Obama remains to be seen but for now we will use Pardon Bradley Manning. More later.  Link to announcement-      


In the interest of historical accuracy this report will use the old forms.)


Approximately 100 supporters of Private Bradley Manning responded to the call of the Boston Bradley Manning Support Committee, Veterans for Peace, and other activist organizations to an emergency stand-out at Park Street Station in Boston after his outrageous 35 year sentence was imposed by a military judge at his court-martial down in Fort Meade, Maryland. A number of speakers emphasized that the sentence imposed on Private Manning for telling the truth was harsher than many sentenced imposed on those who committed war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq. Others mentioned the importance of continuing the fight to free Bradley by every political and legal means possible including immediately contacting the convening officer of the court martial, General Buchanan, to reduce the sentence and President Obama to grand a pardon. All speakers agreed that although it was a tough day for whistle-blowers and truth-tellers and their supporters that it was necessary to continue the fight to free Bradley. One speaker evoking the spirit of the old radical labor Joe Hill said-“Don’t Mourn, Organize! And we will.  

Over one hundred dollars was raised by passing the hat to aid in providing funds for Bradley’s future legal expenses as he, and his lawyer David Coombs, pursue the reduction of sentence by General Buchanan, presidential pardon, and any military or civilian court appeals. People were also urged to contribute on-line at the Bradley Manning Support Network

August 21, 2013 almost mark a new focus on the campaign to free Private Manning. The central theme of the day and of the new campaign is –“President Obama Pardon Bradley Manning.” An immediate task is to begin organizing around the call by Amnesty International and the Bradley Manning Support Network to sign an on-line petition directed to the President. The goal is to get 100,000 on-line signatures by September 20, 2013 to make our case loud and clear. All pardon petition efforts should focus on the on-line petition to send that message as one voice.

Below is a link to the Amnesty International/Bradley Manning Support Network to sign the on-line petition. The process is a little more cumbersome than other such petitions, including having to set up an account with an e-mail but since they (and you know who the they are (first letter N) have all our e-mail addresses anyway push on. This is for Bradley.’-human-rights-record-and-grant-clemency-pvt-bradley-manning/L7zHZv4r
President Obama Pardon Private Manning Now !

This person is not a spy. Private Manning (now, at her request, to be called Chelsea and the heroic soldier Wikileaks whistle-blower formerly known as Bradley) is not a criminal. Private Manning is a brave whistleblower who has exposed war crimes, government misdeeds, and corruption. Private Manning embarrassed the government, but her disclosures did not cause a single documented death. Private Manning released the following documents to WikiLeaks, now faces years up to 35 years in prison (minus the three plus years of pre-trial confinement already served and any "good time" to be accrued), and must be pardoned by President Obama.

*The Collateral Murder Video, which showed U.S. troops firing and killing unarmed
civilians, including a Reuters photographer, and firing on children in a van.

*U.S. attempts to block investigations into CIA rendition of prisoners.

*U.S. ignoring torture of Iraqi prisoners.

Documentation of many more civilian deaths than had been reported previously.

Documents exposing the corruption of the Tunisian government, which led to rebellion in Tunisia, and the Arab Spring.

A cable that proved that U.S. troops executed at least 10 civilians, including a woman
in her 70s and a 5 month old baby, in Ishaqi in 2006, and then called in an air strike to
cover it up. Soldiers involved did not serve a day in jail! This led to the Iraqi government refusing to allow U.S. troops to remain after 2011.

*Many more war crimes and revelations, including spying on diplomats at the U.N.

Contact the White House at 202-456-1414 and demand that Pres. Obama pardon Manning. Or
go to and leave your comments.

