Friday, April 22, 2016




C-ILD will have a table at this year’s Boston Socialist Unity Project-“Building Socialism, Building Our Movements”-Saturday April 30th-9:00 AM -4:00 PM, Old South Church, 645 Boylston St., Boston. Stop by and talk to us. For more information about the conference-check out-        



The Committee for International Labor Defense is proud to endorse this year’s May Day event in Boston:

May 1st is celebrated around the world as International Workers Day to honor the struggle for workers’ rights.


This year’s celebration comes as workers and families of all backgrounds face unprecedented political challenges on issues ranging from budget cuts and the fight for unions to housing justice and the struggle for undocumented workers.


Workers across the globe are standing together to unite all of our struggles because an injury to one, is an injury to all

Join us Sunday May 1st -


Gather at Chelsea City Hall at 2:30PM-March to Piers Park at 3PM

 95 Marginal St. East Boston-Rally at 5PM


Sponsored by the May 1st Coalition   

Monthly C-ILD Business/Educational Meeting-Wednesday May 11th-

Business Meeting (all are invited) 6:30-7:00; Educational 7:00-8:00-Update and Discussion on heroic Wiki-leak whistle-blower and political prisoner Chelsea Manning’s case as the sixth anniversary of her incarceration approaches. Speaker Al Johnson, Chelsea Manning Support Network-with contributions by Susan McLucas         

Chelsea Manning Solidarity Rally-Saturday May 21st –Park Street Station- Downtown Boston- 1:00 PM


C-ILD is proud to endorse the Chelsea Manning Solidarity Rally to commemorate and publicize the case of this heroic political prisoner who on May 27th will have been incarcerated by the American government for six years and who is now serving an unconscionable 35 years sentence at the Army prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Join the Boston Chelsea Manning Support Network, the Committee for Peace and Human Rights, Veterans for Peace and others to honor Chelsea. We will not leave our sister behind. For more information on the case check out - 

The Evening to Celebrate Ten Years of Encuentro Cinco (E5) and raise funds for an important center in downtown Boston for social activists to work in originally scheduled for May has been postponed to a later date. More information as it becomes available.      

Finally-the original ILD (1925-1946) which we model C-ILD on provided financial aid support various events like the May Day celebration and Manning rally, to support adequate defense for political prisoners awaiting trial, and provide stipends for the class-war prisoners behind the walls. In the future we plan to raise funds via fund-raising events and social media in order in to continue those traditions. Look for those events in this space and consider making a contribution to help further our work.     


From The Partisan Defense Committee-The Omaha Three's Class-War Prisoner Wopashitwe Mondo Eyen we Langa

