VFPeNews: New ExComm, VFP-UK's New Campaign, and Standing Rock!
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Introducing VFP's New Executive Committee!
Veterans For Peace recently had their board meeting with the newly elected board. They chose new officers for the Executive Committee.
Barry Ladendorf- President
To see a list of the full Board of Directors, see our website!
Kourtney Andar - Vice President Brian Trautman - Treasurer Monique Salhab - Secretary
¡Presente! Lew Lubka and Jeff Strottmann
Lewis Lubka, Veteran For Peace member of Chapter 154 in South Dakota. He passed away January 6, 2017. Lewis was born in 1926 in New York City, NY. He was 90 years old. He served his country in World War II. He was a retired North Dakota State University professor. Lewis spent much of his life dedicated to working for justice, activities that ranged from confronting racism, ending nuclear weapons and ending war.
Jeff Strottmann passed away on Feb. 6th. Jeff was the first Iowan to join Veterans For Peace, in 1992. He was one of the 10 charter members of VFP #161 when we became a chapter in 2010.
Jeff always rooted for the underdog, and was passionate about peace and justice. While working at the hospital, he was heavily involved in the AFSCME union, representing other workers' interests. At the same time, and especially after he retired, he was devotedly involved with Veterans for Peace, where he forged great friendships.
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VFP-UK Launches a Poster Campaign
A new recruitment campaign for the Royal Navy’s Trident nuclear submarines has been unveiled in London, thanks to Veterans For Peace UK. The bus stop posters urge Londoners to ‘Become a Suicide Bomber’ by joining the ongoing “suicide mission” aboard the UK’s nuclear submarine fleet.
UK artist Darren Cullen, 33, who designed the poster campaign, says the ads claim that “Nuclear bombs are suicide bombs” because it is “impossible to use these weapons without also killing ourselves. A country with nuclear weapons is prepared to destroy the world rather than lose a war. With a single weapon system we hold the planet hostage by the sort of terror you only get from thermonuclear missiles.” #NoNukes
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VFP Joined IVAW to Deliver Comments about Standing Rock
On February 8th Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans For Peace and Native Veterans deliver letters full of statements from 1,000s across the country to the Army Corp of Engineers. Dozens of veterans and supporters gathered at the Northwest Division office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) to express vehement opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Phoenix Tiffany Johnson, a local Native veteran, delivered thousands of public comments to a representative of the office, calling on the Army Corps to deny the final DAPL easement and respect unceded Native lands and fundamental human rights.
Portland Army Corps of Engineers physically locked their doors and did not allow a small group of peaceful veterans to deliver a message inside the building on behalf of the underrepresented. Eventually a secretary came out to receive a flash drive with thousands of comments of protest that Trump denied happened. We will continue to be here to receive and join NW Stands With Standing rock action at noon.
Peace In Our Times Winter Edition Available for Download!
The Winter Edition of the PIOT is sold out but is now available for download!
Peace In Our Times is a Veterans For Peace publication. It is a great outreach tool and getting the message of peace out!
Order your spring edition to make sure you don't miss out when it's available.
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Take Action For Standing Rock
Just a few days ago the Trump Administration and the Army moved to approve the easement for Energy Transfer Partners to drill under Lake Oahe on the Missouri River and build the Dakota Access Pipeline through Native land at Standing Rock, despite threats to the environment and the likely contamination of drinking water for millions of people living near the Missouri River. They also suspended a 14-day waiting period which means that the drilling could already be starting.
Leaders at Standing Rock are calling for solidarity actions around the country and around the globe to protest the recent order and for a large demonstration on Washington on March 10. Here's how you can take action, today!
Back to TopResource: Know Drones
KnowDrones was founded in 2012 so we know it's been around for awhile, but its a great resource that is updated frequently! It was created to inform the American public about the illegality, immorality and dreadful human consequences of U.S. drone attacks in order to bring about: (1) a complete halt to drone attacks; and (2) an international ban on weaponized drones and military and police drone surveillance.
KnowDrones educates the general public about drone attacks through this website and through cable television, internet and newspaper advertising opposing these attacks. Check out the play "The Predator". It is a great tool for raising awareness. The Predator is about killer drones and it is a useful tool for people to question our policy of killing people in far off lands to stop terrorismDo You Have a Great Resource?
We want to hear from you!
We are hoping to include a helpful resource in our weekly VFP E-News Do you have a resource that you have found useful in your work for peace? A great movie? Good guides to build organizing skills? Let us know!
Please send Resources that can be accessed online or are available to folks across the country.
Email Colleen: colleen@veteransforpeace.org
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In This Issue:
Introducing VFP's New Executive Committee
Veterans For Peace, 1404 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102
Veterans For Peace appreciates your tax-exempt donations.
We also encourage you to join our ranks.