To send letters of solidarity and support the new address for sending letters to Manning; these must still be addressed to "Bradley" to be delivered:

Bradley E. Manning

1300 N. Warehouse Road

Fort Leavenworth, Kansas


24 August 2013

Lamar W. Hankins : The March for Jobs and Freedom After 50 Years

50 years later:
The March for Jobs and Freedom
While King's 'I Have a Dream' speech is clearly worthy of distinction, our memories of the event have shunted aside one of the primary purposes of the March: to push for a $2-per-hour minimum wage.
By Lamar W. Hankins /The Rag Blog / August 24, 2013

[A series of events marking the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedem is being held Saturday, August 24-Wednesday, August 28, in Washington, D.C., highlighted by a Realize the Dream March and Rally on Saturday, 8 a.m-4 p.m., and a March for Jobs and Justice on Wednesday, 11:30-4 p.m., led by veterans of the '63 event and featuring speeches by President Obama and former presidents Clinton and Carter.]

August 28, 2013, will mark the 50th anniversary of what is now called “The March on Washington,” but was officially named “The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.” I was unable to go to Washington, D.C., 50 years ago, but I remember where I was, and the March was certainly on my mind. A friend and I were on a trip through Houston. We stopped at a Foley’s store and spent some time in the appliance section watching the March on the televisions displayed.

Another friend I had known in high school was working for a federal agency in D.C. at the time. He and his fellow employees were sent home for the day (a Wednesday) because the government feared violence, clear evidence of the state of race relations at the time. My traveling companion and I were pleased to see that the March was as peaceful as its organizers had hoped it would be.

There were stirring speeches by John Lewis, now a Congressman from Georgia, as well as Martin Luther King, Jr. Others well-known in public life were in attendance or sent their remarks to be read by others. James Farmer, head of the Congress of Racial Equality, was in jail in Louisiana. His remarks were read by Floyd McKissick. Author James Baldwin’s remarks were read by Sidney Poitier.

Others, including labor leader Walter Reuther and actor and singer Josephine Baker gave brief speeches. A. Phillip Randolph and Bayard Rustin played key roles in organizing the March, which was supported by the major civil rights organizations active at that time, as well as the AFL-CIO, and other union and religious groups.

Many musicians and singers performed, including Marian Anderson; Joan Baez; Bob Dylan; Mahalia Jackson; Peter, Paul, and Mary; Odetta; and Josh White. Actors present included Charlton Heston, Harry Belafonte, Marlon Brando, Diahann Carroll, Ossie Davis, Sammy Davis, Jr., Lena Horne, and Paul Newman, along with comedian Dick Gregory.

March on Washington, 2013.
What we hear most about the March was the famous “I Have a Dream” speech of Dr. King. While the speech is clearly worthy of distinction, our memories of the event have shunted aside one of the primary purposes of the March: to push for a $2-per-hour minimum wage.

Had that goal been achieved and a $2 minimum wage been passed and indexed for inflation, the minimum wage today would be $15.26 based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index Inflation Calculator.

It happens that $15.26 is less than what a living wage in San Marcos-Austin-Georgetown would be today for one adult supporting one child. That figure, according to the Living Wage Calculator maintained by MIT, is $19.56 for those living in San Marcos/Hays County, Austin/Travis County, and Georgetown/Williamson County. The Living Wage Calculator takes into account the following costs:
  • It uses the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2010 low-cost food plan, with regional adjustments. A family of four with two adults and two young children is expected to spend about $650 on food, less than $22 a day for the four.
  • Child care costs are determined from a report, “Parents and the High Cost of Child Care - 2011 Update” published by the National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies.
  • The cost of health care is derived from the “2010 Consumer Expenditure Survey” prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the “2010 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey” published by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
  • Housing costs are from “2010 Fair Market Rents” produced by U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  • Transportation expenses are from the “2010 Consumer Expenditure Survey.”
  • Other necessities are derived using regional adjustment factors from the “2010 Consumer Expenditure Survey.”
  • Tax figures include estimated Federal payroll taxes as well as Federal and State income taxes for the 2011 tax year.
These Living Wage calculations show that we are nowhere close to what an inflation-adjusted minimum wage would be had it been $2 an hour in 1963. In fact, we are at less than half that amount with a current minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. And President Obama earlier this year, in the face of strong opposition, requested an increase in the federal minimum wage to a pitifully inadequate $9 per hour.

