President Obama Pardon Chelsea Manning-Sign The Petition Now-She Must Not Die In Prison
ake actions on Chelsea Manning's birthday - 17 December
Happy Birthday
Free her now!
International Actions, 17 December 2016
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Organise a protest, a vigil, a party, send Chelsea a message/birthday card! Tell us and we will publicise it! Take a photo and send to her (as well as us). Sign the new petition to free her. Circulate this invitation to your contacts.
Actions planned so far
London 12.30-2pm Vigil on the steps of St Martin in-the-Fields, London WC2N 4JJ
Philadelphia Plans in progress
Oakland Plans in progress
Chelsea Manning will be 29 years old on this day. She is the trans woman, ex-military analyst, who leaked hundreds of thousands of documents to Wikileaksexposing the truth about US, UK and other governments’war crimes and corruption in Afghanistan, Haiti, Iraq,Israel & the Palestinian Authority, Peru, Venezuela . . .
CHELSEA NEEDS OUR SUPPORT URGENTLY! She has twice tried to commit suicide in prison, the second time after being thrown into solitary confinement for her first suicide attempt. One of her lawyers, Chase Strangio said: “She has repeatedly been punished for trying to survive and now is being repeatedly punished for trying to die.” We must send a strong message to the US military and Obama that their torture of Chelsea must stop. We must get her out!
Chelsea was first imprisoned in 2010, and in 2013 she came out as a trans woman. For six years an international movement has been supporting her struggle in prison, winning significant victories:
· April 2011: released from Quantico, Virginia, US, where she had been held for months under torturous conditions;
· August 2013: whilst sentenced to 35 years, the court had to drop the charge of “aiding to the enemy” which carried a possible death penalty
· February 2015: she won “hormone therapy” after 30 organizations from US, UK, Germany and Italy signed a letter in support of her demand
· September 2016: after a 5-day hunger strike, the Army agreed to provide the gender reassignmentsurgery she is entitled to, a decision that may benefit a great number of trans prisoners.
However, the army has continued to harass her.
· In August 2015, she was threatened with indefinite solitary confinement for possession of expired toothpaste and deprived of her privileges.
· In July 2016, when she attempted to end her life the army threatened her with indefinite punishment which, after a public outcry, was limited to 14 days (7 suspended).
· In October, she made a second attempt to end her life.
Chelsea is part of a great movement of thousands of whistleblowers who have revealed abuses and demanded their rights. From prison Chelsea has written against police killing young people of colour in the US, and insupport of immigrants and refugees – including queer and trans people.
For the last six years, every time she was under threat, people in many countries have organized vigils and protests: petitions reached over 100,000 signatures in a matter of days. We call on the anti-war, anti-racist, anti-sexist, LGBTQ movements, whistleblowers, war veterans, and everyone who stands for justice and against poverty and the arms trade to campaign to Free Chelsea Manning now!
Chelsea is now appealing to Obama “to commute her sentence to time served”. Sign the petition, read Chelsea’s moving statement and the letters of support from Daniel Ellsberg, Glen Greenwald and David Morris.
Donations to her legal fund are needed also.
Last year’s birthday pics