Friday, December 07, 2018

Ordered to engage in illegal law enforcement near border Courage to Resist Jeff Paterson

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Courage to Resist
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Ordered to engage in illegal law enforcement near border
Direct violation of law assumed to safeguard against martial law
Hi . It turns out that sending nearly 6,000 active-duty troops to the southern border was more than a $72 million (and counting) effort to bolster GOP prospects for the midterm elections. It may have been the beginning of the end for the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act. On November 20th, the Trump admin signed a memo directing active-duty troops to take on law enforcement roles, including authorizing the use of lethal force, for the first time along the southern border. Read our overview of the situation here.
January 2019 PDF newsletter:
Deployed to the border
jan 2019 newsletter
  • Troops ordered to engage in illegal law enforcement near US-Mexico border
  • Celebrating resistance through dance
  • Deployed to the border: A test of conscience for GI’s
  • The Objector Church, an introduction
We normally wouldn’t have published a newsletter until the spring, but these are not normal times. Since May, we’ve been following the developments of the Trump Administration's mandate to have the military build and host massive concentration camps for immigrants and asylum seekers. While a tent city near El Paso is quickly growing to hold nearly 4,000 children--the development of a dozen more military-hosted camps seem to be in gestation.  The focus of this newsletter covers what none of us saw coming, the deployment of active duty troops to the southern border. Take a look, print, copy, and pass it around.
    D O N A T E
    to support resistance
    484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland, California 94610 ~ 510-488-3559 ~

    Worcester peace activist, and member of the Mass. Peace & Justice Network, Barbara Roberts, speaks about the war in Yemen in a 30 minute cable TV interview

    Worcester peace activist, and member of the Mass. Peace & Justice Network, Barbara Roberts, speaks about the war in Yemen in a 30 minute cable TV interview

    ---------- Forwarded message ---------
    From: Barbara Roberts <>
    Date: Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 9:57 AM
    Subject: Fw: Re: Soapbox #1179 Barbara Roberts now online
    To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
    Cc: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <

    Hi Folks,

    Here is the link to my recent TV interview...I am sending it out so people can learn more about what is going on in the war on Yemen.

    Note: The Senate is now discussing a possible cease fire with Yemen...that occurred after this interview,


    Forwarded Message From: Barbara Roberts Sent: Dec 4, 2018 12:01 PM To: Arthur Roberts Cc: , , , , , , , ,…
    Not one step back

    Cole Harrison
    Executive Director
    Massachusetts Peace Action - the Commonwealth's largest grassroots peace organization
    11 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138
    617-354-2169 w
    617-466-9274 m
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    Don't make a militarist the chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. GRAPHIC: Sign here button Share this on Facebook Share this on Twitter Please donate 3 dollars Representative Eliot Engel's foreign policy views are far more militarist than those of the vast majority of Democrats. Please add your name to this petition to Rep. Nancy Pelosi opposing Eliot Engel for Chair of Foreign Affairs.

    RootsAction DIY<>
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    Representative Eliot Engel's foreign policy views are far more militarist than those of the vast majority of Democrats.

    Please add your name to this petition to Rep. Nancy Pelosi opposing Eliot Engel for Chair of Foreign Affairs.

    Engel backed the 2003 attack on Iraq. In fact Engel, writes Stephen Zunes, "was among a rightwing minority of Congressional Democrats who voted to authorize the illegal, unnecessary, and predictably tragic U.S. invasion of that oil-rich country."

    Engel has opposed efforts to end U.S. support for Saudi Arabia’s bombing of Yemen, which has killed many thousands of civilians outright and threatens millions more with starvation and disease.

    Click here to add your name to this petition:Do not appoint Eliot Engel to chair the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

    Engel was one of only a handful of Democrats to oppose the Iran anti-nuclear agreement.

    He has opposed the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, called for expanding NATO to include Ukraine and Georgia, and supports Morocco’s illegal annexation of occupied Western Sahara.