These facts about what income can provide a minimal standard of living in the U.S. demonstrates that we have an economic system unwilling to provide Americans with a living wage when left to its own devices. But, as we are learning from current efforts by workers at fast food restaurants to be paid adequate wages, the companies that own these businesses are raking in plenty of profits from the labor of workers.

These companies could both thrive and allow their workers to live decently. An undergraduate student at the University of Kansas who researched McDonald’s company-owned stores found that the fast food giant could double all employee salaries by increasing the cost of a Big Mac by 68 cents, without giving up one penny of profits. And Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, believes that McDonald’s is so large, vast, and lucrative that the company could easily manage a major wage increase for its employees without damaging its profits.

Recently, fast food workers in New York City, St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, Kansas City, and Flint, Michigan, have been demanding that they be paid something closer to a living wage and that they be allowed to have the chance to form a union without intimidation by management. They ask to be paid $15 an hour, just under what the 1963 $2 per hour minimum wage demand would be if adjusted for inflation.

As a result of these recent efforts to obtain fairer pay, work stoppages and walkouts have occurred in fast food restaurants in several cities. Their efforts are being aided by the Service Employees International Union and could be advanced further if those of us who consume fast food support them.

If consumers respond to the moral issues related to fast food businesses by refusing to patronize fast food restaurants that won’t pay a living wage to their employees, this movement could finally realize a part of King’s dream and a primary objective of the 1963 March on Washington.

Nothing could be a more fitting memorial to the man who was killed while supporting sanitation workers in Memphis, who sought better wages, than for minimum wage workers throughout the country finally to be paid a fair wage that allows them and their families to live adequately.

[Lamar W. Hankins, a former San Marcos, Texas, city attorney, is also a columnist for the San Marcos Mercury. This article © Freethought San Marcos, Lamar W. Hankins. Read more articles by Lamar W. Hankins on The Rag Blog.]

The Rag Blog

24 August 2013

David McReynolds : Reflections on the '63 March on Washington

A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin on the cover of Life Magazine, September 6, 1963.
A socialist remembers:
Reflections on the March on Washington
The climate in Washington, D.C. that day was timorous. White Washingtonians feared some riotous upheaval.
By David McReynolds / The Rag Blog / August 24, 2013

August 28th will be the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedem.

Increasingly I realize, at 83, that there just aren't that many of us around who were there that August day 50 years ago. I knew Bayard Rustin -- chief organizer of the March -- (and will return to his name in a moment) and like many of us in the War Resisters League, the Socialist Party, and virtually all left organizations, was involved in the organizing for the event.

The decision to hold the March in mid-week rather than on a Saturday was very deliberate: Saturday marches are fairly easy to build, since few have to take time off from work, but a demonstration in the middle of the week means real commitment.

The climate in Washington, D.C. that day was timorous. White Washingtonians feared some riotous upheaval. It was then (and still is) easy for tourists to be unaware that the bulk of the population of the city is black. And what, the white minority wondered, would happen with thousands of angry Blacks coming to town.

Many businesses closed down. President Kennedy had made serious efforts to persuade Dr. King and the March organizers to call off the event. For a weekday the city was remarkably quiet. One must keep in mind the political climate of 1963.

The Civil Rights Revolution (it was nothing less than that) had only begun in December of 1955 in Montgomery. Ahead lay the bloodshed, the murders, the police violence, all of which had brought the leadership of the Black community into agreement on the need for some powerful symbolic action -- and that action was the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

It's important, first, to look at the slogan: Jobs and Freedom. The link was very deliberate -- for what was freedom without a job?

I remember three things about the day.

One was the sound of thousands of souls, black and white, marching together toward the Lincoln Memorial, with the chant "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!" It was truly black and white together. "White Washington" may have been fearful, but the trade unions were out in full force, and church and social justice groups had turned out their congregations and members.

