Leo Blanco would like to invite you all this Monday Dec 3rd 1pm to this
new project I am working on: *THE SUGAR ROAD*
A New Perspective to learn about Latin America’s Folk Music.
*SUGAR* - Both a sweet and a sour experience. It can boost our energy up
and make us smile, but it can also be bad for our health and has left a
bitter stain on the history of humankind.
Join me, along with my colleagues, Fernando Brandao, Bethram Lehmann and
Ron Reid talking about: Brazil, Cuba & all British Caribbean Islands
respectively and a special guest Dominican Republic's folk percussionist
Valdez, who talk and perform son traditional rhythms from Dominican
Republic. An opportunity to learn how the music of Latin America was
shaped by the history of Sugar and its economy. This event will be part
of *THE SUGAR ROAD PROJECT*, and it is the second in a series of
presentations I am conducting as part of The Berklee College of Music
FLY Grant.
We will have an open discussion on how our thirst for sugar more than
400 years ago, was the engine for one of the worst atrocities in the
history of civilization: the transatlantic slave trade, and how,
consequently, it also shaped the music of the Americas.
Open to the public
A free event
Leo Blanco
Monday Dec 3rd 1-3pm.
At Berklee College of Music
The Loft (3rd floor, Room 221)
921 Boylston Street, Boston
Flyer at
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