    With contempt for the lives of Palestinian people, Engel has defended the Israeli occupation and illegal settlementsas well as Israeli bombing of civilian targets. He has praised Trump for moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. He has opposed the United Nations, the World Court, the European Union, and human rights groups for criticizing Israel's government.

    Despite Rep. Engel's seniority, the Democratic Party must not give the chair of this important committee to someone whose views are closer to Trump's and the Republicans' than to the views of the majority of Democrats.

    Sign the petition here.

    After signing the petition, please use the tools on the next webpage to share it with your friends.

    This work is only possible with your financial support. Please chip in $3 now. 

    -- The Team

    P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.

    Stephen Zunes, The Progressive: Dems Eye Hawkish Eliot Engel to Chair House Foreign Affairs Committee

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    New book examining the nuclear age clearly

    Amy Hendrickson<>

    From `Rising Up with Sonali' Pacifica Radio

    Fallout: Disasters, Lies, and the Legacy of the Nuclear Age
    Fred Pearce

    Donald Trump has promised to revive the US's nuclear capabilities, both in terms of upgrading weapons systems, and more recently in offering government subsidies to nuclear power plants that are going bankrupt. But the track record of nuclear power - whether through weapons or power plants - is simply not well understood. Now, a new book by Fred Pearce takes us on a global tour of the nuclear age going back decades to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, US nuclear testing inside the country and outside, the Soviet Union's nuclear activities, and disasters like Chernobyl and Fukushima. Fred Pearce, has reported on environmental, science, and development issues from 85 countries over the past 20 years. He was the environment consultant at New Scientist from 1992-2018 and writes regularly for The Guardian newspaper and Yale University's e360 website. His books include The New Wild, When the Rivers Run Dry: The Defining Crisis of the Twenty-first Century.
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    SUNDAY: The Yemen Catastrophe: Origins and Actors with Valentine M. Moghadam

    Cole Harrison<>
    The Yemen Catastrophe: Origins and Actors with Valentine M. Moghadam
    Sunday, December 9 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm ~ Community Church of Boston, 565
    Boylston St (Copley Square)

    Since 2015, the Saudi-led coalition bombing campaign to dislodge the
    Houthis has created a humanitarian catastrophe for the Yemeni people and an
    international headache for Saudi allies. Is an end in sight? The
    presentation will provide a brief historical overview and a description of
    the local, regional, and international actors involved and complicit.

    *Val Moghadam* is Professor of Sociology and International Affairs at
    Northeastern University. She has previously held posts at Purdue University
    and Illinois State University, and at the WIDER Institute in Helsinki and
    UNESCO in Paris. Born in Iran and the author of many books and journal
    articles, her geographic area of specialization is the Middle East and
    North Africa. Prof. Moghadam is a board member of Massachusetts Peace
    Action and a member of the Boston branch of WILPF.

    *"Not one step back"*

    Cole Harrison
    Executive Director
    Massachusetts Peace Action - the Commonwealth's largest grassroots peace
    11 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138
    617-354-2169 w
    617-466-9274 m
    Twitter: masspeaceaction <>

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    12/08 Peña: observing International Human Rights and Global Migrants Days

    Charlie Welch<>
    You are invited to participate with encuentro5 community and friends to
    commemorate,//celebrate and observe * International Human Rights and
    Global Migrants Days (*declared by the United Nations) and to
    honor*Berta **Cáceres**and Rosa Parks*, on *Saturday December 8, 2018
     7:pm 'til late. **9 Hamilton Pl. across from Park St. Station
     (Green/Red lines) and next to the Orpheum Theater/*/te invitamos//a
    compartir con la comunidad de encuentros5 y sus amistades para
    conmemorar, celebrar y observar los Días *Internacional de los Derechos
    Humanos y *de*los Migrantes* (declarados por las Naciones Unidas) y para
    honrar a *Berta Cáceres y Rosa Parks*, //el *sábado 8 de diciembre del
    2018  7: pm hasta tarde. 9A Hamilton Pl. cruzar de la estación del tren
    Park St. (líneas verdes / rojas) y al lado del teatro Orpheum.*/