The second thing I remember -- and I suspect few saw it -- was the failed effort of the American Nazi, George Lincoln Rockwell, to stir up a riot. I give him credit for raw courage: he stood up on a park bench and began an oration against "Kikes, Niggers and Communists." What happened next was a testament to careful planning on the part of the March organizers. Several dozen young Black youth formed a large circle around Rockwell and his followers, and, with their backs facing Rockwell, linked arms to make it clear that no one would be able to get through to the man and give him the violence he had sought to provoke.

The third thing I remember was King's speech. Sometimes at these marches and demonstrations -- and over the years I've attended many -- I simply made sure I got to the rallying point so the "count" would be maximized, and then I drifted away for a drink (those being the days when I drank) or a hamburger. There are so many speeches, and they are so boring. But this time I stayed -- and remember as if it were yesterday the cadence of King as he spoke, "I have a dream".

There were, I was aware, compromises; John Lewis, the courageous young Black civil rights leader, had had to to modify his comments a bit. (I suspect Lewis, looking back today, might realize the compromises in his language were much less important than the March itself.)

For Bayard Rustin the March was a great triumph. Life magazine carried a cover with A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin standing together on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

I've been invited to take part in a forum at a "Celebration of the Life of Quaker Bayard Rustin " on Sunday, August 25, at the Friends Meeting in Washington. They will show the film, Brother Outsider, followed by a panel with Mandy Carter, Bennett Singer, and myself.

I'm reluctant to take part, since, while Bayard was a deeply important part of my life -- he and A.J. Muste were the two mentors for my politics. I knew him well, and had under him at Liberation magazine and the War Resisters League. But I feel that the political path Bayard took after the March was a disturbing shift to the right, and that this must be discussed if we are to confront his life honestly.

As I said, I'm reluctant to do this since Bayard was one of the most courageous men I ever knew.

In connection with the events this month there is a new book out by Paul Le Blanc and Michael D. Yates, A Freedom Budget for All Americans. Published by Monthly Review Press, the book is due for print in September. (I have the uncorrected proof, which Paul Le Blanc was kind enough to send me.) Bayard had been very concerned that the March would not lead to the next steps, which he felt should be an effort to put forward a political and economic program to give the civil rights movement a "floor," a program for full employment.

The original Freedom Budget foundered because the authors sought to sell it to the publilc without realizing the need to take on the military budget. From Bayard's point of view, such an approach would "politicize" the budget and sink it, but in the real world of politics, which somehow Bayard failed to grasp, it was impossible to advance such a radical proposal at a time when the Vietnam War was so soon to absorb the attention of the nation.

It is good to have two socialist thinkers sketch out not only the history of the original Freedom Budget, but also give us an updated look at what such a budget might look like today.

[David McReynolds was the Socialist Party's candidate for President in 1980 and 2000, and for 39 years on the staff of the War Resisters League. He also served a term as Chair of the War Resisters International. He is retired and lives with his two cats on New York's lower east side. He can be reached at Read more articles by David McReynolds on The Rag Blog.

The Rag Blog

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Manning Verdict: The Implication of Placation by guest blogger Diane Gee

Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 of the possible 136 years they could have given him today. Eligible for a parole hearing in 10, it will likely come up in 7 with "time served." The MSM tried to frame as "accidental" the civilian murders on the released war-porn video, one of many such images and videos Manning witnessed, despite the soundtrack showing the unadulterated blood-lust and glee at the hit. Even the judge could not find "damage-done" though at one point, Manning did the smart thing and offered a general apologia prior to sentencing. Lets face it. People we are bombing know we double-tap. Thats why they hate us, beyond the general "invade my country and kill my family and take all my resources" general hate. We kill civilians with GLEE.
Manning's statement today was profound.
"Our nation has had similar dark moments for the virtues of democracy-the Trail of Tears, the Dred Scott decision, McCarthyism, the Japanese-American internment camps-to name a few. I am confident that many of our actions since 9/11 will one day be viewed in a similar light. As the late Howard Zinn once said, 'There is not a flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.'"
So, as the unexpectedly soft sentence came? My though process was as follows...
While it is a travesty of justice, I am mildly astonished that the sentence was that light in this toxic political climate. He will be eligible for parole in 7 yrs (with time served) and there is a move on the table to lessen or commute his sentence. I have to think it was not mercy, more likely fear of making people rally against harshness that influenced this. They fear us.
I would like to expand on that thought process.