Workers Vanguard No. 1086
25 March 2016
Wopashitwe Mondo Eyen we Langa

Wopashitwe Mondo Eyen we Langa, born David Rice, died on March 11 in the maximum-security Nebraska State Penitentiary of respiratory failure. A courageous class-war prisoner who was imprisoned for life for a crime he did not commit, Mondo suffered his last days ill with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, still fighting for his freedom. He spent almost 46 years in prison and remained a political fighter against racial oppression until the end.
Mondo had been an activist since his youth, radicalized by the mass social struggles that swept the country in the 1960s. Mondo became a supporter of the Black Panther Party in response to racist police brutality, in particular the killing of black 14-year-old Vivian Strong, who was shot in the back of the head by a cop in Omaha, Nebraska, in the summer of 1969. He went on to be a leader of the Omaha National Committee to Combat Fascism with his comrade Ed Poindexter. As Mumia Abu-Jamal put it in a March 15 audio tribute, by becoming a Panther, Mondo “walked into the crosshairs of the state.” He became one of the many victims of the FBI’s deadly COINTELPRO operation under which 38 Black Panthers were killed and hundreds more framed up and imprisoned.
Mondo and Poindexter, who became known as the Omaha Two, were falsely convicted of the 1970 killing of a cop in a bomb explosion on the perjured testimony of teenager Duane Peak, who first confessed to acting alone in placing the bomb. Peak was threatened with getting the electric chair and was offered a deal to be sentenced as a juvenile if he helped frame Mondo and Poindexter. Peak’s clearly coerced testimony was shown to be completely bogus. A recording of a 911 call that proved Peak’s testimony was perjured was excluded from evidence in the trial and was long suppressed by the FBI. The political motivation for the frame-up was made clear two decades later by Jack Swanson, an Omaha police detective and key figure in the prosecution. In a 1990 BBC documentary, Swanson boasted: “We feel we got the two main players in Mondo and Poindexter, and I think we did the right thing at the time, because the Black Panther Party...completely disappeared from the city of Omaha...and it’s...been the end of that sort of thing in the city.”
Federal appeals courts ruled that Mondo should be released or retried, but that ruling was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1976, which ordered the case returned to the Nebraska state courts. The Nebraska Supreme Court then ruled that his appeal time had lapsed! In 1993, the Nebraska parole board recommended that the Board of Pardons commute Mondo’s life sentence to a term of a set number of years, which would have made him eligible for parole. But the Board of Pardons denied Mondo a hearing.
Mondo was one of the class-war prisoners who receive monthly stipends from the Partisan Defense Committee. The PDC is a class-struggle, non-sectarian legal and social defense organization which champions cases and causes in the interest of the whole of the working people. This purpose is in accordance with the political views of the Spartacist League. The class-war prisoner stipend program is not an act of charity but the duty of those on the outside toward those inside prison walls, irrespective of their particular views or affiliation. Ed Poindexter, who remains imprisoned, is also a PDC stipend recipient.
We remember Mondo—writer, artist and unbroken fighter—who was consigned to America’s prison hell for his opposition to racial oppression. We print below a poem he composed in June 2015 titled When It Gets to This Point.

Workers Vanguard No. 1086
25 March 2016
“When It Gets to This Point”
by Mondo we Langa
Michael Brown?
I had never heard of him
had never heard of anything he’d done
before the news of his death came
whoever he might have become
whatever he might have achieved
had he lived longer
not been riddled lifeless by
bullets from Darren Wilson’s gun
and crumpled on the pavement of a ferguson street
for more than four hours in
the heat of that august day
and before
I’d never heard of Trayvon Martin
had known nothing of who he was
until I learned of his demise
and cause of death
a bullet to the chest
George Zimmerman, the shooter
a badge-less, pretend police
with a pistol
and fear of the darkness
Trayvon’s darkness
and after a while
the pictures, the names,
the circumstances
run together
like so much colored laundry in the wash
that bleeds on whites
was it Eric Garner or Tamir Rice
who was twelve but seen as twenty
Hulk Hogan or The Hulk
with demonic eyes it was said
who shrank the cop in ferguson
into a five-year-old who
had to shoot
just had to shoot
and John Crawford the third
in a walmart store aisle
and air rifle in his hands he’d pick up
from the shelf
and held in the open
in an open-carry state
was it John or someone else
killed supposedly by mistake
in a dark stairwell
I know Akai Gurley fell
I hadn’t heard of him before
nor of Amadou Diallo or Sean Bell
prior to their killings
which of these two took slugs in the greater number
I don’t recall
my mind is too encumbered
with the names
of so many more before and since
the frequent news reports of
non-arrests, non-indictments,
non-true bills
and duplicitous presentations by “experts in the field”
the consultants put out front
to explain away
that which is so often plain as day
to coax and convince us that we’re the ones
who can’t see straight and
can’t hear clearly
who are the ones replacing facts with spin
to mislead and mystify
as the beatings and the chokings and shootings
of our boys and men
by these wrong arms of the law
proceed in orderly fashion
before the sometimes sad
sometimes angry faces of
our uncertain
our hesitant

May Day 2016 In Boston-Sunday May 1st-Join Us In Celebration

May Day 2016 In Boston-Sunday May 1st-Join Us In Celebration