    */To view flyer/para ver volante /*

    for more information/para más información (617) 922-5744


    *Rosa Parks and **Berta **Cácere*s**were Warriors who resisted
    oppression and fought for human rights and  liberation in their effort
    to create a world without borders where human beings can move freely
    without restrictions with dignity and respect.//*Rosa Parks y */*Berta
    **Cáceres */fueron guerreras que resistieron la opresión y lucharon por
    los derechos humanos  y liberación en sus esfuerzos para crear un mundo
    sin fronteras donde los seres humanos puedan moverse libremente sin
    restricciones con dignidad y respeto./


    *Rosa Parks, **an African American woman from the South*, was a
    prominent human rights symbol in the usna (united states of north
    America) Civil Rights Movement of the ‘50s/’60s. She was also known as
    the *“**first lady of civil rights"*and ‘*mother of the freedom
    movement.*’ While Rosa Parks was very active on multiple levels in the
    Civil Rights Movement, she was best known for her refusal to give up her
    seat to a white man on a Montgomery city bus in Alabama and was arrested
    for violating segregation law. This single act of *nonviolent
    resistance* sparked the Montgomery bus boycott that lasted
    eleven-months, resulting in the desegregation of the city's buses. This
    action was followed by and triggered a wave of protest that reverberated
    throughout the nation. Her passionate commitment to the struggle for
    human rights and liberation continues to fuel *antiracist and liberation
    movements* and the struggle for the acknowledgement of *Black Women in

    *Berta **Cáceres was** a fearless Honduran indigenous woman*and leader
    in the struggle for women’s equality, land rights and was an
    environmental activist. She co-founded and coordinated the Council of
    Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH).
    Unfortunately, Berta was murdered by unknown assassins in the midst her
    work. However, her passion and legacy lives on and will continue to
    inspire women, Indigenous Peoples, the Landless and all engaged in
    struggles and movements for human rights, dignity and liberation.

    */Rosa Parks,/*/*una mujer afroamericana del sur*, fue un símbolo
    prominente en el Movimiento de Derechos Civiles de USNA de los años
    50/60. Ella fue una activista por los derechos civiles y humano. Ella
    también fue conocida como la *"primera dama de los derechos civiles" y
    "la madre del movimiento de liberación". *Mientras Rosa Parks fue muy
    activa en múltiples niveles en el Movimiento por los Derechos Civiles,
    fue mejor conocida por no ceder su asiento a un hombre blanco pasajero
    en un autobús de la ciudad de Montgomery en Alabama. y fue arrestada por
    violar la ley de *segregación*. Este solo acto de resistencia (pasiva)
    provocó el boicot de autobús de Montgomery que duró once meses,
    resultando en la *desegregación *de los autobuses de la ciudad. Esta
    acción fue seguida por y desencadenó una ola de protestas que repercutió
    en toda la nación. Su compromiso apasionado con la lucha por los
    derechos humanos y liberación continúa alimentando los movimientos
    *antirracista*s *y de liberación* y la lucha por el *reconocimiento de
    las mujeres negras en el liderazgo.*/**

    */Berta Cáceres,/*/* una intrépida mujer valiente indígena hondureña y
    líder* en la lucha por la igualdad de las mujeres, los derechos a la
    tierra y también una activista ambientalista. Ella cofundó y coordinó el
    Consejo de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras (COPINH).
    Desafortunadamente, Berta fue asesinada por asesinos desconocidos en
    medio de su trabajo. Sin embargo, su pasión y legado viven y continuarán
    inspirando a las mujeres, los Pueblos Indígenas, los Sin Tierra y todos
    los involucrados en luchas y movimientos por los derechos humanos, la
    dignidad y la liberación./

    *Immediately following program an end of year celebration will begin.
    Bring musical instruments and dancing shoes**//i//nmediatamente después
    del programa comenzará una celebración de fin del año!//traiga
    instrumentos musicales y zapatos de baile!*


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