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Manning did no damage, and they know it. His barbaric torture prior to the trial was nothing but a warning to other whistleblowers, by an administration that has gone after more whistleblowers than all other Presidencies in out History combined. "Here be Monsters!," was their warning. "Be afraid," was their cry, while they made Manning an example to us all.
Had Snowden not come along? Manning would be doing life.

They fear us so much, that now they are playing a game of manipulation to stave rebellion as the Empire falls like a clumsily built house of cards, on a gusty August afternoon, in the Autumn of Global Climate Change. You know, because he who is hung last and has the most hoarded might have half a fucking chance when the feces hit the proverbial fan.

But as more unfolds on Snowden? They may have to throw us a bone with Manning, to show they are "fair." The thing is? Manning did no real damage, except in the US's view of themselves, while Snowden could bring down the whole house of cards.

Snowden is danger. Snowden can do real damage. The fear and loathing doesn't drip, its being mainlined faster than a junkie slamming the plunger into his DTing veins. Our allies are at our bequest, treating Glenn Greenwald's family like terrorists. They are smashing hard drives like a 2nd grader who thinks if they tear up the test they failed, it won't count. I mean really, in exposing the mining of the cloud you are actively doing, you don't understand the information is already in the cloud? You might just be too stupid to live. But they do understand it. They are grasping at intimidation straws thinking as they slip over the waterfall they can scare the water into not flowing.
Ok, enough bad mixing of metaphors, but it is hard not to become personally invested and animated by what is happening.

So, when Snowden is assassinated? Mysteriously dies? Is found naked and high and in some compromising position with more questions than answers? We will have reasonable doubt they would "go that far" because "Manning got a fair shake."

They will have more credibility by giving us the sacrificial "thief" in the crowd than the actual "savior." In other words? They can afford leniency with Manning - they already broke him, and took 3 years to so do. By giving us him? When they go after Snowden by any means necessary, they can use Manning as proof that they are not monsters. And Monsters with a capital M they are. Manning is expendable to them - a PR gift to us without appearing weak, while Snowden? He is public enemy numero uno, biotches.

I would not be entirely surprised if Obama commuted his sentence, which of course would feed the plan of the Democratic demise in the next POTUS round, in the name of SECURITY and evil "socialism." Obama was a perfect tool to bring a Police State with little resistance. But now that so many cats are exiting said sacks? They need a Daddy-figure badass to bring it into full fruition.

It is, in fact, 12 fucking dimensional chess. Just not the game you thought. Black you lose, white they win, baby. Its the Uniparty.

"Don't make them rise up over the one we already broke, who didn't harm the Elites at all, or we will never get away with flaying the man who really can hurt us. Never give suffering people a martyr. Give them hope, and doubt."

Sometimes I wonder why I am the only one who is sick enough to think like they do. I feel like a profiler who is too deep in the criminals' minds....

I can see this playing out, and people's outrage, which will be so very short lived since its not hundreds of years. I can see something happening to Greenwald and Snowden, and mainstream Americans having "reasonable doubt" that we had "!anything!" to do with it... since it happened in one of those countries we see as savage and alien in our ignorance. Especially now that Manning got a surprisingly fair shake from a Government we all have been seeing more and more as totalitarian.

Its so easy to confuse us.

But? If you had everything? How would you play it? Placate, obfuscate, eliminate.

I would play it exactly like this. Mark my words, so will they.